Sacred Geometry

May 4, 2017 | Author: C Redway Nbd | Category: N/A
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Sacred Geometry


Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.

It is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using "divine" proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization, sand painting and medicine wheels. Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of religious symbols and structures involving space, time and form. According to this view the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred. By connecting with these, a believer contemplates the Great Mysteries, and the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their connections, insight may be gained into the mysteries - the laws and lore of the Universe.

Natural Forms Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry (for sound reasons of resource optimization). For example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are seen by believers in sacred geometry to be further proof of the cosmic significance of geometric forms. But some scientists see such phenomena as the logical outcome of natural principles.


Cutaway of a Chambered Nautilus

Bee Honeycomb

Naturally formed basalt columns


North polar hexagonal cloud on Saturn

Vitruvian Man

Art and Architecture The golden ratio, geometric ratios, and geometric figures were often employed in the design of Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry. Indian and Himalayan spiritual communities often constructed temples and fortifications on design plans of mandala and yantra. For examples of sacred geometry in art and architecture refer:          

Labyrinth (an Eulerian path, as distinct from a maze) Mandala Parthenon Taijitu (Yin-Yang) Tree of Life Rose Window Celtic art such as the Book of Kells Yantra Swastika Dharmacakra M.C. Escher Art

Sacred Geometry of Crop Circles

Geometry of the Great Pyramid Sacred Geometry - Library of Halexandria

Music Pythagoras is often crediting for discovering that an oscillating string stopped halfway along its length produces an octave relative to the string's fundamental, while a ratio of 2:3 produces a perfect fifth and 3:4 produces a perfect fourth. However the Chinese already had instruments that were thousands of years older, such as the Guqin that also feature these tonal scales. Pythagoreans believed that these harmonic ratios gave music powers of healing which could "harmonize" an out-of-balance body. This belief has been revived in modern times. Pythagoras is often crediting for discovering that an oscillating string stopped halfway along its length produces an octave relative to the string's fundamental, while a ratio of 2:3 produces a perfect fifth and 3:4 produces a perfect fourth. However the Chinese already had instruments that were thousands of years older, such as the Guqin that also feature these tonal scales. Pythagoreans believed that these harmonic ratios gave music powers of healing which could "harmonize" an out-of-balance body. This belief has been revived in modern times.


Closeup of inner section of the Kepler's Platonic solid model of planetary spacing in the Solar system from Mysterium Cosmographicum (1596). In the timeline of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a belief in the geometric underpinnings of the cosmos persisted among scientists. Kepler explored the ratios of the planetary orbits, at first in two dimensions (having spotted that the ratio of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn approximate to the in-circle and out-circle of an equilateral triangle). When this did not give him a neat enough outcome, he tried

using the Platonic solids. In fact, planetary orbits can be related using twodimensional geometric figures, but the figures do not occur in a particularly neat order. Even in his own lifetime (with less accurate data than we now possess) Kepler could see that the fit of the Platonic solids was imperfect. However, other geometric configurations are possible.

Contemporary Usage A contemporary usage of the term sacred geometry describes New Age and occult assertions of a mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the universe. Scientists see the same geometric and mathematical patterns as arising directly from natural principles. Some of the most prevalent traditional geometric forms ascribed to sacred geometry include the sine wave, the sphere, the vesica pisces, the 5 platonic solids, the torus (donut), the tesseract (4-dimensional cube), and the merkaba (2 oppositely oriented and interpenetrating tetrahedrons), and the golden spiral/ratio. Some believers of sacred geometry also see patterns in crop circles and in ancient architecture.

Golden Spiral

Blocks - Grids The golden ratio, also known as the god ratio, golden proportion, golden mean, golden section, golden number, divine proportion or sectio divina, is an irrational number, approximately 1.618 033 988 749 894 848, that possesses many interesting properties. Shapes proportioned according to the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing in Western cultures, and the golden ratio is still used frequently in art and design, suggesting a natural balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ancient Pythagoreans, who defined numbers as expressions of ratios (and not as units as is common today), believed that reality is numerical and that the golden ratio expressed an underlying truth about existence.

In the News ... Golden Ratio Discovered in the Quantum World Epoch Times - January 20, 2010 The golden ratio, which is equal to approximately 1.618, can be found in various aspects of our life, including biology, architecture, and the arts. But only recently was it discovered that this special ratio is also reflected in nanoscale, thanks to researchers from the U.K.'s Oxford University. Their research, published in the journal Science on Jan. 8, examined chains of linked magnetic cobalt niobate (CoNb2O6) particles only one particle wide to investigate the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. They applied a magnetic field at right angles to an aligned spin of the magnetic chains to introduce more quantum uncertainty. Following the changes in field direction, these small magnets started to magnetically resonate.

Researcher explains mystery of golden ratio PhysOrg - December 21, 2009

The Egyptians supposedly used it to guide the construction the Pyramids. The architecture of ancient Athens is thought to have been based on it. Fictional Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon tried to unravel its mysteries in the novel The Da Vinci Code. "It" is the golden ratio, a geometric proportion that has been theorized to be the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and has been the root of countless mysteries over the centuries. Now, a Duke University engineer has found it to be a compelling springboard to unify vision, thought and movement under a single law of nature's design.

Sacred Geometry by Ellie Crystal Our reality is a geometric consciousness hologram. It is a science experiment in linear time to experience, journal, film, and record emotions. The term "sacred geometry" is often used by archaeologists, anthropologists, geometricians, and metaphysicians to encompass the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around this geometry in various cultures during the course of the human biogenetic experiment.

12 Spiraling Cones Around 1 - Creation Sacred Geometry is abbreviated SG referencing Stargate, the Wheel of Time or Karma through which we experience and evolve. We are soul sparks of light having a physical experience, our consciousness spiral down through the patterns of the golden ratio the about to reverse the spiral (spin) and return to source consciousness and light. To understand reality is to focus on the patterns that have repeated throughout time, as if on a higher octave with each programmed experience for the souls. Science and science fiction are merging in the twenty first century when all becomes clear and the nature of reality, as based on a sacred geometric design, is explained and understood. It's really not that complicated.

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