Safecracking for Everyone

December 19, 2016 | Author: KrisKingly | Category: N/A
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Safe cracking for everyone!


Introduction At this point at which I am writing this, I am definitely still a beginner. I've manipulated my fair share of group 2 safe lock's but I have not yet tried as many as I wanted to. Some, such as the LaGard 3330, can give more trouble than the S&G 6700 series, which are simple and used as beginner locks and sadly, also the most common type of mechanical safe locks. If you are a beginner or don't even know anything whatsoever about this topic and you just want to learn this because it's cool or to impress a girl ;), then this book is definitely you. I know there are a couple other books/tutorials on this out there but I wanted to create my own. No matter how thorough the book, there will always be some missing piece of information and I’m hoping this fills in the gaps for others out there (and my girlfriend is also interested so this is dedicated to her
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