Sacs and Mates of the 2016 Baku Chess Olympiad

December 21, 2017 | Author: Bill Harvey | Category: N/A
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Here is a collection of 58 puzzles from the 2016 Baku Chess Olympiad held in September. Each chess puzzles ends in mate ...


Sacs & Mates of the Baku Olympiad edited by Bill Harvey Chess puzzles by grandmasters


Here is a collection of 58 puzzles from the 2016 Baku Chess Olympiad held in September. Each chess puzzles ends in mate from 2 to 6 moves and contains a sacrifice from pawn to queen. Match wits with the foremost chess players of the day and discover the winning move. Solutions are found at the end of the pamphlet. Bill Harvey is the webmaster of where you will find over 10,000 chess puzzles from modern and historic games.

1) Robert Aloma Vidal vs Orlando Husbands

4) Bernal Gonzalez vs Juan Jose Pineda

White mates in 2.

White mates in 2.

2) Algimantas Butnorius vs Hemed Mlawa

5) Alexandra Jule vs Nadia Braganza (w)

White mates in 2.

White mates in 2.

3) Esperanca Caxito vs Amira Marzouk (w)

6) Murtas Kazhgaleyev vs Devarajen Chinasamy

White mates in 2.

White mates in 2.

7) Bela Khotenashvili vs Olga Lagutina (w)

10) Fausto Vilhete Vania vs Mahri Geldiyeva (w)

White mates in 2.

Black mates in 2.

8) Elena Partac vs Laima Domarkaite (w)

11) A Jallow vs Teshager Teklay

White mates in 2.

Black mates in 2.

9) Mkhonto Nosimilo vs Katrina Blackman (w)

12) Asyl Abdyjapar vs Lisandro Munoz

Black mates in 2.

White mates in 3.

13) Melake Aster vs Gwamwamba Fena (w)

16) Murali Karthikeyan vs Alejandro Parraga

White mates in 3.

White mates in 3.

14) Saparmyrat Atabayew vs Goru Arvind

17) Estuardo Lorenzana Wilson vs Ronuel Greenidge

White mates in 3.

White mates in 3.

15) Mathilde Congiu vs Constance Mbatha (w)

18) Shuaau Muhammed vs Musab Shaker

White mates in 3.

White mates in 3.

19) Filipina Thornton vs Melake Aster (w)

22) Denise Frick vs Shaikha Abdallah Aldhaheri (w)

White mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

20) Danilo Volpinari vs Adelino Semedo

23) Jeffrey Balbalosa vs Toby Brookfield

White mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

21) Shreyas Smith vs Adeyinka Adesina

24) Niki Vrbova vs Ann Chumpitaz (w)

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

25) Ali Abdul Rahman vs Adonay Delgadillo

28) Fatemah Baqer vs Annelaine Jacobs (w)

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

26) Gassan Bello vs Hjorvar Gretarsson

29) Malaku Lorne vs Manuel Larrea

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

27) Constantin Lupulescu vs Eduardo Iturrizaga

30) Wilsaida Diaz vs Aleksandra Mijovic (w)

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

31) Alder Escobar Forero vs Niraula Niraj

34) Kholoud Al-Khelaifi vs Kate Song (w)

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

32) Ann Chumpitaz vs Ekaterini Pavlidou (w)

35) Jose Fernando Cubas vs Kirill Stupak

Black mates in 3.

Black mates in 3.

33) Linda Wong vs Venetia Sivarajasingam (w)

36) Mohamed Abdalla Abdelazeez vs Philip Elikem Ameku

Black mates in 3.

White mates in 4.

37) Inna Agrest vs Olga Badelka (w)

40) Csaba Balogh vs Alex Averbukh

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

38) Lutfi Ali Muhammad vs Pg Md Omar Ak Hafizon

41) Jaqueline Bosch vs Nina Zhukovskaya (w)

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

39) Stanislav Babarykin vs Elton Joseph

42) Antonio Fernandes vs Marc Mertens

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

43) Zozek Mohammed vs Waldyr Espirito Santo

46) Olga Szekely vs Aditi Soondarsingh (w)

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

44) Atousa Pourkashiyan vs Julissa Figueroa (w)

47) Francisco Vallejo Pons vs A Raes

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

45) Olga Szekely vs Mkhonto Nosimilo (w)

48) Pierre Villegas vs Yusuf Mdoe

White mates in 4.

White mates in 4.

49) Dennis Gonzales vs Noel Adricula

52) Rosangela Dos Ramos vs Colletta Wakuruwarewa (w)

Black mates in 4.

Black mates in 4.

50) Karina Kruk vs Louise Fredericia (w)

53) Denise Frick vs Qiyu Zhou (w)

Black mates in 4.

Black mates in 4.

51) Yue Wang vs Sandro Mareco

54) Sheriffa Ali vs Tanvi Prasad (w)

Black mates in 4.

White mates in 5.

55) Yasas Lamawansa vs Cesar Mathews

58) Niki Vrbova vs Maria Ubaldo Suarez (w)

White mates in 5.

White mates in 6.

56) Jesus Flores Guerrero vs Blazo Kalezic

Solutions 1) 1.Rxh7+ 2) 1.Re8 3) 1.Qh8+ 4) 1.Rh4+ Nxh4 2.g4#

Black mates in 5.

5) 1.Rf8+ 6) 1.f7+

57) Ochuko Emuakpeje vs Brandon Wilson

7) 1.Ng6+ 8) 1.Qxh7+ 9) 1...Qf2+ 2.Rxf2 Re1# 10) 1...Qxh3+ 11) 1...Ng3+ 12) 1.Bh7+ Qxh7 2.Nf6+

Black mates in 5.

13) 1.Ng7+ if 1...Kd7 2.Qxf7+ or if 1...Qxg7 2.Qf5#

14) 1.Rh8+

38) 1.Qxg7+ Qxg7 2.Rxf8+ Kh7 3.Bf5+

15) 1.Nxf6+ Kg7 2.Qxh7+

39) 1.Rxd7+ Kxd7 2.Rd1+

16) 1.Rxf8+

40) 1.Bg7+ Rxg7 2.Ra8+

17) 1.Rh8+

41) 1.Rxh6+ Nxh6 2.Qxh6+ if 2...Kg8 3.Bb3# or if 2...Kg7 3.Rh7+

18) 1.Rh8+ if 1..Kxh8 2.Qh6+ or if 1...Kf7 2.Bd5+ 42) 1.Re7+ Kxf5 2.Be4+ Kg5 3.Rg7+ 19) 1.Ng5 43) 1.Qe8+ Rg8 2.Rxh7+ Kxh7 3.Qh5+ 20) 1.Qf7+ Kd8 2.Qf8+ 21) 1...Qa1+ 2.Kxa1 Rf1+ 22) 1...Rc1+ if 2.Qxc1 Qh1# or if 2.Bd1 Rxd1+

44) 1.Rxg6+ if 1...Kf7 2.Rg7+ or if 1...hxg6 2.Qxg6+ 45) 1.Rxh5+ if 1...gxh5 2.Qg5 or if 1...Kg8 2.Rxh8+

23) 1...Rxh2+ 2.Rxh2 Bf3+ 46) 1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.g6+ Kxg6 3.Rg1+ 24) 1...Qxc3+ if 2.Ka4 Bb3+ or if 2.Qxc3 Ra6+ 47) 1.Ng4+ Kg5 2.f4+ 25) 1...Rf1+ if 2.Nxf1 Bf3# 48) 1.Re1+ if 1…Kxf7 2.Qg6# 26) 1...Qc1+ 27) 1...Rh1

49) 1...Rxg3+ if 2.Rg2 Rxg2+ 3.Kf1 Bd3+ or if 2.hxg3 Qh1+

28) 1...Bg1+ 2.Kh1 Bf3+ 3.Rxf3 Rh2#

50) 1...Rxf3 if 2.Bxf3 Qh2#

29) 1...Qe1+

51) 1...Bxg3+ 2.Kxg3 Rf3+ 3.Kh4 Rxh3+

30) 1...Qh2+ 2.Kf1 Ne3+

52) 1...Bh3+ if 2.Kh1 g2+ or if 2.Kxh3 h1/Q+

31) 1...Nh3+ 2.Kh4 g5+ 3.fxg5 Nf2#

53) 1...Rxh2+ 2.Kxh2 Qg3+

32) 1...Qxg2+

54) 1.Qxh7+ Kxf6 2.Nd5+ Kg5 3.h4+

33) 1...g4+

55) 1.Bxh6 if 1...Bf7 2.Rd8+

34) 1...Qc2+ 2.Ka1 Qc1+

56) 1...fxg3 if 2.Rxf6 g2+ 3.Kh2 Be5+

35) 1...Qxh2+ 2.Kxh2 Rh4+

57) 1...Nxf3+ 2.gxf3 Rh1+ 3.Kxh1 Qxf3+

36) 1.Qxf5 if 1...Qxg1 2.Rh8+ Qg8 3.Qg6

58) 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 2.Qxg6+ Kf8 3.Qg8+

37) 1.Nf6+

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