Same Sex Marriage

April 23, 2017 | Author: Vanessa Halili | Category: N/A
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SAME SEX MARRIAGE- ANTI FIRST STATEMENT Good day to every one of us! Good day, ladies and gentlemen. It wouldn’t be surprising for anyone of us today if I, as a member of the negative side, would use the Bible to argument with the same-sex marriage. It would actually be a bit a commonplace that, in these kinds of topics requiring moral arguments, the Bible is quoted. But, we cannot get away from the Bible since the Bible is one of the authorities of our morality in this Christian world. I’d like to remind you, not tell you because this is already a common knowledge to us all, that the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed by fire by God because people there are engaging into same-sex intercourse – sexual intercourse between the same sexes. (Genesis 19: 4 -5) This is a clear proof that God is against same-sex marriage.

1. As I have mentioned a while ago, the BIBLE is only one of the authorities of our morality. Another authority to our morality as citizens of the Philippines is our culture. For so long, we have observed and preserved the moral standard that marriage is between a male and a female. This culture of marrying only between a male and a female has caught our habitual obedience for many, many years and has defined to concrete sense our definition and perception of marriage.

2. I, as a Filipino, upon hearing the word MARRIAGE, form in my mind an image of a man and a woman. In fact, come to think of that even here in the Philippines, our very own country doesn’t allow this thing. How can you accept same sex marriage?

3. Ladies and gentlemen, another of the authorities of our morality is tradition. One of our traditions is that the husband will carry the wife from the doorstep to the bed after marriage. It gives me goose bumps to imagine a man carrying another man from the doorstep to the bedroom. More so, I don’t know who’s going to carry who.

4. Another tradition that we have in the Philippines is that the honouring officer shall declare after the marriage ―I now pronounce you husband and wife.‖ Too bad that after legalizing the same-sex marriage, a very disturbing declaration will be done between the husband and the husband or the wife and the wife. Let us not legalize same-sex marriage. It will pollute our society. Let us maintain the wall between our society and samesex marriage. Let’s pity the children of the next generation. 5. When you say ―there is nothing wrong‖ with homosexuality and bisexuality in society, then you must ask by who’s standards? Are you a Christian? If not then what guides your life’s decisions and where do you learn right from wrong? If you are a Christian then you are clearly ignoring the book that gives guidance and instruction in every side of the Christian life. 6. God’s laws were written for our good and not His. And I’m saying this to show all the non-biblical evidences of families torn apart by sexual immorality as well as biblical support. Adoptions should never go to families that don’t have the traditional model so that children can grow up with the most stable environment. 7. Not to mention 50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce. I don’t think that’s a good environment for a child. It will not change the meaning of marriage because you are entitled to your own as am I.

8. So are you implying that same-sex couples are perfect and don’t make mistakes like everyone else? 9. If the bible has no importance to you then naturally, anything about life, relationships with people and with God have no real meaning. Sin is the disobedience to God’s laws which are found in the bible and imprinted upon our minds and hearts. The bible lays out God’s will for mankind as well as showing us God’s love for us. If you reject His words found in the bible then basically you are choosing to live your life as you please without a care for God’s laws, so naturally who you love will have no boundaries. 10. Jesus Himself referred back to Genesis in the creation of Adam and Eve and even gave an admonishment for man not to break what God has put together. God didn’t put together at the beginning of creation male and male nor female and female. He put together male and female and there is NO WHERE in the bible that supports homosexual unions – but quite the opposite.

11. So when saying that a Christian isn’t properly representing the message of Jesus, it is very important that one knows what Jesus is speaking about a particular subject. He didn’t speak against homosexuality in this passage, but he made it very clear His definition of what marriage is – as it was in the beginning,

male and female…

12. Regarding civil marriage, what you don’t understand is that lawmakers make decisions based upon the Batasang Pambansa or Republic Act. Yes, other countries consider the same sex marriage as a right of an individual. But for religious countries and those who have faith in God believed that it must not be implemented. You can be married outside the country but for more logic explanation it would be choosing between your own happiness or believing in the words of God. 13. Separation of CHURCH and state – not separation of BELIEFS and state. If you truly study our constitution you will find that the phrase church and state aren’t even included within it. But that’s a different story. And the difference between me living out my lifestyle and you living out yours is the offense to God. One’s lifestyle isn’t while the other’s is. But since we are a democratic and not theocratic society, then it is the numbers that decide what will be. Marrying after name of God is different from the marriage by the law. 14. What about their children? You can’t talk about marriage without talking about children and parenting. You may have not asked my opinion but it was very important to inject children since even in many same sex marriages, children are also wanted. How can they have children if they have the same sex? 15. Not trying to scare you, oh wait a minute. Yes, I am. And if you know what God has put us on earth for, you would also know that obedience to Him is evidence of love for Him: Jesus Himself has said: ―If you love Me, keep My commandments.‖ (John 14:15) and ―You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.‖ (John 15:14)

16. No examples of God giving blessings to any union other than between a man and a woman. Friends of Jesus and those who love Him are going to respect marriage in the manner that God created it. But the fact that you don’t believe in what the bible says and are not a Christian, then what you believe makes sense. Those of us who believe in Christ and believe in His word, our minds are shaped by what is taught in the bible. The bible is strong in its definition of marriage: one man and one woman. 17 For us Filipino we accept of what kind of persons is she/he. But to be sure they must know their limitation especially in terms of God. 18. Their next argument is that marriage is a civil right and gays have to be treated equally. Well, marriage is an institution that society has set up between a man and a woman. It has always been defined as between a man and woman, and it has been considered the foundation of society because it is the nursery of the next generation. A family is consisting of three members. A mother who is a woman, father which is a man and children. Hence you need good marriages to have a strong future for your culture. However, it is not, and has never been a civil right. What gays are asking is to change the definition of marriage.

19. According to decades of research, the ideal family structure for children is a two-parent, mother-father family. That research consistently shows that children raised in such families are more likely to thrive—psychologically, mentally, and physically—than children reared in any other kind of family configuration.

20. True, there are heterosexual parents that are bad for their children, but for the IDEAL living situation for children, is with both biological parents. And most especially not with the same sex couple. Man and woman have different ways of teaching their child. The one who can be done by true couple is certainly cannot be done a hundred percent by same sex couple.

21. They can have children by means of Surrogating or so whatever they call that. So, what are you going to do if your children take it to the extent that they research the bible for answers to life and find that although their father teaches them morals, that the homosexual lifestyle is considered immoral in the bible? That there is not one instance where God is praising is giving acceptance to marriage with two men in the bible?

22. The only way that homosexuality can be taught as acceptable when discussing ―morality‖ is to discredit a belief in God and/or a belief in the bible. I haven’t met a homosexual yet who can ever say that the bible is God’s essential word to us. The challenge for you will be if your children ever pick up the bible and read it on their own – AND believe if Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour!

Last Statement You would have come across the section from doctor’s perspectives who give plenty of medical reasons why homosexuality’s unnatural sex causes a multitude of medical problems. And as far as natural population control, quite the opposite commandment of God telling mankind to ―be fruitful and multiply.‖ (Genesis 1:22). In Filipino word, ―Humayo kayo at magpakarami.‖ God is not too concerned in controlling the population, especially by any unnatural means. That’s why same sex marriage must not be allowed whatever happens.

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