PROJECT COST ESTIMTE Project !o" ##### Worksheet of % Project Worksheet Project Information Project Description: Hwy XX - Somewhere Road to Anything Street Intersection and Big River Bridge No. 1234
Project Location:
nearest ity!town
LKI: Longitude: Latitude:
Scope Statement: /his +ro0ect consists o( a new (o$r &ane section design s+eed ) "m!h a&ong the so$th side o( Big River on Highway XX and inc&$des constr$ction o( the new 2))m Big River Bridge.
Inc&$de other +ertinent sco+e items and ma0or $antites
Length of Roadway:
Bridge area#
m2 Applicable if project includes a structure
Number of lanes: Development Density: ey Plan!S"etch:
'ther in(ormation#
Terrain Type:
attach as necessary See Ass$m+tions or"sheet ,insert other re&event in(ormation to the cost estimate
PROJECT COST ESTIMTE Project !o" #### Worksheet + of % ss&m'tions Worksheet !OTE /he Ass$m+tions or"sheet may di((er de+ending the C8eve& o( stimateC %eing +re+ared =conce+t$a& +&anning +re&im detai&ed +re-tender? and the a++roach o( the stimator. /his is a SA9D8 o( areas and items to consider and inc&$de. It is not an e6ha$stive &ist and!or may inc&$de items not a++&ica%&e to a&& estimates.
O(era)) Estimatin* ss&m'tions How was the estimated deve&o+ed 5 i.e. e&ementa& +arametric method or $sing historica& cost com+arisons on re&evant simi&ar +ro0ects i.e. was the estimate deve&o+ed %y +ro0ect team or inde+endant&y 6+&ain other ass$m+tions and how they may in(&$ence or im+act costs5 i.e. /y+e o( terrain - e6treme mo$ntaino$s ro&&ing &eve&. i.e. 7eogra+hic &ocation within B - 8ower 9ain&and: Northern: So$thern Interior: ;anco$ver Is&and etc. i.e. IRO!ME!T N;IR'N9N/A8 '9DNSA/I'N E!>IRO!ME!T TOT9
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