Sample Affidavit of Desistance

May 20, 2019 | Author: John Michael Babas | Category: N/A
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Sample Affidavit of Desistance...


Republic of the Philippi ppines Province of Isabela Municipality of of Il Ilagan ) x--------------------------------x

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AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE TWINKL KLE E BALD BALDON ONAD ADO O y TIRA TIRAO O , mino I, TWIN minor, r, Filip ilipin ino, o, sing single le and resid esiden entt of rgy rgy.. !pi, !pi, "amu "amu,, Isabe Isabela la,, assi assist sted ed by her her moth mother er #s #str trel ella la aldonado, after having been duly s$orn to accordance $ith la$, hereby depose and say% &. 'hat 'hat I am the the priv privat ate e comp compla lain inan antt in Criminal Case No. 5526 entitled !eo"le o# $%e !%ili""ines &s. Fer'inan' Sa(asa() for Ra"e, pending trial before the Regional 'rial (ourt *. 'hat consideri considering ng the length of time I already already come come into reali+at reali+ation ion that I am no longer interested in the pursuit of the said case against accused Ferdinand acasac $ho in fact $ere friends of our family and $anted to continue the friendship that $e have . 'hat 'hat I am no$ desisti desisting ng in the further further prosec prosecuti ution on of the case and praying unto this onorable (ourt to immediately recommend the dismissal of the above-mentioned case /. 'hat I $as never never been coerce coerced, d, forced forced or intimidate intimidated d in signing this this a0davit of desistance and further prays for the dismissal of the above-mentioned case of $hich I am the private complainant. I1 2I'1# 2#R#3F, I have hereunto set my hand this &4 th  day of   5anuary, *6&* at Ilagan,Isabela.

TWINKLE T. BALDONADO BALD ONADO   70ant89ictim 7I'#: ;%

ESTRELLA BALDONADO Mother of the 9ictim !(RI#: 71: 23R1 to before me this &4 th day of 5anuary, *6&* at Ilagan, Isabela.

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