Salat Al-Nariyya

November 28, 2017 | Author: TAQWA (Singapore) | Category: N/A
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The powerful salawat composed by Abul Mawahib Abdul Wahhab al-Tazi al-Fasi. Also known as Salat al-Taziyya, Salat al-Taf...


‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

‫صالة النارية‬  ‫ألبى املواهب عبد الوهاب التازي‬

، ‫ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم َص ِ ِّل َص ََلةً ك َا ِمل َ ًة َو َس ِل ِّْم َس ََل ًما َتا ِّمًا ع َّٰٰل َس ِِّي ِد َنا ُم َح َِّم ٍد‬

‫ َو ُت ْق ّٰٰض ِب ِه‬، ‫ َو َت ْنف َِرجُ ِب ِه الْكـ ُ َر ُب‬، ‫ا َلَِّ ِذى َت ْن َح ُِّل ِب ِه ال ُْعق َُد‬ ‫ َو ُي ْس َت ْس ََق‬، ‫ َو ُح ْس ُن الْ َخ َوا تِ ِم‬، ‫ب‬ َِّ ‫ َو ُت َنا ُل ِب ِه‬، ُ‫الْ َح َوٓائِج‬ ُ ِ‫الرغَائ‬

َ ْ‫ام ِب َو ْج ِه ِه ال‬ ‫ َوع َّٰٰل ّٰا لِ ِه َو َص ْح ِب ِه ِِف ك ُ ِ ِّل ل َْم َح ٍة َو َن َف ٍس‬، ‫ك ِر ْي ِم‬ ُ ‫الْ َغ َم‬ ،‫ك‬ َ َِّ‫ِب َع َد ِد ك ُ ِ ِّل َم ْعل ُْو ٍم ل‬ Salutation of Engulfing Blaze Attributed to the Gnostic, Sheikh Abu-l Mawahib Abd al-Wahhab al-Tazi al-Fasi 

O Allah, whelm perfect blessings and complete peace upon our liege Muhammad , through whom knots are untied, calamities are averted, needs are fulfilled, aspirations are attained, the best outcomes are achieved, and the clouds deliver their rain by virtue of his noble countenance. And (bestow such salutations and peace) upon his family and his companions at every moment that lasts the duration of the flickering of an eye and the drawing of a breath, and do so to the number of everything that is known to You. Allāhumma ṣalli ṣalātan kāmilatan wa sallim salāman tāmman ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad, alladhi tanḥallu bihi-l ʿuqad, wa tanfariju bihi-l kurab, wa tuqḍā bihi-l ḥawā'ij, wa tunālu bihiḥusnu-l khawātim, wa yustasqa-l ghamāmu bi wajhihi-l karīm, wa ʿalā ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi fī kulli lamḥatin wa nafasin bi ʿadadi kulli maʿlūmin lak. Ṭarîqatu-l ʿArûsiyyatu-l Qâdiriyyah Worldwide Association (Singapore)

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