Salesforce Interview Questions
May 9, 2017 | Author: ankitnigam0606 | Category: N/A
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Salesforce Interview Questions 1.What is the difference between map and set in Salesforce collections. Map: A map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a single value. Keys can be any primitive data type, while values can be a primitive, sObject, collection type or an Apex object. For example, the following table represents a map of countries and currencies: Country (Key)
'United States' 'Japan' 'France' 'England' 'India'
Currency (Value) 'Dollar'
Similar to lists, map values can contain any collection, and can be nested within one another. For example, you can have a map of Integers to maps, which, in turn, map Strings to lists. A map can only contain up to five levels of nested collections inside it.
Set: A set is an unordered collection of primitives or sObjects that do not contain any duplicate elements. For example, the following table represents a set of String, that uses city names: 'San Francisco' 'New York' 'Paris' 'Tokyo' To declare a set, use the Set keyword followed by the primitive data type name within characters. For example: 2. Why Use Triggers? Triggers are used to perform immediate actions based on previous action e.g. field update. An apex language is used to write triggers Eg: Account merges 3. What are different types of Triggers?
There are two types of triggers a) Before trigger- is used before database operation b) After trigger-is used to access field values that are set by the database (such as a record's Id or lastUpdated field), and to affect changes in other records, such as logging into an audit table or firing asynchronous events with a queue. 4. Why Use Visual Force? Visual force is a Sales force UI markup language using visual force we can construct WebPages. In Sales force MVC architecture Visual force represents View. 5. How do you handle errors? Error handing is done directly displaying in Visual force page using Apex Pages methods to end users or displaying in debug logs. ?SearchType=Stem 6. What is a Component? In sales force component is a reusable piece of code developed using Visual force and Apex controller. 7.Tell me about a project with Salesforce in which you led the architecture that was not explicitly limited to the Salesforce infrastructure.
8.How long ago did you work on the above mentioned project?
9.Tell me about inner-department communications and your approach to communicating with nontechnical team members.
10.What measures have you taken to make your software products more easily maintainable? 11.What development processes have you used in your recent projects? Were any tools used to support these processes? If so can you name some of the advantages and short comings of the tool/ tools? 12.What is an junction object?.
13.What is the difference between master detail relationship and look up relationship. ? 14.How will you handle 10001 SOQL problem in apex?
15. Define and
16.Explain some examples for work-flow rules?
17.What is the use of future method? m 18.What is abstract class?. 19.Explain object oriented concepts in sales force how will you implement this? 20.How will you import and export data between two systems eg: SFDC and SQL?
21.What is appexchange?
22.Explain about cloud?.
23.Explain about validation rules in salesforce?.
24.What is the difference between roles and profiles?.
25.What is the difference between record level ,field level, object level security?
26.How will you use web services in sales
27.Can you explain about limitation why this limitation placed in sales force.
28.what is view state in sales force?.It there is any limitation after winter11? 29.What is the difference between Role and Profile? 30.How you handle part of page refresh using VF? 31.How you can define a trigger is executed successfully? 32.Explain about yours current project? 33.How do you rate yours self in apex,VF? 34.How you can deal with project dead lines? 35.How you can use external WSDL files in Sales force? 36.What is difference between rest full and soap API? 37.What is yours Strong point Sales force? 38.How you can with SQL injections in Sales force? 39.Can you explain test methods in salesforce? 40.How did you display error messages in salesforce? On VF Pages? Apex.Pages 41.Can you explain relationships in salesforce? 42.What are SOQL limitations? 43.How can bypass SOQL statement to fetch more 1000 records? 44.What job did you like more in your carrier? 45.Can you explain a scenario integrating login method to third party application. 46.Can you explain about SFDC controllers? 47.Can you explain about sales process? 48.What is a set in salesforce deployments? 49.How many ways you can invoke an work flow? 50.What are governor limits can you explain about it? 51.East Sales Team can't access west sales team data how do you configure it? 52.What is Role,Profile,Security? 53.I have an contact .It phone number field is empty how you can get phone number from an related account? 54.How do you handle SOQL problem in Trigger? 55.How you can access JQuery in VF page? 56.What is change set in salesforce?
57. What is transient variable in salesforce? 58.How you can measure trigger performance?
Visualforce Custom button As Salesforce has deprecated the sControl and hence there is more need to build the custom button using visualforce. We will go through to designing of custom button using Visualforce and apex code. Here I have given simple example Step - 1 : Create Apex class with logic which needs to execute on click on custom button.
public with sharing class CustomButtonExample { private final ApexPages.StandardController theController; public CustomButtonExample (ApexPages.StandardController controller) { theController = controller; } public PageReference doCheckLogic() { String theId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); try{ // do something } catch(Exception e){ } return theController.view().setRedirect(true); } } Step - 2 : Create Visualforce
Remember that the custom controller you build must be extensions in Visualforce page. Step - 3 : Create Custom Button Go to setup->App Setup-> Customize -> Custom Object -> Buttons and Links provide the parameters and select the Visualforce create from the list. Step - 4 : Put Custom button on page layout. You are done !! Posted by Dharmesh Gohil at 1:47 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Labels: apex, button, controller, custom button, salesforce, visualforce WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2010
Salesforce Interview Questions 1) How do you hide Header and Sidebar on Visualforce page? 2) What is difference between standard and custom controller? 3) What is Controller extension? 4) How do you read parameter in Visualforce page? 5) How many dependent drop down can be put on one Visualforce page?
6) What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on Visualforce attribute renderAs? 7) How to use actionPoller tag? 8) What is difference between actionFunction and actionSupport Tag ? 9) How can we check the object accessibility on visualforce page? -{!$ObjectType.MyCustomObject__c.accessible} 10) How many rows return by list controller? -10000 11) What is custom component? 12) What is assignTo attribute and what is its use?
Interview Questions for Salesforce Administrators Hi, Welcome Back. Is your company currently looking for a Salesforce Administrator? If yes, then you need to asked them correct questions so you get the right candidate and not someone you need to teach. A Salesforce Administrator should have knowledge of Validation Rules, Objects, Fields, Workflow Rules, User Profiles and General Knowledge. So I have prepared questions to ask interviewee about This may even help people who are going to the interview for a administrator position. Lets Start: 1. What is the difference between Lookup Relationship and Master-Detail Relationship? 2. True or False? If you were to delete a record that had a lookup to a child object, all child object records would get deleted as well. 3. Where is the view Account hierarchy link? 4. What does the Account Hierarchy tell or do? 5. Where can you make a field required?
I'm setting up different page layouts for different user profiles. As a system administrator, is there another way to see what the user sees instead of them granting log in access to you? 7. What type of Workflow Alerts are there? 8. Validation Rules, What are they use for in Salesforce? 9. What is Dataloader? 10. What is the difference between Profiles and Roles in 6.
Interview questions with answers Q1).What is the difference between Lookup Relationship and Master-Detail Relationship? Q2) True or False? If you were to delete a record that had a lookup to a child object, all child object records would get deleted as well. answer for above two questions. Lookup and master relations are use full for making relation between two objects(important point "not for
fields") manly three conditions are making difference in these relations lookup realation 1)In look up relation the field is not an mandatory, that means if we created lookup relation for any two objects that particular field should not contain red mark beside that. 2) you can change look value that means it is editable 3) If we delete parent its wont create any effect on child for example "department object" is an parent "employ" is an this case deleting of "department" can not create any effect on child. master relation this is completely opposite to the lookup relation. 1) its mandatory (you must fill it) 2)not editable (your value fixed ) 3) if you delete parent child details also move to trash
Q3) Where is the view Account hierarchy link? Q4)What does the Account Hierarchy tell or do? answer for above two questions "Account hierarchy link will appear in accounts" More information about this Before going to this we need to now what is account and what is contact? EXAMPLE: accer is providing laptops and tabs and I am having the company of ABC bank.My marketing manager called accer for 50 laptops and my HR manager called accer for 35 TABs. according to above condition ABC bank is the account and marketing manager and HR manager will come under contact. Account hierarchy show these two contacts under ABC bank link Q5) how to create field? Before going this we need to now,what are the types of objects and fields in basically we have two types of objects and fields
stranded objects ,stranded fields and custom fields, custom objects. A) For crating field in stranded object we need to click on particular object in "customize" setup> customize > account / contact > field > new B) For creating field in custom object we need to click on object at "create" setup > create > object > select the object > custom fields and relations > new 6)Where can you make a field required? In field creation we need to check on "field is mandatory".
7)I'm setting up different page layouts for different user profiles. As a system administrator, is there another way to see what the user sees instead of them granting log in access to you? As a admin you can see what are the things in his layout and edit the layout.but you can not see the exact view which is like an user view.
8)What type of Workflow Alerts are there? Basically work flow alerts are four types, those are Task:it is for making task to other user Email alert :it is the process to create email alert (example: wishing mail for birthday) Field updates: field updates are field value dependent activity out bound messages: out bound messages are for sending data to the end point
9)Validation Rules, What are they use for in Salesforce? Validation rules are very impotent one. its useful to create boundary for particular field. Example: I am having salary field in my employ object.if I enter -4000Rs it will take, but this is false activity. if I created "salary__c < 0 "as a validation rule it wont allow to take negative values.
10)What is Dataloader? dataloader is for integration.Mainly it is having 7 function buttons
Insert: it is for inserting data from external machine(file should be an CSV) Update:it is for updating existing record Upsert:it is having the function of insert and update Delete: its for deleting data(deleted files available in recycle bin) Hard delete: its for deleting but its not recoverable Export:its for taking out the data from our Export all: for all data extraction Note: its allow the files of comma separated value (.csv)
What is the difference between Profiles and Roles in Role is simple thing its just an name of designation.we can see in role hierarchy.
Profile is very important one all the functions dependent on profile.If we change the profile of an user, his functions will change completely 11) what are governor limits in gov limits are run-time limits which is enforced at the time of Apex runtime why Because Apex runs in a shared, multitenant environment the Apex runtime engine strictly enforces a number of limits to ensure that code does not monopolize shared resources types of limits that Apex enforces are a)Memory, b)Database resources, c)Number of script statements to avoid infinite loops, d)Number of records being processed 12) Difference between auto-response rules and work flow rules in fallowing ways it is showing difference .... WF: it is designed for Notifications to interested parties AR: for initial response to a particular case created persion WF: it runs when record is created or edited AR: it runs only when record created WF: it send many mails when ever criteria matches AR:Sends one email based on the first rule entry criteria it matches in a sequence of rule entries.
13)difference between sandbox and developer organisation ? sandbox is an test environment where we can test our code and everything or copy of your In SFDC we are having three type of sandboxes Configuration sandbox: 500Mb-Refresh once per day Developer sandbox: For coding and testing -10MB-Refresh once per day Full sandbox: no limit-refresh a full copy for every 29 days-in full sandbox we can make a copy of 180 days for object history. 14)types for relation in SFDC Lookup relation Master relation Many to May relation(junction creation) Hierarchy.
15)what is cross object formula creation It means creating relation between two field from two different object.For creating this object have to have lookup or mater relation.
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