Republic of the Philippi ppines Province of Isabela Municipality of of Il Ilagan ) x--------------------------------x
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AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE TWINKL KLE E BALD BALDON ONAD ADO O y TIRA TIRAO O , mino I, TWIN minor, r, Filip ilipin ino, o, sing single le and resid esiden entt of rgy rgy.. !pi, !pi, "amu "amu,, Isabe Isabela la,, assi assist sted ed by her her moth mother er #s #str trel ella la aldonado, after having been duly s$orn to accordance $ith la$, hereby depose and say% &. 'hat 'hat I am the the priv privat ate e comp compla lain inan antt in Criminal Case No. 5526 entitled !eo"le o# $%e !%ili""ines &s. Fer'inan' Sa(asa() for Ra"e, pending trial before the Regional 'rial (ourt *. 'hat consideri considering ng the length of time I already already come come into reali+at reali+ation ion that I am no longer interested in the pursuit of the said case against accused Ferdinand acasac $ho in fact $ere friends of our family and $anted to continue the friendship that $e have . 'hat 'hat I am no$ desisti desisting ng in the further further prosec prosecuti ution on of the case and praying unto this onorable (ourt to immediately recommend the dismissal of the above-mentioned case /. 'hat I $as never never been coerce coerced, d, forced forced or intimidate intimidated d in signing this this a0davit of desistance and further prays for the dismissal of the above-mentioned case of $hich I am the private complainant. I1 2I'1# 2#R#3F, I have hereunto set my hand this &4 th day of 5anuary, *6&* at Ilagan,Isabela.
ESTRELLA BALDONADO Mother of the 9ictim !(RI#: 71: 23R1 to before me this &4 th day of 5anuary, *6&* at Ilagan, Isabela.
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