Sample Judicial Affidavit of Witness

November 7, 2018 | Author: Joan Christine | Category: Perjury, Judiciaries, Evidence, Virtue, Government Information
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Republic of the Philippines Regional Trial Court th 8  Judicial Region Branch VI Tacloban City

Carmi Martyn, representative for Coco Martyn Plaintif

Civil Case No.


For Damages !versus! Dr. Dr. Vicente Sotto Law School and Atty. Simon ir, Atty. !ichard La" Deendant

#$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #

 J"#ICI$% $FFI#$VIT $FFI#$VIT &F $TT' $TT'(( %)I%$ #)%I*$ %, $TT'( %)I%$ #)%I*$ , &0 years old, married, residing at 'aclo"an City, a(ter ha)ing "een sworn to in accordance with the law do here"y he re"y de*ose and state+ 'hat 'hat Atty tty. Man Manela ela M. -ilton lton is the the cons onsel el who who condcted and s*er)ised my e#amination as a witness at her her oce oce at Door Door /2 /2,, ao1 ao1asin asin l ldg dg.. !ia !iall A)e. )e. Str Street, eet,  'aclo"an  'aclo"an City, hili**ines4  'hat % am answering the 5estions herein (lly cons nsc cios tha that % do so nder nder oath and that hat % may "e criminally lia"le (or (alse testimony or *er6ry4 o ( witness, witne ss, A'' A''. L8%LA L8%L A P"RP&+)+ 'his ada)it  testimony o( D8L%MA, is "eing oered to *ro)e that the de(endants ga)e an oral *romise to the *lainti:s "rother, Mr. Coco Martyn, *assing grades (or the s"6ects 'a#ation % and La"or Law %% res* es*ecti)ely withot hot *rio rior agreem eement or condi nditions whatsoe)er. ;/+ ;/+ Do yo swea wear to tell ell the the trt trth h and nothi thing "t "t the trth< A/+ es Ma:am.

;2+ lease state yor name and other *ersonal circmstances (or the record. A2+ % am Atty. Leila Delima, &0 years o( age, married and resides in 'aclo"an City. % am one o( the *ro(essors in Dr. Vicente Law School teaching Criminal Law !e)iew and a colleage o( the de(endants. ;3+ Do yo *ersonally 1now the *lainti< A3+ =o Ma:am, "t % *ersonally 1now her "rother, Mr. Martyn. ;&+ >hat is yor relation to the *lainti:s "rother< A&+ ?e was one o( my stdents in Criminal Law !e)iew. ;@+ >hat is yor 1nowledge a"ot the de(endant$*ro(essors gi)ing Mr. Martyn *assing grades in the res*ecti)e s"6ects they handle< A@+ n Be"rary @, 20/@, at arond &+30 in the a(ternoon, % was in the (aclty room together with other *ro(essors inclding Atty. La" and Atty. ir. Mr. Martyn went inside or room to *ersonally tal1 to the two *ro(essors. ;+ >here were yo e#actly when their con)ersation too1 *lace< A+ % was seated at my ta"le "eside Atty. La":s ta"le, tal1ing a"ot crrent news when Mr. Martyn entered the room. ;7+ >hat do yo remem"er o( the con)ersation< A7+ At rst, Mr. Martyn was a "it hesitant and shy to as1 the two *ro(essors a"ot his grades, "t e)entally as1ed a"ot it. ?e as1ed i( they wold "e 1ind enogh to gi)e him a *assing mar1 (or 'a#ation % and La"or Law %% since he has "een stdying Law (or arond nine E9F years already and that his *arents wold "e so ha**y i( he already gradated that year. ;G+ >hat did the two *ro(essors res*ond a(ter Mr. Martyn:s re5est< AG+ 'hey "oth laghed at rst. Atty. ir said Heto nalang ba  yung mga bagsak mong gradeshat ha**ened ne#t< A/2+ All o( s *ro(essors went "ac1 to what we were doing "e(ore Mr. Martyn came to or oce. Some o( the *ro(essors *re*ared (or their classes, the others le(t. ;/3+ A/3+

Do yo ha)e anything else to say, Atty Delima< =o more, Ma:am.

%= >%'=8SS >?8!8B, % ha)e herento a#ed my signatre this /2th day o( March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.

Leila L. Delima $TT'( %)I%$ #)%I*$   Aant

SKSC!%8D A=D S>!= to "e(ore me, a notary *"lic o( 'aclo"an City on this /2th day o( March 20/, aant *ersonally came and a**eared "e(ore me, e#hi"iting her

ass*ort =o. 093&2 issed on A*ril /@, 20/& at 'aclo"an City, 1nown to me and a)owed nder *enalty o( law to the whole trth o( the contents o( said instrment.

 lia C. !omalde $tty( Julia C( Ro,ualde='A! KL%C Kntil Decem"er 3/, 20/ '! =o. 0@0/G3agio City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G&  'aclo"an City Doc. =o. 2G age =o. 0& oo1 =o. 0 Series o( 20/.

$TT)+T$TI&N &F %).$% C&"N+)%

%,  J"%I$ C( R&*"$%#)/0 Asst. ro)incial rosector, Detailed $'aclo"an City, Leyte, a(ter ha)ing "een sworn to in accordance with the law do here"y de*ose and say+ /. 'hat % ha)e (aith(lly recorded or cased to "e recorded the 5estions % as1ed and the corres*onding answers that witness, Atty. Leila Delima, ga)e4 2. 'hat % ha)e not, nor any other *erson *resent or assisting coached the witness regarding the witness: answers4 and 3. 'hat % (lly nderstand that any (alse attestation shall s"6ect me to disci*linary action, inclding dis"arment.

%= >%'=8SS >?8!8B, % ha)e herento a#ed my signatre this /2th day o( March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.

Manela -ilton $TT'( *$N")%$ *( 1I%T&N Consel (or lainti  3/ rgos Street, 'aclo"an City '! =o. 0@0/G3'aclo"an City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G& oth issed in 'aclo"an City MCL8 Com*liance V00@37& %ssed on anary //, 20/

SKSC!%8D A=D S>!= to "e(ore me this /2 th day o(  March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.

 lia C. !omalde $tty( Julia C( Ro,ualde='A! KL%C Kntil Decem"er 3/, 20/ '! =o. 0@0/G3agio City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G&  'aclo"an City

Doc. =o. 2G age =o. 0& oo1 =o. 0 Series o( 20/.

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