Salts Form 4 Exercise

September 25, 2017 | Author: ManiArasiChandran | Category: N/A
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Chemistry Form 4...



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1 Which of the following statements best define the term ‘salt’? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah mentakrifkan istilah ‘garam’ dengan paling baik?

A Salt is formed when metal reacts with an alkali.

4 Which of the following salts can be prepared by using double decomposition method?

7 Which of the following reagents are suitable to prepare lead (II) sulphate salt?

Antara garam yang berikut, manakah boleh disediakan dengan kaedah pengoksidaan ganda dua?

Antara reagen yang berikut, manakah sesuai untuk menyediakan garam plumbum (II) sulfat?

Garam terbentuk apabila logam bertindak balas dengan suatu alkali.

A Silver chloride

B Salt contains sodium ions and chloride ions.

B Barium nitrate

Garam mengandungi ion natrium dan ion klorida.

C Salt is formed from a weak Van der Waals’ forces of attraction. Garam dibentuk daripada daya tarikan Van der Waals’ yang lemah.

D Salt is formed when the hydrogen ions in an acid is replaced by metal or ammonium ions. Garam terbentuk apabila ion hidrogen dalam suatu asid diganti oleh ion logam atau ion ammonia.

2 Which of the following reaction can produce sodium nitrate and water? Antara tindak balas yang berikut, manakah boleh menghasilkan natrium nitrat dan air?

A Sodium chloride solution and nitric acid. Larutan natrium klorida dan asid nitrik.

B Sodium sulphate solution and nitric acid. Larutan natrium sulfat dan asid nitrik.

C Sodium hydroxide solution and nitric acid. Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid nitrik.

D Sodium and dilute nitric acid. Natrium dan asid nitrik cair.

3 Which of the following is true about the soluble and insoluble salt? Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang garam larut dan garam tidak larut?

Soluble in water

Insoluble in water

Larut dalam air Tidak larut dalam air


Silver chloride Argentum klorida

Sodium carbonate Natrium karbonat

Plumbum (II) oksida dan asid sulfurik.

B Lead (II) carbonate and sulphuric acid.

Argentum klorida

Plumbum (II) karbonat dan asid sulfurik.

Barium nitrat

Ammonium Lead (II) sulphate sulphate Plumbum (II) sulfat

Ammonium sulfat

Natrium karbonat

D Lead (II) nitrate

Barium sulphate

Aluminium nitrate

Barium sulfat

Aluminium nitrat

5 Which of the following are the physical characteristics of salt crystal? Antara yang berikut, manakah ialah sifat-sifat fizik bagi hablur garam?

I They have similar size.

Lead (II) iodide Plumbum (II) iodida

Sodium hydroxide Natrium hidroksida

Plumbum (II) klorida dan natrium sulfat.

8 Diagram 1 shows the apparatus setup to prepare silver chloride. Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menyediakan argentum klorida.

Mempunyai saiz yang sama.

II They have fixed angle. Mempunyai sudut yang tetap.

III They have shapes.



Mempunyai bentuk geometri yang tetap.

IV They have flat surface, straight edges and sharp angles. Mempunyai permukaan yang rata, sisi yang lurus dan sudut yang tajam.

A I, II and III only I, II dan III sahaja

B I, II and IV only I, II dan IV sahaja

C I, III and IV only I, III dan IV sahaja

D II, III and IV only II, III dan IV sahaja

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

Which of the following is most suitable to react with HCl to prepare AgCl? Antara yang berikut, manakah paling sesuai untuk bertindak balas dengan HCl untuk menyediakan AgCl?

A Silver nitrate Argentum nitrat

B Silver oxide Argentum oksida

6 Which of the following substances can be used to prepare copper (II) chloride by reaction with hydrochloric acid? Antara bahan yang berikut, manakah boleh bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik untuk menyediakan kuprum (II) klorida?

I Copper (II) oxide Kuprum (II) oksida Kuprum (II) nitrat

III Copper (II) carbonate Kuprum (II) karbonat Kuprum (II) hidroksida

A I, II and III only I, II dan III sahaja

B I, II and IV only D

Plumbum (II) nitrat dan kalium sulfat.

D Lead (II) chloride and sodium sulphate.

Plumbum (II) nitrat

IV Copper (II) hydroxide C

C Lead (II) nitrate and potassium sulphate.

C Sodium carbonate

II Copper (II) nitrate B

A Lead (II) oxide and sulphuric acid.

I, II dan IV sahaja

C I, III and IV only I, III dan IV sahaja

D II, III and IV only

C Silver metal Logam argentum

D Silver Carbonate Argentum karbonat

9 Which of the following mixture will react to produce an aqueous zinc nitrate solution? Antara campuran yang berikut, manakah akan bertindak balas untuk menghasilkan larutan akueus zink nitrat?

I Zinc carbonate and dilute nitric acid. Zink karbonat dan asid nitrik cair.

II Zinc oxide and dilute nitric acid. Zink oksida dan asid nitrik cair.

III Zinc oxide and potassium nitrate solution. Zink oksida dan larutan kalium nitrat.

IV Zinc and aqueous sodium nitrate solution. Zink dan larutan akueus natrium nitrat.

A I and II only I dan II sahaja

C III and IV only III dan IV sahaja

B II and III only D I and IV only II dan III sahaja

I dan IV sahaja

II, III dan IV sahaja

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10 What substance can you use to verify the cation and anion in a sample of zinc sulphate salt solution? Apakah bahan yang boleh anda gunakan untuk mengesahkan kation dan anion dalam suatu sampel larutan garam zink sulfat?





A Nessler reagent

Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution.

Reagen Nessler

Asid nitrik cair dan larutan argentum nitrat.

B Nessler reagent

Dilute hydrochloric acid and barium Reagen Nessler chloride solution. Asid hidroklorik cair dan larutan barium klorida.

C Aqueous ammonia

Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution.

Akueus ammonia Asid nitrik cair dan larutan argentum nitrat.

D Aqueous ammonia

Dilute hydrochloric acid and barium Akueus ammonia chloride solution. Asid hidroklorik cair dan larutan barium klorida.

11 Diagram 2 shows neutralisation reaction between an acid and alkali. Rajah 2 menunjukkan tindak balas peneutralan antara satu asid dan alkali.


Cu + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2 What is the mass of the salt produced when 100 cm3 of 2 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid is used in the reaction? [Relative atomic mass: Cu = 64, Cl = 35.5, H = 1] Berapakah jisim garam yang dihasilkan apabila 100 cm3 asid hidroklorik, 2 mol dm–3 digunakan dalam tindak balas itu? [Jisim atom relatif: Cu = 64, Cl = 35.5, H = 1]

A 12.8 g B 13.5 g

C 17.9 g D 21.6 g

14 5.0 cm3 of zinc (II) nitrate solution requires 50 cm3 of 0.02 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid for complete reaction as the equation below: 5.0 cm3 larutan zink (II) nitrat memerlukan 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.02 mol dm–3 untuk tindak balas lengkap seperti persamaan di bawah:

Zn2+ (aq) + 2Cl– (aq) → ZnCl2 (s) Zn2+ (ak) + 2Cl– (ak) → ZnCl2 (p)

What is the molarity of the zinc (II) nitrate solution? Apakah kemolaran larutan zink (II) nitrat?


0.05 mol dm–3 0.10 mol dm–3 0.20 mol dm–3 0.50 mol dm–3

15 Which of the following is true about the use of salt? Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang kegunaan garam?





A Ammonium sulphate

Anti-acids Anti-asid

What is the volume of alkali needed to produce 0.745 g of salt? [Relative atomic mass: K = 39, H = 1, O = 16, Cl = 35.5] Berapakah isi padu alkali yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan 0.745 g garam? [Jisim atom relatif: K = 39, H = 1, O = 16, Cl = 35.5] 3

A 5 cm B 10 cm3


C 15 cm D 20 cm3

12 6.8 g of calcium carbonate reacts with 50 cm3 of 1 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid, HCl. Determine the mass of calcium carbonate that has not taken part in the reaction. [Relative atomic mass: Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16] 6.8 g kalsium karbonat bertindak balas dengan 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1 mol dm–3, HCl. Tentukan jisim kalsium karbonat yang tidak mengambil bahagian dalam tindak balas. [Jisim atom relatif: Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16]

A 2.5 g B 3.8 g

C 4.3 g D 5.5 g

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B Sodium chloride

Pengawet makanan

C Sodium nitrate Food flavouring Natrium nitrat

Perisa makanan

D Silver bromide Photography Argentum bromida

Aluminium oksida bertindak balas dengan asid sulfurik seperti yang berikut:

Al2 + 3H2SO4→ Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2O Al2 + 3H2SO4→ Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2O

If 5.1 g of aluminium oxide is used, which of the following is true about the solution of sulphuric acid? [Relative atomic mass: Al = 27, O = 16] Jika 5.1 g aluminium oksida digunakan, antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang larutan asid sulfurik itu? [Jisim atom relatif: Al = 27, O = 16]

A 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid. 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 1.0 mol dm–3.

B 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid. 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 2.0 mol dm–3.

C 50 cm3 of 3.0 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid. 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 3.0 mol dm–3.

D 50 cm3 of 4.0 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid. 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 4.0 mol dm–3.

18 Sodium carbonate solution is added into copper (II) nitrate solution in an experiment. What is the colour of the precipitate obtained? Larutan natrium karbonat ditambahkan ke dalam larutan kuprum (II) nitrat dalam satu eksperimen. Apakah warna mendakan yang diperoleh?

A Green Hijau

B Yellow Kuning

C White Putih Perang

Food preservative

Natrium klorida


D Brown

Ammonium sulfat

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

17 Aluminium oxide reacts sulphuric acid as follow:


16 Which of the following pairs of solutions will produce a white precipitate? Antara pasangan larutan yang berikut, manakah akan menghasilkan mendakan putih?

A Lead (II) nitrate and sodium chloride. Plumbum (II) nitrat dan natrium klorida.

B Magnesium nitrate and sodium sulphate. Magnesium nitrat dan natrium sulfat.

C Calcium nitrate chloride.



Kalsium nitrat dan natrium klorida.

D Barium sulphate chloride.



19 Which of the following ions is in white precipitate and insoluble in excess sodium hydroxide solution? Antara ion-ion yang berikut, manakah berbentuk mendakan putih dan tidak larut dalam larutan natrium hidroksida yang berlebihan?


Al3+ Pb2+ Zn2+ Mg2+

20 An aqueous iron (II) sulphate is added with aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous barium chloride. Which of the following is true about the observation of both the reaction? Satu akueus ferum (II) sulfat ditambahkan dengan akueus natrium hidroksida dan akueus barium klorida berasingan. Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang pemerhatian bagi kedua-dua tindak balas?

Barium sulfat dan natrium klorida. 57


Aqueous sodium hydroxide

Aqueous barium chloride

Akueus natrium hidroksida

Akueus barium klorida

A White precipitate Mendakan putih

B Green precipitate Mendakan hijau

C White precipitate Mendakan putih

D Yellow precipitate Mendakan kuning

Yellow precipitate Mendakan kuning

White precipitate Mendakan putih

Green precipitate Mendakan hijau

White precipitate Mendakan putih

21 Solution X is mixed with the following reagents. Larutan X bercampur dengan reagen yang berikut.

Dilute sulphuric acid. Asid sulfurik cair.

Iron (II) sulphate. Ferum (II) sulfat.

Concentrated sulphuric acid.

A I, II and III only

27 When lead (II) nitrate is heated, which of the following changes can be seen?

I, II dan III sahaja

B I, II and IV only I, II dan IV sahaja

Apabila plumbum (II) nitrat dipanaskan, antara perubahan yang berikut, manakah boleh diperhatikan?

C I, III and IV only I, III dan IV sahaja

D II, III and IV only

I Brown gas evolved.

II, III dan IV sahaja

Gas perang dibebaskan.

23 A few drops of ammonia solution is added to solution Y. Solution Y formed a white precipitate which dissolves in excess ammonia solution. Determine the ions in solution Y. Beberapa titis larutan ammonia ditambahkan ke dalam larutan Y. Larutan Y membentuk satu mendakan putih yang larut dalam larutan ammonia berlebihan. Tentukan ion dalam larutan Y. 2+


A Ca B Pb2+

C Al D Zn2+

24 Solid P is heated to produce a brown gas and a gas that relights a glowing wooden splinter. The residue of the reaction is yellow when hot and turns into white when cold. What is solid P?

II Gas that relights glowing wooden splint. Gas yang menyalakan kayu uji berbara.

III No charges for the colour of residue. Tiada perubahan warna bagi baki.

IV Colour of residue is yellow when hot. Baki adalah berwarna kuning apabila panas.

A I and II only II dan III sahaja

Ujian berikut dijalankan ke atas larutan X seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1.





Cincin perang terbentuk pada akhir tindak balas. Apakah larutan X?

A Lead (II) nitrate

A Barium chloride

B Calcium carbonate

Tambahkan larutan natrium hidroksida berlebihan.

Barium klorida

B Sodium nitrate Natrium nitrat

C Potassium sulphate Kalium sulfat

D Magnesium oxide Magnesium oksida

22 Diagram 3 is a chart which shows the reaction of substance X. Rajah 3 ialah satu carta yang menunjukkan tindak balas bagi bahan X.

Plumbum (II) nitrat Kalsium karbonat

C Magnesium carbonate Magnesium karbonat

D Zinc nitrate Zink nitrat

25 A few drops of sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution, is added to an aqueous solution. A green precipitate is formed. Which of the following may be present in the solution? Beberapa titik larutan natrium hidroksida, ditambahkan ke dalam suatu larutan akueus. Satu mendakan hijau terbentuk. Antara yang berikut, manakah mungkin hadir dalam larutan itu?

A Cu2+ B Fe2+

Diagram 3 Rajah 3

Which of the following is true about substances X, Y and Z? Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang bahan X, Y dan Z?

I X is a carbonate salt.

C Fe3+ D NH4+

26 A substance, P, dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a gas which turn lime water milky. When aqueous sodium hydroxide is added, a brown precipitate is formed. What is probably P? Satu bahan P larut dalam asid hidroklorik cair untuk menghasilkan gas yang mengeruhkan air kapur. Apabila akueus natrium hidroksida ditambah, satu mendakan perang terbentuk. Apakah kemungkinan P?

X ialah satu garam karbonat.

A Iron (III) carbonate

II Z contains copper (II) ions.

Ferum (III) karbonat

Z mengandungi ion kuprum (II).

III Z is a blue precipitate. Z ialah satu mendakan biru.

B Zinc carbonate Zink karbonat

C Magnesium carbonate

IV Y is charged to Z by precipitation.

Magnesium karbonat

Y dicas kepada Z dengan pemendakan.

D Lead (II) carbonate Plumbum (II) karbonat

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I dan IV sahaja

28 The following tests are conducted on solution X as shown in Table 1.

Add excess sodium hydroxide solution.

Brown ring is formed at the end of the reaction. What is the solution X?

III dan IV sahaja

B II and III only D I and IV only

Pepejal P dipanaskan untuk menghasilkan gas perang dan gas yang menyala kayu uji berbara semula. Baki tindak balas ialah kuning apabila panas dan menjadi putih apabila sejuk. Apakah pepejal P?

Asid sulfurik pekat.

C III and IV only

I dan II sahaja

Add excess ammonia solution.

White precipitate that does not dissolve in excess sodium hydroxide solution. Mendakan putih yang tidak larut dalam larutan natrium hidroksida berlebihan.

White precipitate is formed.

Mendakan putih Tambahkan larutan terbentuk. ammonia berlebihan.

Table 1 Jadual 1

Which of the following ions is present in solution X? Antara ion yang berikut, manakah hadir dalam larutan X?

A Ca2+ B Zn2+

C Mg2+ D Pb2+

29 The following information explains the properties of P. Maklumat berikut menjelaskan sifat-sifat P.

Insoluble. Tidak larut.

Liberates gas when heated. Membebaskan gas apabila dipanaskan.

When dilute acid is added, a gas will be liberated. Apabila asid cair ditambahkan, satu gas akan dibebaskan.

Which of the following is P? Antara yang berikut, manakah ialah P?

A Barium sulphate Barium sulfat

B Silver chloride Argentum klorida

C Magnesium oxide Magnesium oksida

D Lead (II) carbonate Plumbum (II) karbonat


30 Which of the following reagents can be used to differentiate dilute sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid?

I Sodium hydroxide solution

IV Iron (II) sulphate solution

Larutan natrium hidroksida

Larutan ferum (II) sulfat

II Barium nitrate solution

A I and II only

Larutan barium nitrat

Antara reagen yang berikut, manakah boleh digunakan untuk membezakan asid sulfurik cair dan asid hidroklorik?

C III and IV only

I dan II sahaja

III Silver nitrate solution

III dan IV sahaja

B II and III only D I and IV only

Larutan argentum nitrat

II dan III sahaja

I dan IV sahaja



1 Table 1 shows the positive and negative ions in three salt solutions.

(v) Calculate the mass of precipitate formed. [Relative atomic mass: Pb = 207, Cl = 35.5]

Jadual 1 menunjukkan ion positif dan ion negatif dalam tiga larutan garam.

Name of salt

Positive ion

Negative ion

Nama garam

Ion positif

Ion negatif



Lead (II) nitrate Plumbum (II) nitrat

Sodium chloride Natrium klorida

Barium carbonate Barium karbonat





Hitungkan jisim mendakan yang terbentuk. [Jisim atom relatif: Pb = 207, Cl = 35.5] ___________________________________________________ [2 marks / 2 markah]

2 Diagram 1 shows a series of tests performed on a colourless solution that consisting of one cation and two anions. Rajah 1 menunjukkan ujian bersiri yang dijalankan ke atas satu larutan tak berwarna yang mengandungi satu kation dan dua anion.

Table 1 Jadual 1

(a) What is another name for a negatively charged ion? Apakah nama lain bagi ion bercas negatif? ________________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(b) Write the formula for lead (II) nitrate.

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

Tuliskan formula untuk plumbum (II) nitrat.

(a) What is the gas produced in Test 1?

________________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

Apakah gas yang dihasilkan dalam Ujian 1? ________________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(c) When 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 sodium chloride solution is added to excess lead (II) nitrate, a precipitate is formed.

(b) Complete the table below.

Apabila 50 cm3 larutan natrium klorida 1.0 mol dm–3 ditambah ke dalam plumbum (II) nitrat berlebihan, satu mendakan terbentuk.

Lengkapkan jadual di bawah.

(i) What is the colour of the precipitate? Apakah warna mendakan?






___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

2 (ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction. 3

Tuliskan persamaan kimia untuk tindak balas itu. ___________________________________________________ [2 marks / 2 markah]

[3 marks / 3 markah] (c) A student is adding dilute sulphuric acid with zinc metal to produce crystaline Z.

(iii) Name the precipitate formed. Namakan mendakan terbentuk.

Seorang murid mencampurkan asid sulfurik cair dengan logam zink untuk menghasilkan hablur Z.

___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(i) Name the crystaline Z. Namakan hablur Z. ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(iv) Calculate the number of mole of sodium chloride in the solution. Hitungkan bilangan mol natrium klorida dalam larutan itu.

(ii) Write the equation for the reaction. Tuliskan persamaan untuk tindak balas itu ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

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(iii) Calculate the mass of crystaline Z if 50.0 cm3 of 0.02 mol dm–3 sulphuric acid is reacted with zinc metal. [Relative formula mass of Z = 161]

(c) Nitric acid is added to solid P to form a colourless solution Q. Asid nitrik ditambahkan ke dalam pepejal P untuk membentuk satu larutan tak berwarna Q.

Hitungkan jisim hablur Z jika 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.02 mol dm–3 bertindak balas dengan logam zink. [Jisim formula relatif bagi Z = 161] ___________________________________________________ [3 marks / 3 markah]

(i) What is the colourless solution Q? Apakah larutan tak berwarna Q? ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

3 Diagram 2 shows the chemical changes that occur on P.

(ii) What will happen when nitric acid is added to solid P?

Rajah 2 menunjukkan perubahan kimia yang berlaku di atas P.

Apakah akan terjadi apabila asid nitrik ditambahkan ke dalam pepejal P? ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(iii) What can be observed in S if excess ammonia, NH3 solution is added to solution Q? Apakah boleh diperhatikan dalam S jika larutan ammonia, NH3 berlebihan ditambahkan ke dalam larutan Q? ___________________________________________________ [2 marks / 2 markah]

(iv) When potassium iodide, KI is added to solution Q, it forms yellow precipitate T. Identify T.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

Apabila kalium iodida, KI ditambahkan ke dalam larutan Q, ia membentuk mendakan kuning T. Kenal pastikan T. ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(a) What is solid P? Apakah pepejal P? ________________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(v) Write the ionic equation for the reaction between solution Q and potassium iodide, KI.

(b) When solid P is heated, it decomposes to form solid R and carbon dioxide.

Tuliskan persamaan ion untuk tindakan balas antara larutan Q dan kalium iodida, KI. ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

Apabila pepejal P dipanaskan, ia terurai untuk membentuk pepejal R dan karbon dioksida.

(i) What is solid R? Apakah pepejal R? ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(vi) When T is heated in hot water, what can be observed? Apabila T dipanaskan dalam air panas, apakah boleh diperhatikan? ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) State the colour of R when it is cooled. Nyatakan warna R apabila sejuk. ___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]


4 The following are three examples of carbonate salts that can be prepared in the laboratory.

(ii) Give the suitable reactants for the preparation of zinc sulphate, ZnSO4.

Berikut ialah tiga contoh garam karbonat yang disediakan dalam makmal.

Berikan bahan tindak balas yang sesuai untuk menyediakan zink sulfat, ZnSO4. [2 marks / 2 markah]

Iron (II) sulphate, FeSO4 Ferum (II) sulfat, FeSO4

Barium sulphate, BaSO4

(b) An experiment is carried out in a laboratory. Explain the preparation method for preparing iron (II) sulphate.

Barium sulfat, BaSO4

Zinc sulphate, ZnSO4 Zink sulfat, ZnSO4


Satu eksperimen dijalankan dalam makmal. Terangkan kaedah penyediaan untuk menyediakan ferum (II) sulfat.

[10 marks / 10 markah]

(i) From these examples, identify the soluble and insoluble salts. Daripada contoh-contoh tersebut, kenal pastikan garam larut dan garam tak larut. [3 marks / 3 markah]

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(c) Diagram 3 shows the reaction and observation for salt X.

(i) What is gas Y? Write an equation for the reaction between salt X and dilute acid.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan tindak balas dan pemerhatian untuk garam X.

Apakah gas Y? Tuliskan persamaan untuk tindak balas antara garam X dan asid cair. [2 marks / 2 markah]

(ii) What is the observation in Z? Identify the ion presented in Z. Apakah pemerhatian dalam Z? Kenal pastikan ion yang hadir dalam Z. [3 marks / 3 markah]

Diagram 3 Rajah 3


– Lead (II) carbonate

5 (a) You are given a lead (II) carbonate salt. State a way to determine the cation and anion in lead (II) carbonate salt.

Plumbum (II) karbonat

– Sodium sulphate Natrium sulfat

Anda diberi garam plumbum (II) karbonat. Nyatakan satu cara untuk menentukan kation dan anion dalam garam plumbum (II) karbonat.

– Nitric acid Asid nitrik

[6 marks / 6 markah]

Describe and explain how to prepare the salt. Huraikan dan terangkan bagaimana menyediakan garam tersebut.

(b) You are require to prepare a dry lead (II) sulphate. The chemical supplied are:

[14 marks / 14 markah]

Anda diminta menyediakan plumbum (II) sulfat kering. Bahan kimia yang dibekalkan ialah:


1 An experiment was carried out to construct an ionic equation for the formation of barium chromate (VI) using the following steps: Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk membina persamaan ion bagi pembentukan barium kromat (VI) dengan langkah berikut:

● 5 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 potassium chromate (VI) solution was filled in eight test tubes. 5 cm3 larutan kalium kromat (VI) 1.0 mol dm–3 diisikan ke dalam lapan tabung uji.

● 1 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm–3 barium chloride solution was added to the test tube a using burette. 1 cm3 larutan barium klorida 1.0 mol dm–3 ditambahkan ke dalam tabung uji A dengan buret.

● Experiment is repeated for test tubes B, C, D, E, F, G and H using different volume of barium chloride as shown in Diagram 1.1. Eksperimen diulangkan bagi tabung uji B, C, D, E, F, G dan H dengan isi padu barium klorida yang berbeza seperti yang ditunjukkan di Rajah 1.1.

Diagram 1.1 Rajah 1.1

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After 30 minutes, the height of the precipitate in each test tube was recorded. Diagram 1.2 shows the reading of the height of the settled precipitate in each test tube. Selepas 30 minit, ketinggian mendakan di dalam setiap tabung uji dicatatkan. Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan bacaan ketinggian mendakan dalam setiap tabung uji.

Diagram 1.2 Rajah 1.2

(a) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

(f) Plot a graph of the height of the precipitate against the volume of barium chloride solution.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.

[3 marks / 3 markah] (b)

Plot graf bagi ketinggian mendakan melawan isi padu larutan barium klorida. [3 marks / 3 markah]

(i) Predict the colour of mixture solution in test tube H at the end of the experiment.

(g) From the graph in (f), determine the minimum volume of barium chloride solution required for complete reaction with 5 cm3 potassium chromate (VI) solution.

Ramalkan perubahan warna dalam larutan campuran dalam tabung uji H pada akhir eksperimen. [3 marks / 3 markah]

Daripada graf dalam (f), tentukan isi padu minimum larutan barium klorida yang diperlukan untuk lengkap tindak balas dengan 5 cm3 larutan kalium kromat (VI). [3 marks / 3 markah]

(ii) State one inference of your answer in (b) (i). Nyatakan satu inferens bagi jawapan anda di (b) (i).

[3 marks / 3 markah] (c) State the colour of precipitation formed.

(h) Explain why the height of precipitate of barium chromate (VI) remains constant from test tubes E to H.

Nyatakan warna mendakan yang terbentuk.

[3 marks / 3 markah]

Terangkan kenapa ketinggian mendakan barium kromat (VI) malar dari tabung uji E sampai H. [3 marks / 3 markah]

(d) Write the variables for this experiment. Tuliskan pemboleh ubah bagi eksperimen ini.

(i) Manipulated variable

(i) Calculate the number of moles of chromate (VI) ions that reacted with 1 mole of barium ions.

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan

(ii) Responding variable

Hitung bilangan mol ion kromat (VI) yang bertindak balas dengan 1 mol ion barium. [3 marks / 3 markah]

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas

(iii) Controlled variable Pemboleh ubah yang dimalarkan

[3 marks / 3 markah]

(j) Construct a balanced ionic equation for the formation of barium chromate (VI).

(e) Record the height of the precipitate in Diagram 1.2.

Binakan satu persamaan ion yang seimbang bagi pembentukan barium kromat (VI). [3 marks / 3 markah]

Catatkan ketinggian mendakan dalam Rajah 1.2.

[3 marks / 3 markah]

© Navision (M) Sdn. Bhd. (690640-P)



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