Sacred Activations

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Sacred Activations by Tamra Oviatt Guided by “The Creator of All That Is”    

Sacred Activations © 2013 by Tamra Oviatt All rights reserved. Kindle edition 2013   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Additionally, the scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the written permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: This publication is designed to provide accurate and wellresearched information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering specific clinical, psychological, therapeutic or any other professional advice or service. If clinical, psychological, therapeutic or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, licensed professional should be sought. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability for loss or risk which may result as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use, replication or application of any ideas, examples, personal experiences, concepts, techniques or content presented in this publication.




  Table Of Contents Introduction Meeting David Meeting Lord Metatron Meeting Moses Heading off to Spain A Magical Disappearance Credentials and Certifications The Sacred Activations First Activation Grouping Second Activation Grouping Third Activation Grouping Fourth Activation Grouping Fifth Activation Grouping Single Activations A Note To Those Who Would Like To Become Practitioners Testimonials The Spiritual Gifts Received From Activations

Introduction To start with I am not a writer. I am a trained medical intuitive, and healer. Not long ago, I was awakened in the middle of the night by the voice of God and was told to write this book, so here it goes. Thirteen years ago, the “Creator Of All That Is” (whom I also refer to as Creator and God) told me I had to become a healer. At the time, I had no idea what this meant. All I knew it was that is was, as far as I could tell, the voice of God directing my life. In answering I told Creator that if I was given proof that the white light exists, then I would become a healer. I received proof when downloading a photo taken of me by a friend 13 years ago. It happens to be the cover photo of this book. She had no lighting in her room, yet there was a ray of light going straight to my heart chakra. Through this journey of learning and becoming a healer, I was healed from bipolar disorder, thyroid disease, and many negative belief systems. There is much more about all of the above as well as my transformation through the years in my book entitled, “Learning To Listen To God,” that is soon to be completed and released. Creator had been telling me to write a book for over 8 years, but I had no idea how to do it, or where I should start. I knew a lot of the truths that I wanted to write about, yet a lot more new knowledge came into my own awareness during the writing of the book. Love and Light, Tamra Oviatt  

Meeting David In November of 2011, I said I was ready for my soul mate and I wanted him now. I heard an answer back that he is 46 and a few inches taller than me. To that I said, ‘Okay God, if that is what I’m suppose to have I’m good’. Late that month I started talking to this man in England. Within a few weeks I found out he was 46 and a few inches taller than me. We talked for hours by Skype over a period of months. I never felt like I was in love with him nor was I unsure. Yet the time we spent on the phone was comforting and he was very supportive of me as well as my kids. I had stopped the relationship a few times because I didn’t feel he was my highest and best soul mate, but when I did I would really miss him. This English man, David kept telling me to pack up the kids and the cats and come over and live with him. It was late February by this time and 100's of hours of conversations later. He asked me to marry him and told me that he would help me get my book published. He also told me that he owned a publishing company, which was not currently active, but that he knew all the right people to help me. I agreed to fly to England by myself but then later send for my 17-year-old son, if things went well between us. (My older son is 21.) I flew to England on March 6th 2012. I met David at the airport and we quite naturally made our way back to his home. While I never thought or felt that he was, for some reason I felt compelled to go on and thought maybe he just might be that soul mate for me. Anyway, we had fun and got along fine.   He took me to Wales. While there I had some major stuff come up about a life that we’d spent there together in our ‘forgotten past.’ It was one of my life times that I had a lot of healing to do as a result of all that had occurred then. (Refer to my other book for much more on all of this background material.) A few weeks in, and a week before I was supposed to go home, I finally knew that David was not my soul mate. I went for a walk and found a bench where I sat. I asked Creator ‘Okay, David is not my soul mate, so why am I here?’ I heard, ‘You need to go to the Mary Magdalene church.’ I knew there was one in France and one in Scotland, so I went back to the house. When I arrived there, I found David was awake and on the phone with his friend Daz, who is very spiritual, a writer, and researcher. I told them what Creator had told me on my walk. Daz told me I had to go to the one in Scotland as it would be much easier for me to get to and it had a lot of power in the sun disc dial. Daz sent me a link to a spiritual library where there was an article on this chapel and the

powers that the sun disc dial under the church holds. David and I got on the computer and phone and he booked me a B&B and a train for the next day. Creator told me to call one of my clients who lives in Scotland and have her meet me at the church, so I did. The next day I took off for Edinburgh, Scotland. I went to my B&B and then walked around the amazing town. The next morning I woke up to take a couple of buses to the Rosslyn Chapel. While waiting for a transfer to the second bus, I met a man who said that he wasn’t going to wait for this particular bus, but that he was going to walk into town. He asked me if I cared to join him and that we would be there before the bus arrived to pick us up. So I agreed. Hey… why not? He was a very nice older man. I really enjoyed our walk together. Of course the bus that we’d have been riding passed us on our way in to town as we were walking along, but I didn’t care as I was enjoying his company. Unfortunately, I never did get his name.


Meeting Lord Metatron I finally reached my destination, made my way to the Chapel, and waited inside for my client, Vera. When Vera and I finally met up, there was a tour of the chapel going on inside, so we joined the tour until most of the people left. We sat in a pew I said to Creator, ‘Okay Creator, I am ready for these activations’. Creator told me to go the Sixth Plane of Existence, which is the level of the Laws of the Universe. (The Levels of the Universe were explained to me by Vianna Stibal of Theta Healing.) The first level is rocks. The second level is plant and animal life. The third level is human life. The fourth level is what we call Heaven. The fifth level consists of the masters, such as Jesus and the Archangels. The Sixth level is the Laws of the Universe such as Time, Gravity, the Akashic Records, and Compassion. The seventh, and last level, is the Creator Of All That IS. When I went to the sixth plane and I was met there by a being. I had no idea who this being was. I asked him who he was and why he was there, since this is the level of the laws and I have never seen anyone else there. He told me he was there to assist me in the activations and that his name was Lord Metatron. To let you know, I am not a researcher and had no idea whom he was at the time. We started the activation on both Vera and I. The energy that was coming in was very intense and lasted a long time. I saw codes flowing in. Once the download was complete, they were finished up by seals… disc-like objects that appeared to be made of gold with holes through the middle. Those came in stacked up on each other, then one was placed in front of my heart chakra. When it was done Vera and I were dizzy. Then I was told by Creator to make sure to ‘ground’ ourselves several times a day. (What is meant by grounding yourself is to imagine that your energy is going into Mother Earth. Imagine your energy going five miles down and five miles wide, then back up to the top of your head.) The top of our heads hurt when we were done. We went to lunch and chatted for a bit, as this was the first time I had ever met her in person. As Vera was driving me to my bus stop at the end of the road, I heard Creator tell me, “You are now a code giver, your body is now crystalline. You need to give these codes to others.” When I returned to my room I activated two other people that are close to me. I went out and had dinner, then went to bed. Creator woke me up at 4 AM and told me that it was time to start writing my book. (Remember, Creator had been telling me to write my book for eight years and I had no idea how to start writing or anything else. Yet I opened my computer and started writing.

Now it’s the end of July and I’m more or less finished writing. Now I’m just tidying things up and adding some new things to it that have been happening along the way.) After this experience with Vera at Rosslyn Chapel, I made my way back to David's house. When it was my time to leave, Creator told me it was not yet time for me to go home, so I emailed another Theta Healer I knew in London. I knew him because he’d interviewed me on a show that he’d been doing the year before. He told me that he and his girlfriend had just moved into a three bedroom flat in London and that they had room for me to stay with them for a while. After receiving this news, I had David take me to London to meet up with Vincent. From there I went stay with Vincent and his girlfriend where most of my time was spent writing. However, I kept receiving the message that I needed to go to Stonehenge and Avebury. I’d read in the spiritual library that these locations also contained many powers for enlightenment. So I booked a tour bus and headed out. It was a very cold day when I arrived at Stonehenge, I walked around the site, found a bench to sit on, and asked Creator for the activations, I felt nothing. I thought that was strange so at that time I asked for the activation for Avebury, and when I did I was told to return to the Sixth Plane… and again there was Lord Metatron. We started the activation and I was in shock at the power of the energy that was coming into my body through the top of my head. I stopped the activation because I was freaking out. I’d never felt anything like this before. I asked Lord Metatron what was going on, and he told me that it was safe to allow the activation to continue. He kissed me on top of my head and I let the activation continue. After it was finished it was time to get back on the bus and head back to London. I was told that the activation that I’d just received would bring me to a level that would make me a hundred times more intuitive, that my healing will be stronger and better, and that I’d be much more able to communicate with my Angel guides and Creator with greater clarity. As soon as I got back I also activated David’s friend, Daz, since at that time we were talking a lot via Skype. That night Daz got in a big fight with his girl friend and broke up with her. I was in a little bit of shock by this but Creator told me these activations change people for the better and put them on their right path. I was activating those who were ready and willing to accept these from me. I asked God why I had not felt anything from the Stonehenge activation and was told that I had already received them a few days before, and that the activations I would be doing with others are a combination of the Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles. I spoke with Daz again a month later. He related to me he was doing amazingly well, that his life shifted in a major way, and that his writings have never been more profound. He also shared with me that his life is much happier; that he let go of many people whom he

use to call ‘friend’ and they have been replaced with new supportive friends whom he’s really enjoying.

Meeting Moses My dear friend from San Diego, Jacky, and I were talking one day. She was telling me about a three day retreat that was being held in the Mohave Desert in California. I told her I didn’t know if I’d be back in time to attend. Yet I was reading about it and learned from my reading that there’s a dome there which a man built that was a copy of the one that Moses had built, described as being light inside yet dark outside. After Moses was in this dome he was said to talk to God like he was a man standing in front of him. It was said that these codes would make your cells rejuvenate and bring you back ten years in the aging process, give you your energy back, and help you with focus. I asked Creator if I could do these activations since I would not be making it back in time to go to the retreat, and I was told, “Yes.” So I went to the Seventh Plane to meet with the Creator and was told to go to the Sixth Plane yet again. This time when I went into the Sixth Plane, I was met by Lord Metatron and another being. I asked the other being who he was and he told me that his name was Moses… that he was here to assist in the activations. I was also told by Creator that these activations would take three weeks to integrate. It was Easter weekend and that Friday night, while lying in bed, I forgot what I was told by Creator and asked for all of the activations to be integrated now. I slept for 3 days, except for the next day when I got up and got ready at 5pm for a party my host was having. However, I excused myself from the party at midnight while the party was still in full swing and went back to bed, the only times of getting out of bed was to eat and use the bathroom. On Monday at 12pm I got up and felt much better. I also learned not to command the activation to happen too fast, but to allow them the time needed to slowly activate, since a rapid activation is too much for a person to experience and be able to function normally in daily life. I was noticing that my healing with clients had gotten much stronger and I was now able to get in touch with their bottom beliefs much easier than before. I became incredibly excited about the new work that I was doing. As I was teaching my friend, and gracious host, Vincent, a DNA 3 exercise in Theta Healing, explaining to him how to line up his molecules, he handed me a book called “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo Melchizedek. I opened the book right to a page where it showed the Tree of Life. I had seen this many times over the years when doing healing work on some of my clients. I would see that this was being repaired, but I didn’t know what it was until I opened the book. I bought the book, volumes one and two. I had just sent out an email to my client base telling them about this new work I was doing. I had been at Vincent and Juliet’s for 4 weeks and it was time to go. His daughter would be

showing up in two weeks and they needed the room for her arrival. I had no way of knowing where I would be next, but the Creator told me it was not time for me to go home yet. In a meditation, I was again met by Lord Metatron. While I was doing a past life regression he was at the entrance to a particular past life that I was about to see. He told me that he was there to help me through this experience. When I went to enter, I saw it was a past life that included my Mother as a soldier in that life. I turned around and headed out, as I had seen this many times and never had the guts to see what happened. Lord Metatron stopped me and told me that I needed to see her in this life. What happened next is something I am not going to go into here. Let’s just say it was an amazing healing and I cried and sobbed afterwards. Lord Metatron had become a guide who was with me a lot at this point.

Heading Off To Spain A few days after sending out an email about this new work, I was getting a lot of requests from new clients wanting work with me. I received an email from a client I had not spoken to in over 2 years who told me he had moved to England and asked me for my number. I sent him my number. He called me and requested a session. During this session he shared with me that he was headed for Spain as he had rented a house there that he and his wife wanted to buy. The only holdup was that they couldn’t settle on a price with the owners. Creator told me to ask him if I could join him on this trip. He said it sounded great and he called his wife to clear it with her. Within four days I was on my way to Spain with a client whom I didn’t know very well, while knowing that it was to be the next route in my travels. He and I met one another at the airport and had a pleasant flight together. When we got to Spain we drove the three plus hours to their home on top of a mountain. The drive was over a dirt road for at least three miles to get to their house, but what an amazing house and an even more amazing location. Wow, the views were incredible! There was a natural stream that supplied the house with water. There were three separate suites in the upper portion of the house with their own entrance and bathroom. Downstairs there was a huge kitchen with a wood-burning stove that we used to do all our cooking on because there was no oven. Yet fortunately, there was a cook top stove. During this time I was reading the book “Sacred Geometry” and learned about the new DNA that children on this planet are mutating to. I asked God if I could activate this in others and was told that yes I could. In “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life,” Mechizedek writes that children who have become immune to HIV/AIDS have turned on 4 more codons in their DNA. (A codon is “a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides constituting the genetic code that specifies the insertion of an amino acid in a specific structural position in a polypeptide chain during protein synthesis.” – taken from “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life.”) He writes further that people with this new DNA are three thousand times less likely to contract disease or sickness. When I went up to witness this I saw the new DNA being woven in to the existing DNA and being turned on and lit up. In the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” it also states that in the Bible code it is said that AIDS was “the end of all diseases”. I continued to work with Lord Metatron. In one of my meditations he brought me to

another planet. There I saw long legs and arms, freaked out, and headed back. The next night he brought me back to this same planet again. This time I was met by this beautiful being that looked nothing like us here. She looked like the ancient beings you would think of seeing in Egypt, with a bigger head and ears, long legs and arms, and standing seven feet or more. I was in awe of her. All I could say was, ‘Wow, you are so beautiful!’ However, it wasn’t an outer beauty that I was commenting on, but her inner beauty. She told me she and I were one from the same soul. I knew that we live on different planets at the same time and that we can also be living many lives here on this planet at the same time… all from the same soul. But knowing this and really knowing this are two very different things. Since meeting Shaaa from Sirius she comes to me often and helps me understand things. When I am scared, she also shows up to comfort me and to tell me the truth about what is going on. We stayed in Spain for three weeks. During this time I did a lot of writing, working with clients, and was working on my website. I asked Creator what to name my book and was told “Learning to Listen to God”. So that is the name I gave my website as well, but it never felt like that was the right name. I knew I was way beyond the name of the book.

A Magical Disappearance Two weeks into my stay in Spain, Lord Metatron came to me again telling me that I needed to accept another activation; a thirteen chakras activation, called ‘The Fruit of Life’. So I proceeded to activate Jason and myself with this. One afternoon we were sitting in the garden out front of the home enjoying the views and talking, I looked up in the sky and was surprised to see that they spray chemtrails in Spain also… and on a mountaintop where there are so few homes as well. I went up to the Creator like I always do when I see them and asked for the poison and chemicals and heavy metals to be pulled out of them and sent to the light of Creator. When I went up this time I was told to go to the Sixth Plane, so I did and there was Lord Metatron again. He invited me to join him and I saw a wand-like thing that he waved over the chemtrails. I forgot about it for about a minute. Jason and I started talking again I was told to look up, and when I did the sky was clear of the chemtrails. It was completely blue without a trace of them in the sky. Jason and I were amazed and excited about what had happened. Lord Metatron continued to come to me and to help me understand the things that I was now becoming aware of. It was time to leave and we were thinking of going to France. I knew the Mary Magalene Church in France also has major powers. So I asked Creator what they were and if I could activate them. Creator told me it held the Christ Consciousness and that I could activate them, so I witnessed this amazing energy and transformation happen on both me as well as Jason. It was really cool because this time Lord Metatron, Moses, and Jesus where all there during the activation. That afternoon we shot a video for my website about the money energy pay check system I offer for a free download. When we uploaded the video and were watching it, I was amazed at how light was shooting off of my body, nose, and hands when I would move and talked. ‘, ‘I am Tamra’ is the channel, and the video is ‘money energy pay check system.’ Also check out some of my other videos and watch how I become softer and more youthful looking, I am surprised and excited by this at the same time. The time there was coming to an end, and we needed to head back to England. Jason had talked to his wife, with the result that they invited me back to stay with them in Swindon, which was oddly enough, about a twenty minute drive to Avebury, so I agreed. We got back to his house and we went to Avebury where I made some videos for the activations of what I was calling sacred geometry downloads. There were six of them and I thought that was it. I was very excited about all of them and

the transformation that my clients were experiencing with them. (At the end of the book I share some of the testimonials from my clients and more detail about the activations.) Debbie, Jason’s wife finally joined us - she had been in California but arrived in England to be with us. We went to Glastonbury, England and walked around. I was sitting in the Abbey on a bench and I asked the Creator what I was doing there. I heard from Him that I was on a pilgrimage. I laughed and said, “Okay, what do you want to me know?” I was told that since I started talking to Him directly I did not talk to my Angels any more, I talked to Lord Metatron while I was in meditation, but that was because he kept showing up. I said ‘Ok Creator, I will start talking to my Angels more’. While we were sitting in the Chalice Well garden at the well, I was talking to a man who was telling me how the Saint Michael lay line runs though the Abbey. I thought no wonder I was being told to connect with my Angels... Glastonbury has many mixed energies and I was knocked out tired the next day from being in that town for a whole day. I knew that it was time for me to move on to my next place, so I found a bed and breakfast in Glastonbury. It was great because I stayed at the house of the owner of Healing Waters B&B while she went to France for a month. The first two weeks proved to be a real challenge for me. Every time I would walk through the Abbey, my belief systems would come up and I would ask Creator to clear them. The first few times all of this stuff just kept flooding into my head and every time I would say, “Okay, please clear them.” Then I’d hear, “No… wait.” More and more of my old belief systems would flood into my head. Finally I reached the point where I could release everything that I’d heard. I couldn‘t wait to get out of Glastonbury because of the dual energies that I found in that city. The last ten days there were pleasant and I had made many shifts, I am thankful for my time there. It was all about healing for me. While I was there I received a new activation called “The God Code”. This one had come directly from Creator, I was told that this activation allowed me to see through the 3D world, through God’s eyes, and to know the truth of what is happening on the planet. Some of it seems dark, yet even as I write this, I remember God’s words to me. That “all of this you see is to help wake up humanity to their truth of being spiritual beings. If I created the heavens and earth do you really think I would create bad things?” I said no then I was reminded of something I had read in “The Secret of The Flower of Life, that the duality on this planet really gives us free will to choose what we want to do and believe. A few days before I left the place I’d been staying, this lady showed up. We started talking with one another and we shared about who we are with one another. She told me that she

had been to Chichen Itza in Mexico. I’d been there also but many years before I was aware of what it really held. I asked her about her own experience there, as I was now aware that it’s a very powerful place. She shared with me that when she leaned her head back against one of the stones that it seemed as though her head went inside the stone and that she could feel energies going into her head. I asked her about this experience and what these energies were. She replied that she felt it was the original light language. I asked the Creator if I could activate or download the original light language and was told Yes. I was met by a group of angels that assisted me in this activation and was now amazed that I had received eight of them. Then Creator said there was another one for me to be activated with that’s known as Illumination. I’d read about this in the “Flower of Life” where it was said that Jesus placed into the Akashic Records the codes on how to become illuminated. With this activation you become aware of all your past and future lives; that when you leave this earth for your next lifetime, you’ll take this knowing with you.   At this point, I was up to nine activations and I figured that was it. Yet, I was amazed at how much my clients where shifting from the work that we were doing together. One of the clients I’d activated starting coming up with these past life memories where she was in the holocaust of the second world war. I looked into it and found that she had been a Nazi surgeon in that lifetime, and that she was being forced to perform experimental surgeries on prisoners of war. The prisoners were not allowed pain mediations of any kind, and thus were wide awake during these surgeries. She’d been put to death in that lifetime for refusing to continue with this brutal torture of those who were innocent. So in this life she’s Jewish and has experienced major traumas for most of her life. In October of 2011, she experienced two mini strokes, which left her with the limited use of her left arm and leg. After we cleared all of these traumas from that lifetime, the very next morning she woke from her sleep with about 98% use of her left arm and leg. I left Glastonbury and moved to the south of Italy and now live in a little town known as Briatico. I am on the waterfront with amazing views where I have my own two-bedroom apartment. This is where my son will be joining me in a few weeks. Being here is giving me the time and space to more fully connect with the Creator. I was sitting on a bench overlooking the water when I heard Creator tell me that there are a total of fifteen activations. In the last week I have received the other six, or should I say seven because there is one for your crystals that I am including in the first set of activations. These activations came so fast and I was amazed by most of them. I’ve been shifting so fast

and have had to really work to stay grounded during this time. In all honesty, I don’t think that the last three activations are for most people, I could be wrong but they will stretch your belief systems majorly, at least they did this for me. There is no way I could have fathomed any of this on my own as much of it was way beyond my understanding. I knew about some of it, but the changes that have happened in me are amazing and I am so grateful for them. I am also thankful and grateful to be of service in this way. I never thought that this trip, that started by traveling to meet someone whom I thought could possibly be my future husband, would take my life to a place of such amazing transformation. I’ve been opening myself up to a world well beyond most of my senses. It’s also allowed me to help transform so many people in such light and love that they can really be who they truly are without the limitations of the 3D world. Were it not for David, I never would have traveled so far out of my comfort zone. I never would have been able to help transform so many others in so many ways. It’s funny how things happen and how things are set up to help us shift our lives, awareness, and understanding. I’ve shifted so much and have become very clear on what my true mission is in this life; how I am meant to be of service. As this work I am now doing is shifting people so fast, I am amazed by all of this that I’ve been called to do. I want to thank David for being a part of this and getting me to travel to England. If Creator had simply told me to travel to England to learn sacred geometry, or what I am now calling Sacred Activations (as it’s grown to be so much more), I would never have traveled here in the first place. Since being here, Creator has kept me here. Since I’ve been here, I’ve purchased three tickets to go back to my home in California, but I continue to be told, “Not yet.” I am not sure when I will be leaving, or even where I will be going next. Yet I remain open and trusting that I will know where I am suppose to go from here. I thought that the fifteen activations were all that there were. Yet recently, Creator gave me three more. I was also told to offer them separately from the others and to only offer them to those who have at least received the first three activations, since they’ll not be able to hold the energy and shift without the benefit they’ll receive from the others. I don’t know what will follow this or where this will all go, but I know it is way beyond me and is the Creator in action through me. Please feel free to call me with any questions you have about any of this material. Thank you for your interest in Sacred Activations and please, if you receive these through me, or though the teleseminars, follow up with me and let me know how you are doing as a result

of receiving them. To finish this up, there is much more about all of this in my book, “Learning To Listen To God.” Love and light to all of you on this amazing journey. Enjoy the ride and remember that you are light and love of the earth and the heavens. Go forth and transform those around you.  

Credentials and Certifications

Tamra Oviatt, MNLP, MHt, COS   Master Certifications: Advanced Theta Healing Instructor - Practitioner (with Certificate of Science) Hypnotherapy Neuro-Linguistic Programming Success Coaching Time Techniques (Huna) Emotional Freedom Technique Sacred Geometry Giver Certifications: Advanced Quantum Energetics Akashic Records Adviser Feng Shui Consultant For more information on these please visit my website  

The Sacred Activations

The Sacred Activations - An Introductory Note -

Listed in this section are the Sacred Activations, which are grouped together in threes, along with three standalone activations. Even though there are three in each group, the Crystal Activation is included in each activation grouping because it needs to be reinforced in each activation. The Crystal Activation is outlined at the end of the activations section of this eBook. It is important to start with the first set before you move on to the second and so on, Creator explained to me that they build upon and enhance each other this way. Unfortunately, you will not be able to maintain the activations if you jump to the fourth before you do the first and therefore they need to be received in this specific order.

The Sacred Activations - First Activation Grouping - One -

Sun Disc Dial - Two -

Avebury - Stonehenge - Three -

The Moses Code

- One -

Sun Disc Dial The Sun Disc Dial is an activation which enables you to move through the current earths changes with greater ease and grace. This activation accelerates the evolution of your DNA to the new crystalline levels associated and in sync with Gaia’s evolution from a 3D planet to a 5D planet and beyond. As stated in the Spiritual Library, this activation increases your DNA, bringing it up to the 12th dimension. Lord Metatron assists me during this activation. For me, after I was given this one activation, I received a message the very next morning from Source (aka “The Creator of All That Is”) at 4:00 AM, nudging me to start writing my book. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have major grammar and writing challenges. I’ve tried to write my book for the last 8 years and have been unsuccessful. Now, just a few months later, I have almost finished my book; “Learning to Listen to God”. - Two -

Avebury - Stonehenge The Avebury - Stonehenge activation increases your healing and psychic abilities enabling you to communicate with your Higher-Self, your Guides, Angels, the Creator, and other realms if you so choose. Lord Metatron also assists me during this activation. For me, after I received this activation, my connection and my clairvoyance (seeing) and clairaudience (hearing) are much stronger than they’ve ever been. Now when I am working with a client, it’s much easier for me to comprehend the depth and detail of the profound healing taking place. - Three -

Moses Code The “Rejuvenation” activation is now called the Moses Code, since this is what Moses told me to call it. This activation recharges your cells making you a younger-you, rejuvenating you so you have more energy and clearer thought processes. With this activation it’s much easier to focus on your dreams and make them a reality. If you have watched the progression of my videos you will notice a change in my appearance over the last few months. I look more youthful. There‘s now a sparkle in my eyes and I feel full of energy most of the time. I stopped taking B12 among other supplements that I used for energy, because I simply no longer need them.

The Sacred Activations - Second Activation Grouping - Four -

Super DNA - Five -

Christ Consciousness Awareness - Six -

Fruit of Life

- Four -

Super DNA The Super DNA activation improves your DNA levels, so that they match the new evolved generation that are coming onto the planet at this time. When children born with AIDS were activated and then their progress tracked and retested some years later, it was found that the AIDS disease was gone and their DNA had been changed to a “Super DNA”. This seems to have given them immunity to diseases. You can read more about this in Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life book. - Five -

Christ Consciousness Awareness The Christ Consciousness Awareness activation empowers you to create miracles in your life and in situations around you. I have included a video tutorial to help you to keep the “Christ Consciousness Awareness” intact, which you may download. In addition to this it heals your heart, filling you with gratitude also releasing you from self-judgment bringing you into love for yourself and all of life. - Six -

Fruit of Life The Fruit of Life is an activation that amplifies your manifestations with 100 times more power than ever before. This activation lights up all thirteen Chakra systems, keeps you grounded, and yet connected, to your higher self. You may read more about this in “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.”

The Sacred Activations - Third Activation Grouping - Seven -

The God Codes - Eight -

The Original Light Languages - Nine -


- Seven -

The God Codes The God Codes activation allows you to see the world through the Creators eyes, thus enabling you to see through the 3D world and know love for all sentient beings. Once I received this activation I knew that every event happening on this planet is for the good of all and for our ultimate growth. I was able to see that the government is playing their role, which we call evil and oppressive, to wake us up to our power. I also came to understand that we have allowed this to happen and choose to see it through to the end where we will rise to this challenge, say no, and take back our power without fear! When I am doing this activation I see a bright light illuminate through the body in love, just like the cover photo of me with the white light generated out of my heart.

- Eight -

The Original Light Language The Original Light Language activation allows us to be “in love” with life when we are speaking and to know the truth of a person, and their growth. It also allows us to be true to ourselves and honor our own power when we are in conflict with others. The Serif Angels assist me with this activation and it is truly amazing to be in their energy.

- Nine -

Illumination The Illumination activation allows you to remember all of your past lives and enables you to see your future lives. You’ll have an understanding of who you truly are as a “beam of light”. It will give you all the memories of your life times, which you will be able to take with you when you leave this reality and go to the next place or next body in your journey.

The Sacred Activations - Fourth Activation Grouping - Ten -

Heaven On Earth - Eleven -

Creator’s Truth - Twelve -

Life’s Grid

- Ten -

Heaven On Earth The Heaven On Earth activation releases you from any of the oaths you’ve made, karma and blessing to suffer for those who came before you, and from those that do wrong to the earth and our fellow brothers and sister of this planet. When I was receiving this activation I saw the release of chains from around my feet. How did this come about? When I asked God what the tenth activation meant, I heard “you’re living in Hell.” I said that this is an activation I want everything to do with! This is the second time that I heard God tell me that I was living in Hell. The first time was while I was in the Chalets Garden in England. When I was standing on the Mary and Saint Michael lay lines that cross in the garden. I asked God about this and He explained that I can be released from this affliction with this activation and to call it Heaven On Earth so, there you go! This activation is done in the seventh plane. - Eleven -

Creator’s Truth The Creator’s Truth is an activation as well as a deactivation. It unplugs you from the human grid of fear of the 3D diminution. As you may know, we are all connected in a grid that surrounds the earth, so we pick up on the group consciousness. Creator’s Truth removes you from the fear and plugs you into the fifth domination plane of “The Truth”, so you can be in your power and the truth, free of being controlled by the fear of the group consciousness. When you are plugged into the new 5th domination, that is now starting to happen on this planet, it will give you the true knowing of where we are going. - Twelve -

Life’s Grid The Life’s Grid activation creates a protective shield around you, keeping you safe from the harmful rays of radiation sound waves and other harmful pollutants that are being put in our atmosphere to shut down the penal gland as well as your Kundalini energy, thus keeping you under control of the matrix. This activation frees you from all of that! What I see happening when I am activating someone is a fishing type of “net of lights” going around their whole auric field. With this “net” surrounding you, these harmful energies and poisons bounce off of you, keeping you safe and awake to the truth of your spirit.

The Sacred Activations - Fifth Activation Grouping - Thirteen -

Planetary Alignment - Fourteen -

Star-Seed - Sixteen -

Galactic Federation Activation

- Thirteen -

Planetary Alignment The Planetary Alignment activation aligns us with the shift that is coming on December 2012. The planets are in the process of lining up and this assists you in navigating the next few months with ease and security, knowing that all is right on mother earth. You will be able to be the rock for those around you, giving them the support that they need. As you may know, our world has not done a shift like this in over 5,126 years and in previous shifts there has been devastation. Be in the knowing that all is well and get through this shift. You will be in your higher vibrations with love and light in you heart knowing all is well on Mother Earth.

- Fourteen -

Star-Seed The Star-Seed activation increases your energy to a level where you can talk to our brother’s and sister’s from other worlds, where you can hear them, see them, and know them as love and light, coming here to help us transform our world. It removes your fears so you can communicate with them and know that you are safe. You will be able to understand them and their message to you. You will be able to act on their advice and, of course, you will also have the discernment that this is real and good advice before acting on it.

- Fifteen -

Galactic Federation Activation The Galactic Federation Activation accelerates your state bringing you into alignment with our Galactic family allowing you to communicate, without fear, with our brothers and sisters from other worlds. It also aligns you in such a way that you’re able to co-create with the GF and be an active participant in Gaia’s changes at this time of history.

The Sacred Activations - Single Activations - First Single Activation -

Sacred Sexuality - Second Single Activation -

Creative Gene Extraordinaire - Crystal Activation -

- First Single Activation -

Sacred Sexuality The Sacred Sexuality activation brings two souls together creating much love by merging their energies, bringing them to a higher level of understanding and love for one another. The inherent quality of this activation binds you with the knowing of the ecstasy of the Creator’s love for you and for all of humanity. It brings in creative properties allowing you to create the love for, and knowing of, a higher power in the two minds coming together. Once you receive this activation it is advisable for you to be in a monogamous relationship, because of the bonds that will be created. This is not for those that just want a more intense sexual experience, but for those who are truly “in love” with one another. If you’re single and you have self-love, this will also help you call in the right “soulmate” as the essence of love within you will be heightened. Don’t be surprised if you start attracting many suitors. Just remember to take your time in getting to know them and make sure they are for your highest and best good before engaging in lovemaking with anyone.   - First Single Activation -

Creative Gene Extraordinaire The Creative Gene Extraordinaire activation removes you from the third dimensional grid and plugs you into the fifth dimensional grid system that is now becoming available for this planet. In addition to all of this, it also gives you the knowing that you are safe, that you are a creator in your life, and that you can create money out of thin air; whatever may you need, You can create food and shelter for yourself and your family. It gives you the knowing that with the Creator of All That Is, anything is possible. As you know our world is changing. All of the old paradigms are shifting, including our money system. With this shift there is the potential of a systems collapse in order to create a temporary money system that brings abundance to all followed by a system where money is no longer a tool we need to conduct our lives. With this change our fears will rise up as we are faced with the collapse of the banking systems, fear of unemployment, and the uncertainty of our future ability to provide for ourselves and for our families.  

- Crystal Activation For the Crystal Activation you will need to insure that you have three crystals and one rock. Why the rock? This will help you stay grounded while you are going thought this shift. This activation of your crystals will help you maintain and progress through all the changes that you’re going through from all of the activations you have received. All of the crystals will be activated with everything that was activated within you and aligned with you. If you chose to activate your children then simply put the crystals by their bed as they sleep and they will automatically be activated as well. Children are much easier to activate, because they are so open and are so new to the planet that they still possess many activations to some degree, unlike most adults, who have been under the hypnotic spell

and programming from years of schooling that goes on during one’s life on this planet.

A Note To Those Who Would Like To Become Practitioners I’ve been contacted by practitioners of other healing modalities wanting to know if they can read the book and become a Sacred Activation Practitioner. For a while, I was wondering the same thing. There is no way, by myself, that I can get this work to the masses which I believe it needs to be. Creator has explained to me that there are two steps in order to become a Sacred Activation Practitioner. The first step is that you need to receive the activations. . The second step is that you need to receive higher vibrational codes in order to give these to others. Creator also explained to me that this is why it was so intense when I was receiving my original activations. When I received the second set of activations I had never felt anything like that enter my body before. It freaked me out and I stopped it, and when I did, Lord Metatron who was assisting in this activation, told me it was ok to let it finish. What has come in to me has been so much stronger than the experiences I have seen with people who receive the activations from me. Creator told me that the reason for this was that I was being activated to activate others.   These activation bring up beliefs systems most of the time gently but some time not so much and the people receiving these need to do belief work and need a skilled healer to work with to clear them. Please contact me via [email protected] for this. I am asking that if you do wish to be listed that you do need to receive the activation as this moves your healing ability way up. I am in shock most of the time with what I can see, hear, and feel with my clients now after receiving these activations. Thank you and love to all of you, Tamra

Testimonials From Those Who’ve Received Sacred Activations To let you know, all of these testimonials are from the first set or the first two sets of activations. I am so excited to read your testimonials and transformation from this work. Also to let you know I am a witness of this work, so put your faith in Creator of all that is and know this is for you from the Creator. s



After the first the set of downloads I noticed a great difference. I feel at peace with myself even at work. I have a job in the police where I am mostly dealing with confrontation. When unexpected situations happen I feel now able to deal with them without panicking or feeling anxious. I’ve noticed that I’ve developed a better work/play balance in my life and feel fully in my body. Thank you Tamra. They are super downloads. My friend who lives practically next door to the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland could see that I had received the Rosslyn Download. s



It’s been about three weeks since I received the second set of downloads and I’ve found even greater grace and ease, noticing the angels, etc, help me more and becoming aware when negative thoughts come into my mind so they can be looked at and sent to the light. Thank you Tamra. R. Ryan - Kent, England s s s Daniel Samos: In the two days since receiving the first set of Tamra's downloads, I've experienced three remarkable changes. Lately I've been working with Michael, Gabriel and Kathumi. In the past they had always visually appeared to me in fragments; I received brief glimpses that would quickly fade. Since yesterday I've found that I can call on them and have them appear in a stable full-form images, so that the whole experience has greater continuity and depth. Secondly, in the last day, while working with various psychic abilities, I've discovered the ability to hold myself open to receive a flow of information, rather than catching pieces and fragments requiring reassembly. I think that these two things are related--both having to do with finding a platform or referential plane to base my awareness when working in these realms. The third change I've noticed has to do with sleeping. I've always had difficulty remembering dreams, usually just recollecting the final pieces of a dream before waking. This morning I found that I was able to work back from the final scene and remember the dream from the beginning. Totally cool. You rock! s



From Tina: After my first set of downloads from Tamra I felt a lot of different, very deep rooted, issues come up for me, but the difference was that this time I had the capability to work through them. Once I did that, things started changing. I used to hate to do any form of exercise and now I look fwd to it, I walk 3 - 4miles EVERY day. Since the second set, my husband has changed towards me too-it's like everything I wanted him to do and understand...he finally does, and I know this is from the changes in me. My absolute favourite part though is waking up in bliss and peacefulness, I'd never had that come

through so strongly before, thank you Tamra for what you to for this world. s



I received both sets of sacred geometry downloads from Tamra. She said it would "bring up my stuff", well, it did for sure, deeper levels of things I had already dealt with. I am happy to heal the things at a deeper level. Tamra also helped me work through these things, really stepping into my power as a Theta Healer, having larger classes, without fear or competition, etc. And also as a woman being able to do this no matter what. I had back pain and leg/knee pain for a couple of weeks and when she helped me work through these things it got so much better. I am looking forward now to reap the benefits of the downloads with grace and ease. Thank you, Tamra! I thought I'd give you a follow up to the session you gave me a month ago. A week after that night, I was in bed and suddenly got up because I was called to write down all of my negative beliefs followed by my positive beliefs, which I did. It felt like a major shift in my state of being. I'm not sure how life will progress after that occurrence, but I'll keep you informed. Thanks and hope all is well with you! – Joe s



Well, it has been 2 weeks now since I received the sacred geometry downloads from you and I must say it has made a big difference in my life. I am more grounded and settled into myself, where before I had a difficult time staying in my body before. I actually "feel" like myself again. I've also had many realizations about myself and deep issues have come to the surface. Everything has become so much clearer now. I am so amazed!! I am calmer and happier now and am looking forward to the 2nd set of downloads Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you! - Tracy Follow up from Tracy: I have to tell you my big aha moment. It was that I realized that "I" had been punishing and in a sense tormenting myself all these years and have been doing so since childhood. No-one else. It all made so much sense:) .... I will let you know when I am ready♥ Thanks Tamra s



I had swollen lymph nodes and parotid gland. My doctor panicked at it being there for multiple days that large and sent me for emergency double biopsy, he & the man doing the biopsy suspected lymphoma. I called Tamra in a scared panic and she worked on me to clear all of it, she also worked on the swelling going down and told me it would before I went back in also told me it was just an infection….the swelling went down that night & I got a fever . My doctor was still in a panic thinking it was lymphoma up until I got there and showed him swelling gone & high grade fever then the blood results came in and ruled it as infection my doctor was shocked as he prepared himself to give me the you have cancer speech, thank goodness for Tamra she is an amazing angel! It is just an infection & got put on antibiotics! Thank you so much for everything you have been put here to do Tamra you are amazing and have helped me beyond words, you were so accurate and everything you cleared from

me took so much off my shoulders & heart! Much love Ashlie s s s I suffered a stroke last October, I lost strength in my left arm and leg and the toes on my left foot were curled under, since than I have had problems walking and using my arm, I was exhausted all time and could hardly take a shower and take care of myself let alone my daughter. Tamra did the Sacred Geometry downloads on me and within a few weeks, the beliefs systems about a past life started coming up. I worked with Tamra again and when I did Tamra went into that past life saw what was going on and the beliefs systems I have from it, she cleared the energy and the guilt and feeling of the need to suffer. The next day I woke up with full use of my left arm and my strength in my left leg is back to 98%. I no longer feel like I want to die and I am excited about my future. Sharon – California     s



Since my session with Tamra on April 1st, where she downloaded the Sacred Geometry, I continue to improve and grow spiritually. I’d previously mentioned that I feel as if I am regaining some measure of youthfulness both in appearance and in stamina. That my intuition has greater clarity and my moods are generally happier.   In addition to the above, I’ve also recently noticed, during a group meditation, that I was able to see the aura closest to the body, that brilliant white light that exists a couple of inches out from our skin. My meditations are also deeper and the images and messages I receive are much clearer and stronger. I also have a stronger ability to sense energy and emotions from others. When I was talking with my friend on a subject we’d speculated quite a lot about over the years I suddenly felt as if I was channeling the information and bringing a new answer/twist to the age old question. I do feel as if information is readily available to me now – whenever I ask a question whether silently or out load the answer takes no longer than a day to reach me and sometimes only minutes.   I’ve recently received 3 more downloads from Tamra, the Christ Consciousness Awareness, the Fruit of Life and the Super DNA. Jacky - San Diego, California s



I decided to get all of the activations offered by Tamra for the simple reason it felt right in my heart. It has been worth every penny. I am a ThetaHealing Practitioner and also have learned and taught many different variations of energy work at The Amercian Institute of Natural Healings. I now work full time as an acupuncturist in a chronic pain department at Kaiser Permanente in California, USA. I found that these activations have helped me in my work by aligning my spiritual foundation to a higher frequency. I am able to have more

compassion for my patients, and really get to the root of their pain. When Tamra asked me how I was doing with my activations when I asked her for the next set of activations I did not know quite how to answer. The results are invisible to our five senses. So how do you explain how wonderful something is when it may be difficult for so many to understand? I then remembered that all results can be calibrated though through muscle testing. I just finished reading Richard Hawkins's book called Power Verses. Force, and learned that you can muscle test for the truth and frequency level of anything. In using Richard Hawkins frequency resonation chart I have muscle tested Tamra’s activations to resonate at a level of 500 -1,000. Most of them resonate above 900, which is higher than what most Masters calibrate at in our History. If you know how to muscle test, you can test each activation for yourself. The only way I can put these activations into words is with a poem from Rumi; “That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, he said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful”. Thank you Tamra for being the pure heart to receive these activations and make it possible for the rest of us to experience them through you. Roshelle K. LeVa (Shae) - L.Ac. s



What I’m noticing from all of the downloads is that they are processes of profound change. Each downloads brings great gifts and clarity. With these downloads I am becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be. I am living at a higher level now. Tamra Oviatt


The Spiritual gifts received from the downloads are:   Vision – I can see auras now when I focus. I also have vision for my goals. Freedom – I am no longer wrapped up in my dramas or the dramas of other people. Clarity – I see clearly the blocks or programs that I have been holding on too as well as other peoples programs and can then release them or work with or around them. Intuition – Clear knowing of what is right for me and what the proper next steps should be. The Practical gifts I’ve received are: Calmness – I process stress now in such a way that it is now a minor factor in my life. Centeredness – I move through my day without becoming engaged or sidetracked in dramas. Physical energy – I’m finally practicing Yoga again. Synchronicity – I am experiencing DAILY examples of asking for something and receiving it or having a question and receiving the answer… mini miracles!!!!! “My life is changed in the best possible way. At first I didn’t really notice, but then the clarity kicked in and I noticed in a big way. Love to you, Jacky”   There are many more testimonials on my website:   Love and Light, Tamra    

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