Salesforce Interview Questions

May 9, 2017 | Author: కెవి సాయి | Category: N/A
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Salesforce Interview Questions...


Interview Questions 1. What is Apex? Ans: It is the technology of which is similar to Java programming with object oriented concepts and to write our own custom logic. 2. What is S-Control? Ans: S-Controls are completely based on Javascript. These S- Controls are deprec ated in 2007 because it is not supporting Apex Language properly. Now S-Controls are superseded by Visualforce now. 3. What is a Visualforce Page? Ans: Visualforce is the new markup language from salesforce, by using which, we can render the standard styles of salesforce. We can still use HTML here in Vis ualforce. Each visualforce tag always begins with apex namespace. All the design part can be determined by using Visualforce Markup Language and the business log ic can be written in custom controllers associated with the Page. 4. Will Visual force still supports the merge fields usage like S-control ? Ans: Yes. Just like S-Controls, Visualforce Pages support embedded merge fields, like the {!$User.FirstName} {!Account.Name} 5. Where to write Visualforce code? Ans: We can write the code basically in 3 ways. a. setup->App Setup->Develop->Pa ges and create new Visulaforce page. b. Setup -> My Personal Information -> Pers onal Information -> Edit check the checkbox development mode. When we run the pa ge like this, we will find the Page editor at the bottom of the page. we can write page as well as the controller cl ass associated with it, there itself. c. Using EclipseIDEwe can create the Visul aforce page and write the code. 6. What are Apex Governor Limits? Ans: Governor Limits are runtime limits enforced by the Apex runtime engine. Bec ause Apex runs in a shared, multitenant environment, the Apex runtime engine str ictly enforces a number of limits to ensure that code does not monopolize shared resources. Types of limits that Apex enforces are resources like memory, databa se resources, number of script statements to avoid infinite loops, and number of records being processed. If code exceeds a limit, the associated governor issue s a runtime exception. Interview Questions 7. What are the types of sandboxes and what is the difference? Ans: Salesforce gives us the ability to create multiple copies of organization i n separate environments for a variety of purposes, such as testing and training, without compromising the data and applications in Salesforce production organiz ation. These copies are called sandboxes and are nearly identical to Salesforce production organization Sandboxes are completely isolated from Salesforce production organization, so op erations we perform in sandboxes do not affect Salesforce production organizatio n, and vice versa. The sandbox types are: Configuration Only: Configuration-only sandboxes copy all of production organiza tion's reports, dashboards, price books, products, apps, and customizations unde r Your Name ->Setup, but exclude all of organization's standard and custom objec t records, documents, and attachments. Creating a configuration-only sandbox can decrease the time it takes to create or refresh a sandbox from several hours to just a few minutes, but it can only include up to 500 MB of data. We can refres h a configuration-only sandbox once per day. Developer Sandbox: Developer sandboxes are special configuration-only sandboxes intended for coding and testing by a single developer. Just like configuration-o nly sandboxes, developer sandboxes copy all application and configuration inform ation to the sandbox. Developer sandboxes are limited to 10 MB of test or sample data, which is enough for many development and testing tasks. We can refresh a developer sandbox once per day. Full: Full sandboxes copy entire production orga nization and all its data, including standard and custom object records, documen ts, and attachments. 8. How to schedule export or take the backup of salesforce?

Ans: Salesforce allows us to obtain a copy of all data using the data export fea ture. We can generate backup files manually once every six days or schedule the m to generate automatically at weekly or monthly intervals. The backup file wi ll come to us in the form a zip file that contains all of organization s data in a set of CSV (comma-separated values) files. If we do not see the data export fe ature, contact support to have the Data Export Service activated. The following path will tells us how to schedule the export Click Setup -> Dat a Management -> Data Export -> Schedule Export Note: 1. we have 48 hours from the time we are notified the backup is available to download the backup file. 2. The email notification for backups goes to the email address in Salesforce of the person logged in who schedules the backup Interview Questions 9. Do governor limits apply to sandbox instances? Ans: Governor Limits do apply to all Salesforce instances (trial, developer, and production or sandbox environments). However code coverage and successful execu tion of test classes is only enforced when deploying to a production environment . 10. What is difference in ISNULL and ISBLANK? Ans: Both Determines if an expression has a value and returns TRUE if it does no t. If it contains a value, this function returns FALSE ISBLANK (expression): The expression allows both number and text fields. Both number and text fields ISN ULL(expression): Here the expression allows only number fields. Only number fields 11. What is the difference between the Workflow and Approval Process? Ans: Workflow Rules and Approval Processes can be used together Workflow Rules Approval Processes Are triggered upon Save Are triggered only whe n a user clicks Submit for Approval button Consist of one set of criteria and acti ons Consist of multiple steps Have an entry criteria, step criteria and step ac tions Have Initial submission actions, rejection and approval actions and actio ns for each step Can be modified or deleted Some attributes can t be modified , pr ocesses must be deactivated before they can be deleted 12. When we can t add Time dependent action in Workflow rule? Ans: We can t add time-dependent actions to a rule if we choose Every time a record is created or edited evaluation rule criteria. 13. What are the types of email templates available in Ans: There are four kinds of Email Templates a. Text b. HTML with Letter Head c. Custom HTML d. Visualforce 14. What is Roll up summary field in Salesforce? Interview Questions Ans: A read-only field that displays the sum, minimum, or maximum value of a fie ld in a related list or the record count of all records listed in a related list . Thus, we can say that Roll up summary field can only be created on Master obje ct. 15. What are the Record Types? Ans: Record types used to display different picklistvalues and page layouts to d ifferent users based on their profiles 16. Have you implemented Record Types in your project? Ans: Yes, we have created Record Types and we have done Page Layout Assignment a lso 17. How to make the Record type as a default? Ans: By using the Profiles. Go to the particular profile and by using Record Typ e Settings we can make the Record Type as a default 18. What will happen if the Account is deleted? Ans:If the Account is deleted then Contact, Opportunity will also be deleted fro m Salesforce which are related to that Account. 19. How many types of the relationship fields available in Salesforce? Ans: There are four types of relationships in salesforce a. Master Detail b. Many to Many c. Lookup d. Hierarchical (It is available only on User Object)

20. What is Hierarchical Relationship? Does you ever used in your project? Ans:It is the relationship available on User object which allows users to click a lookup icon and select another user from a pop-up list. This type of relationship is a special lookup relationship available only for th e user object. It allows creating a Manager Field on the user object to relate a nother user. This relationship will acts as a Self relationships. 21. How to create many too many relationships between object? Interview Questions Ans: Create one custom object, which should have autonumber as unique identifica tion and create two Master - Detail relationships for this object. And this Obje ct is called as Junction object. 22. What is JUNCTION object? Ans:A Junction object is a Custom object with two Master-Detail relationships. U sing this custom junction object, we can model a many-to-many relationship between two objects. 23. Say If we created a junction object A with masters B and C? Suppose if we tr y to delete the records in C what happens to the child? Ans: Childs will also delete as per the properties of Master- Detail relationshi p. 24. In Which sequence Trigger and automation rules run in Ans: The following is the order salesforce logic is applied to a record. 1. Old record loaded from database 2. New record values overwrite old values 3. System Validation Rules 4. All Apex before triggers 5. Custom Validation Rules 6 . Record saved to database (but not committed) 7. All Apex after triggers (EE / UE only) 8. Assignment rules 9. Auto-response rules 10. Workflow rules 11. Escalat ion rules 12. Parent Rollup Summary Formula value updated (if present) 13. Datab ase commit 25. If one object in Salesforce have 2 triggers which runs before insert . Is there any way to control the sequence of execution of these triggers? Ans: has documented that trigger sequence cannot be predefined. A s a best practice create one trigger per object and use comment blocks to separa te different logic blocks. 26. How to delete the User from Salesforce? Ans: As per now, salesforce does not allow to delete any user, however we can de activate the user. 27. How to delete the user s data from Salesforce? Interview Questions Ans: To delete the Users Data go to Your Name -> Setup -> Administration Setup > Data Management -> Mass Delete Record, from there select the objects like Acco unt, Lead etc and in criteria select the users name and delete all records of th at user related to particular object. 28. How to restrict the user to see any record let s say opportunity? Ans: Set up opportunity sharing to be private in Organization Wide Defaults. If both users are admins or have view all permissions at profile level on opportun ity, then that overrides private sharing. 29. What is the difference between and trigger.old in Apex? Ans: : Returns a list of the sObject records which we are going to i nsert into database Note that this sObject list is only available in insert and update triggers, and the records can only be modified in before triggers Trigger .old: Returns a list of the sObject records which already there in database Note that this sObject list is only available in update and delete triggers. 30. How to restrict any Trigger to fire only once? Ans: Triggers can fire twice, once before workflows and once after workflows. Fo r this, add a static boolean variable to a class, and check its value within the affected triggers. 31. What is difference between WhoId and WhatId in the Data Model of Task? Ans: WhoID refers to people things. So that would be typically a Lead ID or a Co ntact ID WhatID refers to object type things. That would typically be an Account ID or an Opportunity ID

32. How to display error messages in the visualforcepage? Ans:In Apex use below code to create the error message for visualforce. Apexpages.addMessage(newApexPages.Message (ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Required f ields are missing. ')); In Visualforce page add below tag where we want to display the error message. 33. What is property in Apex? Explain with advantages. Interview Questions Ans: Apex mainly consists of the syntax from the well-known programming language Java.As a practice of encapsulation in java we declare any variable as private and then create the setters and getters for that variable. Private String name; Public void setName(String n) { Name=n; } Public String get Name() { Return name; } However, the Apex introduced the new concept of property from language C# as shown below: publicString name {get; set;} It has another advantage in number of lines of code limit by salesforce which will drastically reduced. 34. What is the controller extension? Ans: Any apex class having a public constructor with Custom Controller or Standa rd Controller object as a single argument is known as controller extension. 35. Explain the need or importance of the controller extension? Ans: Controller extension is very useful and important concept introduced by the salesforce recently. It gives the power to programmer to extend the functionali ty of existing custom controller or standard controller. A Visualforce can have a single Custom controller or standard controller but many controller extensions . We can say that the custom extension is the supporter of custom or standard co ntroller. 36. How to read the parameter value from the URL in Apex? Ans: Consider that the parameter name is Test . String Test = Apexpages.currentPage ().getParameters().get( Test ); 37. What is lookup relationship? Interview Questions Ans: It is the relationship which is used to connect the two objects Properties of Lookup Relationship: ? We can create upto 25 lookup Relationships ? Lookup can be create if records a lready exists ? If we deletes the Parent record, then the Childs will not be del eted ? Optional ? The OWD s cannot be inherited from the Parent object if we have lookup relationship between them ? Editable field 38. What is Master detail Relationship? Ans:It is the relationship which is used to connect the two objects Properties of Master-Detail Relationship: ? We can create upto2 Master-Detail Relationships ? Master- Detail Relationship cannot be created if records already exists ? If we deletes the Parent record, t hen the Childs will be deleted ? Mandatory ? The OWD s can be inherited from the P arent object if we have lookup relationship between them ? Read Only field 39. What is Master Detail relationship and look up relationship in Salesforce? W hat is the difference? Ans: The Master-Detail and Look up relationships are used to connect two objects . They are one to many relationships. The differences are: Lookup Relationship Master-Detail Relationship We can create 25 lookup relations hips for both standard and custom objects We can create 2 Master-Detail relatio nships for custom objects Lookup Relationship can be created if records already exists Master-Detail relationship cannot be created if records already exists If we deletes the parent record, then Childs will not be deleted If we delete the parent record, then childs will be deleted automatically Optional Mandatory The Ownership and the sharing of a child record are not determined by the parent The Ownership and the sharing of a detail record are determined by the Master Interview Questions record record Editable field Read Only field 40. Can we convert the lookup relationship to Master Detail relationship?

Ans: We can convert the lookup relationship to master detail relationship if and only if all the existing record has valid lookup field. 41. In How much ways we can invoke the Apex class? Ans: 1. Visualforce page 2. Trigger 3. Web Services 4. Email Services 42. Can we crea te Master Detail relationship on existing records? Ans: No, first we have to create the lookup relationship then populate the value on all existing record and then we have to convert it. 43. How validation rules executed? Is it page layout / Visualforce dependent? Ans: The validation rules run at the data model level, so they are not affected by the UI. Any record that is saved in Salesforce will run through the validatio n rules. 44. What is the difference between database.insert and insert? Ans: insert is the DML statement which is same as databse.insert. However, datab ase.insert gives more flexibility like rollback, default assignment rules etc. w e can achieve the database.insert behavior in insert by using the method setOpti ons(Database.DMLOptions) Important Difference: If we use the DML statement (inse rt), then in bulk operation if error occurs, the execution will stop and Apex co de throws an error which can be handled in try catch block. If DML database meth ods (Database. Insert) used, and then if error occurs the remaining records will be inserted / updated means partial DML operation will be done. 45. Other than SOQL and SOSL what is other way to get custom settings? Ans: Other than SOQL or SOSL, Custom settinghastheir own set of methods to acces s the record. For example: if there is custom setting of name ISO_Country, ISO_C ountry__c code = ISO_Country__c.getInstance( INDIA ); //To return a map of data sets defined for the custom object (all records in the custom object), //we would us e: Interview Questions MapmapCodes = ISO_Country__c.getAll(); // display the ISO code for India System.debug( ISO Code: +mapCodes.get( INDIA ).ISO_Code__c); //Alternat ively we can return the map as a list: ListlistCodes = tAll().values(); 46. What happen if child have two master records and one is deleted? Ans: Child record will be deleted. This question will mainly ask when they asked how to achieve many to many relationships. Then we can answer by using Junction Object and two master detail relationships. Then next question would be what wi ll happen if we delete one master record? 47. What is Difference in render, rerender and renderas attributes of visualforc e? Ans: render It works like display property of CSS. Used to show or hide element. r erender: If we want to refresh partial page in Visual force page we have to use rerender render as: By using this we can convert entire visual force into PDF,do c and excel. The syntax is Render as = pdf 48. What is Scheduler class in Apex? Ans: The Apex class which is programed to run at pre-defined interval. Class mus t implement schedulable interface and it contains method named execute(). There are two ways to invoke scheduler: 1. Using UI 2. Using System.schedule The classes which implements interface schedulable get the button texted with Sch edule , when user clicks on that button, new interface opens to schedule the class es which implements that interface. To see what happened to scheduled job, go to Monitoring | Scheduled jobs 49. Explain Permission sets? Ans:A permission set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various functions. The settings and permissions in permission sets ar e also found in profiles, but permission sets extend users functional access with out changing their profiles. A profile will have many users. If we change the permissions at profile level, t hen all the users associated with that profile will change. If we want extend th e permissions for only for particular users, and then we have to create permissi

on set and assign it to the user. Interview Questions 50. What is the difference between External ID and Unique ID? Ans:External ID field:This is a field that usually references an ID from another (external) system. Ex: For instance, if the customer has an Oracle Financials system that they will be linking with, it may be easier for them to be able to refer t o the Oracle ID of account records from within salesforce. So they would create an external ID in and they would load the Oracle ID into that fie ld for each account. They can then refer to that ID field, rather than the sales id. Note: 1. if we have an external ID field, the field becomes searchable in the si debar search. We also can use the upsert API call with the external ID to refer to records. 2. External Id available for Text, Number and Email field types. 3. External Id is used in upsert operations in the Data Loader ? If external id is not matched then a new record is created. ? If external id matched once then record will be updated. ? If external id is matched multiple times then error occurs. Unique ID field: This is a setting for the field that will prevent us from using the same value i n multiple records for the unique field. So if I create a 5 character text field and make it unique, and I create a recor d with the value 12345 i will not be able to create another record with that same value in the unique field. If i try to do so, I will get an error saying that th e value is already in use. 51. How to get the picklist value in Apex class? Ans:Using Dynamic apex, we can achieve this. On object of field type picklist, c all getDescribe(). Then call the getPicklistValues() method. Iterate over result and create a list and bind it to . 52. What is the Custom Controller? Custom Controller:A custom controller is a class written in Apex that implements all of a page's logic. If we use a custom controller, we can define new behavio rs, but we must also reimplement anyfunctionality that was already provided in a standard controller. 53. What are the types of controller in visual force? Ans:There are basically two types of Controller in Visual force page. 1. Standard Controller and Interview Questions 2. Custom Controller 3. Controller Extensions Controller definition:AVisualforce controller is a set of instructions that spec ify what happens when a user interacts with the components specifiedin associate d Visualforce markup, such as when a user clicks a button or link. Controllers also provide access to the data thatshould be displayed in a page, a nd can modify component behavior. Standard Controller:A standard controller consists of the same functionality and logic that is used for a standard Salesforce page. For example, if you use the standard Accounts controller, clicking a Save button in a Visualforce page resul ts in the same behavior as clicking Save on a standard Account edit page. Custom Controller:A custom controller is a class written in Apex that implements all of a page's logic. If we use a custom controller, we can define new navigation elements or behavior s, but we must also reimplementanyfunctionality that was already provided in a s tandard controller. Controller Extensions:A controller extension is a class written in Apex that add s to or overrides behavior in a standard or custom controller.Extensions allow u s to leverage the functionality of another controller while adding our own custo m logic. 54. How many Controllers can be used on single VF page? Ans: Only one controller can be used salesforce. Other than them, Controller ext ension can be used. There may be more than one Controller extention.

if the extension classes ExtOne and ExtTwo, both have the method getFoo() then t he method of ExtOne will be executed. A controller extension is any Apex class that contains a constructor that takes a single argument of type ApexPages.StandardController or CustomControllerName, where CustomControllerName is the name of a custom controller that we want to ex tend. 55. Explain System.runAs()? Ans: Generally, all Apex code runs in system mode, and the permissions and reco rd sharing of the current user are not taken into account. The system method, Sy stem.runAs(), lets us to write test methods that change user contexts to either an existing user or a new user. All of that user s record sharing is then applied. Interview Questions System.runAs(u) { // The following code runs as user 'u' Account a= new Accou nt(); a.Name= Test Account ; insert a; } 56. Explain Test.setPage()? Ans:It is used to set the context to current page, normally used for testing th e visual force controller. 57. What is the Custom Settings? Ans: custom setting that provides a reusable set of static data that can be acc essed across your organization. There are two types of custom settings. Custom settings are similar to custom objects and enable application developers to create custom sets of data, as well as create and associate custom data for a n organization, profile, or specific user. All custom settings data, which enabl es efficient access without the cost of repeated queries to the database. This d ata can then be used by formula fields, validation rules, Apex, and the Web serv ices API. 58. What are the Types of Custom Settings? Ans: There are two types of Custom Settings a. List Custom Settings b. Hier arc hy Custom Settings 59. Difference between SOSL and SOQL in Salesforce? Ans: SOQL SOSL Stands for "Salesforce object search language" Stands for "Salesforce object query language" SOQL retrieves the records from the database using SELECT k eyword SOSL retrieves the records from the database using FIND keyword Works on m ultiple objects at a same time. Need to write different SOQL for different objec t. Cannot used in Triggers. Can only be used in Apex class and anonymous block. Can be used in Apex class and Triggers. 60. How to round the double to two decimal places in Apex? Ans: Decimal d = 100 /3; Double ans = d.setScale(2) ; 61. In Profile settings, what is difference between Modify All Data and Modify All ? Interview Questions Ans:Modify All Data : Create, edit, and delete all organization data, regardles s of sharing settings. Modify All : Give All (Read, Create, Add, Delete) permiss ion to selected Object. 62. If i want record level access then what should i use from Salesforce securit y model? Ans: Manual Sharing (Enabling Sharing Button at the profile level) 63. If i want Object level accesses then what should i use from Salesforce secur ity model? Ans: Profile 64. In OWD (Organization wide Defaults), can i change the setting Grant Access Us ing Hierarchies for Standard Objects? Ans: We cannot change it for Standard Objects However for Custom Objects it s poss ible. 65. What is Mandatory while creating User, Role or Profile? Ans: It s Profile. 66. In case of Master-Detail relationship, on Update of master record can we upd ate the field of child record using workflow rule?

Ans: Yes, We can do it using Cross Object field updates 67. In case of Master-Detail relationship, on Update of child record can we upda te the field of Parent record using workflow rule? Ans: Yes, the Master fields are also available for Evaluation Criteria . 68. While setting OWD (Organization wide Defaults), can we change/modify the set ting of child record in case of Master-Detail relationship? Ans: No, Child record is controlled by the Parents setting. 69. What is the need of Custom Controller in Visualforce as everything can be done by the combination of Standard Controller + Extension class. Ans: Sharing setting is applied on standard object/extension by default; In case we don t want to apply sharing setting in code then Custom controller is only opt ion. It is possible that the functionality of page does not required any Standard obj ect or may require more than one standard object, then in that case Custom contr oller is required. Interview Questions 70. In class declaration if we don t write keyword with sharing then it runs in syst em mode then why keyword without sharing is introduced in apex? Ans: Lets take example, there is classA declared using with sharing and it calls c lassB method. classB is not declared with any keyword then by default with sharin g will be applied to that class because originating call is done through classA. To avoid this we have to explicitly define classB with keyword without sharing . 71. If user doesn t have any right on particular record and have only read level a ccess at object level. Can he change the record owner? Ans : Yes. In profile, there is setting for Transfer Record . 72. How to hide the App Setup and Administration Setup Menu from user s setup page? Ans: In Profile, remove access View Setup and Configuration . 73. While creating new profile for user, which existing profile should be copied ? Ans: If the new user is not System administrator then copy from Standard User prof ile. 74. Who can run reports? Ans: Users with permission Run Report and access to report folder can only run the report. 75. What is Difference between printable View and Export Details button on report? Ans: Printable View: formatting, grouping and subtotals are persisted. Export De tails: formatting, grouping and subtotals are lost. 76. Which permission is required to set the running user other than you in dashb oard? Ans: View All Data in profile. 77. Who can access drag and drop dashboard ? Ans: User with permission manage dashboard . 78. Which type of report can be used for dashboard components? Ans: Summary and Matrix report can be used to create dashboard components. 79. How many types of dashboard components are available? Ans: The following are the Data Components in the dashboards ? Horizontal Bar Ch art ? Vertical Bar Chart Interview Questions ? Line Chart ? Pie Chart ? Donut Chart ? Funnel Chart ? Gauge Chart ? Metric ? T able Note: The Components of the dashboard that use the Grand Totals is Metric and Gu age 80. Explain dynamic Dashboard. Ans: Dashboard which is running under current logged in user permission are know n as dynamic Dasboard . At the most 3 dynamic dashboards can be built This type of dashboard cannot be scheduled for refresh. IT must be scheduled man ually. 81. What is analytic Snapshot in salesforce? Ans: Analytic snapshot capture and store the data at pre decided intervals. It c

aptures data from report and saves in custom object as per schedule. It only sup ports tabular and summary report as a source report. It does not support matrix report. The field type in target object must be same as source report object fie ld. 82. Explain difference in COUNT() and COUNT(fieldname) in SOQL. Ans: COUNT() ? COUNT() must be the only element in the SELECT list. ? We can use COUNT() with a LIMIT clause. ? We can t use COUNT() with an ORDER BY clause. Use COUNT(fieldNa me) instead. ? We can t use COUNT() with a GROUP BY clause. Use COUNT(fieldName) i nstead. COUNT(fieldName): ? We can use COUNT(fieldName) with an ORDER BY clause. ? We can use COUNT(fieldN ame) with a GROUP BY clause. 83. How to write the Where clause in SOQL when GroupBy is used? Ans:We cannot use the Where clause with GroupBy instead we will need to use the Hav ing Clause . Interview Questions Ex: Get all the opportunity where more than one record exists with same name and name contains ABC . SELECT COUNT(Id) , Name FROM Opportunity GROUP BY Name Having COUNT(Id) > 1 AN D Name like '%ABC%' 84. How many ways we can make the field required? Ans: We can make the field required in the three ways: a. While creating a field. b. Using Validation rules c. Using Page Layouts 85. How to give the blank value as the field value to the record using Data Load er? Ans: Use the setting Insert Null Values in the Data Loader settings. 86. What is the Customer Portal and Partner Portal? Ans: Customer Portal: A Customer portal similar to a Self Service Portal in that it provides an online support channel for customers allowing the m to resolve their inquires without contacting a customer service representative . Partner Portal:Partner relationship management allows companies to maximize th e return on their channel investments and increase revenues by managing, trackin g, and forecasting business alongside their direct sales business. It also helps partners sell more effectively, close more business, and achieve greater profit s. This Partner Portal determines partners with Salesforce data can help sell mo re without spending more. A partner portal allows partner users to log in to Sal esforce through a separate website than non-partner users. Partner users can onl y see the data that we have made available to them. 87. What are the Governor Limits? Ans: Governor Limits are runtime limits enforced by the Apex runtime engine. Bec ause Apex runs in a shared, multitenant environment, the Apex runtime engine str ictly enforces a number of limits to ensure that code does not monopolize shared resources. Types of limits that Apex enforces are resources like memory, databa se resources, number of script statements to avoid infinite loops, and number of records being processed. If code exceeds a limit, the associated governor issue s a runtime exception. Total number of SOQL queries issued 200 Total number of records retrieved by SOQ L queries 50000 Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries 20 Interview Questions Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query 200 Total number of DML statements issued 150 88. What are the annotations in the Apex? Ans: An Apex annotation modifies the way a method or class is used, similar to a nnotations in Java. ? @Deprecated ? @Future ? @IsTest ? @ReadOnly ? @RemoteActio n 89. What is @isTest annotation? Ans:Use the isTest annotation to define classes or individual methods that only contain code used for testing your application. 90. How many controller extensions we can use in Visualforce Page?

Ans: Any number of controller extensions 91. What are the Collections? Ans: Collection is a group of similar data types. There are three types of colle ctions. ? Lists ? Maps ? Sets 92. What is difference between the Sets and Maps? Ans:A set is an unordered collection of primitives or sObjects that do not conta in any duplicate elements. A map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a single value. Keys can be any primitive data type, while values can be a primitive, sOb ject, collection type or an Apex object. 93. What are the data types we can give for the Key and Values in Maps? Ans: Keys Primary Data Types Values Primitive, sObject, Collection Type or an Ap ex object 94. What is the difference between the with sharing and without sharing keywords ? Interview Questions Ans: Use the with sharing keywords when declaring a class to enforce the sharing rules that apply to the current user. Use the without sharing keywords when declaring a class to ensure that the shari ng rules for the current user are not enforced 95. What is the difference between the Profile and Role? Ans:Profiles:A collection of settings and permissions that define how a user acc esses records. Profiles Control a user s permissions to perform different function s in Salesforce. A profile can have many users, but a user can have only one p rofile. Roles:Controls the level of visibility that users have to an organization's data 96. Can we create a user without assigning the profile? Ans: No, because while creating the user, selection of profile is mandatory thin g 97. What are the Assignment Rules? Ans: Assignment Rules are used to automate organization slead generation and suppo rt processes. Lead Assignment Rules specify how leads are assignedto users or queu es as they are created manually, captured from theweb, or imported via the lead import wizards. Case Assignment Rules Determine how cases are assignedto users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case. 98. What is Cross Object Formula? Ans:Cross-object formulas can reference merge fieldsfrom a master ( parent ) object if an object is on thedetail side of a master-detail relationship. We can refere nce fieldsfrom objects that are up to ten relationships We can able to insert re lated Object data into a formula 99. How to hide a Tab for an User Ans: By profiles we can hide a tab for a user Use Tab Hidden setting for tab hide 100. What is an External ID? Interview Questions Ans: External IDs are used when we interacting with an external systems. It will act as unique record identifier. We can define 3 external ID fields per object. These are the data types of fields ? Number ? Text ? Email 101. How to merge du plicates without going for Third Party tools? Ans:Click on the Tab and go to the Tools section, we can find the Merge option 102. How many ways we can do deployment? Ans: There are three ways to do deployment i. By using Change Sets ii. By using IDE tool(Eclipse) iii. By using Migration toolkit 103. What is the best practice you are using while coding? Ans: a. Bulkify your Code: Bulkifying Apex code refers to the concept of making sure the code properly handles more than one record at a time. When we try to load th e bulk of the records using the Data Loader, then we make sure that code will sa

tisfy. b. Avoid SOQL Queries inside FOR Loops: When queries are placed inside a for loop, a query is executed on each iteration and the governor limit is easily reached. Instead, Click on MergeAccounts Interview Questions move the SOQL query outside of the for loop and retrieve all the necessary data in a single query. c. Avoid Multiple Triggers on the Same Object: Write the Sing le trigger on the each object and write the logic in the classes and call that c lasses in the triggers. d. Use of the Limits Apex Methods to Avoid Hitting Gover nor Limits e. Avoid Hardcoding IDs 104. What is the MVC design pattern in Ans: Model view controller (MVC) design pattern is the one of the most popular d esign pattern which contains three modules. a. Model b. View c. Controller Model: What schema and data does salesforce uses to represent the system complet ely. In salesforce, we can say that sObjects are the model. Ex: Sobjects, Apex C lasses View: How the schema and data is represented. Visualforce is used to present the data to users. Ex: Pages, Components Controller: How the interface actions. Controllers are used to perform the actio ns whenever users interact with Visualforce. Ex: Standard, Custom (Apex) 105. How many records we can display in the particular report? Ans: We can display only 2000 records for a report. If we want to see more than 2000 records, then we can export in excel or .csv fi le. 106. How to call method in the VF page? Ans: We have a attribute called action in the tag in the VF page. 107. How much code coverage we can do for a Test Classes? Ans: 75% 108. What Is the Formula Field? Ans:A read-only field that derives its value from a formula expression which we define. The formula field is updated when any of the source fields change Interview Questions 109. Mention the names of standard Controllers? Ans:Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads etc (all standard and custom objects) 110. What are the actions in the Workflow? Ans: a. Task b. Email Alert c. Field Update d. Outbound Messages 111. What is the Val idation rule? Ans: Validation Rules verify that the data a user enters in a record meets the s tandards we specify before the user can save the record Validation rule also includes the error message to display to the user when the rule returns a value of true due to an invalid value 112. If we don t have 75% code coverage, can we move it from one sandbox to anothe r sandbox? Ans:Yes, we can move a class from one sandbox to another sandbox. But if we want to move a class from sandbox to production environment we need to ha ve a Test Class with a minimum of code coverage should be 75% 113. Can we have d uplicates in the External ID? Ans: No 114. Which method in custom settings returns list of records? Ans:getAll() 115. What are the context variables in Triggers?, Trigger.old Tr igger.NewMap, Trigger.OldMap Trigger.isInsert, Trigger.isUpdate, Trigger.isDelet e, Trigger.isBefore, Trigger.isAfter, Trigger.isUndelete 116. What is the Bulk Triggers? Ans:All the triggers are bulk triggers by default, and can process multiple reco rds at a time. We should always paln on processing more than one record at a tim e.

Interview Questions 117. What is the difference between giving with sharing and without sharing whil e creating a class? Ans: The class with sharing means we are enabling the access to the profiles The class without sharing means we are disabling the access to the profiles. 118. Can we put list in the Map? Ans: Yes, we can put list in the Map. Please find the code below MapMapList=New Map(); 119. What are the different types of the trigger events? Ans: An event in a trigger refers to a situation when the trigger gets fired. Be fore Insert: Before inserting the record into the database, the trigger will be fired. Before Update: Before updating a record which is fetched from database, t he trigger will be fired. Before Delete: Before deleting the record, trigger wil l be fired. After Insert: After inserting a newly entered record into database, the trigger will be fired. After Update: After modifying the record and once it is saved to database, the trigger will be fired. After Delete: After deleting a record, if user needs to perform any action, he can fire the trigger using this after delete event After Undelete: Once the record gets deleted, it will be sent to recycle bin. So, a trigger can be fired when user is moving back from recycl e bin to its respective object and the transaction is done. 120. What are the types of Triggers? Ans: There are two types of triggers. ? Bulk Triggers ? Recursive Trigger Recursive Trigger:A Trigger that creates a new record as part of its processing logic; however, that record may then cause another trigger to fire, which in tur n causes another to fire, and so on. 121. What is difference between Trigger and Workflow? Ans: Workflow: Inbuilt functionality, used on single object Trigger: Used for co mplex business process in which multiple Objects can handle. Ex: Using Workflow , Based on the criteria we mentioned on the parent record, we can do field updat e on the parent only but not on child object Interview Questions Using Triggers, Based on the criteria we mentioned on the parent record, we can do field update on child also 122. How many characters we can enter in the formula field? What will happen if we exceed the characters limit? Ans: we can enter upto 3900 characters in the fo rmula field. If we exceed the limit, then it will give the compilation error. 123. Can we include one formula field with in another formula field? What about the size? Ans: Yes, we can include one formula field with in another formula field. It wil l calculate the formula field characters which we included in formula field. 124. What is the actionFunction in the Visualforce pages? Ans: :A component that provides support for invoking contro ller action methods directly from JavaScript code using an AJAX request. An component must be a child of an component. Notes: : This component Is used for displaying different val ues depending on whether it s in progress or completed. : A co mponent that adds AJAX support to another component, allowing the component to b e refreshed asynchronously by the server when a particular event occurs, such as a button click or mouseover. : This componentspecifies a tim er that sends an Ajax update request to according to a time interval t hat we specify. 125. What are the operations we can do using Data Loader? Ans: a. Insert b. Update c. Upsert d. Delete e. Export 126. What is the maximum siz e of the PDF generated on Visualforce attribute renderAs? Ans: The maximum response size when creating a PDF must be below 15 MB, before b eing rendered as a PDF. 127. What is difference between the and Interview Questions Ans: is the platform used to develop the applications in the salesforc

e is keyword used to search anything. 128. What is the difference between Data Loader and Import Wizard? Ans: Data Loader Import Wizard It supports all the Standard Objects and Custom Object s It Supports Accounts/Contacts, Leads, Solutions and Custom Objects Supports upto 1 million records Supports upto 50,000 records Duplicates will be allowed Duplicates will not be allowed Have Batch Size Don t h ave any batch size 129. What are the OWD s? Ans: OWD s is used for restrict the access.Organization-wide default sharing setti ngs give a baseline level of access for each object and enable you to extend tha t level of access using hierarchies 130. What is sharing rules? Ans: Sharing rules represent the exceptions to organization-wide default setting s. Using sharing rules we can extend the access for the records. 131. At profile level what are the permissions we must give for OWD s does not wor k? Ans: View All and Modify All permissions 132. What are Escalation Rules? Ans: Escalation rules allow us to define automated actions when cases with spec ific criteria are open after a specified period of time. They can help us to ide ntify when cases have fallen outside of an intended service level. When escalat ing a case, we can choose to automatically notify a user, reassign the case to a nother user or queue, or both. Note: we can create Escalation Rules for only Case s object. 133. What is Email to Case conversion? Ans: can automatically create a case when an email is sent to one of your company's email addresses, such as [email protected]. This Email-to-C ase functionality auto-populates case fields from the content of each email. For example, an email subject heading becomes a case subject. Email-to-Case or On-De mand Email-to-Case to efficiently resolve and correspond with customer inquiries via email. Interview Questions 134. What is a workflow? Ans: Workflow rules allow us to automate the business processes for organization . 135. What is Email Template? How to design Email Template? Ans: Email Templates determines the content of email which we will used to send through Email Alert action. There are four kinds of Email Templates: i. Text ii. HTML iii. Custom iv. Visualforce 136. When a workflow fires? Ans: Workflows will contain Evaluation Criteria and Rule Criteria, Whenever the Rule Criteria is true, then workflow rule will fire and it will occur actions th at are associated with that workflow. 137. What is an Approval Process? Ans: An approval process is an automated process that organization can use to ap prove records in Salesforce. An approval process specifies the steps necessary f or a record to be approved and who must approve it at each approval step. Interview Questions An approval process also specifies the actions to take when a record is approved , rejected, recalled, or first submitted for approval. The Approval Process determines the delegated approver, if necessary. And it als o determines if users can edit records that are awaiting approval. The Approval Process decides if records should be auto-approved or rejected. 138. What are the two different ways to create a workflow? Ans:There are two ways to create a workflow: a. Use Jump Start Wizard b. Use Standard Setup Wizard 139. What is a Time Dependent Workflow? Ans: In this kind of workflow rules, the actions that queue when a record match

es the criteria, and execute according to time triggers. 140. What are types of Workflow rules and what is the difference? Ans: There are two types of workflow rules. a. Immediate workflow rules b. Time Dependent Workflow rules In Immediate kind of workflows, the workflow actions will execute immediately wh enever a record meets the conditions specified in the workflow rule Ex: can automatically send an email that notifies the users when a new account is created with status = Invalidated immediately In Time Dependent workflow rules, the actions that queue when a record matches t he criteria, and execute according to time triggers. Ex: can automatically send an email reminder to the account team of a high value opportunity is still open for ten days before the close date. 141. What are Tab Settings at Profile level? Ans:There are three types of TAB Settings Tab Hidden: The setting which is used to hidden the tab without an option to the user to turn the tab back on. Interview Questions Default OFF: The setting used for a tab not to appear on the tab panel but still allowing a user to access it by click on + sign on the tab panel Default ON: Use this setting for a tab to be displayed on the Tab Panel. 142. What are the types of Tabs? What is the Difference between them? Ans: There are three types of tabs: Custom Object Tabs: A custom tab is a user interface component that we create to display custom obje ct data. Web Tabs: Display any external web based application or web page in a user interface tab Visualforce Tabs: It allows us to embed Visualforce Pages 143. What is LEAD conversion? Ans:Lead qualification depends on business process and should have beendeveloped in conjunction with both the marketing and sales team. During lead conversion, new records are created for Account, Contact and Opportu nity objects where the account record name field will contain the Company Name f ieldvalue from the lead, and the contact record name field will be populated fro m theName field within the lead record. Opportunities which are created upon lead conversion contain default values for the required fields, where the Close Date defaults to the last day of the curren t quarterand the Sales Stage is set to the first value in the Stage picklist. To convert a lead, select the lead that is to be converted either by clicking on the Lead tab and selecting from the list view or by searching and then clicking on Convert button onthe lead detail page as shown next: Interview Questions The lead conversion screen will be displayed where we can check the owner of the new records. Here we can choose to send the record owner an automated notificati one-mail. We can also set the status of the converted lead and also specify that a newtask is created for the record owner to act as a follow-up task as shown n ext: Before creating any new account or contact records, the Salesforce CRM applicati on attempts to match existing account and contact names and the name of the lead . Where there is a match, we will have the option of selecting the existing reco rds. Click on Convert button. 144. What happens to a lead when it is converted? Ans: When the Lead is converted, the Account, Contact and Opportunity (Optional) will be created automatically by taking the values from the lead record. 145. What is custom object? Ans:Custom Objects provide a structure for storing data.Custom objects are datab ase tables that allow us to store data specific to organization in m. We can use custom objects to extend functionality or to build

new application functionality. Click on Convert button here Interview Questions 146. What are the different fields Created by default while creating an object? Ans: By default for every custom object, four fields are created, those are: ? C reated By ? Last Modified By ? Owner ? Record Name Note: Created By, Last Modified By fields are used for audit fields and they are also called as System fields 147. What is the difference between custom object and standard object? Ans:The objects provided by are called standard objects. The ob jects which we have created to extend the functionality are called custom object s. Standard Objects Custom Objects We cannot edit the standard objects We can edit the custom objects We cannot delete the standard objects We can delete the custo m objects They don t have API Name They have API Name 148. What is a Profile? Ans:A profile is a collection of settings and permissions that we define to acce ss the records. Profile controls a user s permissions to perform different functio ns in salesforce. A profile can have many users, but a user can have only one pr ofile. 149. What is Role? Ans: A Role controls the level of visibility of the data. 150. What does Profile Controls? Ans: Profile controls the following: ? Tabs ? Custom Apps ? Page Layouts ? Record Types ? Field Level Security ? Logi n Hours and IP Interview Questions ? Administrative, General and Object Permissions 151. What are the different Standard Profiles in Salesforce? Ans:There are six (6) standard profiles: ? System Administrator ? Standard User ? Solution Manager ? Marketing User ? Con tract Manager ? Read Only 152. What is a Pagelayout? Ans:A Page layout determines how detail and edit pages are organized (field loca tions). Page layouts are responsible for customizing page sections and which fie lds, related lists and custom links are in a user s view. 153. What does a Pagelayout controls? Ans:Pagelayouts controls the following: Fields view Sections Related lists Buttons Column heads in the rel ated lists Custom links Visualforce Pages 154. What is a Report? Ans: A report returns a set of records that meets certain criteria and displays it in organized rows and columns. Report data can be filtered, grouped and displ ayed graphically as a chart. We must have Read permission on the records included in reports, otherwise when we run them, they may be missing data or appear blank. 155. How many types of reports we can create? Ans: There are four types of reports Interview Questions a. Tabular Report ----It provides a simple listing of data without subtotals b. Summary Report ----It provides a listing of data like a tabular report plus sor ting (grouping) and subtotaling of data. c. Matrix Report ----It provides a tota ls for both rows and columns d. Joined Reports ---- A joined report can contain data from multiple standard or custom report types. We can add report types to a joined report if they have relationships with the same object or objects. 156. What are the different types of charts that can be added for a report? Ans: There are different types of charts that we can add for a report: a. Horizontal Bar Chart b. Vertical Bar Chart c. Line Chart d. Pie Chart e. Donu t Chart f. Funnel Chart g. Scatter Chart 157. What is a Summary Report?

Ans: Summary Report provides a listing of data like a tabular report plus sortin g (grouping) and subtotaling of data. Summary reports can be used to get subtotals based on the value of a particular field 158. Can a single Report be shared? If so how? Ans: We can give the report access to the users through the report folder. Repor t sharing can be done by creating a report folder and add the reports to the fol der which we want to give access 159. What is Dashboard? Ans: A Dashboard shows the data from source reports(Summary reports, Matrix repo rts) as visual components, which can be charts, gauges, tables, metrics or visua l force pages Each dashboard can have upto 20 components. Administrators control access to dashboards by storing them in folders with cert ain visibility settings. If we have access to a folder, we can view its dashboard. 160. Can we delete a junction object? Interview Questions Ans: Yes, We can delete the Junction Object 161. Generally for a developer which profile is given? Ans: System Administrator Profile 162. Can we assign many Profiles for a single User? we can assign only one profile for a single user. Ans: No 163. Can a User be created without a role? Ans: Yes We can create a user without assigning a role. 164. Can a user be created without a profile? Ans: No- we cannot create a user without assigning a profile. 165. What is Report Types? Ans: Custom report types allow us to build a framework in the report wizard, fro m which users can create and customize reports. We can build custom report types off of the relationships (master-detail and lookup) between objects so that we can: ? Choose which standard and custom objects to display to users creating and cust omizing reports ? Define the relationships between objects displayed to users c reating and customizing reports ? Select which objects' fields can be used as c olumns in reports. 166. What is a Package and what are the types of Package? Ans: Packages are a collection of components and applications that are made available to other organizations through the AppExchange. There are two types of packages: a. Managed Package b. Unmanaged Package A managed package is a collection of application components that are posted as a unit on AppExchange, and are associated with a namespace and a License Manageme nt Organization. To support upgrades, a package must be managed.To support upgra des, a package must be managed. An organization can create a single managed pack age that can be downloaded Interview Questions andinstalled by many different organizations.Managed packages differ from unmana ged packages by having some locked components, allowing the managed package to b e upgraded later. Unmanaged packages do not include locked components and cannot be upgraded. 167. What is the format of the file identified in DATALOADER? Ans: The Data Loader will support only .csv file because of its size is less tha n .xlsx file. 168. What are log files in Data Loader? Ans: Log files are error and success files that are generated automatically in d ata loader for the following operations: a. Insert b. Update c. Upsert d. Delete Note:The log files cannot be generated automatically for the ata Loader.


operation in D

169. What is the difference between Task and Event? Ans: Task: Represents a business activity such as making a phone call or other to -do items. In the user interface, task and Event records are collectively referre d to as activities. Event: Represents a calendar appointment event 170. What is Developer Console or Anonymous block? Ans: An anonymous block is Apex code that does not get stored in the metadata, b ut that can be compiled and executed using the Developer Console. 171. How can we avoid the Governer Limitations? Ans: By using Batch Apex 172. What is PAGINATION? Ans: Pagination is the getting Previous and Next Links to move into previous and next pages. 173. What is Batch Apex? Whenwe go for the batch APEX? Interview Questions Ans: Batch Apexis used to build complex, long-running processes on the platform. We can go for the batch apex when we face any Governor Limits. 174. Can we make a field mandatory in a Visualforce Page? Ans: Yes, we can make the field required by using the Required attribute 175. What is the difference between PAGEBLOCK TABLE and a DATA TABLE? Ans: : A list of data displayed as a table within either an or component, similar to a related list or list view in a standard Salesforce page. : It will also displays the data as a table, but look and feel w ill be different. General Questions: 1. What is CLOUD COMPUTING? Ans: Cloud computing is the concept of accessing infrastructure, platform and so ftware as a service over the internet by paying the each use of the IT service. Cloud computing is a crowd/group of unknown resources that are giving for a s pecial purpose to the user. 2. How Cloud Computing is suitable for your organization? Ans: We have several Advantages using the cloud computing: It reduces the cost Increased Storage Flexibility? No need to ins tall any software and no need to buy any licenses. We can access from any loca tion Low maintenance and Low Cost Salesforce adds extra features for every release. 3. What does Salesforce provide you? (Different services provided by Salesforce. ) Ans: There are three types of Services that are provided by Cloud: a. IAAS (Infr astructure as a Service): Accessing Infrastructure such as Application server, s torage server over the internet is called IAAS. b. PAAS (Platform as a Service): It is the concept of accessing a platform such as any programming language on wh ich an application is built. c. SAAS (Software as a Service):It is the concept o f accessing a software application over the internet is called SAAS. Interview Questions 4. What is Ans: is the platform which is provided by the Salesforce used to devel op the application 5. What is AGILE methodology? Ans: It is a process of moving development into Production for every two weeks.W e will update everyone tasks by themselves in the Scrum call (not more than 10 m in call) which will run by Scrum Master 6. What are the different Editions of Salesforce? Ans: a. Contact Manager b. Group Edition c. Professional d. Enterprise e. Unlimited 7. Which edition do you use in your organization? Ans: Unlimited Edition Note: The client will choose the type of edition based on his business. 8. What are the standard objects in Salesforce?

Ans: The Salesforce provides the following objects, so they are called Standard Objects a. Accounts b. Contacts c. Opportunities d. Leads e. Cases f. Solutions g. Campaigns h. Products i. Forecasts j. Contracts k. Users l. Reports m. Dashb oards 9. What are the Standard Applications Provided by Salesforce? Interview Questions Ans: The following applications provides by the salesforce a. Marketing b. Sales c. Call Center d. Community 10. Who are leads? Ans: A Lead is any person, Organization or company that may be interested in our products. Sometimes leads are preferred to as products or suspects. Leads are n ot yet Customers. 11. What is a Campaign? Ans: A Campaign is any marketing project that we want to plan, manage and track in salesforce 12. What is an Opportunity? Ans: An Opportunity is any potential revenue-generated event (Sales deal) that w e want to track insalesforce 13. What is an App? Ans: An application is a logical container for all of the objects, tabs, process es and services associated with a given business function. An Application is group of tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality 14. What is a standard field created automatically by when we create a object? W hat are different options available while creating a standard field for a object ? Ans: The field Record Name will be created automatically while creating an object. The options are: Text Auto Number Questions on Navigations: 15. How to create acustom app? Ans: Path for creating custom app: Your Name ? Setup ? App Setup ? Cre ate? Click on Tabs Interview Questions 16. Creating a Custom Object? Ans: Path for creating a Custom Object: Your Name? Setup?App Setup? Cre ate?Click on Objects 17. Creating the fields. Ans: Path for creating for both standard and custom objects For Standard Objects: Your Name?Setup?App Setup? Customize? Select the standard object? Click on Fields ?Go to the Custom Fields & Relationships section ?Click on New button For Custom Objects: Your Name?Setup?App Setup?Create? Click on Objects ? Click on the Object Name?Go to t he Custom Fields & Relationships section ?Click on New button 18. Creating the user? Ans: Path for creating a user: Your Name?Setup ? Administration Setup ?M anage Users? Click on Users ?Click on New User button 19. Creating the Profile? Ans: Your Name?Setup ? Administration Setup ?Manage Users? Click on Profiles ?Clic k on New Profile button 20. Creating a Page layout? Ans:Path for creating a Page Layout: Your Name?Setup?App Setup? Customize? Select the standard object?Click on Page La youts ?Click on New button For Custom Objects: Your Name?Setup? App Setup? Create? Click on Objects ? Click on the Object Name?Go to the Page Layouts section ?Click on New button Interview Questions Interview Questions

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