Sample Essay Muet Question 1

October 3, 2017 | Author: Hudzaimi | Category: N/A
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Sample essay for question 1 MUET Writing, Graphic stimulus, report writing sample for Malaysian students...


Frequency of Visits to Three Music Websites by Teenagers The visual shows visits to three music websites by teenagers and promotional activities organised by those websites throughout the month of August. It is apparent that the number of visit by teenagers to these websites is influenced by promotional activities organised. In Week 1, Music Network was the most frequently visited website at 40000 but dropped the following two weeks to 20000 before increasing twofold in week 4. Music Network also offered the most number of promotional activities (3) which is the reason why the number of visitors is the second highest (125,000) throughout August. Music Connect began at 15000 visits in Week 1 but rose sharply to 35000 visits in week 2. However the number of visits dropped (28000) in Week 3 before surging back up to 55000 visits in Week 4. Music Connect is the most popular among the three websites (133000 visits) because it was the only music website that offered free gifts (in Week 2 and 4). Era Music only offered one promotional activity (Name the movie in Week 2) thus it recorded the least number of visits (50000) throughout August with the number peaking at 15000 in both Week 2 & 3. It is clear that teenagers were more attracted to free gifts than participating in contests or quizzes.

Consumer’s choice of venues for grocery shopping in 1985 & 2010 The bar chart shows the places where consumers buy their groceries and the stimulus reveals the characteristics of shopping venues in 2010. The general trend indicates that consumers turned from wet market in 1985 to supermarket in 2010 due to its characteristics. The bar chart shows that supermarket which is the second least preferred choice among consumers stand only 5% in 1985 but zoomed to 60% in 2010. Percentage of consumers who buy their groceries in grocery store and wet market are 37% and 45% respectively in 1985 but slumped to 10% and 14% respectively in 2010. Consumers in the night market levelled out at 11% in both years. The least preferred shopping venue is 24-hour store which stand 2% in 1985 and increases to 5% in 2010. The stimulus reveals that supermarket are favour due to big discounts, comfort, variety and convenience. 24-hour stores are only convenient in the consumers view. Grocery store, wet market and night market are chosen by the consumers mainly due to variety, negotiable price and personalised service which have been replaced by the supermarket in 2010. In conclusion, consumers preferred supermarket in 2010, strongly influenced by the characteristics of the shopping venue.

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