Safety Plan

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sl. No.



Prepared By

Moncy Abraham

Safety Officer

Checked By

S.H. Koregaonkar


Reviewed and Approved By





INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In Intr troodu ducction tion HS HSE E Com Commi mitm tmen entt Saf Safety ety Respon Responsib sibili ility ty & Str Struct ucture ure Sa Safe fety ty T Tra rain inin ingg Wo Work rking ing at He Heig ight ht Sc Scaf affo fold ldin ingg

7. Co Conf nfin ined ed S Spa pace ce E Ent ntry ry 8. Sa Safe fe use use ooff El Elec ectr tric icit ityy 9. Sa Safe fe Blas Blasti ting ng 10. Safety in Welding, Cutting and Grinding 11. Safe Mater Materials ials handling handling 12. Personal Protective Equipment 13. Pressure Testing & Lockout Tag-out Process 14. Casting, Gunning & Vib Vibro-casting ro-casting 15. Firs Firstt aid box box

INTRODUCTION It is our intension and our higher management that adoption of best practices of Health, Housing and Environment Safety is a most important & valuable part of Efficient and Effective management to construct and build up various Refractory & Insulation Projects and Painting and Coating works in India and aboard.


KAEFER KAEFE R is a gro group up of com compan panie iess to exe execut cute e and cons constru truct ct of var vario ious us Ref Refrac ractor toryy & Insulation Projects and Painting and Coating works like in Refinery & Petrochemicals, Oil Resource, Glass & Cement & ferrites in various countries of the world. In India KAEFER is well set up as a joint venture company with Punj Lloyd group as KAEFER Punj Lloyd Ltd. Our main HSE motto is to carry on & lead our projects with Zero Accident Policy by build up a strong Safety Management for Implement the safety routines, control the accidents to avoid loss of properties and betterment of employee-employer relationship and create of productive image in the corporate market.

Safety Responsibility and Structure For the success of our Safety Plan and to maintain our Zero Accident Policy it Policy it is essential to have a Safety Organ-gram and a laid down responsibilities for the personal of our different level in our FCCU Project.

FCCU-Organization Structure.
















SAFETY TRAINING Safety Safe ty Tr Trai aini ning ng is a ve very ry impo import rtan antt part part of ou ourr Sa Safe fety ty Pl Plan an & Sa Safe fety ty Prog Progra ram. m. Management is giving too much concentration and attention on relevant trainings for safe execut exe cution ion and com comple pletio tionn of the Ref Refrac ractor toryy & Ins Insula ulatio tionn Pro Proje jects cts of JER JERP. P. Tra Traini ining ng includes necessary job related safety procedures, statutory requirements, implementation & motivation of save practices and latest development and application on construction safety. Thus it is important to impart training and practices to all personals who are working in the construction field like JERP. Objective Objective of this method is to identify training requirement, establish training modules and imparting relevant safety training to personals of all level engaged in Construction to avoid accidents to prevent loss of life and wealth by ensuring our jobs with Accident and Incident Free Policy & Zero Accident Policy Policy.. Scope


The pro proced cedure ure is foc focuse used d on req requir uireme ements nts of Saf Safety ety Tra Traini inings ngs for all con constr struct uction ion employees engaged in JERP jobs on regular basis to ensure that the all safety skills are updated. Training need analysis The induction and refresher training requirement has been worked out for different groups by training and development department. Different training schedules for personals of different level are tabled below.

TABLE-1 Entrant to JERP Site Module No CST 10 CST11

Program Title

Target Group

Duration ,Days(8 Hrs) Basic Safety All Ent Entran rants ts to 1/4 Rules JERP site Safe Driving All vehicles 2 drivers, Equipment Operator

Remarks Mandatory Basis Safety Training Mandatory Training & Validation

WORKING AT HEIGHT  World wide accident statistics shows that more than 40% of accident happens during work at height. Falls are the leading cause of deaths in construction industry. Most fatalities occur when employees fall from open-sided floors and through floor openings. Falls from as little as 4-6 feet can cause serious lost-time accidents and sometimes death. Open sided floors and platforms 6 feet or more in height must be guarded. What will my personal fall arrest system do to protect me? A personal fall arrest system places the employee into a body harness that is fastened to a secure anchorage anchorage so that he cann cannot ot fall. Body belts are not accepta acceptable ble as pers personal onal fall arrest systems .A few key requirements: 

There should be no free fall from more than 6 feet.

There should be prompt rescue after a fall.

PFAS’s must be inspected prior to each use.


PFAS’s must not be used until they have been inspected by a competent person.

What type of fall protection will I need? In most cases, a guardrail system, a safety net system, or a personal fall system must be used.Insome cases fences, barricades, covers, equipment guards or a controlled access zone may be used. Employees must be protected not just from falling off a surface, but from falling through holes and from having objects fall on them from above. How do guard rail systems protect me from falling? Guardrail systems provide a barrier to protect the employee from falling: 

Top edge of the guardrail must be 39-45 inches above the walking/working level. There must also be protection from falling between between the top rail and the walking/workingg protection. There are specific requirement for their installation. walking/workin The protective barrier must be strong to support a falling employee. Wood, chain and wire rope may be used for top rails and mid rails

How do safety net systems protect? Safety net systems catch the employee if he/she does fail. The safety nets: 

Must be strong enough to support the falling employee.

Must be have sufficiently small mesh openings so that the employee can not fall

through the net. Must be close enough to the t he surface of the walking/working surface so that the fail into the safety net will not still injure the employee (never more than 30 feet below the walking/working level). Must be close enough to the edge of the working surface (the outer edge of the net between 8-13 feet from the edge of the walking/working surface) so that the falling employee will not slip past the net.

Where should I expect fall protection to be provided?


When an employee is on walking/working surface that has an unprotected edge.

When an employee is constructing a leading edge.

When an employee may fall through a hole in the working/walking surface.

When an employee is working on the face of formwork or reinforcing steel.

When employees are on ramps, runways and other walkways.

When employees are working at the end of an excavation, well, pit or shaft.

When employees are working above dangerous equipment (even employees working less than six feet over dangerous equipment must be protected).

When an employee is performing overhand bricklaying and related work.

When an employee is performing roofing work.

When Wh en an em emplo ploye yee e is enga engagi ging ng in pre pre ca cast st co conc ncre rete te erec erecti tion on (wit (with h ce cert rtai ainn exceptions) When an employee is engaged in residential construction (with certain exception).

Risk Assessment sheet of Work at height

Sl. No. 1




May Working aatt Person Heights can fall sustain severe down injuries or fatal

Control Measures to be Implemented 

Provide guard rails/barricade at the work place. Use PPE like full body harness with two life line, helm lme et, safety shoes etc. Obt btaain work ork perm permit it be befo fore re star st arti ting ng the the wo work rk at heig height ht above 2 mtrs. Fall arrested system like safety


nets, must be installed. 

Prov Provid ide e prop proper er wo work rkin ingg pla place ce ( min. 0.6 X 0.6 m) Tie/weld working platform with fixed support.


Failure of Can cause load Hand Ha ndli ling ng & lifting accident lifting and & prove equipment moving fatal.

equipment 


Hose detachme Material nt cleaning with Misidenti air.


Dust/ Foreign particle inhalation

fication / /injury fication while wrong condition blowing

Check per Check period iodica ically lly oil oil,, bra brakes kes,, gears, horn and tire pressure of all moving machineries. Check quality, size and condition of chain pulley blocks, slings, Uclamps cla mps,, D-s D-shac hackle kles, s, wir wire e rop rope e etc. 1 allow crane to move only on hard firm and level ground. Allow liftin Allow liftingg sli sling ng as sho short rt as possible. Hose end Hose end co conn nnec ecti tion on shal shalll be checked for proper fixing. Air connection shall be iden identi tifi fied ed and and sa same me shal shalll be used for cleaning the body. En Ensu sure re the the us use e of dusk dusk ma mask sk and eye eye pro protect tectio ionns. Avo voiid horseplay.


This procedure provides guideline for safe scaffolding erection and dismantling work.

Scaffolding type and selection Selecting a scaffolding system The safe and efficient use of scaffolding depends first of all, on choosing the right system of the job. If the scaffold’s basic characteristics are unsuited to the task or if the necessary components are not available, proper erection and used are compromised. Selection Select ion of sca scaffo ffoldi lding ng an and d rel releas eased ed com compon ponent entss req requir uires es an und unders erstan tandin dingg of sit site e conditions and the work to be undertaken. The employer must be consider the following:

Basic consideratio considerations: ns: o




The weight weight of wor worker kers, s, tool tools, s, mater material ialss an and d equipm equipmen ents ts to be carri carried ed by the scaffold systems (safe work load) Site condition (interior, exterior, backfill, concrete floors, type and condition of walls, access of the equipment, variations of the elevation, anchorage points etc.) Height to which scaffold may be erected (overhead power lines, tie-backs). Type of work that will be done from the scaffold (masonry work, sandblasting, painting, metal sliding, Refractory installation, suspended selling installation).


Duration of the work.


Weather conditions, including wind and etc.


Requirements for pedestrian traffic through and under the scaffold area.


Means of access to the scaffold.


Configuration of the building or structure being worked on


Special erection or dismantling circumstances.





Standard Tabular Frame Scaffold This is most frequently used scaffolding system in construction. It is made of steel tubing or aluminum and is manufactured in various configurations and spans. The average of this type of scaffold is its portability and relative case of assembly. Its main disadvantage of the fact that, because it is made up of component parts, all the parts may not be at the site or someone decides that they are not all required. It is essential with steel frame scaffolds that all components and parts are installed properly, especially all connections and bracing components, base plates, work platforms and tie-backs. The spans in frame scaffolds normally range from 1.5 meters (5 ft) to 5 meters (10 ft). These span lengths are varied using different lengths of bracing. Most manufacturers have braces which will provide spans between 1.5 meters (5 ft) and 3 meters (10 ft) in length. However, some manufacturers have special braces both sorter and longer than this range.

Walk through (Masonry) frame scaffold The standard walk-through frame scaffold is a variation of the standard tabular frame type. It is designed to accommodate pedestrian traffic at the ground or steel level and is frequently used by the masonry trade to provide greater height per tier and easier movement and distribution of materials on platforms. There is a tendency to overload this type of scaffold, or not provide the proper width or amount of work platform support. Consideration must also be given to pedestrian safety. All employers shall ensure pedestrians are protected from falling debris and materials. Rolling Scaffolds Scaffolds which need to be moved frequently are often equipped with castors or wheels. The most important consideration with these scaffolds is that both horizontal and vertical bracing must be used with the standard tubular frame systems.Also, outrigger supports may have to be provided to ensure the stability of the scaffold. Rolling scaffolds must be erected so that the height-to-base width ratio is no grater than 3 to1.This limits platform height with standard outrigger stabilizers and single towers to approximately 9.5 meters.(30ft)[this assumes outrigger stabilizers are 3 meters (10 ft across)].


Castors on rolling scaffolds must be equipped with braking devices. The type of castor used should not only include a braking device but must also be selected based upon the loads under which it will be operating.Additionally, the ground surface upon which the castor will be used must be free of defects such as potholes and other obstructive debris, which may cause the scaffold to topple when it is being moved. SCAFFOLD FOUNDATION NAD SUPPORT  Scaffolds must be created on surfaces which can adequately support all loads applied by the scaffold. To support scaffolds, backfilled soils. Must be well compacted and leveled. Mud Mu d and and soft soft soil soil sh shou ould ld be re repl plac aced ed with with co comp mpac acte ted d grav gravel el or crus crushe hed d ston stone. e. Embankments that appear unstable or susceptible to erosion must be contained. Where mudsills must be placed on slopping ground, leveling the area should be done by excavating, rather than backfilling. Backfilled material, unless properly compacted and leveled, does not have the same capacity to support a load as undisturbed soil. For sloped surface, it may be necessary to use half –frames to accommodate the grade change. For these situations the bracing is usually provided by using tube-and clamp components. Scaffolds erected on any type of soil or gravel, etc.must are supported on a mudsill. The muds mu dsil illl mu must st be a mini minimu mum m of 50 mm X 25 250m 0mm m (2’’ (2’’X1 X10” 0”)) SS-PP-F F pl plan ankk an and d mu must st be continuous under at least two consecutive end-frames or supports.For frame scaffolds; there must be proper base plates with adjustable screw jacks under each post support, when the frames are supported on smooth concrete surface. A proper base plate is required under all circumstances. The base plate should rest centrally on the mudsill and the sill should project at least 600 mm (2 ft) beyond the scaffold foot ends or where individual sills butt together. Mudsill should be placed along the length of the flames, in preference to the width, for better overall support.

The use of blocking or packing such as bricks, short prices of lumber or scrap material each under scaffold base plates or mudsills is prohibited. Vibration can cause blocking to move or shift, and leave a scaffold leg unsupported. Under such conditions, the scaffold can topple when heavy loads are applied. Take particular care when erecting scaffolds on frozen ground. Thawing is an important consideration where tarps or other covers will be placed around a scaffold and the enclosed area is to be heated.



Fittings and Accessories It is absolutely essential to install all the parts, fittings and accessories required for scaffold, so that it is erected to accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. If parts are not available at the site, make sure that they are obtained as soon as possible. Do not attempt to erect a scaffold with only a partial supply of base plates, braces, connectors etc. Ensure that all the components are in good condition and examine them to see that they are not damaged. All fittings must be positive and securely connected.

Base Plates and Screw Jacks Base plate must be used on all non-mobile scaffolding of a size and capacity as specified by the manufacturer. Combination base plates with screw jacks must not be over-extended. A good rule of thumb is to use the 2:1 ratio, the outside length of exposed screw can only be a ma maxi ximu mum m of tw twic ice e th the e in insi side de sc scre rew w an and d 8 in inch ches es of in insi side de leng length th.. Co Cons nsul ultt the the manufacturer for complete design information on the particular screw jacks.

Bracing Bracing helps keep the scaffold frame plumb and square in both vertical and horizontal planes. Once frames have been fitted with adjustable base plates, the braces must be attached for each tower span. The braces should slide into the place easily. If force is required, either the braces are bent or damaged or the frames are out of plumb or square. Braces should be secured at each end and the self locking devices are moving freely and have fallen into place. Rust or slight damage can prevent some of those devices from working properly, so it essential to maintain the compounds in proper p roper working condition. Bracing in the vertical plane is a must on both sides of every frame. Bracing in the horizontal plane should be provided at the joint of every third tier of frames. Horizontal bracing should coincide with the point at which scaffold is tied to the building or structure being worked on. Although it is sometime omitted, horizontal bracing is necessary to


maintain scaffold stability and full load-carrying l oad-carrying capacity. The use of horizontal bracing on the first tier helps to squire up the scaffold before nailing base plates to mudsills. Bracing must be adequately secured in place. Otherwise, scaffold movement can dislodge the brace, reducing the stability of the scaffold. These devices must operate freely for ease of erection and dismantling. Trying to release a jammed or rusted drop hook when dismantling a scaffold has resulted in falls. A brace which does not easily drop onto pins is an indicator that something is wrong. The brace can be bent and must be discarded. Often, however, it means the scaffold is twisted and out of plumb. Braces should not be forced or hammered onto the pin. The condition causing this difficulty must be corrected so that the brace slides onto the pin easily. Adjusting screw jacks slightly will often solve this problem. However, make sure that the scaffold is not adjusted out of plumb to make a brace fit.

Coupling Devices Every scaffold manufacturer provides coupling devices to join scaffold frames together in the vertical plane. The devices are sometimes omitted, with the belief that the bearing weight of the scaffold and its load will keep the frame above firmly resting on the frame below. This will probably hold true until the scaffold moves or sways. Then the joint may pull apart causing a scaffold collapse. Therefore, coupling devices must always be used and installed properly on every leg of the scaffold on every leg of the scaffold at every joint as assembly proceeds.

Wheels or Castors If wheel or castors are used, they must be securely attached to the scaffold and equipped with braces. Failure to properly attach wheels or castors to the frame has been the cause of many accidents involving rolling scaffolds. Ensure that the ground is level and free of potholes and other obstructions. Wheels or castors must have brakes which are well maintained and easily applied.

Platform erection All parts of fittings must be in place and ensure before platform component are placed on a scaffold tier. When proceeding with the next tire, worker should lift platform sections or planks from the previous tier leaving either one platform section or two planks. While this requires more material, it speeds up erection because workers have platforms to stand on when erecting or dismantling the platform above.


Hoisting Materials Where scaffolds will be more than three frames high, a suitable mechanical device will make the hoisting of material easier during erection. While materials can be pulled up by rope, it is easier to rig a pulley system to the scaffold so that hoisting can be done by workers on the ground. This is much safer and eliminates the risk or workers falling from the scaffold platform as they pull materials up by rope. Ensure that you don’t lift material in excess of the load capacity of the hoist system or scaffold connection.

Dismantling The dismantling of a scaffold proceeds in reverse order to its erection. Each tier should be completely dismantled and the material lowered to the ground before dismantling of the next tier begins. If platform sections or planks have been left at each level during erection, it is best to lower additional platform materials from above to the working deck being bei ng dis disman mantle tled. d. Ext Extra ra pla platfor tform m mat materi erial al can be low lowere ered d to the gro ground und.. Us Using ing thi thiss procedure, workers will be operating most of the time from a fully decked in platform. In additi add ition on to thi this, s, wor worke kers rs sho should uld be equ equipp ipped ed wit with h a saf safety ety har harnes nesss and lifeli lifeline ne for sacrament to a suitable anchoring system, since guardrails will not always be in place as dismantling proceeds. Removing jammed or rushed scaffold components can be very hazardous operation. When scaffolds have been in the same location for a long time, pins and other components may rust, braces become bent and materials such as mortar or paint often build up scaffold parts. All of those can prevent components from separating easily. Tugging and pulling on stuck components can cause loss of balance leading to a fall. Worker should wear a safety harness and lanyard tied off to a secure anchor before attempting to lessen stuck or  jammed parts. Do not hammer or pry apart the scaffold components. This may cause da dama mage ge to th the e comp compon onen ents ts and/ and/or or affe affect ct the the st stru ructu ctura rall in inte tegr grit ityy of the the sc scaf affo fold ld members.


Fall Protection


In most cases, a proper system of fall protection can be instituted for workers erecting and dismantling scaffolding. Often the scaffold is being erected on the side of building or structure. In this case, a lifeline can be secured to a suitable anchor on the building and a fall arrestor (rope grab) attachment to a full body harness will protect the worker erecting the scaffolding.

Ladders Whetherr bui Whethe built lt int intoo sca scaffo ffold ld fra frames mes,, att attach ached ed as a sep separa arate te com compon ponent ent or por portab table, le, ladders are an important means of access to scaffold platforms. Falls connected with climbing up and down scaffolds would be substantially reduced if adequate and properly erected ladders were always used. There are four primary means of ladder access to a scaffold: 1) Cl Clim imbi bing ng fr fram ames es 2) Port Portab able le ladd ladder erss 3) Sta Standnd-off off vvert ertica icall lad ladder derss 4) Sca Scaffo ffold ld sstai tairwa rwayy sy syste stems ms

CONFINED SPACE ENTRY General Requirements All employees required to enter confined or enclosed space must be instructed in: 

Nature of the hazards.

Necessary precaution to be taken. t aken.

Use of protective and emergency equipment.

Construction Industry Standard All employees required to enter into confined or enclosed spaces shall be instructed as to the nature of the hazards involved, the necessary particulars to be taken , and in the use of protective and the emergency equipment required. The employee shall comply with any specific regulations that apply to work in dangerous or potentially dangerous areas.


How to identify Confined Spaces 

Limited openings for entry and exit.

Unfavorable Natural Ventilation

Not designed for continuous worker Occupancy.

Permit required spaces 

Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.

Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.

Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section.

Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards.

Typical Confined Spaces 1.

Boilers & Furnaces

2. Pipeli linnes 3. Pits 4. Pr Proc oces esss Ve Vess ssel el 5. Silo Silo & S Sto tora rage ge Ta Tank nkss 6. Se Sewe werr & M Man anho hole less 7. Tr Tren ench ches es & Ex Exca cava vati tion onss

Hazards of Confined Spaces Atmospheric 

Physical configuration







Engulfment or Entrapment

Controlling Confined Space Hazards Each confined space has different hazards. Hazards can also change with time and usage. 1. Pos Postt ssign ignss to wa warn rn ooff th the ed dang angers ers.. 2. Use barri barriers ers to pr preve event nt un uncont controlle rolled d ac access. cess. 3. Deve Develop lop aand nd us use eaw writte rittenn spa space ce en entry try pr progra ogram. m. 4. Condu Conduct ct air mon monitori itoring ng and te tests sts to ide identify ntify an and d evalua evaluate te haza hazards. rds. Define acceptable entry conditions. 5. Mon Monito itorr ent entry ry con condit ditio ions. ns. 6. Lamin Laminate ate or co control ntrol the sspace’ pace’ss atmosp atmospheric heric ha hazards zards be before fore en entry. try. 7. Locko Lockout ut al alll ini initial tial hazar hazards ds pr prior ior ttoo en entry. try.

Entrant Responsibilitie Responsibilitiess To assure that the space has been adequately ventilated, isolated, equipped, or otherwise made safe for entry. To immediately exit a space, without question, upon ward of the attachment, no matter what the reason. To follow all safety rules and procedures those apply to the job. To be familiar with the work to be performed and the procedures those apply to the job.


To use the appropriate PPE whenever necessa necessary. ry.

Supervisor Responsibilitie Responsibilitiess To assure adequate protection is provided to the entrains by verifying adequate lockout/tag out and that all hazards are securely isolated. To support the attendant’s authority in controlling access to a confined space. To verify that all personnel have exited prior to closing the space. To assure that all personnel are involved are aware of the hazards associated with the space. To assure that rescue services are available prior to entry.

Entry point hazards 

Small openings make entry and rescue difficult.

Sharp edges can tear protective clothing or air lines.

Temporary ladders and vent gear can make even large openings difficult to transit.

Vertical entry points are fall hazards.

Ventilation Needed Deadly gases can be trapped inside. Rotting organic materials create hazardous gases. Pipe leaks, welding, system material can create hazardous atmosphere. Rust consumes the oxygen you need.

Atmospheric Hazards 

Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere


Oxygen Enriched Atmosphere

Flammable Atmosphere

Toxic Atmosphere

Corrosive Atmosphere

Asphyxiating atmosphere

Oxygen Deficiency 19.5%- is the minimum acceptable oxygen level for work with an air supplied respirator. 10-12%-Lips blue Mental Confusion 8-10%-Fainting & Nausea 6-8%-Cause Death

Asphyxiating Atmosphere Reduction of oxygen in a confined space may be the result of either consumption or displacement.

Consumption of oxygen taken place during -

Comb Combus usti tion on ooff fl flam amma mabl ble e su subs bsta tanc nces es..


Bac Bacter terial ial aacti ction, on, as iinn the fer fermen mentat tation ion pro proces cess. s.


Che Chemic mical al rrea eacti ctions ons as in the for format mation ion of rus rust. t.

Oxygen Enriched Oxygen level above 21%


   Causes flammable and combustible materials to burn violently when ignited, such as: Hair, clothing, oil socked materials. •

  • Never uuse se pure oxyg oxygen en to ve ventilate. ntilate.   • Never store or place compre compressed ssed gas tanks into a confined space.


Electricity is a good servant but a bad master.

Electricity can cause damage to living human being and to property or both.

Voltage is the force between two charged particles.

Current is the flow of electrons from higher potential to the lower.

There is an inherent characteristic of current that it heats the media through which it paces. The general health of the safety is more prior than the use of unsafe electrical arrangement.

Preventive Measures 

Ensure proper connection of the lines.

Ensure proper earthing of the equipment.

Avoid contact with live lines. l ines.

Use low voltage (24 volts or 110 V/230 V with proper earthing and ELCB).

 Ensure current fuse link.

Don’t overload circuit.

Never experiment.

Use insulated tools and Work with Electrical Work Permit.



HUMAN BODY RESISTANCE Dry Skin 10000 to 60000 ohms Wet Skin 1000 ohms Hand Ha nd to foot foot 40 400 0 tto o 600 600 o ohm hms s Ear to Ear 100 ohms

How to avoid hazards? 

Look for overhead power lines and buried power line indicators. Post warning signs.

Contact utilities for buried power line location.

Stay at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines.

Unless you know otherwise, assume that overhead lines are energized.

De-energize and ground lines when working near them. Other protective measures include guarding or insulating the lines. Use non-conductive wood or fiberglass ladders when working near power lines.

How to avoid Hazards? 

Use of ground-fault circuit interrupted ELCB on all 230-volt, single-phase, 5 to 30 ampere receptacles. Follow manufacturer’s recommended testing procedure to ensure GFCL is working correctly. Use double-insulated tools and equipment, distinctively marked.

Electrical injures There are four type of electrical injuries Direct 

Electrocution or death due to electrical shock

Electrical Shock



Indirect 


Electrical shock An electrical shock is received when electrical current passes through the body. You will get an electrical shock if a part of your body completes an electrical circuit by 

Touching a leave wire and an electrical ground.

Touching a live wire and anchor wire at a different voltage.

SAFE GRIT BLASTING Blasting is one of the essential activities in major construction projects. Major serious accident happen due to improper transportation, storage and handling of explosives and pressurization of a system beyond its limited bearable capacity. So it is very vital part of site safety management system. During Grit Blasting Following Safety Hazards happens 

Improper transportation of blasting materials.

Storage and handling of explosives.

Pressurization of a system beyond its limited bearable capacity.

Another problem arises during blasting 1) No Nois ise e Poll Pollut utio ionn 2) So Soun und d Pollu Polluti tion on 3) Phy Physic sical al Inj Injury ury Du Durin ringg Blas Blastin tingg SAFETY IN WELDING, GAS-CUTTING AND GRINDING Welding, gas cutting and grinding are the most common and important operation in the construction field. The associated hazards during those operations are electrical shock,


fire and explosions, burns exposure to UV radiations and toxic fumes and gases. Before starting arc welding welder should be aware and concuss about its detrimentally things. The high temperature and hot metal can cause sever burns.

Welding In addition of electrical arc it itself provides an additional safety hazards. When welding is executed with the help of electrical arc then the flux which is created fly in all di dire rect ctio ion. n. Th They ey pr pres esen entt a pe pers rson onal al burn burn haza hazard rd pl plus us a fire fire haza hazard rd if they they fall fall in inflammable materials. The welding operation needs to protect himself, by means of a helmet and other protective devices from harmful rays of the arc and flaying sparks. The fitter glass in the welding helmet will remove 99% of the harmful rays if the proper shade lens is used. Other dangers associated with electrical welding are: 1. El Ele ectri ctrica call Sh Shoc ockk 2. Ha Harm rmfu full fum fume es 3. El Ele ectri ctrica call Sh Shoc ockk 4. Burns 5. Radi Radiaant en ener ergy gy 6. Co Conf nfin ined ed sspa pace ce w wel eldi ding ng 

Only trained people to work in confined spaces.

Check adequate ventilation or breathing apparatus.

Check tank, drum, or pipe has been purged and is safe to work on.

Gas cylinder not permitted p ermitted inside confined space.

Check hoses for leakage.

Turn off gas supply and remove hoses at break times.

Gas Welding/Cutting Equipment check:


Ensure that the tip of the torch is free from dirt metal

Check the cylinder and its valve or leakage and move out any leaking cylinder immediately.

Check Che ck the regul regulato atorr and torch torches es tha thatt the theyy are inspe inspecte cted d by MTT and hav having ing inspection tag on the same.

Check for lea Check leaks ks aro around und reg regula ulator tors, s, hos hoses/ es/fit fittin tings gs & noz nozzle zle wit with h so soap ap sol soluti ution. on. Faulty equipment should be changed immediately.

Check the entire hose length if it is cracked or worn out cut the length of hose and replace the hose.

Check the flas Che flash h back back arr rre est ste er use used for for the purp purpos ose e if it is app ppro rovved make/specificationn only. make/specificatio

Equipment set-up. 

Use trolley for movement of Oxygen & acetylene cylinder set chains them to prevent its fall.

Unwound only require length of hose from the trolley to avoid tripping hazard.

Before attaching regulator to the cylinder, it is necessary to crack open the valve so as to blow out foreign particles from the valve sate.

Never use grease or oil on any regulator, valve or other assembly lines especially acetylene or oxygen line.

Select the proper welding/cutting torches and nozzles of approved brand only.

Keep fire extinguisher or water buckets readily available at work place during work. Keep all flammable materials clear of the work area at least by 8 mtrs.

Grinding Operations Handling and storage of Grinding Wheels


Grinding wheels should be kept vertically during storage instead of keeping or stacking horizontally.

Grinding wheel should be stored in dry place. p lace.

Grinding wheel should be away from heat/fire.

Grinding wheel should be segregated size wise to avoid wrong selection of the wheel.

After expiry date, grinding wheel must be condemned, broken into pieces.


Material handling is significant not with the value of the product only cost of the product.

Material value handling accounts for 36% of production cost.

Aboutt 20 Abou 20% % to 80 80% % of tota totall labo laborr co cost st go goes es in into to la labo borr us used ed in hand handli ling ng and and rehandling the material.

About 2/3 of manufacturing cycle time spent on material handling.

About 50 to 100 tons of materials is handled and re-handled for every 1 tons of finished products.



Material Handling

  Manual Handling

Mechanical Handling

  Lifing Equipment

  Lifs & Hoists


Transport Equipment

Industrial Trucks


Manual Handing Hazards in Manual Handling Strains, Sprains, fractures and bruises and bruises are the common injuries arising due to unsafe manual handling. Back injury is a common problem arising out of improper manual handing. Method of safe manual handling iiss as under: -

Co Corr rre ect ppos osit itio ioni ning ng of fe feet et


Be Bent nt kn knee eess aand nd St Stra raig ight ht ba back ck


Firm grip


Ke Keep ep th the e loa load d cclo lose se to tthe he body body


Chin in


Us Use e of fee feett muscle muscle and bod bodyy we weigh ightt to lift lift the loa load. d.


The maximum weight to be lifted by -

Adult male is is 5 50 0kg.


Adul ultt fe fema male le is 30Kg Kg..

In case of more load more than one person can lift with proper arrangement but above limits should not be exceeded. Use hand gloves and safety shoes while manual lifting.

Mechanical Material Handling It involves use of various equipments such as chain pulley blocks, winches, different type of cranes and other lifting machineries. It enhances the load lifting/shifting capacity several times than of manual handling. Selection of equipments   Load to be lifted e.g. its weight, size an and d shape.

  SWL capacity of the equipment.

  Place whe where re the load iiss to be shifted and to where? E.g. distan distance ce betwe between en two places, elevation between two places.

Space available for replacing the lifting equipment.   Availability of equipment.

  Frequency of the lifting activity.

 Inspection and testing of equipment and tools-tackles. -

Initi Initial al loa load d tes test: t: it is rrespo esponsibi nsibility lity of the ma manufac nufacturer turer to carr carryy out ex examin aminatio ationn of their respective workshop.


Oper Operation ational al Te Test: st: Lo Load ad te test st of mobil mobile e cra cranes nes sshall hall b be e ens ensured ured P & M aatt the aarriva rrivall to site. After approved load test, the hired crane should be deployed.


Re Rela late ted d Load Load Tes Test: t: in case case of any rep repai airr or alt alter erat atio ionn of cra crane nes, s, it sh shou ould ld be examined by a competent person for rated load before putting p utting them for use.



Per Period iodic ic Ins Inspec pectio tion: n: It is the res respon ponsib sibili ility ty of P & M Depa Departm rtment ent to en ensur sure e peri periodi odicc inspection for all cranes.


Per Period iodic ic Exam Examina inatio tion: n: All cra cranes nes,, suspe suspende nded d Perso Personne nnell Pla Platfo tform, rm, cha chain in pulle pulleyy blo blocks cks and all lifting tools and tackles should be thoroughly examined by a component person at least one in twelve months and a record of such testing is to be maintained in form no 10.

Risk  Assessm Risk Assessment ent Sheet of material handling Sl. No.

Sub Activities

Hazards And Risks

Injury due to fall of person


Lifting & Shifting of Materials

Injury due to slip edge. Injury due to fall of material Back Injury due to bad postures. Injury due to trip.

Control Measures to be implemented Correct working procedures are to be followed in store/ site during manual material handling. Use suitable approach like ladder, mobile platform etc. while taking material from shelves at top or from higher elevation. Always use safety belt while managing material above 3 mtr. Height. Keep the floors always clean. All floor openings/holes should be protected/hard barricaded. Place the material in arrange manner on shelf/platform. Check the condition of shelf Gratings, on which materials are placed on regular basis. Maintain suitable posture, while handling the material. Maintain proper house keeping in the store area. Ensure walkway is clear before moving the material.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS To work in the construction field and in any other industries everyone should maintain their specified PPE for their personal safety. In general Safety Helmet and Safety shoes are belongs in the common PPE. But some cases depending on the job specification some


other specified PPE have to use at site Like Safety Belt, Nose Mask, Safety Goggles and Hand Gloves. So everyone must aware about their personal protection by wearing their useful PPE. Mandatory PPE Safety shoes and helmet are mandatory PPE for purpose of the project. All employees must aware safety shoes and helmet in all project areas. No one will be permitted to enter in the site with out Safety Shoes & Safety Helmet. Our PPE’s shall be provided p rovided and used as per the following PPE selection matrixes. PPE Selecton Marix

Type of Protection Activity Mandatory PPE’s for Site Gas Welding/Cutting Electric Arc Welding Rigging Working at height Grinding/Chipping Activity Working at height, noise area Handling of Refractory Casting Gunning of Refractory Materials Vibro-Casting Blasting






























SG FBH SG/FS EP BS Type of Protection




































SAMH/SCBA(Confined Space) -


PPEs must be issued and available at site 1. Sa Safe fety ty He Helm lme et

= H

2. Fa Face ce shie shield ld

= FS

3. Che Chemic mical al Spla Splash sh Gog Goggle gless 4. Hel Helmet met Mou Mounte nted d We Welde lder’s r’s Shi Shield eld


5. Sa Safe fety ty Sh Shoe oess

= SS

6. Ful Fulll Bo Body dy Ha Harn rnes esss


7. Sa Safe fety ty Go Gogg ggle less

= SG

8. Du Dussk Mus uskk

= DM

9. Supp Supplie lied d Air Mus Musk/H k/Hood ood


10. Earmu Earmuffs/pl ffs/plugs ugs


11. Cot Cotton ton Glo Glove vess

= CG

12. Leath Leather er Glove Glovess

= LG

13. Rubbe Rubberr Glove Glovess

= RG


14. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus = SCBA 15. Weldi Welding ng Goggl Goggles es

= WG

16. Boi Boiler ler Sui Suitt



Personal Protection General Guideline Personal Protective Equipments for various parts of the body can be divided in to the six broad groups. 1. He Heaad ppro rote tect ctiion 2.

Foot protection


3. Eye Eye pr prot ote ect ctio ionn 4. Ha Hand nd pr prot otec ecti tion on 5. He Hear arin ingg Pr Prot otec ecti tion on 6. Fa Fall ll Pr Prot otec ecti tion on 7. Clothing


Pressure Testing The pressure testing of all the pressure equipments should be monitored for using in the construction fields. The hazards of high pressure system arise from failure caused by hoppers, pulsation and vibration and over-pressure. Unless until proper safety are being taken tanks & hoses may rupture and causes serious injuries. That’s why the pressure testing of the pressure equipments must be done before using in the site.

Lockout-secured by physical means such that reenergizing the system requires the use of special equipment routinely available only to person who applied the control. A warning containing appropriate information shall be displayed at the points of control. The most common device used for security it’s the padlock. Tag outout- post of warning at the points of control providing information as to why the energy ene rgy sou source rcess hav have e bee beenn iso isolat lated, ed, blo blocke cked d or dis dissip sipate ated, d, the dat date, e, an and d the per perso sonn responsible for the work to be accomplished. In addition access to the control points must be limited to persons who are trained to understood and observe the posted warning.

Electrical Isolation Before doing the any job which is electrically connected that is to be electrically isolated with with lo lock ck-o -out ut an and d ta tagg-ou outt pro proce cedu dure re.. Clie Client nt elec electr tric ical al engi engine neer er has has ce cert rtif ifie ied d an and d accomplished the isolation process. After complication of the job electrical engineer will restore the power and remove the respective tags and sign the part of the section. Tag out


The purp The purpos ose e of ta tagg out out pr proc oced edur ure e is tw twoo fold fold.. Ta Tago gout ut pro provi vide dess a prom promin inen entt vi visu sual al inspection of a lockout or of any potential problem or hazards associated with equipment. Tagout of locked energy isolating devices is required as part of the lockout procedure. Tagout also provides a written, permanent record of lockouts and other circumstances where lockout is not required. Issue of Tags: Facility Owner or Facility Owner Designated is the only person authorized to issue tags. Each tag issued shall have a unique serial number on it in 2 places. A log shall be maintained for each tag distributed. Placement of tags: The Reliance Tag with serial number is the only approved tag for the tagout procedure. Sequence: all of the following information must be filled legibly on the tag. 

The apparatus protected, listing the name and being tagged out.


or location of the apparatus

The signature of the person placing the tag, together with the current time, date, and the cause for tag out.

The top portion of the tag will be tagged onto the control points which have to be kept inoperative.

The middle portion of the tag should be removed immediately after filling out the required information and affixing the tag. This portion will remain with electrical engineer /person who carry out electrical isolation.

Removal of tags: Removal of the tag shall be done as per p er following steps. 

After completion of job, execution engineer shall surrender the middle portion of the tag to ele electr ctrica icall eng engine ineer er alo along ng the req reques uestt for res restor torati ation on of ele electr ctrica icall energy.

After rec After recei eivin vingg mid middle dle por portio tionn of tag and req reques uestt for res restor torat ation ion,, ele electr ctrica icall engineer energizes the equipment and removes the tag.


CASTING, GUNNING AND VIBRO-CASTING Casting, Gunning and Vibro-Casing are the procedures for application of the Refractory monolithic materials. During application of those materials some safety precaution must have to take to complete the work in safe way. Some safety hazards appear during those activities. So every one have to aware about the safe way for installation of those applications. Casting Casting is one of the procedures for application of Refractory castable by the help formwork and template. Casting is accomplished in two ways 1. Pour C Caasting. 2. Ha Hand nd C Caast stiing. ng. Pour Casting Pour casting is one of the easier ways for application of the Refractory materials in the vertical shell wall of the anchor welded surface. The following safety precaution have to be taken during this work 

Proper connection to the Refractory Pan Mixture and lights in the confined space.

PPE-The common PPE for hand casting are Safety Shoe, safety Helmet, Hand gloves & Nose mask. Another PPE like Dust Mask, Safety Belt will be provided as per site requirements.

During installation and ramming of the refractory castable the applicator must be aware about physical injuries.

Hand Casting The ge The gene nera rall me meth thod od of hand hand ca cast stin ingg is al also so the the easi easier er wa wayy for for ap appl plic icat atio ionn of the the Refractory Material on horizontal flat upper face by the help of short bolts. The safety precautions for hand casting are same as Pour Casting. Vibro-Casting


The Vibro-casting of the Refractory Material is the installation of the dense catables or monolithic in the vertical shell or inclined shell to the ground by the help of the vibrators (Electrical or Pneumatic) those will be well fixed outer to the shell. The casting material will be poured from the upper openings. Here the material will flow towards the ground level with the help of vibration. The following safety precaution must have to be taken during Vibro-casting. 

Proper electrical connection has to be checked to all the machineries like Pan mixture machine, water cooling machines, lights etc. The safety people have to ensure that the entire electrical are well connected. There is no possibility of electrical hazards.

The steel formwork has to be well set and fixed in such way there will be no possibility of distortion of the formwork and fixing support of the vibrators. That’s why all safety guards have to be taken at vibro-casting.

Proper handlings of the materials have to be accomplished to avoid physical injuries.

Gunning Gunning is also a procedure for application of Refractory Materials using gunning machine arrangements which are be operated by compressed air. At the time of gunning, gunning materials and mixing water are respectively thrown through separate hoses with the help of compressed hopper and twin twin water tank respecti respectively. vely. Before feeding the materia materials ls the gunning material and water come in contact in the nozzle and a slide mixing happen of the material with water (as per requirement of water) then the feeding is happened on the shell. This operation is vital for application of the Refractory. So the concern people must aware for that type of safety hazards. For doing this type job, following safety precaution must have to be taken. The following safety precautions have to taken for doing Gunning operations. 

Proper arrangement and electrical connection to the machineries. Electrical hazards have hav e to be pre preven vented ted by usi using ng pro proper per ele electr ctrica icall saf safety ety imp implem lement entati ation on.. Lik Likeemanufacturer test certificate, certification and approval of the machineries, safe electrical connection & proper handling of the machineries.


Before gunning all the pressure equipments like hoppers, twin water tank, hoses etc have to pressure check by using pressure gauge.

During Gunning inside a confined space, there is a possibility to create too much dust inside the space that causes breathing problem, and create darkness lowering illumination of the light. So, Gunning personal must have to use the Dusk Mask at the time of Gunning and proper light arrangements have to be done inside the Confined Space.

During Gunning there should be very good communication between Gunman and the Hopper-man.

FIRST AID BOX In any construction site there should be one first aid box for some small injures at the site. Anyhow the contractor workers have to aware for avoiding those small injures.


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