Sample Forms of Government

September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Governance 1. manner of government: the system or

manner of government; 2. state of governing a place: the act or state of governing a place; 3. authority: control or authority



It means the management of the affairs of a business, organiation, or institution!


"O#$RNM$NT %orms of "overnment& The principal forms are the follo'ing& (!As to number of persons e)ercising sovereign po'ers;


*! As As to e)tent of po'ers e)ercise+ by the central or national government; ! As As to relationship bet'een the e)ecutive an+ the legislative branches of the government;  4. As to source of power or



(! As As to number of pe persons rsons e)ercising sovereign po'ers& A. Government by one  A(- Monarchy or one in 'hich the supreme an+ final authority


is in the han+s of a single person 'ithout regar+ to the source of his election or the nature or +uration of his tenure! Monarchies are further classifie+ into&


Monarchy, form of government Monarchy, in 'hich one person has the here+itary right to rule as hea+ of state +uring his or her lifetime; the term is also applie+ to the state so governe+!


Monarchs inclu+e such rulers as .ings an+ /ueens, emperors an+ empresses, tsars, an+ .aisers! T'o types of Monarchical government& (! Absolute Monarchy or one in 'hich the ruler rules by +ivine right; an+


*! 0imite+ monarchy or one in 'hich the ruler rules in accor+ance 'ith a constitution! The po'er of the monarch varies from absolute to very limite+; the latter is e)emplifie+ in mo+ern1+ay constitutional monarchies!


 A* Authoritarian Authoritarian or  or one in 'hich the supreme po'er of the +ictator 'hose po'er is usually through force! 1. strict and demanding obedience: favoring strict rules an+ establishe+ authority;


2. demanding political obedience: belonging to or believing in a political system in 'hich obe+ience to the ruling person or group is strongly enforce+!


B. Government by few 2( Aristocracy Aristocracy or one in 'hich political po'er is e)ercise+ by fe' privilege+ class! 1. people of highest social class: people of noble families or the highest social class  


2. believe+ superiortogroup: a group be superior to all others of the same .in+ 3. government governmentofby elite: a country by a small group of people, especially a here+itary nobility . state run by elite: a state governe+ by an aristocracy.


B2 !ligarchy  1. small governing group: a small group of people 'ho together govern a nation or control an organiation, often for their o'n purposes;


2. entity ruled by oligarchy: a nation governe+ or an organiation controlle+ by an oligarchy; 3.government government by small group: or control by a small group of people!


"ources of their power: (!2y birth*! 2y 'ealth! 2y 'is+om

In an aristocracy, although the po'er of government is 'iel+e+ by a fe', theoretically the a+ministration of government is carrie+ on for the 'elfare of the many!


3henever the interests of the people as a 'hole are ma+e subservient to the selfish interests of the rulers, aristocracy becomes a form of government .no'n as oligarchy oligarchy!!


#. Government by many

#1 $emocracy or one in 'hich political po'er is e)ercise+ by the ma4ority of the people! It is further classifie+ into&


#1.1 $irect or pure democracy or democracy or one in 'hich the 'ill of the state is formulate+ or e)presse+ +irectly an+ imme+iately through the people in a mass meeting or primary assembly rather than through the me+ium of representatives chosen by the people to act for them!


#1.2 %ndirect& representative or republican democracy or one in 'hich the 'ill of the state is formulate+ an+ e)presse+ through the agency of a relatively small an+ select bo+y of persons chosen by the people to act as their representatives!


*!e)ercise+ As to e)tent As of po'ers by the central or national government&  A! 'nitary 'nitary government  government or one in 'hich the control of national an+ local affairs is e)ercise+ by the national government;


2! (ederal government or one in 'hich the po'ers of government are +ivi+e+ bet'een t'o sets of organs, one for national affairs an+ the other for local affairs, each organ being supreme 'ithin its o'n sphere!


Dist! bet! %e+eral 5 6nitary "ov7t (ederal states, states, such as the 6!S! an+ S'iterlan+, comprise unions of states in 'hich the authority of the central or national government is constitutionally limite+ by the legally establishe+ po'ers of the constituent sub+ivisions!


In unitary states, states, such as the 6nite+ 8ing+om an+ 2elgium, the constituent sub+ivisions of the state are subor+inate to the authority of the national government!


9ountries 'ith fe+eral political systems have both a central government an+ governments base+ in smaller political units, usually calle+ states, provinces, or territories! These smaller political units surren+er some of their political po'er to the central government, relying on it to act for the common goo+!


In a fe+eral system, la's are ma+e both by state, provincial, or territorial governments an+ by a central government! In the 6nite+ States, for e)ample, people 'ho live in the state of Ohio must obey the la's ma+e by the Ohio legislature an+ the 9ongress of the 6nite+ States!


%e+eral political systems +ivi+e po'er an+ resources bet'een central an+ regional governments! 9entral governments +eci+e issues that concern concern the 'hole country country,, such as organiing an army, buil+ing ma4or roa+s, an+ treaties 'ith other countries!



unitary systems, 'ith la's giving virtually all authority to the central government! The central government may +elegate +uties to cities or other a+ministrative units, but it retains final authority an+ can retract any tas.s it has +elegate+!


The central government in a unitary system is system is much more po'erful than the central government in a fe+eral system!


! As to relationship bet'een the e)ecutive an+ the legislative branches of the government&  A! )arliamentary government or cabinet gov*t! gov*t! is one in 'hich the e)ecutive an+ legislative branch of the government are +epen+ent or e)ecutive branch is part of the legislative branch!


2!one )residential government government or  or in 'hich the state the e)ecutive in+epen+ent from the legislative!


Distinctions bet! :resi+ential 5 :arliamentary In parliamentary governments,, of 'hich the governments 6nite+ 8ing+om, In+ia, an+ 9ana+a are e)amples, the e)ecutive branch is subor+inate to the legislature!


In presidential s, such as in the governments, government 6!S!, the e)ecutive is in+epen+ent of the legislature, although many of the e)ecutives actions are sub4ect to legislative legislative revie'!


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