ENTRY OF APPEARANCE The undersigned Law Ofce respectully enters its appe appear aran ance ce as coun counse sell or or respo espond nden ents ts,, Ce Cent ntur ury y Pea eak k Corporation/Joey Loreto- o-anager! Thus, it is "ost respectully prayed o this #onora$le Ofce that su$se%uent orders, notices, and other processes relati&e to the instant case $e likewise urnished to the undersigned! 't is also also re%ue e%uest sted ed o the othe otherr part partie ies s that that thei theirr pleadings $e ser&ed to respondents Century Peak Corp Co rpor orat atio ion n in thei theirr ofc ofce addr addres ess s at ()th loor, +O %uita$le Tower, Paseo de .oas, akati City! O0T .0PCT1LL .0PCT 1LL2 2 01+'TT! 01+'TT ! +utuan City, Philippines! (3 Octo$er 43(5!
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