Sage X3 - User Guide - HTG-ADC.pdf

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“How To…” Guide Automated Data Collection (ADC) Setup ............................................................................................................................ 2 ADC Parameters - GESXAP ................................................................................... 2 General Parameters ................................................................................................ 6 Entry Transaction Setup .......................................................................................... 6 User Setup .............................................................................................................. 8 Label/Barcode Printing ............................................................................................ 9 Device Compatibility .............................................................................................. 12 Connection Information / Login ............................................................................. 12 Navigation information........................................................................................... 13 Functional ................................................................................................................... 15 General Information .............................................................................................. 15 Inquiries................................................................................................................. 16 External Processes/Activities ................................................................................ 16 Internal Processes ................................................................................................ 16 Receiving ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Sales Picking .................................................................................................................................. 17 Production Tracking ....................................................................................................................... 18 Cycle Count .................................................................................................................................... 20 Inventory Control ............................................................................................................................ 20 Selection by Identifier ..................................................................................................................... 21

Stock Transactions ................................................................................................ 22 Set Site – VXASS ........................................................................................................................... 22 Purchase Receipts – VXAPR ......................................................................................................... 22 Sales Picking – XASP .................................................................................................................... 22 Cycle Count - VXACC ................................................................................................................... 22 Stock Change – VXASC ................................................................................................................ 23 Miscellaneous Receipts – VXAMR ................................................................................................ 23 Miscellaneous Receipts – VXAMO ................................................................................................ 23 Inter-site Transfers - VXAIT ........................................................................................................... 23 Sub-contractor Transfers – VXAST ............................................................................................... 23 Location Reorder – VXALR ............................................................................................................ 23 Storage Plan Putaway – VXASY ................................................................................................... 23

Production Transactions........................................................................................ 23 Completed Quantity – VXAPT ....................................................................................................... 23 Time Tracking – VXAOT ................................................................................................................ 23 Material Picking – XAMP................................................................................................................ 23 Material Issue – XAMT ................................................................................................................... 24 Unexpected Material Issue – XAUM .............................................................................................. 24


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Setup ADC Parameters - GESXAP The ADC parameters allow you to define the controls and defaults associated with your ADC Site. Setup information includes transactions, locations, and labeling information. Tab – Default Transactions

Block Transactions

Prompt Warehouse PO Receipt Putaway (Loc Chg) Picking (Loc Chg) Production Rpt Material Issue Unexpected Material Time Tracking


Description Enter the warehouse/site to control. Entry Transaction that will be used when performing ADC PO receipts Entry transaction used when performing stock changes associated with the putaway transactions Entry transaction used when performing the stock changes associated with the sales/production picking transaction(s) Entry transaction used when performing work order receipts (manufacturing plan) Entry transaction used for material issue processing Work order entry transaction used for recording material not originally in the material plan Entry transactions used for recording time activity

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Block Locations

Prompt Receiving Dock

QC Dock

Production Dock

Sales Staging

Production Staging


Description Location used by PO receipt when execution of the stock management rule for Supplier receipt and if product-site does not does not result in the assignment of a specific location. This applies to non-QC product. Same as receiving dock but for QC controlled product. Note: The location also applies to production receipts that are flagged for QC. Location used by production receipt when execution of the stock management rule for Produce Goods Receipt and if product-site does not result in the assignment of a specific location. This applies to non-QC product. The sales picking transaction results in a movement of the allocated stock from the picking location to a physical staging area. This location represents that staging area. The production picking transaction results in a movement of the allocated stock from the picking location to a physical staging area. This location represents that staging area.

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ADC Tab – Controls

Block Manufacturing

Prompt Allow Unexpected Material

Allocate Unexpected Material

Allow Lot Override Sales Picking


Short Picking

Description Parameter associated with the Material Issue function. Setting to “yes” allows a user to enter a product that does not appear on the expected material list. A value of “no” restricts entry to just the lines found on the BOM/formulation.l Parameter associated with the Unexpected Material Issue function. Setting to “yes” results in an allocation of any unexpected material added to a work order/batch. A “no” value will add the line but does not allocate. Material picking control indicating if you can override the lot number during the picking process Three valid options: Not Allowed – All picks must be completely satisfied.

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Picking UOM Block Shipment Validation Warn if not Fully Picked Pick by Line

Stock Change

Allow Allocation Movement

Description Partial – User may short pick one or more lines No Control – User is not managed with regards to lines and quantities Note: The “No control” option is rarely used and not advised Parameter indicating the UOM used for picking. Valid options are “Stock” or “Sales”. Control preventing a user from manually validating a shipment from the X3 window when it is being processed within ADC.

Option allowing the picker to select by line number instead of location sequence. The default value is “no”. This flag affects the pick sequence accessed via the “next” button on the device. Normally, it is the next location in ascending order. When active, it will be the next pick according to the shipment line number. Parameter controlling the ability to perform location changes on allocated stock. Allocated stock is only moved when there is insufficient “available/unallocated” stock to perform the transaction. Note: This is typically set = “No”.

Tab – Receiving

Block Controls

Prompt Display Receipt # Product Labels

Delay Product Labels


Description A setting of “Yes” results in the receipt number being displayed on the device when the receipt is created. A setting of “Yes” means enables the prompting for label printing. A value of “No” means that label are not printed as part of the receiving process. Applicable when Product Labels = Yes. When labeling lot

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PO Worksheet Product Label Number per Page

Description managed products and using sequence numbers to assign the lot/batch numbers, this setting is required. You will collect the label information, number quantity, etc but will print after the receipt is created. Report to use when printed from ADC device Report to use when printing product labels Labels per page

General Parameters

If you intend to issue material that is not allocated to the work order, then the Manufacturing Parameter CTLALL must be set to either “No” or “Yes without Block”.

Entry Transaction Setup The use of ADC requires that you have entry transactions that are defined with/without certain attributes. This document highlights those settings. All other settings can be defined as needed. The implementation phase of ADC is when you determine if additional entry transactions are required or if you can use/modify the existing transactions.


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Note: The ADC client is a simplified form of entry. The entry transaction is used to control the X3 backend and does not necessarily control all of the fields on the ADC client. Transaction Stock Change

Tab General

Block Movement Type


Entry Method Movement Type Print Detail Lot Stock to Issue Movement Type

Field/Value Internal – This is used for putaway and the sales picking transactions Print = “No Print” Change Packaging = Unchecked Auto Print = unchecked Print = “No Print” All fields unchecked Automatic Determination = unchecked Subcontractor Transfer

Entry Mode Movement Type Entry Mode Receipt Note

Print = “No Print” Inter-sites Print = “No Print” Auto Print = unchecked

Dimension Lines Entry Method

Method = “Hidden” for all options Method = “Hidden” for all Discount/Charge fields Print = “No Print” All fields unchecked Automatic Determination = unchecked

Miscellaneous Receipt

General Stock

Miscellaneous Issue Sub-Contractor Transfer

General Stock

Inter-site Transfer Receipts

Stock General Stock Parameter Definition Line 2 Stock

Material Issue


Detail Lot Stock

The sample screen (below) illustrates the fields and location associated with the mandatory settings for the location change transaction setup. Examples have not been provided for the other transactions. The table shown previously provides the mapping that can be followed by an X3 super-user or administrator to complete the setup.


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User Setup ADC users are normal X3 users. For ADC users there is an additional step of linking the user to a specific ADC menu profile. This allows the user to have separate menu profiles for ADC processing and regular client processing. The ADC menu profiles are defined on the parameter tab of the SUP group and SES subgroup on the user record (see example below).

The ADC patch includes the VXADC Menu profile, which includes the following ADC menus: Function





Main Menu


Set Site



Inventory Menu



Sales Menu






Purchasing Menu

The menu profile can be copied and adjusted according to your needs.


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Label/Barcode Printing Since the Crystal Report DLLs cannot be stored on the ADC device, a Print Server must be used when printing labels from a handheld device. Once the print server is configured, the print device must be associated with the document. There are two options for making this association. 1) Report Dictionary 2) Print Destination by User

The report dictionary can be used to provide the default print destination for the document. This works well when the label/document are always printed on the same label printer (ex: receiving dock). If you have multiple label printers or users that work in certain areas, it may be advantageous to provide an override by user. This allows two user to produce the same document at different label printers. There are two documents (XADCITMLBL, XARECWRKSHTADC) that can be printed from the ADC devices. This setup applies specifically to those documents if they are within your project scope. The example below illustrates the XADCITMLBL report dictionary that is setup to go to a label printer HP3PS via the print server.

The example below illustrates a redirect of the default for user ADC. Their labels print on HP6PS.

To print barcodes using Crystal reports the computer that is printing must have the barcode fonts installed. Contact your X3 support representative if you need these fonts. An industry standard is to use the code 3 of 9 fonts. Once you have the fonts, they can be installed by selecting the font files (select only the true type fonts).


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Access the window control panel and double-click “Fonts” option.

This opens the Fonts window. Drag the selected font files into the Fonts window. The fonts automatically install. For the new fonts to be active, the user must log out of Sage ERP X3 and log in again. That will refresh the Crystal library and provide access to the newly installed fonts. If a user attempts to print a Crystal report using the bar code fonts and they are not installed, the document will print the bar coded data elements surrounded by exclamation marks.


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The document below illustrates the document with the fonts properly installed.

ADC comes with several reports that have bar codes in them to work in conjunction with the ADC functionality. The documents use the same name as their non-Adc counterparts with the addition of the suffix “ADC”. Most of the reports can be used as is for the purpose of ADC. The document that is typically modified per customer requirements is the product label (ADCITMLBL). The following is a list of the bar coded reports. BONTRVADC – Job Ticket BSMADC – Material Issue Slip FICHSUIADC – Routing Sheet RECETTEADC – Production Slip INVBORADC – Count Sheet RECWSHTADC – Receiving Worksheet ADCITMLBL – Product Label STOCK12 - Label


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Device Compatibility The ADC solution is not specific to a hardware brand or type. It is capable of working with different terminal sizes and display characteristics. RF or handheld devices typically support and/are configured for a screen size of 20 columns and 16 lines. If your devices differ, you may need to adjust the screen configuration associated with the ADC transaction to match your device capabilities. The screen sample below shows where this is done.

The current ADC client requires devices with the following capabilities: VT220 emulation TCP/IP Communications TELNET Client Due to the navigation controls utilized by the client it is also recommended that the device have function keys F1, F2, F3 and F4. Some devices allow you to “program” other keys to serve this function but that usually makes it a multi-key operation, which are not efficient. Connection Information / Login The ADC telnet server runs under the X3 web native interface. The standard port 23 is used. For the handheld devices, the supported VT emulation is VT220. To connect from a Windows based computer, simply go the run command and type: telnet ADCSERVERNAME

A connection dialog similar to the one below appears:


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In this example, DEMOPRM, DEMOREF, DEV6, etc. are X3 folders that can be accessed.

Using the arrow keys, select the X3 folder to connect to and Press the F1 key. Note: When you are ready for production/go live, the configuration can be adjusted so that the solution selection is bypassed. This is a recommended step in the ADC “go-live” process. After selecting a folder, a User / Password prompt appears.

Login screen for entry of username and password

Navigation information The ADC client navigation is based on the use of function keys F1 – F4, arrow keys and the tab key. Most devices are configurable to modify the default behavior of keys and keystrokes. The screen


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example illustrates a starting menu on an ADC device. The starting menu is based on a user’s ADC menu setup.

Use the arrow keys to highlight a choice. Press F1 to select/process the choice.

There are 4 possible buttons in each ADC function. Each button left to right corresponds to the function keys F1 – F4.




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Key F1 F2 F3 F4 [TAB] [SHIFT][TAB] Arrows …… [CNTL][F]

Action Confirms/processes the selection or transaction Key reserved for transaction specific activity. Ex: In the Directed Picking function, F2 corresponds to the “Next” (advance to next record). Typically a “select” button that activates a look-up/search action. Button to exit the transaction Used to advance to next prompt Used to go back to previous prompt Used to navigate menus by moving the highlighted selection. May be used in some functions to move between records/pending actions. The presence of periods indicates that the field is a “prompt”. A blank display indicates that the field is “display only”. Activate form/record mode display of the data allowing the user to see data that would require scrolling to the right. Very useful in selection windows and inquiries.

Currently there is no session recapture logic built into the telnet server. If a session goes out of range, the associated process in X3 will be terminated. The user must reconnect and restart the transaction.

Functional The implementation of ADC is significant as it typically changes business processes. Transactions that used to be paper based back office activities can evolve to real-time paper aided transactions. It varies from ERP implementation in that the end user training is typically very simple. User transactions via ADC are quickly understood and grasped. It is not advisable to use the device simply as a means of automating the back office process. That approach has positive results but at a magnitude that is much lower. To maximize the return and reduce the lost opportunity, it is suggested that the implementation be aided with some onsite consulting, training and business process adjustment. The following is a basic summary of the functionality. General Information

The ADC Transactions are similar to their X3 counterparts. For instance, when performing an ADC Miscellaneous Receipt, the transaction will create a Miscellaneous Receipt document that is similar to that which would be created using the X3 function GESSMR. Do NOT assume that the ADC transaction supports all functionality provided in the standard transaction function. The idea of ADC is to simplify and expedite transaction processing. This is sometimes achieved by sacrificing some of the “bells and whistles” provided by the X3 client. Several ADC transactions will perform a Stock Change “behind the scenes” (Stock Change, Putaway, Replenishment Putaway, Sales Picking). When prompted for a Product, you can also enter a product’s UPC. There are ADC transactions that don’t exist in X3. This is because the transactions are designed to support real-time product movement. This changes the dynamic on when and how data is captured/recorded.


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Inquiries The ADC solution comes with several inquiries. These inquiries are designed to provide mobile user with key information that will allow them to complete their tasks. PO Inquiry – XAPI a. Selection by PO b. Selection by Product c. Review of all lines/Pos (blank selection) Receiving Inquiry - XARI d. Display of Open Purchase Orders (pending receipt) e. Display of Open Inter-site Shipments (pending receipt) f. Link to initiate ADC receipt from Inquiry Results. Product-Site – VXCAS g. Display Locations where are Product is Stocked Locations – VXCEM h. Display Products Stocked in a Location

External Processes/Activities Effective use of ADC requires activity outside of the transaction processing. These activities are required to ensure the efficiency of the transactions. Some of these activities are as follows: Warehouse Labeling – When using mobile devices the goal is to scan as much as possible and to hand key minimal data. Having location identifier that can be scanned is considered a mandatory step to support ADC. Product Labeling – If you plan to use ADC for receiving, you should initiate a program to get your suppliers to provide bar coded product identifiers (UPC or your product number). This may be a medium term project. The ability to print labels at time of receipt is an alternate solution that can be implemented immediately. (Note: It is understood that all materials and environments are not conducive to labeling) Label Stock and Printers – Consideration of the environment and key points of use should be used to determine the type of labels (size, media, etc) and the number of printers that are required. ADC Devices – The type of device (mobile, stationary, tethered scanner, etc.) are important considerations when implementing ADC. Hardware providers typically provide excellent guidance with devices, labels, printers and the associated infrastructure requirements.

Internal Processes The following section provides an overview of some of the key business processes and where Sage ERP X3 ADC is used within them. Receiving


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The diagram below visually illustrates shows a typical receipt flow and where ADC/RF is used in the process.

The following steps are typically present in this process. Expected PO Report – Used to quickly identify purchase orders upon arrival of goods Initiate Receipt Receiving Worksheet (bar coded) – Document used to drive the mobile receiving process Receipt Inquiry utilizing the link to ADC receipt ADC Receiving and Label Printing – Receipt of goods and creation of product labels (when appropriate) 6. Putaway – Movement of goods from staging (receipt or QC) to storage location via Stock Change function 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sales Picking The diagram below visually illustrates shows a typical receipt flow and where ADC/RF is used in the process. Note: This process varies in a pick and pack environment.


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The following steps are typically present in the ADC delivery portion of this process. 1. Shipment Generation – Sales Picking is based on shipments 2. Picking Ticket (bar coded) – Picking ticket provided with barcodes allowing the user to scan important information 3. Sales Picking (ADC) – Transaction to confirm pick and move product to staging area 4. Shipping Documents – Produce required shipping documents (packing slip, BOL, etc.) 5. Shipment Validation – Confirm shipment and relieve stock balances

Production Tracking The diagram below visually illustrates where ADC/RF can be used in the production tracking process. The transactions and manner in which this activity is reported varies significantly by industry. The reporting transactions reference ADC instead of RF as these transactions are typically (but not always) performed with a stationary ADC device.


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The following steps represent how ADC might be used in a “process” manufacturing environment. 1. Work Order Creation/Release 2. Print Shop Packet (including bar-coded Material Issue Slip) 3. Unexpected Material Issue (ADC, optional) – Used to record additional material required to bring product into specification range. 4. Completed Quantity (ADC) – Post the finished goods into inventory and back flush materials and operations 5. Putaway (ADC, optional) – Used to move goods from the production staging area to storage location The following steps represent how ADC might be used in a “discrete” manufacturing environment. 1. Work Order Creation/Release 2. Print Shop Packet (including bar-coded Material Issue Slip) 3. Material Picking (ADC, optional) – Use material issue slip to move goods from stocking areas to point of use (production) 4. Material Issue (ADC, optional) – Consume critical materials at point of use 5. Time Tracking – Recording of operator time at work centers 6. Unexpected Material Issue (ADC, optional) – If required due to scrap 7. Completed Quantity (ADC, optional) – Post the finished goods into inventory. Step can also consume non-critical materials (back flush) 8. Putaway (ADC, optional) – Used to move goods from the production staging area to storage location


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There are many variations to the tracking schemes. The two provided were just to illustrate how the process steps may differ for performing the same activities.

Cycle Count The cycle process is another that can vary significantly based on the types of material stored and managed. The rules for managing the count process are typically defined by the operations management and accounting teams. The diagram below shows the Sage ERP X3 tools and where RF/ADC interacts in the process.

The following steps are those considered mandatory in the cycle count process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stock Count Session – Generate the count session and count sheets Print Count Sheet – Print bar coded count sheets Count Entry (ADC) – Enter count information and update count sheets Review Count Variances Count Validation

Inventory Control The inventory control processes are associated with several ADC transactions. The transactions support the various material movement activities that occur within a warehouse. The process flow below highlights several of those transactions.


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Selection by Identifier A new feature, Selection by Identifier, has been incorporated to provide simplified selection of stock for transaction processing. This feature has been added to create new ADC transactions. The option allows the user to specify how they want to identify the stock lines (Note: The type of selection that uniquely identifies product varies by industry and implementation). The transaction can be configured so that stock lines are selected using the ideal method. This allows the transaction to occur with less key strokes than was possible in prior versions. New transactions supporting this feature have been added as follows. Miscellaneous Issue - VXBMO Stock Change - VXBSC Inter-site Transfer - VXBIT Subcontractor Transfer - VXBST Material Issue - VXBMT The selection options that are available for selecting stock lines are as follows: Product, Lot, Sub-lot Product, Lot Lot, Sub-lot Lot Product, Serial Serial Lot, Location Location Lot, Identifier 1 Identifier 1


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The use of the identifier fields allows you to deploy a license plate like concept for stock line selection. This feature could be defined with a sequence number at time of receipt to uniquely assign a “plate” number using the Sage ERP X3 toolset.

Stock Transactions This section provides an overview of the features and general function of the ADC transactions. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the stock movements and material handling processes in Sage ERP X3. Set Site – VXASS Provides the default site/warehouse for ADC inventory movements Allows quick change of warehouse for mobile user Purchase Receipts – VXAPR Selection by PO number and product. Product entered can be the UPC or EAN number. Integrated Label Printing Optional Delayed Label Printing Optional Display of the Receipt Number Ability to create multi-line receipts Auto selection of default location based on standard X3 or ADC parameters Driven from the Receipt Inquiry or via bar coded receiving worksheet Note: The receiving function can only be used to receive products that are setup as “Stock Managed”. Products that are not managed (ex: non-inventory, subcontracted services, etc.) cannot be processed using this transaction. Sales Picking – XASP The Sales Picking function is used to record the physical movement of goods from the storage location to the shipping/staging area in a facility. X3 shipments are based on a detailed allocation of material to a delivery line. Sales picking allows a user to override the specified lot/sub-lot and location provided that the selected stock is available for use. The picker’s ability to perform short picks is controllable via a global parameter. Location, Lot and Sublot Override Feature Pick Location Confirmation Product Confirmation Short Pick Controls Pick Sequence Flexibility Resume/restart capabilities Transfer of goods to staging Used in conjunction with bar coded picking ticket Cycle Count - VXACC Count entry in either STK or PAC unit of Measure Positive confirmation of zero counts Ability to add products (line number = 0) to worksheet Used in conjunction with bar coded count sheet


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ADC Stock Change – VXASC Flexible transaction used to change locations and status. Backbone for other transactions (sales picking, putaway, etc.) Miscellaneous Receipts – VXAMR Provides rapid entry stock adjustments Typically restricted to supervisors or stock managers Sometimes used as an alternate to Cycle Counting Note: Use of this transaction should be discussed during the implementation. It is not typically made available to all warehouse/floor employees. Miscellaneous Receipts – VXAMO Provides rapid entry stock adjustments Typically restricted to supervisors or stock managers Sometimes used as an alternate to Cycle Counting Note: Use of this transaction should be discussed during the implementation. It is not typically made available to all warehouse/floor employees. Inter-site Transfers - VXAIT One step transfer between warehouse/sites Used when the physical movements has no tangible lead-time Sub-contractor Transfers – VXAST Performs a location change based on supplier and product. Destination location should be defined as “BP” location type Location Reorder – VXALR Picking Step for the Pick Location Replenishment function Confirms line on the List of Storage (executes line transaction) Storage Plan Putaway – VXASY Execution step for goods placed in Dock Location during putaway process Confirms lines on the Putaway Plan Production Transactions This section provides an overview of the features and general function of the ADC production transactions. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the production stock movements and production processes in Sage ERP X3. Completed Quantity – VXAPT Reports finished and semi-finished goods into inventory Option to back flush component materials Time Tracking – VXAOT Transaction capable of recording all 3 elements (production, materials, operations)

Material Picking – XAMP ADC only transaction Used to move goods from storage/pick locations to production floor Allows picker to move excess material to accommodate packaging (drums, pallet, etc.)


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Performs a stock change from the picking location to the production staging location Uses a hierarchy (work center, product-site, ADC parameters) for determining the staging area Material Issue – XAMT Used to explicitly declare the materials consumed on a job Important when stock is managed at lot/sub-lot level Used when traceability is important Unexpected Material Issue – XAUM Used to declare additional material to be used on a work order/batch Material may be allocated when added to a job based on a global parameter


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