safe - geraint clarke

May 9, 2018 | Author: Ahmed Elkhawaga | Category: Leisure
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safe - geraint Clarke safe - geraint clarkesafe - geraint clarke...


SAFE BY GERAINT CLARKE (printable version)

Impromptu signed card to borrowed keyring

INTRODUCTION! Hi, and welcome to SAFE!. First off i’d like to thank you for your support in purchasing this product, and if you didn’t purchase it, i’d like to thank you for persuing it to such an extent that you got it free. SAFE! is an effect that I rst came up with over 2 years ago. I used to perform it at house parties or corperate events. The effect was later combined with Lloyd Barnes pierced bill effect, into an impromptu routine where you pierce a borrowed bill, link it to a key-ring to prove the existence of the hole, rip the keys from the note, and heal it before the spectators eyes. This trick was sent to t o Paul Harris and his production company. company. We later recieved an email to say that the effect would be better if we actually did pierce the bill and restore it. WE DID ! They had overlooked the genius of the routine. So clean the spectator could do it. After that set -back myself and Lloyd decided to keep the routine to ourselves for a while, just to earn free drinks at bars. (As we’ve given up professional performances). What you will learn here is the original routine. A signed selection linked to key-ring effect. The effect is a stunning illusion, and routined into an absolute miracle, with some subtleties that sell the validity of certain aspects of the trick. This effect can be done with signed cards, bank-notes etc. Now I have researched this effect, and can’t nd anything with the same method or handling, but magic has been round for thousands of years, and I have only been round for 20 of those years. So if you nd something similar, or the same, please contact me. Enjoy,

 G.. Clarke  G Clarke

EFFECT! The effect can be done with a borrowed deck, and a borrowed set of keys (making sure they have a split ring from a key-ring or fob.

The spectator selects a card, signs it, and returns it to the deck, his/her keys are borrowed and sandwiched between all 52 cards. The deck is dropped onto a surface or into the spectators awaiting hands, and out pops the set of keys presenting a new feature. A card linked through it’s face, into the key-ring. The spectator is shown both sides, it really is linked, and to prove it, it is ripped from the card. Impromptu and Impossible. This is SAFE! METHOD!

This effect is painfully simple to perform. You will need to have a card selected, signed and controlled to the top of the deck. Once this is done, get the keys in your free hand. For myself this would be my right hand. I hold the keys by the split ring, making sure the breaks or openings are exactly inline with the right long edge of the deck. My ring nger holds a break under the top card. (See Below : underneath exposed view)

I know ask the spectator to hold out their hands like a table, or get them to clear the table they are sitting at, or stand-up (if they are sitting). Any quick form of misdirection will do. Including just patter. This moments misdirection is all I need. Both your hands should come together as the bottom break in the split ring gets threaded onto the bottom and the thumb clamps the keys on top of the deck, leaving your right hand free to gesture or assist. This is an image sequence to help :

The card and split ring are threaded together so that the break is on the face of the card. (exposed underside view)

 The thumb then get’s placed on top of the split ring securing it with the ush deck. The other hand is now free. This threading is the hardest part of the effect and takes about 1 second to do, and even less time to learn. (as below)

Then simply cut the deck, or double under-cut, making sure to keep pressure on the split ring so not to reveal the t he selection early. Now ip the deck face-up.

This is where you should be in peformance : (see image below)

NOW FOR THE REVEAL! Drop the cards onto a at surface... the weight of the keys will clearly seperate the selection from the mess. Drop from about 3 or 4 inches from a surface. Any larger and the key and selection might bounce around and seperate. As shown in the image below. below.

The card is revealed to be linked to their set of keys. The illusion sells it if you pick the card up with the keys dangling, and bend the split ring with your right hand towards yourself. It puts a small warp in the card and adds the illusion of depth and penetration, just from the angle.

Now you are going to rotate the card 90degrees so the keys are on the opposite long edge to you. And rotate yourself so your spectators eld of vision is identical to yours. This is a more intimate presentation as you are both experiencing the same magical moment togther togt her.. Now you are going to fold the card in half along the point at which the key-ring meets the card. This will provide the perfect illusion as you can then show the key-ring going right through. (check the image on the next page as a guideline)

Below is the width-ways fold along the point of contact. The bottom piece of the queen is now at a 90degree angle to the top of the card (the bit that i’m holding). It shows the keys from the under-side and creates the illusion that the split ring is going right through the card.

Now for the clean-up, you are going to fully fold the card in half.

This is the spectators view of the card now now.. Your Your thumb presses down on the split ring and forces it through the card car d as it pulls away. This will create a rip to nally sell the fact it was actually attached.

This is what you’d now be left with: • A signed selection, with a rip in it (as ripped from the key-ring). • A set of keys. • An amazed spectator.

AFTERTHOUGHTS! This effect can also be done without a torn card. If you fold the card on the last step, and apply a tiny amount of downforce on the split ring as you seperate the card, the split ring will scrap the card and make a tearing sound. You can then use your ‘magical powers’ to restore the ‘tear’

CREDITS! As far as I know this has never been done before. I am for the most part self-taught in magic as I grew up on one of the poorest estates in the UK. So if you have any insight into the histort and credits, don’t be afraid to email me at : [email protected]

I’d like to credit Lloyd Barnes for believing in my crazy creations, and pushing me to get my material out there.


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