Sample Judicial Affidavit of Witness
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Republic of the Philippines Regional Trial Court th 8 Judicial Region Branch VI Tacloban City
Carmi Martyn, representative for Coco Martyn Plaintif
Civil Case No.
For Damages !versus! Dr. Dr. Vicente Sotto Law School and Atty. Simon ir, Atty. !ichard La" Deendant
#$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #
J"#ICI$% $FFI#$VIT $FFI#$VIT &F $TT' $TT'(( %)I%$ #)%I*$ %, $TT'( %)I%$ #)%I*$ , &0 years old, married, residing at 'aclo"an City, a(ter ha)ing "een sworn to in accordance with the law do here"y he re"y de*ose and state+ 'hat 'hat Atty tty. Man Manela ela M. -ilton lton is the the cons onsel el who who condcted and s*er)ised my e#amination as a witness at her her oce oce at Door Door /2 /2,, ao1 ao1asin asin l ldg dg.. !ia !iall A)e. )e. Str Street, eet, 'aclo"an 'aclo"an City, hili**ines4 'hat % am answering the 5estions herein (lly cons nsc cios tha that % do so nder nder oath and that hat % may "e criminally lia"le (or (alse testimony or *er6ry4 o ( witness, witne ss, A'' A''. L8%LA L8%L A P"RP&+)+ 'his ada)it testimony o( D8L%MA, is "eing oered to *ro)e that the de(endants ga)e an oral *romise to the *lainti:s "rother, Mr. Coco Martyn, *assing grades (or the s"6ects 'a#ation % and La"or Law %% res* es*ecti)ely withot hot *rio rior agreem eement or condi nditions whatsoe)er. ;/+ ;/+ Do yo swea wear to tell ell the the trt trth h and nothi thing "t "t the trth< A/+ es Ma:am.
;2+ lease state yor name and other *ersonal circmstances (or the record. A2+ % am Atty. Leila Delima, &0 years o( age, married and resides in 'aclo"an City. % am one o( the *ro(essors in Dr. Vicente Law School teaching Criminal Law !e)iew and a colleage o( the de(endants. ;3+ Do yo *ersonally 1now the *lainti< A3+ =o Ma:am, "t % *ersonally 1now her "rother, Mr. Martyn. ;&+ >hat is yor relation to the *lainti:s "rother< A&+ ?e was one o( my stdents in Criminal Law !e)iew. ;@+ >hat is yor 1nowledge a"ot the de(endant$*ro(essors gi)ing Mr. Martyn *assing grades in the res*ecti)e s"6ects they handle< A@+ n Be"rary @, 20/@, at arond &+30 in the a(ternoon, % was in the (aclty room together with other *ro(essors inclding Atty. La" and Atty. ir. Mr. Martyn went inside or room to *ersonally tal1 to the two *ro(essors. ;+ >here were yo e#actly when their con)ersation too1 *lace< A+ % was seated at my ta"le "eside Atty. La":s ta"le, tal1ing a"ot crrent news when Mr. Martyn entered the room. ;7+ >hat do yo remem"er o( the con)ersation< A7+ At rst, Mr. Martyn was a "it hesitant and shy to as1 the two *ro(essors a"ot his grades, "t e)entally as1ed a"ot it. ?e as1ed i( they wold "e 1ind enogh to gi)e him a *assing mar1 (or 'a#ation % and La"or Law %% since he has "een stdying Law (or arond nine E9F years already and that his *arents wold "e so ha**y i( he already gradated that year. ;G+ >hat did the two *ro(essors res*ond a(ter Mr. Martyn:s re5est< AG+ 'hey "oth laghed at rst. Atty. ir said Heto nalang ba yung mga bagsak mong gradeshat ha**ened ne#t< A/2+ All o( s *ro(essors went "ac1 to what we were doing "e(ore Mr. Martyn came to or oce. Some o( the *ro(essors *re*ared (or their classes, the others le(t. ;/3+ A/3+
Do yo ha)e anything else to say, Atty Delima< =o more, Ma:am.
%= >%'=8SS >?8!8B, % ha)e herento a#ed my signatre this /2th day o( March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.
Leila L. Delima $TT'( %)I%$ #)%I*$ Aant
SKSC!%8D A=D S>!= to "e(ore me, a notary *"lic o( 'aclo"an City on this /2th day o( March 20/, aant *ersonally came and a**eared "e(ore me, e#hi"iting her
ass*ort =o. 093&2 issed on A*ril /@, 20/& at 'aclo"an City, 1nown to me and a)owed nder *enalty o( law to the whole trth o( the contents o( said instrment.
lia C. !omalde $tty( Julia C( Ro,ualde='A! KL%C Kntil Decem"er 3/, 20/ '! =o. 0@0/G3agio City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G& 'aclo"an City Doc. =o. 2G age =o. 0& oo1 =o. 0 Series o( 20/.
$TT)+T$TI&N &F %).$% C&"N+)%
%, J"%I$ C( R&*"$%#)/0 Asst. ro)incial rosector, Detailed $'aclo"an City, Leyte, a(ter ha)ing "een sworn to in accordance with the law do here"y de*ose and say+ /. 'hat % ha)e (aith(lly recorded or cased to "e recorded the 5estions % as1ed and the corres*onding answers that witness, Atty. Leila Delima, ga)e4 2. 'hat % ha)e not, nor any other *erson *resent or assisting coached the witness regarding the witness: answers4 and 3. 'hat % (lly nderstand that any (alse attestation shall s"6ect me to disci*linary action, inclding dis"arment.
%= >%'=8SS >?8!8B, % ha)e herento a#ed my signatre this /2th day o( March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.
Manela -ilton $TT'( *$N")%$ *( 1I%T&N Consel (or lainti 3/ rgos Street, 'aclo"an City '! =o. 0@0/G3'aclo"an City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G& oth issed in 'aclo"an City MCL8 Com*liance V00@37& %ssed on anary //, 20/
SKSC!%8D A=D S>!= to "e(ore me this /2 th day o( March 20/ at 'aclo"an City, hili**ines.
lia C. !omalde $tty( Julia C( Ro,ualde='A! KL%C Kntil Decem"er 3/, 20/ '! =o. 0@0/G3agio City0/$//$/ !oll o( Atty. =o. G/2/9G3 % Li(etime Mem"ershi* =o. 903/9G& 'aclo"an City
Doc. =o. 2G age =o. 0& oo1 =o. 0 Series o( 20/.
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