Sach Speaking Full 3 Parts Ngoc Bach Draft

April 17, 2017 | Author: Cuong Nguyen | Category: N/A
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MỤC LỤC I. Part 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 1. Celebrity ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Advertisements ........................................................................................................................................... 8 3. Gifts ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 4. Transportation .......................................................................................................................................... 10 5. Colors ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 6. Flowers ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 II. Part 2 and Part 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 17 1. Describe a person/something that made you laugh You should say: When this happened Where this happened Who were there And explain why you laughed ......................................................................... 17 2. Describe your favorite movie You should say: when and where you saw it; what type of film it was; what the film was about; and explain why it is your favorite film. ..................................................... 20 3. Describe a piece of equipment in your home You should say: what it is; how often you use it; who you usually use it with; and explain why this item is important to you. ...................................................... 27 4. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others You should say: When it happened Who you gave it to What gift you gave to the person And explain why you gave this gift to others .................................... 29 7. Describe an interesting song You should say: What kind of song it is How you found it What it is about And explain why it is interesting to you ............................................................................................. 31 8. Describe a creative inventor or musician You should say: Who this person is What this person does how you knew this person and explain why you think this person is creative .................................. 34 9. Describe a special meal you have had You should say: where you would like to have it; who you would like to have it with; ............................................................................................................................. 39 10.Describe a favorite part of your city or home that you often visit/ Describe a place where you relaxed 42 11. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting You should say: where you would like to go; how you would like to go there; who you would like to go with; and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike. ................................................................................................................... 45 12. Describe a person that you admire You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What you like to do together Why you admire this person............................................................ 47 13. Describe an interesting photo You should say: Who took it Who was in the photo When the photo was taken Why it was interesting................................................................................................................. 52 14. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive .............................................................. 55 15. Describe a garden you visited and like. ................................................................................................... 57

16. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics) You should say: What it is When you started to become interested in it What you have learned from it And explain why you have interest in it ............................................................................................................................ 60 17. Describe someone who has a great influence on you/ Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about ...................................................................................................................... 63 18. Describe a tall building you like or dislike. ............................................................................................. 66 19. Describe a wild animal You should say: What it looks like Where you can see it What it likes to eat or do Why you like it ......................................................................................................................................... 69 20. Describe a time when you were very busy. You should say: When it was What you had to do during that time How you managed it And explain how you felt about being busy................................................ 71 21. Describe a famous person in your country You should say: Who this person is How you know this person What this person is famous for And explain why you like this person ........................................... 74 22.Describe an outdoor activity you like to do You should say: What it is Where you like to do it How you do it And explain why you like to do it .................................................................................................. 77 23. Describe an advertisement you have seen. ............................................................................................... 77 24. Describe a website that you like to visit. .................................................................................................. 80 26. Describe a time you needed to use imagination ....................................................................................... 86 27. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time. ....................................................... 90 28. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something .................................................... 93 28.Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work....................................................... 100 You should say: Where you would like to go What kind of work/ job you would like to have When you would like to go And explain why you want to work in that place. ............................................................ 100 29.Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city. ........................................................................ 103 30. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country. ..................................... 104 31. Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life. Or Describe a positive change that you made to your life.......................................................................................................................................... 107 32. Describe a piece of good news that you received. ................................................................................. 109

HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG SÁCH Hi các bạn, các bạn đang đọc quyển ebook “IELTS Speaking FULL 3 parts by Ngoc Bach”. Đây là bộ đề cập nhật các đề và đáp án cho tháng 9/2016 đến tháng 1/2017. Các bạn thi trong khoảng thời gian này đều có thể học luôn. Các bạn lưu ý là trong tháng 9, đề thi sẽ thay đổi liên tục và mình chỉ có thể biết chính xác sự thay đổi là gì đến cuối tháng 9. Do vậy, mình khuyên các bạn nên thi tầm tháng 10 trở đi để đề thi chính xác và ổn định TẤT CẢ CÁC BỘ ĐỀ các bạn có trên mạng phần lớn đều chưa chính xác ở thời điểm hiện tại, nhất là các bộ đề các bạn down về thời điểm đầu tháng 9 hoặc sách bản cứng (đơn giản là bản cứng thì làm sao cập nhật được nữa trong khi đề thi thì thay đổi liên tục). Mình sẽ liên tục cập nhật, so sánh và đối chiếu với đề thi các bạn học sinh thi trong tháng 9 về để update thêm list đề và đáp án mới sát nhât cho các bạn Các bạn lưu ý: do hiện tại ưu tiên tổng hợp đề & cập nhật đáp án nhanh trước, nên một số đáp án mình và giám khảo chưa kịp review nên sẽ update trong các đợt tiếp theo. Anw, đáp án dù chưa review cũng là do các bạn ielts 8.0~8.5 (speaking 8.0~8.5) soạn nên dù bạn ở trình độ nào cũng có thể tham khảo nhé Về cách học: + Các bạn có thể dựa vào bộ đề, đáp án tham khảo, giải thích từ vựng chi tiết do mình soạn -> học lấy các ideas hay áp dụng vào chính bài nói của các bạn. Mình không khuyến khích học thuộc lòng + Nhiều bạn hỏi học thuộc lòng có sợ bị giám khảo phát hiện và trừ điểm không ? Câu trả lời là:

Thứ nhất, về nguyên tắc, miễn là bài nói của bạn trôi chảy, phát âm sử dụng từ vựng chính xác, đúng ngữ cảnh -> không ai có quyền trừ điểm bạn. Thứ hai, không ai nhớ hết & thuộc làu tất cả đáp án trong bộ này cả nên chả bao giờ các bạn đi thi nói giống hoàn toàn nhau được đâu. Ít nhất là hơn 2 năm sách speaking của mình ra đời chưa ghi nhận trường hợp nào giám khảo phát hiện vì nói giống nhau cả (toàn là điểm tốt báo về… hehe) Cuối cùng, các bạn hãy biết rằng, khi các bạn đã đăng ký mua sách, nếu có bất cứ thay đổi nào trong bộ đề cả 3 part, mình sẽ luôn theo dõi và cập nhật đề thi & đáp án sớm nhất cho các bạn. Có là update ngay lập tực. Các bạn không cần (và không nên) nhắn giục nhé, mình sẽ mất thêm thời gian trả lời từng bạn thôi, lại chậm cập nhật hơn


Một lần nữa cám ơn các bạn đã đăng ký mua sách của mình ! -Ngọc Bách-

I. Part 1 1. Celebrity 1.1.

Who is your favorite celebrity in Vietnam?

Well, to be honest, I adore quite a number of Vietnamese stars. Regarding music, young and celebrated singers like Toc Tien and Dong Nhi are definitely my top choices whereas if it’s acting, veteran actors like Binh Minh or Manh Truong deliver the best performance. 1.2.

Do you like any foreign celebrities?

As a matter of fact, yes. I’ve been an avid fan of Western contemporary pop singers for quite a time now, especially those who have excellent vocal skills like Adele, Bruno Mars or John Legend. I even created a special playlist on my phone which contains their songs only to listen to whenever I want. 1.3.

Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

I’ve never given this much thought but I’d have to say that joining the showbiz isn’t really the path I’d choose. Rising to stardom means losing a substantial part of privacy as well as having less time with family and friends, so I guess I’d prefer to stay as a part of the general public. 1.4.

Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy?

Well, definitely. It’s human rights to have your private information kept secret and to have freedom in whatever you want to do without being followed by paparazzis all the time. Just because celebrities are public figures doesn’t mean their private life has to be exposed to everyone for gossips. 1.5.

How do celebrities influence their fans in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, as in any other countries, admirers consider celebrities a source of inspiration as well as consolation. For example, they would watch videos or read articles about their favourite artists to cheer themselves up when they feel down.

Additionally, fans can be affected in the way they behave or dress since most of these fans are impressionable teenagers who want to appear like their idols. Vocabulary  Celebrated [adj]: known and praised by many people o Eg: He is one of today's most celebrated young writers  Veteran [adj]: someone who has a lot of experience in a particular activity, job, etc. o Eg: He's a 10-year veteran event organiser.  To be an avid fan sth [expression]: to be very enthusiastic about sth o Eg: I like to play the electric guitar as I’m an avid fan of rock.  Contemporary [adj]: modern, happening or beginning now or in recent times o Eg: Vouge is a magazine devoted to contemporary fashions  Vocal skills [n]: singing skills o Eg: Having great vocal skills is the most important for a singer.  To rise to stardom [expression]: to become famous o Eg: He rose to stardom in such a short time.  Human right [n]: The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans o are considered to be given o Eg: Everybody should be entitled with human rights.  Public figure [np]: a well-known and notable person o Eg: She is an famous public figure in music.  To






(something) visible


know by uncovering it o Eg: Her diary was exposed to everyone as a prank.  Consolation [n]: something that makes a person feel less sadness, disappointment, etc

o Eg: His kind words were a consolation to me.  To feel down [expression]: to feel blue, to feel sad o Eg: I listen to upbeat songs when I feel down.

2. Advertisements 2.1.

Are there many advertisements in your country?

I would say yes. You can easily see a wide range of advertisements almost everywhere in my hometown. For example, almost half of a newspaper is made up of ads. 2.2.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

I guess it’s due to their benefits. First, advertising is an essential part of promotional campaigns for companies to reach their end users. It helps raise the visibility of a company's brand. Second, advertisements can act as decoration on the street. I find a street better-looking with advertisements. 2.3.

What are the various places where we see advertisements?

Today advertising gets to people through different forms of communication, from print media to electronic ones, so you can see advertisements on websites, social network or in the newspaper and magazine. There are also ads you see outside, for example, large banners and posters hung on the roads, on the buses or trains. 2.4.

How do you feel about advertisements?

Most people may find those ways of product promotion annoying, but I’m an exception. I’m quite into advertisements. They’re colourful, brilliantly designed, illustrated, photographed or typeset pieces and often have useful, creative contents. VOCABULARY

 Promotional campaign: [noun] A series of advertisements using various marketing tools that share the same message and ideas to promote a business or event to a target audience. o Example:

Promotional campaign plays a crucial role in marketing

strategy of a company.  End users: [noun] Person or organization that actually uses a product o Example: We provide the best quality products to our end users.  Print media: [noun] refers to paper publications circulated in the form of physical editions of newspapers, articles, journals, etc  Electronic media: [noun] refers to television, radio, etc

3. Gifts 3.1.

How often do you buy others gifts?

Not very often, I think. I used to send gifts to my friends on most occasions when I was younger, but I haven’t been doing that these days. 3.2.

Do you like to send expensive gifts?

Well I’m still a student, so sending expensive presents is a no for me. I prefer giving gifts that show my love and care to that person, for example handmade ones. 3.3.

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Birthday gifts, such as books, clothes or accessories. Or teddies; when I was in secondary school and high school, we used to send each other teddies or photo frames as birthday gifts. 3.4.

Why do people send gifts?

I think people send gifts to show that they care for the other party and that they treasure the relationship between the two. It can be more specific, like to express their affection, gratitude, or even to ask for forgiveness.

Vocabulary:  To be a no for smb [expression] to be impossible for smb e.g. Meeting this weekend is a no for me; I’ve already got something to do.  Handmade [adj] made by a person using their hands rather than by machines e.g. He asked me to give him a handmade scarf on his birthday.  Accessory [n] something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose e.g. She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories.  Treasure [v] to take great care of something because you love it or consider it valuable e.g. I always treasure those memories of my dad.  Affection [n] a feeling of liking for a person or place e.g. She felt no affection for the child.  Gratitude [n] the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks e.g. He smiled at them with gratitude.

4. Transportation 4.1.

What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

The most prevalent vehicle in my hometown is motorbike. As I’ve read in a current newspaper, most Vietnamese adults have their own motorbikes. Moreover, I can easily catch sight of motorbikes whenever I go outside. 4.2.

How often do you take buses?

I take buses to go to school at least twice per day as I haven’t had my own vehicle yet. Additionally, I usually use buses to visit my relatives or friends’ homes. 4.3.

Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Obviously, airplanes and trains have their own benefits to passengers. Regarding plane, it has been the fastest means of transport so far. It allows people to travel all around the world with the shortest time. Train, however, I assume it is the safest vehicle to travel due to its rarity of accidents. It also makes people feel relax as they can admire the views on comfortable seats or even beds. 4.4.

Is driving to work popular in your country?

Yes. As far as I’m concerned, private cars and motorbikes are the two most popular vehicles in my country. Therefore, it is obvious that there are a large number of people tend to drive to work. 4.5.

Do you think people will drive more in the future?

Yes, I think so. People will continue to drive in the future due to its convenience and affordable prices. 4.6.

Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Yes. As I’m a young person, I like to do energetic activities to improve my health standard so that I will give priority to ride bike to work. 4.7.

What Will become the most popular means of transportation in Vietnam?

Personally, I think the prevalence of motorbikes will continue to dominate in Vietnam due to their various advantages namely convenience and reasonable prices. 4.8.









Although owning a private vehicle has various advantages, I prefer using public transportation in order to save my budget as well as protect the environment. Vocabulary






the fact of existing or being There


very common at a particular prevalence of smoking among young time or in a particular place


Catch sight of

to see something









people for I caught sight of

a moment 3



with red hair and knew it was you or


that I

assumed (that) you knew each

something is true but without other because you went to the same



having proof of it


the quality of being rare

The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity.



to look at something and We stood for


few moments,

think that it is attractive and/or admiring the view. impressive 7


cheap enough that people can This type of car is affordable for afford to buy it or pay it


Give priority

people who have low income.

Give something that you think Club



be given

is more important than other priority. things and should be dealt with first 10


to be the largest, highest or  The skyline is most obvious thing in a place


by smoking factory chimneys.


Save budget

Saving the money that is In order to save budget available

decorated the house on a small amount of money

5. Colors 5.1. What colors do you like? I am a buoyant person so I like warm colors such as red, orange and yellow. Although I have a lot of vivid-colored clothes, my favourite color is white. The reason behind this is that I have a great sense of cleanliness. 5.2. Do you like to wear dark or bright colors? I prefer wearing bright colors as a way to cheer not only myself but also people around me up and remind us to look on the bright side whenever our mood is down. 5.3.

What's the different between men and women's preference on colors?

In my opinion, gentlemen would like to wear dark colors whereas ladies often prefer vivid colors. However, there is also an opposite trend due to divergent personalities. 5.4.


Do colors affect your mood?

Yes they do have some effects on my mood. Apart from the influence of warm colors I mentioned before, cool colors including blue, green and purple give me peaceful feeling while brown and black make me feel gloomy.

VOCABULARY:  buoyant (sôi nổi, vui tươi) [adjective] cheerful and optimistic.

Example: After receiving the message from her crush, Anna was in a buoyant mood for the whole day.  look on the bright side (nhìn theo hướng tích cực) [idiom] consider the positive aspects of a negative situation. Example: There are always challenges on your way to success so just look on the bright side and do your best to get over it.  vivid (chói, rực rỡ) [adjective] very brightly coloured. Example: I remember on the first day at school she was wearing a vivid pink shirt.  divergent (khác biệt, bất đồng) [adjective] Tending to be different or develop in different directions. Example: Vietnamese is one of the most difficult languages because there are a lot of slangs which have divergent interpretations.  gloomy (u ám, tối tăm) [adjective] depressed or dark Example: The news said the world’s economic prospect was going to be less gloomy than the previous year.

6. Flowers 6.1.

Do you like flowers? (Why?)

Yes. I’m really interested in flowers especially bright colored ones. I love the way various types of flowers harmonize with each other in a garden or flower stores that creates a beautiful picture. Every time I admire a gorgeous bunch of flowers, I feel relax, and optimistic. 6.2.

Which/What is your favorite flower?

I’m really keen on colorful flowers and sunflower is definitely my most favorite flower due to its symbolic meaning. This flower represents the flexibility to overcome obstacles, the happiness and good luck.


Do you think flowers are important?

Personally, I think flowers play an important role in our lives. It makes people feel positive, energetic and tireless. Without gorgeous and colorful flowers, the world seems to be dark and boring that causes people depressed and lack of inspiration. 6.4.

Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)

Of course, besides representing the beauty, some flowers also show our Vietnamese people’s key virtues. For instance, Lotus was choose to be our national flower due to its beauty and good meanings representing Vietnamese people’ character namely purity, faithfulness. 6.5.

Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

Yes. Flowers are widely used in special occasions in my country namely birthday parties, weddings, graduation days in order to show the respect of senders to receivers. 6.7.

What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

There is a wide range of reasons for people to send or receive flowers. One of the most popular occasions is birthday party. Colorful flowers and birthday cake will make the receiver happy. Another occasion which is unable to be integrity without flowers is graduation day in which flowers are used as a congratulation gifts. 6.8.

In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

Yes, they do. Generally speaking, Vietnamese people tend to give flowers as a gift in some certain occasion namely graduation day, birthday party, international women’s day.


Bright colored flowers (noun phrase): (những bông hoa nhiều màu sắc) flowers which have bright colors namely yellow, red.

Ex: Bright colored flowers make our gardens bright and beautiful 

Harmonize (verb): (hòa hợp) harmonize (with something) if two or more things harmonize with each other or one thing harmonizes with the other, the things go well together and produce an attractive result

Ex: The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings. 

Bunch of flowers (noun phrase): (một bó hoa) a group of cut flowers that you hold together or that someone has tied together.

Ex: he was given a bunch of flowers as a graduation gift. 

Optimistic (adjective): (lạc quan) expecting good things to happen or something to be successful; showing this feeling

Ex: They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place. 

Keen on (phrasal verb): (hứng thú vào việc gì) very interested in something

Ex: He's mad keen on planes as he always keeps searching about how to make his own airplane. 

Symbolic (adjective): (biểu trưng) representing something else

Ex: The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death. 

Represent (verb): (đại diện cho) to be a symbol of something

Ex: Each color on the chart represents a different department. 

Overcome (verb): (vượt qua) to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something

Ex: The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. 

Integrity (noun): (tình trạng nguyên vẹn) the state of being whole and not divided

Ex: all countries in the world should respect the territorial integrity of each other.

II. Part 2 and Part 3 1. Describe a person/something that made you laugh You should say: When this happened Where this happened Who were there And explain why you laughed ANSWER: One of my best friends has a 3-year-old baby girl; so every time we went out, she would





Her little girl is such a witty kid, and she is always full of energy. As she begins to be aware of the outside world, she asks a lot of questions just to satisfy her curiosity. It happened one day when we went out shopping. While her mother and I took turns trying clothes on, she was sitting quietly on the bench. Then she looked at me and her











The way she talked was so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing. She was so used to playing with her Barbie doll that she suggested we should dress like one of her dolls. She even taught us how to walk like models because she thought that was pretty. All the customers who walked in the store noticed her, even the store owner couldn’t stop laughing at her since she was still a baby girl, but she talked and acted like a grown-up


That was probably the best part of the shopping trip that I will never forget. VOCABULARY  witty: [adjective] able to say clever and funny things Example: Everybody laughed during the lesson, because the teacher was so witty.  satisfy her curiosity: [verb phrase] to have an answer to a strong wish to know

about something Example: My answer did not satisfy his curiosity, so he asked me for more details about what had happened.  trying clothes on: [verb phrase] to put on clothes to see if they fit and if they look good Example: Try these clothes on before you buy them to make sure that they are the correct size.  models: [noun] people whose job it is to wear and show new styles of clothes Example: The dream of many young people is to become fashion models and appear in magazines.  grown-up: [adjective] typical of an adult Example: The child was used to being treated in a grown-up way by his parents.


How would you define happiness?

I believe different people have different ways of defining happiness, but for me, happiness means living this life knowing that I am loved by the people around me and no matter what I decide to do with my life, I am sure that those people would always be by my side, to not only support me but also to guide me through the tough times. It was thanks to such positive ways of thinking that I was able to feel much happier and more confident about myself. 1.2.

Do Vietnamese people like to watch comedy?

Yes definitely. Even though comedies now are not as popular as they used to be in the past, I think Vietnamese people still tend to seek good comedy TV shows to have a good laugh and decompress after a hard day at the office or school. 1.3.

Who is the most popular comedian in Vietnam?

Honestly I’m not really into Vietnamese comedy shows so I’m not so sure who the most popular comedian is at the moment. But my most favorite gagman, I would have to say, is Xuan Bac. He’s been in the showbiz for, I think, nearly 20 years now but he’s still very well-loved by the public and continues to be one of the most sought-after men in comedy right now. 1.4.

What do you do when you feel unhappy?

It depends, really. Some days I would just want to go out and be with somebody I’m comfortable with like my close friends. If I’m in a chatty mode, I may share with them about all the things that have been troubling my life, but if I don’t feel like talking then I’d rather just forget about it all and try to have some fun with my friends doing things that we love, such as going shopping, going to the cinema or eating some good food. Other days, I may want to spend the whole day being by myself and watch some of my favorite Korean variety shows which have never failed to lift my mood and unwind my thoughts in some of the most difficult times of my life. 1.5.

Why do children tend to be happier than adults?

I think it is because most children are naïve and so they have the ability to simplify everything that they see, feel and encounter, which helps them to be more carefree and not over-analyzing things like what most adults do. For those kids who often forget what happened five minutes ago, neither the past nor the future is of significant importance to them, and that’s the reason why most of the time we don’t see kids wasting time worrying about the future or let a past mistake stop them from enjoying their present. Though obviously children don’t have responsibilities and haven’t been exposed to the darker side of the world like adults, I personally believe such simplicity in children’s way of thinking is the key to living a life with much freedom and joy.


 To guide sb through: hướng dẫn, dẫn dắt (ai đó) qua điều gì I will really appreciate if you guide me through this and tell me which Career Path will be more suitable for me according to my situation.  Decompress (verb): giảm sức ép After two weeks' hiking, we'll need a few days to decompress.  Well-loved (adj): được yêu thích In his closet, all his sneakers and boots looked brand new, but his Converse shoes appeared faded and well-loved.  Sought-after (adj): được săn lung At the age of 17 she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.  To be in a chatty mode: trong trạng thái muốn tán chuyện, buôn chuyện  Variety show (noun): show truyền hình giải trí Running Man has constantly been one of most famous Korean variety shows in recent years.  To lift sb’s mood: làm tâm trạng (ai đó) khá hơn Food can lift my mood instantly.  To unwind sb’s thought: gỡ rối suy tư It took me so many years to unwind my thoughts and fill myself with positive thoughts.  Carefree (adj): vô tư, thảnh thơi I remember my carefree student days.  Over-analyze (verb): phân tích quá mức More people are prone to over-analyze than they will readily admit.

2. Describe your favorite movie You should say:

when and where you saw it; what type of film it was; what the film was about; and explain why it is your favorite film. ANSWER As a frequent moviegoer, I watch a lot of films. One of the movies that I enjoyed the most recently was The Martian. The movie was based on a novel of the same title by Andy Weir. Just like many other sci-fi films, it was about man travelling in space, however, this time; our main character was stuck on Mars due to a dust storm which nearly killed him. All of the crewmates thought that he was dead, so they went back to Earth without him. But fortunately he was still alive, thus two and a half hours of the movie told the story of how he fought for his life in the brutal environment of Mars, until NASA devised a plan to rescue him. My best friend is a big fan of astronomy, so she had read the novel before. That’s why she insisted on me going to see the movie with her. After watching the trailer and reading the plot, I was hooked. It was maybe the best two and a half hours of my week so far. After watching the movie, I was amazed at how ingenious and strong humans can be when it comes to a life and death situation. Mark Watney, the hero of the movie, was a perfect portrayal of a young, humorous, brilliant and skillful engineer cum botanist. Although the hostile environment of Mars threatened his existence many times, he relentlessly refused to quit. Instead, he overcame one problem at a time until he was successfully rescued. The message that I learned from the film is never to give up, however hopeless things seem to be.











 sci-fi: [noun] science fiction; based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, such as space travel or life on other planets. Example: Sci-fi movies have become more popular since space travel has become


 stuck on Mars: the man was unable to escape from the planet. Example: we were stuck in traffic and so we arrived late for work.  dust storm: [noun] a storm that carries clouds of dust in the wind over a wide area. Example: a lot of plants die after a dust storm passes through an area.  crewmates: [noun] all the people working on a ship or, in this case, a spacecraft.  fought for his life: [verb phrase] he made a great effort to stay alive. Example: The man was badly injured in the accident, but he fought for his life and






 brutal: [adjective] if an environment is described as brutal this means that it is

very dangerous






a person



 devised: [verb] NASA invented something new to rescue the man. Example: a new system has been

devised to control traffic in the city.

 astronomy: [noun] the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars and planets.  trailer: [noun] a series of short scenes from a film or programme, shown in advance to advertise it. Example: after watching an exciting trailer, I decided to go to see the film.  plot: [noun] the events which form the story of a book, play or film. Example:

the book has








 hooked: [adjective] enjoying something so much that you want to see or do

it.  ingenious: [adjective] very clever at inventing new ideas. Example: many ingenious researchers are working on ways to combat cancer.  portrayal: [noun] the act of describing or showing something or sb in a book, play or film. Example: the actor gave a fantastic portrayal of a clever detective in the film. 








 hostile: [adjective] a hostile environment is unsafe for humans, because there are many dangers. Example: in the hostile environment of the desert, you must take a lot of water with


 threatened his existence: the many dangers and difficult conditions on Mars were






 relentlessly: [adverb] in a way that continues strongly, without giving up. Example: the soldiers relentlessly pursued their enemies after the battle.  hopeless: [adjective] without hope Example: after searching for the lost plane for many days, the situation seemed hopeless and it seemed that the rescuers would never find it.


Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?

Personally, I agree with the idea that films bring a lot meaningful lessons to the audience. For example, romantic films can educate people the value of love, honesty, and faithfulness. They can make watchers sympathize to other people and to respect what they have. Indeed, they can teach people good virtues in order to be better citizens through stories.


In what ways are documentary films and films only for entertainment different?

Documentary films are different from entertaining films in various aspects, especially their purposes. Regarding purposes, documentary filmmakers intend to document some aspects of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education or maintaining a historical record. In contrast, entertaining films are mainly for entertainment. Directors draw attention to the interest of audience, give pleasure and delight. 2.3.

Why do you think documentary films are not so popular?

Documentary films are not very prevalent because they might not meet the interest of audience. This kind of films is primarily for education instruction aims and lack of entertaining features as well as dramatic elements which might make audience feel bored and distracted. 2.4.

How are movies and real life different ?

Movies are not the same to reality due to various aspects. Firstly, movies contain dramatic elements which can make audience experience various emotions through happy to sorrow or thrilling just in few seconds that is difficult to happen in real life. Secondly, films will often dramatize and invent scenarios for the convenience of moving a story along or making the audience feel for a character. However it contrasts sharply with what would happen if these situations were encountered in real life. 2.5.

Do men and women like to watch the same kinds of films?

Personally, I think men and women have different preferences to films.

In general, men tend to watch action films with fast and dangerous scenes or science fiction films which relate to unrealistic stories and are far beyond people’ imagination. Conversely, a large number of women prefer romantic films or comedies which bring worthy messages. 2.6.

Do different age groups like the same kinds of films?

It is obvious that different generation prefer different kinds of films. For example, adolescents are usually fond of cartoons or comedies which bring funs. Adults tend to watch various types of films namely action films, romantic films depending on their interests. 2.7.

Do you like any particular film star? Why?

Yes. My favorite film star is Emma Watson who was the actress in Harry Porter film series which I saw since I was a child. I particularly like her due to her superb performance and good personalities. Regarding performance, she made me really impressed by her acting ability, skills in many films she took part in. Moreover, she was also received various important awards for the best actress. She also has a kind-hearted, generous person who is always willing to help disadvantaged people. Every time I saw her on TV, I remembered my childhood and that makes me happy. I think I will continue to follow her in the long run.

VOCABULARY  Sympathize (verb): (thông cảm, đồng cảm) to feel sorry for somebody; to show that you understand and feel sorry about somebody’s problems

Ex: I know what it's like to have migraines, so I really sympathize (with you).  Document (verb): (dẫn chứng bằng tài liệu, ghi lại chi tiết sự việc) to record the details of something Ex: Causes of the disease have been well documented.  Primarily (adverb): (chính, chủ yếu) mainly Ex: The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety.  Dramatize (verb): (soạn thành kịch) to present a book, an event, etc. as a play or a film/movie Ex: Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ was dramatized on television recently.  Scenario(s) (noun): (viễn cảnh có thể xảy ra) a description of how things might happen in the future Ex: The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would be for the factory to be closed down.  Adolescent(s) (noun): (trẻ chưa vị thành niên) a young person who is developing into an adult Ex: He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent who's gone to the wrong party  Superb (adjective): (tuyệt vời, xuất sắc) excellent; of very good quality Ex: Taylor scored a superb goal at the end of the first half.  Kind – hearted (adjective): (tốt tính) A kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them. Ex: She also has a kind-hearted, generous person who is always willing to help disadvantaged people.

3. Describe a piece of equipment in your home You should say: what it is; how often you use it; who you usually use it with; and explain why this item is important to you. ANSWER It was last summer that I bought a new yogurt maker and I am very satisfied with it. This machine is quite small and fits conveniently into my kitchen. Interestingly, it looks like a cooker with six glasses inside. And the most important thing is that it is very easy to use. You just have to pour the mixture of ingredients to make yogurt into these glasses, turn the yogurt maker on and leave it for a few hours. Then, you will have delicious home-made yogurt. Thanks to the simple instructions, I can make yogurt for my whole family any time I want. As yogurt is good for our health, eating it daily can make people healthier, it can help to prevent some potentially fatal diseases and boost the human immune system. Therefore, the members of my family have all adopted the habit of eating yogurt every day. Owning a yogurt maker helped me to cut down considerably the amount of time that it took to make yogurt, not to mention the higher quality as opposed to the traditional method. At present, I still make yogurt every day for my family with this machine and I think that this is an indispensable product for preparing an essential part of our regular diet.

VOCABULARY:  fits: [verb] is the right shape and size for something. Example: This jacket fits me perfectly, but those shoes don’t fit at all.  pour: [verb] to make a liquid flow from a container. Example: Pour some milk into my glass, please.  potentially: [adverb] used to say that something may develop into something. Example: Smoking will not kill you immediately, but it is potentially harmful for your health.  fatal: [adjective] causing or ending in death. Example: Police were called to a fatal accident, in which 3 people were killed.  immune system: [expression] the system in your body that helps it fight against infection

and disease.

Example: A strong immune system is necessary to remain fit and healthy.  adopted the habit: [expression] started to use a particular method of doing something. Example: Last month, my friend adopted the habit of running for one hour every day in order to keep fit.  cut down: [phrasal verb] reduce the amount, size or number of something. Example: I should cut down my working hours and spend more time just relaxing.  indispensable: [adjective] too important to be without it Example: A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.


Have (the item you chose to talk about) changed much over the years?


Do you think that (the item you chose to talk about) are important to

society? (How?)


Do you think everyone needs to know how to use the item you chose to

talk about? 3.4.

What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home, besides

the telephone and computer? 3.5.

What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are

used for communication?

4. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others You should say: When it happened Who you gave it to What gift you gave to the person And explain why you gave this gift to others ANSWER (Tham khảo từ đề 30 trong sách 2015 “Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose.”) Choosing a gift for someone is usually a very difficult task, because you want to make sure that the person who receives it will like it. For that reason, I always spend a lot of time picking gifts for my relatives and friends. Today, I am going to share with you the time when I had to choose a gift for my little sister’s


It was her 5th birthday and I wanted to give her something memorable and special. I decided to go to a “Build-a-bear workshop” to buy her a stuffed bear. At this shop, you actually spend time picking materials to build your furry friend, from the cotton inside to the clothes outside. You also got to give this teddy bear a heart and a voice recorder, so that when you squeezed it, it would say whatever you recorded before. After finishing

building the stuffed toy, the store would give him or her a birth certificate with





My little sister was so happy when she received the bear. Well, kids always love a furry friend anyway. However, what was special was that as she grew up, she understood how much love I had put in the bear when building it for her at the store, so she came to appreciate the gift even more. VOCABULARY  pick: [verb] to choose something from a group of things. Example: The man picked a blue tie from the collection in the shop.  memorable: [adjective] something special, good or unusual and therefore easy to remember. Example: I will never forget the memorable holiday that I had in Japan.  workshop: [noun] a place where you can do a practical activity to create something. Example: As a student, I attended drama workshops, because I had always loved acting.  stuffed bear: [noun] a toy in the shape of a bear, filled with cloth and made of some soft material. Example: When I was a child, I had a stuffed bear, which I used to keep in my bedroom.  furry: [adjective] covered with fur – a soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of some animals. Example: People love pandas because they are so furry, with thick black and white fur all over their body.  get to (+ infinitive): [phrasal verb] to be allowed to do something.

Example: When we visited the football stadium, we got to meet some of the famous players.  teddy bear: [noun] this is just another name for a stuffed toy bear.  squeeze: [verb] to press something firmly, especially with your fingers. Example: Every time you clean your teeth, you squeeze the tube of toothpaste.  appreciate: [verb] to recognise the good qualities in something or somebody. Example: At school, I appreciated the help that I received from my teachers.


In Vietnam, when (on what occasions) do people give gifts to others?


What sorts of things do they give?


Do people today still give the same kinds of gifts that people used to

give, many years ago? 4.4.

Why do people like to receive gifts?


What are some of the possible different reasons why give gifts to other

people? 4.6.

Do you think it's suitable to give money as a gift?


Do you think it's a good idea for people who are doing business with

each other to exchange gifts? 4.8.

Why do some people not give gifts to others very often?

7. Describe an interesting song You should say: What kind of song it is

How you found it What it is about And explain why it is interesting to you ANSWER: I love listening to music, so I like many songs. However, one of my favorite songs that I want to talk about today is “Hall of Fame” by The Script and This song was written for the 2012 Olympic Games. When it came out, it quickly became a hit on every single music chart throughout the world, not just because of its catchy melody, but also for its meaningful lyrics. The song talks about how each of us can be a champion or anything we want to be as long as we dedicate our time and efforts to doing what we are passionate about. The song is played at big athletic events to pump up the crowd, but you can easily relate to the song at other times as well, especially when you are about to give up. I think this song has such a powerful message that whenever I was tired or had decided to quit, it would lift me up right away. It made me think about why I had started in the first place and that I needed to finish the job that I was currently


VOCABULARY:  became a hit: when a song becomes a hit, it means that it is super popular and that people are listening to it on the radio and buying it on iTunes or elsewhere. Example: Taylor Swift’s song “Bad Blood” became a hit instantly.  catchy melody: the melody is the part that you sing along with and if it is catchy, it means that it is easy to sing along with and people like it, you easily remember it and it sticks in your mind.

Example: The song “Uptown Funk” has a catchy melody that people love to sing.  meaningful lyrics: lyrics are the words in a song and if they are meaningful, it means that they actually mean something or have some sort of importance or significance; they aren’t just silly, meaningless words. Example:









 champion: someone who wins, a winner. Example: He didn‟t see himself as a champion until he had reached his goals.  dedicate: to commit your time to doing something; to make a promise to yourself to do something. Example: You were able to get a high score on the test because you dedicated 2 hours








 effort: the work that you put into doing something. Example: The time and effort he spent improving his English paid off when he got




 passionate: if you are passionate about something it means you have a strong desire to do something or a strong interest in something. Example: Elite athletes are passionate about their sport and want to become the best.  played at: to play a song at an event means to broadcast it over loudspeakers so everyone can hear it. Example: They always play the song “We Are the Champions” at basketball games.  to pump up the crowd: to get the people excited about the game or event. Example: The cheerleaders tried to pump up the crowd during the football game.  relate to: to see yourself in something or to understand it in a personal way.

Example: She can relate to the lyrics of that song about love and loss.  give up: to quit; to stop doing something. Example:












 quit: to stop doing something; to give up. Example:









 lift me up or lift someone up: to make someone feel better. Example: His brother is good at lifting others up when they are feeling down.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 7.7. What do old people like to listen to ? 7.8. How would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip hop music to listen to? 7.9. Why do you think old people like old songs? 7.10. Why do you think people of different age groups have different favourite songs? 7.11. What kinds of music do (small) children in Vietnam like to listen to ? 7.12. What are the differences between popular music and the music that (young) children like to listen to ? 7.13. Why do some people like to play music (= play a musical instrument) in the open?

8. Describe a creative inventor or musician You should say: Who this person is What this person does

how you knew this person and explain why you think this person is creative ANSWER I am going to talk about a creative person who I really admire. That person is Albert Einstein - one of the most well-known physics scientists in the world. He was born in 1879 in a Jewish family in Germany. He was a theorical physicist and is now recognized as the father of modern physics. Above all, he was the founder of the “Theory of Relativity”, which became an important contribution to the science of mankind. It was to be the biggest achievement of his life. In 1921, he was awarded the “Nobel Physics Prize”. He was a prolific writer and published about 300 scientific articles covering150 topics as well during his career. I came across a new biography about him on the internet and there was a lot of interesting information which really inspired me a lot. His childhood was not carefree as I had thought. He had a problem learning how to talk until he was about 8 years old. Besides, because of his unconventional character, he tended to be bullied and teased a lot, however, he ignored all these taunts and concentrated on doing experiments in the laboratory. What I really admire him is how passionately he worked and what he contributed to physics and our understanding of the world. He lived and worked with passion and the enthusiasm all his life, and he is a shining example for me to follow. VOCABULARY  theoretical physicist: [noun] a person who studies some branch of physics, using mathematical models to understand, explain and predict nature. This is in contrast to a physicist who uses experiments to test ideas.

Example: People who study the world through building mathematical models are called theoretical physicists.  founder: [noun] a person who creates an organization, company or idea. Example: Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.  relativity: [noun] the word for how things only have importance in relation to other things. Example: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity says that the way that anything [except light] moves through time and space depends on the position and movement of someone who is watching.  prolific: [adjective] producing many written works. Example: Picasso was a prolific artist who produced many paintings.  came across: [phrasal verb] met or found something/someone by chance. Example: While I was looking for my passport, I came across some old photos from my schooldays.  biography: [noun] the story of a person’s life written by another person. Example: I have just read a new biography about the life of Shakespeare.  inspired: [verb] gave me the confidence and enthusiasm to do something well. Example: My father inspired me to follow his example and to study hard at school.  carefree: [adjective] having no worries or problems. Example: After she retired from work, she had a carefree life with no reponsibilies.  unconventional:

not following what is done or considered normal or

acceptable by most people. Example: The normal solutions to traffic congestion have not been effective, so a more unconventional approach is necessary.  bullied: [verb] frightened or hurt a weaker person. Example: My son was bullied by the older boys at school.

 teased: [verb] laughed at somebody and made jokes about them – sometimes in an unfriendly way. Example: The boy was teased at school because he was fat.  taunts: [noun] insulting remarks intended to make someone angry or upset. Example: Racist taunts were often shouted at black football players in the past.  shining example: [noun] excellent and inspiring example. Example:

President Obama is a shining example for young, black people in

America who want to have a successful career.


What creative activities did you like to do when you were young?

I remember when I was young, I was really into cartoons and comics, especially Japanese animations (anime and manga), and so I often spent hours everyday drawing the cartoon characters that I liked. I even came up with a new story for all of my favorite ones and almost made it into a complete comic book. But as I got into high school, I got so much busier with all the homework and exams that I barely had time to pursue my hobby and eventually lost interest in drawing. 8.8.

Why do people like to copy others' ideas these days?

I think people might just run low on both inspiration and motivation to actually be original. Maybe they find it much easier to claim others’ work as theirs than going out of their way and put the effort into producing something as their own. Sometimes, it can even earn you some short-term fame if you’re good enough at imitating others. For example, a Vietnamese singer has got himself rather famous nationwide for being a G-Dragon copycat. Despite the criticism, it is undeniable that he has got quite a number of fans and followers thanks to such outright copying tactic. 8.9. What's the best way to cultivate children's creativity?

I think nothing works better than providing children with the urge and motivation to be creative and be their true selves. Not only kids but even grown-ups need to be regularly reminded that they can be anything that they want to be and that they should not be afraid to be different, think differently or act differently. Only when children are encouraged to breakthrough thinking from inside the box can they really have the freedom to express themselves and nurture their creativity. 8.10. Do you think creativity can be learned? I personally don’t think so. To be creative, one must be original to begin with. If you need someone to teach you how to think and perform in order to reach a certain level of creativity then in my opinion, you can no longer call yourself “original” as you’re, in essence, just base your ideas and thoughts on someone else’ visions, not your own. 8.11. Why does art help to nurture creativity? Just like how I was inspired to draw a comic book due to the endless hours I invested into watching anime and manga, I think art in general can inspire others to create something of their own as long as they are passionate enough about such idea. Also, in order to be a successful artist, one needs more than just a standard melody or a predictable plot; hence, artists are often in a constant battle with themselves to keep pushing the boundaries and explore new horizons, to stay different but still relatable, which is obviously not an easy task to do but I believe that’s the reason why art can serve as the best catalyst to creative thinking. VOCABULARY  To come up with: nảy ra, nghĩ ra ý tưởng gì She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.  Barely (adv): hầu như không His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.  To run low on: trong tình trạng cạn kiệt The car is running low on gas.

 Original (adj): nguyên bản, nguyên thể This is a daring new film by one of our most original modern directors.  To go out of one’s way: cố gắng hơn mức bình thường They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome.  To put the effort into sth/doing sth: đặt hết khả năng vào làm việc gì Put more effort into a project and you’ll become more passionate about it  Imitate (verb): bắt chước Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.  Copycat (noun): người bắt chước một cách mù quáng Sales of the product have fallen by 42% since copycat versions were launched.  Tactic (noun): chiến thuật We need to agree tactics before the game.  To breakthrough thinking from inside the box = To think outside of the box = Creative thinking: khả năng suy nghĩ sáng tạo To think outside the box is to look further and to try not thinking of the obvious things, but to try thinking of the things beyond them.  Plot (noun): cốt truyện The plots of his books are basically all the same.  To push the boundaries: cố gắng vượt qua giới hạn bản thân At Intel, we constantly push the boundaries of innovation in order to make people's lives more exciting, more fulfilling, and easier to manage.  To explore new horizons: khám phá những chân trời mới Now that he has entered Hollywood, he has to explore new horizons as an actor.

9. Describe a special meal you have had You should say:

where you would like to have it; who you would like to have it with; what you would like to eat; and explain how you would feel about the meal. ANSWER Last month, I had a get-together with some of my high school friends whom I had not met since we graduated. Then, we decided to have lunch at a well-known pizza restaurant in the city centre. Arriving at the restaurant, we were quickly given the menu. What surprised me the most was that there were various types of pizza and drinks; hence, it took me quite a long time to choose the food. After that, we talked with each other while waiting for the dishes. Some of my friends were studying at the same university, some had decided to get a job. And I was especially impressed by the decision of one friend to take a gap year. She said that as she had a strong passion for traveling, she would spend one year visiting lots of places. Then, the dishes were served. The pizza was out-of-this-world and the drinks were tasty although they were a bit pricey. We kept talking and enjoyed the meal and drinks for about two hours. Actually, meeting them reminded me of the time when we studied at high school and I realized that now we were all grown-up, we had our own plans to pursue. But we all promised to meet up regularly. VOCABULARY:  get-together: [noun] an informal meeting or gathering of friends. Example:

We usually have a family get-together during the New Year

celebrations.  gap year:


the year that a young person spends working and/or

travelling after leaving school and starting university.

Example: I’m planning to take a gap year before I start my university course, and I have decided to go to see India and China.  have a passion for: [expression] have a hobby or activity that you like very much. Example: He has a passion for traditional music, and he is learning to play some traditional musical instruments.  out-of-this-world:


used to emphasize how good or beautiful

something is. Example: The variety of Vietnamese food available during the Tet holiday is out-of-this-world.  tasty: [adjective] having a very delicious flavour. Example: When I want something tasty to eat, I often buy some chocolates or ice-cream.  a bit pricey: [adjective] a little expensive. Example: Although my favourite restaurant serves food that is out-of-thisworld, it is unfortunately a bit pricey, so I can’t afford to eat there often.  grown-up: [adjective] mentally and physically an adult. Example: She has a grown-up daughter who works in our local hospital.  meet up: [phrasal verb] to meet someone, usually by arranging a time and place with them first. Example: After work, we all met up at the cinema to watch the new James Bond movie. QUESTION FOR PART 3 9.7. Describe what you think is a healthy diet. 9.8. Are there many vegetarians in Vietnam? 9.9. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?


Is the food that people eat today in Vietnam different to the food that

people used to eat in the past? (if yes, in what ways has it changed?) 9.11.

How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?


Is American-style 'fast food' popular in Vietnam? (Why? Popular with

whom?) 9.13.

What do you think of this popularity- is it as good thing?


More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What do

you think might be the causes of this?

10. Describe a favorite part of your city or home that you often visit/ Describe a place where you relaxed  You should say: Where it is. When do you normally visit this place. Explain why you like it  You should say: where it is what you usually do there how often you go there and explain why it is a relaxing place ANSWER Today, Im going to share with you an interesting public place where I really enjoy going to to hang out with my close friends in my spare time, which is a lovely café named The Hanoi Social Club. It is situated at Hoi Vu alley – a small quiet lane near Hang Bong street in the centre of Hanoi. The coffee house is decorated in an old, traditional French style,

with a lot of paintings on the wall, and it attracts a lot of foreign customers. As a fulltime student, I have been so caught up in my studies, therefore, I just take a day off to go there on weekends after a long stressful week. There are many live music events taking place there performed by acoustic guitarists, so I often check them out on the internet and come with my friends. Because this type of music is my kind of thing, I am in my element just humming the tune of the songs and relaxing in a comfy chair to enjoy myself. The fast food tastes quite savoury and especially the coffee in The Hanoi Social Club is always irresistibly delicious. That might be the reason why it was ranked among the top 5 best coffee shops in Hanoi in 2015. What I really love is how cozy the atmosphere is, something which I have not found in any other coffee shop yet. Whenever things go wrong, I often go there as a hideaway to escape from all the pressures and order a cup of coffee to relieve my stress. It always works wonders. I find it extremely therapeutic and soothing. Therefore, it’s more than likely that I will still keep coming back to it as my favourite place in the near future. VOCABULARY  hang out: [phrasal verb] spend time in a particular place. Example: I sometimes hang out at the shopping mall on Sundays and meet up with my friends.  lane: [noun] a narrow street in a city, with buildings on both sides. Example: The lane behind the museum will take you directly to the train station.  decorate: [verb] make something more attractive. Example: Her living room is always decorated with flowers.  caught up: [phrasal verb] involved in a concentrated way, so that you forget other things around you.

Example: I was so caught up in the film that I forgot to feed the cat.  acoustic: [adjective] designed to make natural sound, not sound produced by electrical equipment. Example: Artists who play traditional music usually use acoustic instruments, copying the way in which the music was originally played.  in my element: [expression] doing what I enjoy. Example: I am really in my element at parties, because I love dancing and mixing with friends.  hum: [verb] sing a tune with your lips closed. Example: He began humming along to the music.  comfy: [adjective] comfortable. Example: This new jacket isn’t as comfy as my old one.  irresistibly: [adverb] in a way that is so strong that it cannot be stopped. Example: Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare’s play were two young lovers who were irresistibly attracted to each other.  cozy: [adjective] warm and comfortable and safe, often used to refer to something small. Example: I felt cozy and relaxed sitting by the fire.  hideaway: [noun] a place where you can go to be alone. Example: He escapes to his hideaway in the country at weekends.  relieve: [verb] remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain. Example: To relieve his feeling of guilt, he decided to tell the truth to the police.  work wonders:


have a very good effect on someone or

something. Example: If you have a bad cold, a hot lemon drink at night works wonders.

 therapeutic: [adjective] helping you to relax. Example: I find that yoga is very therapeutic, and I always feel better after my yoga class.  soothing: [adjective] that makes someone who is anxious or stressed, feel better. Example: The doctor has such a soothing voice that his patients feel relaxed immediately.


How often do you visit parks?


Do we need big parks or small parks in the city?


Why is it important to have parks in a city?


Do you like to visit movie theaters?


Where do Vietnamese people like to go on weekends?


What do old people do to relax ?

11. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting You should say: where you would like to go; how you would like to go there; who you would like to go with; and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike. ANWSER (Tham khảo từ đề 23 trong sách 2015 “Describe a long car journey that you went on”) Like many other young people, I don’t have the habit of waking up early every day, only for special occasions. Last weekend, I and a group of my

friends decided to go on a trip to the mountainous area of Vietnam called Mu Cang Chai. We had to leave very early in the morning so that we did not get stuck in the traffic. In addition, we would have more time to spend there. It wasn’t easy to get up early in the morning, because I had been so excited about the trip that I had barely slept that night. I had never been to Mu Cang Chai before. It is located in the northern part of Vietnam, so I knew that we faced a long drive ahead . We had decided to go by car since, that way, all 5 of us could travel together. Moreover, everyone reckoned that it would be safer than going by motorbike. After 5 hours driving, we arrived at our destination. We were amazed to see a vast land filled with the yellow color of terraced rice fields, ready to be harvested. Under the sunlight, these rice fields sparkled like gold. We stayed for one night with a local host and helped the family with their regular tasks before setting out for home the next day. It was such an amazing trip, and it helped us to learn more about the countryside and the way of life of those who live there. I’d love to make more trips like





VOCABULARY:  get stuck: [verb phrase] to be in an unpleasant situation that you can‟t escape from. Example: I left work early, because I didn‟t want to get stuck in traffic





 barely: [adverb] something that can be achieved, but only with difficulty. Example: We barely had time to catch the train, so we ran all the way to the station.  faced a long drive ahead: [verb phrase] a long car journey. Example: My advice is to sleep well if you face a long drive ahead the next day.  reckon: [verb] to think or have an opinion about something. Example: If I

want to lose weight, I reckon that I will have to eat less bread.  freshen: [verb] to make something cooler and more pleasant. Written





Website: Page 61 Example: The rain freshened the air.  vast: [adjective] very big. Example: The Amazon is a vast rainforest.  harvest: [verb] to cut and collect a crop, such as rice. Example: Every year, bananas










 sparkle: [verb] to shine brightly. Example: The sky sparkled with thousands of


 setting out: [phrasal verb] leaving a place and beginning a journey. Example: I finished my breakfast and set out for the train station

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 11.7. Do Vietnamese people prefer to travel by car or by train? 11.8. What are the advantages of travelling with a group of people? 11.9. Should young people travel abroad? 11.10. Where do Vietnamese people like to travel? 11.11. Is international trip popular with people in Vietnam?

12. Describe a person that you admire You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What you like to do together Why you admire this person

ANSWER VERSION 1 (Tham khảo từ đề 4 ver 6.5 “Describe a person (you know), much older than you, who you admire”) I would like to describe one of my teachers who taught me at high school. She had a great influence on me and was a role model whom I look up to. Her name is Yen and she taught me Math for 3 years of high school. She was in her 50s, and so she had a lot of teaching experience. Actually, we met each other almost everyday as she was also my form teacher. She cared about us as if we had been her sons and daughters. For example, she always brought some kinds of medicines so that whenever her students got a cold, coughed or something like that, she would give them the medicines immediately. Above all, I was most influenced by the way she taught us in class. Her thoroughness in teaching inspired me to study Math, even though I had not been interested in the subject before. Thanks to her effective teaching method, I was able to pass the university entrance exam with a high Math grade. Besides, I was also influenced by her lifestyle, which was so simple and worthy of respect that I really wanted to copy her. As she is a warm-hearted person, she always gave us advice about any problems we faced. At times, I felt that she was like my friend who I could share everything with. Although we have now all graduated from high school, my friends and I often visit her at the weekends to tell her about our daily life at university. VOCABULARY  role model: [noun phrase] a person that you admire and try to copy. Example: Parents are usually the most important role models for a child.\  in her 50s: [expression] between the ages of 50 and 59. Example: My mother retired from her job as a teacher when she was in her 50s.

 cared about: [phrasal verb] felt that we were important and worth worrying about. Example: Everybody had a good opinion of the hospital – the doctors and nurses really cared about the health of the patients.  thoroughness: [noun] the quality of doing things very carefully and with great attention to detail. Example: The report was perfectly organised and included every important detail, and I had to admire his thoroughness.  lifestyle: [noun] the way in which a person or group of people live and work. Example: When I moved to the countryside from Hanoi, I had to change my lifestyle completely.  warm-hearted: [adjective] kind and generous Example: He often gave money and chatted in the street to poor people that he knew – he was a very warm-hearted person. VERSION 2 (Tham khảo từ đề 27 ver 6.5 “Describe a leader who you admire”) I would like to share with you my impression of a leader who I really admire. Her name is Huong, the director of the VPBank Hoan Kiem Branch, where I had a chance to do an internship for over 3 months last year. She has not only a wide knowledge of banking but also a lot of experience of being a good leader. That can be seen through the way that staff carry out their duties in the bank that she has been running. Although that bank is just a small branch of theVPBank, the work of the employees is extremely professional and efficient. Not only has she succeeded in her career path, she also pays attention to her clothing style and physical appearance. She is in her 30s with shoulder-length hair.

Because her business requires meeting with customers a lot, she always knows how to choose smart and suitable clothes to complement her figure. What I really admire is how well she treats her subordinates not only in terms of working relationships but also in daily life, if their personal problems affect their performance at work, always taking care thoughtfully of each person in her company. I will try my best to become a good leader like her in the future.

VOCABULARY  impression: [noun] an idea or feeling about someone/something. Example: My first impression of Australia is that the people are very friendly.  branch: [noun] a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or organization. Example: The bank has branches in every big town and city in the country.  internship:


a period of time when a student or graduate gets

practical experience in a job – for example during a summer vacation. Example: My brother has just finished his accountancy course at university, and this summer he is going to do an internship at a leading company of accountants in the city.  run: [verb] in this context, it means ‘manage’ a company or business. Example: I am going to apply for the job of a director, running the new sports centre in town.  career path: [noun] the route taken by an employee, from the time that they first enter a company or organisation until the time that they retire from work. Example: He followed a successful career path, starting work as a simple cleaner and later becoming a senior manager in the company.

 in her 30s: [expression] aged between 30 and 39. Example: Although she is only in her 30s, my sister has already bought her own house.  complement:

[verb] add to something in a way which makes it look

better/more attractive. Example: The excellent choice of food is complemented by a good wine list.  figure: [noun] the shape of a human body, especially a woman’s body that is attractive or smart. Example: Although she is in her 60s, my grandmother still has a smart figure.  subordinates: [noun] people with less authority within an organisation or company. Example: I always discuss things with my subordinates in the business before making my decisions.  thoughtfully: [adverb] in a way that shows you think about and care about other people. Example: When we arrived, the hotel had thoughtfully provided a special meal for us.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 12.7. what kinds of people can become role models? 12.8. What should schools teach to help students become better citizens? 12.9. What can we learn from old people? 12.10. What can parents do to give children correct guidance? 12.11. In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?

12.12. Has there been a change in the charactenstics that leaders should have? 12.13. Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?

13. Describe an interesting photo You should say: Who took it Who was in the photo When the photo was taken Why it was interesting ANSWER (Tham khảo đề 9 ver 6.5 “Describe a photo of yourself that you had taken”) Today, I would like to describe a photo of myself that I had taken by a friend. Honestly, I kind of do not like posing for pictures and I only do so on very special occasions. That photo was taken at my university with my extended family last year during the graduation ceremony, you know, and it was special because it was one of the best family moments in our lives. When I graduated from university, my whole family – that is my grandparents, my parents and a lot of my siblings – brothers and sisters - came to celebrate the day with me. Everyone was extremely cheerful and really proud of me. I remembered that we had not had a family get-together for ages, so I came up with the idea of taking a photo together in order to save our memorable day on film. The House of Culture in my university was the place that we chose to take this photo. I asked one of my classmates to help us to capture that moment. He was really good at photography and so I had total confidence in him. He put everyone at their ease, so

it was really a wonderful photo because there were brilliant smiles from all the members of our whole family group. Whenever I look back at that photo, I feel very emotional and happy because it not only marked a major turning-point in my life, but it was also a valuable opportunity for my extended family to strengthen our relationship. I think sometimes it is necessary for us to capture moments and save them as notable memories in our lives. VOCABULARY  posing: [verb] sitting or standing in a particular position in order to be photographed. Example: I have an old photo of my grandparents, posing in front of a statue in the park.  extended family: [noun] a family group that includes not only children and parents, but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins...... Example: When our extended family all met for a meal, there were probably about 50 of us at the restaurant.  sibling: [noun] a brother or sister. Example: I went to a different school from most of my siblings.  get-together: [noun] an informal meeting or party. Example: Most of the students were more interested in social get-togethers than going to lectures.  for ages: [expression] for a long time. Example: How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages. their ease: [expression] make someone relaxed, so they do not feel nervous or embarrassed. Example: Our friendly host at the party soon put everyone at their ease.  smiles: [noun] the expression that you have on your face when you are happy.

Example: After they won the match, all the players had big smiles on their faces.  look back: [phrasal verb] think about something in your past. Example: When I look back at my schooldays, I realise that I was not happy at that time.  marked: [verb] indicated an event that was important. Example: The celebrations last month marked the 90th birthday of the Queen.  turning point: [noun] a time when an important change takes place, usually with the result that a situation improves. Example: The promotion to manager marked a turning point in her career.  capture: [verb] film or record something/someone. Example: The video camera captured the moment of the accident.  strengthen: [verb] make stronger. Example: The President said that he was determined to strengthen his country’s relations with China.  notable: [adjective] important and deserving to receive attention. Example: She achieved notable success as a famous writer of books for children QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 13.7.

What are the occasions when people take photographs?


Why do people like to take many photos when they are travelling?


Do you think photographs can really help people remember past events

in their lives? 13.10.

What is the value/importance of photographs?


Do you think it's good to take photos?


Do you think photographs are more important for adults or for children?


Why do you think it is important to take photos (or videos) of one's


14. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive You should say: what it is; how much it usually costs; who you usually do it with; and explain why you like to do this activity. ANSWER I would like to talk about one of my most favorite workout activity which costs a small budget that is swimming. At the weekend, I usually go to the swimming pool near my house called Lam Son club in district 5, HCM City with my friends. As I am a sporty person, I am really keen on playing sports. Especially, I prefer swimming to other sports due to its various benefits. Firstly, in order to join in a swimming pool, it costs me only about $1 per hour. That is a reasonable price for teenagers in general. Therefore, I can go swimming regularly without worrying about financial problems. Secondly, swimming is extremely beneficial to health standard. It builds endurance and cardiovascular fitness in order to prevent people from suffering diseases namely heart disease. It bulks up a healthy weight and muscle strength. Lastly, going swimming is a good means of recreation as it allows me to relax, release stress and even have more friends. Thanks to those advantages of swimming above, I will definitely continue going swimming in the future.

Vocabulary  Budget (noun): (ngân quỹ) the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time Example: We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to spend).  Sporty








sporty person enjoys sport and is good at it Example: She's perfect for me, as she's both studious and sporty.  Join in (phrasal verb): (tham gia, tham dự) to take part in an activity with other people Example: All the members of the interviewing panel joined in with questions.  Endurance (noun): (khả năng chịu đựng) the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining Example: He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness  Cardiovascular (adjective): (thuộc về tim và mạch máu) connected with the heart and the blood vessels (= the tubes that carry blood around the body) Example: cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for men in the United States, killing 321,000 men in 2013  Prevent sb/sth from doing sth (v): (ngăn chặn, ngăn cản) to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from happening Example: His disability prevents him (from) driving  Bulk up (phrasal verb): (làm tăng cân, cơ bắp) to make your body bigger and heavier, especially by gaining more muscle Example: This season he has bulked up to 230 pounds

 Recreation (noun): (sự giải trí) a way of enjoying yourself when you are not working Example: Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping


What sports are popular in your country?


What are the major differences between extreme sports' and ordinary sports?


What do you think of expensive sports?

14.10. Why do you think some people strongly dislike playing sports? 14.11. Do you think people should be encouraged to try some of these extreme sports? 14.12. Do you like (or, would you like) to do a rather dangerous sporting activity? 14.13. Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?

15. Describe a garden you visited and like. You should say: Where the garden is. How you felt about it. Explain why you like it ANSWER I would like to share with you my impressions of a garden that I visited last summer, which was full of colour and interest: Claude Monet’s house and garden in Giverny, France.

As a big fan of Monet’s paintings, especially the famous „Water Lilies‟, I had always dreamed of seeing the scene in real life. So, when some friends suggested a visit last year, I jumped at the chance. After a journey of about an hour by train from our hotel, we arrived at Giverny. The garden was exactly as he had painted it – it was a riot of colour, from the peaceful white of the water lilies to the striking reds and oranges which filled some of the flowerbeds. The two parts of the garden complemented each other perfectly. We first admired the array of bright flowers and fruit trees in the Clos Normand, but my favourite part was the water garden, and we enjoyed a leisurely stroll, taking in all










prints of Japanese gardens, and these inspired the Japanese bridges covered with wisterias, the water lilies in the pond, and the bamboo and weeping willows which he planted. For me, it was like a wonderland of colours and a dream come true after so many years. VOCABULARY  impression: feeling or feelings (in the plural) about the garden (impressions) “His impression of the meeting was that it didn‟t go very well.”  fan: although the word is often used in the context of football nowadays, here it means a person who admires [ Monet‟s paintings]. “She is a huge fan of Maroon 5.”  jumped at the chance: I enthusiastically accepted the opportunity to visit the garden. “He jumped at the chance to go to Las Vegas with his boss.”  a riot of colour: a collection of many different colours.

“Sandra‟s rose garden is a riot of colour.”  striking: very attractive and unusual. “The woman he was with was wearing a striking outfit last night.”  flowerbeds: a piece of a garden or park in which flowers are grown. “He loves digging in his flowerbeds.”  complemented each other: each part of the garden added something different to the other part, so that the garden as a whole became more attractive. “The wine and the fish complemented each other to form a perfect meal.”  the array of bright flowers: the large and impressive collection of flowers. “The array of bright flowers in her garden surprised everybody. They didn‟t realize she had planted so many varieties.”  a leisurely stroll: a slow, relaxing walk. “We went for a leisurely stroll along the beach this morning.”  taking in all the colours: our eyes noticed all the colours and features of the garden. “We were taking in all the colours of his garden, when all of a sudden we heard a large crash outside the garden gate. Two cars had just bumped into each other.”  avidly: Monet collected prints of Japanese gardens enthusiastically. “He studied English avidly, from morning until late in the evening.”  prints: copies of original drawings or paintings. “The artist offered her prints for $100 each.”  wisterias: white or purple flowers which cover walls, bridges or trees. “The wisterias in the garden were in full bloom.”  pond: a small area of still water, usually in a garden.

“There are many beautiful fish in the pond.”  bamboo: tall tropical plants which have hollow stems‟ [the long, thin part of the plant] used for building or furniture. “Pandas love to eat bamboo.”  weeping willows: trees which grow near water and have „branches‟ which hang downwards. “There are two weeping willows on the property, but we should cut one down.”  wonderland: an imaginary place in children’s stories. “The amusement park was a wonderland for both children and adults.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 15.7. Are public gardens very important in Vietnam? 15.8. Are there many public gardens in Vietnam? 15.9. Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown? 15.10. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city? 15.11. Very often, public gardens are not designed in a simple way but, instead, are laid out in a rather complex way. Why do you think this is the case? 15.12. Do you think governments should provide public gardens for people to visit? 15.13. What do people do when they go to a public garden? 15.14. how do people of different age groups use public gardens?

16. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)

You should say: What it is When you started to become interested in it What you have learned from it And explain why you have interest in it Answer  I’d like to describe a subject that I was particularly keen on when I was at school. It was History.  I have to admit that i didn’t like History at first, as there were so many numbers, events and dates to remember that it used to take me hours to learn by heart all of them to be well-prepared for the exam. However, Mrs. Huong, my history teacher when i was at grade 10, breathed new life into this subject and it started to grow on me.  I‘ve learned a lot from the subject. Apart from historical events which help me know what the world was like and how it worked, learning history also brings me closer to the culture of my country. Above all, I think, History teaches me to appreciate what I’m having at present and draws the lesson from the past.  Nevertheless, I wouldn’t have been so much in love with this subject without my teacher, Mrs Huong. The way she delivered the lessons was so enthusiastic and passionate that it inspires me to catch every words of her lecture, and somehow, I fell in love with History. Now, even though History is neither my major nor being taught at University, I still have the habit of reading historical books whenever having free time. Vocabulary

1.learn by heart (học thuộc lòng) [idiom] to learn something so well that it can be written or recited without thinking Example: There were well known definitions which we had to learn by heart and two of them have remained in my memory for nearly 60 years 2. well-prepared (chuẩn bị tốt) [adj] suitably prepared in advance Example: 17-18 year old school leavers should be well-prepared for work. 3.breathe new life into ( mang lại nguồn năng lượng mới, cuộc sống mới ) [idiom] bring ideas and energy (to something) Example: Changes in the performance have breathed new life into a show that seemed ready to close. 4.grow on sb ( dần được ai đó yêu thích, chấp nhận) [v] become increasingly liked or appreciated Example: At first the show seemed kind of weird, but it grew on us 5.draw the lesson (from something) (rút ra bài học từ cái gì)[idiom] learn something from past mistakes Example: After the loss in the previous game, the team draw the lesson. 6.deliver( truyền đạt, truyền tải) [v] to express in word Example: Whether students are captivated from the beginning or not depends much on the the way the lecture is delivered. 7.passionate (đam mê, say mê) [adj] arising from passion Example: She is a teacher who is passionate about her subject 8.have the habit of ( có thói quen làm gì) [idiom] do something usually or often Example: I don’t have the habit of getting involved in other people’s arguments

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 16.7. What is your opinion of modern education (in school)?

16.8. What school subjects do you think are most important (in primary school or high school)? (Why are they important?) 16.9. What subject or subjects do you think will be most important in the future? 16.10. What school subject do you think will be the most useful in adult life (or, most useful for society)? 16.11. Which subjects do you think should be optional and which should be compulsory? 16.12. What are the advantages of studying computing in high school? 16.13. In the west, (upper) high school students are allowed to choose many of the subjects they study. Do you think that would be a good idea in Vietnam?

17. Describe someone who has a great influence on you/ Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about 

You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What influence this person has on you Any how you think of the influence

You should say: who this person is; when and where you met; what you did or talked about; and explain why you would like to know more about this person.


I am going to talk about a woman whom I have met before who has had a great influence on me. She is Ms. Phoebe Tran, host of 8IELTS programs which are well known on Youtube currently. I met her in a seminar about IELTS strategies in HCM City a couple of months ago. On that day, she was a speaker sharing her experiences and tips in order to be successful in the IELTS exam. At this seminar, besides asking for pieces of advice in learning IELTS, I asked her about her real life experiences, since I was extremely keen to know how she had become a successful career woman and how much effort she has had to make to achieve her success. She was very friendly and approachable, far more than I expected, in fact. She was willing to share her ideas and answer all my questions. I felt that she really wanted to inspire me by her example. She must be one of the most energetic, inspirational speakers I have ever met so far. Now I have sufficient confidence to overcome all obstacles and reach my goal. She is a truly a role model for me and the young generation to look up to, and that’s why I want to know more about her. And so I think I will continue to follow her on the internet and when she gives lectures. VOCABULARY 1. have a great influence on sth/sb: the power that somebody/something has to make somebody/something behave in a particular way Example: Her parents no longer have any real influence over her. 2. well – known: known about by a lot of people, famous Example: His books are well known. You can find them in any bookshop in the city. 3. piece of advice: an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation Example: My doctor gave me a useful piece of advice about drinking lots of water in order to avoid problems with my kidneys.

4. career woman: a woman whose career is very important in her life Example: She is a successful career woman and she is now the director of the company. 5. approachable: friendly and easy to talk to; easy to understand Example: Despite being a big star, she's very approachable. 6. sufficient: enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need Example: Our budget is hardly sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment. 7. overcome: to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something Example: She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 8. role model: a person that you admire and try to copy Example: We need positive role models for young women to aspire to. 9. look up to: admire and respect Example: We should look up to those people who help others in the community.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 17.7. What social values should parents teach children? 17.8. Many children misbehave at school what are the reasons? 17.9. Do you think mass media have a great impact on the young generation? 17.10. Why is it hard for adults to change? 17.11. How to help young people to develop good habits? 17.12. How do Chinese people make friends? 17.13. Who is more important to you, friends or family? 17.14. Do you like to be friends with someone who is different from you? 17.15. Do you have any foreign friends? 17.16. Why is it easier to make friends on the internet than in reality?

18. Describe a tall building you like or dislike. You should say: Where it is. What is the appearance of it. Explain why you like or dislike it. ANSWER  I’m going to describe a high-rise building in my neighborhood. It’s called Hoabinh Green City, located in Minhkhai Street, Hanoi.  Unlike other modern blocks, which are usually huge glass towers, the building is painted yellow, although it’s named Green City. The structure of Hoabinh is not dissimilar to that of most buildings in Hanoi nowadays, with the bottom half used as a shopping center and the top half occupied by apartments.  One feature that makes the building unique is that its trade center offers Vietnamese products only, with a view to promoting domestic products to Hanoi people and also to supporting national manufacturers. At the entrance of the building, if you look to the right, you can easily find a store named V+ bread, which serves traditonal bread, a very famous street food of Vietnam, to people who just do not have enough time to go inside, so they line up waiting to pay.  (Like) In spite of its prime location, however, Hoabinh Green City offers a reasonable price for its apartments, which are affordable for many middleincome families. From the building, we can look out to the Red River, as well as Vinhtuy Bridge, and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. So, if you are planning to find a place with a beautiful and peaceful view, or simply want to buy something traditional, Hoabinh Green City may be a good choice.

 (Dislike) What I don’t like about Hoabinh Green City, however, is that its design is neither eye-catching nor original. In fact, I personally find that it resembles Times City, a modern building nearby. Moreover, the paint color doesn’t match its modern structures, which makes the building somehow oldfashioned. And, the quality, as well as diversity of products on sale do not meet the expectations of most customers. So, I guess it’s the reason why the building doesn’t attract as much attention from the public as expected. VOCABULARY 1. high-rise: very tall and having a lot of floors Example: These high-rise apartment blocks were built 20 years ago. 2. blocks: tall buildings that contain flats or offices Example:

The university science blocks are the tallest buildings on the

campus. 3. huge glass towers: high-level buildings with the exterior made of glass Example: The design of the Lotte Department Store is just a huge glass tower, but it definitely stands out and has become a famous landmark in the city. 4. dissimilar: not the same Example: The English and Vietnamese languages are completely dissimilar to each other. 5. feature: A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic Example: Large glass facades have been a familiar feature of modern buildings for a long time. 6. Domestic products: goods that are manufactured within a country, by manufacturers of that country. Example: Famous by Boo is a clothing brand that offers domestic products. 7. serve: to provide food, entertainment or service

Example: Boo Cafe serves coffee and meals to many customers who call in when they go to the store to buy clothes. 8. prime: excellent, the best available Example: The store has a prime position at the entrance of the shopping centre. 9. Offer a reasonable price: sell with a price that is not too high, and affordable. Example: If a business aims to achieve sustainable development, it should manage to offer its customers a reasonable price. 10. middle-income families: families in which the members have salaries which are not very high, but also not too low Example:

He sells cars at affordable prices, mainly to middle-income

families. 11. breathtaking scenery: very beautiful and spectacular landscape Example:

The beaches in Thailand are famous for their breathtaking

scenery. 12. eye-catching : tending to attract attention, good-looking Example: The signing of this contract was the result of many meetings to build an eye-catching tower against the skyline of Riyadh. 13. resemble: look like another person or thing Example: So many modern buildings resemble each other. 14. match : look good together Example: When choosing clothes, it is common belief that we should not mix pink items with yellow ones, as these two colours do not match. 15. meet expectations: be as good as expected Example: We had heard so many good things about the new restaurant, but the food didn’t meet our expectations at all. 16. attract attention: make people notice something

Example: The advertisement was designed to attract the attention of young people interested in fashion. 17. the public: the community/ the people as the whole Example: In a survey, members of the public were asked about their shopping habits.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 18.7. How do people in Vietnam feel about old buildings? 18.8. Do old people and young people in Vietnam have the same attitudes towards old buildings? 18.9. Is it important to preserve old buildings? (Why?) 18.10. What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect? 18.11. How do old buildings affect the appearance of a place? (Hint: Well designed and well maintained old buildings are visually attractive and add a touch of elegance to a location.) 18.12. What benefits can people get from old buildings? 18.13. Would you say buildings in the past were better than those of today, or those of today are better than those in the past? 18.14. Do you think it's worth the money to preserve old buildings? 18.15. How have buildings changed in the past few years? 18.16. What has been the biggest change in your hometown in recent years?

19. Describe a wild animal You should say: What it looks like Where you can see it

What it likes to eat or do Why you like it ANSWER I would like to tell you about an opportunity that I met a white tiger which is one of the star attractions in Singapore Zoo during my last summer vacation. I was recommended to see white tiger first due to its rarity and uncommon beauty. Its habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle. I was truly attracted and felt excited at the first sight by its gorgeous appearance. This giant cat has blue eyes, pink nose, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes. In the wild, this animal’s diet consists of monkeys, birds and other animals as it is a carnivore. It also prefers killing young, weak or old animals because they cannot run as fast and are often left alone by their herd. In the zoo, it is fed by animal’s meat even including imported meat namely Kangaroo’s meat. At the beginning I felt scared a little bit because tigers are well - known for a dangerous species as well as the King of animals. However after encountering this white tiger, I changed my mind since it was very cute and friendly to human. As tigers in general and white tigers in particular are endangered species, I suggest that people should make a great effort to preserve them. Vocabulary  Star attraction: famous attraction Ex: white tiger is one of the star attractions in Singapore Zoo  Landscape: to change the appearance of an area of land, especially next to a building or road so that it looks more like natural countryside Ex: Its habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle  Resemble: to look like or be like someone or something Ex: After the earthquake, the city resembled a battlefield

 Gorgeous: very beautiful and attractive; giving pleasure and enjoyment Ex: you look gorgeous!  Carnivore: any animal that eats meat Ex: lions and tigers are carnivores  Endangered


a type of animal or plant that

might stop existing because there are only a few of that type alive Ex: white tiger is an endangered species  Make a great effort: the physical or mental energy that you need to do something; something that takes a lot of energy Ex: You should make a great effort to complete this assignment.


Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)


Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you feel about that?


Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals?( For example, laws against cruel treatment.) Why?/Why not?

19.10. Are there any wild animals in Vietnam that are not found in any other country? 19.11. Are there any animal reserves in Vietnam where wild animals can live in protection? 19.12. How do Vietnamese people feel about the protection of wild animals? 19.13. What do you think are some of the benefits to humans from protecting wild animals ?

20. Describe a time when you were very busy. You should say:

When it was What you had to do during that time How you managed it And explain how you felt about being busy. ANSWER Today I’m going to talk about a time when I was extremely busy. Well, that was when my husband went on a business trip to India, so he was absent from home for about a fortnight. I found myself totally overloaded with work then because I had to do a lot of things on my own during that time. For instance, I had to take the kids to school and pick them up to take them home in the evening, prepare the meals and do the washing-up. What’s more, I still had to work for 8 hours as an accountant and could not leave the office until 5p.m. These things seemed to be impossible tasks for me. So, I decided to seek help from my family and friends. I asked my mother to pick up the kids and look after them until I came back. Luckily it didn’t matter to my mother. She always gave me unconditional love and help, and the kids were also happy to be with their grandmother. My friends introduced me to a part-time home help who was really nice and trustworthy to do the housework in the evening. Thanks to that, in spite of being busy when my husband was away, I was not exhausted and everything went well. As the saying goes: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, experiencing that hectic time made me realise that, besides my family, there are so many friends around who are willing to help me, so I am not alone.

VOCABULARY  Extremely: (adv) an intensifier, like very, highly, to a high degree or extent Example: She behaved extremely badly.

 Absent from (adj):not in the place, not present Example: I was absent from work yesterday, because I had to see my doctor.  A fortnight (noun) two weeks. Example: We will spend a fortnight in Thailand next month.  Overloaded with work: having an excessive amount of work, the amount of work to be done is too heavy Example: He complained that he was overloaded with work because his boss had given him a lot of extra jobs to do.  On my own: alone, by myself, without any help or support Example: She lives alone, so she always has to do many things on her own.  Pick them up (home): take somebody home after work or school Example: Can you pick me up at 6? Because I leave work at 6 and have no motorbike.  Do the washing-up: to wash, clean the dishes, saucepans, knives, or anything related to the meal preparation. Example: After a very delicious dinner, she helped her mother to do the washing-up.  Look after: to keep an eye on something/somebody, pay attention to somebody/something with care Example: She asked her husband to look after the kids in the garden.  Unconditional






by condition.

Unconditional love means that you will love someone no matter what he does, or no matter what happens, your love will continue. Example: The mother’s love for her child is unconditional.  Home help (noun) a person whose job it is to help with housework. Example: When I started to work full-time, I employed a home help to keep the house clean and tidy.

 Trustworthy (adj): reliable, honest. A trustworthy person is someone you can trust , and who never tells lies. Example: My assistant is a trustworthy person and so he looks after my business when I am away.  Exhausted (adj) extremely tired, having no energy or strength to do something Example: Because he had worked without a break for 12 hours, he was finally exhausted.


Do you like the fast pace of modern life?


How do you feel when you are really busy?


What's the best way to deal with stress?


What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society?


What relaxation techniques do you usually use?

21. Describe a famous person in your country You should say: Who this person is How you know this person What this person is famous for And explain why you like this person ANSWER: Today I am going to talk about a famous person in my country who I have admired since I was young. He is Professor Ngo Bao Chau. I first heard about Ngo Bao Chau on the news 6 years ago when he received the Fields Medal, which is often described as the mathematician’s Nobel Prize. However,

earlier in 2005, he was granted the title of professor in Vietnam, becoming the country’s youngest professor ever. Professor Ngo Bao Chau has won the highest academic honor due to his great mathematical research. He is best known for proving the Fundamental Lemma. His work is such a distinction that it has been listed as one of the top ten scientific discoveries of 2009 by Time magazine. The story of Ngo Bao Chau has motivated me considerably. I remember in an interview after receiving the Medal, Ngo Bao Chau said that he had been studying maths for following his passion but not for a desire to achievement. This statement impressed me a lot. Besides, another characteristic of the youngest Vietnamese Professor that I really like is his persistence. During the time studying the Fundamental Lemma, he stuck and almost failed to solve such a complex problem. Despite the difficulties, he did not choose to give up so finally he got over them. His personality has been an inspiration for me working harder for my dream. VOCABULARY:  Describe as (miêu tả là) [verb] to portrait a person or a thing as something in a more particular state. Example: My friend described our new teacher as a middle-aged woman wearing a thick pair of glasses.  Mathematician (nhà toán học) [noun] an expert in Maths. Example: Isaac Newton is not only a famous physicist but also a great mathematician whose book called Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy became the catalyst to understanding mechanics.  Best known for (nổi tiếng về) [adjective] famous for.

Example: Nha Trang is one of interesting tourist attractions which is best known for stunning beaches and fresh seafood.  Get over (vượt qua) [phrasal verb] to find a way to solve or deal with a difficult problem. Example: You will get over the illness more quickly if you relax and follow the doctor’s instruction.  Despite (dù cho) [preposition] has a similar meaning to although or even though and expresses a contrast between two things. It is always followed by a noun or a noun phrase. Example: You must keep moving forward to make a success despite despondency.  Persistence (sự kiên trì) [noun] firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Example: Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success. QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 21.7.

In general, how do people become famous?


What kinds of people become famous?


Do you think to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent (or ability)?


What are some general qualities of famous people? Do they have any qualities that are different from ordinary people?


Compare how people become celebrities today with how people became celebrities years ago, for example, 30 or 50 years ago.


Can you give me some examples of celebrities in your grandfather's time (ie,about 50 years ago)?


Compare what kinds of people were famous in Vietnam in the past (eg„ when your grandfather was young) to the kinds of people who are famous today.


In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous before better than they are now?

22. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do You should say: What it is Where you like to do it How you do it And explain why you like to do it

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 22.7. Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did, say, 20 years ago? 22.8. What are the benefits of doing things outdoors? 22.9. Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to do (but which most people don't do now)? 22.10. What are the most popular outdoor activities in China? 22.11. What sorts of activities do children like to do outdoors? 22.12. Do boys and girls like to do the same kinds of things outdoors? 22.13. Do old people and young people like doing the same kinds of things outdoors?

23. Describe an advertisement you have seen.

You should say: What the advertisement is What it is for And explain how you think about it. ANSWER: Well, I’d like to talk about a mooncake commercial that I saw yesterday during dinner. As you may know, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming and this time is my most favourite time of the year. One interesting thing I found is that, most of the ads for this traditional festival are so touching and meaningful. Of course, the ad I mentioned is no exception. It starts with the image of a little girl missing her dad, who’s in the army now and has been far from home for a long time. On the MidAutumn day, while all of her family members, except her father, are gathering around the five-fruit tray, celebrating the festival, she looks so sad hugging the Teddy Bear he gave her last year. Suddenly, the door opens and her dad comes in with a mooncake box, she bursts into tear, then he holds her tightly in his arms. At the end of the ad, the whole family is enjoying mooncakes happily together. The meaning of the Mid-Autumn festival is for family members to gather, encouraging affection for children and expressing gratitude to the old generation, so for me, this advertisement successfully conveyed the message of family reunion. As I now live far from home, it made me want to come back home right away and enjoy my favourite mooncake tastes with my parents. Actually when I saw the ad, my eyes filled with tears too, just like the little girl. Normally, I don’t really like watching ads on TV, but if all the commercials can be that meaningful, maybe I’ll change my habit. Word



1. Commercial Quảng



2. Touching




an advertisement on

They’re casting

the radio or on

for a phone



causing feelings of pity It was a or sympathy; making

touching story

you feel emotional.

that moved many of us to tears.

3. Bursts into

Òa khóc Idiom


to begin to cry

The children


burst into tears on hearing of the death of their dog.

4. Affection



the feeling of liking or

Children need



lots of love and

cảm xúc



very much and caring about them. 5. Gratitude

Sự biết



the feeling of being

I would like to

grateful and wanting to express my express your thanks.

gratitude to everyone for their hard work.

6. Convey

Truyền tải


to make ideas,

Please convey

feelings, etc. known to

my apologies to


your wife.

7. Reunion

Đoàn tụ, Noun

the act of people

Christmas is a

sum họp

coming together after

time of reunion.

they have been apart for some time.


What are the different kinds of advertising?


What kind of advertising is most common in Vietnam?


What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of viewers?


Do big companies prefer to advertise on TV or in some other ways? (Why?)


What are the good and bad points of advertisements?


Is advertising on the internet very influential?


Are any kinds advertising in Vietnam considered illegal?


Do you trust advertisements? (Why?/Why not?)


How do you feel about false advertising?

24. Describe a website that you like to visit. You should say: What the website is What it is used for When you used it And explain why you think it was interesting. Today, I am going to tell you about one website which I’m really interested in that is

It is an e-commerce website used for online shopping purposes. This website sells various items classified by categories namely fashion, electronics, motors. It allows people to order products, make transaction online. I always give priority to shopping online whenever I have spare time instead of going to stores/supermarkets because this website is very beneficial for me as I can take advantage of mobile phone or computer with Internet connection to access into it and purchase for what I need. This website is very appealing to me due to its good layout and beautiful images of products. There is a box for me to enter what items I’m looking for so I can avoid buying items unnecessarily as I find directly to the things I need. After that the items I bought will be delivered right to my door so I can save a lot of time. Moreover, I will have chance to get a good deal and discount as there are various promotion programs. This website brings to me various advantages such as convenience, time – saving. Now it plays a critical role in my daily life. In the future I will continue to visit it and of course recommend it to my friends. Vocabulary:  E-commerce: the business of buying and selling goods and services on the internet Ex: Ebay is an e-commerce website used for online shopping purposes  Transaction: a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selling Ex: You can call your bank and perform a transaction using a TouchTone phone.  Give priority to: something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first Ex: Education is a top priority.

 Appealing: attractive or interesting Ex: Brightly colored packaging made the pens especially appealing to children.  Layout: the structure of a website rather than its styling Ex: this page uses a 2 – column layout with one sidebar to the left of the main content area.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 24.7. What are some of the different reasons why people use the internet? 24.8. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on internet content. What do you think? 24.9. What influence can (or, does) the internet have on children? And what about teenagers? 24.10. Do you think parents should control what internet sites their children visit on the internet? 24.11. What do you think of people who have a computer and what do you think of those who don't have one? 24.12. Compare the types of people who don't use the internet with those who do. 24.13. What (kinds of) people don't use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don't use the internet?

25. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you had the chance. You should say: What this business would be Where it would be located What people you would hire as employees And explain why you’d like to have this small business.

ANSWER: Well, if I were to talk about my dream business, a small book café would definitely the first thing that springs to my mind right now. Actually, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time as I always enjoy reading books and drinking coffee in a tranquil space. When I prepare enough money, I would start my own business for sure. My desire is to create a place for people who are finding the serenity and trying to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city life, so I would look for a location in a quiet street, maybe around the Old Quarter. My café would be decorated elaborately by lights and tiny plants, bringing a pleasant feeling to the customers. Bookshelves filled with books of every kind would be put around corners and everyone would be welcomed to choose a book from the shelves to enjoy their coffee time. Like many other coffee shops, I would hire students to work as part-time employees at my book café, especially ones who share the same passion for books like I do. They could earn their livings in a comfortable and passionate working environment, and I hope to nurture their love with books. Owning my own book café has been my lifelong dream. To read books is to broaden my horizons, and to drink coffee is to enjoy life. When I reach a certain point in my life where I feel satisfied enough with my career, I would resign and run my small café. I believe that one day I will make my dream come true. Word 1. Café

Meaning Quán cafe



a place where you

There are small

can buy drinks and

shops and

simple meals.

pavement cafés around every corner.

2. Spring to



to appear suddenly

That's not a



or immediately in

publisher that

lập tức

your thoughts.

springs to mind

hiện lên

when you

trong đầu

mention quality fiction.

3. Tranquil

4. Serenity



quiet and peaceful.

She led a

bình, tĩnh

tranquil life in


the country.

Sự thanh


bình, tĩnh

the quality of being

The hotel offers

calm and peaceful.

a haven of peace


and serenity away from the bustle of the city.

5. hustle and

Hoạt động


bận rộn, ồn


busy and noisy

He wanted a


little cottage far


away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

6. Elaborately Cẩn thận, tỉ Adverb mỉ

in a very

The hotel room

complicated and

was decorated

detailed way; in a


carefully prepared and organized way. 7. Passion

Niềm đam


a very strong feeling

She argued her

8. Earn a

Kiếm sống



9. Nurture




of love, hatred,

case with

anger, enthusiasm,




To make money in

I have to work

order to support

three jobs just to

oneself financially.

earn a living.

to help

My father

somebody/something nurtured a love to develop and be

of art in me.

successful. 10. Horizon

Tầm nhìn,


the limit of your

She wanted to

tầm hiểu

desires, knowledge

travel to


or interests

broaden her horizons.

11. Resign

Từ chức


to officially tell

He resigned as

somebody that you

manager after

are leaving your job,

eight years.

an organization, etc.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 25.7. What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business? 25.8. What should be the government's role in how small businesses are run? 25.9. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses compared to large companies? 25.10. How can small businesses benefit the people in the community where the businesses are located?

25.11. What kinds of small business are most popular in China? 25.12. Why do some people open their own business? 25.13. What qualities does a small business owner need to have?

26. Describe a time you needed to use imagination You should say : what the situation was why you needed to use imagination What the difficulties were and explain how you felt about it ANSWER Today I’m going to tell you about a time when I had to make use of my imagination. When I was a sophomore in high school, one of my literature assignments was to recreate a short play that is based on a real book. The class was divided into small teams, each had to choose a book of different genres, ranging from comedy to romance to even horror. Since it was going to be assessed, everyone was required to actively participate in the project. This task was particularly demanding in using imagination as we had to set up as lively a stage as possible to draw the audience attention. Enjoying a book can be easy but it’s tough to actually act out a written scene, even for professional actors. Therefore, as the stage director and one of cast members, I really needed to make the best of my creativity to produce a perfect play. Besides being inventive, we were also working against the clock since only 2 weeks were given to prepare. It was tricky to come up with a complete plot and make time for group rehearsals in such a short period of time. Not to mention having to find the appropriate costumes and stage props.

Despite the pressure I had to deal with, I felt a great sense of achievement because our play was well-received by the teacher and other classmates. I guess I can regard this as a challenge for not only my imagination but also for my cooperation skills. In the future, I hope I will get the chance to involve in other exciting projects like this one.

Vocabulary 1. To make use of sth [expression]: to use something Eg: The students should make use of the books they are given. 2. Sophomore [n]: a student in the second year of high school or college Eg: She's a sophomore in high school. 3. Assignment [n]: a specified task or amount of work given Eg: The students were given a homework assignment. 4. Genre [n]: a particular type or category of literature or art Eg: This book is a classic of the mystery genre. 5. To be assessed [expression]: to be judged, rated or scored Eg: Students will be assessed based on their attendance and scores. 6. Demanding [adj]: requiring much time, attention, or effort Eg: I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university. 7. To draw attention [expression]: to make people notice Eg: A good presenter must be able to draw listeners attention. 8. To act out sth [expression]: to present something in action Eg: Children act out what they read. 9. To make the best of sth [expression]: to try to think and act in a positive way when you have to accept a bad situation

Eg: The room they've given us is too small really, but we'll just have to make the best of it. 10.Inventive [adj]: creative or imaginative Eg: They have given their new company an inventive name. 11.To working against the clock [expression]:to work very fast because you know you only have a limited period of time to do something Eg: Scientists were workingagainst the clock to collect specimens before the volcano erupted again. 12.To make time for sth [expression]: to allow time for something Eg: I try to make time for my family at weekends. 13.Prop [n]: something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect Eg: There was a team responsible for building stage props to make the background more real. 14.A sense of achievement [expression]: a proud feeling of having done something difficult and worthwhile Eg: He felt a sense of achievement having won the competition. 15.Well-received [adj]: getting a good reaction from people Eg: Gone with the wind was one of the most well-received movies of all time.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 26.7. Why do most children have a wild imagination? Well, in my opinion, the reason for children’s wild imagination is their inexperience. Obviously, children have much insatiable curiosity, always wondering and looking for answers. Since they have little knowledge of the real world, children have to use their imagination to come up with a explanation for their questions. It can be wrong but it’s their own way of learning about the outside world.

26.8. What kinds of books can boost people's imagination? That’s an interesting question. As for me, I think any type of books can enhance creativity, but I guess the more effective boosters would be novels. These books usually revolve around a story and there are often a lot of descriptive scenes, therefore, readers need to let their imagination run wild to be able to actually live in the scenes. Harry Potter, for instance, is a all-time favourite book series which falls in the fantasy categories 26.9. Do you like to watch movies about the future? Definitely, I have always been curious about how the world would end up so movies about the future never fail to excite me. Many films have been produced based on this theme with plots varying from robots’ taking over the world to the uprising of animals to apocalypse, all of which are so thrilling to watch. However, a good film depends more on the storyline, the cast acting and the quality of production rather than the genre itself. That’s why not every movie of this kind has been highly rated by critics or enjoyed high viewership. 26.10. What can schools do for students' creativity? Actually, there are many ways in which schools can encourage children’s creative thinking. They can, for example, organise contests in writing, drawing or even hand-crafting for students to compete against each other. This will not only inspire children to be inventive but also provide them with a chance to prove themselves and maybe, enlarge their circle of friends. Another way is to assign educational books or movies for them to enjoy instead of overwhelming them with a bunch of homework. VOCABULARY 1. Insatiable [adj]: not able to be satisfied Eg: Her desire for knowledge was insatiable.

2. Booster [n]: something that increases force, power, pressure, or effectiveness Eg: Music is my favorite mood booster. 3. Descriptive [adj]: using words to describe what someone or something is like Eg: She gave a descriptive account of the journey. 4. Let one’s imagination run wild [expression]: to imagine freely Eg: Let your imagination run wild and you can come up with the best ideas. 5. Never fail to do sth [expression]: someone or something always does something that you expect them to do Eg: You never fail to impress me! 6. Apocalyspe [n]: a great disaster Eg: His book tells of an environmental apocalyspe. 7. Thrilling [adj]: very exciting Eg: It’s thrilling to go on a roaler-coaster. 8. Viewership [n]: a television audience Eg: How I met your mother was a drama with very high viewership. 9. Circle of friends [expression]: a number of close friends who usually do things together as a group Eg: She is sociable so she has a wide circle of friends. 10.Overwhelm sb with sth [expression]: give a person too much of something Eg: As a newbie, I was overwhelmed with the heavy workload.

27. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time. You should say: What it is. Who you would like to do it with. How often you do it.

Explain why you feel about it. ANSWER Well, I am kind of a workaholic. I am so caught up in my work on a daily basis that I do not have too much time to relax after a long working day. Listening to music is the only thing that I really want to do to relax at home. There are a few things that I normally try to do to wind down, but listening to music is how I usually like to spend my free time. Because my work takes almost all the time during the day, I want to make the most of my evening by creating a cozy atmosphere for myself and just put my feet up. When I stay home, I like to dim the lights, turn on some soft music and enjoy myself for the rest of the evening. Soft light and sounds help me to chill out pretty well. I also enjoy grabbing a favourite book and relaxing in a big comfy chair with a blanket and my pet cat on my lap, while listening to music in the background. It works wonders. I find it therapeutic and relaxing when I take a little time for myself to play an inspirational song to unwind. You see, you don’t have to waste a lot of time and money in order to have a restful evening. If I take some days off, I will go for a short holiday to get away from all the pressures. However, for the rest of the days when I have finished my work already, listening to music is my preferred choice. That is wonderful for me, and so I do not see myself changing my habit any time soon. VOCABULARY  workaholic: [noun] a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things. Example: My sister is a workaholic – she never takes a day off to relax and have fun.  caught up in: [phrasal verb] very involved in an activity, so that you do not notice other things.

Example: I was so caught up in my revision that I forgot to feed the dog.  wind down: [phrasal verb] rest or relax after a period of activity. Example: After teaching all day, it’s nice to go and have a coffee to wind down.  make the most of: [expression] use to the best advantage. Example: I intend to make the most of the holidays by finishing my assignment.  cozy: [adjective] warm and comfortable, because you are in a small space. Example: I feel cozy sitting in front of the fire in my small house.  put my feet up: [expression] sit down, lie back and rest. Example: I like to sit in my favourite armchair with a cup of coffee and just put my feet up after I come home.  dim: [verb] make a light less bright. Example: In the theatre, the play was about to begin. The lights were dimmed and the audience fell silent.  chill out: [phrasal verb] spend time relaxing. Example: I like to go out with my friends and chill out – just chatting and having a coffee.  grabbing: [verb] having or taking something quickly. Example: You should have a good lunch – grabbing a sandwich is a bad habit.  comfy: [adjective] comfortable. Example: My new bed is really comfy and I fall asleep straight away.  works wonders:


has a very good effect on someone or

something. Example: A good night’s sleep works wonders for your mind and body.  therapeutic: [adjective] helping you to relax. Example: My dentist plays soft music while her patients are waiting, because she says that it is therapeutic.

 inspirational: [adjective] something that motivates you and makes you have exciting ideas. Example: The President gave an inspirational speech to his supporters.  unwind: [verb] SEE: wind down.  any time soon: [expression] in the near future. Example: After our big argument, I am not expecting her to call me any time soon.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 27.7. How do people in Vietnam spend their leisure time, for example, after school, after work or on weekends? 27.8. Compare how adults spend their leisure time with how children spend their leisure time. 27.9. What kinds of things do families in Vietnam do together in their leisure time? 27.10. Would you say that people have enough leisure time today? 27.11. How do you think science and technology has changed people's lives in Vietnam in the past few years? 27.12. Compare the way men spend their leisure time and the way women spend their leisure time.

28. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something You should say:  when and where it happened  what the appointment was for  what happened when you missed it  and explain how you felt about the appointment.

ANSWER I’m going to describe the time I was late for my first job interview. It happened in the fall of 2012, as I recall, which is when I was a sophomore. I had always dreamed of becoming a marketer, so I’d already joined a marketing course and after that, I was ready to apply for an internship in this field. The company I applied to was a start-up in education technology. Specifically, they offered online English courses to those who wanted to brush up on their English speaking skills. They were looking for a marketing intern, and as I was interested in both English and marketing, I applied for this position. I sent them my CV and was accepted, so we made an appointment for an interview. However, when the day came, I was late for the interview because I was lost. I couldn’t find the way to get to that company at first, and finally managed to get to the interview but 30 minutes late. “I am so doomed,” I thought, and the next thing I knew, the interviewer just told me I was late for the interview without prior notice so regretfully I was rejected. That was a painful experience for me, and since then I’ve tried my best not to be late for any appointments ever again.

Vocabulary:  Sophomore [n] a student in the second year of a couse of study at a college or university e.g. Most universities provide internship opportunities for their third-year students, or even sophomores.  Start-up [n] a company that is just beginning to operate. e.g. His company was a successful start-up.

 Education technology [expression] education using technology to deliver knowledge, e.g. using computers and projectors in class. e.g. Education technology has become really popular these days.  To brush up on smt [phrasal verb] to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a long time e.g. I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Spain.  Doomed [adj] certain to fail, die, or be destroyed. e.g. This is a doomed city.  Prior [adj] happening or existing before something else or before a particular time e.g. Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal.  To reject [v] to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone e.g. The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 28.7. How often do you make appointments? I think it depends on what I have to do at the time. For example when I was a first year, I didn’t have a part-time job, nor did I join any clubs at school, so I didn’t have to make many appointments. But 2 years later when I became a member of Marketing Club, I had to make appointments every week for club meetings or my own department’s meetings. 28.8. Is it important to be punctual in your country? Yes, of course it is but most of the time, Vietnamese people just don’t realize the importance of being punctual. When someone is late for an appointment in Vietnam, they’re hardly judged because it’s most likely that other people are late too.

And gradually, one just forgets the importance of punctuality and starts to think that being late is normal, until they have a taste of their own medicine. 28.9. Is it easy to make an appointment in Vietnam? Well, it depends on the type of people you’re making appointments with, and sometimes your social class as well. For example, if you’re an ordinary person and you need to schedule an appointment with a very busy businessman, the process is gonna be long and hard and it’s even likely that you cannot meet him at all. Like you have to get through to his secretary first and that secretary will have to squeeze you in a time slot when the businessman has no schedule. But it’s a different case if you’re an important partner of that company, of course the process will be much easier. Vocabulary:  To judge [v] to express a bad opinion of someone's behaviour, often because you think you are better than them e.g. You have no right to judge other people because of what they look like or what they believe.  Punctuality [n] the fact of happening or doing something at the agreed or correct time and not being late e.g. He insists on regular attendance and punctuality.  A taste of one’s own medicine [idiom] the same bad treatment that you have given to others (gậy ông đập lưng ông) e.g. Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine.  Social class [expression] position in the society e.g. People tend to judge each other based on their social classes.  Get through (to smb) [phrasal verb] make contact with somebody by phone e.g. I couldn’t get through to him.

 Squeeze smb/smt in [phrasal verb] to give time to somebody/something, although you’re very busy e.g. If you come this afternoon, the doctor will try to squeeze you in. 27. Describe a team project for study or entertainment You should say:  When you did it  Where you did it  Who you did it with  How you did it  Why you liked it or disliked it ANSWER Well, when it comes to teamwork, I can only think of a bad memory. I remember when I was a first year student, my teacher asked me and some other students in my class to set up a team project. A girl was assigned to be the leader and we had to prepare a presentation about our university. My teacher thought it would make a great contribution to our friendship, the whole thing done with the best of intentions. But it turned out to be the worst team project ever. All of us were freshmen, so my team was essentially a bunch of strangers who I happened to be co-located with. I didn’t know anything about the others, and so did they. Moreover, it was obvious that the leader didn’t have any leadership skill. She didn’t know how to allocate work to individual team members. She always sitted on the fence, I mean, she let every member raise their voice but she didn’t know which one would be the best. As a results, she couldn’t be able to make any decision. No one in our team showed their respect for her. They only did what they wanted to do. And I was not an exception. I was too busy doing my own business. In the end,

everything stayed unchanged, no one did any work and nothing was done. Several weeks later, I was still kicking myself for taking part in such a team project. VOCABULARY  When it comes to:


as for something; speaking about a

particular topic Example: When it comes to troubles, the little boy knows how to cause it.  assign: [verb] to give a particular job or piece of work to someone Example: The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.  A bunch of: [expression] a large group Example: She gave me a bunch of flowers.  allocate: [verb] to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way Example: The government is allocating £10 million for health education.  Sit on the fence: [idiom] not to take sides in a dispute; not to make a clear choice between two possibilities. Example: It was the time when my brother consulted me about his university selection because he didn’t know which one he should apply for. I told him that he should be firm and never sit on the fence.  To kick oneself for: [idiom] regret doing something Example: I’m kicking myself for not buying that T-shirt.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 27.1. What kinds of quality does a leader need? Well, I suppose a leader needs to succeed a wide range of skills. First, they have to know ways to inspire and motivate their followers. Second, they have to be the ones who willing to take responsibilities and critism. Sometimes, their ego can hinder them from being a great leader. Leadership skills also

include their abilities to build relationships. The stronger their relationships, the better a leader they will be. 27.2. What are the reasons for the failure of teamwork? I reckon a teamwork’s failure depends solely on the failure of that team’s leader. If the leader has a short vision and makes wrong decision, he or she will lead the whole team into a bad situation. Moreover, the leader is the brigde between team member’s relationships. Bad relationships result in weak communications and a lack of networking with each other. Consequently, they cannot work effectively together. Apart from poor leadership skills, poor time or poor budget can also cause the whole team to fail. 27.3. Do children need to know more about teamwork? Of course they do. Children need instruction in effective teamwork because of a wide variety of reasons. When learning about teamwork, not only are children learning to work as a team, they're learning to actively listen and respond in a way that makes the group effort more effective. It’s benefial for their social competency. In addition to that, working in a team helps children learn to reflect on their individual experience versus the experience of the group. They often get feedback from their instructor and other members of the group. Self-reflection contributes a lot to a child’s development. 27.4. Is cooperation more important than competition? Actually, I can’t tell which one works better in general. On the one hand, by competing against and comparing ourselves with one another, we learn how to improve and earn success. But in some cases, competition leads directly to hostility and greed, both of which are the enemies of progress. On the other hand, cooperation also has certain advantages and disadvantages. The main strength is that cooperation provides the chance to help other people and let them help you vice vesus, while the biggest weakness of cooperation is that the

mass of members may lose interest in the bussiness and let a small group take it over and manage it for their own benefit. So, I would say that it depends on each situation that which one, cooperation or competition, is more important.

VOCABULARY  inspire: [verb] to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it: Example: After her trip to Venezuela, she felt inspired to learn Spanish.  hinder: [verb] to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something: Example: Her progress certainly has been hindered by her lack of experience.  solely: [adverb] only and not involving anyone or anything else: Example: He's solely in charge of the operation.  Result in: [phrasal verb] lead to, bring about Example: The fire resulted in damage to their property.  Self- reflection: [noun] careful thought about your own behavior and beliefs Example: I often do some self-reflection when I’m alone.  Take over: [phrasal verb] to get control of something, or to do something instead of someone else: Example: She took over management of this department last winter.


Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work

You should say: Where you would like to go

What kind of work/ job you would like to have When you would like to go And explain why you want to work in that place. ANSWER Today, I would like to talk about a place in foreign countries where I would like to work. That is Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia and has become home for millions of people from various countries around the world. In Melbourne, I would like to work for an environmental NGO, as my specialty in the university is Environmental Resources. So, right after I finish my study in Vietnam, I will go to Melbourne to apply for a job there. Well, the reasons why I would like to work in Melbourne are quite simple. First, I have a lot of friends and relatives who live and work in Melbourne. They can help me whenever I need. They also tell me that the community of Vietnamese overseas is very large in Melbourne. So, the multi-culture challenge isn't a big problem to me. And what's more, like Sydney, Tokyo or some other cities in the world, Melbourne is a 'liveable city' for high rankings in education, research and healthy environment. So I think that to live, study or work there will be an interesting experience. VOCABULARY  Various (khác nhau, nhiều loại): [adjective] different, a variety of, many types of. Example: My students come from various countries in the world, such as India, Laos, Thailand, etc.  Specialty (chuyên môn, chuyên ngành):[noun] focus, special field of study Example: Marie Cury was a well-known scientist with her specialty in radiation

 Apply for a job/position(nộp đơn xin, đăng ký xin việc):[verb] to enroll in, to write a letter asking for a job Example: She submited a letter to apply for that post/ position  Relatives (họ hàng, người nhà) Someone who is close in the family branch, such as aunt, uncle, cousin, and so on. Example: Tet holiday is an occasion for us to visit our relatives' houses and to give them best wishes  Vietnamese overseas (Việt kiều)[noun] Vietnamese people who live in foreign countries Example: Each year, the Vietnamese overseas contribute a large amount of money to the country's development.  Multi-cultural challenge( thử thách, khó khăn về đa văn hóa) [adj+n] difficulties caused by the clash between so many cultures Example:Australia is an example of multi- cultural country  Liveable (đáng sống, sống được) [adjective] + city: a city with favorable conditions for living Example: This city is a liveable place for the poor  Ranking (xếp hạng, thứ bậc, chất lượng)[noun] level, qualification Example: The ranking of education of Vietnam is still fairly low in the region  Healthy ( lành mạnh, khỏe mạnh) [adjective] good for health, good for operation Example: Investors require a healthy environment for their business activities in Vietnam


28.1. What kind of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country? 28.2. Should young adults work abroad? 29. Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city. You should say: where it is how often you go there what people do there and explain why you think it is important ANSWER I would like to talk about My Dinh National Stadium which hosts various important national and international level events. This multi – purpose stadium is located in My Dinh suburban commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi capital. This stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000. It was officially opened in 2003. This stadium is not far from my house, just about 300m to the north. I often go there whenever there are activities which interest me. People usually come there to encourage and support sporting events, especially for Vietnam teams as well as enjoy entertainment activities. My Dinh stadium is very important to not only Hanoi but also the whole country due to its irreplaceable functions. It is one of the biggest and most well-equipped stadiums in Vietnam utilized as stages for a large number of important events namely the 2003 Southeast Asia Games, the 2008 AFC Champions League. Moreover, this stadium plays a critical role since many foreigners might know about Vietnam through these activities held there. Therefore, it is essential to keep a good image of it in order to impress foreigners positively. Vocabulary  Multi-purpose (adjective): (đa chức năng) having many different uses

Example: This room is multi-purpose – we use it for meetings, interviews, and taking breaks.  Capacity


be contained or produced,

(sức or


the total amount that

(especially of


a person or organization)

the ability to do a particular thing Example: The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.  Interest (verb): (làm ai hứng thú) to attract your attention and make you feel interested; to make yourself give your attention to something. Example: She has always interested herself in charity work.  Irreplaceable: (adjective) (không thể thay thế được) too valuable or special to be replaced. Example: Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.  Utilize: (verb) (sử dụng) to use something, especially for a practical purpose Example: The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 29.1. where do Vietnamese people play sports? 29.2. Do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports? 29.3. what are the benefits of group sports? 29.4. what can children be benefited from doing sports? 29.5. should young people try dangerous sports?

30. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country. You should say: when this celebration takes place what people do during this celebration

what you especially like and dislike about this celebration and explain why it is important. ANSWER: Today, I am going to talk about an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in my country called Lunar New Year. Besides the Western calendar’s New Year , the Vietnamese people also celebrate Lunar New Year according to the lunar calendar. The Lunar New Year, or Tet usually takes place around the end of January or the beginning of February, depending on when the lunar calendar ends. Tet provides the opportunity for reunions for Vietnamese families, as people tend to return to their hometowns at this time of the year. Like the Christmas tree in Western countries, in Vietnam, we buy a kumquat tree, an apricot blossom tree or some branches to decorate our houses. People also buy new clothes and clean their houses to welcome in the New Year. Some families make “Chung cake”, a traditional cake for this special occasion. Chung cake is made of rice, mung beans and fat pork, wrapped in a banana leaf in the shape of a square. It is then boiled overnight until it is cooked. During the Tet holiday, Vietnamese visit their relatives to wish them all a happy new year. They also go to the pagodas frequently to wish for a better year to come for their families. Adults give lucky money to children. I think this is the only time of year when people can forget about all the worries of their daily lives, when they can relax, enjoy, indulge themselves, and get ready for another new year. VOCABULARY:

 Western calendar: also known as the Gregorian calendar, this calendar is used in Western countries and the New Year begins with the first day of January. Example: International companies usually follow the Western calendar, though their country may also follow a different calendar.  according to: as stated or indicated by; following; based on. Example: According to the Center for Disease Control, all travelers should be up-to-date with their vaccines.  takes place around: to occur during a certain time period, around is used in this instance to give you a general idea of when something happens, rather than a very specific date. Example: The festival takes place around the beginning of May each year, though we won’t know the exact start date until March 15th.  depending on: to be contingent on, something will not happen unless something else happens first. Example: Depending on the score you get on your exam, you may qualify for a scholarship.  reunion: a time when people gather together again after not having seen each other for a while; you can have family reunions, class reunions, work reunions, etc. Example: The graduating class of 1985 had a class reunion this past summer and it was fantastic to see all my old classmates again. QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 30.1. why is it important to protect traditions?

30.2. what’s the most important tradition in your country? 30.3. what kinds of traditions have disappeared in your country? 30.4. why should children learn about traditions? 30.5. what can government do to protect traditions?

31. Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life. Or Describe a positive change that you made to your life. You should say:  when it happened  where it happened  what the change was  and explain how you have benefited from this change ( or, explain how you feel about this change) ANSWER:  Well, I’d like to talk about the very first time that I rode a bicycle. It was a long time ago, the summer after I finished primary school. At that age, most of my friends could already cycle, but for me it was quite difficult, as I was extremely bad at keeping my balance and so I was very reluctant to learn.  However, that summer, my grandfather decided to teach me how to ride and we practised every morning. And after suffering from several bad falls, eventually I was able ride the bicycle myself, without my grandpa’s help. It was a real thrill and I remember feeling extremely happy as I rode around my neighborhood, although actually I was also a little bit nervous and afraid of crashing into others.  Thanks to my grandpa, that day I realized that I was not as weak as I had thought and I could conquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.

 From that time on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on my bike and finally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent and mature. Maybe at that time, my grandpa’s purpose was only to encourage me to ride, but thanks to it, I became stronger and more confident about myself in general. Several years later, I read a quote that says “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving on”. It reminded me of that day and the important basic lesson that my grandpa taught me.

VOCABULARY  Balance: the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body. Example: I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.  Reluctant: hesitating before you do something because you do not want to do it. Example: I am reluctant to try mountain-climbing, because I am afraid of falling.  Suffer: to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of something, etc. Example: He is suffering from a headache.  Thanks to: used to say that something has happened because of somebody/something. Example: It was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.  Conquer: to succeed in dealing with or controlling something. Example: The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.  Take on: to tackle something by deciding to do it. Example: She has taken on the task of looking after her elderly parents.

 Quote: a group of words or a short piece of writing taken from a book, play, speech, etc. and repeated because it is interesting or useful. Example: I write my favourite quotes in a notebook.  Move on: start doing something new Example: After doing the same job for 10 years, I decided that it was time to move on and think about a change of career.  Remind of: to make somebody remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because of the similarities Example: You remind me of your father when you say that. QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 31.1.

is your country changing rapidly?


what can smart phones do these days?


since most people do work on their computers, why do they still need to go to the office?


Do you think people’s work in the future will be heavily affected by technology?


compare the pace of technological progress in the past and in the present

32. Describe a piece of good news that you received. You should say  what the news was  where you were when you received this news [Or: What you were doing when you received this news]  who gave you this news  and explain why you felt this was good news. ANSWER

- I’m going to talk about the time when I received the official notification of my scholarship to study in Japan over a year ago. - It’s been a long time but I can still remember that day so well. At the time I got the news, I was taking a quick nap, then the alert sound from my phone woke me up. A new email had arrived. - It was an email from the International Affairs Office of a university in Japan informing me that I had been chosen to receive a scholarship during my exchange semester there. Several months before that day, I had applied for an academic exchange program in this university, they had accepted my application and nominated me to the Scholarship Committee. - So, when I received this email, it took my brain a few seconds for this news to sink in, and then my heart suddenly jumped. I leapt out of my bed and screamed out loud, because I was extremely excited. I had been waiting for this email for two months since I gained the admission. If I hadn’t won the scholarship, my living expenses would have become a heavy financial burden for my parents, but thanks to the monthly grants that I received from the university, I could really enjoy my time in Japan without worrying about financial problems. Even now, I still keep this lucky email in my mailbox to remind me of that day. VOCABULARY  Take a nap: take a short sleep, especially during the day. Example: I usually take a nap after lunch.  Nominate: to formally suggest that somebody should be chosen for an important role, prize, position, etc. Example: He was nominated as the best actor.  Scholarship Committee: the committee in charge of reviewing and selecting recipients for university’s scholarship.

Example: The Scholarship Committee has announced the list of scholarship recipients this semester.  Sink in: be fully understood or realized. Example: I was so surprised by the news of the disaster that it took a few moments to sink in.  Jump: to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement. Example: Her heart jumped when she heard the news.  Leap: to move or do something suddenly and quickly. Example: She leapt out of bed.  Scream out loud: to give a loud, high cry, because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc. (in this situation: excited). Example: I screamed out loud when I saw my old friend.  Admission: the act of accepting somebody into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization. Example: She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.  Burden: a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work. Example: His illness placed a heavy financial burden on his family.  Grant: a sum of money to be used for a particular purpose – in this case, given by the university to pay for my education during that semester. Example: The University awarded me a grant, which enabled me to undertake a new piece of research.

QUESTIONS FOR PART 3 32.1. How do people share good news? 32.2. How does modern technology affect the delivery of information? 32.3. When do people share good news? 32.4. What kinds of good news have you receive before?

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