Sample Letter of Intent

July 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sample Letter of Intent

Dear Dr. Doe: This letter declares COLLABORATING COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS intent to colla!orate in the pro"ect entitled #TITL$ O% A&&LICATI A&&LICATION'# ON'# thro()h NA*$ O% S&ONSOR' NA*$ O% &ROGRA*.   Dr. NA*$' TITL$ AND D$&ART*$NT is the &rincipal In+esti)ator for COLLABORATING INSTITUTION. Attached is a description of the effort and reso(rces that COLLABORATING COLLABORATING INSTITUTION ,ill commit to this this pro"ect' alon) ,ith a !(d)et. The proposed !(d)et period is NU*B$R NU*B$R -ears' from DAT$ DAT$ thro()h DAT$. DAT$. The total !(d)et for COLLAB COLLABORAT ORATING ING INSTITUTION INSTITUTIO N is //////////' ,hich incl(des ///////// in %acilities and Administrati+e costs. O(r or)ani0ation is s(!"ect to and compliant ,ith the re1(irements re1(irements of O*B A2344. 5OR' O(r or)ani0ation is not s(!"ect to the re1(irements on O*B A23446. If the COLLABORATING COLLABORATING INSTITUTION is ma7in) additional commitments 5e.).' access to special e1(ipment' cost2sharin)6' clearl- identif- and descri!e those commitments here. The appropriate pro)rammatic and administrati+e personnel of COLLABORATI COLLABORATING NG INSTITUTION in+ol+ed in this application are a,are of S&ONSOR8S policies and are prepared to esta!lish the necessar- inter2or)ani0ational inter2or)ani0ational a)reement5s6 consistent ,ith those policies. Where NIH is the sponsor, the following language shall replace the preceding paragraph: #The appropriate pro)rammatic and administrati+e personnel of each or)ani0ation in+ol+ed in this )rant application are a,are of the NI9 consorti(m a)reement polic- and are prepared to esta!lish the necessar- inter2or)ani0ational inter2or)ani0ational a)reement5s6 consistent ,ith that polic-. polic-.##


Attachments: Statement of ;or7' ;or7' B(d)et 5prefera!l- on sponsor for forms6 ms6

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