SAMPLE judicial affidavit with autopsy report
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for UC students Legal Medicine Atty. Abiog...
Republic of the Philippines Regional Trial Court Branch 10 La Trinidad, Benguet THE PEOPLE OF THE PHLPP!E" Plainti#, CR$!%L C%"E !O& 10'()) For $*R+ER -ersus +!% %& .ER/E!
*+C%L %FF+%.T %FF+%.T OF O"E E& +EL% %$2O!%
I, O"E E& +EL% %$2O!%, of legal age; married; living at Unit nit 666 666 Mega Megawo wood od Tower ower Cond ondomin ominiu ium ms, Gen. en. Luna una St., t., Bara Barang ngay ay U Ue err Sess Sessio ion, n, Bagu Baguio io City City;; and and t!e t!e "oli# oli#e e C!ie C!ief f Inse#tor$ Medi#o%Legal &'#er of t!e (egional Crime La)oratory &'#e%Cordillera, "!iliine *ational "oli#e, Cam Bado +angwa. La Trinidad, Benguet; witness in t!is #ase, state under oat! as follows T!e erson e-amining me is tty. tty. C!ristian /an . Talawe# wit! address at (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City, for uroses of e-e#uting my 2udi#ial a'davit as witness in t!is #ase. T!e e-amination was !eld at t!e same address. I am answering !is 3uestions fully #ons#ious and aware t!at I4m e-e#uting su#! under oat! and may fa#e #riminal lia)ility for false testimony and er2ury. 5USTI&*S were advan#ed and roounded )y defendant7s #ounsel, tty. C!ristian /an . Talawe# in nglis!%Britis! ##ent, w!i# w! i#! ! t!e t!e a'an a'antt full fully y #om #omrre!en e!ends ds , w! w!il ile e *S8 *S8( (S S wer were delivered )y witness 9ose . +ela m:ona, also in nglis!%Britis! ##en ##entt and and t!e t!e #or #orres reson ondi ding ng tran transl slat atio ion n of !is !is answ answer ers s is rovided after ea#! 3uestion. 5 +o you swear to tell t!e trut! and not!ing )ut t!e trut!<
I do. 5= re you aware t!at you may fa#e #riminal lia)ility for false testimony or er2ury if you will not tell t!e trut!< = I7m de>nitely aware of su#! #onse3uen#es. 5? "lease state your #omlete name, age and o##uation. ? I am 9ose . +ela m:ona, @A years old. I am a Medi#al +o#tor and a Medi#o%Legal &'#er. 5 5 +r. +r. +ela +ela m:o m:ona na,, w! w!er ere e do you you wor1 wor1 as a Medi Medi#o #o%L %Leg egal al &'#er< I am a Medi Medi# #o%L o%Legal gal &'#e &'#err wit! wit! a ran1 ran1 of "oli oli#e C!ie C!ief f Inse Inse#t #tor or at t!e (egio egional nal Crim Crime e La)o La)ora rato tory ry &'#e &'#e%C %Cor ordi dill ller era, a, "!il "! ili ii ine ne *ati *ationa onall "oli# oli#e, e, Cam Cam Bado Bado +ang +angwa. wa. La Trini rinida dad, d, Benguet. 5@ 5@ ow ow long long !ave !ave you you )een )een ra# ra#ti ti#i #ing ng your your rofe rofess ssio ion n as a Medi#o%Legal &'#er +r. +ela m:ona< @ =A years sir. 56 Before you )e#ame a Medi#o%Legal &'#er of t!e "!iliine *ati *ationa onall "oli# oli#e, e, !ave !ave you you )een )een wor1i wor1ing ng as a riv rivate ate medi medi#a #all ra#titioner< 6 Des I am. 5E +uring your stint as a rivate medi#al ra#titioner, !ave you #ondu#ted autosies< E Des, Des, in rivate #aa#ity, I !ave #ondu#ted autosies. 5F 8!en did you start ra#ti#ing your rofession as a Medi#o% Legal &'#er in t!e (egional Crime La)oratory &'#e%Cordillera, "!iliine *ational "oli#e, +r. +r. +ela m:ona< F rom 00@ u to resent sir. 50 In your #aa#ity as a Medi#o%Legal &'#er of t!e (egional Crime La)oratory &'#e%Cordillera, "!iliine *ational "oli#e !ow
many #adavers !ave you #ondu#ted autosies from 00@ u to resent +r. +ela m:ona< 0 If my memory serve me )est, around two t!ousand H=,AAA )odies e-#luding autosies done during t!e Ty!oon Dolanda< 5A 8!at do you mean Je-#luding autosies done during t!e Ty!oon Ty!oon DolandaK< DolandaK< A 8e were #alled to !el in t!e identi>#ation of )odies after t!e ty!oon in Leyte and some of t!e )odies were su)2e#t to autosies. 5 5 +r. +ela +ela m:o m:ona na,, w! w!er ere e wer were you you on 9une 9une =A, =A, =AA6 =AA6 at around 0AA am< I was in t!e (egi (egiona onall Crime La)orato La)oratory ry &'#e%Cor &'#e%Cordil diller lera, a, "!il "! ili ii ine ne *ati *ationa onall "oli# oli#e, e, Cam Cam Bado Bado +ang +angwa. wa. La Trini rinida dad, d, Benguet. 5= side from )eing t!e !ead of your o'#e, w!at are you doing t!ere< = I #ondu#ted an autosy au tosy re3uested )y t!e C!ief of "oli#e of La Trinidad, Trinidad, Benguet. 5? 5? May May I as1 as1 to w! w!os ose e remai emains ns !ave !ave you you #ondu ondu#t #ted ed t!e t!e autosy< ? I #ondu#ted t!e autosy on t!e remains of na . !an1ita sir. 5 ow are you a)le to identify t!at t!e remains )elongs to one na . !an1ita. side ide from from !er !er denta entall re#or #ords sir, sir, t!e t!e remai emains ns wer were ersonally and visually identi>ed )y t!e mot!er of t!e vi#tim, Maria . !an1ita. 5@ +id Ms. !an1ita died in La Trinidad, Benguet< @ Des sir, to )e more se#i># at Betag, La Trinidad, Benguet. 56 8!en was t!e )ody of Ms. !na1ita found< 6 &n 9une 0, =AA6 at around @AA m.
5E +r. +ela m:ona, w!at was t!e state of t!e )ody of Ms. !na1ita w!en you #ondu#ted su#! autosy< E T!e )ody E )ody was rev revio iousl usly y em)a em)alm lmed ed adult adult femal female e wit! wit! em)alming in#isions on t!e dierent arts of t!e )ody. er )ody is fairl fairly y deve develo loe ed d and fair fairly ly nouri nouris! s!ed ed.. T!er T!ere e were were e-tern -ternal al in2uries t!at were visi)ly seen in Ms. !an1ita7s )ody sir. sir. 5F 8!at are t!ese e-ternal in2uries, +r. +r. +ela m:ona< F T!es F T!ese e #om #omri rise se of mult multi ile le sta) sta) wound wounds s lo#a lo#ate ted d on t!e t!e !ead, ne#1, t!ora-, a)domen and some in#ised wound on !er e-tremities. 50 Can you des#ri)ed to us t!ese e-ternal in2uries< 0 Des sir, )ased on my e-ternal >ndings, t!ere was a sta) wound, enetrating, at t!e rig!t anterior ne#1 region, measuring ? - A.@#m in widest dimension and a sta) wound, enetrating, at t!e t!e lef left ante anteri rior or ne#1 ne#1 regio egion, n, meas measur urin ing g ?- A.@# A.@#m m in wide widest st dimension. 5=A 8!at is t!e t! e ee#t of su#! sta) wounds in t!e ne#1 n e#1 region +r. +r. +ela m:ona< =A Basi#ally, it !as in2ured t!e rig!t and left ne#1 mus#les and ma2or )lood vessels of t!e same area. 5= s you said t!ere were also sta) wounds on t!e t!ora- and a)dominal area, #an you lease des#ri)ed it to us< = Des sir, = sir, t!er t!ere e was was a sta) sta) woun wound, d, non% non%e ene netr trat atin ing, g, lef left e#t e#tor oral al regi region, on, meas measuri uring ng - - #m in wide widest st dime dimens nsio ion; n; also also t!ere were sta) wounds, enetrating, at t!e level of /t! ri) and /IIt /I It! ! ri), ri), along along t!e left left anter anterio iorr a-il a-illa lary ry line line,, )ot! )ot! meas measuri uring ng ?-A.@#m in widest dimension; and sta) wounds, enetrating, at t!e level of t!e /IIIt! and IIIrd ri)s, along t!e left mid%a-illary line, measuring ?-A.@#m in widest dimensions. 5== +r. +ela m:ona, t!ese various or s!ould I say multile sta) wounds, w!at in2uries it !ad #aused internally on t!e vi#tim7s )ody )ased on your >nding< == Sir, == Sir, su#! su#! multi multil le e sta) sta) wound wounds s !ad ene enetra trate ted d t!e left left t!ora#i# #avity, #ausing in2uries to t!e lower lo)e of t!e left lung and t!e sta) wound at t!e level of /IIt! ri), along t!e left anterior
a-illary line and t!e sta) wound, at t!e level of t!e /IIIt! ri), along t!e left mid%a-illary line !ad also #aused in2ury at t!e aeof t!e t!e !ea !eart. rt. T!e T!ese sta) sta) woun wound ds !ad !ad als also #ause aused d massi assive ve !emot!ora- on t!e vi#tim, around FAA ml of )lood #lots. 5=? Based on your >ndings do#tor, w!at is t!e #ause of t!e deat! of Ms. !an1ita< =? =? T!e #aus #ause e of deat deat! ! sir sir is !ear !eartt and and lef left lung ung in2u in2uri ries es,, se#ondary to multile sta) wounds w!i#! !ad resulted to massive )lood loss in t!e vi#tim #ausing !er deat!. urt!er, )ased on my >nding you #an #ategori:e su#! manner of deat! to )e a violent deat! due to sta))ing. 5= re all your >ndings redu#ed in writing +r. +ela m:ona< = Des sir, t!ere is an autosy reort. 5=@ 8!ere is t!e autosy reort< =@ It is #urrently in my ossession at t!is moment, sir. sir. 5=6 m I ermitted in mar1ing t!is Jautosy reortK as -!i)it and t!e )ra# )ra#1 1eted eted sign signat atur ure e a)ov a)ove e t!e name name of 9ose 9ose . +ela +ela m:ona as -!. %< =6 Des sir. 5=E re you t!e same 9ose . +ela m:ona, t!e Medi#o%Legal &'#er w!o #ondu#ted t!e autosy in t!is #ase< =E Des, sir. 5=F Is t!e signature a'-ed in t!e autosy reort your signature do#tor< =F Des, =F es, t!e t!e sign signat atur ure e a'a'-ed in t!e t!e auto autos sy y reor eortt of Ms. Ms. !an1ita is my signature. 5=0 I am atta#!ing -!i)it to your 2udi#ial a'davit to form art of it. +o you #on>rm my a#tion< =0 Des, sir. .................................
'ant furt!er sayet! naug!t. ! 3T!E"" 3HEREOF , I !ave !ereunto set my !and t!is ? rd
+ay of Setem)er =AA6 at (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City.
O"E E& +EL% %$2O!%, $+ %4ant
"*B"CRBE+ %!+ "3OR! TO BEFORE $E, a notary u)li# in
and for Baguio t!is ? rd +ay of Setem)er =AA6. 'ant ersonally #ame and satisfa#torily roven !is identity wit! li#ense id issued on May @, 00= )y t!e "rofessional (egulation Commission on t!e =nd +ay of Setem)er =AA6 at my o'#e lo#ated at (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City )earing !is !otogra! and signature, 1nown to me as t!e same erson w!o ersonally signed t!e foregoing instrument )efore me and avowed under enalty of law to t!e w!ole trut! of t!e #ontents of said instrument.
%TT5& CHR"T%! .%! %& T%L%3EC
*otary "u)li# Until +e#em)er ?, =AA6 Commission Serial *o. F@%*C%NN &'#e (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City. HAE6 =%A0F6$ A000066?06 "T( *o. EF0A6EF; F%==%0A IB" Lifetime Mem)ers!i *o. AF0E6@6 Baguio%Benguet MCL *o. I/ I/%AAA6EF0, %AAA6EF0, E%=%A@
+o#. *o. OOOOOOOOO. "age *o. OOOOOOOOO. Boo1 *o. OOOOOOOOO. Series of =AA6
I, %tt6& Christian .an %& Tala7ec , of legal age, iliino, wit! ost ostal al addr addres ess s =? Bali Baliwa wag g St. St. ala alaa ati ti ill ill,, Bagu Baguio io City, City, afte afterr )eing duly sworn deose and say . I was was t!e one w! w!o o #ond #ondu# u#te ted d t!e e-ami e-amina nati tion on of witne witness ss ose E& +ela %89ona at my aforementioned o'#e in (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City; =. I !ave !ave fait fait!f !ful ully ly re#or e#orde ded d or #aus #aused ed to )e re#or e#orde ded d t!e t!e 3uestions I as1ed and t!e #orresonding answer t!at t!e witness gave; ?. I nor any ot!er erson erson t!en resent resent or assisting assisting !im #oa#!ed #oa#!ed t!e witness regarding !is answer; ! 3T!E"" 3HEREOF , I !ave !ereunto set my !and t!is ? rd
+ay of Setem)er =AA6 at (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City.
%TT5& CHR"T%! .%! %& T%L%3EC
*otary "u)li# Until +e#em)er ?, =AA6 Commission Serial *o. F@%*C%
&'#e (oom 60, Living La /ida Lo1a Bldg., Bo1aw1aw (oad, Baguio City. HAE6 =%A0F6$ A000066?06 "T( *o. EF0A6EF; F%==%0A IB" Lifetime Mem)ers!i *o. AF0E6@6 Baguio%Benguet MCL *o. I/ I/%AAA6EF0, %AAA6EF0, E%=%A@
+o#. *o. OOOOOOOOO. "age *o. OOOOOOOOO. Boo1 *o. OOOOOOOOO. Series of =AA6
Coy urnis!ed &'#e of t!e City "u)li# "rose#utor "rose#utor
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