April 4, 2017 | Author: Shifan Demahom | Category: N/A
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System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Introduction___________________________________________02 Existing System________________________________________03 Limitation of existing system__________________________04 Suggested Improvements_____________________________05 Feasibility Report_______________________________________06 Schedule fesibility__________________________________06 Operational feasibility_______________________________09 Methodologies_________________________________________12 Chosen methodology________________________________13 Contest Diagram____________________________________14 Level 0 –DFD______________________________________15 Entity Relationship Diagram__________________________16 Data Dictionary_____________________________________17 User Requirements_____________________________________25 Sample logical & Physical design of the system______________30 Presenting and implementing the system___________________46 Conclusion____________________________________________47 Bibliography__________________________________________48

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Waiters and wheel was conceived by Sue and Tom Bickford in 1997. It was started as a home delivery service with a poor food selection. On talking to people Tom and Sue realized there is need for variety for their food selection. Waiters on wheels started off with contracts with two restaurants, a delivery boy and Tom and Sue taking the orders. All these tasks were performed manually. Within matter of months the waiters on wheels became popular and orders started pouring in and it is nearly impossible to provide a satisfying service for the customers. Therefore to provide and effective and a faster service the company has decided to implement a computerized delivery and sales processing system. This project will highlight on the problems with the current system, a proposed system, its feasibility study, appropriate methodology used and a prototype for the proposed solution

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system is entirely manual. The existing system uses a batch processing system to update data. Batch processing is collecting data and grouping the data into a batch and then processing the batch. The following are the processes involved in the current system. 1. TAKING AN ORDER A customer calls in wanting to order food. Sue or Tom takes the order and records it. The address and contact number of the customer is recorded together with the order. 2. CALLING THE RESTAURANT Sue or Tom will call the appropriate restaurant and give the order of the customer. Sue or Tom will ask the restaurant for the two bills, one for the customer and one for the Waiters on wheels with the price that was agreed upon by the company and the restaurant. A duplicate copy of the customer bill is also made together with two bills for the reference of the company. 3. ASSIGNING THE DELIVERY BOY Whoever takes the order call a delivery boy and finds out which one can pick the order and when. The delivery address is given to the delivery boy. 4. PICKING UP THE ORDER The delivery boy picks up the food from the restaurant and delivers it to the customer. 5. PAYMENT The customer pays for the retail bill and the delivery charge. 6. UPDATING ORDERS In some cases the customers call and update their order. In this case Sue or Tom will call the restaurant and informs about the changes made to the order. 7. ACCOUNTS At the end of the day the delivery boy returns with all the bills and the amount received. The whole amount is cross checked with the company records. The wholesale bill given by the restaurant is used to make the weekly payment records for the restaurants. The duplicate customer bills are used to make daily sales reports of the company and to make deposit slips for the bank.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

LIMITATIONS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM 1. Human errors can get in the way of entering the data into ledgers, reports, bills and doing calculations. 2. Searching through the entire data is rather difficult. 3. The validity of the document is lost due to a lot of cut offs and scribbling. 4. A large space is required for storing large piles of papers for both original and duplicate bills. 5. There is no proper way of tracking the delivery boy and the delivery process. 6. Every time a customer calls a new record has to be made for the customer.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


As number of tasks has been improved in the existing system for its well being, still manually operated system cannot cross the barrier it has against the human errors and the time management. Therefore the last resort in the improvement of the delivery and sales processing system is to level it up from the manual system to a computerized system. The following are the improvements for the manually operating system.

1. THE SYSTEM IS COMPUTERIZED AND AUTOMATIC Huge and mind-blowing calculations and data verifications are not required as the processing is automatic. Updated order and cancellations will be notified to the restaurants and delivery boy in real time. 2. A DATABASE SYSTEM Searching through the data requires just a few key strokes as a result time consumed is comparatively low. Repetition of data is not required and there is no need of data verification as database is always validated in the computerized system. A number of staffs can access the same data at the same time at anywhere with the help of devices provided by the company. 3. EASY DATA STORAGE Duplicated documents can be made since the space needed for the data storage is minimal. 4. DEVICES ARE INTEGRATED WITH THE NEW SYSTEM Devices such as PDA’s and GPS Logger are used by the delivery boys in order to improvise the delivery system. 5. COMPUTERIZED TRACKING SYSTEM Delivery boy need not call the company and notify his or her status since the delivery boy is tracked by an automated computerized system.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design


Workload matrix







1.0 Plan and Schedule Work Load Matrix

Gantt Chart

Analyzing the current system



Questionnaire and survey

Document review

Schedule feasibility

Operational feasibility

Prototyping method

Waterfall Method/ SSADM

(i)Dataflow diagrams

(ii)Entity relationship diagrams

(iii)Data dictionary

2.0 User Requirement Analysis

3.0 Feasibility Reports

4.0 Methodologies

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design SDLC Method

Designing Tables

Relationship between Tables

Query designing

Forms designing

Reports designing

Macros design

User Interface Design


Connecting with Access database

Error and Exception Handling

System Documentation


Analysis Report

Feasibility Report

Requirement Specification

System Documentation

Finalizing the Document

5.0 Physical Design

6.0 System Development

8.0 Documentation

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Gantt chart

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Operational feasibility is concerned with human, organizational and political aspects. General impression of these factors may be gained from corporate appraisal and through consideration of system trigger. After analyzing a great deal of data given to us by the Waiters on Wheel Company and speaking to the end-user it was obvious a number of issues have to be addressed, issues such as potential problems, opportunities and directives. Our team has decided to approach these issues by applying the PIECES problem solving framework as discussed below.

PERFORMANCE In the existing system the operations no longer provide adequate throughput within the response time. This is because too many processes have to be monitored and allocated manually within a specific time. 

Customer: Every time when a customer calls the customer information which includes his/her name, address, and contact number is recorded with the food order. At the same time the order has to be compared with the Menu’s from preferred restaurants. Since this process is done manually and has to be repeated for each and every customer, new or old, a lot of time is wasted. Hence the performance of the company is badly affected. In the new proposed system the customer information is saved in a database. If an already registered customer calls to order food, the system will automatically generate all the details of the customer. If a new customer calls, the system will create a new record for the customer in the company’s database. The Menu’s from preferred restaurants are automatically generated. This automated computerized system will have a big impact on the performance of the company.

Restaurant: Every time the customer gives an order the company has to call the appropriate restaurant to hand over the food order. The process of finding an appropriate restaurant and giving them order is not an easy task when it has to be done manually by calling the restaurants. The new system will have a database of all the restaurants agreed to do business with Waiters on wheels. This database will contain the Food Menu’s from these restaurants. When a customer places an order, the system delivers the order to the appropriate restaurant. No telephonic conversations are involved between the company and the restaurants to place the orders and not much time is spent on finding appropriate restaurants as the system will automatically do so when the order is placed.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Delivery boy: In the existing system the tracking of the delivery boy is done by telephone. Every time an order is ready the company has to call the delivery boy, ask about the current location he/she is in and ask to pick the order and deliver to the customer. When the delivery boy is done with the delivery he/she has to call back and inform the company. This process of tracking is very unreliable and time consuming and hence has effect the company performance. The new proposed system will provide an automated computerized tracking system which will track the delivery boy position. The communication between delivery boys and the company takes place via PDA’s and GPS Loggers which will in turn increase the performance of the company.

INFORMATION The information handling in the current system is done manually. Human errors get in the way of entering the data into ledgers, reports, bills and doing calculations. This results in scribbling of data and loss of validity of data. The information handling in the proposed system will be computerized and will automatically update. The human errors will be minimal. The data can be easily updated, modified when required and will be validated before the data is processed into the system.

ECONOMY In the existing system the data are stored in ledgers and filing cabinets which require a lot of space and maintenance. Separate cabinets are needed to store ledgers and files that can be only accessed by higher authorities in the company. Expenses are increase due to excessive use of paper as each time a customer call the customer information has to be recorded in a new piece of paper. Along with the expenses the practice seems to be unfriendly to the environment. A minimum of two phone calls have to be made for every order; one for tracking the delivery boy and the other for calling restaurants. Call numbers might increase depending on factors like location of delivery boy, change in order, etc. In the proposed system the use of paper is minimal as almost everything is stored in a database. The database records all the customer information which can be retrieved every time the customer places the order. Access to certain data can be restricted by creating different levels of user accessibility. Once the order is placed the restaurant is notified and with the help of tracking system locates the closest delivery boy and he/she is notified with the order and customer details. Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

CONTROL In the existing system creating new bills are done manually and are unreliable as they can be easily tampered. Ledgers and files that are supposed to be viewed and handled by higher authorities are not fully secure as they are stored along with the other files. Bills are generated by the system at the office by the concerned person and the copy of the bill is send to the delivery boy; any changes in the bill can only be made by the concerned person in the office. As mentioned earlier, access can be restricted by creating different levels of user accessibility. The administrator of the system (administrative head) will have the complete accessibility and control of the system.

EFFICIENCY In the current system a lot of time is wasted on paper work like making new records, updating records and making bills. Time is also wasted on tracking the delivery boys. On cancellation and updating of orders paper is wasted. The proposed system will be a lot efficient with respect to time taken to complete one order. Communication with restaurants and delivery boys will be instantaneous. Cancellation of order can be done with just a press of a button.

SERVICES The existing system can provide service only to a limited number of customers. There is very little room for change and hardly any scope for expansion. The scalability of the proposed system will be inexhaustible as the storage capacity of the system can be increased as per requirement. This will provide a strong base for expansion. The new system will provide a high level of flexibility.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


WHAT ARE METHODOLOGIES? Methodologies are frameworks used for planning, structuring and controlling the process of developing a system. For a developing a system we took into consideration the following methods. On the basis of our findings we came to conclusion that the following methods would be best suited for the development of the system. 1. Waterfall Method/Structured System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) 2. Prototyping Method 3. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Method


Waterfall method or structured system analysis and design method follows the “waterfall” method of system development. It is a sequential development process in which the development process is seen to be flowing steadily downwards. SSADM bills process models like dataflow diagrams. The key features of SSADM include:    

SSADM focuses on the sequential Phases of what the system rather than how it is done. Using graphical symbols to highlight the movement and presentation of data. Dataflow diagrams and data dictionary are important components of structured system analysis and design method. Suitable for the development of any type of system

2. PROTOTYPING METHOD System prototyping is creating incomplete versions of the system for developing test ideas. It is an iterative and interactive development process in which the users are directly involved. The key principles and steps in prototyping are:   

Identifying the end-user’s known information requirements that are needed in the system Developing or working prototype Use the prototype for nothing the needed enhancements and changes. These expand the list of known system requirements.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

 

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Revise the prototype based on the modification process to meet the user requirements Repeat the following steps as required to achieve a satisfactory system

3. SYSTEM DEVELEOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC) METHOD System development lifecycle method includes activities such as preliminary investigations, requirements determination, system design, software development, system testing and implementations. Main features of this methodology are:        

Information system requirements are predictable. Manageable as a project Entry of database and data files are required High processing and transaction volume Validation of data input is required Spans different departments Long development timetable Developed by project teams

THE CHOSEN METHODOLOGY AND WHY..? We chose the structured system analysis and design method for our proposed system. Some of the benefits of SSADM include:      

SSADM allows planning, managing and controlling a project well thus helping them to deliver the project on time. SSADM puts on a high emphasis on the analysis of user needs. The methodology also offers the possibility to tailor the planning of the project to the actual requirements of the business. In SSADM common modeling and diagramming tools are used and does not require very special skills. SSADM reduces the errors in the system development by constantly checking the system. The overall productivity is increased and the costs are minimal in SSADM

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design



Contact number



Customer 1






Contact number


Has account in

1 Goes to



Contact number


1 Email Delivery boy


Works at

1 Resturant

Contact number

Contact number


Run by




Address Email 1 Postal code


1 Is at

Distance from city


Location 1


Has n


Policies Town

Check in and out time


Database Ethical Updates

IT policies

Payment reports

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

DATA DICTIONARY OF THE SYSTEM DATA FLOW IN LEVEL 0 DIAGRAM Name: Phone Number Description: Entering the phone number of the customer helps in finding, if the customer record exists in the system or not. Source: Customer Entity Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Name: Customer Information Description: If the customer is calling for the first time, details like Customer Name, Address, Phone number, Email address etc is taken. Source: Customer Entity Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Name: Customer order Description: Recording the food order from the customer Source: Customer Entity Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Name: Customer Delivery Description: Delivering the food to the customer Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Customer Entity

Name: Order Description: The recorded order which is taken from the customer is passed to the restaurant. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Restaurant

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Name: Food Description: The food is ready for delivery Source: Restaurant Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Name: Pick Up Description: The delivery boy picks up the food from the restaurant once it is ready. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Delivery Boy

Name: Order details Description: The order details which include customer address, customer order is sent to the delivery boy. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Delivery Boy

Name: Customer Receipt Description: This is the receipt for the customer that includes retail price of the food they have ordered and a service charge. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Delivery Boy

Name: Deliver the Food Description: Once the delivery boy receives everything that is required for delivery, he delivers the food Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Delivery Boy

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Name: Performance status Description: This is used by the management to monitor their profit/loss. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Management

Name: Deposit Slips Description: This is the slip given to the bank at the end of the day. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Bank

Name: Weekly Reports Description: This report is taken to check the credit that the company owes to each restaurant. Source: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System Sink: Accounts

Name: Approved Payments Description: After generating weekly reports, the accounts department will verify the payments to be done to the restaurants. Source: Accounts Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Name: Payments Description: Once the accounts department approves the weekly report, the payment is done. Source: Accounts Sink: Computerized Delivery and Sales Processing System

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

DATA STORES IN LEVEL 0 DIAGRAM Name: Customer Master Description: All the customer details including all the transactions that they have made is stored here. Input data flows: Customer Record, Updating Customer Order Record Output data flows: Retrieve Customer Record, Customer Details

Name: Customer Order File Description: This stores the order which the customer has made. Input data flows: Customer Order Record, Updated Order Output data flows: Confirmed Customer Order

Name: Restaurant File Description: This contains details about various restaurants and the menu selection with price. Input data flows: No input as the menu and price of food items are fixed. Output data flows: Menu and Price

Name: Delivery boy Tracking File Description: This contains details about delivery boys which include their name and contact number Input data flows: Confirming Output data flows: Checking availability by area

Name: Sales History Description: This stores the sales data which can be used for producing profit/loss statements. Input data flows: Updating Sales Details Output data flows: Sales Report Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

PROCESSES IN LEVEL 0 DIAGRAM Name: 1.0 Find Customer Record Description: Finds the customer record with the phone number of the customer Input data flows:

Phone number Retrieve Customer Record Customer information Customer Order

Output data flows: Updated Phone Number Customer Information Process Summary: find customer details

Name: 2.0 Add Customer Record Description: If the customer details is not found, add the customer details to the database Input data flows:

Customer information Updated phone number

Output data flows: New Customer information Customer Record Process Summary: Fetch customer details Fetch updated phone number Register the customer Give out new customer information

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Name: 3.0 Take Customer Order Description: the customer information is received and now the order from the customer is taken Input data flows: Customer order Customer Information New customer information Menu and price Output data flows:

Customer Order Record Confirmed Customer order

Process Summary: Takes customer order and records in to a Customer order file.

Name: 4.0 Update Customer Order Description: If the Customer updates the previous order, the update of the order is done in this process and the updated order is updated to the customer file. Input data flows: Confirmed Customer Order Output data flows: Updated Order Process Summary: confirms and updates the customer order

Name: 5.0 Send Order to Restaurant Description: After confirming the customer order, the order is sent to the restaurant and it also updates the customer order record Input data flows: Customer Order Details Output data flows: Updating Customer Order record Order Process Summary: Customer order record is updated with customer master. Also the customer order is sent.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Name: 6.0 Assigning Delivery Boy Description: After the order is sent to the restaurant, the system will check the availability of delivery boys and assigns the delivery boy. Also the customer and order details are sent to them Input data flows: Customer Order Details Confirming Output data flows: Checking availability by area Order Details Process Summary: Check the availability of the delivery boy and confirm the delivery boy and send the order details.

Name: 7.0 Sending Customer Receipt Description: The customer order details are processed and the receipt which it produce is sent to the delivery boy and the receipt is for the customer. It contains retail price and service charges. Input data flows: Customer Order details Output data flows: Customer Receipt Process Summary: Customer order details are processed to produce Customer Receipt

Name: 8.0 Food Delivery Description: Once the order is accepted, restaurant will prepare food and will be waiting for the delivery boy to pick up Input data flows: Food Output data flows: Pick Up Process Summary: order is taken; food is ready for delivery

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Name: 9.0 Deliver Customer Order Description: After receiving Customer and order details, the delivery boy goes to the appropriate restaurant to pick up the food and after he pick up the food he deliver the food the customer along with the bill. Input data flows: Deliver the food Output data flows: Customer Delivery Process Summary: Delivery of the food ordered is made

Name: 10.0 Sales Description: This processes details about customers and their transactions and help in calculating the total performance of the company and also help to create end-to-day slips for banks, weekly reports to the accounts department etc. Input data flows: Customer details Sales Report Output data flows: Performance Status Updating Sales Details Deposit Slip Weekly Reports Process Summary: Receives customer details and sales details Calculates the profit/loss statement, print weekly and en-to –day slips

Name: 11.0 Weekly Payments Description: This is the payment done weekly by the company to the restaurants they owe credit. Once the Accounts department approves the weekly statement, the payment is done. Input data flows: Approved Payments Output data flows: Payments Process Summary: Approved payments given to appropriate restaurants.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]



Questionnaires and surveys Interview Document review

QUESTIONNAIRE AND SURVEYS Questionnaires and surveys is a technique for gathering large amount of information from respondents. It consists of series of questions which have to be answered in a given format. This technique is ideal for finding the user requirements for the proposed system because: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

they are cost effective method of gathering large amount of information wide range of information can be collected as they are very flexible it is simple for the end-user they are easier to evaluate it will provide a clear feed-back

Our questionnaire is targeted at the people who will be directly using the system like delivery boys and the operator.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

SAMPLE QUESTIONNARE AND SURVEY Please tick the appropriate answer 1. Gender Male Female 2. Age 15 – 25 26 – 35 36 – 45 46 – 60 Above 60 3. How the Customers details are currently maintained? Files Books Computer 4. Does the usage of the manual system end up in the formation of long queues? Yes No 5. How easy is it to update information on the current system? Very easy Easy Difficult Very difficult 6. Are there proper security measures in the system in order to protect Customer details? Yes No 7. What do you think about the existing system? Excellent Good Average Poor 8. Is the current system user friendly? Yes No Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

9. Does the current system work efficiently? Yes No 10. Is the current system time consuming? Yes No 11. Would you prefer a computerized system for the Customer ordering system? Yes No 12. If so what is the level of security you will need for the computerized system? Very High High Normal 13. How would you rate yourself in your computer literacy? Very high High Low Very low 14. Do you like the concept and idea of introducing a new system? Yes No

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

INTERVIEW Interview is a face to face interaction between two people to achieve a common purpose. Interview will provide a much more personal feed-back from end-users. It will help us to identify what the user requires as there are no set of answers they can add. The researchers can adapt to any questions that might have been left out or that might come up during the interview. We can get a better idea of what the users feel about the existing system and how they would like the change. SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

1. How long does it take to order a meal for one customer? _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Can you identify any drawbacks in the current system?

__________________________________________________________________________________ _

__________________________________________________________________________________ _

__________________________________________________________________________________ _

__________________________________________________________________________________ _

3. What are your suggestions on improvements of the current manual system?





Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

4. What are your expectations or your suggestions to improve the security of the system?




DOCUMENT REVIEW Document review is the reviewing of existing system documents, obtaining of actual forms, documents, samples of completed forms and software documentation. In order to understand how the existing system works we conducted a document review to see how the company carried out their documentation. This helped us identify the flaws and limitations of the existing system.

FINDINGS Along with the mentioned techniques we also conducted a small observation operation to find out how the company functions. With the help of the surveys and interviews we found out that the current system works only on very small scale. Therefore for the company to work on a large scale it will have to perform its functionalities in a much faster and an efficient manner.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

SAMPLE LOGICAL & PHYSICAL DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM There are total of 9 tables used in the new system which includes both temporary and permanent data storage tables. Which includes:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

TblBill TblBillNumber TblBillNumberEntry TblCustomers TblDeliveryBoy TblEmployees TbleFood TblRestaurant TblSales

The following pages include details about each table.

1. TblBill - Bill Table This is a temporary storage table which contains the data of the item(s) sold in one bill. The system has the data of that bill at all times, because when another bill is done, all the data in the bill table is append to the sales table. The use of this temporary storage table is for printing the Cash bill. Below shows the Screen shot of the Bill Table.

BN: BillNumber, a unique number given to each bill automatically which is used to refer to the bill. Fcode: Food Code of the food ordered. Qty: the Quantity of the food ordered. Phoneno: Phone number of the customer DBno: Unique number, delivery boy Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

The Table Structure of the Bill Table Field Name

Data Type

Field Size





Long Integer

Bill Number




Food Code









Phone number





Delivery Boy Number


Fcode Qty

2.TblBillNumber - Bill Number table This is the table used to store the data permanently from the bill number entry table (Temporary storage table). All the data in the bill number entry table is Append to this table and then deleted from that table. This has the same format as the bill number entry table. Below shows the Screen shot of the Bill Number Table

BN: Bill Number. Cashier: Cashier/Operator. DOS: Date of Sales. Time: The time the Bill was Done.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

The Table Structure of the Bill Number Table Field Name BN

Data Type Auto Number

Field Size Long Integer

Description Bill Number

Example 11






DOS Time

Date/Time Date/Time

Medium Date _

Date of Sales Time

19-Feb-10 3:41:54 PM

3. TblBillNumberEntry - Bill Number Entry Table This is a temporary storage table which contains the data of the Cashier who made the bill, the time and Date it was made. The system has the data of that bill at all times, because when another bill is done, all the data in the Bill Number Entry table is append to the Bill Number table. The use of this temporary storage table is for printing the Cash bill. Below shows the Screen shot of the Bill Number Entry Table.

BN: Bill Number. Cashier: Cashier/Operator. DOS: Date of Sales. Time: The time the Bill was Done.

The Table Structure of the Bill Number Table Field Name BN

Data Type Auto Number

Field Size Long Integer

Description Bill Number

Example 11






DOS Time

Date/Time Date/Time

Medium Date _

Date of Sales Time

19-Feb-10 3:41:54 PM

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

4.TblCustomers – Customer Master Table This is the table used to store all the data about the customer.

Phoneno: Customers phone number, this number is also used to uniquely identify the user Customername: Name of the Customer City: City Address: Address of the Customer Landmark: A landmark near the customer’s address E-mail: Email address of the customer

The Table Structure of the TblCustomer Field Name

Data Type

Field Size






Phone number





Customer name

Jhon lee

City Address Landmark E-mail

Text Text Text Hyperlink

15 25 25 _

City Address Landmark E-mail address

Bangalore 6-5 Sekimai Donanakuni cross [email protected]

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

5.TblDeliveryBoy – Delivery Boy Tracking Table. This is the table used to store all the data about the delivery boy and track down him/her using GPS tracking system.

DBno: a unique number given to the delivery boy Name: Name of delivery boy. Status: Status of the delivery boy (IN or OUT) GPS location: GPS location of the delivery boy. Mobile no: Mobile number of the delivery boy.

The Table Structure of the TblDeliveryBoy Field Name

Data Type

Field Size


Auto number





Status GPS location Mobile no

Text Hyperlink Double

10 25 10

Description Delivery boy’s unique identification number Delivery name Status GPS location Mobile Number

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1

Example 1

Ali IN 6-5 Sekimai 9338458348


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

6.TblEmployees - Employees Login File Employees – logon Table is used to store the Employee name, Employee ID Number, Employee Access Level and their password so that it can be used to allow only the correct person to access the data. Below shows the Screen shot of the Employees – logon Table.

IngEmpID: Employee ID Number strEmpName: Employee Name (first) strEmpPassword: Employee Password strAccess: Employee Access Level

The Table Structure of the Employees – logon Table Field Name

Data Type

Field Size




Auto Number

Long Integer

Employee ID











Employee Name (first) Employee Password Employee Access Level

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1

Inthi ****** Adim


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

7.TbleFood – Food Table. This is the table used to store all the data about the name of the food items with respect to restaurant name and price.

Fcode: Food code. Fname: Food name. Rname: Restaurant name. Note: More into about the food. Wprice: Wholesale price for the customer. Rprice: Retail price for the customer Rcode: Restaurant code The Table Structure of TblFood Field Name

Data Type

Field Size






Food code





Food name


Rname Note Wprice Rprice Rcode

Test Memo Currency Currency Text

25 _ _ _ 4

Restaurant name Note Wholesale price Retail price Restaurant code

KFC Very spicy 60 80 R001

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

8.TblRestaurant – Restaurant Table This is the table used to store the data permanently about the information about the restaurant.

Rcode: Restaurant code Companyname: Restaurant name Cotactname: Contact name. Country: Country City: City Address: Address of the restaurant Telno: Telephone number. Fax: Fax number. E-mail: Email address of the restaurant Field Name

Data Type

Field Size






Phone number





Company name





Contact name


Country City

Text Text

25 15

Country City





Telno Fax E-mail

Number Number Hyperlink

10 10 _

Telephone number Fax E-mail address

India Bangalore KFC, Forum Mall , Koramangla 9215683567 9345682211 [email protected]

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

System Analysis & Design

9.TblSales – Sales Table This is the table used to store the data permanently from the Bill Table (Temporary storage table). All the data in the Bill Table is Append to this table and then deleted from that Table. This has the same format as the Bill table. Below shows the Screen shot of the Sales Table.

BN: Bill Number, a unique number given to each bill automatically, which is used to refer to the bill. Fcode: Food code, sold. Qty: the Quantity of the food sold.

The Table Structure of the Sales Table Field Name

Data Type

Field Size





Long Integer

Bill Number


Fcode Qty



Food code






Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Relationship between the tables.

The screen shot below shows the relationship between the tables. The type of relationship used is oneto-many relationship, each row in the related to table can be related to many rows in the relating table. This effectively save storage as the related record does not need to be stored multiple times in the relating table. For example, all the customers’ information is stored in a customer table while all the customer bills are stored in bill table. Each customer can have many bills but each bill can only be generated for a single customer.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

Operating the system When a user opens the systems, the system prompts the user to enter the username and password. Certain modules of the system will be enabled and disabled depending on the level of accessibility given to the user. The screen shot below show the Login screen.

After you login from the logon screen immediately the main menu of the program will appear. The main menu contains buttons which will carry you to all other forms and reports. The screen shot of the main menu is given below.

1 2 3 4

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

1. Insert… This is the button which will carry you to the insert menu, where all the common insertion is done. The screen shot below shows the insert menu.

1A 1B

1A. This is the button which will carry you to the Bill Number entry form where the billing is done. 1B. This is the button which will carry you back to the main menu.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

2. Reports… This is the button which will carry you to the Reports menu, where all the common Sales reports are done. The screen shot below shows the Reports menu.

2A 2B 2C

2A. This is the button which opens the Daily Sale’s report where all the sales information of the current date along with the total amount of sales for the current date can be viewed and printed which is used to as a deposit slip to the bank.

2B. This is button which open the food menus report, after you type the respective restaurants’ code in the window which opens before the report is viewed or printed.

2C. This is the Button which opens the current Monthly Sales report. In this report all the sales information of the current month along with the total amount of sales for the current month can be viewed and printed according to the specific restaurant. This report is used for the payments of the restaurants.

2D. This is the button which will carry you back to the main menu.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

3. View… This is the button which will carry you to the view menu, where all the data can be viewed and sometimes been modified. The screen shot bellow shows the View Menu.

3A 3B 3C 3D

3A. This is the button which will carry you to the sales form where you can view and search all the information about the sales done. 3B. This is the button which will carry you to the restaurant form where you can view, modify, search and print all the information about menus with respect to restaurants. You can also use this form to directly communicate with the restaurant and add new restaurants.

3C. This is the button which will carry you to the delivery boys form where you can view the information about the delivery boy and view his current job and GPS location. You can also use this form to directly communicate with the delivery boy and add new delivery boys to the system.

3D. This is the button which will carry you back to the main menu.

4. Exit… This button will close the whole program.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

The screen shots below shows some of the forms used in the system

1. Taking order / Billing form.

2. Restaurant Information file

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]

3. Delivery Boy Tracking Form

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


After all the preparations are done, the system will be run alongside/parallel to the existing system for at least 2months, which is called as parallel run method. The reason that this method is chosen, because even though the system is considered error free the client needs to have 110% grantee that it will work perfectly. Parallel running means that the computerized system is run along with the manual system. This method is expensive but it is worth not risking tens of thousands transactions. Even a small bug in the program may lead to incorrect data.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


Throughout this project we have gained a broad horizon of knowledge about the process of developing and designing a system. We analyzed the existing delivery system of Waiters on wheels and proposed a solution for the limitations of their system. We created a feasibility report based on schedule and operational feasibility and now we have gained a clear understanding about feasibility studies for a system. We also proposed an appropriate methodology for the system and now we know the different methodologies and how to select the best methodology for a selected project. We have included the information about the chosen methodology for Waiters on wheel’s new system. Under the study of methodologies we learned to draw complex dataflow diagrams for different levels, entity relationship diagrams and the associated data dictionary. We conducted different surveys, questionnaires and interviews to find out the user requirements for the system. Now we have a great deal of knowledge about the importance of these surveys how to conduct these surveys and how to draw a conclusion based on the survey. The project as a whole has helped us build our knowledge about all the stages, procedures and rules involved developing a system design.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


System Analysis & Design

[Waiters on Wheels – Group Assignment]


1. Shri V.K. Jain. 2001, “System Analysis and Design”, DreamTech Press, New Delhi. 2. Igor Hawaryszkiewycz, 2005, “System Analysis and Design”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 3.

Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation – Level 1


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