sample motion for reconsideration civil service

May 14, 2018 | Author: Zeddy65 | Category: Virtue, Politics, Justice, Crime & Justice, Society
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sample motion for reconsideration for civil service commission...


4Januar y2016

DI R.LEOPOLDO ROBERT RTO W.VALDERO ROSA,JR. Di r e c t o rI V Ci vi lSer vi ceCom mm mi ss i on–ARMM  ARMM Compound Cot abat oCi t y Re:Appl i cat i onofMr .Jam mi i lU.Di am ml l af orCi vi lServi ceEl i gi bi l i t y  xx

MOTI ONFOR OR RECON ONSI DERATI ON COMESNOW,Mr .Jami mi lU.Di am ml l a,t hr ought heunder si gned counsel ,andunt oyourHonor abl eOffice,mostr espect f ul l ymo movef ort he r econsi der at i onoft hedi sappr ovalofyourgoodoffi ffic cedat edJul y2,2015 oft heappl i c at i onofMr .Di aml af oragr antofc i v i ls er v i c ee l i gi bi l i t y A.10156f orSangguni anMe Memb mber s  undert heR. whi chwa wasr ece i ve dby hi m onJanuary4,2016,ont hegr oundst hat : I .THESTATED JUSTI FI CATI ONSFOR THE DI SAPPROVAL OFTHEAPPLI CATI ON WASBROU OUGHTABOU OUTBYANHO HONEST MI SUNDERSTANDI NG OFTHEAPPLI CATI ONREQU QUI REMENTS,  TO WI T:  Thedi sappr ov als t at e st hef ol l owi ngasl ac ki ngi nt heappl i cat i onof Mr .Di aml ml a: 1.Notpr oper l yaccomp mpl i shedappl i cat i onf orm 2. .N Notpr es cr i bedPD DS S 3.Nonpayme ment200pes osev al uat i on/fil i ngf ee 4.Noaut hent i cat edcopyoft r anscri ptofr ecords 5.Noori gi nalNSO Bi r t hCer t i ficat e I tmustnot edt hatal lt hesedocument sareal r eadyavai l abl eand t hef ai l ur eoft hem bei ngfil edi nt heappl i cat i onwascausedbyt he appl i cant ’ shonestappr eci at i onoft her equi r eme ment s.Thesewoul dhave  beenfil edt oge t herwi t ht hedi s appr ov edappl i cat i oni ft heappl i cantwas a wa war eofi t .Fur t he r mo mo r e ,t hee v al uat i on/fil i ngf e ewi wi l lbepai dasi ti s r e qui r e d.  Appl i c antMr .Jami lU.Di aml awasat wot er m membe roft he Sangguni angBayanoft heMu Muni ci pal i t yofTamp mpar an.Hehasser ve dsi x ( 6)consecut i veyear sasMu Muni ci palCounci l orandagr aduat eofadegr ee ofBachel orofSci encei nComm mmer cema maj ori nBusi nessAdmi ni st r at i on.

Mr .Di aml ai saqual i fie dappl i c antf orc i v i ls er v i c ee l i g i bi l i t yunde r R. A.10156.Ther ewasnoi nt ent i onalnegl i genceonhi sparti nnot compl yi ngwi t ht hebasi cr equi r ement soft hesai dl aw.I nvi ew ofhi swi sh t oha v ehi sappl i c at i o nr e c ons i de r e d ,hei ss ubmi t t i ngal lt hel ac ki ng r equi r ement s.Theyar eher ebyat t achedasexhi bi t s,t owi t : Exhi bi tA:Pr oper l yaccompl i shedAppl i cat i onForm Exhi bi tB:Pr escr i bedPDS Exhi bi tC:Aut hent i cat edcopyofTranscri ptofRecords Exhi bi tD:Or i gi nalNSO Bi r t hCer t i ficat e Ex hi bi tE:Re c e i ptf o rt hepa yme nto fe v al uat i o n/fil i ngf e e R. A.10156s e e kst og r antc i v i ls e r v i c eel i g i bi l i t yf orme mbe r so f Sangguni ansbecauseoft hei rse rvi cer ender edt otheFi l i pi nopeopl e.Mr . Di aml awasapubl i cse rv antwhom t hel aw speci fical l ysee kst ogr ant c i v i ls er v i c ee l i g i bi l i t y .Theappl i c antwi l lbehonor e dt oe nj o ys uc hg r ant andwi l ls e ei tasamo t i v at i o nt oc ont i nues e r v et hepubl i c .

PRAYER  WHEREFORE,pr emi s esconsi de r ed,i ti smos tr e spect f ul l ypr ay edunt o  y ourHonor abl eOffic et hatt hedi sappr ov alofMr .Di aml a’ sappl i cat i on dat edJul y2,2015,besetasi deandbeal l owedt osubmi tt hel acki ng r equi r ement s. Mar awiCi t y ,4Januar y2005


1537Br gy .Mar awi ,Mar awiCi t y PTRNo.0100301,7/21/15,Mar awiCi t y Rol lNo.64031 I BPNo.1007361,4/20/15,LanaodelsurChapt er  Admi t t edt ot heBari n2015

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