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Engineering Procedure


SAEP-51 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards  Table of Contents  1 Scope............................................................... Scope............................................................... 2  2 2

Conflicts and Deviations.............................. Deviations.................................. .... 2


Applicable Documents............................... Documents..................................... ......   2


Definitions and Acronyms................................ Acronyms................................   3

5 Instructions.......................................................  Instructions....................................................... 6 6

Factory (Site) Acceptance Test Report............ 6 Report............ 6

7 Responsibilities................................................ 6 Responsibilities................................................ 6 8 Pre-requisites................................................... 6 Pre-requisites................................................... 6  Appendix 1

Factory Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting……….  8

 Appendix 2

Site Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting……..  23

Previous Issue: 14 August 2013 Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Primary contact: Escobar, Juan David on +966-13-8801375 or Maatoug, Maatoug Abdullah on +966-13-8801377 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2013. All rights reserved. 

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems


Scope This procedure specifies the requirements to conduct Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for the small gas metering systems. Conducting these tests is mandatory in SAEP-21 in SAEP-21 and SAEP-50. and SAEP-50.   The purpose of the FAT and SAT is to demonstrate, to the fullest extent possible at the vendor’s facilities and site location, location , that the subject Small Gas Metering System meets all requirements of the Job Specification, particularly the Functional Specification Document before being shipped to the site site and before commissioning. The test shall include the functionality of the Metering Skid (software, hardware and special application packages).


Conflicts and Deviations 2.1

Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAES’s), Materials System Specifications S pecifications (SAMSS’s), Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings (SASD’s), or industry standards, codes, and codes,  and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Manager, Process P rocess & Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.



Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing in accordance with SAEP-302 to the Manager, Process & Control Systems S ystems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.


Direct all requests for interpretation of this procedure in writing to the chairman, Custody Measurement Standards Committee for resolution. The Chairman, Custody Measurement Standards Committee shall be solely responsible for determining whether a proposed request meets the requirements of this procedure.

Applicable Documents All referenced Procedures, Standards, Specifications, Codes, Forms, Drawings, and similar material or equipment supplied shall be considered part of this Procedure P rocedure to the extent specified herein and shall be of the latest issue (including all revisions, addenda, and supplements), unless stated otherwise. 3.1

Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures SAEP-21

 Project Execution Requirements for Saudi Aramco  Royalty/Custody Metering Systems

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems


 Project Execution Requirements for Third party  Royalty/Custody Metering Systems


 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard SAES-A-112

 Meteorological and Seismic Data

Saudi Aramco Material System Specifications 34-SAMSS-112

Orifice Meter for Gas Custody Measurement


Small Gas metering System


 Flow Computers for Custody Transfer Measurement of Hydrocarbon Gases

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings  AB-036180  AB-036181

Small Metering Skid (Gas)  –  Field Mounted FC Small Metering Skid (Gas)  –  Panel  Panel Mounted FC


 Detail Vent, Drain and Sample Connections


Standard Sample Tube

Saudi Aramco Library Drawings  DC-950040

 Pressure Indicators and Switches


 Instrument Piping Details –  Pressure  Pressure Instruments


 Flow Meter Installations –  Gas  Gas and vapor service (non-corrosive)

Saudi Aramco Form and Data Sheet 7213-ENG 3.2

 Mechanical Completion Certificate 

Industry Codes and Standards American Petroleum Institute  API MPMS Ch. 21.1

Electronic Gas Measurement

American Gas Association  Report 3

Orifice Metering Of Natural Gas and Other Related  Hydrocarbons Fluids, Part 3 Natural Gas  Applications (AGA 3)

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

 Report 8


Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other  Hydrocarbon Gases (AGA 8)

Definitions and Acronyms 4.1

Definitions Approve:  Review and formal acceptance characterized by the signature of a final authorizing individual or organization.

Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and iits ts Company:  refers to a Saudi Arabian affiliates. Construction Contractor:  An entity that is responsible for construction of a facility based on the approved project documentation provided by Saudi Aramco.   Custody Transfer Measurement:  A specialized form of measurement that

 provides quantity and quality information used for the physical and fiscal documentation of a change in ownership and/or responsibility of hydrocarbon commodities. This includes measurement of hydrocarbon liquid movements (deliveries or receipts) between Saudi Aramco and its customers, suppliers, joint ventures and transport contractors including VELA ships. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT):  A series of tests conducted at the vendor’s  plant to demonstrate compliance of the System with the job specification requirements, to the maximum extent possible in the Contractor's Co ntractor's factory environment. Functional Specification Document (FSD):  Provides the technical technical requirements for the System. Job Specification:  The scope of the work to be performed pursuant to a contract; it describes or references the applicable drawings, standards, specifications, as well as the administrative, procedural, and technical requirements that the Contractor shall satisfy or adhere to in accomplishing the work. Non-Material Requirements (NMRs):  The complete set of documentation required in the electronic form from the Vendor and/or the Contractor during the design and development phase of the project. There are three categories of NMRs:

601 NMRs: Preliminary drawings for review and approval. 602 NMRs: Certified drawings, literature, photographs, and parts data/requirements.

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

603 NMRs: Operations, maintenance manuals, installation instructions, test certificates, etc. Pre-FAT:  A comprehensive test, completed by the vendor prior to FAT, which ensures that the System can be tested according a ccording to FAT procedures without unanticipated delays. Proponent:  The Saudi Aramco organization responsible responsible for signing signing the Saudi Aramco Form 7213-ENG, Form 7213-ENG, Mechanical  Mechanical Completion Certificate. In the context of this document, the Proponent is the Saudi Aramco organization responsible for operating and maintaining the metering facility. Project Management Team (PMT):  The team of Company individuals who are assigned the responsibility of managing the project. Site Acceptance Test (SAT):  A series of tests conducted at the site location location on the installed System that demonstrates compliance with all requirements, except availability.

system designed to handle gas gas flow Small Gas Metering System:  A metering system rates of 20 MMSCFD or less. System:  is the metering skid system that is procured under the Contract. Vendor:  The party that supplies or sells integrated metering systems, metering equipment, or components sometimes called Integrator. 


Abbreviations API

American Petroleum Institute


Factory Acceptance Test Functional Specification Design


Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards


Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure


Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard


Saudi Aramco Material Specification System


Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing


Site Acceptance Test

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems


Instructions The FAT (SAT) Report shall contain the following sections, as a minimum: a)

Identify System and Vendor


Include certification statement


FAT (SAT) location, start date, completion date


Name of Contractor/Vendor representative and signature


List of Company representatives and signatures


A FAT (SAT) Punch List with description (exception items).

Appendix 1 is the outline of the FAT Procedure and Report. The FAT Procedure shall contain, as a minimum, the information specified and, except for any additions, need to follow the format of the outline. Appendix 2 is the outline of the SAT Procedure and Report. The SAT Procedure shall contain, as a minimum, the information specified and, except for any additions, need to follow the format of the outline.


Factory (Site) Acceptance Test Report Appendices 1 and 2 shall serve as the FAT and SAT reports and when approved by the Company representatives shall be used as the certification that the FAT and SAT has  been successfully completed.  Note that as a minimum minimum a cover cover page, page, a system system acceptanc acceptancee certif certificate icate page and the the table table of of contents need to be added to Appendices 1 and 2 to complete the FAT and SAT reports.


Responsibilities The responsibilities of all Saudi Aramco organizations participating in the FAT and SAT of metering skids are stated in the SAEP-21 the  SAEP-21 and SAEP-50. and SAEP-50.   The assigned Saudi Aramco Project Management Team engineer is responsible for ensuring that the concerned organizations fulfill their responsibilities.


Pre-requisites 8.1

The vendor shall ensure that the all the parts of the metering system with its components have been integrated and ready for FAT and the SAT.


All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT (SAT) shall be identified. Valid calibration certificates of the test equipment shall be available prior p rior to the start of FAT (SAT). Page 6 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems


Copies of the required metering report formats and calculations and Metering Supervisory Computer displays and graphics are reviewed by CMU and all the comments are resolved.


The Vendor shall conduct a Pre-FAT (SAT). Pre-FAT (SAT) is basically a trial run of all FAT (SAT) procedures to identify and correct any deficiencies that could cause delays during FAT (SAT). The pre-FAT (SAT) is carried out without the presence of Company representatives. The purpose of the pre-FAT (SAT) is to ensure that all hardware, software, and application program deficiencies have  been identified identified and corrected corrected before before the official official FAT (SAT) (for example: example: incorrect wiring from the test panel to the I/O points, incorrect wiring inside the equipment, bad I/O modules). A formal, signed pre-FAT (SAT) report shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco before commencement, the vendor shall complete Pre-FAT (SAT) utilizing the approved FAT (SAT) procedure/report.


Utility Requirements Vendor shall provide all needed utilities to perform the FAT. Some of these utilities are: Control Panel power supply and Instrument air or nitrogen.


The buyer Inspector or his delegate shall inspect the complete integrated system  before testing. All the observations and recommendations shall be implemented  before the FAT is commenced.


All documents as per Section 1.3 of Appendices 1 and 2 needs to be available.

14 August 2013 17 September 2013

Revision Summary New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure. Editorial revision to change the primary contact persons.


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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

Appendix 1  – Factory Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting


Introduction This document is the FAT Procedure to Inspect and verify the functionality of the Small Gas Metering Skid and associated control panel built bu ilt under (Indicate BI number) to be located in (Indicate location). This document contains detailed test procedures with associated lists, tables and a customer comment and sign off area in order to verify and document that each test has been carried out successfully and in accordance with the customer specification (FSD). This procedure has been submitted for for client review and approval. FAT shall be  performed against this document in the presence of the client or the client nominated representatives. Any divergence from the agree requirement of o f FSD shall be formally advised to the client such that revision of the requirement may be agreed and the FSD and this document are altered accordingly. 1.1

Scope All instruments calibration shall be verified during FAT and shall be wired to the control panel and a functional test is carried out by simulating process conditions at the field instruments and the results are recorded on Test Record Sheets. Metering Tests shall be conducted with the field I/O connected to the flow computer and reports shall be validated against a gainst commercial AGA 3/ AGA 8 software. A set of master documentation (Master FAT), drawings and ISS (data sheets) shall be made available for the FAT (refer to Section to  Section 1.3) 1.3).. Discrepancies shall  be recorded on the Punch List and any document/drawing changes shall be marked in the “Master FAT” copy cop y for incor   poration to the documents that shall  be made available at the SAT.


Test Overview The FAT shall begin with a full review of the system and documentation followed by the inspection of the skid, the verification of the calibration of the field instruments and loop checks and finally the configuration of the flow computer.

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

A daily review shall be shall be carried out discussing the day’s test agenda and the  previous day’s test activities and issues. The test shall follow a structured plan according to this document. Any test shall failures shall be fully and discussed dis cussed at theon daily Failures be evaluated anddocumented p rioritized according prioritized to impact bothreview. further system testing and test schedule time frame. frame. Test schedule shall be modified to to continue testing on the unaffected part of the system. Low priority failures failures which cannot be rectified immediately and do not prevent further testing shall be revisited at the end of the scheduled test period. Every effort shall be made to rectify high priority failures and retest as soon as they have been resolved. 1.3

Applicable Documents All documents referenced in the FAT Procedure shall be listed with their revision numbers and publication date. Documentation which is part of System System and/or is needed during FAT shall be available. Specific items typically include User's Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, configuration drawings, connection drawings, database listings, logic drawings, instrumentation loop drawings (ILD), P&IDs. Title

Document Number



Functional Specification Document Piping and Instrumentation Diagram System Block Diagram Control Panel Termination Termination Details/Loop Diagrams Pressure Transmitters Detailed and Complete Technical Information Temperature Transmitter Detailed and Complete Technical Information Orifice Plate, Orifice Fitting, Meter Tubes and Flow Conditioner Detailed and Complete Technical Information including compliance certificates and uncertainty calculation. Pressure Gauges Detailed and Complete Technical Information Flow Computer Computer Detailed aand nd Complete Technical Information Page 9 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

Document Number




Printer Detailed and Complete Technical Information Sampler (if provided) Detailed and Complete Technical Information Recommended Spare Parts list for two years of operation Saudi Aramco Detail Vent, Drain and Samplers

AC-036045 & AE-036046

Saudi Aramco locally mounted pressure indicators and switches


Instrument Piping Details –  Details –  Pressure  Pressure Instruments –  Instruments  –  Blind  Blind and Indicating type


Appendix 1B of  34-SAMSS-846   34-SAMSS-846 Flow Computer instrument specification sheet


System As-Built drawings Bill of materials materials FAT test results


Test Equipment All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT shall be identified and mad madee available. Valid calibration/certification calibration/certification reports of test equipment shall be available. As a minimum, minimum, the following equipment is required: Description




Cal. Expiration Date

Digital Multimeter Hart Communicator Hi pressure tester Lo pressure tester Decade Resistance Box Tape measure

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems


Terms and Abbreviations Definitions of all acronyms, mnemonics, and special terms used in this Procedure shall be provided.



Pipe Nominal Diameter


Factory Acceptance test


Functional Specification Design


Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure


Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification

System Checks The tests shall demonstrate and document the satisfaction of all requirements requ irements of the System as stated in the Job Specification. The test procedure consists of tables with questions to outline a very very detailed inspection. Any deviation from the requirements shall be recorded as a punch pu nch list item and added in the Punch List Item # column as shown below. 2.1

Skid Mechanical Inspection All equipment/instrumentation should be checked for correct mechanical installation as follows: TEST


Punch List Item #

Are instruments tagged in accordance with the latest issue of the P&ID? Does the orifice fitting have a stainless steel tag with the following information? Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Date of Manufacture Equipment Tag Number Purchase order number Connection Size and Pressure rating Reference Internal Pipe diameter Material of Body Are orifice fitting, instruments and valves located at convenient working heights?  Page 11 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems



Punch List Item #

Does the orifice fitting have flanged ends? Does the orifice fitting have bottom chamber drain valves? Are pipe header stubs provided? If a by-pass line is installed, is it installed between the pipe stubs for future expansion? Is there a vent line? Does the vent line extent at least 3 meters above the highest operating platform? Are vents, drains, sample probe and sample probe connections installed according to AC-036045 to AC-036045 and AE-036046 and  AE-036046?? Are pressure transmitters installed in an independent pole so they are not subject to piping strain and vibration? Are the differential pressure transmitter impulse line runs as indicated in Library Drawing DC-950061 Drawing DC-950061?? Are there 2 differential pressure transmitters? Is the static pressure connection derived from the orifice meter downstream pressure tap? Is the Static pressure Transmitter impulse line run as indicated in Library Drawing DC-950042? Drawing DC-950042?   Is there a pressure gauge installed on the skid’s inlet or header? Is there a pressure gauge installed on the skid’s outlet or header? Are pressure gauges installed as per  DC-950040?    DC-950040?  Are all transmitters grouped in a single point facing the same direction? Is there a fix calibration table adjacent to the instruments? instruments? Is there adequate sunshade to protect the transmitters? Are the static and differential differential pressure transmitters transmitters’’ impulse lines with a slope of not less than 1:12 toward the orifice fitting? Are impulse lines built with ½ inch type 316 stainless steel tubing? Do all meter runs have an inlet manual isolation ball valve? Page 12 of 31


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Punch List Item #


Punch ItemList #

Does the inlet isolation valve show the correct status (open/close) when it is operated? Do all upstream meter tubes have a minimum clear length of 20D and flow straightening vanes 13D upstream of orifice meter? Do all downstream meter tubes have minimum clear length of 5D? Is there a thermowell installed 5D downstream of the orifice meter at each meter tube? Is there another thermowell installed downstream of the first one and at a distance between 150 and 300 mm? Are thermowells made of Stainless Steel and installed in 1 inch NPT female fitting? Do all meter runs have an outlet manual isolation ball valve? Do the outlet isolation valves show the correct status (open/close) when they are operated? Is there a sample probe installed on top of the pipe and on the downstream side of the metering skid? Is the probe tip length as indicated in Standard Drawing AE-036046?   AE-036046?


Skid Electrical Inspection TEST 

Are junction boxes installed in accessible locations at the edge of the metering skid? Do conduit and cable connections enter junction boxes from the bottom? Is conduit sealed with a weather-tight seal at the entrance of the box? Is all control system equipment (flow computers, printer,  power supply) supply) installed in an air air conditioned conditioned Field Mounted cabinet and powered by UPS?

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Loop testing and Functionality Checks Verify that the basic functionality associated with the System I/O works  properly as evidenced on the Flow Computer display.displayed This shall include and checks that the I/O are wired properly, configured properly, p roperly, properly, documented properly. 2.3.1




Punch List Item #

Is RTD of the spring loaded type? Is temperature transmitter of the SMART type? Is the temperature transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  150°F  150°F (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)? Using the Decade resistance box, apply resistance values to the transmitter as this:  Temperature





















Compare transmitter readings to table above (Using a HART communicator communicator if transmitter transmitter has no display). Is the difference between these readings less than 0.5°F? Compare table above to Flow Computer reading. Are these readings within 0.5°F?

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Low Differential Pressure Transmitter TEST


Punch List Item #

Is pressure transmitter of the SMART type? Is the transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  20  20 in-wc (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)? Verify calibration of pressure transmitter at 0, 50, 100% increasing and 80, 20, 0% decreasing. Using a certified low  pressure tester tester compare compare the tester reading to the transmitter reading (Using a HART communicator if transmitterr has no display). transmitte display). Is the difference between these readings less than 0.05 in-wc (0.25% of span)? Compare transmitter’s pressure reading to Flow Computer’s. Is the difference  between these these readings readings less than than 0.05 in-wc (0.25% of span) Is pressure transmitter fitted with a 5-way manifold valve?

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

High Differential Pressure Transmitter TEST


Punch List Item #

Is pressure transmitter of the SMART type? Is the transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  100  100 in-wc (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)? Verify calibration of pressure transmitter at 0, 50, 100% increasing and 80, 20, 0% decreasing. Using a certified low  pressure tester tester compare compare the tester reading to the transmitter reading (Using a HART communicator if transmitterr has no display). transmitte display). Is the difference between theseofreadings than 0.25 in-wc (0.25% span)? less Compare transmitter’s pressure reading Compare r eading to Flow Computer’s. Is the difference  between these these readings readings less than than 0.25 in-wc (0.25% of span)? Is pressure transmitter fitted with a 5-way manifold valve?

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Static Pressure Transmitter TEST


Punch List Item #

Is pressure transmitter of the SMART type? Verify the readings of pressure transmitter at 0, 50, 100% increasing and 80, 20, 0% decreasing. Using a certified pressure tester compare the tester reading to the transmitte transmitterr reading (Using a HART communicator if transmitterr has no display). transmitte display). Is the difference between these readings less than 0.25% of span? Compare transmitter’s pressure reading to Flow Computer’s. Are these readings similar? Is the pressure transmitter fitted with a 3-way manifold valve?


Flow Computer TEST


Punch List Item #

Is the flow computer tagged according to SA-8020-846-ENG? to SA-8020-846-ENG?   Is the flow computer configured for AGA 3 and AGA 8? Is the flow computer configured to use the USC system of units? Are the reference pressure and temperature configured to  be 14.73 psia psia and 60°F 60°F respectively? respectively? Is the flow f low computer configured with the reference internal  pipe diameter diameter (stamped (stamped on orifice orifice fitting and and crosschecked with certificate)? Is the flow computer configured configured with the reference plate  bore diameter diameter (stamped (stamped on plate plate and cross-checke cross-checked d with certificate)? Page 17 of 31


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Punch List Item #

Is the flow computer configured configured with the reference r eference temperature of the orifice plate bore diameter (normally 60 or 68°F)? Is the flow computer configured with the reference temperature of the of the meter tube internal diameter (normally 60 or 68°F)? Is the flow computer configured with the orifice plate material specified in the dimensional measurement certificate of the orifice plate? Is the flow computer configured with the meter tube material specified in the dimensional measurement certificate of the meter tube? Is the flow computer atmospheric pressure configured according to following table? Location

Atm. Press. (psia)







Ras Tanura








For other areas the following equation shall be utilized: Patm= 14.54*[55096-(elevation[ft]-361)/[55096+(elevation[ft]-361)] where “elevation” is obtained from  from SAES-A-112.  Is low flow cut off set to be 0.25 in-wc (0.25% of span not to exceed 0.5 in-wc)? Is the flow computer configured to use the Static Pressure of the downstream side of orifice fitting? Is the Flow Computer configured to use two differential  pressure transmitters transmitters (stack configuration)? configuration)? Is the flow computer configured to read a low differential  pressure of 0 –  20  20 in-wc?

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Punch List Item #

Is the flow computer configured to read a high differential  pressure of 0 –  100  100 in-wc? Is the flow computer configured to read a temperature of 0 –  0 –  150°F?  150°F? Is the flow computer configured to read a static pressure according to the transmitter’s transmitter’s calibration? calibration?   Is the flow computer configured to use fallback values of  pressure and and temperature temperature on transmitter transmitter failure? Open the Temperature Transmitter loop (normally it is easy to open the loop at the fuse). Does the flow computer take the temperature fallback value? Open the Static Pressure Transmitter loop (normally it is easy to open the loop at the fuse). Does the flow computer take the pressure fallback value? Is visually identified in the flow compute computerr display when fallback values are used instead of live signals? This test will check the proper selection of the diff. press. transmitter by the flow computer and the AGA algorithms. Force transmitters according to following table: Low diff.

10 in-wc

High diff.

11 in-wc



Static Press.

375 psig

Methane Ethane

85% 5%







Pipe ID

4 in

Plate Bore

2.4 in

Is the compensated flow rate calculated within ± 0.005% of 2.3405 MMSCFD? (between 2.3288 and 2.3522).

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Punch List Item #

Force transmitters according to following table: Low diff. High diff. Temperature Static Press. Methane Ethane Propane CO2   N2  Pipe ID Plate Bore

22 in-wc 80 in-wc 100°F 375 psig 85% 5% 1% 2% 7% 4 in 2.4 in

Is the compensated flow rate calculated within ± 0.005% of 6.6126 MMSCFD? (between 6.5795 and 6.6457)  Simulate differential differential pressure to both dp transmitte tr ansmitters rs  between a low value of of dp-low and 19.6 in-wc (98% of dp-low). The readings for the transmitters must be slightly different. Is the “In Use” value for the differential  pressure the the reading for dp-low? Simulate differential pressure to both dp transmitters higher than 19.6 in-wc (98% of dp-low) but lower than 20 in-wc (100% of dp-low). The readings for the tran transmitters smitters must must  be slightly different. Is the “In Use” value for the differentiall pressure the reading for dp-high? differentia Simulate differential pressure to both dp transmitters higher than 20 in-wc (100% of dp-low) but less than 100 in-wc (100% of dp-high). dp-high). The readings for for the transmitters transmitters must be different. Is the “In Use” value for the differentiall pressure the reading for dp-high? differentia Simulate differential pressure to both dp transmitters higher than 100 in-wc (100% of dp-high). Is the “In Use” value for the differential pressure the keypad value of the dp-high? When value of dp-high is used, simulate differential  pressure to both dp transmitters transmitters higher higher than 19 19 in-wc (95% of dp-low) but lower than 20 in-wc (100% of dp-low). The readings for the transmitters transmitters must be slightly different. Is the “In Use” value for the differentiall pressure the reading for dp-high? differentia

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Punch List Item #


Punch List Item #


Punch List Item #

When value of dp-high is used, simulate differential  pressure to both dp transmitters transmitters lower than 19 in-wc (95% of dp-low) but higher than 0 in-wc (0% of dp-low). The readings for the transmitters must be slightly different. Is the “In Use” value for the differential  pressure the the reading for dp-low?


Orifice Fitting/Plate TEST

Insert and remove plate. Does fitting operate correctly? Is the following f ollowing information stamped on the downstream face of orifice plate? Reference Bore diameter Thickness Material Tag Number Serial Number Word “DOWNSTREAM” on the downstream face.  face.   Is the flow direction indicated indicated on the orifice fitting? Is the ratio of the plate diameter (stamped in plate) to the  pipe internal internal diameter diameter (stamped (stamped in fitting) fitting) in the 0.2 0.2 to 0.6 range?


Printer TEST

Is the flow computer configured to produce one Delivery Ticket after midnight? Does the Delivery Ticket follow the form indicated in Appendix 1B of  34-SAMSS-846?    34-SAMSS-846? 

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Test Discrepancies and Punch List All items marked with N in the previous tables shall be assigned with number and added to the Punch List for further resolution. Actions to be taken in the event discrepancies shall be defined. Actions to be taken by the Contractor during theofFAT to resolve minor problems shall be defined. Punch List shall include the description of the issue, responsible party to resolve it and the expected exp ected time frame to resolve the issue.


FAT Suspension / Resumption / Restart In the event a discrepancy is encountered which cannot be resolved during the time allowed for resolution during the FAT, the FAT shall be suspended and the following notices shall be defined to process these discrepancies with a description of the  procedures to be followed for each: 4.1

Notice of FAT suspension [testing is terminated until problem(s) are resolved].


Notice of FAT restart [begin testing after problem(s) have been resolved and all necessary retesting to be completed].

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

Appendix 2  – Site Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting


Introduction This document is the SAT Procedure to Inspect and verify the functionality of the Small Sales Gas Metering Skid and associated control panel pa nel built under (Indicate BI number) located in (Indicate location). This document contains detailed test procedures with associated lists, tables and a customer comment and sign off area in order to verify and document that each test has been carried out successfully and in accordance with the customer specification (FSD). This procedure has been submitted for for client review and approval. SAT shall be  performed against this document in the presence of the client or the client nominated representatives. Any divergence from the agree requirement (FSD) shall be formally advised to the client such that revision of the requirement may be b e agreed and the FSD and this document are altered accordingly. 1.1

Scope All instruments calibrations were verified during FAT and there is no need to repeat verification during SAT unless six or more months have passed since FAT. FAT Test Record Sheets shall be available during SAT. Metering Tests shall be conducted with the field I/O connected to the flow computer and reports shall be validated against a gainst commercial AGA 3/ AGA 8 software. A set of master documentation (Master SAT), drawings and ISS (data sheets) shall be made available for the SAT (refer to Section to Section 1.3). 1.3). Any discrepancies shall be recorded on the Punch List and any document/drawing changes shall be marked in the “Master SAT” copy  copy to be included in the “As Built” drawings.  drawings. 


Test Overview The SAT shall begin with a full review of the system and documentation followed by the inspection of the skid. The goal of the SAT is to check and certify that the system is in compliance with the purchase p urchase order, requisition, specifications and the approved documents. A daily review shall be shall be carried out discussing the day’s test agenda and the  previous test activities and issues. The test shall follow a structured plan accordingday’s to this document. Page 23 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

Any test failures shall be fully documented and discussed dis cussed at the daily review. Failures shall be evaluated and prioritized p rioritized according to impact on both further system testing and test schedule time frame. frame. Test schedule shall be modified to to continue testing on the unaffected unaffected part of the system. Low priority failures failures which cannot be rectified immediately and do not prevent further testing shall be revisited at the end of the scheduled test period. Every effort shall be made to rectify high priority failures and retest as soon as they have been b een resolved. 1.3

Applicable Documents All documents referenced in the FAT Procedure P rocedure shall be part of the Master S SAT. AT. All documents shall shall have revision numbers and publishing date. date. Documentation which is part of System and/or is needed during SAT shall be available. Specific items typically include User's Manuals, Maintenance Manuals, configuration drawings, connection drawings, database listings, logic drawings, instrumentation loop drawings (ILD), P&IDs. Document Number




Master SAT (Full set of documents documents to be left at facility) Piping and Instrumentation Diagram System Block Diagram Control Panel Termination Termination Details/Loop Diagrams Flow Computer Configuration FAT Records Sheets


Test Equipment All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT shall be identified and made available. Valid calibration/certification calibration/certification reports of test equipment shall be available. As a minimum, minimum, the following equipment is required: Description




Cal Date

Digital Multimeter Hart Communicator Hi pressure tester * Lo pressure tester * Decade Resistance Box * Page 24 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems * 

  These instru instruments ments are needed if six or more months have passed since FAT. Then, recalibration is required.


Terms and Abbreviations Definitions of all acronyms, mnemonics, and special terms used in this th is Procedure shall be provided.



Pipe Nominal Diameter


Factory Acceptance test


Functional Specification Design


Operating Organization


Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure


Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification

System Checks The tests shall demonstrate and document the satisfaction of all requirements of the System as stated in the Job Specification. The test procedure consists of tables with questions to outline a very detailed inspection. 2.1

Skid Mechanical Inspection All equipment/instrumentation should be checked for correct mechanical installation as follows: TEST


Punch List Item #

Are instruments tagged in accordance with the latest issue of the P&ID? Does the orifice fitting have a stainless steel tag with the following information? Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Date of Manufacture Equipment Tag Number Purchase order number Connection Size and Pressure rating Reference Internal Pipe diameter Material of Body

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Skid Electrical Inspection TEST 


Punch List Item #

Are junction boxes installed in accessible locations at the edge of the metering skid? Do conduit and cable connections enter junction boxes from the bottom? Is conduit sealed with a weather-tight seal at the entrance of the box? Is all control system equipment (flow computers, printer,  power supply) supply) installed in an air conditioned conditioned Field Mounted cabinet and powered by UPS?


Loop Testing and Functionality Checks Verify that the basic functionality associated with the System I/O works  properly as evidenced on the Flow Computer display. This shall include checks that the I/O are wired properly, configured properly, displayed properly, p roperly, and documented properly. 2.3.1

Temperature TEST


Punch List Item #


Punch List Item #

Is the temperature transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  150°F  150°F (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)?



Low Differential Pressure Transmitter TEST

Is the transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  20  20 in-wc (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)?

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems

High Differential Pressure Transmitter TEST


Punch List Item #

Is the transmitter range from 0 –  0 –  100  100 in-wc (4 –  (4 –  20  20 mA)?

Static Pressure Transmitter TEST



Punch List Item #


Punch List Item #

Flow Computer TEST

Is the flow computer tagged according to SA-8020-846-ENG? to SA-8020-846-ENG?   Is the flow computer configured for AGA 3 and AGA 8? Is the flow computer configured to use the USC system of units? Are the reference pressure and temperature configured to  be 14.73 psia psia and 60°F 60°F respectively? respectively? Is the flow computer configured with the reference internal  pipe diameter diameter (stamped (stamped on orifice orifice fitting and crosschecked with certificate)? Is the flow computer configured configured with the reference plate plate  bore diameter diameter (stamped (stamped on plate plate and cross-checke cross-checked d with certificate)? Is the flow computer configured with the reference temperature of the orifice plate bore diameter (normally 60 or 68°F)? Is the flow computer configured with the reference temperature of the of the meter tube internal diameter (normally 60 or 68°F)?

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Punch List Item #

Is the flow computer configured with the orifice plate material specified in the dimensional measurement certificate of the orifice plate? Is the flow computer configured with the meter tube material specified in the dimensional measurement certificate of the meter tube? Is the flow computer atmospheric pressure configured according to following table? Location Dhahran Jubail Qasim Ras Tanura Riyadh Shedgum Yanbu

Atm. Press. (psia) 14.542 14.679 13.606 14.693 13.667 14.191 14.686

For other areas the following equation shall be utilized: Patm= 14.54*[55096-(elevation[ft]-361)/[55096+(elevation[ft]-361)] where “elevation” is obtained from  from SAES-A-112.  Is low flow cut off set to be 0.25 in-wc (0.25% of span not to exceed 0.5 in-wc)? Is the flow computer configured to use the Static Pressure of the downstream side of orifice fitting? Is the Flow Computer configured to use two differential  pressure transmitters transmitters (stack configuration)? configuration)? Is the flow computer configured to read a low differential  pressure of 0 –  20  20 in-wc? Is the flow computer configured to read a high differential  pressure of 0 –  100  100 in-wc? Is the flow computer configured to read a temperature of 0 –  0 –  150°F?  150°F? Is the flow computer configured to read a static pressure according to the transmitter’s transmitter’s calibration? calibration?   Is the flow computer configured to use fallback values of  pressure and and temperature temperature on transmitter transmitter failure? Page 28 of 31


Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-51 Issue Date: 17 September 2013 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing  Next Planned Update: 14 August 2018 Requirements for Small Gas Metering Systems



Punch List Item #

Open the Temperature Transmitter loop (normally it is easy to open the loop loop at the fuse). Does the flow flow computer take the temperature fallback value? Open the Static Pressure Transmitter loop (normally it is easy to open the loop at the fuse). Does the flow computer take the pressure fallback value? Is visually identified in the flow computer display when fallback values are used instead of live signals? Verification of Flow Computer Calculation Force transmitters according to following table: Low diff. High diff. Temperature

10 in-wc 11 in-wc 100°F

Static Press. Barometric pressure Base pressure Base Temperature Methane Ethane Propane CO2   N2  Pipe ID Plate Bore

375 psig 14.679 psia 14.73 60°F 85% 5% 1% 2% 7% 4 in 2.4 in

Is the compensated flow rate calculated within ± 0.005% of 2.3405 MMSCFD (between 2.3288 and 2.3522)?  Force transmitters according to following table: Low diff. High diff. Temperature Static Press. Methane Ethane Propane CO2   N2  Pipe ID Plate Bore

22 in-wc 80 in-wc 100°F 375 psig 85% 5% 1% 2% 7% 4 in 2.4 in

Is the compensated flow rate calculated within ± 0.005% of 6.6126 MMSCFD? (between 6.5795 and 6.6457)  Page 29 of 31


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Orifice Fitting/Plate



Punch List Item #

Insert and remove plate. Does fitting operate correctly? Is the following information stamped on the downstream face of orifice plate? Reference Bore diameter Thickness Material Tag Number Serial Number Word “DOWNSTREAM” on the downstream face.  face.   Is the flow direction indicated on the orifice fitting? Is pipe the ratio ofalthe plate plate) to2the intern internal diameter diam eterdiameter (stamped (stamped(stamped in fitting) fittingin ) in the 0.2 0. to 0.6 range? Is the orifice plate installed in the right direction of the flow?


Printer TEST


Punch List Item #

Is the flow computer configured to produce one Delivery Ticket after midnight? Does the Delivery Ticket follow the form indicated in Appendix 1B of  34-SAMSS-846?    34-SAMSS-846? 


Test Discrepancies and Punch List All items marked with N in the previous tables are to become part of the Punch List for further resolution. Actions to be taken in the event of discrepancies shall be defined. Actions to be taken by the Contractor during the SAT to resolve minor problems shall  be defined. Punch List shall include the description of the issue, responsible party to resolve it and the expected time frame to resolve the issue.

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SAT Suspension / Resumption / Restart In the event a discrepancy is encountered which cannot be resolved during the time allowed for resolution during the SAT, the SAT shall be suspended and the following notices shall be defined to process these discrepancies with a description of the  procedures to be followed for each: 4.1

Notice of SAT suspension [testing is terminated until problem(s) are resolved].


Notice of SAT restart [begin testing after problem(s) have been resolved and all necessary retesting to be completed].

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