Sample Answer for Oumh1203 English Written Communication May 2012...
Jika anda sibuk dan kesuntukkan masa untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini, sila hubungi kami untuk bantuan di alamat email.
[email protected]. kami sedia membantu. ;)
PENYERAHAN DAN PENILAIAN TUGASAN ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION SUBMISSION AND ASSESSMEN ASSESSMENT T ___________ ________________ __________ __________ __________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ ____ OUMH1203 ENGLISH FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION MAY 2012 __________________________ _________________________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ __________________ __ ARAHAN KEPADA PELAJAR / INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTIONS S TO STUDENTS STUDENTS
1. Tugasan Tugasan ini menga mengandun ndungi gi TUJUH TUJUH (7) soalan soalan yang yang disediaka disediakan n dalam dalam bahasa bahasa modul bercetak bercetak kursus kursus ini, jawab LIMA (5) sahaja. / This assignment contains SEVEN (7) questions that is set in the language of the printed module for the course, answer FIVE (5) only. 2. Jawa Jawab b dala dalam m Baha Bahasa sa Ingg Ingger eris is.. / Answer in English. 3. Mua Muat tur turunkan templet tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan daripada MyVLE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda . Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5. / Download Download the language language version of the assignment template concerned from the MyVLE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. 4. Tugasa Tugasan n anda anda hend hendakl aklah ah lebih lebih kurang kurang 500 patah perkataan untuk setiap esei tidak termasuk rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda . / Your assignment should be approximately 500 words long for each essay excluding references. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment. Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. 5. Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan kepada TUTOR BERSEMUKA. / You must submit your assignment to the TUTOR. PANDUAN PANDUAN TUTOR/T TUTOR/TUTOR UTOR GUIDE •
Tutor perlu membimbing pelajar untuk menyiapkan KELIMA-LIMA esei. Sekurang-kurangnya DUA daripada esei ini perlu didraf semasa dalam kelas tutorial .
6. Anda Anda hanya hanya boleh boleh mengh menghan anta tarr tuga tugasa san n SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. / You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE SINGLE file. 7. Tugasa Tugasan n anda anda hendakl hendaklah ah disera diserahka hkan n antara antara 29 Jun 2012 hingga 1 Julai 2012 . Serahan selepas 1 Julai 2012 TIDAK akan diterima. / Your assignment must be submitted between 29 June 2012 and 1st July 2012. Submission after 1st July 2012 will NOT NOT be accepted . 8. Tugasan Tugasan hendaklah hendaklah disiapk disiapkan an secara individu individu.. Anda dilarang dilarang meniru meniru tugasan orang orang lain. Anda Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri . / Your assignment assignment should be prepared prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.
Jika anda sibuk dan kesuntukkan masa untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini, sila hubungi kami untuk bantuan di alamat email.
[email protected]. kami sedia membantu. ;) Written assessment assessment (there are seven questions in this assignment, answer only five questions. 10 marks each. Each essay must must contain approximately 500 words). words).
The following graph shows the statistics of motor vehicle theft in Malaysia from 1980 – 2010. 2010. Describe the main trends identified in the graph and suggest preventive measures that can be taken on the part of the owners.
An international company is planning to set up a factory near your housing area. The proposed proposed factory however, is believed to be environmentally environmentally hazardous. It will pollute the environ environmen mentt through through thermal thermal pollut pollution, ion, chemical chemical pollut pollution, ion, air pollut pollution, ion, and noise noise pollution. pollution. Write a persuasive persuasive essay urging people people in your neighbourhood to protest protest against the set up of the factory.
Plagiarism Plagiarism has become an issue of growing concern across universities universities in Malaysia Malaysia and internationally. Discuss.
A goods and services services tax (GST) has been proposed by the government government to replace replace the sales and service tax which has been used in the country for several decades. Do you agree that this should be implemented?
Your sister has just opened a nursery school and day-care facility for pre-school aged children and now she plans to promote the nursery on the internet. She has asked you to write a promotion piece to be placed on a website to promote her nursery. Write this promotion promotion piece. piece.
Write a brief proposal to have bicycle lanes in your housing area so that those who want to cycle can do so without any harm.
Write a brief explanation essay on how to get a driving license in Malaysia.
[Total: 50 marks]
_________ _____________ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ ________ ____ PENILAIAN / EVALUA / EVALUATION TION Tuga Tugasan san ini akan akan meny menyum umba bang ngka kan n 50% mark markah ah kepad kepadaa kurs kursus us terse tersebu butt dan dan akan akan dinil dinilai ai berdasarkan berdasarkan kepada Skema Jawapan. / This assignment accounts for 50% of the marks for the course mentioned and shall be assessed based on the Answer Scheme.
Anda akan dimaklumkan tentang markah tugasan ini sebelum Peperiksaan Akhir Semester bermula / You would be informed of the assignment assignment mark before the Final Semester Examination Examination commences. PLAGIARISME: POTONGAN MARKAH / PLAGIARISM: / PLAGIARISM: MARKS DEDUCTION DEDUCTION
Tugasan n yang disera diserahkan hkan secara secara automati automatik k akan akan disema disemak k untuk untuk persam persamaan. aan. Jika Jika Amaran: Tugasa plagiarisme plagiarisme dikesan, dikesan, markah akan dipotong seperti seperti berikut: / Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows: Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 10 - 30 % : potongan 20% daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan antara 31 - 50 % : potongan 4 0% daripada jumlah markah yang diperoleh. Tugasan dengan pertindihan kandungan lebih daripada 50%: Markah sifar akan diberikan. Assignments Assignments with 10 - 30 % overlap with others: 20% deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments Assignments with 31 - 50 % overlap with others: 40% deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments Assignments with more than 50% overlap with others: Zero mark would be given.