Sahaja Yoga Puja and Havan Protocols

April 22, 2017 | Author: nks_2222 | Category: N/A
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Sahaja Yoga Puja and Havan Protocol Jai Shri Mataji!!! What is necessary: By now you have an understanding that nothing is necessary but humble devotion and thoughtless awareness. The Puja ceremony is a sweet expression that allows human beings to enact the play of giving and receiving. The expression: "God returns a hundred fold" shows that the Divine is impatient that this gesture of offering is done because He is so desirous of bathing us in His benevolence and His love. 1. Before the photograph Five articles are placed before the photograph: Oil lamp or a candle, incense. Conch. Bell. Water Pourer (Jug). Coconut (place on a copper pot "kumbha"). The place of Puja can be a table or a seat, decorated with a cloth. 2. Washing of Shri Mataji’s Feet A pot of lukewarm water is needed as if Shri Mataji was present in person, also, a jug to pour the water. It can be perfumed with rose water. A deep large bowl or thali to collect the vibrated water is also needed. It is important that this thali, as well as the other Puja objects have been decorated with kumkum by drawing a "Swastika" on the bottom of the thali. Use clean towels, new if possible, and reserved for Puja. 3. The Panchamrut A large bowl is needed, for God’s "beverage" or "nectar". This bowl will not be marked with kumkum (as kumkum is not edible). Five small bowls are also needed; they can be metal, but care should be taken with copper as it reacts with yoghurt. Five elements which will constitute the Amrut are kept in the bowl: Honey (good quality if possible and liquid), Milk, Sugar, Yoghurt, Ghee or clarified butter. 4. The Rice It is customary to offer rice in an expression of welcome (just a bowl of white rice that can be mixed with tumeric and kumkum). It is offered at the beginning of the Puja, after the mantra to the Deity. 5. Decorations Perfume on a bit of cotton wool is applied to Shri Mataji’s Feet. A vertical Swastika is drawn on each of Her Feet with a past of kumkum mixed with water. Flowers can be offered (a bunch, garlands, or just single flowers...), Fruits (with the exception of citrus fruit). 6. Kumkum This powder is mixed with water. It is used to decorate the objects of Puja which are particularly respected. As these are going to be used during the Puja, they have to be pure. This past decorates Shri Mataji: Her Feet, Her tika, Her hands. The "tika" can be put on the forehead of the participants. It is important then, not to re-use the same batch for Shri Mataji. The kumkum is needed: to decorate the large bowls receiving the vibrated water. to mark the objects of the Puja as well as the coconut. to decorate Mother’s Feet, Her photograph. to put on the forehead of participants (again, from a separate container). 7. The coconut Select a good size coconut which is not damaged in any way, and which contains milk. The coconut is dedicated to Shri Ganesha and marked with a vertical swastika. Also mark with kumkum the 3 points on the top that are called the eyes of Shri Shiva. The coconut gives a particular type of vibration, but it also absorbs the negativity. It should not be kept too long. Afterwards it should either be buried or offered to a river or the sea (with the flowers and prasad.) 8. The Aarti The Puja is concluded by singing the Aarti while we offer Aarti to Her photograph with the flame. Place a little oil lamp or candle, incense, and also camphor. Cut the camphor into small pieces that they can be burned one by one in a small lamp. It become very hot, so care should be taken. The Aarti can be done for as long as the singing continuous. 9. The date of Puja 10. Prasad - For Guru Puja is only simple channas (chick peas dried). 11. Mantra to Shri Ganesha four times (to awaken Mooladhara chakra).

12. Names of Shri Vishnu (to awaken the main Nadis). Sometimes the first four names (Shri Vishnu, Shri Keshavaya, Shri Narayanaya, Shri Madhavaya) are said three times, or 24. 13. Salutations, Prayers, Invocations and Invitations. For example: Amen Salutations to the Supreme Leader of the Ganas (Om Shrimanmahaganadhipataye Namah)...or others 14. Avighnamaastu. Invitations to the Deities. It is advised to prepare this page before the Puja: Today, the .............2008, During the year of Shalivahan 1911 (=1990) or after)the....moon. During the month of .... at.... , near the river.... in (country), in the era of Kalaki Yuga, in .....season. We the Sahaja Yogis of.....worship and accomplish a Puja to our Divine Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in the form of Shri...... By this Puja, we the Sahaja Yogis pray and ask, O Divine Mother, You Who are Shri Ganesha, to give us the Wisdom and Discretion and to make us humble, in the way that we are appreciated by You, and that our only desire is to please You. We pray to You too, O Mother, to establish the purity in our Shri Ganesha principle. We Your children pray to You to accept this Puja, dedicated with limited ability and knowledge, and to accept our devotion to You, O Great Goddess. We ask You to forgive us, also, for all the mistakes committed during this Puja dedicated to Shri Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi. Amen. 15. Homage to the objects of Puja. Apply a dot of kumkum on each object to mark it to be used during the ceremony. These comments and prayers may be read; it is also possible to keep silent, especially in short Pujas. Salutation to the Pitcher: It contains the water for the Puja. The mouth of the pitcher represents Shri Vishnu, the neck Shri Shiva, at the base Shri Brahmadeva and in the middle resides all the Divine Mothers, the Shaktis. It also represents the four Vedas and all the Hymns. “May Gayatri and Savitri, Who are All Powerful And destroy evil, be present in this Pitcher for adoration. Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri. please come and be present in this pitcher.” Salutations to the Conch: In the conch stands the Moon with the Rain God at the side and back, Prajapati who has created nature, and at its opening, Saraswati and Gang. The conch is born from the ocean. Shri Vishnu holds it in His hands, He whom all the Gods praise. May the conch give us the Divine Knowledge. Salutation to the bell: Ring the bell announcing the arrival of the Gods and the departure of the demons. May the bell praise the Invocation of Gods! Salutation to the lamp: Salutation to the Deity of the lamp. It has the form of Brahma. May its flame burn high and keep steady during the whole Puja! Salutation to the kumbha: Salutations to the seat of the Mother, that represents the Matrix of the Universe. It sustains the coconut that evokes the Universe of Shri Ganesha. 16. Salutation to the Goddess. "You who have in Yourself the thousand Purushas, You who have a thousand eyes, You who have a thousand powers, We pray to You, we invite You, humbly, to be present at the occasion of this Puja". Until here it is an excerpt from the book : Sahaja Yoga Puja Book, Copyright Sahaja Yoga, 1990. Now follows the GaneshAtharvarshersha, together with washing of Shri Mataji’s Feet (as Shri Ganesha). Now follows the recitation of 108 Names of Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya with washing of Shri Mataji’s Feet (as Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya). For this there is another bowl used, or the first bowl is washed before use. During that is offering of Mango leaf (from each person) to Shri Mataji’s Feet (symbol of pure desire). Now follows offering of the 5 Elements (if it is desired, that’s the Puja of the Devi). The Panchamrut. Now follows Decoration of Shri Mataji’s Feet with Swastika and Perfume, flowers. Now follows offering of Prasad (as mentioned before only dried chick peas for Guru Puja). Now follows Aarti with Sabako dua. Now follows 3 Mahamantras for Shri Mataji. Meditation - Silence Bhandan. steps 1 to 10 are preparations steps 11 to 16 differs due to Deity which is worshipped and the one who is leading the Puja.

Jai Shri Mataji !!! Sahaja Yoga Puja and Havan Protocol -


Sahaja Yoga Havan Home Havan Preparation: 1) Draw the Swastika on an A4 paper using vibrated water and kum kum. Place 4 candles in the 4 corners and 4 flowers around the Swastika (Roses are particularly good for this purpose as they have thick petals and because of that, they generate more vibrations).

1) Raise the Kundalini and take bhandan. 2) Ask Shri Mataji's permission to perform the Havan and that all the deities should be present to give us their blessings. 3) Start with the Shri Ganesha mantra 4 times. 4) Say the mantra of Shri Agni Devata. 5) It is auspicious to say the 12 names of Shri Ganesha. 6) Take the 108 names of the Deity. - Start with the complete form of the mantra for the first name: Om Twameva sakshat Shri ........... sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah - Om Swaha. (We symbolically offer rise to the fire or we just imagine doing so. We collect rise with our right hand raising it along the Sushumna Nadi and bring it around Sahasrara 7 times, then offering the rise to the fire saying - “Om Swaha”). - Use the short mantra for all the other names: Om twameva Shri ........... Namoh Namah - Om Swaha. 7) End by saying: sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah. 8) Also negativities can be offered to the fire: negativities of ........... Om Swaha. 9) Finish the Havan by saying three times: “Om Swaha”.

Jai Shri Mataji !!! Sahaja Yoga Puja and Havan Protocol -


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