Sample. Affid of Desistance. Prosecution

August 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines Republic Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE CITY PROSECUTOR Lingayen City, Province of Pangasinan --------------------------,   Complainant,    !versus!



"or# $uali%e& 'heft( )stafa( *rave Coercion

------------------------, Respon&ents. +!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+ AFFIDAVIT of DESISTANCE I , marrie&, "ilipino Citien, of legal age, an& a resi&ent of!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Philippines un&er oath &epose an& state that# -. I am the private complainant in I.S No. N o. !!!!!!!!!!against the Respondents Respondents /. 0fter careful &eliberation, I foun& that the case &oes not merit or 1arrant criminal prosecution as the in2uries an&(or &amage su3ere& 1as the result of a misun&erstan&ing an& 1ere able to settle an& come up 1ith 1it h a com compr promi omise se agreem agreement ent re relat lative ive to the abo above ve entitle& case for the &elivery of the 41ners Copy of the  'itle sub2ect matter of this case an& in turn my &elivery of my balance of Php. /5,555.55 processing fee to the respon&ents. 6. In vie1 of the foreg foregoing, oing, I am no longer intereste& intereste& in furt fu rthe herr prose osecu cutting ing the in ins sta tant nt cas ase e agai agains nstt the accuse& an& neither 1ill I appear an& testify against him in connection 1ith the instant case, even as I than7 the o8ce of the City Prosecutor for having acte& on my case 1ith &ispatch 9. 'hi 'his s a8&av a8&avit it is being being e+ecu e+ecute& te& by me, me, of my o1n free free 1ill 1ill an an& & voli voliti tion on fo forr the the purp purpos ose e of se see7 e7in ing g a


&ismissal of the against______________________ against ______________________



:. I have rea& an& un&erstoo& the foregoing statements an& I attest that the same are true an& correct to the best of my 7no1le&ge an& belief belief.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han&s th this     &ay of  , , /5-; in the City of , Philippines.

COMPAINANT A!"nt SU#SCRI#ED AND SWORN to before before me this  th &ay &a y of 0p 0pri rill /5 /5-; -; in the the Ci City ty of Li Ling ngay ayen en,, Panga angasi sina nan, n, Philip Philippines pines. FU RaTH THER CE CER R TI TIFY FY that t &I hav have per ally e+ami +amine ne& & . theI FUR a8 a8a nts ntsERan& am satis attha is%e %e& tha hate t person shesonall rea& ea &y, un&erstoo& an& voluntarily e+ecute& the foregoing a8&avit of Desistance.       

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