Safety Management

January 17, 2017 | Author: SAYED | Category: N/A
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2000 by Occupational Safety & Health Council

3/2000 (01)


Introduction, Objectives The Advantage of Implementing a Safety Management System Occupational Safety Charter Integrating Occupational Safety Management into Other Management Functions Establishing an Occupational Safety Management Model Suitable for Hong Kong Initial Status Review, Safety Policy Organising for Safety (1) Safety Organisation (2) Safety Committees (3) Safety Training (4) Promotion of Safety and Health Awareness

Planning and Implementing (1) In-house Safety Rules (2) Evaluation of Job Related Hazards (3) Personal Protection Programmes (4) Emergency Preparedness (5) Programme for Protecting Occupational Health (6) Evaluating, Selecting and Controlling Sub-contractors (7) Programme for Controlling Accidents and Eliminating Hazards

Measuring Performance (1) Inspecting Hazardous Conditions (2) Investigating Accidents and Incidents (3) Safety Audit and Safety Review

Periodic Review Action Plan, Conclusion Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review



Introduction Occupational safety and health has recently become an important issue in many countries. The Hong Kong SAR Government is actively involved in promoting a new strategy, that of encouraging self-regulation as a means for organisations to manage safety and health in the workplace. The main objective of self-regulation is for organisations to develop safety management systems (SMS) that suit their needs, no matter what business they are in. Moreover, an effective SMS can be used to manage and control both existing and potential hazards.

Objectives The effectiveness of a SMS reaches its peak when an organisation is able to combine occupational safety and health issues into its business strategy. An effective SMS can also help you to: reduce the risks to your employees and other people increase the efficiency of your business operations help your organisation to build a responsible image

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The Advantage of Implementing a Safety Management System Whether as an idea or in full implementation, safety management systems are not new to Hong Kong. Various local construction enterprises, public utilities and large-scale industrial undertakings have already put these into place. Some of the government projects which have already adopted a SMS have much better safety performance records than their peers. These include: Airport Core Project Housing Authority contracts Works Bureau contracts




Other large enterprises such as electricity and gas companies, railways, some major contractors, cargo container companies, hospitals, universities and government departments have also started to develop their own safety management systems. In the long run, a SMS which emphasises self-regulation will be more cost-effective in monitoring and promoting safety and health in your organisation than a traditional system which depends on law enforcement.


Occupational Safety Charter The occupational safety charter is a document which highlights the commitment of both employers and employees to create and maintain a safe and healthy work environment. It spells out your safety goals and states the responsibilities of various parties within your organisation. We encourage employers to establish a safety charter and use it as a basis for building a safety management system. The occupational safety charter provides guidelines for both employers and employees and encourages them to promote and implement occupational safety and health. It covers the following areas:




Inspections ensure that you monitor any hazardous conditions. Besides inspections you must establish procedures to control potential hazards in the workplace by adopting remedial actions.

The policy defines your commitment to communicating, implementing and maintaining a safe workplace.


Planning Planning ensures that you review projects at the design stage so as to minimise future risks. It also ensures that you have plans in place to deal with emergencies safely and effectively.


Procedures Procedures ensure that your employees clearly understand the in-house safety rules and regulations, and their obligations.



Investigations By analysing the causes of accidents and incidents in the workplace, you can draw conclusions and take appropriate actions to avoid further instances.


Sub-contracting By addressing the responsibilities of your contractors, you can ensure that they are both fully aware of and capable of meeting their safety management obligations. 3

Integrating Occupational Safety Management into Other Management Functions British Standard BS8800 is an important guideline for occupational safety management systems. The standard has adopted two approaches. The first approach is based on the Successful Health and Safety Management HS(G) 65 published by the British Health and Safety Executive (HSE). An alternative approach is based on the environmental standard BS EN ISO 14001. Basically, both are the same. By providing content in the form of guidelines and recommendations, they suggest how you can integrate occupational safety management into your other business management functions.

Model Based on HS(G) 65 Approach

External Factors

Internal Factors Initial and Periodic Status Review Policy


Organizing Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance

Information Link

Control Link

Model Based on BS EN ISO 14001 Approach

Continual Improvement Initial Status Review Management Review

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Planning

Checking and Corrective Action


Implementation and Operation

Establishing an Occupational Safety Management Model Suitable for Hong Kong Organisations who are not truly committed to occupational safety and health (OS&H) matters do not usually devote adequate resources to establish effective OS&H programmes. Therefore, the most important step you can take is to establish a safety policy and the related major elements of a safety management system. Referring to the existing status of occupational safety and health management systems in Hong Kong, and based on BS8800, we suggest you apply the occupational safety management model outlined below. It suits local needs and can be applied to any organisation, whether for reference or for implementation.

Continual Improvement

Initial Status Review

Periodic Review

Safety Policy

Measuring Performance

Safety Organizing

Planning and Implementing 5

Initial Status Review The first step is to review your existing OS&H management system. This initial status review will provide you with information that will influence your decisions on the scope, adequacy and implementation of your existing system. It will also give you a baseline for measuring safety performance. After carrying out an initial status review, you will have a better appreciation of your existing OS&H status. An initial status review compares your existing safety management system with related legislation, with your occupational safety and health guidelines and with best practice and performance in related sectors. The results of the review will help you to establish safety policy, safety goals and a safety plan. Refer to the questionnaire Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review.

Safety Policy The safety policy states in clear and unambiguous terms your management's approach and commitment to safety and health. It documents procedures for communicating, implementing and maintaining the policy at all levels of your organisation. You should review the policy periodically and amend it when necessary. Refer to the example Safety Policy of ABC Department.


Organising for Safety (1) Safety Organisation Your safety organisation clearly defines the safety and health responsibilities of all levels of staff to ensure that safety and health commitments are being implemented within your organisation. It will also help to ensure that sufficient manpower resources are provided to implement management's commitments and that external assistance is acquired if necessary. Refer to the examples, Safety Organisation Chart and the Description of Safety Responsibilities.

Description of Safety Responsibilities General Manager

Marketing and Sales Manager Sales Representatives

Products and Material Planner

Administrative Manager Accounting Officer


Administrative Assistant

Project Manager

Safety Officer

Project Engineer

Safety Supervisor

Allocation of Safety and Health Responsibilities

Safety Organization

(2) Safety Committees Safety committees provide a forum for staff with responsibilities for work safety and health to formally address issues and take appropriate actions in relation to achieving your safety management objectives. Committee members should represent all aspects of the operation of your organisation and should be competent in their tasks. They should be committed to safety and health in your workplace and given the necessary support so that they can effectively perform their duties. The safety committee should effectively communicate its decisions and actions to the persons responsible for their implementation. 7

Organising for Safety (3) Safety Training Safety training will equip your personnel with the knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary to perform their duties in a safe manner. It includes procedures to ensure that all personnel, particularly new recruits and personnel transferred to new assignments, are given proper safety and health training that is relevant to their duties. It also includes programmes developed to identify training needs to ensure that appropriate training is provided. Refer to the examples, Safety Training Courses and Safety Training Course Roster.

Safety Training Courses Plan Form

Safety Training

Safety Training Course Roster

(4) Promotion of Safety and Health Awareness By promoting a general awareness of safety and health in the workplace you will be able to develop a culture of safety and health in your organisation. Relatively simple promotion techniques include displaying the company safety policy, posters or other visual material; distributing and promoting your safety performance statistics; and organising safety talks and video shows. Award schemes that recognise and give credit to individuals, teams, sections and departments demonstrating good safety performance can also be very effective. 8

Planning and Implementing After you have established a safety policy and safety goals for your organisation, you must develop a number of programmes in order to reach your goal. You should outline these programmes in your safety plan. The content of a safety plan should include the following:

(1) In-house Safety Rules Safety rules provide personnel with a common understanding of their obligations and responsibilities with respect to the achievement of your safety management objectives. In-house safety rules and regulations should give clear instructions to personnel in all areas. Safety rules and regulations should be documented, reviewed and revised as necessary, and communicated to appropriate levels of your organisation.

(2) Evaluating Job Related Hazards Evaluating job related hazards or potential hazards is a vital first step in developing basic safe working procedures. Safe procedures begin with training personnel to perform tasks in a safe manner; establishing and maintaining procedures to ensure that safe working practices are followed; and documenting and maintaining a list of safe working procedures. It is also important to periodically review and evaluate safe work procedures to ensure that they remain relevant and material to the tasks being performed. Refer to the example Job Safety Analysis Record.

How to Develop Job Safety Analysis? Select a task which is needed to be analyzed

Job Safety Analysis Record

Choose competent staff to do the analysis Divide the task into steps Identify the potential hazards in each step Evaluate the risk of the hazards Establish safety measures to eliminate potential harzards


Planning and Implementing (3) Personal Protection Programme After considering other control methods, protective equipment is the last line of defence. As part of your personal protection programme, you should identify actual or potential exposure to hazards; select suitable equipment to prevent or reduce the hazard; and ensure the proper use of such equipment. You must also maintain records, enforce compliance and regularly monitor personnel to ensure they abide by the programme.

Examples of Different Types of PPE

(4) Emergency Preparedness A key part of your safety management system is to develop and communicate plans for effectively managing emergency situations. You must establish procedures to identify, describe and respond to emergency situations; establish a programme of drills and exercises to test and evaluate your preparedness for emergency actions; and establish an effective programme to provide first aid and emergency treatment to accident victims. Refer to the example Emergency Procedures in Case of Fire.

Sample of Emergency Procedures in Case of Fire


Planning and Implementing (5) Programme for Protecting Occupational Health This programme should include regular monitoring; reducing exposure through technological and administrative control measures; selecting, providing and maintaining suitable personal protective equipment and supervising use; preemployment and periodic medical examinations of exposed workers; and training and education of workers.

(6) Evaluating, Selecting and Controlling Sub-contractors You must ensure that sub-contractors are fully aware of their safety obligations and that you only employ sub-contractors who can meet these obligations. You must clearly define the safety responsibilities and obligations of sub-contractors before they start work; make sub-contracting personnel aware of safety rules and regulations as well as instructions and procedures for safe working practices; and establish procedures to evaluate the safety performance of sub-contractors.


Planning and Implementing (6) Programme for Controlling Accidents and Eliminating Hazards This programme's goal is controlling accidents and eliminating hazards before workers are exposed to any adverse work environment. It includes setting policy for reviewing engineering projects at the conception and design stages, setting parameters for processes and materials to take account of any changes, and developing a regular monitoring mechanism.


Measuring Performance After implementing your safety plan, you should use the following methods to measure your current safety and health performance to check whether your objectives have been met.

(1) Inspecting Hazardous Conditions You must establish procedures to identify and rectify hazardous conditions. This includes planning and conducting inspections, developing inspection check-lists, recording hazards, and taking preventive and immediate corrective actions against hazards. Refer to the example Safety Inspection Chart.

Safety Inspection Chart

(2) Investigating Accidents and Incidents

Accident Investigation Report

Investigations give you the means to find out what has caused an accident and to develop arrangements to prevent recurrence. Your investigation procedure should include reporting, recording and investigating accidents; as well as keeping accident statistics, analysing accident causes and making recommendations to prevent recurrence. Also include a mechanism to ensure that any recommendations are implemented promptly. Refer to the example Accident Investigation Report.


Measuring Performance (3) Safety Audit and Safety Review Periodically you must conduct a safety audit of your safety management system to determine whether it is meeting the objectives of your safety plan. Your safety audit should be both systematic and documented and the results should be reviewed by the management level.

Safety Audit Procedures


Periodic Review To ensure your occupational safety management system is effective and in operation throughout your organisation, senior management should conduct a periodic review. The scope should include: Overall performance of the safety management system Performance of individual elements of the safety management system Results and recommendations of the safety audit or safety review Internal and external factors such as changes of legislation, organisation and technology (refer to table of Internal and External Environmental Factors) Established action plan

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Periodic Review Performance measurement and improvement

External factors

Internal factor

Change in safety policy

Internal and External Environmental Factors


Action Plan Establish an action plan for your organisation to define the rights and responsibilities of your staff when carrying out improvement measures. Your action plan should also set deadlines for completing improvement measures and prevention work, etc. Refer to the example Action Plan Form.

Action Plan Form

Conclusion Within the framework of a safety management system, you can establish safety policy and measures which suit your specific working environment. Encourage both management a n d n o n - m a n a g e m e n t s t a ff t o p a r t i c i p a t e frequently in safety management activities. Frequent participation will enhance the occupational safety and health awareness of all employees and remind them to follow safety regulations. In the long run, your safety management system will play an important role in reducing your accident rate. 16

Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review During our day-to-day work, we should make every effort to minimise accidents and risks in the workplace. To this end, adding safety and health elements to our management system is essential. Nevertheless, it is important to know what your initial safety and health status is before enhancing it. The following is a safety and health programme check which will help you to assess the performance of your organisation in various aspects of safety and health. Simply answer each of the questions by placing a check mark in the appropriate box. Assign yourself 1 point for 'Yes', 1/2 point for 'Partly', and 0 points for 'No'. When you have completed all of the questions use the scale at the bottom of the check-list to determine the level of your safety programme. Name of Organisation : Workplace : Date :

Time :

Reviewed by :

Section 1 : Safety Policy




1. The organisation has a written safety policy. 2. The safety policy is signed by senior management. 3. Management are committed to Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H) matters. 4. Management encourage employees to work safely and follow safety rules. Total:

Score :


Score :

Section 2 : Safety Organisation 1. There is a clear safety organisation chart. 2. The responsibilities of employees in OS&H matters are clearly defined. 3. A person from senior management or a director is responsible for OS&H matters. 4. Employees understand and follow their OS&H responsibilities.


Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review Section 3 : Safety Committee




1. There is a safety committee in the organisation. 2. The duties of the safety committee include workplace inspections of OS&H. 3. The committee assists in accident investigations. 4. Members of the committee review inspection/ investigation reports. 5. Half of the committee members are staff representatives. 6. Besides the safety committee, there is a similar functional group serving the same purpose. Total:

Score :

Section 4 : Safety Training 1. OS&H training is given to all employees. 2. Specific OS&H training is provided for supervisors. 3. Specific OS&H training is provided for management. 4. OS&H related information is provided by the organisation. Total:

Score :

Section 5 : Promotion of Safety and Health Awareness 1. There is a safety and health promotion programme in the organisation. 2. Safety and health posters and information are displayed. 3. Management are actively participating and supporting the safety and health promotion programme. 4. Employees are actively participating in OS&H promotion activities. Total: 18

Score :

Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review Section 6 : In-house Safety Rules




1. General safety rules are established for the organisation. 2. All employees know and understand these rules. 3. Specific safety rules for hazardous jobs have been developed. 4. All safety rules are enforced. Total:

Score :

Section 7 : Evaluation of Job Related Hazards 1. The organisation assesses job risks to identify hazards in various tasks. 2. The organisation establishes related preventive measures according to the results of risk assessment. 3. Preventive measures include establishing safety method statements, safety procedures and safety guidelines. 4. The organisation implements and conducts all of the safety measures. Total:

Score :

Section 8 : Personal Protection Programme (PPE) 1. Local and international approved standards are used as reference for purchasing personal protective equipment. 2. Suitable personal protective equipment is provided for employees. 2. Employees are trained in the use and maintenance of personal protective equipment. 3. Personal protective equipment is properly maintained. Total:

Score :


Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review Section 9 : Emergency Preparedness




1. There is an emergency preparedness plan for the organisation. 2. Fire prevention measures are included in the emergency preparedness plan. 3. Suitable training is given to employees who are responsible for emergency preparedness. 4. Emergency preparedness drills are conducted frequently. 5. There are adequate and suitable first aid facilities in the organisation. 6. A competent first-aider is employed. Total:

Score :

Section 10 : Programme on Protection of Occupational Health 1. There is a plan to protect the occupational health of employees. 2. Occupational health checks are given to employees. 3. Safe handling of chemicals is included in the occupational health plan. 4. Noise control is included in the occupational health plan. 5. Safety issues in the workplace such as lighting, air quality and work stress are included in the occupational health plan. Total:

Score :

Section 11 : Evaluation, Selection and Control of Sub-contractors 1. The organisation has a safety policy which evaluates, selects and controls the safety performance of sub-contractors. 2. Sub-contractors are chosen on the basis of their past records in safety and health performance. 3. Occupational safety meetings are conducted frequently with sub-contractors. 4. The safety performance of sub-contractors is always checked and reviewed by the organisation. 5. Punishment is given to those sub-contractors who have a poor safety performance. Total: 20

Score :

Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review Section 12 : Programme for Controlling Accidents and Eliminating Hazards Yes No


1. The organisation conducts risk assessment to find existing and potential occupational safety and health hazards in working processes. 2. Based on the results of the risk assessment, safety and health measures related to working processes are established. 3. Employees understand these safety and health measures. 4. Maintenance procedures are provided with occupational safety and health preventive measures. 5. Suitable safety procedures and professional training are given to workers who are involved in the operation of equipment.


Score :

Section 13 : Programme of Inspection of Hazardous Conditions 1. Periodic workplace safety inspections are conducted in the organisation. 2. When potential hazards are identified, they are corrected immediately. 3. Inspection results are reported to the employees and the safety committee. 4. Inspection reports are kept for safety performance analysis. Total:

Score :

Section 14 : Accident / Incident Investigation 1. All accidents / incidents are investigated. 2. All accidents / incidents are investigated (no matter what the property loss is). 3. Results of investigations are reported in written form. 4. The organisation analyses the trend of accidents / incidents. 5. The safety committee participates in the investigations. Total:

Score : 21

Initial Occupational Safety and Health Status Review Section 15 : Safety Audit and Safety Review




1. A periodic safety review or safety audit is conducted within the organisation. 2. A safety audit or review is conducted by an independent safety auditor or safety review officer. 3. Results of the safety audit or review are used to examine the organisation's safety management system. 4. The organisation establishes an action plan according to the results of safety audit or review. Total:

Score :

Section 16 : Periodic Review 1. The organisation's safety management system is reviewed periodically. 2. Management staff is assigned to carry out the safety review. 3. An action plan is established after the review. 4. The action plan is implemented. Total:

Score :

Total Score :

How do you rate? By adding up the scores of each section, you will obtain your total score. In order to check the initial status of your organisation, please look at the table. If the score is not satisfactory, establish or amend your organisation's safety plan. It is vital that you implement your safety plan to solve problems related to safety and health.

Total Score


64 - 72

Your organisation's safety management system meets the initial requirement. An independent safety auditor can start to conduct a safety audit for the organisation.

50 - 63

Only part of the safety management system meets the initial requirement. It still needs improvement.

0 - 49

Your organisation lacks a safety management system. It needs to seek help.



2000 by Occupational Safety & Health Council

3/2000 (01)

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