SagePathI Workbook

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Descripción: Opening Your Own Akashic Records...


Spiritual Energy Dynamics: The Continuum & Circle Diagrams ........................................3 Creating Sacred Space ............................................................................................................4  Agreement for Opening Your Own Akashic Records ........................................................5 Opening Process ....................................................................................................................6  Akashic Record Blessing........................................................................................................7 Reading Your Own Akashic Records....................................................................................8 Suggested Questions .............................................................................................................10 Obstacles ................................................................................................................................11 Beginning Practices CD Guide ..............................................................................................12

Intent and Integrity Create Sacred Space In Sacred Space Blame & Fear  Are Accepted & Released Here & Now You stay in Sacred Space with Faith Truth Beginner’s Mind Outside Sacred Space Blame  Anchors you in the Past Fear  Anchors you in the Future

Transform Blame & Fear Through Shift and Release Move into the Here & Now of Sacred Space

I begin each opening of the Akashic Records being as clear and open as I can. I move inward to answer The Call, letting go of ego. I am in training for twelve months from this day, _________________________(enter date). I will begin each time like the first time. I will not memorize the blessing. I gather my energy and awareness into this Present Moment. I let my expectations, presumptions and judgments go. I let go of blame and fear. I let go of my stories that no longer serve me. If drugs, alcohol, or other stimulants are a problem for me, I will not consume those 24 hours prior to opening my Akashic Records. I identify what I want to ask the Akashic Records. I focus my entire self on receiving everything that is for me now from the Akashic Records. I listen with my heart. I open the Akashic Records for myself only. I will not open the Akashic Records for another person or entity. I align myself with the 3 co-creative universal forces and ask for assistance in revealing more balance and understanding. I keep the process of opening the Akashic Records to myself and share neither the process nor blessing with another person. I will not teach another person how to open the Akashic Records. My clear intention and integrity form the foundation for my connection with the Akashic Records. I yield control and step into faith with trust. I will not change my blessing or process for opening the Akashic Records during training period unless I check with Cheryl. I will open the Akashic Records only when I need them and only in a space of safety and full concentration. Signed: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________

Use common sense. BREATHE. Keep eyes open. Healthy and well for clarity and deeper connection.

1. Close your eyes. 2. Balance between Heaven and Earth using breath and light. 3. Extend awareness along light beam from heart/soul point. 4.  At the end of the light beam at the entry or door use your key if you have one. 5. Open eyes and say blessing out loud. 6. Re-focus (close eyes if it feels right), breathe deeply and feel your self move through light tunnel entry. 7. Feel an opening to an awareness of 2-3 or more people/entities/presences. 8. Say out loud “The records are open.” Feel them open if you haven’t already. 9. Open your eyes. 10. Ask questions and respond as appropriate with all information. 11. When complete say, “In love and light I thank my masters, teachers, and loved ones for their information and guidance. Amen. Amen. Amen.” 12. Feel the entry close and say out loud “The records are closed.”

Be with me in spirit as I cross the threshold of divine love and light. Hold me in your loving embrace as I open my heart and mind to the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of my soul’s  Akashic Record. Support me as I let my troubles slide away. In response to my deepest intent show me my highest path. When we are done, release me in love and joy, keeping my energy raised. I, (state full legal name), stand ready for whatever is for me Now. The Records are open. * * * * * * In love and light, I thank my Masters, Teachers, and Loved ones for their information and guidance. Amen. Amen. Amen. The Records are closed.

Begin or continue opening to your full self and/or deepen your connection to self.  Experience increased awareness of synchronicity in daily life.  Develop increased awareness of points in self that need attention and release.  Experience an increase in your overall vibration.  Find an increase in the rate of change in your life.  Move from transformation to integration: point is to live fully not to live in the  Akashic Records.  Experience an increased sense of integrity. 

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During bodywork (check with your practitioner to make sure they are comfortable) While reading For healing release and balance To learn about any subject Working on projects

Whatever you need to stay grounded, with balanced energy and little or no ego domination  Breathe  Water – clear, pure, distilled  Clear energy body and aura before and after opening  Gemstones   Ask your Akashic Records (or Cheryl) for assistance

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Declare intention for opening with a full sense of self-responsibility. Important to follow Agreements, stay tuned and balanced, keeping your energy grounded. Do not allow your ego to lead. Withhold self-judgment. Do not keep back anything that comes through during a reading. Find ways to convey all feelings, thoughts, words, pictures, and experiences that come through. Be aware of how you hold Sacred Space for transformation and integration. Words are a conduit that can allow energy to shift when you are ready. Let energy come to you using intent and physical movements to clear cloudiness or deception. Lean in rather than reaching in. Not something to force or shape how you see fit. Be aware of metaphor versus literal meaning. Linear Time vs. Akashic Record Time Illness: clouds, fog, still or stuck energy, lack of clarity Death Wave and other waves of emotion

Open your records regularly. Keep a journal of your readings so you can track your response over time. Practice, ideally at least once a week. Be open to developing your personal abilities in the Records. Release expectations and judgments.  Ask lots of questions with low emotional pull.  Ask in your records how to improve your abilities and awareness in the Records. Don’t lead with the most emotional first. Use the Beginning Practices CD. Practice. 

What is my truth that I seek today? What is the truth of ____ that I seek today? Where am I stuck? Is there anything I need to know at this time? What is an appropriate question to ask at this time? What should I be looking at in my life right now? What is my main issue right now? What am I focusing on in my life right now? What am I being shown to focus on? Is there a related question I can ask about …? Is there any more information about …? What will make me a clearer channel for working within the Records? What is blocking me from being a better reader? What is the energy of this person, place or thing telling me that I have with this person, place or thing? Legacy: What about my history do I pass on to my family and the generations to come? Cellular Memory: What do I fear? What about my past can I safely let go of today? What blocks are in my energy or physical bodies?


What are general obstacles to having a clear connection with the Akashic Records that anyone can have?


What are your personal obstacles in the Akashic Records?


For each obstacle listed in #2, ask: What can I do to release or move beyond the obstacle of ________________________?

Sage Path Level I

To assist you with your journey in the Akashic Records, I have created a group of practices for you. Each practice follows a single topic, presenting a short 3-5 minutes narration followed by 4 to 6 questions. •

The practices may be followed in order or you may choose them by topic. You can do them in 8 days, or spread them across several weeks or several months, which ever works for you. You will also find that the practices may be repeated (usually no less than 30 days apart). You may also find that some of the questions resonate strongly with you and you may include them individually in your regular practice. You may also find that a question raises another question – that’s great. Follow your inspiration!

It is my intention that, however you work with these practices, you find greater ease and increased attunement with your own Akashic Records. Have fun! I have also included a long and a short form of the initial visualization, Balance Between Heaven and Earth, for you to use in opening your Records.

1. Choose your practice. 2. Open Your Akashic Records. Or you may choose to open your Akashic Records after getting the questions in step #4. 3. Listen to the topic narration. 4. Copy down the questions in your journal. Each question is repeated three times, first completely, second in small portions at a times, and third in its entirety again. 5.  Ask the questions in your Akashic Records and write your responses in your journal.

1. Balance Between Heaven and Earth, Long Form 2. Balance Between Heaven and Earth, Short Form 3. Practice #1: Breath 4. Practice #2: Present Moment 5. Practice #3: Cleaning 6. Practice #4: Flexibility 7. Practice #5: Sacred Space 8. Practice #6: Claiming 9. Practice #7: Intention 10. Practice #8: Integrity

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