Sample Descriptive Essay

July 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sample Descriptive Essay

My Own Little World Passage taken from Theodore Johnston and James Gonzales, The Writers Advice Advice Book, Ginn Press, Massachusetts, 19!, "# !$

The door to m% stud% is nearl% al&a%s closed# 't(s the "lace ' go to read and &ork in tran)uilit%# Toda%, ho&ever, '(m inviting %ou in for a visit#  As %ou o"en the door, door, notice notice the Guatemala Guatemalan n crucifi* &ith its +right +right gold gold and maroon maroon flo&ers it -o%full% reminds me to dedicate m% &ork to God# Although the room is small, ' ho"e %ou find it coz%# A +ig cheerful &indo& lets in the morning sunshine, &hich saturates the room &ith its &armth and em+races us &ith light# Birds chir" outside, +eckoning %ou to enter#  An old.fashione old.fashioned d doctor(s desk &ith &ith +rass dra&er dra&er handles handles sits sits in front front of the &indo& &indo&,, its &ood full of nicks from man% careless moves and to& once.teething "u""ies# Ma% ' introduce %ou to /al"h, m% friendl% com"uter, &ho sits on to" of the desk0 When ' turn him on, he(ll crackle hello and +link an inviting am+er command on the screen# That(s m% dog 2hico under the desk, snoring in harmon% &ith /al"h and the +irds#    Against the left &all are m% +ook cases, cases, sagging sagging &ith &ith the &ise &ise &eight &eight of chea" chea" "a"er+acks and a fe& e*"ensive gold.s"ined volumes inters"ersed# A +ronzed 'ndian chief in a &atercolor s)uints kno&ingl% at us from the &all# Won(t %ou have a seat in the tattered old green armchair nestled in the other corner0 ' kno& %ou smell the freshl% "erked coffee# ' made it s"eciall% for %our visit# 3se m% favorite cu" there on the tra% it(s the one &ith red and +lued +alloons around the rim# 4ta% as long as %ou &ish, +ut &hen %ou(re read% to leave, +e sure to close the door +ehind %ou# ' like the "eaceful securit% of this, m% o&n little &orld#   Back3" to to 4ession To" 5

Sample Narrative Essay

Senior Prom Passage taken from Theodore Johnston and James Gonzales, The Writers Advice Advice Book, Ginn Press, Massachusetts, 19!, "# 16

M% senior "rom night +ecame a comed% of errors &hen ' &as asked to re"resent the 7rama 2lu+# ' e*"ected it to +e a night that dreams are made of instead, ' &as "rovided &ith a less than "erfect evening#


' &anted to give /ichard, m% date and escort, a dazzling first im"ression +% meeting him at the door in m% +eautiful 4outhern +elle dress# When /ichard arrived, he &as met at the door +% m% father instead of me, and he found m% mother l%ing at m% feet on the living room floor, se&ing the hem in m% formal# 8inall%, after &hat seemed like an eternit%, m% mother announced that she &as finished and that &e &ere late for the "rom# ' decided to rela* and com"ose m%self in the car, +ut instead of a comforta+le coach, ' found a cram"ed "um"kin a&aiting me in the form of a 8iat# As ' got inside the car, ' realized that most of m% dress &as still outside# uickl%, ' +egan "iling la%er after la%er of fa+ric on m% la" until it reached the ceiling and o+scured m% vie& out of the car &indo&s#   Arriving at the "rom "rom in silence, silence, m% escort and and ' &ere )uickl% ushered ushered into into "osition "osition +ehind the other re"resentatives# The "rocession started ' felt like 2inderella at the +all# While the announcer introduced the re"resentatives and their escorts, ' visualized m%self &alking gracefull% u" the ram" as the audience looked on# Before ' kne& it, the s"otlight &as on us# As &e slo&l% made our &a% u" the ram", the announcer introduces us as Jud% and Juan# :earing the names of someone else shocked +oth of us# Then it ha""ened. as &e turned, our feet +ecame entangled in m% formal &ith a ho", ski", and -um", &e tri""ed do&n do&n the ram" to&ards the stairs# 7etermined to clim+ the stairs gracefull%, ' started a slo& ascent# 3"on reaching the to" ste", ' realized ' had also clim+ed u" the inside of m% dress and &as no& on m% knees# M% escort had to carefull% +ack me do&n the ste"s until &e could once again make our clim+#  As the evening evening concluded concluded,, ' realized realized that &ith &ith all that that ha""ened, ha""ened, onl% m% friends friends kne& the true identit% of the t&o clo&ns in the "rocession# ;ver%one else thought it &as Jud% and Juan# Back to 4ession 5 3" to To"

Sample Process Essay

Giving Blood 8rom General 4cience?, @ongman Press, 19

;ver% hos"ital needs large su""lies of +lood for transfusions# 't is given +% donors#   Before giving +lood, the donor is given tests to determine his +lood grou" and make sure he is not suffering from certain diseases# When this has +een done his +lood can +e taken# 


8irst he lies do&n &ith his arm on a "illo&#
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