Safety Climate

March 22, 2018 | Author: arther31 | Category: Chevron Corporation, Obesity, Occupational Safety And Health, Indonesia, Smoke
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Safety climate, safety management practice and safety performance in offshore environments

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, Sean M. Whitaker and Rhona Flin

Industrial Psychology Group, Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 2UB, UK Available online 17 April 2002.

Abstract Safety climate surveys were conducted on 13 offshore oil and gas installations in separate years (N=682 and 806, respectively), with nine installations common to both years. In addition, data on safety management practices were collected by questionnaire from senior management on eight installations in each year. The associations between management practices and climate scores with official accident statistics and self-reported accident involvement were tested via a series of hypotheses. Associations were found between certain safety climate scales and official accident statistics and also the proportion of respondents reporting an accident in the previous 12 months. Proficiency in some safety management practices was associated with lower official accident rates and fewer respondents reporting accidents. Author Keywords: Offshore industry; Safety climate; Health & Safety management; Safety performance

Article Outline 1. Introduction 2. Objectives of the current study 3. Method 3.1. Safety climate survey 3.1.1. Satisfaction with safety activities 3.1.2. Involvement in health and safety 3.1.3. Communication about health and safety 3.1.4. Perceived supervisor competence 3.1.5. Perceived management commitment to safety 3.1.6. Frequency of general unsafe behaviour 3.1.7. Frequency of unsafe behaviour under incentives 3.2. Safety Management Questionnaire (SMQ) 3.3. Participants and background 4. Results 4.1. Offshore Safety Questionnaire (OSQ)

4.2. Safety management questionnaires 4.2.1. Hypothesis 0 4.2.2. Hypothesis 1 4.2.3. Hypothesis 2 4.2.4. Hypothesis 3 4.2.5. Hypothesis 4 4.2.6. Hypothesis 5 4.3. Summary of hypotheses and their support 4.4. Specific management practices and safety performance 5. Discussion and summary 5.1. Safety climate scores and safety performance 5.2. Safety management practices and safety performance 5.3. Specific management practices Acknowledgements Appendix A. Items in the Offshore Safety Questionnaire in each year Unmatched scales Appendix B. Issues addressed in the SMQ in year one A. Health and safety policies B. Organizing for health and safety C. Management commitment D. Workforce involvement E. Health promotion and surveillance F. Health and safety auditing Appendix C. Issues addressed in the SMQ in year two A. Health and safety policies B. Organizing for health and safety C. Management commitment E. Workforce involvement E. Health promotion and surveillance F. Health and safety auditing G. Operator contractor interfacing Appendix D. Definitions of accident categories References

TitleA Partnership in Upstream HSE Technology Transfer AuthorsOlszewski, R.E., Chevron Overseas Petroleum; Wahjosoedibjo, A.S., PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia; Hunley, M., Texaco Inc.; Peargin, J.C., Chevron Corp. Source SPE Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Conference, 9-12 June 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana Copyright Copyright 1996, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. LanguageEnglish Preview Abstract The oil and gas industry was for nearly two decades the dominant force in the Indonesian economy and the single largest contributor to the nation's development. Because of the success of Indonesia's long-term development and diversification program, this oncedominant sector today occupies a more equal but still vital position in a better-balanced economy. The Indonesian government understands the danger to the environment posed by rapid industrial expansion and has enacted laws and regulations to ensure the sustainable development of its resources while protecting its rain forest environment. In 1992, the government oil company approached Chevron and Texaco for assistance in training its Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) professionals. The upstream environment, health and safety training program was developed to transfer HSE knowledge and technology to PERTAMINA, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, a C&T affiliate, and indirectly, to the entire Indonesian oil and gas industry and government ministries. The four companies have demonstrated the effectiveness of a partnership approach in developing and carrying out HSE training. During 1994 and 1995, four groups, each consisting of about twenty representatives from PERTAMINA, the Directorate of Oil and Gas (MIGAS), the Indonesian Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL), CPI, and Chevron and Texaco worldwide subsidiaries, traveled to the United States for an intensive four-month program of study in HSE "best practices" and technology conducted by Chevron and Texaco experts. As a result, Indonesia today has a corps of about seventy highly-trained HSE experts working in the private and state-owned oil and gas industry, and in critically important government agencies and ministries. This paper describes the development and realization of The PERTAMINA/CPI Health, Safety and Environment Training Program, outlines subjects covered and explains the methodology used to ensure the effective transfer of HSE knowledge and technology. The paper also offers an evaluation of the sessions and presents the plans developed by participant-teams for follow up on their return to Indonesia. Introduction: Purpose & Partnership The Indonesian National Oil Company, PERTAMINA and the Government of Indonesia have long recognized the danger to their fragile rain forest environment posed by the rapid

industrial expansion during the last 23 years. To ensure the sustainable development of its resources and economy while protecting the environment, the Government of Indonesia has enacted numerous laws and regulations related to environment and safety since the early 1980s (Public Law #4 "Basic Provisions for Management of the Living Environment," March 1982) and established the Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) in 1990 (PL #23, June 1990). As early as 1990, Mr. G.A.S. Nayoan, then Senior Vice President Director, Exploration and Production, with PERTAMINA approached Mr. R. L. Arscott, then with Chevron Research & Technology Company's (CRTC) Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) staff during the First International SPE Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment to discuss the feasibility of training PERTAMINA personnel in HSE technology and best practices. By 1992, the discussions had advanced to the stage where PERTAMINA felt comfortable approaching its Production Sharing Contractor, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), a jointlyowned affiliate of Chevron and Texaco (C&T), with a request for a training program in HSE to follow through on the technology transfer efforts. P. 113 Number of Pages9 File Size 742 KB Price SPE Member Price: US $ 7.50 SPE NonMember Price: US $ 25.00 Change Currency


risiko manajemen Risk management Crude oil storage tank Failure Mode Effect (FMEA) Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Program Inspeksi

[ Description ] Crude oil storage tank di PT. Pertamina EP Region Jawa Area Cepu merupakan pusat penampungan produksi dari sumur-sumur minyak melalui stasiun pengumpul dan kemudian dikirim ke kilang minyak. Sifat crude oil yang mudah terbakar dapat membahayakan lingkungan sekitar crude oil storage tank jika terjadi kebocoran yang menyebabkan kebakaran sehingga dapat merugikan bagi perusahaan maupun warga sekitar lokasi storage tank.Salah satu metode untuk mengetahui tingkat resiko dan memprediksi nilai resiko serta rencana program inspeksi yaitu dengan menggunakan American Petroleum Institute Publication 581 yang berisi metode RBI (Risk Based Inspection). Metode RBI merupakan metode untuk menggunakan resiko sebagai dasar untuk melakukan aktifitas inspeksi. Sebelum mengaplikasikan ke dalam RBI dilakukan identifikasi awal dengan Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) untuk mengetahui nilai kegagalan yang paling besar dari sistem penampungan. Kemudian dilakukan analisa kualitatif RBI untuk menentukan tingkat resiko crude oil storage tank. Selanjutnya menentukan nilai resiko crude oil storage tank dengan metode kuantitatif RBI. Dari analisa kualitatif dan kuantitatif ditentukan rencana program inspeksi sebagai salah satu usaha untuk meminimalkan resiko pada crude oil storage tank. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kualitatif dan kuantitatif RBI, crude oil storage tank PT. Pertamina EP Region Jawa Area Cepu mempunyai tingkat resiko Medium-High Risk dengan nilai consequence sebesar 34 dan likelihood sebesar 50. Untuk nilai resiko kebakaran yang dimiliki crude oil storage tank sebesar 54,76252 ft�/years. Dari hasil analisis, diperoleh bahwa perencanaan program inspeksi dilakukan 3 tahun sekali dengan teknik visual test maksimal 5 tahun dan ultrasonic test maksimal 15 tahun. Berdasarkan management system evaluation yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara perlu adanya perbaikan sistem manajemen HSE dengan mengacu pada elemen-elemen yang ada pada Appendix D RBI API 581 serta untuk mencegah terjadinya kegagalan atau kecelakaan perlu dipasang sistem deteksi dan pengaman seluruh peralatan yang ada pada PT.Pertamina EP.

Alt. Description Crude oil storage tank at PT. Pertamina EP is the reception center of production from oil wells through a collection station and then sent to the refinery. The flammable characteristic of crude oil can damage the local environment if the crude oil storage tank leak causeda fire that can be detrimental for the company and residents around the location of storage tank.. One of method to determine the level of risk and predict risk value and plan inspection program by using the RBI (Risk Based Inspection) method of American Petroleum Institute.RBI method is method that using risk as based inspection activity. Before applying to the RBI, conducted early identification with the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to assess the value of the greatest failures of the shelter system. Then performed a qualitative RBI analysis to determine the level of crude oil storage tank risk. Next, determine the risk value of crude oil storage tank with a RBI quantitative method. From the qualitative and quantitative analysis determined plan inspection program as one attempts to minimize the risk on crude oil storage tank. Based on the results of RBI qualitative and quantitative analysis with consequence value 34 and likelihood value 50, the risk level of crude oil storage tank PT. Pertamina EP level is Medium-High Risk. For flammable risk value wich is having by crude oil storage tank about 54.76252 ft�/ years. From the analysis result, that the planning of the inspection program, conducted once in 3 years with maximum test of visual techniques is 5 years and maximum test ultrasonic is 15 years. Based on management system evaluation of interview needs correction management system of HSE be down on elements in Appendix D RBI 581, to prevent failure or accident needs detection system and safeguard to all of equipment in PT.Pertamina EP. Contributor :

1. Annas Singgih Setioko, ST., MT.

2. Projek Priyonggo S.L. ST., MT. Date Create : 10/08/2010 Type : Text Format : pdf Language : Indonesian Identifier : ITS-Undergraduate-3100010040513 Collection ID : 3100010040513 Call Number : RSPP 658.155 Had a

Source : Undergraduate Thesis, Occupational Safety and Health Engineering, RSPP 658.155 Had a, 2010 Coverage : ITS Community Rights : Copyright @2010 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re

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Pengetahuan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3), penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 dan kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja (in the job accident) crew drilling di PT Pertamina (Persero) unit bisnis eksplorasi produksi Jambi Yunizar

Pembimbing: Hendarto Budiyono , SMI, MM. ABSTRACT: Background: Production Exploration Business Unit of PT. Pertamina Jambi has implemented management of occupational safety and health and environmental conservation; however drilling crew still encounter in the job accident. Causes of accidents among drilling crew may come from unsafe condition and unsafe human act. Factors of unsafe condition include poor implementation of occupational safety and health inspection, rigid work procedure, and slippery workplace during the rain. Factors of unsafe human act include poor knowledge of drilling crew on occupational safety and health, so that they act unsafely (they do not focus on their job and do not wear complete and standard selfprotection equipment) while drilling. The researcher noticed this condition while doing preliminary survey and the study (filling in questionnaires). Objective: The study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge on occupational safety and health, utilization of self-protection equipment and the implementation of occupational safety and health inspection and in the job accident of drilling crew of production exploration business unit of PT. Pertamina Jambi 20042006. Method: This was a correlative study with survey method and cross sectional design. Subject of the study consisted of 42 respondents out of 45 all drilling crew with inclusion criteria of duration of occupation 3 years minimum. Data of independent variables were obtained from questionnaire on knowledge on occupation comprising 20 questions, the utilization of self-protection equipment comprising 12 questions and the implementation of occupational safety and health inspection comprising 16 questions. Data of dependent variables were obtained from checklist of in the job accident. All data were processed using SPSS version 2005 at significance level 0.01 (very significant) and 0.05 (significant). Result: There was negative very significant relationship between knowledge on occupational safety and health and in the job accident with r=-0.445 and p=0.003, between use of self-protection equipment and in the job accident with r=0.399 and p=0.009, and between the implementation of occupational safety and health and in the job accident with r=-0.409 and p=0.007 partially. Conclusion: Based on regression analysis, double determinant coefficient Rpibs2 was as much as 0.480. This meant that knowledge on occupational safety and health, use of self protection equipment and the implementation of

occupational safety and health inspection gave effective contribution as much as 48% to the decline of accident rate in the workplace. Effective contribution of each variable was 19.175% (knowledge), 13.091% (use of self-protection equipment) and 15.711% (implementation of occupational safety and health inspection). Keywords: occupational health, self-protection equipment, inspection INTISARI: Latar Belakang PT. Pertamina (Persero) UBEP Jambi telah menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lindungan Lingkungan, namun angka kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja masih juga dialami crew drilling. Penyebab kecelakaan kerja yang dialami oleh crew drilling berasal dari faktor kondisi kerja dan faktor manusianya (unsafe condition and unsafe human act). Faktor kondisi kerja antara lain disebabkan oleh lapangan kerja yang licin bila hari hujan, kebisingan, suhu. Faktor manusia disebabkan oleh pengetahuan K3 crew drilling yang masih rendah akibat tidak pernahnya mengikuti pelatihan K3 secara khusus dan umum, sehingga berdampak pada prilaku crew drilling di mana saat mereka bekerja sambil berbicara, bergurau dan tidak memakai alat pelindung diri secara lengkap dan standar dan pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 yang dilakukan oleh bagian HSE tidak maksimal. Kondisi di atas terlihat oleh peneliti saat peneliti melakukan survei awal dan saat melakukan penelitian. Tujuan Penelitian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungannya antara pengetahuan K3, penggunaan alat pelindung diri dan pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 terhadap kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja crew drilling di PT. Pertamina (Persero) UBEP Jambi kurun waktu tahun 2004 sampai dengan tahun 2006. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Korelatip, yang dijalankan dengan metode survei dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi yang diambil pada penelitian berjumlah 42 orang responden, dari 45 orang keseluruhan jumlah crew drilling, dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi yaitu masa kerja crew drilling minimal 3 tahun. Data untuk variabel independen dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner pengetahuan kerja yang terdiri dari 20 pertanyaan, penggunaan alat pelindung diri 12 butir pernyataan dan pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 16 pernyataan. Data untuk variabel dependen diambil melalui kuesioner, sedangkan checklist kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja digunakan untuk mengetahui penyebab kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja. Keseluruhan teknik analisis yang di kemukakan di atas dilakukan dengan menggunakan Seri Program Statistik ( SPS ) versi – 2005 (Hadi,2001). Taraf signifikansi uji hipotesis yang digunakan Hadi. 2000, adalah 0,01 (sangat signifikan) dan 0,05 (signifikan). Hasil dan kesimpulan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara pengetahuan K3 dengan kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) = -0,445 dengan p= 0,003, penggunaan alat pelindung diri dengan kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) = -0,399 dengan p=0,009 dan pelaksanaan Inspeksi K3 dengan kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) = 0,409 dengan p= 0,007. secara parsial. Berdasarkan persamaan regresi, di peroleh juga koefisien determinasi berganda Rpbis2 sebesar 0,5245, yang berarti pengetahuan K3, penggunaan alat pelindung diri dan pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 52,45 % terhadap penurunan kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja. Sumbangan efektif masing-masing variabel adalah: Pengetahuan K3 = 19,80 %, Penggunaan alat pelindung diri = 15,92% dan pelaksanaan inspeksi K3 = 16,73 %. No Inventaris Kata kunci Deskripsi

c.1 (1388-H-2008) Alat pelindung diri,APD,Keselamatn dan kesehatan kerja,Inspeksi K3,Kecelakaan kerja xvi, 158 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm

Bahasa Jenis Penerbit Lokasi File

Indonesia Thesis [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2008 Perpustakaan Pusat UGM Tidak tersedia

* Anda dapat mengecek ketersediaan versi cetak dari penelitian ini di Perpustakaan Pusat UGM Unit 3

Science 15 May 1992: Vol. 256 no. 5059 pp. 987-991 DOI: 10.1126/science.256.5059.987

Airborne Studies of the Smoke from the Kuwait Oil Fires 1. Peter V. Hobbs and 2. Lawrence F. Radke

+ Author Affiliations 1. Professor of atmospheric sciences and director of the Cloud and Aerosol Research Group, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 2. Manager of the Research Aviation Facility, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Post Office Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307

Abstract Airborne studies of smoke from the Kuwait oil fires were carried out in the spring of 1991 when ∼4.6 million barrels of oil were burning per day. Emissions of sulfur dioxide were ∼57% of that from electric utilities in the United States; emissions of carbon dioxide were ∼2% of global emissions; emissions of soot were ∼3400 metric tons per day. The smoke absorbed ∼75 to 80% of the sun's radiation in regions of the Persian Gulf. However, the smoke probably had insignificant global effects because (i) particle emissions were less than expected, (ii) the smoke was not as black as expected, (iii) the smoke was not carried high in the atmosphere, and (iv) the smoke had a short atmospheric residence time.


Bad Weather: On Planetary Crisis Social Studies of Science 1 February 2010: 7-40. o Abstract o Full Text (PDF) Observations of the plume generated by the December 2005 oil depot explosions and prolonged fire at Buncefield (Hertfordshire, UK) and associated atmospheric changes Proc R Soc A 8 May 2007: 1153-1177.

Abstract Full Text Full Text (PDF) Respiratory health status of Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and the effects of exposure to oil fire smoke and dust storms Thorax 1 October 2004: 897-903. o Abstract o Full Text o Full Text (PDF) o o o

Overweight and obesity among Kuwait Oil Company employees: a cross‐sectional study 1. Taysir Al‐Asi

+ Author Affiliations 1. Medical Officer of Health, Preventive Medical Department, Ahmadi Hospital, Kuwait Oil Company, Ahmadi, Kuwait.

1. Correspondence to: Dr Taysir Al‐Asi, PO Box 44334, Hawalli 32058, Kuwait. e‐mail: [email protected] • • •

Received February 11, 2002. Revision received June 17, 2003. Accepted July 7, 2003.

Abstract Background Overweight and obesity are considered major risk factors for many diseases, and their prevalence is known to be high in Kuwait from previous studies. Aim To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and related risk factors among Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) employees. Method A cross‐sectional study of full‐time KOC employees was carried out using a structured questionnaire that was completed during periodic medical examinations. The questionnaire included demographic details, frequency and duration of physical activity, history of chronic diseases and medication. All participants were counselled and examined. Blood pressure, body mass index and fasting glucose were recorded. Results Some 3282 out of 3900 employees completed the study; 85% of participants were male, 62%were field workers and 38%were office workers. The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity among KOC employees was 75%. Males showed a higher level of overweight and obesity (79%) than females (56%). Field workers had a higher level of overweight and obesity (78%) and higher inactivity (65%) than office workers (72% and 56%, respectively). Conclusion Overweight and obesity, together with inactivity, are highly prevalent among KOC employees, and more so among field workers than office workers. Encouraging an

active lifestyle, healthy eating habits and weight control programmes are all possible interventions to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity.

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