sample lesson plan in MAPEH

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Demonstration Lesson Plans

My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

January 22, 2015 Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH Grade 9 (Physical Education) For Local Demonstration

I Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; a. Determine the history of Zumba Dance, b. Make simple routines of Zumba with energy and fun, c. Appreciate the importance of Zumba dance in achieving fitness. II. Subject Matter: Topic: Recreational Activity: Zumba Dance Materials: Video of Zumba and speaker, pictures Reference: Teacher’s Guide for P.E and Health Grade-9, pp.193- 194 III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

-Prayer -Greetings -Checking of Attendance A. Motivation: - Class, I have here pictures. All you have to do is to identify the pictures. Are you ready? - Class, what picture is this?

- Yes, Sir. - Swimming

- How about this one? - Cycling - This one? - How about this picture?

- Hiking

Very good!

- Badminton

- And the last one? That’s right! - What do we call those activities class? Very good, class. B. Presentation: - Again class, what picture is this?

- Zumba dance

- Recreational Activities, Sir.

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-Class, our topic for today is all about the Zumba dance.

- Zumba Dance

C. Discussion: - What is Zumba? - What else? -Yes, all your answers are correct! Very good! -Zumba is an alternative indoor recreational activity that is fantastic and fun form of exercise.

- It is a form of exercise - It is a recreational activity, Sir. - It is a dance exercise

-Did you know the history of Zumba, class? - Who discovered Zumba dance, class? - Yes, Sir.

Very good! - And who is Alberto “Beto” Perez? Excellent! That shows you really reading your assignment.

- Alberto “Beto” Perez, Sir.

- He is a celebrity fitness trainor, Sir.

-In what year, class? That’s right! -So how did Alberto Perez discovered the dance Zumba class? Do you have any idea?

- Excellent! -And that was the birth of the dance fitness craze Zumba, class.

- Middle 1990’s

- Zumba dance was accidentally discovered by Alberto Perez, during his aerobic classes, he had forgotten his aerobic music, so he quickly grabbed whatever he has in his back pack. It so happened that his tapes are those of latin music such as salsa, and cha-cha-cha. With his improvise skills, he was able to create on the spot aerobics class using non-traditional music.

-This time we will watch a sample video of Zumba Dance Aerobic, I want you to My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

observe and later on we will have an exciting and fun activity.

(the student-teacher plays the video of Zumba Dance Aerobic)

-What have you observe, class? Yes, very good! D. Generalization: Again class, who can give the brief history of Zumba dance?

E. Valuing: -Do you appreciate the Zumba dance class?

- Many steps may be used to make the dance more lively and exciting like belly dancing and hip hop.

- Zumba is an indoor recreational activity that was accidentally discovered by Alberto “Beto” Perez, a celebrity fitness trainor in the middle 90s. The birth of Zumba came about during one of his aerobics classes when realized that he had forgotten his aerobic music, he used latin music and on the spot he was able to create aerobics class using non-traditional music.

IV. Evaluation -You have your own group, right? So all you have to do is go to your respective group. This is my instruction, I want you to make simple routines for Zumba dance with your own level of skills and fitness.

- Varied answers

-By the way, you will use the same music entitled “Dale-Dale by Francesca”. (The student-teacher plays the music for their activity) -Class, I will only give you 5-10 minutes to prepare and practice. My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

-Here are my Criteria in judging your performance. (the student-teacher reads the Criteria)

-Okay, go now to your assigned group but before that what will you do while planning and preparing with your activity? -Can I expect that from you?

-Okay class, your 10 minutes is done. You will now present your simple routines of Zumba.

- listen, cooperate, and participate with the group members, Sir. - Yes, sir. (students are very busy planning and practicing)

(the student teacher announces the result of the activity)

-(Students present their simple routines for evaluation) -

CRITERIA: Indicators of Performance

Outstanding (10 points)

Very Satisfactory (8 points)

Satisfactory (6 points)

1. The dancers move with precision in time with the music. 2. The dancers show mastery of the dance steps. 3. The dancers display creativity of dance steps in Zumba. 4. The dancers foster positive attitude towards group members and activity. Total Score: V. Assignment: My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

Need Improvemen (4 points)

Make simple routines of Zumba and introduce it to your family, make documentation and reflection of the activity.

Prepared by: RENATO U. IGNACIO JR. Student Teacher

Checked by: JOY ABELLA Cooperating Teacher

February 26, 2015 Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH Grade 9 (Health) For Final Demonstration

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to; a. Define Intentional injuries, b. Describe the types of Intentional injuries, c. List down ways to prevent and control Intentional injuries, d. Appreciate the importance of knowing the different ways of controlling and preventing Intentional injuries. II. Subject Matter: Topic: Intentional Injuries References: K to 12 HEALTH for Grade 9, pp. 155- 170 Materials: Pictures and Manila papers III. Procedures: Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

-Prayer -Greetings -Checking of Attendance A. Motivation: -picture reading (the student teacher will post pictures on the board)

(Students will share their ideas about the pictures posted on the board)

B. Presentation: Class, our topic for today is all about Intentional Injuries. C. Discussion: Who can define Intentional injuries? Yes, Jennifer?

-Intentional injuries are injuries that occur as a result of a willful and meant to cause harm.

Very good! Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence and it can be divided into two, class. What are they, Melbourne? That’s right! Can you differentiate the self-inflicted to that of assault, Christopher?

- Self-inflicted and assault, Sir.

-Self-inflicted is when a person harms him/herself while assault is when a person/s harm other person on purpose.

Very well said, Christopher. Self-inflicted is when a person harms him/herself on purpose and it has two classification, class. What are these, Krizza? Can you differentiate the two classification of Self-inflicted, Silbeth?

-Suicide and Para suicide, Sir. -Suicide is an intentional taking of one’s own life, while Para suicide is a suicide attempt in which a person is not intended to die.

Very good, Silbeth. How will you recognize a person who has suicidal tendencies, class? That’s right, class.

- Talking about suicide/ death - Writing farewell letters/ notes - Showing changes in behavior, moods and feelings.

Okay class, let’s now move on to assault. My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

What is assault, Kevin? There are four classifications in assault, class. What are they Christopher?

Very good, Christopher. Within the family, domestic violence may happen. Can you describe what domestic violence is, Joan? That’s right.

- It is an intentional injury when a person harms other person on purpose. - (1) those that were committed within the family, (2) those that were committed by peers, (3) those that were committed by other groups, and (4) those that were committed by the family, peers, and other groups.

- Domestic violence is an act that includes physical assault, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse. Domestic violence happens when a family member harms/ abuses another family member.

Can you give examples of Domestic violence that may happen within the family, class? (answers may vary) The second classification of assault, those that were committed by peers. Class, what this picture tells about? Yes, bullying is under intentional injuries that were committed by peers. By the way, what is bullying, Simon?

Bullying, Sir.

That’s right.

-refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property

There are four classification of bullying, class. What are they Marino?

-These are physical, verbal, social and cyber bullying, Sir.

Very good. Aside from bullying class, we have Stalking. Can you tell something about stalking, Lheslie?

Very well said, Lheslie.

- Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed or in danger. It is when someone repeatedly contacts you, follows you, send you things, and talk to you even when you don’t want

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them to. Aside from that class, it is also threatening to the person being stalked because the behaviors and actions of the stalker often invade his/her privacy. Now, can you give examples of stalking behaviors and actions, class?

(answers may vary)

You are all correct class. Okay class, let’s now proceed to the intentional injuries that were committed by other groups. We have gang and youth violence. Can you tell something about these gang and youth violence, Rona? - These are the group of people that sometimes engage in range of criminal activities and violence.

Yes, that’s right. Aside from Gang and youth-violence, we have also illegal fraternity- related violence. Do you have any idea why young people join these gang and fraternity, class?

( answers may vary) That’s right. It is not easy to join fraternities, class. There is what we call the initiation rites to become part of the brotherhood and one of this is the hazing or any activities that involve harassment and abuse or humiliation. Aside from that class, kidnapping and abduction also are intentional injuries that were committed by other groups. Who can differentiate kidnapping to that of abduction? Yes, Leah? - kidnapping is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her free will and holding him/her in unjust captivity, while Abduction on the other hand is the deceit or force in order to take a person away from their home/ relatives. Most of the time, the abductor is not holding the victim for profit or any monetary gain, in kidnapping there is My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

motives like getting monetary reward/ ransom or getting some sort of benefits from the family of the victim.

Excellent, Leah. And the last classification of assault class, those that were committed within the family, by peers and other groups and these are sexual and verbal abuse. Can you give examples of verbal abuse, class?

(answers may vary) Very good, class. How about in sexual abuse class, what are the three classifications? Yes, Shirlyn kate? - Incest, molestation and rape, Sir. What is incest, Jeny Rose? How about molestation, what is molestation Allen? And what is rape, Christine? Very good.

- Incest is a sexual contact between persons who are so closely related to each other. - Molestation is a sexual abuse of a person (whether adult or a child) by an adult for sexual pleasure or for profit. - Rape is a force sexual intercourse, including anal, oral or vaginal penetration.

Class, why do some victims of these sexual abuse do not report to the authorities? Why? (answers may vary) Excellent. You are all correct, class. D. Generalization: Who can now give the summary of our lesson for today? Anyone? (the students will summarize the lesson) E. Application: (the student teacher will divide the class into 4 groups) This time, I want you to list down some ways on how to prevent and control intentional injuries. Write it on your manila paper (Shield of Protection) and later on your group leaders will share your output to the class. Group 1: Self- inflicted Group 2: Committed within the family My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

Group 3: Committed by peers Group 4: Committed by other groups Okay, go now to your assigned group but before that what will you do while planning and preparing with your activity?

- listen, cooperate, and participate with the group members, Sir.

Can I expect that from you? - Yes, Sir. (Students are very busy planning and preparing their activity) Okay class, your 5 minutes is done. You will now present your output to the class. (Group leaders present their group output) F. Valuing: Class, why is it important for you as students to know the different intentional injuries and the ways on how to control or prevent it? (answers may vary)

IV. Evaluation: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the correct answer from the given choices and write your answer on the space provided for. ____1. Which of the following is NOT an intentional injury? a. Vehicular accident c. Fraternity hazing b. Suicide attempt d. Bullying ____2. It is a classification of bullying by means of technology and electronic means. a. Physical bullying c. Social bullying b. Cyber bullying d. Verbal bullying ____3. What Republic Act is physical hazing strictly prohibited, it is also known as Anti Hazing Law? a. Republic Act No. 10629 c. Republic Act No. 8049 b. Republic Act No. 7610 d. None of the Above ____ 4. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone you don’t know. What will you do? a. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer b. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you. c. Talk to the stalker and give money to stop following you. d. Tell your parents and/or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker. My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

____5. Which of the following is NOT verbal abuse? a. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistakes. b. Words that are manipulative and controlling. c. Words that can cause gradual diminishing of self-confidence. d. Words that are harmful and usually attack the nature and abilities of a person. ____6. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing for you to do? a. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone else to bully b. Report him/her to the school authorities c. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance d. Transfer to other school ____7. You heard your friend John telling your other friends to shun Christian because they recently had a fight. What will you do? a. Nothing. No harm will happen from it. b. Nothing. I don’t want to get involve. c. I will confront John and tell to him to stop what he is doing because it is bullying. d. I will convince all my friends to shun John instead because he is a bully. ____ 8. Why do some victims of sexual abuse remain quit and don’t report the incident? a. the victims may not know the help is available or s/he does not know who to talk to. b. the victims might be told that what is happening is normal and doesn’t realized that it is a form of abuse. c. the victims might be afraid of what will happen to her/him if s/he tells someone, especially if the abuser has threatened him/her. d. All of the above. ____ 9. The following are sexual abuse, EXCEPT a. Physical assaults b. Incest

c. rape d. Molestation

____ 10. Self-defense is one of the best ways to prevent intentional injuries. Which of the following best describes it? I. Physical strategies such as learning self-defense skills. II. Mental preparedness in order to be alert for the possibilities of danger. III. Emotional preparedness and having self-confidence. a. I and II c. I and III b. I, II and III d. II only V. Assignment: Look for a newspaper clipping that show Intentional injuries. Cut and paste this on your worksheet. Answer the questions that follow. 1. What is the news all about? 2. What is/are the intentional injury/ies presented in the news? 3. What did you feel for the victim/s in the news? Why? 4. Do you have a similar experience or have you witnessed a situation similar to the news? Share this with the class. My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

Prepared by: RENATO U. IGNACIO JR.

Student- teacher

Checked by: JOY ABELLA Cooperating Teacher

My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based)

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