Sacred Book of Tai Shang Lao Jun

December 27, 2017 | Author: A.ARIEF.MADROMI | Category: Religious Faiths, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Religion And Belief, Science, Philosophical Science
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Tai Shang Lao Jun (Supreme Being) in Mandarin,English and Indonesian...



Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Sacred Taoist Book

TAI4 SHANG4 LAO3 JUN1 ZHEN1 JING1 (Sacred books of Tai Shang Lao Jun) Xiang Fu. Translation

Chapter 1. 1. Yuan2





The oldest & highest exalted One is at the highest heaven. Tai4





Tai Shang Lao Jun (Supreme Being) is a term that mankind used to praise Him. Ji3





He has come down to the world many times, Chuang





to create true pure Taoism to become dharma as the main path.


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6/9/2010 9:44 AM

Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


1. Yuan2 shi3 yi1 tian1 zun1 The oldest & highest exalted One is at the highest heaven.

Tai4 shang3 ren2 zun1 Cheng1 Tai Shang Lao Jun is a term that mankind used to praise Him.

Ji3 du2 xia4 fan2 jian4 He has come down to the world many times,

Chuang She4 Zheng4 Dao4 Zong1 to create true pure Taoism to become dharma as the main path.

2. Xian1 Hui1 Pan2 Gu3 Shi4 In the beginning, He became the “Ban Ku She”, the creator of the universe.

Hou4 Hui1 Huang2 Di4 Shen1 Afterwards, He came again as “Huang Di”, King of warrior/jade emperor.

Zai4 Hou4 Hui1 Lao3 Zi3 Then He came again as Professor Lao Tze, the greatest and deepest philosopher.

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Huang2 lao3 dao4 Xing1 Long1 Since then, Dao’s teaching has successfully and nourishly grown everywhere.

3. Dao4 nai3 fei1 chang2 dao4 The Dao is true existence of the highest teaching.

Zun1 ji1 fei1 chang2 zun1 The Greatest of the greatest.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Jiu4 ren2 ye3 jiu4 shi4 The helper of mankind and also the savior of the world.

Huan4 dao4 jie1 zun1 Chuong1 All sects of the right-path may highly respect it. 4. Ren2 ren2 du1 yan2 dao4 Everyone uses Dao (as way of life) daily.

Xuan2 li3 In ji1 zhong1 There is a deep and high level of knowledge inside the meaningful one.

Shen2 fo2 yuan2 yi1 Ti1 Shen (Gods & Goddesses) and Buddhas actually are one core.

De2 dao4 ren2 jing4 chong2 Because they earned big merit (good Pa[ha]la) and achieved The Dao, mankind praises and worships them. 5. Sheng4 Xian Chong2 Dao4 De2 All great teachers priory human being’s etiquette and high civilizations.

Dao4 de2 yu2 dao4 tong1 Etiquette and Dao have very strong ties.

Yin Yang Pen Wu Chi The origin of Yin Yang(polarity of absolute) came out of Wu Chi (VOID), emptiness .

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Wu Chi Tai Chi tong2 Wu Chi and Tai Chi (the absolute) is equal, Unlimited-less. 6. Tai Chi Tian Di She Tai Chi (the absolute) is the origin of Heaven and Earth.

Xu1 She Pien Hua1 Zhong1 Abstract and Concrete become one another.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Sheng1 Xi1 Sue Xuan2 Ji3 To live and die, is just following the universe's will.

Si4 Xiang4 Hua1 Wu Jiong The big 4(Dao, Earth, Heaven, Human), all transform limitless.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 2. 1. Spear and shield are opposites.

All kinds of things can be united to fill each other.

Stillness until the last point will become movement.

Stillness and Movement are the principles of Yin Yang. 2. Scientific theory often doesn’t support / can’t explain this.

Only with the theory of Yin Yang, can all be reviewed and cracked.

The miracle and power of God and Goddess of Dao is limitless.

The Divine art (Shen Gong) can give health benefits. 3. If only meant to be (Affinity) then have a chance to study Shen Gong (The Divine art).

God and Goddess are the ones that guide and move your body parts.

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Inner energy circulates the blood inside the vessels, channels and meridians.

After long practice, all meridians from Ren Mai – Tu Mai are all clear from any blockages. 4. All humans can study and practice it.

The secret password of Divine spells (Cen Yen) are magick and are meaningful.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Gods and Goddesses will come to help you.

Therefore, wisdom and mercy, must be engraved inside the heart forever.

5. Gods, goddesses and all Buddhas have achieved “Dao”.

Tai Shang Lao Jun is the one that examined their merits and efforts.

Gods and Goddesses' magick energy is unlimited.

Ask with pureness and sureness (heart) to the Shen(Gods and goddesses) to bring peace, success and prosperity in life. 6. Xiu Dao (Living meditation) is the first step.

You must learn first the initiation (called Dao Yin Shu).

Divine energy from Gods and Goddesses strengthen muscles and veins.

After having a healthy body, then study the next level, Qi Gong (breathing exercise).

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 3. 1. Speech and character must follow the truth and righteousness.

The world belongs to all mankind.

Stay away from fighting each other; give it up to the Great God.

Then the world will be peaceful, successful, and prosper. 2. All humans must study the righteous path, The Dao, which is the way to seek and get close the Gods and Goddesses.

Then compassion and wisdom will appear from the inner heart.

You must work hard first to settle your family life.

A broken family will not make your “Daoist study” successful. 3. Stupidity and laziness don't use your brain.

How could you get attention and compassion from the The Divine.

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Gods and Goddesses are very holy, great, and noble.

All is inside the circle of Tai Chi (absolute) unlimitedly. 4. Above the 33rd level of Heaven,

there is a great high palace, called Dao Sway Gong.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Tai Shang Lao Jun rules in that palace.

Radiating all limitless magick, miracles, and the energy of Gods and Goddesses. 5. Xiu Dao (Way to seek God), the first important thing is to learn the initiation called Dao Ying Suk.

The exercise of Shen Gong (The Divine meditation art) can be divided into two, outer movements and inner movements.

Meditation can increase peacefulness and wisdom.

All body parts will be surrounded by the unimaginable energy (constitution). 6. Spiritual and material.

Both are equally important.

Once understood about Dao, give it to others too.

Until reaching the highest level.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 4.

1. To seek the true way(Xiu Dao),you must first know the meaning of truth (Dao) and practice it.

Having the understanding of truth means also not going againts all laws and etiquette that applies.

Understanding truth and righteousness is the basic fundamental of Dao.

Studying Dao (knowledge of truth), you will then never get lost again. 2. Abstract is actually Concrete which originated from only abstract.

In daily life, just live naturally and normal.

Abstract never stops to change becoming Concrete.

”Not doing it”/Wu Wei means there’s nothing that can’t be done. 3. Dao rules Concrete and abstract.

Wise and smart men look just like stupid men.

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The power of Dao is unlimited.

Honest Dao contains high truths.

4. Evil can’t deal with/touch truth and honesty.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Dealing with high Dao, all evil will lose and fall apart.

The purity of teaching Dao is like a deep and big ocean,

and all streams will flow to the ocean in the end. 5. Don’t make too much of a big deal regarding fame and material.

The most important thing is to have faith and “persistant” dealing with life.

Acetic life and self-infliction (Hurting oneself) will create pain and suffering.

This kind of life is against the normal life. 6. Understooding Dao, can bring oneself out of confusions.

Right is right, don’t twist it to become wrong.

Studying Dao you will never get lost.

Believing and having sureness is control.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 5. 1. Experience fever/disease make life suffers.

Ask God and Goddess, must also go to doctor.

It’s a stupidity, if just eating the incense’s ash (Siang Hwe).

Others will mock and laugh. 2. Ask God & Goddess to cast evil and devils.

If getting sickness must use herbs-medicine.

Fate (Destiny) does exist. Has been set by the Great High God.

But Honesty, Goodness and Righteousness can change someone’s fate. 3. Good fortune and happy life came from good deeds and hearts.

Good or bad fate, arise from action and speech of heart and shining face.

It’s not coming from ancestor wealth nor high position of job.

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Honest thinking and righteousness is engraved inside the heart. 4. There’s no single thing in this universe that doesn’t contains the character of duality (Ying Yang).

Sian Li (abstruse principles /) is Philosophy.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Shen(God and Goddess) and human become united.

Divine knowledge (theology) also covers science. 5. Among the ancient Big ape (Anthropoid Apes), there were few who were so smart.

After long search through meditation, seeking guidance from God and Goddess.

Then arisen the first human, practice the Dao diligently.

Then evolution happened, again and again until become perfect human each step.

6. There is no secret in maintaining health.

Life must moves forward and backward.

Xiu Dao (Studying Dao) will be happy just like God and Goddess.

Those who are lost, hurry get back to the right way.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 6. 1. Dao is guidance of true and concrete life.

Sometimes, it is said to be Abstract because it’s hard to be understood.

Wealthy is everyone dreams.

Xiu Dao will de-attach oneself from the valley of poverty and suffering 2. Xiu Dao without the understanding of Dao

It will bear no fruit for the whole life.

Where is God and Goddess located?

Around three “CHI3 /

" / feet Above the head.

3. You can invoke the presence of God and Goddess.

To open your difficulties.

Happiness and fortune is a gift from God.

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Why must hide inside caves to ask for it. 4. Xiu Dao without taking care of physical health

God and Goddess that see will be disappointed.

God and Goddess don’t hide inside caves.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Doing social work and donate is high good deed. 5. Achieving high level Xiu Dao will own magick power.

This power can’t be understood by logical mind.

Seeking wealth must use the right way.

Study Dao must prior all goodness. 6. Improve your physical and mental health.

Then long life will be achieved.

Praying to God and Goddess is one step ahead.

Those who Xiu Dao with “destiny” will be easier to get close to the Divine.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 7. 1. God, Goddess and Buddha all are good-looking.

Its greatness must be able to be identified.

To draw or create it wrongly, so it will look bad.

It’s very sinful because it’s looking them down. 2. Descendant who does good deeds, social works.

Ancestor will always be happy.

Having fun, burning “paper house”/”Ling Uh”, have no meaning to the death.

Stupid because doesn’t have basic understanding about true Dao. 3. Patience and good moral action is a good deed/donation.

Be aware of its details.

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Respect your parents must start from childhood.

Good seed come from good source too. 4. Study Dao is divided by many levels.

Find a teacher who can teach the initiation (Dao Yin Shu).


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Can’t find one must take the second road.

Becoming acetic /”hermit” is the last option. 5. Mind, Body and Soul three become one.

The Teacher, The Mover and self become one.

The true self / “Yen shen” receive The Divine energy / shen Gong.

Evil spirits can not penetrate it. 6. Human life is competition.

Life path and destiny is renew each and everyday.

Studying Daoism is not a bad teaching.

Negative teaching only brings confusion to the society.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 8. 1. Xiu Dao is practicing the Divine art.

To help mankind getting out of confusions and superstitious.

Destroying and framing only brings disaster.

Talk without control means a person who is mentally half-ill. 2. Power from God and Goddess feel like an electricity.

Physical eyes can’t detect it.

To prove its presence can be done with “Dao Yin Shu”.

In the bottom of every human, have the desire to study the Divine art of Dao. 3. Ability to know all things that happen all over the world.

The Divine doesn’t have to show its concrete form.

Xiu Dao is studying to get “Dao Fa” (magick power).

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Fortune will increase more than others. 4. Heaven has its own rule.

Human has its own destiny.

After Studying Dao, achieve “Dao Fa” / magick power


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Bad life path can be twisted become clear. 5. Noble and rich is like a piece of flower.

Wind and snow doesn’t have compassion.

Blossom time of flower has its own time and season.

Study Dao, Pray to God and Goddess will be safe forever. 6. Daily Life must be normal and natural.

Work hard to be a meaningful human.

Skyscrapers start from a landscape too.

Xiu Dao can calm your mind

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 9. 1. Daoist temple is station base for God and Goddess.

Every Ritual must be simple and meaningful.

Begging God and Goddess must according to your faith.

Even with little offering, your wishes can be granted by The Divine. 2. Competing using wealth use big incense and candle.

It’s better to be used to help others who needed.

Worst case is using fish and meat for offering above the altar.

It’s a sign of having no understanding of The Divine’s will. 3. Daoist temple keeper must know the rule and the concept of God and Goddess. Don’t just talk nonsense that will lead other practitioners to the lost path. Especially using the name of God or Goddess for personal gain.

Talk without thinking is just sinful non-sense.

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4. The Idea of high moral must be engrave deep down in the heart. God and Goddess will definitely be happy to welcome it. Humans seek for wealth, fame and long life. Only the exalted One (Dai Sang) is the most compassionate. 5. Xiu Dao follows normal rule and ethics.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


All obstacles will be eased for own self Can also find out about the past, present and future life. Changing life path will be granted. 6. Dao must stand above concrete foundation of Right and True. Fake can bring confusion and block life. Philosophy is not hard to be understood.

False perception is simply because the lack of humbleness.

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6/9/2010 9:44 AM

Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 10. 1. Studying Dao is useful for all mankind. True-self(Yen Shen) can arise to heaven. God and Goddess will judge good and bad deeds. Having a good deed can be promoted as a God or Goddess. 2. Weird ritual is meaningless (such as to release death soul from suffering) Bad of Good deed depends on all action during life. Ancestor who ever Xiu Dao and become God/Goddess. Will bring fortune to his/her generations. 3. Descendants who do social and donate. Good action/deeds are above redemption / regretful. Can also decrease ancestor sin. High good deed later brings promotion of becoming first-rank/entry level God or Goddess. 4. Jade emperor is the one that examine and judge each God and Goddess level.

The Divine is the Divine. Great is “be great-ed”

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There’s also many buddhas and bodhisattvas. Getting promotion (Dao) can also rule in kingdom of heaven. 5. Spreading Daoist teaching. The whole family will always be safe and wealthy. Short and Long life desired.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Only by Xiu Dao can change it 6. Length of life is given by God of age/longetivity (; Sou Sing Gong). All simply because health physically and mentally. Practicing Dao, Fortune and fame will always accompany.

True-self (YenShen) will live eternal life.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 11. 1. Property, Utility, Food and Way. Can not be avoided in the normal living. Diligent and not royal is the base of living. The next descendant will live prosperities. 2. Good heart and patience will make whole family nourish. Evil and cruel is hard to get wealth. Helping other must be after helping yourself. Spreading Daoism is the garden of Happiness. 3. Cultivating Dao doesn’t mean to stare at sun and moon. Sun and Moon is just a planet. Inside human, hiding many spirits (Yenshen). It is like human that reside a house. 4. Body is like a house. Step by step, fix it, so that it will become strong.

Every must practice “Shen Gong” (The Divine art).

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Achieve long life is not difficult. 5. Talented person can hear voices of God and Goddess. Small circle become big circle. The Divine eyes character/ability is to. See through things without barrier.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


6. All work is ruled by God and Goddess. During life, not to suffer. Human life path will be wide enough.

Xiu Dao can increase life-span.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 12. 1. In maintaining health, internal is priority. Too much nutrition and fat is easy to create disease and become suffering. During birthday, each individual must be vegetarian. Each year can be passed easily. 2. Eat and drink normally. Is better than many meat and fat. Just be aware of its nutrition and mineral, just about enough. Will last longer during heavy work time. 3. House must be neat and clean. Sun shine and fresh air must be enough. Bedroom for night sleep, only need 5 square foot. Work and rest must not over limit. 4. Be smart when thinking, speak the right way. Each work and matter must be divided wisely.

Tiny mistake will bring big everlasting impact.

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Hurry and compete, don’t become late. 5. Polite, gentle and not looking for trouble. Each work must be performed with full heart. Pure and faithful heart will receive protection from God and Goddess. It’s not based on how much or big the incense or candle.


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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


6. Xiu Dao calms your heart and mind. Move and still must not over limit. Understand Dao, will be liked by others.

Hurry and don’t be doubtful and lose a chance

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6/9/2010 9:44 AM

Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 13. 1. It’s a miracle, the way of performing “Dai Sang Shen Gong”/The Divine art. Bring health to physical body; the result of Shen Gong power is truly very supernatural. Such ability that makes a wonder. Healthy body will bring healthy mind. 2. Not easy to give up can conquer hardness. Persistent and hard must be balanced. Blinded power then must be dealt with physical(power). To deal with many things must use thinking. 3. Right is just right. Wrong is still wrong. Hardhead must be dealt with hardhead. Rules must be dealt with rules too. 4. Pride only brings loss. Humble heart does not make anything lose. If have knowledge, don’t show it off. One who has the high knowledge must act like weak person who can’t stand. 5. All problems in the world, in the end will spin back to its source. Full and empty have its rule. The one that follow the rule will be higher than the one who doesn’t. Hard and cruel, will not last and disappear.

6. Power (Territory) is power. Rules are still rules. Power must be balance with rules. The one who smart is the one that have control.

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Virginia Taoism: Virginia Taoist Study Group


Chapter 14. 1. During practice must sit (Dang/Swang ban position). Study Dao while still young and healthy. Practice The Divine art (Tai Shang Sen Gong) everyday. Your body will be free from sickness. 2. Human life is full of obstacle. Ability to think is the nature of Human, Many things that can’t be thought is destiny. Freeing materially means life is already finished(death). Understand Daoism teaching, will open clear mind. 3. There’s always obstacle in every work. Don’t worry and be happy, only sing Daoist music. Learn Dao until can communicate with God and Goddess. God and Goddess will definitely give more attention. 4. Still alive because still have spirit and healthy body. Practice Shen Gong (The Divine art) is to protect your body and soul. Protect your spirit and maintain your health. Live healthy means a person that love its spirit. 5. Eating three times is only to survive. Traveling can bring new knowledge. Mode and style (fashion) can be change according the time trend. As long as it makes sense, can be change changed and improved.

6. One incense stick symbolizes safety and prosperities. Praying to God and Goddess, lifting the incense above the head. To other, only in the forehead or chest. Both hands and one hand in front of chest, the methods are already very clear.

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- Translated by Xiang Fu. // Last revised : Nov 10, 2007 //
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