Safety & Loss Prevention

June 13, 2016 | Author: Mohamd Abu-Jamoos | Category: N/A
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Short Description

for contractor...



Project Name: Construction of pier and integrated building On Alhuwisat Island. Owner: General Administration for border guards

Contract No. 219 m / 34/24


Job Title: Construction of pier and integrated building On Alhuwisat Island.

Scope of work: Is to construct a pier and a full integrated building on the Island in the eastern area which include: 1. Main building. 2. Mosque. 3. General location. 4. Communication tower. 5. Breakwater & pier.


Site location


INDEX Chapter No.

Safety Topics

Page No.




Function & Responsibilities


Construction Safety Organization


Safety Education & Training


Site Planning & Housekeeping


Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment


Accident Report & Records


Safety Orientation of Craft Man,


Welding & Cutting Operation


Hand & Power Tools


Fire Protection & Hazards




Temporary Heating Devices

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Fire Extinguishers Work Permit Traffic Safety Safety Officer's & Supervisors safety meeting First Aid Incentive Program Proposed Security Program Emergency Procedures & Numbers Ten basic Safety Rules Contractor Safety Orientation Checklist 4


It is the intention of ABSAR to implement and ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all their employees, subcontractors, and all personnel those who are entering to the project and all other bonafide visitors. Safety officer will ensure that all personnel entering to project construction site comply with the client safety rules and procedures. Safety officer will also ensure all employees and subcontractors are aware of the safety rules and regulations. Provide induction training and safety instructions to all workers and visitors entering the worksite and ensure that it is fully understood.


DEFINITIONS GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Arabian Building Support and Rehappitation Company , General Contractor CONTRACTOR (Designated) SAFETY COORDINATOR: The individual assigned by the Contractor or Subcontractor to perform the onsite safety duties. EMPLOYER: Any insured performing work under contract at the job site. OFF-SITE: Any premises outside the fenced property of the job site. ON-SITE: The premises within the fenced property of the job site. OWNER: General Administration for border guards. PROJECT: Construction of pier and an integrated building Al-Houisat island PROJECT MANAGER (TBD): The individual assigned by the General Contractor with overall project responsibility. PROJECT SAFETY COORDINATOR (TBD): The individual assigned by the General Contractor that supervises all of the Subcontractors to ensure safety at the job site. PROJECT SAFETY PROGRAM: The manual that identifies the requirements for The Project’s safety and loss prevention program as established by the General Contractor. PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT (TBD): The individual assigned by the General Contractor who supervises all Subcontractors at the job site. SUBCONTRACTOR: Any individual, firm, or corporation entering into a contract with contractor


2.0 Functions And Responsibilities: A)Policy is an important element of the project and requires the attention and involvement of all project personnel. Every individual in the company will be made aware of the company’s safety policy and attitude towards the control of accidents, damage to equipment and fire, and of the part one has to play to achieve this end. Each employee should satisfactorily discharge the responsibilities allocated to him and there should be no doubt that his safety records will be taken into account when promotion or other rewards are being considered.



Client Consultant project manager Constsltant safty officer

Contractor project manager

Contractor Safty Officer

Site Engineer



The management at each level of authority will be responsible for the result of construction safety program.

A.Project Manager The project Manager has the over all responsibility for implementation and supervision of the project safety program, and for providing the interface between senior management, other department managers and Safety Officers. This does not relieve all other managers and personnel from their responsibility to actively promote and supervise safety activities within their respective organizations and does not preclude day-to-day working relationship between safety officer and all other organizations.He will administers the safety policy of the company during the duration of the contract for construction and other related jobs.


He will implements the safety policy of the company for the control of injury , damage and fire. He will follow the requirements of contract and the relevent parts of government workman's regulations and ensure that they are complied with. He will ensures that all levels of supervision receive adequate safety training and are qualified. He will coordinate with representatives of the Loss Prevention Division and other involved organization. He will make sure the reporting system involving accident or fire , is in accordance with the requirements this Safety Manual and the International OSHA Standard Requirements and he will set a personal example.

B. Site ENGINEER:He will follow the requirement of construction contract and relevent parts of the Government Worksman's Regulation and will ensure ,they are complied with. He will allocate the responsibility for all key men of company, subcontractors and others. He will follow the Work Permit Procedures in restricted areas. He will be responsible for adjustment to change in the safety requirements of construction project. He will be responsible for potential hazards on new contracts before work start. He will recommend to improve existing work methods and work areas. He will conducts investigations of accidents analyze causes and recommend preventive measures to avoid and minimize occurances of accidents. He will insist in the safety training of employees in coordination with safety officer. He will conduct weekly safety meeting in coordination with safety officer and all workers..

C.Safety Officer: The Safety Officer’s responsibility will be the implementation of complete industrial and construction 9

safety requirements and of client safety program procedures. Training site personnel, conducting weekly safety meeting, ensuring that all personnel adhere to safety requirements, periodical checking of personnel and safety equipment’s coordination and site visit with safety representative,ABSAR ensuring corrective action if found any lapses, perform safety audit and submit records to Contract Administrator, or Client Representative cooperate with the client and consultant representative in complying with all safety rules and procedures. All necessary records related to safety will be maintained and Safety Officer will report directly to the Project Manager if there is NO Safety Manager or Safety Supervisor required in the project. He will be responsible for safety training of employee and will conduct weekly meetings with all workers and keep a record of the meeting and He will attend job progress meeting regularly. He will conduct daily safety inspection in the work areas and will take notes of unsafe conditions and recommends the means of removing hazards in the job and correct unsafe acts of workers and He will keep a permanent record of all injuries and property damage at the site He will motivate employees to work safely through safety promotion activities. He will prepare the topics, supervise and observe weekly Safety Tool Box Talks to be conducted by the Craft Foremen, and Supervisor for a 15-20 minutes every first day of the work week, with records keep. D.FOREMAN He will be familiar with the requirements of the contract. He will conduct weekly Safety Tool Box meetings with workers and will correct unsafe acts commeted by workers and He will give instructional safety talks to workers prior to the start of the job He will report unsafe conditions in the job site as well as unsafe acts by workers. *based on the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) initiated by the Safety Department, or Safety Officer based on the approved Method of Statement of that specific activity. E.LOGISTIC OFFICER he will ensure equipment to be used in construction work is safe. He will ensure that equipment operators are trained , qualified, & authorized and certified by a 3rd Party Certifying Agency approved by the client. He will check the periodic testing , routine inspection and maintenance schedules on due dates and He will ensure that equipment checklist have been filled up and signed by proper authority prior to its daily use or operation at site.


He will recommend site management to take dangerous or defective equipment out of service untill repaired. He will be responsible for delivery of materials and equipment to site in safe. F. Q.A & Q.C. Engineer He will be well familiar with the requirements of the contract. He will be responsible for the safety regarding his side for insuring the Q.A & Q.C. program. He will insure the safety of equipment used in Q.A. & Q.C. program. He will coordinate and familiarize the safety program with independent testing laboratory which will do the testing of deferent material etc. He will attend the safety meeting whenever it is required. He will coordinate with safty department\crew for any safty barrication or signbord requirment for any material and equipment deliverd to the site.

G.WORKERS All the workers will use correct tools and equipment. All the works will be done safely and always they will follow existing safety procedure. All the workers will keep tools in a safe condition. All the workers will wear safety shoes,hard hat and other required protective clothing and equipment as per the nature of work. Do nothing to endanger self or workmates. Refrain from horseplay and abuse of safety devices, equipment, and welfare facilities. Report any accident, near misses, or hazardous conditions to immediate supervisor. Read company safety rules, and take of the safety precautions for the new activity at site. Obey all posted warning signs.

H.DRIVERS All the drivers will have government's driving license. All the drivers will have accessory tools and other safety equipment. All the drivers will follow posted minimum and maximum speed on highways and in towns as well inside plants. 11

All the drivers will be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment they are using and see to it that it is in good condition always.

4.0 Safety Education And Training: A.Policy: Safety Officer will make sure that each employee is instructed regarding work hazards and methods and the methods by which these hazards are controlled. Instruction regarding safety program will be provided through weekly tool box safety meeting.

B.Orientation of Manual and Non-Manual Employees:

The minimum of 15 minutes will be allotted for the safety orientation of all new hired employees by the contractor. The individual responsible participation in this orientation program will be encouraged. This will be minuted and records keep for future reference.

C. ADDITIONAL TRAININGS: All ABSAR employee are trained for there job and tool box training will be sufisiant for keeping the workers in safe condition.

Each employee who is potentially exposed to chemicals or physical hazardous will receive training: New employees will receive training on the contents of this program and specific training on the chemicals that the individuals will be directly working with during orientation and prior to performing work where exposure may occur. Additional training will be provided for employees whenever a new chemical is introduced into their work area. As warranted, training may be provided based on the uniqueness of the hazards to be encountered at an inspection worksite. The training program will emphasize the following elements: a. A summary of the HCS and the written program;


b. Hazardous chemical properties, including visual appearance and odor, and methods that can be used to detect the presence or release of hazardous chemicals; c. Physical and health hazards associated with potential exposure to hazardous chemicals; d. Procedures to protect against hazards, such as personal protective equipment, work practices, and emergency procedures; e. Hazardous chemical spill and leak procedures; and f. Location of MSDSs, how to understand their content, and how employees may obtain and use appropriate hazard information.

And In case of a new job ariconduct training how to do the job and the workers awareness about the safety requirements in doing the job if the need arises.

5.SITE PLANNING AND HOUSEKEEPING 5.1 INTRODUCTION Good housing keeping will be done because it is an important element of the construction safety program and an essential tool in accident prevention. Good housing keeping will be planned at the beginning of the job , carefully supervised and seriously followed up until the final clean up.

5.2 SITE PLANNING ABSAR co. will carefully analyze the loss prevention program and its implentation scheme from the planning stage , through the duration of construction work and up to the final stage of the contract prior to the start of any construction contract. Site layout will be planned before work is started. Items to be included in the plan are site office ,parking facility, watersupply, drainage supply , electricity supply, safe means of excess and egress, perimeter fencing, and fire protection. The contractor will maintain the entrance and exit of people in the worksite and offices by a security personnel at the gate with the workers issued ID PASS and wearing ABSAR worker outfit and safety clothes.


5.2.1: SITE SAFETY STAFF: Contractor has to maintain a qualified and client approved Safety Staff to monitor all the Safety Related activities, conditions and situations to maintain the worksite at its acceptable level of safety. The minimum number of Safety Staff shall be in accordance with the following: CONTRACTOR SITE SAFETY STAFF REQUIREMENTS: # Safety Manager Min. # Safety Supervisors Ratio of Safety officers to Employees Required Required Employees Present (min) 1 - 25



At least One (1)

26 - 50



One (1)

51 - 500


One (1)


501 - 1000


1 for every 10 Safety Officers



Site Safety Manager

Shall be fluent in written and spoken English and Shall have at least 10 years of Safety Experienced Specific to the Contract’s scope of work.


Site Safety Supervisor

shall be fluent in written and spoken English and shall have at 7 years of safety experienced specific To the contract’s scope of Work.


Fields Safety Officer

Shall be fluent in written and spoken English and Have at least 5 years of safety experienced specific to The contract scope of Work.




5.3 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .A high standard of housekeeping will be established by ABSAR Co. within the construction site. Housekeeping activities will be done on daily basis ofter finishing any activity to maintain the safe working environment. Working areas, roadways, access ways, stairways, and scafolding platform will be kept free of unnecessary obstruction. Tools, nuts, bolts, washers, fittings etc, will be kept in boxes. Electrical cables, welding hoses, conduits, and pipes will be properly arranged so they do not become a tripping hazard. Cable Management shall be carefully adopted and maintain in all areas of work throughout the project site.


The following list provides a general of certain electrical safety requirements should be considered that affect the average employer.

1. Trained personnel only should be permitted to perform electrical work. 2. Employees must report, as soon as possible, any obvious hazards to life or property observed in connection with electrical equipment or lines.

3. All employees who may be working on electrical equipment or lines must be instructed to make 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

preliminary inspections or conduct appropriate tests to determine the existing conditions before they start such work. Switches must be opened, locked out, and tagged when electrical equipment or lines will be serviced. Portable electrical tools must be grounded or double insulated. Extension cords used in the workplace should have a grounding conductor. Extension cords must be inspected and their condition recorded in a written inspection log on monthly basis. Extension cords longer than 150 feet should never be used. Multi-plug adapters are prohibited. Temporary circuits must be protected by suitable disconnecting switches or plug connectors at the junction with permanent wiring. Exposed wiring and cords with frayed or deteriorated insulation must be replaced or repaired promptly. Flexible cords and cables must be free of splices or taps (splices in a cord used to add another outlet). Clamps or other securing means must be used for flexible cords or cables at plugs, receptacles, tools, and equipment, for example, and the cord jacket must be securely held in place. All cord cable and raceway connections must be intact and secure. For wet or damp applications, electrical tools and equipment must be the appropriate type, or otherwise protected, for such use. The location of electrical power lines and cables (overhead, underground, under floor, or other sides of walls) must be determined before digging or similar work begins. Use of all metallic measuring tapes, ropes, hand lines, or similar devices with metallic thread woven into the fabric is prohibited when these items may contact energized parts of equipment or circuit conductors. Use of metal ladders is prohibited when a ladder or the person using that ladder could contact energized parts of equipment, fixtures, or circuit conductors. Disconnecting switches and circuit breakers must be labeled to indicate their use or the equipment served. All disconnecting means must be opened before fuses are replaced. All interior wiring systems must include provisions for grounding metal parts of electrical raceways, equipment, and enclosures. Sufficient access and working space must be provided and maintained around all electrical equipment to permit ready and safe operations and maintenance. All unused openings (including conduit knockouts) in electrical enclosures and fittings must be closed with appropriate covers, plugs, or plates. All electrical enclosures such as switches, receptacles, and junction boxes must be provided with tight-fitting covers or plates. Each motor disconnecting switch or circuit breaker must be located within sight of the motor control device. Employees who regularly work on or around energized electrical equipment or lines must receive CPR training.

Scrap lumbers, materials, unused materials and unnecessary materials such as debris will not be scattered around the job site nor the offices. It will be collected on daily basis and transported to the in the denailing area, barricated and sign posted. Making it clear that NO scrap wood / plywood with protruding nails scattered around the worksite. 15

Trash cans will be available and used.

5.4 Dust Suppression The contractor will Supress Dust in the worksite especially at roads and other access ways, on daily basis At summer days using : 1.

Limit Cleared Areas


Earth Moving management



Physical Barriers


Site Traffic Control

5. Watering Sprays Spraying of water on access roads shall be done twice during summer, one in the morning and one in the afternoon or as required when the road become dry and dusty due to the passage of construction equipment and other vehicles. The water to be used shall be determined by the QA / QC or as required if it affects quality requirements of the project. Reverse Alarm and rotating blinking Lights of the Water Tankers must be activated and Bunks Man to wear the required Reflectorized Vest all the time at site and he must not positioned himself that is concealed from the side view mirror of the driver.

Soil Compaction

7. Site Completion

Reverse Alarm as for all the heavy duty vehicle will be activated and Bunks Man will wear the required reflectorized vest all the time at site.

5.5 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION PLAN: hazards which are expected in the project by workers include:     

S/N 1.

Falls (from heights); Scaffold collapse; Electric shock and arc flash/arc blast; Failure to use proper personal protective equipment; and Repetitive motion injuries.

Activity Welding

Sub - Activity

Significan t Health and Safety Hazard Fire 16

Preventive / Control Measures •

Conduct Housekeeping prior to start

• • • • Burns

• • •



Mobilization of Equipment


Mechanical Digging

Unstable Soil condition Equipment collision with other equipment and existing installations. Underground Utilities

• • •

Reverse Alarm to be activated.

Licensed and certified equipment operator to be used at site. Identify and marked presence of underground utilities by cable /pipe detector base on as-built drawing. Expose all underground utilities by trial exploration by manual excavation. When exposed identify and marked prior to mechanical excavation. Assigned an experienced and trained spotter to guide the operator during excavation. Barricade the area around the excavation and install Deep Excavation Signboards. Assign competent person to evaluate the type of soil being excavated. As a protection to avoid cave ins or collapse either put shoring as appropriate, or slope back to the required angle or benching. Install ladders at 25 ft, distance from its other. Barricade the area around the excavation and install Deep Excavation Signboards. If more than 4 ft. in depth assign

• • • • • •

• • • 17

Licensed and Heavy Equipment driver. Assign Bunks man with whistle and wearing high visibility jacket.

Cave – ins or collapse

welding getting rid of combustible materials and scraps. Welding Machine Safety checklist to be filled in prior to start work. Fire Watch shall be employed in the area of work. Stationed Fire extinguishers, water and sand buckets near the area of work Cover weld location with Fire Blanket to refrain sparks from flying out . Use the specified hand gloves for the job. Use the appropriate clothing and special protection intended for the work like ultra violate rays protection Use the correct and appropriate welding mask. Provide access for the heavy equipment delivery in the worksite.

High Water Table

• • • •




• •

• • •


standby man with rescue equipment ready. Install Dewatering System Provide Competent Maintenance personnel for a continuous operation. Barricade the area around the excavation and install Deep Excavation Signboards Inquire from authority where to dispose the dewatered water to verify if safe to dispose in the area or back to the sea. Scaffold must be sound, rigid and sufficient to carry its own weight plus four times the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. It must be erected on solid footing. Unstable objects, such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or concrete blocks must not be used to support scaffolds or planks. Scaffold must not be erected, moved, dismantled or altered except under the supervision of a competent person. Scaffold must be equipped with guardrails, midrails and toeboards. Scaffold accessories such as braces, brackets, trusses, screw legs or ladders that are damaged or weakened from any cause must be immediately repaired or replaced. Scaffold platforms must be tightly planked with scaffold plank grade material or equivalent. A "competent person" must inspect the scaffolding and, at designated intervals, respect it. Rigging on suspension scaffolds must be inspected by a competent person before each shift and after any occurrence that could affect structural integrity to ensure that all connections are tight and that no damage to the rigging has occurred since its last use. Synthetic and natural rope used in suspension scaffolding must be protected from heat-producing sources. Employees must be instructed about the hazards of using

• •



Fall Protection

• •

• •

diagonal braces as fall protection. Scaffold can be accessed by using ladders and stairwells. Scaffolds must be at least 10 feet from electric power lines at all times.

Consider using aerial lifts or elevated platforms to provide safer elevated working surfaces; Erect guardrail systems with toe boards and warning lines or install control line systems to protect workers near the edges of floors and roofs; Cover floor holes; and/or Use safety net systems or personal fall arrest systems (body harnesses).

• • • • • •


5.6: MECHANICAL LIFTING AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT: 5.6.1 CRANES AND LIFTING EQUIPMENTS: 5.6.1a Contractor / ABSAR shall mobilized any crane of the required capacity either company owned or from a rental company shall be of good operating condition complying with the standard requirements for sound operation. Load Moment Indicator (LMI) SHALL BE OPERATIONAL. Anti-two Blocks control operational; with the Load Chart inside the Operator cabin. The Hook Safety locked in good working condition. If wind velocities are above 32 k/h (20mph) the rated load and boom lengths shall be reduced according to manufacturer’s specifications. If the crane to be operated near Electrical Power Lines the following shall be followed: Line Voltage

Absolute Limit of Approach

Up to 250,000 Volts

20 ft. (6 m)

Over 250,000 Volts

25 ft. (7.5 m)


ABSAR shall only mobilize Crane of the required Capacity in the project site with the valid 3rd Party Certification issued by a 3rd Party certifying Agency approved by the client. 5.6.1c Contractor / ABSAR shall mobilized Crane Operator in the project with the valid 3rd Party certificates issued by a 3rd Party Certifying Agency approved by the client. 5.6.1d Contractor / ABSAR shall mobilized Rigger in the Project site with a valid 3rd Party Certificate issued by a 3rd Party Certifying Agency approved by the client. 5.6.1e Contractor / ABSAR to assign a competent person to categorize whether a lift is critical or not, if Critical Lift per SA GI 7.028; A critical Lift Plan / Lifting Plan shall be prepared by the contractor Rigger II OR Project Engineer and approved by the Rigger – I OR client’s representative prior to start the work at site, using the standard Lift Plan Form. 5.6.2 SLINGS AND LIFTING GEARS: 1.


5.6.2a Contractor /ABSAR shall use only lifting or rigging hard wares with the SWL (Safe Working Load) inscribe in the hardware body itself with certifications from the manufacturer. For the following: Chain Slings, Wire Slings, Synthetic Webbing Slings, spreader bars, shackles, man baskets. Etc. 5.6.2b Contractor to maintain all rigging hardware’s in good condition always, protected from direct sunlight and rain and before storing it need slight application with grease. It has to be inspected regularly, every 6 months with records.


3. Forklifts           

Train and certify all operators to ensure that they operate forklifts safely. Properly maintain haulage equipment, including tires. Do not modify or make attachments that affect the capacity and safe operation of the forklift without written approval from the forklift's manufacturer. Examine forklift truck for defects before using. Follow safe operating procedures for picking up, moving, putting down and stacking loads. Drive safely--never exceed 5 mph and slowdown in congested or slippery surface areas. Do not handle loads that are heavier than the capacity of the industrial truck. Remove unsafe or defective forklift trucks from service. Operators shall always wear seatbelts. Avoid traveling with elevated loads. Assure that rollover protective structure is in place. Make certain that the reverse signal alarm is operational and audible above the surrounding noise level.


Contractor will describe that the following list of equipment and its operators shall be certified by a 3rd party certifying agency approved by the client before it will be used at site as a standard requirements.


The following are the equipments:

 Cranes


 Forklifts

 Excavators

 Graders

 Welding machines

 Bobcats

 Dozers

 Roller Compactors


No passenger to be allowed in any Heavy Equipment while operating the site.


No passenger to be allowed at the back loading cab of trucks, pick ups, and other machineries except seating be provided and adequately covered for passenger protection.


All machineries, trucks, pick ups and other vehicles shall follow the maximum Speed limits posted in the worksite.


Towing of small machineries can be allowed provided it is properly hooked to the towing machines and it shall be driven at a maximum of 40kph, but if in the work site the posted maximum speed shall be followed at any time.


The operators cabin of Cranes, Wheel Loaders, Excavators, JCB’s etc. shall be 360° visible to the operator; no obstruction of vision at any degress whatsoever. 21


All heavy equipment used at site shall have its Reverse Alarm and rotational blinking lights activated. For the reverse alarm it must be audible within a 15 meter distance from the equipment.


At any instance any Heavy equipment going back and forth along the site or maneuvering at site, Bunks Man shall be assigned to alert other people and the drivers for any incoming or pertinent hazard.


Traveling Heavy Equipment / Cranes at site can be allowed with an escort vehicle back and front with the Flashing Lights activated.

5.7 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND SHORING 5.7.1 The purpose of the excavation is to provide a sewer pipe lines and electical cable and communiction cables with shalow depthes and no obstructions is expected and incase of excavation deeper than 1.5m contractor will provide suitable shoring for the area 5.7.2

Contractor will describe the Method of Excavation (to be submitted and approved prior to start work at site)


From the approved JSA, contractor will draft a JSA (Job Safety Analysis), submit to client representative for approval prior to start work at site.




Contrator will inspec the excavation by a competent person on daily basis prior to the start of the work inside an excavation and incase of unusual condition contractor will keep a supervisor at the excavation area.

Excavated materials piled must be 0.6 m (2 ft) away from the brim of the excavation at all sides.


ACCESS and EGRESS: 5.7.5a

Standard Straight Ladders to be installed at an interval of 15 meter (50 ft.).To Extend 1 m. (3 ft.) above the landing ground and it shall be securely fixed.


For crossing the excavated trench need to install a closed planked bridge with standard guard rails, keep clear of excavated materials at both ends.



Contractor/ ABSAR shall assign Standby man outside an excavation 1.5m and below. With the log of the workers entry and exit from the excavation.


Contractor / ABSAR to provide Breathing Apparatus; Full Body Harness with lanyard extended attach to the workers inside the excavation and basket stretcher 22

ready in case of emergency. In case hazardous atmospheric condition exist, or may develop during the work in an excavation ABSAR to ensure that Gas Test equipment be available with the trained Gas Tester ready in any event of emergency..


Contractor workers will have there food allawance and will be responsible for there daily meals.


Contractor will provide rest shelter for workers at site during summer days with cold water and first aid equipment.


Contractor will provide Toilet Facilities at site and at camps. (either by rental portable toilets) it conform with the ratio of 15:1 or less. will be maintained in sanitary condition always.


Contractor will providing adequate drinking water to the workforce at site and camps with desposal glasses.


No smoking allwaed to the workers at site.



contractor will provide a suitably constructed ambulance ( or a suitable transportation) carriage maintained in good condition, for the purpose of the removal of serious cases of accident or sickness, unless arrangements have been made for obtaining such a carriage when required from a hospital or other place situate not more than 4 kilometers from the site, , and in telephonic communication therewith


workforce Site Clinic to be will be a support for ambulance and a competent, trained, and certified medical staff / Male Nurse.


Male Nurse or First Aider will not be prescribe medicines.



Contractor mixer will be transported to the site to provide concrete from bach plant, and 23

concrete will be poured using pump and the preparation of the area of pouring taking into consideration the checklist to be signed by all concerned discipline prior to pouring. 5.9.2

No concrete pouring will be done to or from high elevation due to the type of the project.


a provision of adequate lighting will be provided incase of concrete pouring outside the regular daytime to the access point and at the work area.


Contractor to describe the procedures of dewatering system to be used at site. Describe the methods how it will be done enumerating the hazards to be incurred and the control measures to alleviate if not completely removed the hazard for the protection of the workers to be involved of the activity. JSA to be prepared by the SAFETY DEPT. to be approved by client representative prior to commence work at site.


Contractor also to site some special PPE solely intended for the job which also requires some special skilled individual.


Contractor to describe also the timing that the dewatering system will be working, with the provision to stand by personnel or mechanic during such timings.


Contractor to describe where to dispose dewatering water with the approval of local authorities to avoid problems with the environment. ( If it need sample for analysis for a 3rd party for it to be disposed in the locality then it must be done) Documentation is very important.


Contractor to identify if cofferdams be required in the project. If it is so describe the hazards associated with it and state the control measures to alleviate it or completely eliminate it in the activity.


If so method of statement to be approved prior to start work. And JSA shall be drafted by the safety dept. and approved by the client representative prior to start at worksite.


Contractor to see to it that workers to be involved are competent, experienced in this line of


job. 5.11.4

Contractor to describe the Emergency Procedure to evacuate the workers in case of emergency.


Contractor to describe special PPE for the workers to be involved in this activity.


Contractor to describe if Diving Operation will be required in this operation. If required then it shall be given due emphasis because it has its different requirements.



Remember the rise and fall of sea water as one of the factor to be considered.


6.1 INTRODUCTION The wearing of personal protective clothing and equipment will be compulsory requirement. Any worker if he fail will be penalize and will not be allowed to work at site. Proper type of protective clothing will be provided to all labours as per the requirement of the job. Foremen and other supervisors will educate the importance of wearing protective clothing.

6.2 PROTECTION:Every employee will wear a hard hat at all times on the job site as mandatory. Employees will be provided any of following personal protective equipment, such as eye protection, hearing protection, hand and foot protection, long trousers and long sleeves shirts, etc. whenever is considered to be necessary. The wearing of the safety shoes is mandatory and no other unsuitable foot wears such as tennis shoes, slippers will be allowed. Safety glasses will be used for eye protection against frontal impact and exposure to flying particles. Coverall chipping goggles will be worn when caulking , yarning, drilling, picking, sawing or chipping and for other dust producing conditions. To protect hand proper type of gloves as per requirement of the job will be provided to each worker. Foot protection will be followed strictly. No labour will be allowed to work without proper safety shoe. All the safety shoe will be fitted with metal toe cap and comply with standard. All employee will comply safety shoe rules when joining into the area where foot protection is required. Safety belts, harnesses, will be used in construction work to ensure a worker comfortably in a


hazardous area and to reduce the possibility of a fall. Ear plugs or ear muffs will be provided to labours in the working area if the noise level measurement is more than standard.

6.3 IMPLEMENTATION Safety Officer will ensure that all employees will wear safety belt when work is above 2 . mtr or above the ground or when working in a revious position. The lanyard shall be securely attached to the employee 100 percent of the time and shall allow maximum fall distance of 2.0 mtr. Safety belt shall also be worn and attched to the tie off rail when working out of extensible and articulating boom platform and to vertical drop lines when working from.


Accident Report And Records:

7.1 Report: A report of all accidents will be made contract Administrator through the incident reporting system. Reports required shall be submitted promptly. Written report shall be submitted not later than 24 hours following occurrence. An immediate oral report will be made to the Authorized Representative in case of: all fatal injuries. All injuries requiring medical attention all incidents involving damage of Contractor’s materials all fires initial oral reports of such incidents will followed by a written report detailing the circumstances, corrective action taken and recommended action to prevent recurrence. The written report will be made on a standard form acceptable to the client. In case of serious accidents, a full detailed account of the circumstances, with witness statements and descriptive photographs will be submitted.

7.2 Records: In addition to the reports above, we will keep a record of all injuries and damage incidents on a form approved by the authorized representatives. A copy of this record will be sent each month to the authorized representatives. Injury analysis will be completed following each injury by the injured employee’s supervisor.


7.3 Monthly Safety Reports: Monthly Safety Reports with worked man-hours and injury reports in the prescribed format shall be submitted to main client. The monthly report format shall be part of this Safety Manual, to be submitted and approved by the client’s representative. a.) INCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING: •

Contractor will notify, investigate, and report any injury, damage, or near misses occuring both in the worksite and outside the worksite. Incident report to be submitted to consultant, or client representative within 24 hours after the incident happen.

8.0 Safety Orientation Of Craft Foreman: To ensure the foreman are familiarized with their supervisory safety responsibilities, a safety orientation session will be conducted by the safety officer, with each foreman upon deployed on site. These session will highlight the project safety program and cover the following aspects:

8.1 Safe Work Area: Each foreman has to be familiar with the conditions in each area of the project to which the members 27

of his crew are assigned. Unsafe conditions that exist in the work area will be corrected prior to commencement of work, wherever possible. Otherwise, the problem shall be reported to the attention of general supervisor or the responsible superintendent who will initiate corrective action. The supervisor shall seek the assistance of the safety officer on complicated problem.

8.2 Safe Work Practice: When making work assignments, the supervisor will inform his crew of the safe practice, work methods, and personal protective equipment required. He is responsible for ensuring that his men have the proper protective equipment and suitable tools for the job. 8.3 WORKING PLACE:a)Safety Officer will ensure that good housekeeping is maintained at all times on job site. He will ensure that trash barrels are located throughout the job site, that excess scrap materials and rubbish dumped therein. He will also ensure that toilets and other sanitary facilities are kept clean and food waste, paper bags are disposed off in the covered containers. Construction site will be kept safe,clean and spacious. There should be adequate lighting & ventilation. Portable fire extinguishers will be provided at working place. Emergency light will be provided and used when needed. Contractor will keep good housekeeping withen the job site to prevent slipping , tripping and falling accidents.

8.4 Ladders: The ladders which will be used at job site will be enough length and good quality. Safety officer will ensure that workers comply with safety requirements. When using ladders e.g.base of ladder set back 1/4 of the working length of the ladders, that it will be extended at least 1 mtr. above landing when used for access to a floor or platform. Ladders projecting into passageways or doorways will be protected by barricades or guards. The ladder will be inspected every three months for any damage , deterioration , wear and tear, corrosion or structural failure. Defective ladders will not be used and immediately removed from site. Ladders will not be positioned against insecure structures such as boxes, drum, or weak walls.


Single rung and single clear ladders will be used by only one man at atime. The user will not carry tools and materials in his hands when ascending or descending the ladder. Ladders shall be secured whenever it is positioned for use. A Framed Ladders shall not be used when nobody is holding it. To avoid tilting or falling down.



8.5 Scaffolding: 31

Proper scafolding will be provided to do all elevated work.Scafolding will be designed by a Scaffold Engineer if it be erected to a height of 38 meters and above. Built and dismantle by a competent and certified Scaffold Erector, under the supervision of the Certified Scaffold Supervisor and inspected by a scaffold supervisor if the height does not exceed 6.0 meters (20 ft), if higher a Certified Scaffold Inspector can only inspect scaffold is 6.0 meters high and above. The certified Scaffold Supervisor can sign and affix a Scaffold Tag to his limit of inspection only otherwise the Certified Scaffold Inspector can sign and affix Scaffold Tags. The only thing a Safety Officer can do to any scaffold, is to check for the tagging for conformity of erection and validity of date and recommend the mode of use by the end user. Only scaffold conforming to the OSHA standard shall be erected at site Inspected by a competent and certified Scaffold Supervisor or Scaffold Inspector and appropriately tag.

All scaffolding will be erected and maintained to conform with established standards. It must be appropriately Tag; to guide the end user; For a Red Tag - it means it is incomplete and I or UNSAFE. It shall not be used; For a Yellow Tag- it means Scaffold was not built to meet scaffolding standard or the scaffold is incomplete Any person who will use or access the scaffold shall use or wear the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) or the Full Body Harness.; If GREEN TAG - it means : Scaffold was built to meet scaffolding regulation and is complete and safe to use. Scaffold Inspection Tag to be valid only for two (2) weeks (fifteen days) after this duration, the scaffold tag shall be invalid, so reinspection shall be required.

The height of rolling scaffold will not exceed four times the minimum base dimension. The work platform will be blanked tight for the full width of the scaffold. Each plank on a scaffold platform deck shall be cleated or clamped with a standard plank clamp otherwise wire tied to the bearer to refrain it from moving.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON SCAFFOLDS: Scaffold shall be inspected after erection; modification; adverse weather condition; accidental damage; and after every two (2) weeks. Any scaffold over 25 ft. (7.6) meter high should have the access ladder turned inside the framing and alternate sides of landing. At no time will a person be allowed to climb the outside of a scaffold over 25 ft. (7.6 m). Design drawing of scaffold 38 m (125 ft.) high shall be approved by client representative prior to erection at site. Scaffolding component shall not be welded except as supplied by the manufacturer. Scaffolding component shall be kept free of rust, and threaded surfaces shall be lubricated regularly. Adjusting screws shall be installed between sills and vertical frame section only. They shall never be used together with casters. Adjusting screws shall not be extended more than two thirds of the total length of thread at any time. For Mobile scaffolds all caster wheels are to be locked while employees are on the scaffold, or when the scaffold is not in motion. No one is to ride a Mobile Scaffold that is being moved. Remove all loose materials and equipment from the desk before moving the scaffold. Mobile scaffold shall be used only on level, smooth surfaces without any obstruction whatsoever. Mobile Scaffold shall only be erected to a height not more than 4 times the minimum base dimension. Mobile scaffold must be tagged YELLOW always so that users shall wear the Full Body Harness so that during working it must be hooked to a permanent structure of the building or establishment he is working on and not on the scaffold member. Scaffold planks to be used for scaffold decking only: 2' x 10" (5 cm. x 25.4 cm) or 2" x 12" (5 cm. x 30.4 cm.) of approved scaffold grade materials. Scaffold must be erected at least 3 planks wide. No employee shall be allowed to work from a single planked scaffold at any time. Scaffold planks are not to extend over their end support more than 18 " (45. 7 cm) or less than 6" (15.2 cm.) except cleated. All planking on platform shall be overlapped 12' (30.4 cm) or secured for movement. Overhead protection shall be provided for men on scaffold exposed to overhead hazards. Drums or barrels shall not be used as means of scaffolding and welding of scaffold joints is not permitted. Earth lead for welding shall never be attached to a scaffold. Any suspended scaffold shall have a platform 18" wide suspended by ropes that are spaced not more than 10 ft. apart. Wire rope used for scaffold suspension shall be capable of supporting at least 6 times the intended load, and all attachment hardware shall be inspected before use. Each person working on the suspended scaffold shall be provided with a safety Full Body Harness attached to a separate line extending from roof to the ground.





Safety precautions will be omplemented during cutting and welding operations to minimize accident occurances.


Defective equipment, poor housekeeping, inadequately ventilation will be avoided.


A work permit will be obtained before any welding or cutting will be started.


Standard Oxyacetylene welding and cutting equipment in first class operating condition will be used.


Portable fire extinguishers will be availble at the welding site.


Prescribed personal protecting clothing and equipment will be worn.


Welding spark will not be permitted to fall on top of gas cylenders & flamable materials.


Protective canvas or flamproof tarpauline will be placed on top of any flamable items.


Adequate ventilation will be mainted when performing welding and cutting jobs in a confined spaces.

10. Cylenders will be stored in a safe , dry and wel ventilated places. 11. The valve of empty and loaded cylenders will be closed. 12. Valve protection cap will be always in place when cylenders are in use. 13. Oxygen cylenders will not be stored with acetylene cylender. 14. Each cylender will be properly identified as to its content, date of manufacture and hydrotesting period. 15. A helper will be on guard to monitor and assist in case of a fire when welding will be performed. 16. Wiring installations for a power supply and electrical outlet should be done in accordance with the requirements and provision of the national electrical code. 17. Frames of electrical welding equipment operated from power circuit will be grounded with copper wire. 18. Welding jackets, aprons will be used to protect welders from radiant heat and sparks. 19. Welding mask will be provided from eye protection against ultravoilet and infrared rays produced by welding operations. 20. Install Flash back arrester after the acetylene and oxygen regulator before the hose and on the mixing chamber side after the hose. It is mandatory. 21. Never lift Acetylene and oxygen cylinders in a lifting equipment by tying on the body, rather in steel basket or a cylinder trolley intended for that purpose. 36

22. Never move a cylinder empty or full without the valve caps installed. 23. Safety in handling, use and storage of compressed gases shall be part of a weekly safety toolbox talks as required. 24. Housekeeping in the area of weld shall be undertaken first removing all flammables in the area 25. prior to welding. 26. Fire blankets shall be available in the welding site always. 27. Trained Fire Watch shall be assigned in any weld location to monitor any possible ignition. 28. Welding Machine checklist shall be performed by the Welder prior to start any weld. 29. Hot Work Permit to be procured prior to start welding. 30. Welder and brazer has to be certified by a grct party approved by the client.

WELDING & BURNING OPERATIONS. When doing either welding and burning operations , employee will follow the following precautions. Before starting burn or weld area will be inspected to ensure that sparks or molten will not fall on combustible materials. Welding or burning in hazardous area with out obtaining written authorization from the responsible authority is prohibited. Check to be sure that suitable fire extinguishing equipment is available in work area vicinity. Each employee is responsible for maintaining the burning or welding equipment is using in safe operating condition.


Proper instructions and training will be given to all workers to insure that the workers are using correct and safe tools for the jobs.


ABSAR co. will provide high quality tools and eleminate risk of accidents.


Only trained workers will be allowed to use power tools.


Good maintenance , proper usage and adequate supervision will be made in time.


Hand tools will be regularly inspected before and and after use and repair will be done immediately if deficiencies are noted.


Poor or dangerous tools will be removed immediately from job site.



All the tools will be kept clean, protected against corrosion.


Periodically checkup , clean and lubrication will be done for all the tools.


Cutting edges will be kept sharp to use in safe.

10. Tools will be stored in tool box after use every day. 11. Right tools will be selected for the job. 12. During use of electrical power tools , voltage ratings on the name plate, the condition of the plug top , the robust protection for the conductor insulation , the condition and position of the cable will be checked before use 13. Protective fuses will be checked that they are of the correct ratings for the circuit before putting a power tool into service. 14. Before using a power tools grounding connections will be checked. 15. Compressors will be operated by trained technicians. 16. Horsplay will be strictly forbidden if any labours found he will be panelized. 17. Extra precautions will be taken during use of compressor. 18. .Air compressors will be regularly inspected , tested and maintained. 19. A daily checkup will be done before starting the machine. 20. Fuel, water, oil level will be checked every day before starting the machine. 21. Air hose will be checked every day before using the compressor in operation. 22. Damage air hose will be removed from the job site immediately. 23. Air compressors will be kept every day after work at a proper place where it will be safe and avoid any accident. 24. Experienced electrician shall be assigned to do inspection and repair of all electrical power tools and apply the color coding after the inspection showing that it is ready and safe for use. 25. All electrical temporary connections for construction use shall be 3 pin plug and the circuit protected with the GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) in all instances. 26. All electrical extension cables and temporary lighting connections shall comply with the cable management proposed by the ABSAR. 27. No electrical lines I cables of any power tools shall be directly inserted to female receptacles without a male plug. Any violator shall be penalized. 28. No non electrical crew shall be allowed to repair or conduct any work related to electricity shall be allowed. Violators shall be penalized. 38

29. Avoid many connections or joints in a single electrical lines or cables. 30. Color coding to be complied by ABSAR for an efficient monitoring of power tools and equipment.

11. FIRE PROTECTION AND HAZARDS Each supervisor is obliged to maintain a constant awareness of the fire potential in his area of responsibility. If a potential fire hazard is noted, the supervisor will initiate corrective action or notify safety officer about the problem. Good housekeeping, safe work area good wiring installation and protection of combustible materials will be maintained to minimize potential sources of fire. All fires will be reported to the client construction representative and loss prevention. Fire Drill to be conducted in a regular basis to enhance awareness on tha part of the workers. Controling Flammable and Combustible Storage 1.

Storage area separated from combustible material by 3m


Storage area locked and vented


Storage area protected from vehicular/ industrial motorized traffic


Portable pressurized (Full or Empty) cylinders secured when not in use


Area have proper signage or placard in place


A current or updated list of dangerous goods on site in construction trailer


A portable extinguisher in close proximity to storage and work areas(minimum rating 4A-40BC fire extinguisher)


Storage area away from egress and access routes to the site


The site supervisor and or safety coordinator shall be responsible for all flammable and combustible storage

Hot works operations and control of igniton sources: 1.

The area shall be clear of flammable and combustible materials


Fire watch assigned during hot works operation and for a period of 60 minutes after its completion to the person responsible for the hot works.


A final inspection of the hot works area 4 hours after completion will be completed by site supervisor or designate. 39

4. All work shall be performed by trained or certified personnel


Adjacent to any hot works operations – cutting torch, welding, torching and or hot tar pots a minimum rating 4A-40BC fire extinguisher shall be provided.


Proper ventilation, as required


Safety coordinator shall issue a hot works permit prior to any work

Training of site personnel on evacuation . 1. Site orientation and company safety guidelines will be given to each new worker on site by the safety coordinator. 2. Regular fire safety meetings incorporated into regular safety meetings(tailgate meetings) 3. Simulated fire drills as applicable and warranted will be given by the safety coordinator.

12. HOUSEKEEPING Absar co. will keep an effective housekeeping schedule in order to maintain a safe working area. All necessary materials such as scrape lumber,membrane,heatinsulation boards empty cans ,cartons etc. will be collected and disposed of in a timely mannaer to proclude formation of tripping hazards. A good fir preventive method is to be used. Regular fire and safety inspection will be made to spot check for unsafe condition.

13. Temporary heating devices. 4.

Care will be taken during temporary heating.


Hot air welding gun will be used for welding the PVC membrane for which all the electrical connections will be checked before application.


The additional safety practice and procedures will be observed for the proper installation and use of hot air welding heater.


14. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Portable fire extinguishers will be avaialble throughout the construction site. Extinguishers will be located closed to potentials fire hazards to make the protection more effective. Fire extinguishers will not be blocked or hidden by stocks , finished materials or machines. Proper type of fire extinguishers (class A/B/C) will be provided based on location and type of hazards. Fire extinguishers will be inspected regularly taking note of operating condition, inspection tags,charging pressure and CO2 cartridge .Any deficiencies will be corrected immediately. Workman will be trained in the proper use of portable fire extinguishers. Monthly inspection of Fire Extinguishers shall be conducted with records, taking note of the inspection tags affixed to every cylinder. Fire Extinguisher Training to be conducted to the workers taking into account the types of fires and the corresponding Fire Extinguisher needed to extinguish it. Adequate portable Fire Extinguishers to be installed around the offices and at Camps with locator signboards and Instruction for use.








15.WORK PERMIT 15.1 INTRODUCTION Work permit will be obtained from client before starting the work in restricted areas. The work permit will be received as per the nature of the job is being done. The work permit will be requested from the authorized issuer of client as per job is to be done.

15.2 ISSUANCE & APPROVAL Work permit receiver will request work permit from the authorized issuer before doing work in restricted area. The issuer and receiver will conduct a joint safety inspection of the job site before issuing work permit. They will review the nature of the job and check the prevailing conditions for hazards that might affect the job. The issuer & receiver will check the validity of work permit certificate cards. 42

15.3 PRECAUTIONS The list of minimum safety mentioned in the work permit will be followed strictly. Only those who are directly involved in work activities and members of the project inspection team will be allowed to be present at job site.

15.4 HANDLING OF ISSUED WORK PERMIT The receiver of work permit will keep a copy in his possession at the job site for the duration of the job so that it can be presented for safety inspection when required. The receiver will remain at job site throughout the duration of the work. The work permit will be closed by the signature of both authorizes issure and authorized receiver after work has been completed.

16.0 TRAFFIC SAFETY Traffic safety is an essential part of this construction safety program and will be an integral part of this program. All regulations normally enforced by Saudi Arabian Traffic Police shall be complied with regulations. Our employees will be informed following technical information requirement for road safety. 16.1) Extract from Ministry of Communications standards road safety features. 16.2) Mandatory signs /danger sign (display sheet). 16.3) Driver Requirement: All employees who drive will, inaddition to having a valid Saudi driver’s license. 16.4) Be able to read and understand the standard traffic signs. 16.5) Truck drivers shall be instructed on operation of particular truck they are to drive, including safe speed and stopping distances. 16.6)

Be examined for adequate vision and depth perception.

16.7) Posted Speed limits shall be followed by all drivers at site. Any violation shall be dealt with Accordingly. 16.8)

Provide a separate access for vehicles and workers.


Ensure that all vehicles are having Fire Extinguisher with it.

16.10) Provide bunks man / spotters to maneuvering vehicle at site 16.11) Ensure Reverse Alarm and Rotating blinking lights for equipment are activated.


TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS PENAL TY POINTS Penalty points will be issued to the drivers of vehicles that were involved in a vehicle infraction. Penalty point categories are listed below. Penalty points assigned should reflect such factors as whether an MVA or violation involved personal injury, damage to property, or repeated infractions. Penalty Points I. Motor Vehicle Accidents 1. Preventable MVAs: •

Vehicle total loss


$1000 or more damage


Less than $1000 damage


2. Reckless driving results in injury


3. Non- preventable or non- recordable MVA’s


II. Moving Traffic Violations 1. Reckless driving (combination of moving violations)


2. Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by •

10 kph or less


10 to 20 kph


21 to 30 kph


Over 30 kph


3. Driving on the wrong side of a divided roadway


4. Passing in a "No Passing" zone


5. Failure to obey a traffic signal or stop


6. Not using seat belts (drivers or passengers)


7. More than 3 people in front seat


8. Passengers in back of open pickup truck


9. Loading/unloading passengers in the middle of the road or at intersection 05 10. Failing to give right of way to emergency vehicles 44


III. Parking Offenses 1. Parking in an emergency route or emergency vehicle space


2. Parking in a Posted Handicapped Parking area


3. Parking on the wrong side of the street (against the traffic flow)


4. Parking in a posted "No Parking" zone


5. Parking within four (4) meters of a fire hydrant


6. Parking in front of a private driveway


7. Parking .in a posted "Reserved" area



17.SAFETY OFFICER'S & SUPERVISOR'S SAFETY MEETING The subject material will be typed and reproduces for distribution at the meeting, which will be conducted by the safety officer. These safety meeting will conform to the following guide lines, covered at each meeting. 17.1.Review of note worthy cases since the previous meeting, identify principal accident causes. Accident prevention methods to be initiated by the responsible individuals will be elaborated. 17.2.Review of the most frequently noted serious, non-serious but repeated safety violations. Corrective action required by the responsible individuals will be established. 17.3.The Safety Officer will encourage group discussions on methods of corrections, improvement, etc. 17.4.Bonafide safety complains will be resolved. 17.5.Supervisors will be selectively assigned to groups to ensure that adequate supervision is maintained in the field. 17.6.Each group will be scheduled for a meeting every other week. 17.7.The meeting time will be around 30 minutes except in unusual circumstances. 17.8.Attendance at these meeting will be mandatory. Each supervisor who conducts a Tool Safety Meeting will list all employees who at these attend, and all safety suggestions and/or questions developed during the meeting. The completed Tool Box Safety Meeting report will be returned to the safety officer for review and action. The Safety Officer will prepare a written summary of each meeting, high-lighting the major items of discussion, unresolved issues. Copies of tools box meetings and attendance lists will be forwarded to Authorized Representative.



The supervisor will ensure that all employees under his supervision are aware of their obligation to immediately report all injuries however minor they be for first aid. First aid personnel will be introduced to the employees well in advance. ABSAR CO. will provide all necessary first aid facilities for all its employees including subcontractors. If the injury is serious, it will be referred to nearby hospital and in case of ambulance services is necessary, we will arrange it.



In order to improve safety performance and safe work practice, Bintami will encourage and reward all its employees including subcontractors.

.GENERAL Well coordinate with the safety representative to implement safety rules and regulations. Employees will be informed that they are obligated to report all kind of unsafe acts and conditions to their foremen, who will either resolve the problem or refer it to his supervisor. Unresolved problems shall be reported by the employees to the safety officer.

20.0 PROPOSED SECURITY PROGRAM 20.1 DAILY SECURITY ACTIVITIES LOG BOOK A daily security activities log book will be kept at security office. Materials, tools, equipment movements, work rule violation, incidents or special reports will be recorded in the log book. all known company vehicle will be checked and inspected while leaving or entering the job site. When reporting to or departing from duty, the security guards assigned on that shift should sign in and out in the log book.

20.2.DUTY STATIONS A security guard will be stationed at the entrance of the field office area as indicated with singed guard post. Security guards will assume roving inspection duty during night shift to cover the all project area. A key of the office will be given to the guard so he can use the telephone at night time.


Removal/withdrawal of equipment, tools and materials from job site will allowed only with the written approval by the project manager or construction manager.

20.4.WAREHOUSE ON SITE This will be managed by a warehouseman who will be responsible for the issuance of materials, equipment’s and tools. Each item must have stock card to record all withdrawals and ordering of all materials and equipment’s. All materials will be stored in this warehouse, the warehouseman should have a key of the warehouse and duplicate key should be kept at the security office.

20.5.DOCUMENTS SAFETY All important documents, plans and files will be stored in stocked cabinet in one locked room. Only authorized personnel with key allowed to enter. Unauthorized entrant will be apprehended and turn over to the security for investigation.

20.6.INSPECTION Periodical inspection will be conducted by the security guards on security of the material, equipment and personnel on the job site and any irregularities will be noted in the daily report for submitted to the security. All outgoing and incoming equipment will be recorded in the log book.  

 

Housekeeping: has to be inspected twice a week by the Safety officer and the Project Manager together with the Project / Site Engineer. Power tools: to be inspected in a weekly basis by the Electrical Foreman, assigned for that purpose and all inspected power Tools are to have the Color Code of the month attached to the tool. Scaffolds: has to be inspected by the Scaffold Supervisor / Inspector every two weeks for the validity of the Scaffold Tag, but the Safety At site has to do the inspection of the scaffold in use at site every day to check for the user behavior in using the scaffold. Excavations: have to be inspected by the competent person assigned by the contractor every day before the workers get into the excavation to work. Fall Arrest systems: Working at height inspection has to be conducted every time by all concern foreman, Supervisors, and Safety Officer if all workers working at height are complying the Fall Arrest System requirements or the wearing of Full Body Harness and properly hooked to a permanent structure in the work area. Mechanical Lifting: has to be inspected prior to any lifting by a competent person assigned by ABSAR, and checked if the capacity of the crane is capable to lift the intended load. If the lift is critical then a Lifting Plan has to be initiated prior to the lift. And a Pre Lift Inspection Check List has to be filled by the operator and the rigger. And it has to be checked that the crane, the operator and the rigger are having the valid 3rd Party Certifications.


Cartridge Operated Tools: can be issued only to those workers who have been certified by the manufacturer to operate, for they have been trained to maintain and operate the equipment per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Offices and Camps: are to be inspected in a quarterly basis by the client’s representative, consultant representative, Contractor management representative and Safety Officer and it must be recorded and a copy furnished to the contractor for rectification to be checked for the next inspection. • Aside from the security Logbook, A Safety Log Book has to be provided by ABSAR where findings during inspection by client representative, consultants and contractor regarding safety can be entries in the safety logbook, which has to be checked by the contractor safety and any discrepancy/ies shall be corrected within 24 hour time. • A weekly Safety Walkthrough inspection to be conducted by the Consultant Safety, together with the Client representative if available, with Contractor PM, PROJECT Engineer, Site Engineer, Safety Manager, Supervisor, Officer with findings recorded in form prepared by the Safety Manager. Signed by the inspection parties, disseminated to the action parties and record keep for tracking for compliance in the next weekly walkthrough inspection.

20.7.ORIENTATION All employees, upon their first arrival at the job site, will be oriented the rules and regulations existing in the Kingdom, any workers violating these rules will be given warning. 1.All contract personnel are required to wear hard hats and safety shoes while on any plant property. 2.Safety glasses are considered basic eye protection. Certain areas and jobs will required additional protection such as face shields or chemical goggles. Chemical goggles or face shields must be worn when handling chemicals or operations where eye injury may result. 3.Hearing protection in the form of ear muff or ear plugs must be worn in all high- noise levels areas and during any high-noise activities. 4.Housekeeping is a top safety priority and every contractor should clean up after themselves. 5.Wear clothes suited for the job, this includes a shirt with sleeves and long pants. Native dresses shall not be allowed at any time within the worksite for workers. 6.Absolutely no loose clothing or jewelry is to be worn around moving machinery. 7.All shoes and foot wear have steel or composite material for foot protection.Absolutly no slippers are to be worn inside the plant. 8.Welding blankets shall used to protect sorrounding equipment and materials. Welding curtains shall be set up when situations exist where exposure to the welding flash is a risk. Welding gloves shall be worn during any type of welding opertions.


9.Hot work permits shall be obtained and return on daily basis when working areas that requires such permit. 10.The confined space entry and lockout/tagout permit procedures will be followed. 11.All contract personnel are required to wear the safety belt or harness when working roofs or elevated structures ffabove 2.5 meter. 12.All scaffolding shall be properly erected.Planking is to be either wired in placee or equiped with cleats. 13.Horse play is dangerous and will not be tolerated. 14.Contract employees operating moving equipment shall be trained and authorized to operate such equipment. 15.All power tools cords, equipment cables and extension cords must be hung up off the ground to prevent tripping hazards.Do not hang cords or attached to hot pipes. 16.Any hazardous waste or regulated waste must be properly disposed by the contractor.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES & NUMBERS When you discover any unsafe condition or in case of emergency , call one of the following numbers immediately. 50











TEN BASIC SAFETY RULES 1.Comply with all company safety rules and procedures. 2.Immediately report all incidents and near misses to your supervisors. 3.Use the right tools and equipment for the task at hand.Use tools and equipment appropriately and safely. 4.Ensure that tools and equipment are properly adjusted, repaired and serviced. 5.Always wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE). Maintain PPE in good condition. 6.Keep every thing neat, tidy,organized. 7.Don't take chances, if you don't know ask. 8.Don't get distracted or engage in horseplay. Focus your attention on the task at hand.Avoid distracting others. 9.Kift loads properly and safely, always lift with your legs , bending your knees. Get help for heavy loads. 10.Get necessary training to perform your job safely.


CONTRACTOR SAFETY ORIENTATION CHECKLIST All contractor employees are required to be oriented in the safety requirements.Review all applicable items and checl then off. Upon completion of the safety orientation, sign and date of the orientation checklist. 51

Mandatory Items 1. Safety Hard hats. .............Must meet standad. .............Must be worn at all times inside the plant. 2. Safety Glasses. .............Nust meet standard. .............Must be worn when work activities cause hazard to the eye. .............Safety glasses must have proper side shields. 3. Safety Shoes. ..............Must meet standard. ..............Must have steel or composite protection.

4. Respirators. ........... Must be worn when respiratory hazards are present. ...........Employee must be trained on proper used and application of respirator ............The only exception is the single filter dusposable dust mask.

Reporting of Accidents/ Injuries. ..........Contractor will provide First Aid Kits for his employees. ............All accidents or injuries must be report to safety department. .............All accidents or injuries must be investigated. .............A written report of all accidents or injuries will be provided to safety department.

Hazardous chemicals communication .............All contract employees are trained in the hazards associated with the chemicals being used. ..............All contract employees are trained in the personal protective 52

equipment requirements of ech chemical being used. ............. An MSDS will be provided to safety department for all chemicals that are brought into the plant by contractor.

Safety Meetings. .............Contractor will hold safety meetings on a monthly basis and provide safety department with a copy of minutes and attendance. .............All contractor supervisors /foreman will conduct daily tool-box meetings with their employees covering specific issues relavent to their jobs.

Confined space entry. .............All confined space entry permit must be obtained before entering any confined space. ..............All equipment in confined space will be placed in ZERO POTENTIAL ENERGY STATE. ...............Evaluation of confined space will be performed before entry. ................Monitoring of OXYGEN level will be performed before entry into confined space. ................Periodical monitoring of OXYGEN level will be performed by contractor. ...............Contractor employee will stand by as hole watch. ................Contractor employee are aware of emergency procedures should a rescue be required. .....................Rescue procedures have been reviewed with all contractors employee. ..................Safety belt/harness and safety line provided ,should employees have to enter tanks.

Fire Prevention & Protection ....................Contractor will use approved containers for any flamable liquids brought into the plant. ...................Contractor will supply fire extinguishers during hot work 53

operation. ...................A contractor employee will stand by as fire watch during hot work operations. ...................All contravtor employees have been trained in the types of fire and the types of fire extinguishers. .................... All contractor employees are aware of what to do in the case of fire or emergency evacuation.

Fall protection ....................Contractor employees must wear fall protection (safety belts or harness) when performing work above 2,5 meter of higher. ......................Contractornemployees have to be trained in the proper use and inspection of fall protection equipment ......................All employees are familiar with proper tie off techniques.

Barricade Tape .....................Contractor employees have been trained in the meaning of different colours of barricade tape used in plant. ....................Contractor employees are familiar with procedures to enter a barricaded area, ...................Contractor will provide barricade tape to isolate work areas which fall hazards or other types of hazards requiring barricade tape are present.

Emergency evacuation procedures ...................All contractor employees have been trained in the emergency signals used for notifying employees in case of emergency. ...................Contractor employees are familiar with location of assembly 54

points , should the emergency require the plant or site to be evacuated.

Mobile equipments ..................Contractor will ensure that all mobile equipment ( forklift,cranes,vehicles etc.) will be in good condition and working properly. ..................Contractor will provide proof of certification training for employees operating forklifts,cranes or other heavy equipment. ..................Contractor will provide valid driver's license for employees who will be driving vehicles.

Excavation ..................Contractor will evaluate excavation conditions (soil type/work area) and familiarize employees with working conditions and any potential hazards that may occure. ...................Contractor will provide qualified person to conduct daily inspections of excavation area, soil condition and any shoring equipment if used. ..................Contractor will contact client's project supervisor immediately should any underground structures or other unexpected conditions to be encountered. ....................If evedince of possible cave-ins or slides should occure, the contractor will stop the work immediately and construct the proper shoring supports to protect employees. ...................Contractor will barricade the excavation area and identify hazards present with sign. ...................Contractor will provide a ladder or steps for employees to enter and exit excavation area when excavation area is greater than 1.20 meter in depth.

Demolition ...................Contractor will meet with client's project supervisor prior to working to review operating procedures and demolition requirements.


...................Contractor will ensure that all utilities (gas,water and electricity ) have been shut off and placed in a Zero Potential Energy State before starting to work. ....................Contractor will place barricade tape around the demolition work area and hange signs identifying " DANGER - DO NOT ENTER" ....................Contractor will ensure that sorrounding areas or adjacent structures are protected from demolition operations or debris. .....................Contractor will install bracing to stabilize walls , vessels or other structures before starting demolition. .....................Contractor will ensure that his employees are wearing proper personal protective equipment for demolition operations (hard hat, safety shoes, goggles,ear plugs and heavy gloves). Contractor to ensure that for any Demolition Method of Statement been approved and JSA been drafted by safety dept. based on the approved MS, and from that the correct PPE shall be determine. In charge Supervisor should conduct team talk prior to the start of the job based on the approved MS and JSA. Contractor to ensure that qualified, competent workers are to be involved in the demolition works. Demolished hazardous materials shall be disposed only in a government approved disposal sites after all the necessary documents been completed. Handling of hazardous materials shall be per the approved procedures.


WORKING HOURS;  Contractor to identify anticipated working hours. If working before and after the anticipated work hours - define the hazard associated with it, ex. Night shift and or weekends. Particular attention shall be paid to:  Levels of supervision  Task observation and monitoring of workforce  If night shift consider; lighting and workplace access  Activities being identified as being hazardous if undertaken outside of daylight hours:


e.g. Lifting Operation. WORK ATTIRE:  Contractor shall identify its color codes and describe the basic work attire including coveralls, safety helmets, Safety Glass with shields, safety shoes with steel toe caps, and other additional protection equipment as necessary for the execution of all works. DISCIPLINARY ACTION:  Contractor shall describe, list, and post its progressive Disciplinary Action Procedures for the worksite and Camps. (Set the rules and set the disciplinary action for violators; like smoking inside the rooms; cooking inside the rooms; drinking liquors; fighting, gambling, etc.)  Contractor shall detail how it will implement and enforce the conditions defined within the OHS Manual in the entirety and how it will ensure compliance from its own personnel and those of its subcontractors and its site representatives. SAFETY COMMITTEE:  Contractor shall establish, identify and maintain SAFETY Committee Team to meet on a regular basis (at least monthly) Attended by Client Representative, Consultant Representative and other related government representative to improve/ maintain the occupational health and safety of the project - minuted and filed. Mention also who will be the chairperson of the meeting, usually the Contractor Safety Manager. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN:  Contractor shall prepare an Emergency Response Plan, which shall include Notification of Emergency, Evacuation Routes, Emergency Assembly Point; Mobilization of Emergency Response Team, Medical and Ambulance Support, communication with neighboring Emergency facilities, rescue techniques, ( to include rescue from elevation and confined Space) Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all its employees aware and strictly follow site Emergency Procedures. PROJECT SAFETY MEETINGS:  Contractor shall describe all its safety Meetings, including the meeting schedules, attendees, and Meeting Chair Person. These meetings may include but not limited to the following:

Safety Committee Meeting: Safety committee Meeting is a meeting internal to the contractor, conducted once a month, and attended by the Contractor PM, CM, Safety Manager, Supervisor, or Safety Officer (which is available) to discuss issues of relevance to safety especially those affecting progress. It has to be minuted and record keep for future reference. This meeting has to be chaired by the Contractor Safety Manager or the Contractor project or Site Engineer. Weekly Safety Meeting: WEEKLY Safety meetings has to be conducted one day before the Weekly Progress meeting so that issues of importance to the project especially causing delay may be discussed during the weekly Progress Meeting to be given solution at once. It has to be minute and tracked to ensure compliance to mark close in the next Weekly safety Meeting and records keep for future reference. This meeting has to be attended with the client’s representative, consultant safety Engineer, The contractor PM / CM, Project / Site Engineer, and the contractor Safety representative (Safety Manager, Supervisor, or Safety Officer.) This meeting shall be chaired by the Contractor Safety personnel present during the meeting. Safety Toolbox Talks:  Daily Team Talks – shall be given prior to start a new activity explaining the hazards and the control measure that may be encountered in doing the job.  Weekly Toolbox Talks: The contractor management shall introduce weekly safety toolbox talk of 15 – 20 minutes duration, every Saturday morning at the start of the work week in a language understood by the audience / workforce. To be conducted by the safety representative, line supervision or management. Topics shall be prepared by 57

the contractor safety which are related to any ongoing activity at site, documented and filed for records. HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Contractor and its Sub contractor shall be familiar with the hazardous materials present in the project and provide in writing its Methods and procedures for handling, transporting, storage, use and disposal of Hazardous Materials. ( e.g. ACM, Contaminated soils with oils and other combustible and flammable liquids, etc.) TRANSPORTATION OF EMPLOYEES: Contractor / ABSAR shall transport its workers from and to site and Camps in Buses and not in any uncovered trucks or Pick Ups. No one will be allowed to ride at the back loading chamber of DYNA AND PICK UPS. Any violators shall be dealt with accordingly per the disciplinary action in this safety program. ACCOMMODATION FOR EMPLOYEES AT CAMPS: • Contractor / ABSAR shall provide accommodation Camps for its labor force, including Staff personnel, in a company built accommodation Camp, equipped with all facilities for Fire prevention and protection, (Fire extinguisher and Fire Hose Reel Cabinets); 

• •

• Contractor to Food allowance for workers. CAMP HEALTH AND HYGIENE: • Contractor / ABSAR shall provide cold drinking facilities in the camp’s strategic locations. Schedule of replacement of water filters shall be regular with records as part of their maintenance plan. • Potable Water supply facilities shall be deposited in an overhead tanks delivered by a water tanker in a regular basis, as required, with the schedule of chlorinization by a third party on record with the result. • Adequate number of toilets has to be provided with complete videt hoses and shower facilities with adequate numbers of Water Heaters. • Contractor to provide accommodation rooms equipped with AC units having dual control for hot and cold, with the minimum number of occupants to be housed in each rooms at least 4 personnel in each room with a steel cabinet provided for each. • No cooking inside the room shall be allowed, any violators shall be dealt with accordingly. • No smoking inside the rooms shall be allowed any violator shall be dealt with accordingly. • No drinking of liquors shall be allowed in any part of the Camp. Any violators shall be penalized. • All penalties shall be based on the approved penalty system in this Safety Program.


Contractor ./ ABSAR shall disseminate all information’s in this Safety Plan that need to be known by the workers by posting in all bulletin boards in all strategic locations in the camps and at the work sites., and through safety Toolbox meetings in the native tongue of the workers for their thorough understanding. For the workers compliance for any issued guidelines, the disciplinary action shall be imposed without fail, notwithstanding their position and nationality. Mistake is mistake and if it deem necessary, even up to the deportation of the violators then it shall be done. Policy is policy and it shall be followed by all.


Contractor’s Employee Safety Training.


Employee Name

Iqama No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18

Contractor Safe Work Program(CSWP)

Contractor Name:- ABSAR ,WATERPROOFING & CONCRETE REPAIR. No. of Employee:Project Description:Location:Date Submitted:-

Est.Start Date

Contractor Safety Officer:-

Est.Compl.Date. Mobile No.

Contractor Coordinator




Check If projects Involve





Check If projects Involve



Manual Lifting


HotWork Welding etc.




Electrical System


Traffic Signs


Industrial Hygiene


Electrical Equipment


Elevated Work


Road Closure/Detour


Confined Space Entry


Coordination with Department


Hazardous Chemicals


Fall Protection




Compressed Gases




Fire Extinguishers/Blankets


Powered Industrial Trucks &


Fire Watch

Bobcats 11

Hazardous Atmosphere


Mobile/crane License


Safe Walkway


Signal man


Lockout/Tag out


Lay Down Area





Structural work


Sign Boards


Personal Protective


Equipment List


Heavy mobile Equipment


Check If projects Involve


Heat Stress

equipment 16

Work permit Training


Check If projects Involve







Material safety Data sheet


Safety Showers/Eye wash




Danger/Caution tags




Gas testing


Lighting requirement


Machine guiding


Safety sign & warning Tapes


Hearing protection


Hand Tool






Area Assembly point




Storage of Hazardous materials


Overhead hazards


Usage of Hazardous chemical in the project.


Materilas handling


Comments 62

Environmental requirement



ISD/Safety Reviewer:-

TAILGATE SAFETY MEETING Attendance Sheet Name of Employee

Meeting NO.

Dated…..Topic discussed

Shift:-………………………………………. Supervisor:-……………………………….. Dated:-…………………………………… 63

SAFETY MEETING REPORT FORM Date of meeting:-…………… Supervisor:-………………… Project No:-………………… Topic or area of discussion:-

Summery of specified items discussed:-

Conclusion or Changes to the jobsite to create a safer work place:-

Action items needing immediate abatement:-

Remarks Or comments:













Warning: Above items can only be issued to workers with valid Training Certificates: Storekeeper: _____________________________ Signature Above Printed Name: Safety Officer: ____________________________ Signature Above Printed Name


CONTRACTOR MONTHLY SAFETY REPORT Project Title : _______________________________ Location: _________________________________ Contractor

: _______________________________

Budget Item No: ______________________ Contract No: ________________ Job No: ________________ I.

This Month

Project Information : I.1 I.2

Total Man-hours Worked


No. of Equipment. At site

No. of Employees


Last Month

In Direct

I.4 No. of Safety Officer at Site II.Work Injuries / Classify the Injury; (e.g. LTI, RDI, First Aid, etc.)

III.Fires: 1V.Incident or Property Damaged: (Over SR. 10,000 /Recordable Below that is Non Recordable) V.Motor Vehicle Accident: (MVA) VI.Incident Involving Damaged to Client / Company Property: VII.Crane, Heavy Equipment, and Man lift Accident: VIII.Safety Meeting / Toolbox Talks: A)






Total To Date

1. 2. 3. 4.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 Prepared By: __________________________________ ( Contractor Safety Manager / Supervisor / Officer:) (Signature over Printed Name) Approved By : __________________________________ {Client / K & A Representative (PM OR Safety Engineer)} (Signature over Printed Name) Date Submitted: ______________________________________




INCIDENT MEMO (To be submitted immediately when the incident been known)

Serial No: _______________________ Report Originated by: _______________________________ Signature: _________________________ Department: ______________________________________ Company: __________________________ Date:

_______________________________; Telephone / Fax No. ________________________________

Date of Incident: ______________________________; Time : ____________________________ Location of Incident: (Include Area or Region) :

Incident Type: Incident Actual Severity: Contractor Involved: Brief Description of the Incident:

Number of Person Injured: Brief Description of Damaged:

Names of Injured People and details of Injuries: 1) _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________________ 4)



Supervisor: _______________________________________

INJURY SUMMARY ___________________________________________________________________ ________(Pages: ____ of ____ ) Project : ____________________________________ Project No: _____________________________ Month and Year: ______________ Contractor: __________________________________ File no: _________________________ Injur y No.

Name of the Injured

Total Lost Time Injuries This Month

Badg e No.

Craf t

Date of Acciden t

Carr y Over Yes / No

Days Lost This Mont h

Total Days Lost

Nature of Injury or Part of the Body Affected

Brief Description of Accident; state What, Where, How, Why

Total Man-hours Worked This Month

Report Prepared By: ___________________________________ Signature : ___________________________________ Title & Telephone No: ____________________________________________________



CRITICAL LIFT PLAN Organization (Proponent Dept.): ______________________ W. O. No._________________ Date: ________________________________ Contract No. ______________ Job Location: _______________________________________________ A) Crane Type/Model: ____________________ Equipment No: ____________ _____________________________________ Crane Inspection Sticker: Yes ____No _____ B) Load Description:_________________________

Net Weight: ________________ (kgs/Lbs)

CAPACITY: C) Attachments & Rigging: _____________

WEIGHTS: Erected N/A


1. Hitch Arrangement Used: _________ 2. Sling Type: ____________________ Extension 3. Sling Size: ____________________4. Capacity of Above Combination: ________________________ (Kgs/Lbs) Hookblock (Main):

(Kgs/Lbs) ________ ________


Aux. Boom Head: Headache Ball: Slings, Shackles, etc. Lifting Beams



_____ _____ _____ _____

________ ________ ________ ________

Others: ____________________________ Total: (Gross Load Weight) D) Total Boom Length: _________________ Mtr/ft


________ If jib is used, refer to proper load chart and safety notes on load chart

Lift Quadrants: E) Maximum Required Operating Radius ________Mtr/ft.


Rear Side

F) Boom Angle Limits of Operation: Max ___________ Min: ____________ G) Capacity of Hoist Wire Rope Inclusive of Hook Block Reeves _________________ H) Maximum lifting capacity of crane in above configuration as per load chart and safety notes: ______________ I) Ground/Site Condition:


J) Outriggers fully extended?


Unsatisfactory No

Wind Speed: _____ kph (Max.: 32kph) Is crane leveled?



K) Work permit required: Yes No: L) Load moment indicator: Yes: No: Type:_________________________________________ M) Sketch and supplementary information for crane lift is required to be attached to this plan. (Note: The sketch of the crane should include the following rigging information: size of each component; safe working load (SWL) capacity; length of slings; type of component; component diameter; weight of component and sling angles).

Contractor:______________________ Date:_________ Crane Operator:______________________ Date:______________ Initiated by:_____________________- Date:_________ Reviewed by: ________________________ Date:______________

(Client Representative)

(Competent Person / Rigger I or II)

Footnote: This form is to be filled out for the following lifts: 1. At all construction sites and operating plants; 2. Associated with offshore and marine sites and operations; 3.Within safety zones of power lines; 4.Involving personnel platform


PRELIMINARY ACCIDENT REPORT Detailed Report Required within 3 Days: Accident Location:


Control No.: Date of Accident:

Personnel Injured:

Type of Injury/ Accident

Time of Accident:

Badge No:

Property Damaged and Estimated Cost of Damaged:

Description of Accident:

Witness Statement (s)

What caused the Accident: (Root Caused)

Lessons Learned:

What Corrective Action Has Been Taken:

Signed By: ____________________________________ _______________________________

Badge No:

Date of Report : _________________________________ Name (Printed): _________________________________ Company: __________________________________ _________________________________ 70

Job Title:





Has a lifting plan, rigging study and specific risk assessment been prepared, reviewed and approved for critical lifting operations? Does the lifting equipment appear to be suitable for the proposed lift? Does the lifting gear appear to be suitable for the proposed lift? Has the lifting gear been inspected and color coded to indicate safe usage? Are all safety devices on the lifting equipment in place and operational? Are the outriggers fully deployed & sole plates sealed on spreader mats? Are the ground conditions suitable for supporting the crane and its load throughout the lifting operation? Are there any underground services, holes, tanks, pits or other excavations which may destabilize the crane? Are there any above ground structures or services which may obstruct the free movement of the crane boom, its load or any tag lines deployed to control the movement of the load during the crane's setup? Has the crane been leveled by the operator during setup? Is the counterweight securely fixed to the crane and can it rotate with the crane without hitting an obstruction? Is the area around the crane including the drop zone around the load from the point of lifting to the point of setting down barriered off to prevent unauthorized access? Has the wind speed and other environmental factors been considered and are they within acceptable limits? Is the banks man clearly identifiable and is he in control of the lift? Do the lifting crew control the maneuvering of the load in a safe smooth manner and is the operation coordinated form picking up to setting down?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14




Additional Items for consideration:


Contractor : _____________________________________ Location _____________________________________________________ BI / JO No: _____________________________________ Project Title: ____________________________________________________








NEAR MISS REPORT FORM Reported By: _________________________; Badge No: _____________; Department: ______________________ Date : _________________; Time: ___________; Location: _______________________________________

THE NEAR MISS Incident Description:

What Action Did You Take During and After the Near Miss:( By the one who initiated the report)

Action Taken By Other Observers During and After the Near Miss:

What Type of Loss Could This Near Miss May Have Caused? Personal Injury:


Equipment Damaged:


Operational Interruption:

List Any Recommendations to Minimize Future Recurrence : 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Distributions: a) Client for their File b) K& A Safety Division c) Contractor Safety Department d) File at Site with K&A Safety Engineer.





Operator Name:___________________________________

Equipment Description: ______________________________

License Details:___________________________________

Registration No._____________________________________

Crane Capacity:___________________________________




General Condition

2 3 4

Fuel Level Brake Fluid Level Hydraulic Oil Level


Engine Oil Level

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Battery Fluid Level Engine Drive Belts Internal Electrics Fire Extinguisher Tool Kit Load-Radius Chart Seat belt Mirror Lights Indicators Wiper Horn Reverse Alarm Steering Controls & Gauges



22 23

Footbrake Hand Brake


Rope Condition


Automatic Load Indicator


Limit Switches


Hook, Safety Latch


Tyres Condition









REMARKS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Note down defects in remark column with date. 2. Defect shall be immediately notified to maintenance department for rectification. 3. Handover copy of inspection checklist Maintenance Department at the end of every week. 4. Maintenance department shall maintain the records & forward one copy to ISD.


Job Site:-

Address: Name of injured

Badge No.



Part of body

Nature of



Date/time of

Source of



Classification of

Source of



First Aid treatment

Clinic /Hospital:-



Supervisor Approval:-

Client's Approval:-

Immediate cause's of accident:

Corrective action Taken:-



Job Title:-

Contract No. Name of Contractor:-

Location Site:-

Address:Name of driver:-

Badge No.

SAG Driving licence No.

Date. Time. Olace

Estimated cost of repair:-

Indicate by Diagram what happend,

Description of what happened:-

Corrective action taken:-

Loss Prevention's recommendation:

Contractor Representative:

Signature:-........................................ MONTHLY INJURY SUMMARY REPORT Name Of Contractor:-

Month of:-......................

Contract No: Name

Location:Badge No.


Type of injury


Contractor Representative Signature Date.


Date of incident

Brief description of

Injury to


Estimated cost



of damage

of damage

Contractor Representative Signature Date.

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