2021 SA WPR Notes
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Declaration: There is no responsibility or clam of this material having conflict or similarity with any test pattern or procedure. This document is prepared as simplified material to understand and get a hands-on practice, for those want to be or working as Work Permit Receiver in Saudi Aramco’s Aramco ’s jurisdiction. jurisdiction. Any identification of mistake(s) or suggestion will be highly appreciated. In need of your prayers Abu Abbas 00923335027622
[email protected] [email protected] 21th August, 2016
Description: This document is in Two sections. Section One: Contain Questions with describing answers, considered as helpful to clear concept and attend a faceto-face interview. Sometimes there is Interview to get SA WPR card after passing Test. Moreover, GI give option to Proponents of an area to revalidate a certified Receiver, nowadays most of companies and plant managements (proponents) take interview of certified receivers, to allow them to work in area of their responsibility. Section Two: Contain Multiple Choice Questions, considered as helpful to follow different test patterns. Questions are self-made, collected from different notes and gathered from those attended WPR tests. Because of human memory involvement in this collection Do Not completely relay on these questions. For further clarification, you can contact co ntact on given WhatsApp number or email address and for video tutorial on the subject, including other HSE & Crafts related videos, you can join YouTube channel and face book page “HSE Notebook”. Notebook”.
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Version 00 01 02 03 04
Dated 08/29/2016 11/29/2016 12/23/2016 09/13/2020 08/21/2021
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What is the purpose of G.I 2.100? To establish minimum requirements for issuing and receiving work permits at Saudi Aramco (SA) facilities and project sites (Restricted Areas).
What is work permit? It is authorization to perform specific construction, maintenance, inspection or repairing activity, on specific equipment and/or in specific area.
What type of activities require work permit? permit? What are Restricted Activities? Activities/tasks those have been designated/Selected by proponent organization manager as requiring, implementation of the work permit system, to perform them. No matter their location is within or outside SA facilities or locations.
What are the minimum criteria for a restricted activity? Any activity that poses/create a hazard to personnel, damage to equipment or facilities, disruption of operations and/or harm to the environment.
Do all activities need work permit? No, Low Risk Activities, Activities, as determined by Proponent Organization Management, may be exempted from work permit requirement.
Who will decide that job is a Low-Risk Activity? Proponent Organization Manager will decide/determine for a job as “Low Risk Activity”, which means that it can be safely performed in Restricted Area without work permit.
Who will decide that permit is not required for a particular work/Low-Risk-Activity? On ground receiver will ask from issuer and issuer will decide that permit is required or not for that low-risk activity. Issuer’s decision can be based on proponent organization manager determination of a job as “Low Risk Activity”.. Activity”
Is any other requirement requirem conduct a Low-Risk Activitythat in restricted are? Is,there Low-Risk Activity means ent freeto hand to crew, to do/conduct work in restricted area? Not, the work activity shall follow all applicable SA safety rules and standards and the proponent organization shall maintain adequate control and account for personal in all areas.
What is High Risk Activity? An activity/task that presents (contains) additional or unique hazards to personnel and require additional approvals by proponent management, prior to work commencing/start. E.g.
Initial opening of equipment or pipeline, containing or potentially/may contain flammable,
combustible, toxic or injuries material. • Initial confined space entry to equipment that previously contained flammable, combustible, toxic or injuries material.
10.) Is nature of job being only criteria for requiring a work permit? No, there are other factors, those can lead to obtain a work permit. e.g. Restricted Area or SIMOPES.
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11.) What is SIMPOS? SIMPOS means Simultaneous Operations. It means, activity of two or more work groups working near to each other where the action of one work group may affect the safety of the adjacent/other work group personnel, company assets or an adjacent operating facility.
12.) What is a Restricted Area? Locations that have been designated by proponent organization manager as requiring implementation of the work permit system.
13.) What are the minimum criteria for a Restricted Area?
All areas where hydrocarbons, flammable liquids or gases, or toxic agents are handled, stored,
piped, or processed in bulk quantities. For Example: Petroleum, gas and chemical plants, pump stations, bulk plant, loading piles, oil gas wells, marine vessels, and areas where flammable, oxidizer, reactive and/or toxic materials are handled or stored. • Areas where explosives or radioactive materials are stored. • Water and gas injection wells, pipelines, water, or sewage treatment plants (lift stations and cooling towers) Area within 23 m (75 ft) of hydrocarbon containing pipelines, manifolds, or scraper • launcher/receiver. within 15 m (50 ft) of energized power line. Area Electrical Substations (as per SAES-P-119, Substations) and areas within classified locations (as per
SAES-B-068, Electrical Area Classification)
14.) Is work permit is only a permission to carryout hazardous activity? It is not only used as permission to carryout hazardous activity but also to determine hazards associated with that activity and precautions to take, so the job can be carryout safely.
15.) Why is a work permit used? Work permit is used to carry out a hazardous activity safely.
16.) What is the purpose of work permit (System)? Work permit (System) is used to eliminate accidents, to control work and peoples and to communicate.
Eliminate Accidents: To do Restricted Activity (Hazardous Activity) Safely. • Control Work: To do specific work on specific location or equipment. Control Peoples: Restricted area require permit to enter. (e.g. cannot enter in Confined Space • •
without Permit) Communicate: As by issuing a permit, Issuer knows that where and who is working in his area of • responsibility and at the end of job, by closing permit he came to know about the status of job and/or equipment.
17.) For how long a work permit is issued? Work permit is issued for single operational shift.
An operational shift can be of 8 hours or 12 hours.
18.) What is a renewed work permit? (Permit Renewal/Extension) A permit that authorizes work to continue for one consecutive/next operation shift, regardless of shift duration, on original work permit conditions. The total period including renewal, cannot exceed from 24 hours.
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19.) For how long a work permit can be renewed? For how long a permit can be extended? Can be renewed for one consecutive operational shift, regardless of shift duration, but the total permit duration cannot exceed 24 hours.
If one shift issues a permit, the next coming shift can extend it. A shift (Issuer) will issue a permit as per there shift timing, this mean that an issuer can issue a • •
permit for as long as he stays on duty, but in not excess of 24 hours. e.g., If an issuer issues permit for 17 hours, the next shift can only renew it for fo r 7 more hours. Sometime the word extended is used as alternate of world renewal; it should not be confused with • Extended Work Permit . (i.e. For how long a permit can be Issued?)
20.) How a work permit can be renewed? What is the process to renew work permit? When a new issuer and receiver have to renew a work permit, they must; •
• • •
Conduct site inspection. Sign the work permit. Notify the countersigning organization. (if there is any countersign on original permit) Issue a new permit if there is any change in work scope, equipment used, or site hazard and precautions.
21.) What will be the process/requirement when an issuer or receiver has to leave the site? They must close all their open permits or transfer the permits to a new issuer/receiver.
22.) What will be the way to transfer the work permit? How is a permit transferred transferred to new issuer/receiver? The transferring a work permit to new issuer/receiver can be done following fol lowing the same requirements of a renewed permit (permit renewal).
23.) A transferred permit can be renewed/extended? No, a work permit that has been transferred to a new issuer or receiver cannot be renewed. Similarly, a renewed permit cannot be transferred.
24.) What is an Extended Work Permit? Work permit issued for a period greater than two consecutive operating shifts, but not in excess of 30 days. Conditions:
When the job site hazards and precautions remain unchanged. (It is highly unlikely that conditions
will develop that would create an additional hazard to personnel, damage to equipment or facilities, disruption in operation or harm to the environment.) Both the issuing organization’s division head and the receiver organization’s division head agree and • sign the permit. If any countersignature is there on that permit, the countersignature organization’s division head • also have to agree and sign the permit.
25.) Can all type of work permits be issued as Extended Work Permit? No, Equipment Opening/Line Break Permit cannot be issued as Extended Work Permit.
26.) Who will Sign Certificates of Issuer and Receiver? (Aramco Employee) Employer’s Division Head.
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27.) Who will sing the certificate of contractor’s co ntractor’s Receiver? Receiver? Proponent Organization’s Division Head. Head.
28.) Who will Sign Certificates of Issuer and Receiver? There Division Head
representative? tive? 29.) Who is designated representa A competent and designated employee, who will perform duties associated/related with issuing work permit (i.e., Joint site inspection, filling work permit form). The person, who will not sign the permit, but will do all other works to issue a permit, As. Joint Site Inspection to Conducting Hazard Analysis, gas test and review protective measures required by that work permit.
30.) Designated representative representative can issue work permit? No, He cannot sign the permit (cannot Issue).
Representative? ? 31.) How designate, Designated Representative Division or department head.
32.) What is joint site inspection? Inspection of work area, conducted by issuer/designated representative and receiver to conduct site hazard analysis, ensure that necessary gas test performed and review thee work permit condition.
33.) Issuing of all type of o f work permits need joint site inspection? Is Joint Site Inspection is required for all work permits? Yes, joint site inspection shall be conducted for all type of work permits. {There is no section in new work permit form, for joint site inspection, like it was in previous forms, but Hazard Analysis Checklist (as (as a part of Joint Site Inspection) is to be filled} f illed}
j oint site inspection to be done before closing work permit? 34.) Is there any joint Yes, before closing work permit, the issuer/designated representative and receiver shall conduct joint site inspection to verify that the work area has been left in a safe and secure condition before the work permit can be closed. (There is no section to fill in work permit form, for this closing joint site inspection)
35.) What are the responsibilities of issuer, before issuing a permit? Ensure that joint site inspection and gas test are conducted, and hazard analysis check list is filled.
36.) What are the responsibilities of issuer, after issuing a permit? Monitor the job site frequently, to make sure all work permit conditions, and applicable SA safety and health requirements are being met.
37.) What are the responsibilities of receiver, before receiving (signing) a permit? Participate in the joint site inspection and hazard analysis with the issuer or his designated represented. Read the permit, if satisfy and agree then sig the permit.
Do not start any job without valid work permit. • Ask for work permit from SA certified issuer. Present their valid certificate to Issuer. •
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38.) What are the responsibilities of receiver, after receiving a permit? Perform the work in accordance with the conditions and requirements agreed upon with the issuer and specified on the work permit. Remain on job site and monitor the work to make sure all work permit conditions, and applicable SA Safety and Health requirements are being met. •
• • •
Keep his valid certificate with him. Keep valid work permit in his possession (can keep in his pocket/hand etc. or display on site) Stop work and inform issuer if conditions become unsafe or if cannot comply with agreed conditions. Close work permit when work is complete, or permit’s duration is about to expired. to expired.
39.) What is the joint responsibil responsibility ity of Issuer and receiver? Site Safety is the joint responsibility of Issuer and receiver. (Safety of personnel and equipment at the job site)
40.) An issuer can cancel a permit/stop work? Yes, an issuer can cancel permit/stop work when he finds that job site does not meet the work permit conditions or any applicable SA Safety and Health requirement.
41.) Can a receiver Stop work? Yes, when site conditions become unsafe, or he cannot comply with agreed conditions.
42.) What receiver should do if he stops work? He should inform issuer.
Explain the reason, that why he stopped work. Handover the work permit to Issuer. Inform about the time on which he stops work and other relevant information. • •
43.) What is condition leads to cancelation of work permit? When a work permit will be considered as cancelled? In an event of emergency, all permits will be cancelled within the area affected by emergency, additionally, as specified by incident commander. When a change occurs in the work activities or site conditions that could co uld potentially create an additional hazard to personnel, damage to equipment or facilities, disruption in operation or harm to the environment.
44.) When a work permit is cancelled or issuer stops work, what he should do? After a permit is cancelled or issuer stop’s work, he must obtain work permit, write on the permit the reason for the work cancelation, the time and other relevant information.
45.) What should be done to resume work when a work is stopped/permit is cancelled? Corrective measures must be taken to correct deficiencies (observations/mistakes) and when all deficiencies have been corrected, new permit shell be obtained to resume work. {For emergency effected permit, when “All Clear” Clear” goes on, obtain new work permit.}
46.) Can emergency work be authorized, without work permit? Yes, emergency work can be authorized/allowed without applicable work permit.
Under the direction of incident commander Work activity shall fallow all SA Safety Saf ety rules and standards normally applicable for the specific •
emergency situation.
Emergency Work can be described as: The Work which is performed to control the abnormal (emergency) situation. ➢ The work can be done without work permit, but with authorization o off area owner.
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47.) How is a permit closed? By signing of both Issuer and Receiver in closing section of permit form.
48.) When a permit is to be closed? When the work is finished, work crew have to left area or permit duration is expires.
49.) Is signing in permit is only criteria/requirement to close permit? Is without signing by issuer and receiver, a permit can be closed? When distance and remoteness make signing impractical, an alternative closing method is determined and stated on the work permit, when it is issued.
invalid/cancelled and work cannot be continued? 50.) In what condition a permit is considered invalid/cancelled When given duration of a permit is expired. (When time finish)
51.) For how long the original work permit must be kept in record and by whom? For three months, by issuer (proponent organization).
Better if receiver (contractor) can keep his copy for 3 months, but it is not mandatory for receiving
52.) Who will perform gas test? SA Certified Person. (Gas tester (person) can be issuer, his designated representative, or any other person, but certified).
53.) GI for Gas Test? Which GI States the requirement requirements/procedure s/procedure for Gas Testing? G.I. 2.709
54.) Is gas test is required for all type of work permits? Yes, gas test is required for all type of work permits.
55.) What is gas test? It means the atmospheric test. A test to check presence and concentration (quantity) of different gases in surrounding Air.
56.) What are the common gases, checked in gas test (for a work permit)? What is checked in Gas Test? What is shown/written in Gas Test result? What a Gas Tester shows? Oxygen level, toxic and flammable gases ➢
Oxygen, Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbon Monoxide and LEL (of flammable gases)
57.) Hydrogen sulphide (H2 (H2S) S)? ? It is a colourless gas colourless gas with odour, similar to rotten eggs, rotten eggs, it it is heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive.{ Because of heavier than air it stays on ground level and in holes and excavations.}
58.) Carbon monoxide (CO)? Is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas that is slightly lighter than air. It is toxic to humans when encountered in concentrations above about 35 ppm. 35 ppm.
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59.) What are precautions on different level of gases? Gas/Vapour Oxygen (O2)
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Flammable/combustible Gases/Vapours
Requirement/Precaution Requirement/Precaution
20.95% is normal in air. From 20% to 23.5% is normal to perform a job
Less than 20%
Breathing apparatus must be used and Division Head must sign the permit
Above 23.5%
No work allowed
10 ppm or above
Breathing apparatus must be used
10 ppm to 100ppm
Division Head must sign the permit in addition to use of breathing apparatus
100 ppm or above
No work allowed
35 ppm to 1,000 ppm
Breathing apparatus must be used
1,000 ppm or above
No confined space entry allowed
Above 0% LEL (0.0)
No hot work allowed
5% LEL to 10% LEL (0.05 to 0.1)
Breathing apparatus must be used
10% LEL (0.1) or above
No work work or confined space entry allowed allowed
60.) What is the difference between Flammable and combustible Liquids? The burn able liquids are grouped, as either flammable or combustible by their flashpoints.
Flammable liquids can catch fire easily at normal temperatures (flashpoint below) 37.8°C (100°F).
Combustible liquids need slightly higher temperature then flammables. Combustibles have a
flashpoint at or above 37.8°C (100°F) and below 93.3°C (200°F).
61.) What is flashpoint of a liquid? The flashpoint of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which the liquid gives off enough vapour to be ignited (start burning) at the surface of the liquid. (Flashpoints are intended to be used as guides only, not as fine lines between safe and unsafe.)
62.) What is LEL (LFL)? The lowest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapour in air capable c apable of producing a flash of fire f ire in presence of an ignition source (arc, flame, heat), is defined as the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) {lower flammable limit (LFL)} for that gas. Below this level, the mixture is too less to burn.
63.) What is UEL (UFL)? Highest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapour in air capable ca pable of producing a flash of fire in presence of an ignition source (arc, flame, heat), Concentrations higher than UFL (upper flammable limit) or UEL are "too rich" to burn.
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64.) What is flammabil flammability ity limit? The range between the LEL and UEL is known as the Flammability Limit/Range for Limit/Range for that gas or liquid. The ratio of fuel and oxygen to ignite/burn, varies with each combustible/flammable gas or liquid. l iquid.
Methane - LEL: 5% by volume in Air / UEL: 17% by volume in Air
Visual example to show where on the scale % of LEL is measured.
LEL and UEL of Few Gases Gas
Carbon Monoxide
Ethylene Oxide
Hydrogen Sulfied
65.) What is PPM (Parts Per Million)? It is unit of concentration, commonly used as measuring of small levels of something (pollutants) in air, ai r, water, body fluids, etc. One ppm is 1 part in 1,000,000. The common unit mg/litter is equal to ppm. Four drops of ink in a 55-gallon barrel (208 litters) of water would produce an "ink concentration" of 1 ppm.
66.) What does % (Percent) mean? Percent (Per cent) mean out of a hundred, by a specified amount in or for every hundred. In In mathematics, mathematics, a a percentage is a number or ratio or ratio expressed as a fraction a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%", the percent sign, "%", or the abbreviations "pct." or "pc".
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67.) What is the difference between percent and ppm? There is a fundamental difference between the percentage and ppm calculations. That is the base each of these calculations use. The percent uses a base of 100 and ppm uses a base of million. ppm is used measuring small amount in 1,000,000 parts and % (percent) is used to show something in relatively low concentration, that is a part(s) in hundred parts.
68.) What have to be checked, before working on equipment? Source of energy must be checked, to make sure proper LOTO procedure is followed. Source of energy can be: • Mechanical Electrical • • Hydraulic Chemical • Pneumatic • Or any other Pressurized or Harmful form of energy •
69.) What LOTO is, and for what purpose it is use? LOTO is the procedure to prevent accidental release of energy in De-Energised, De-Pressurised, or Isolated equipment. LOTO mean Lock Out and Tag Out. Under GI 2.709, this safety procedure is use to Lock-Out (put on pad lock) on energy source control devices (switches, devices (switches, valves and blinds etc.) after De-Energising, De-Pressurizing or Isolating equipment and Tagging Out the Lock (putting a tag with lock) so any one reach to it can understand the reason of lock and can reach to owner of lock if required.
70.) When is Equipment Opening/Line Break (Release) permit used/required used/required? ? This yellow colour Equipment Opening/Line Break permit, SA Form9873-1 (Release Form9873-1 (Release (Old), SA Form 924-1) 924-1) is used/required in activities that involve opening equipment, vessels, tanks or piping that contain previously (have the potential to contain) flammable, combustible, toxic or injuries material. For Example: •
• • • •
Opening Oil and gas line or system Opening steam and condensate line or system Opening lines or systems containing H2S Opening line or system containing Nitrogen (N2) Opening line or system containing hazardous material (e.g., caustic or sulphuric acid
71.) What is purpose of Equipment Opening/Line Break (Release) permit? Equipment Opening/Line Break (Release) permit is used to ensure that workers properly plan a and nd takes appropriate precautions during work activities that require the opening of equipment, vessels or pipelines that is part of a closed system.
72.) What are the safety precautions for opening line, which is a part of existing/closed system, containing Hydrocarbon? What are safety requirements to use Equipment Opening/Line Break (Release) permit, for a Hydrocarbon line?
Prior to opening/line break, all associated systems shall be isolated (LOTO). Remove all ignition sources within 23 m (75 ft) of o f the point of opening. • Notify activities downwind of the point of opening. •
Designate a Firewatch and/or standby man. Use appropriate PPEs for the potential hazard as per Chemical Hazard Bulletin (or MSDS) •
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Use proper type of respiratory protection, specific for the hazard of material during the initial
• • •
opening line/break. Until gas test shows normal results. When unbolting/disconnecting any flange, suppose/consider line as pressurised. Perform atmospheric test after the initial opening of line. Obtain a cold or hot permit to use tools and/or equipment involved (as applicable). Drainage or collection system must be capable to hold the flow and/or pressure of potential liquid.
Simply: When opening equipment or breaking a line always: Beware of the chemical/substance involved in equipment or line and take precautions as per • relevant CHB or MSDS. • Check wind direction. • Drainage. Source of ignition. •
73.) What is Confined Space? Any reasonably enough space to perform a job, with limited mean of access and egress, not designed for general occupancy, having few common and can have specific hazards. Any space which is generally not designed for humans to occupy (stay there), where entry, exit and movement are difficult and there are also few hazards in such spaces.
74.) What are the Hazards related with Confined Space? Common Hazards: Those hazards present in almost all type of confined spaces, as: Enrichment or deficiency of Oxygen. • • Presence of toxic or flammable gases. Limited access and aggress. • • Illumine hazard (Light hazard, light can be too less or to bright). bright) . • Slip, trip and fall hazard. Thermal hazard (extreme temperature). • • Noise hazard.
Specific Hazards: Natures of confined spaces are different from each other, so some contain different hazard then other, and nature of job also participates. These can be: • Electric Shock (electrocution). Drowning hazard (as water or another liquid present). • • Caught between moving parts of machinery. Falling objects, loose materials. • • Presence of dangerous animal. Cave-in or collapse of side of excavation. •
75.) What are the common requirements for Confined Space Entry? With a valid work permit, confined space entry requirements are as but not limited to following: Confined space entry standby man (entry attendant). • Gas Test {prior to entry (even after any work break) and as requires by permit}. • • Sufficient lighting and ventilation. Confined space entry plan including emergency/rescue procedure. • • All sources of energy should be isolated. Hot or Cold permit(s) as applicable (for Job, inside i nside confined space). •
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76.) What are the requirements of hot work/welding and cutting? Gas Test. Remove all combustible and flammable material from work area. Covering sewers and drains (shell be covered up to 23 m (75 ft)). Box-up (cover) work area (To protect others from sparks and the intense light (Radiation). produced by welding/cutting). Firewatch and fire protection equipment (fire extinguisher). • • Firewatch shall stay on location for 30 minutes after the hot work finished.
• • •
appropriate/additional PPEs for Job. Use Follow any other instruction provided on permit.
When removal of combustible material is not possible, the material shall be protected by
using fireproof material and/or by wetting. Additional PPEs for welding/cutting work can include, but not limited to; Welding Helmet o or Welding Glasses, Respirator, Face Shield, Ear Protection, Leather Gloves and Welders Apron, Sleeves (arms and legs) and Spats (boot Covers).
77.) What is Hazard Analysis? Identifying all possible hazards potentially created by an activity or process and take step to make job site safe. Process of uncovering and identifying hazard those exist in the workplace before they occur, and to eliminate or reduce them to acceptable level. It is an assessment (review) of work activity conducted during joint joi nt site inspection, by issuer/designated representative and receiver. The individual steps of the job, equipment to be used and the work environment are discussed. Applicable protective measures are reviewed to make sure they are in place and address the hazards of the work activity.
78.) What should be done while completing Hazard Analysis Checklist? Checklist? Concentration should be made towards: •
• • •
Observing the work area and surrounding. Take action to control any hazard that may be created because of the work activity. Discuss experience/lessons learned, when performing the same work previously. Process should be repeated whenever an unexpected problem arises.
79.) What is the number of hazards and controls, given in Hazard Analysis Checklist? How many Check Points are there in Hazard Analysis Checklist, given at back side of permit form? 20.
80.) What if any other Hazard arises (is there), other than those mentioned in Hazard Analysis Checklist? Those shall be listed on the work permit.
NO”” in checklist against a mentioned hazard and control? 81.) What if there come “NO It initiates/rise a STOP point. The issuer and receiver have to analyse the hazard(s) and develop methods to Control Hazard(s) and mention these control measures on work permit.
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82.) What minimum safe distance should be kept from overhead power line? Distance to keep from a power line depends online voltage.
Minimum distance
Up to 50,000 V (50 kV)
3 m (10 ft)
50,000 to 250,000 V (50 kV to 250 kV)
6 m (20 ft)
Over 250,000 V (over 250 kV)
7.6 m (25 ft)
Minimum distance to keep for unknown or over/above 250-kV is 25ft. The distance to be kept mean, distance from edge of equipment or material to be handled in area. For example: In case of a scaffold erection, at any single time the edge of any scaffold tube being handled, must • not cross the minimum required distance boundary. • If a crane is working near electric power lines, at any single time its boom, edge of load, sling, or tag line and/or any attachment, must not come closer than required distance. ➢
83.) Release permit is replaced by which permit? RELEASE OF HAZARDOUS LIQUID OR GAS (SA Form 924-1) permit is replaced by EQUIPMENT OPENING/LINE BREAK (SA Form 9873-1) permit.
84.) What are new permit forms and their numbers? Sr.
Work Permit Type
SA form number
Colour of permit form
85.) What is stop work authority? “Stop work” authority means that, all persons, whether Saudi Aramco employee or contractor contractor,, have the authority and obligation to stop any observed unsafe work at all SA facilities and locations.
Simple answer: “Stop work” authority means, everyone ever yone has authority to stop any unsafe work in SA areas.
requirements ents of contractor’s stop work authority program at grassroot project? project? 86.) What are the requirem Contractor shall implement a Stop Work Authority Program in line of requirements of SA Stop Work Authority Program and approved from SA Proponent.
87.) How many steps are there in SA Stop Work Authority Program? There are 5 steps in SA Stop Work Authority Program.
Stop Unsafe Work Notify Affected Personnel and Supervision •
Investigate the Causes for Stop Work and Correct the Hazard Communicate Findings and Resume Work Follow-Up • •
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88.) Shortly describe each step of SA Stop Work Authority. Stop Unsafe Work • Stop work if an unsafe behaviour or condition is observed.
Notify Affected Personnel and Supervision
Inform to SA supervisor of the activity and if necessary, to any related department.
Investigate the Causes for Stop Work and Correct the Hazard
Proponent will decide, if work is not proved/found unsafe work will be resumed, otherwise correction required first. Communicate Findings and Resume Work • Every person whose work will be affected, af fected, from stop work and/or by required correction, shall be informed.
For any stop work case, if required, proponent will do further investigation or follow up.
89.) What are requirements of SA Stop Work Authority Signages? At minimum, they;
Must be mounted in clearly visible locations at work Shall be in Arabic & English languages • • Shall contain text;
supervisor” شرunsafe, ب ب قstop وا work اوقف اand نreport ير ضitوto اyour اذsupervisor” “IfكIt’s
o o
90.) What is the requirement for contractor’s Stop Work Authority Signages? In additional to SA Stop Work Authority Signages requirement, contractor must translate mandatory/required text into the additional language(s) of their workforce.
Simple answer: Signages must be also in languages of workers.
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SECTOIN TWO TWO 1. For how long a certificate is issued to Issuer and receiver? For how long a certificate is valid? A B
2 Months 3 Years
2⅟ 2 Years 2 Years
Head of T & D Shift supervisor
Head of T & D Shift supervisor
That work permit is issued/used Fire-witch to be present
(To) obtain work permit Fire-witch to be present
2. Who will sign certificates of issuer? Issuer is certified by… by… A B
Manager of construction Their division/department head (By Superintendent)
3. Who will sign certificates of receiver? Receiver is certified by… by… A B
Manager of construction Their superintendent (division/department head)
requires… 4. A restricted area requires… A B
That receiver responds to emergency Work Permit system to be implemented
5. Work in restricted area requires. What is required to work in restricted area? A B
That receiver responds to emergency Work Permit
6. What do you call an area where work permits are required? A B
A restricted area A controlled area
A sensitive area A dangerous area
Fenced area, wells and community buildings Pump stations, gasoline stations and gas wells
Dump site Tank form
7. Restricted area includes... Restricted areas include which locations? A B
Pump stations, sewer plants and wells Wells, loading piers and welding shops
8. Which of the following is Not a restricted area? A B
Loading pier Gasoline station
9. Who decides whether an area should be restricte restricted d or not? If it has not been decided that an area is restricted, who will make final decision? Who will decide that area is restricted? Who decides/declare that an area is “restricted are” are”? A
Loss prevention
The department manager
As mentioned in GI 2.100
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10. Within how much distance from a hydrocarbon line, work permit is required? Within which distance from a Hydrocarbon line or equipment a work permit is required? A B
23 ft 75 ft (23 m)
Inside fence area only 100 ft
11. Within how many feet of a power line, work permit is required? A B
100 ft 200 ft
12. Which one of the following is restricted activity? A B
Working within 23-m of hydrocarbon storage tank Working near to overhead powerline
50 ft (15 m) 150 ft Working 100-m from a pressurised equipment A&B
13. Which is mandatory restricted activity? A B
100-m distance from gaseous pipeline Working at 55-m from hazardous equipment
Working in excavation of 4 feet in length Job at 23-m distance from pressurised equipment
14. Which of the following is not a restricted activity? A B
Doing crane lifting Performing hot work in restricted area
Entering an excavation 1-meter deep Entering a confined space
15. Who can decide that work/job is low risk (Low Risk Activity)? Who can decide that an activity/job is a “Low Risk Activity”? Activity”? A B
Receiver Shift Supervisor
The Issuer Proponent Management
“Low ow Risk Activity” can be performed in restricted area without work permit? 16. Who will decide that “L When doing a job, j ob, who will decide that work permit is required or not? When requesting for work permit, who will decide that activity is low risk and permit is not required? A B
Receiver Shift Supervisor
The Issuer Proponent Management
17. Is a low-risk activity, which do not require work permit, mean free hand to work-crew? What is other consideration/requirement consideration/requirement for an activity, which do not require work permit? Do Low-risk activity mean free hand to do work? A
No, it requires to follow SA Safety requirements and personnel/worker control in work area Yes, but issuer must be on site
(No, it needs to) Take permission of Issuer/area-supervisor and follow SA Safety requirements None of mentioned
To control hazards To control equipment movement
To log accident To carryout job safely
18. Why is work permit required in restricted area? Work permit is used to… to… A B
Precautions Control workers
19. Why do we use the work permit system? A B
To renew certificate To prevent accident
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20. What is the purpose of work permit system? A B
To authorize all work activities during a T&I on a form To document when receiver start works for timekeeping
To authorize specific construction or maintenance work To ensure that hot work is not done in restricted area
21. Work permit must be issued for... Work permit is issued for... Work permits authorize... A B
General work on general location Specific work on/at specific location
Specific location and general work Specific work on general location
22. What type of work does the work permit system authorize? What type of work can be performed/done by using work permit? Which type of work you can do by using work permit system? Work permit (system) allows which type of work? A B
Specific construction, maintenance, or repair work All work done by maintenance or construction
All work conducted for Saudi Aramco
Non-hazardous work where safety is important
(To) be sure that precautions are taken Use a designated representative
23. We use work permit in hazardous area to... A B
Check expired certificates Identify alternate services
24. We use work permit in hazardous area to identify... A B
The designated representative Expired permits
Alternate receiver Hazards and recommend precautions
25. What are two important reasons for using work permit? A B
To communicate and control work (and peoples) To communicate to stop work
To track control and manage emergency
To track contractor’s work hour hour
lists… 26. A work permit lists… A work permit contains… contains… ____________ ________ ____ are written/stated written/stated in in work permit. permit. A B
Maximum safety precautions Minimum safety precautions
Government safety precautions OSHA safety precautions
27. A work permit issuer is responsible for the safety of …. …. The issuer and receiver are jointly are jointly responsible responsible for the safety safety of …. A B
The receiver’s receiver’s certificate Extending certificate
Nothing once he issues a permit Personal and equipment at the job site
28. Who should point out all hazards and write on the work permit? A B
The issuer / Designated representative The standby man
The Firewatch The receiver
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29. An issuer has which responsibil responsibility? ity? An issuer’s responsibilities responsibilities include… include… It is responsibility of issuer to… to… An issuer is responsible to… A B
Define safety precautions and stay there Supervise the crew and sign the work permit
Issues and receive work permit Define safety precautions and sign work permit
30. Is it important, that the issuer tells receiver about safety hazards, he (receiver) may find at the job site? Why it is important for issuer to tell receiver about expected hazards in work are? Why it is important for issuer to tell receiver about potential hazards of work are? A B
The receiver does not read the work permit The receiver may not have worked in the area before
The receiver must respond to emergencies The receiver must take gas test
31. What must issuer do before issue the work permit? A B
Close the work permit and check the receiver certificate Provide first aid and assign a Firewatch
Check the receiver certificate and get countersign Renew certificate and get countersign
32. For how long, issuer needs/have-to keep original work permit on file (in record)? A B
Up to end of work 3 months
30 days 3 years
The receiver The standby man
33. Who should keep the work permit? Who shall keep work permit on job j ob site? A B
The Firewatch The issuer
34. What must an issuer write along/with his sign, while issuing work permit? What must a receiver write along/with his sign, when receiving the work permit? What must an issuer and receiver write along/with their signs, in the work permit form? A
Time and date and certificate number
B Organization code, badge number and certificate number
Gas test, badge number and certificate number Name, badge number and organization code
35. What must issuer write on the work permit? A
Name, organization code and badge number
Badge number and certificate expiry date
Name, badge number and certificate expiry date D Gas test result, name, and badge number
36. A receiver is.... Who is work permit receiver? A B
A person certified to receive permit Certified craftsman
Senior craftsman manager A person nominated by his supervisor
37. Which gas is mandatory to be checked in all confined spaces? ______ gas testing shall be conducted for all all confined space entry entry activities. A B
Nitrogen (N) CO (Carbon monoxide)
Argon Any Gas
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38. Who should ask for work permit before starting work? Who should ask for work permit when a crew/group want/going to start a job? A B
Standby man The Firewatch
The receiver Group supervisor
39. The receiver receive/request work permit from… from… From whom, receiver will request work permit, before starting work? A B
Certified Operation’s Supervisor (Issuer) (Issuer) Operation’s Supervisor Supervisor
Authorized issuer Saudi Aramco Employee
(Saudi Aramco) Certified Issuer A&B
40. Who will issue work permit? Receiver will ask for permit, from whom? Receiver will ask to issue permit, from… from… Who have to receive request for Work Permit? A B
Designated Receiver Senior operator
41. Hazardous Atmosphere is an atmosphere in which workers are exposed to the A B
Risk of Death Injury or illness
Incapacitation All above
42. What should receiver do first, before he asks for work permit from issuer? What should be the first thing to do when receiver need work permit? A B
Tell his supervisor to go with him Shutoff the circuit breaker
Get tools ready Present his certificate to issuer (and request for permit)
43. What two things receiver must do before signing/receiving a work permit? A B
Take gas test and check scoot air pack Read the permit and agree to all conditions
Extend the work permit and take gas test Train the Firewatch and renew the permit
44. Can a receiver refuse to sign a work permit? A
No, he cannot
When he thinks safety, precautions are not
Yes, when he is not agreed with conditions and or think safety precautions are not sufficient/enough
sufficient/enough He must sign, even he disagrees with safety measures taken.
45. The receiver’s receiver’s main main responsibili responsibilities ties include.... A
Being the designated representative
Filling and sign for the issuer
Comply with safety precautions agreed upon, with issuer Responding to operations emergencies
46. Why issuer and receiver sign when opening, renewing, and closing the permit? A B
To understand the work and accept all conditions Receiver may forget his responsibilities
To inform new issuer
Issuer may handover job to receiver
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47. Who will determine that, periodic, frequent, or continuous gas monitoring is required? A B
The Issuer Gas Tester
Receiver Operation Superintendent
When job site is safe to work
Want to do job
Can leave the work area Have choice to follow or not follow instructions
He knows what job is He is not responsible for accidents
48. When will receiver and issuer sign the permit? A B
When both agreed on the terms and conditions In emergency to stops work
49. By signing on the work permit, (receiver)… (receiver)… A B
Receivers meet the required conditions (became) Agreed with all written conditions of the work permit
50. Why Receiver sign with issuer? Receiver signing with Issuer, to accept that. A B
Both share safety responsibilities Issuer is having authority on work stoppage
51. When will receiver signs the permit? A
When Receivers can meet the required conditions
Any time he can sign permit
It did not make difference
(When) agreed with all requirements of the workhe permit
After issuer sign the permit Any time he can sign permit
52. When will receiver signs the permit? A B
Before giving permit to issuer It did not make difference
53. What joint responsibility do issuer and receiver shares? What responsibility do issuer and receiver share by/when signing a work permit? A B
Responding to emergency events Maintaining safe conditions at the site
Naming the designated representative Safety of the work site/area
54. Who is responsible after precautions are stated on work permit? Who is responsible for the safety of the work area? Who are responsible at job site for safety? Who is responsible for maintaining safe conditions at site? A B
The issuer Both issuer and receiver
The receiver Both Firewatch and standby man
55. If receiver cannot understand some of safety precautions written on Work Permit, what he will w ill do? A B
Ask issuer to explain Start Work
Ignore them Start work and then stop
56. Why receive must understand and comply the safety precautions? A B
Firewatch may left job Work may be not finished time
Equipment may get damage Accident may happen
57. Where must the receiver keep work permit after it is issued? A B
With senior crew member In the control room
Within the 75 meters of the work permit Display D isplay at the job site or in his possession
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58. Why Issuer and Receiver go to site? A B
To check other activities in area To count workforce
To discuss safety hazards and precautions To check weather condition
59. Which section of work permit form, receiver can fill? Receiver can fill/write-in only ___________ of work permit form. A B
Section 2 – – hazard identification and control Section 1 – – Work Description
Hazard analysis checklist Cannot fill any section
60. Why receiver tells issuer scope of work and equipment to be used? A B
Issuer will count all equipment It is not necessary to teel issuer
So, equipment can be checked So, they can agree on safety precautions
61. Should receiver “sign” work permit if the permit does not address all his safety concerns? A B
No Only when issuer request
Is job being urgent Yes
by… 62. When conditions are changed, a work permit can be cancelled by… Cancelation of work permit is done, if conditions are changed, by… by… A B
Issuer Receiver
Designated representative Both A & B
63. Why designated representative is sometime appointed/assigned? Why issuers need/require assistance of designated representative? A B
The issuer maybe busy and need help The gas test found high level reading
The receiver did not come to work Too many safety problems were found
64. What is the responsibil responsibility ity of designated representative? A B
Accept the receiver’s responsibilities Inspect the work site (Conduct joint site inspection)
Sign the work permit Authorise receiver’s responsibilities
The issuer and designative representative
The issuer and gas tester
65. Who goes on the joint site inspection? A B
The issuer/designated representative and receiver The issuer and the area foreman
66. Which from the following, designated representative representative can fill? Which section of the work permit forms does the designated representative do/fill? A B
Safety observation checklist Job safety analysis
Risk assessment Hazard Analysis Checklist
Scope of work and equipment to be used Designated representative’s qualification qualification
67. What is discussed during joint site inspection? A B
GI 2.709 requirements Check the Firewatch’s certificate certificate
68. What is the purpose of joint site inspection? A
To meet with the workers and observe their activities
To discuss the scope of work and identify hazard, risks and precautions.
To see the work plan and its implementation
To check the availability of equipment and manpower
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69. When is Joint Site Inspection (JSI) performed? When will you do JSI? A B
When job is not urgent B efore issuing work permit Before
Always before confined space entry When work permit is to be cancel
70. Who leads the joint site inspection and ensure that gas test has been conducted? Who will lead the joint site inspection (JSI)? Who will make sure that gas test is conducted? A B
Receiver Firewatch
Issuer (or his representative) Firewatch andDesignated standby man
71. Why do the receivers go on the joint site inspection with issuer? A B
To take gas test To discuss hazards and risk (associated with the job)
To start the work To check the Firewatch’s certificate certificate
72. One of the purposes of Joint Site Inspections (JSI) is …. A
To count workers
To know who will do job
To identify hazards and determine precautions To check area temperature
73. Why joint site inspection is conducted by issuer/designate issuer/designated-representative d-representative and receiver? A B
They can check how many workers are going to work To check weather condition
So, they can clearly understand the scope of work It is not mandatory
74. If Joint Site Inspection, including Hazard Analysis Checklist, is not performed/done, what receiver will do? If before starting work/issuing-permit work/issuing-permit Hazard Analysis Checklist is not reviewed, what receiver will do? A B
Continue work Do not sign the permit
Analyse by himself Can do it at when closing work permit
75. If Joint Site Inspection is completed but Hazard Analysis Checklist is not completed, what receiver will do? When receiver see Hazard Analysis Checklist is not signed, what action he will take? A B
Continue work Sign for issuer and continue work
Checklist sign is not important Stop work and inform issuer
76. When would issuer make sure that, the equipment has been prepared for maintenance work? A B
During the joint site inspection After issuing permit
When the permit is closed After getting countersign
77. Who can come to Joint Site Inspection and can tell/ask you, that which permit is required for your job? A B
Certified Issuer / (his) Designated Representative Paints are irritant to eyes
Certified Issuer / (his) Designated Representative Dangerous to skin
78. During joint site inspection, what things are to be discussed? What is discussed during Joint Site Inspection (JSI)? A B
Number of employees Scope of work and precautions to take.
Daily news and alerts Cost of work and equipment expenses
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79. Which section of new work permit form is considered as cornerstone of new work permit system? Which section is considered as cornerstone in new work permit form? Which is most valuable addition in new work permit form? A B
Joint site inspection Risk assessment
Hazard analysis checklist Job safety analysis
80. What must be checked during the joint site inspection? Select all items that apply. A
Safety devices
Gas test
Attendance report
Equipment condition
81. How many sections are in new work permit form? How many sections does the (new) work permit form have? A B
4 Sections 5 Sections
6 Sections 3 Sections
Two receivers shift One operational shift
82. Work permit is issued for ... Usually work permit is issued for… A B
Two operational shifts 24 consecutive hours
83. A work permit can be issued for…. for…. A
12 hours
24 hours
8 hours
All of above
8 hours 12 hours
30 hours 30 Days
84. Extended work permit can be approved/issued for....
85. Normally, the period covered by one work permit shall not be exceeding, how many consecutive hours? With extension/renewal, extension/renewal, the maximum time coved by a permit shall not exceed... Including issuing time, permit cannot be renewed for more than... Maximum time covered by a renewed permit, shall not exceed. A B
16 hours 8 hours
86. For how long an issuer can issue a permit? A B
For one week only For as long as he will stay on duty, but not more than 24 hours
24 hours 30 hours
For 10 hours Only for 8 hours
87. When applying for Extended Work Permit , which one is applicable period? Extended Work Permit is is issued for...
16 hours More than 2 operational shifts, but not more than 30 days
08 hours All of above
88. An Extended Work Permit is issued for.... Maximum time covered by Extended Work Permit is... is... BA
Notdays more than 30 days 30
Not more than one operational shift 10 days
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89. Work permit can be issued up to 30 days if.... A B
Only the cold work will be done It is highly unlikely that conditions will change
The work site is far away The receiver cannot close the permit
90. Who must sign the work permit issued for, up to 30 days? (including issuer and receiver) Extended Work Permit is approved by… by… A
Receiver and designated representative
Division heads of issuer and receiver
Operation Foreman, issuer, and receiver
Operation and maintenance division head
91. What happen if work must continue past the time of original work permit? What, if work must continue and original permit is about to expire? What should be done, if work must continue, past the original permit time? What will you do if work need more time to finish and permit is about to expire? What to do if work is not finished and permit time is about to finish/end? A B
Work can continue until the job is complete Renew the permit
Extend the permit or issue/take new permit Stop work and come back next day
Two receivers shift Until next morning
92. Duration for renewal of work permit is…. is…. Work permit is renewed for…. A B
One (Consecutive) Shift 24 consecutive hours
93. Who must sign a work permit to renew/extend? A B
The new area Foreman and receiver The new issuer and receiver
Superintendent countersign is required Designated representative and receiver
w ork, after permit has been renewed/extended? 94. Who is responsible for safety at the work, A B
The issuer and the receiver who sign the renewal/extension The original issuer and receiver
The old issuer because he did the joint site inspection No one after permit has been extended
When gas test reading is 0.0%LEL Yes, when issuer give permission
95. When can a receiver leave the job site? Can receiver leave the job site? A B
No, he cannot leave job site He may close or transfer permits to new/new/another receiver
96. To whom, the receiver can delegate/hand-over the permit, when leaving the job site? A B
Certified issuer Senior craftsman
Supervisor or Foreman Can only be closed or transferred to Certified receiver
97. What will be the procedure for transferring permit permit to new receiver/issu receiver/issuer? er? How receiver can transfer permit to new reiver, when leaving job site? A
By following same requirements of a renewed/extension permit
Issuer and new receiver will inspect the site and sign in renewal section of the permit
Just inform the issuer
Take new receiver to issuer and told him
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98. Can a renewed permit be transferred? If a work permit is renewed/extended, it can be transferred to new issuer or receiver? A B
Once there is no new permit copy is available Yes, but only for one shift
No, (already) renewed permit cannot be transferred After taking sign from unit Foreman
transferred”” permit can be renewed? 99. For how long a “transferred A permit which is transferred to new receiver/issuer, can be renewed? A B
Yes, but only for one shift No, a transferred permit cannot be renewed
If issuer want to extend After taking sign from unit Foreman
100. Can a permit be renewed without conducting site inspection, by new issuer and receiver? New issuer and receiver can sign permit to extend/renew, without conducting site inspection? A
Yes, if they know that everything is good
When issuer do not have time, they can sign
If issuer want to sign without conducting site inspection No, it can be renewed only after conducting joint site inspection
101. Who is responsible to take countersign of other issuer/departm issuer/department? ent? When underground utilities are known or suspected, who will take counter sign from concerned department/issuer? A B
Maintenance personals Issuer
Designated representative Receiver
102. When a permit is renewed, what should be done if it contains countersign of another organization/department? A B
Notify all countersigning organizations about permit renewal No need to inform or take countersign again
Inform shift supervisor
Take countersign again with renewal
(Both) Issuer and Receiver Designated Representative
To make sure that work site is left safe (in safe condition) To stop work
103. Who must sign the work permit to close it? A B
Competent person Gas Tester, Issuer and Receiver
104. Why must work permit, be closed? Why is work permit closed? What is the reason to close work permit? A
To communicate the status of work
To allow gas test to be taken
105. Which one is correct/appropriate for High-Risk Activity? A B
Present additional or unique hazard Only requires more safety
Require additional approval None of above
Before another permit is issued
Just before the end of shift
106. When must be work permit close? When must the work permit be closed? When to close work permit? Work permit must be closed… closed… A B
When the work is finished and/or work crew leaves After gas test taken
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107. Why check list section is important to issuer and receiver? A B
It makes sure that important steps have been taken It defines the duration and scope of work
It controls the receiver’s break time
It tells them all the precautions to take
“Use a a fire blanket” blanket” or “hand dig only” only”, are the examples of... 108. “Use “Use a “Use a fire blanket” blanket” or “hand dig only”, are the examples of what? what? A
Basic safety
Working criteria
Additional precautions
Not safety precautions
109. Thich is Saudi Aramco approved personal single gas monitor? A B
Any calibrated gas monitor T40 Rattler
TX-1 MX4
receiver? 110. What information a “Location Box” on work permit gives to receiver? What is mentioned in “Location Box” of work permit form? form? “Location Box” provide/give, Box” provide/give, what information? The information entered in work location is important because it describes that... What information “Work Location Box” provides? A B
Exact location where receiver can work Where the receiver can go
Very equipment which receiver can use None of above
111. What information a duration box on work permit gives to receiver? A B
How many workers are allowed for work When to start and when must stop work
Up to which time receiver can work Where receiver can work
112. If the work permit is not issued during an emergency, what must be done to do the work? A B
Superintendent must approve All safety precautions must be taken
Wear SCUBA and perform work Perform joint site inspection
113. A work permit must be written in… in … A B
Arabic Ink pen
C Arabic and led pencil D English
114. The issuer must stop work if.... A B
When the issuer goes to his office The issuer left the job site
The job site is found (to be) unsafe The issuer lost his cope of permit
115. What must the issuer do, after/when he stops work? A B
Write the reason on the permit Get a countersign
Close, then extend the permit Give his copy to the receiver
The designated representative must leave The issuer leaves the job site
Tell his immediate supervisor Tell/inform the issuer
116. The receiver must stop work if... When should receiver stop work? When must receiver stop work? A B
He cannot find the issuer The work site become unsafe
117. What must receiver do if he stops work? A B
Tell the designated representative Tell the senior craftsman
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118. What would be a good example when a receiver must stop work? A B
Material has not yet arrived (When) He hears an emergency alarm
He cannot wait for the countersign The backhoe run out of fuel
119. What might happen if a safety problem arises, and receiver does not stop work? When work site become unsafe, and receiver does not stop work... A B
Countersignature become void A Fire, Injury or Accident (can occur)
Accident can occur The work permit expires
120. Where will you find Stop Work Authority (SWA)? A B
CSM only In Stop Work G.I
Can download from Internet CSM, SMS, Safety Handbook
121. Who can stop work in Saudi Aramco facilities areas? In Saudi Aramco, who can stop an unsafe activity/work? A B
Proponent manager Recover and issuer
Everyone (Anyone) Designated representative
122. How many steps are there in stop work authority? In Saudi Aramco Stop Work Authority, there are _____ steps. A B
Five Only three steps
Too many steps As much required by issuer
are… 123. Steps of Stop work authority are… Which sequence is correct for Stop Work Authority in Saudi Aramco? A B
Stop, notify, investigate, follow-up, communicate Stop, communicate, notify, investigate, follow-up,
Stop, notify, investigate, communicate follow-up. Communicate, investigate, stop and followup
124. Select steps of Saudi Aramco Stop Work Authority. A B C
Communication Notify all persons Make Safety Alert
Stop unsafe work Investigate Follow-up
125. In Saudi Aramco facility areas, anyone can get help from? A B
Daily news bulletin Only from CSM
Lass prevention monthly magazine CSM, SMS, Safety Handbook
126. What is the difference between hot work and cold work? A
Cold use ignition source
Both use an ignition source
Hot work, use/involve ignition source, while cold work does not involve ignition source Neither use an ignition source
Abrasive blasting and painting Carpentry work and brush painting
127. Cold work includes.... A B
Sand removal and scaffold erection Scaffold erection and using backhoe
128. An equipment opening/line break permit is required when? A
Operator purges an equipment
Operator release hydrocarbon to flair
Pipefitter open a line or install blind
Craftsmen build scaffold
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129. What should be checked, before allowing entry into confined space? A B
Gas test, Firewatch and barricade Lighting, standby man and air mover (ventilation)
Firewatch, standby man and gas test Air mover, respirator, and countersignature
130. What should be checked before issuing an equipment opening/line break permit? What should be kept in concentration before working on equipment opening/line break permit? What are the three things you should check before opening an equipment or breaking/opening a line? A B
Safety harness, belt, and safety glass Sewer, man way and air mover
Ignition source, gloves, and safety glass Wind direction, draining and ignition source
131. If there is one welding machine and is to be used by a welding and an electric group, how many work permits are required? A B
One Three
Two work permits If issuer is agreeing one permit
132. When going into a manhole to do welding job, what kind of permit is required? required? A B
Hot work and confined space entry permits Cold work and confined space entry permits
Hot and cold work permits Confined space entry permit
133. When working for well-head tie-in job using crane and hand tools, what kind of permits are required? A B
Hot work and cold work permits Hot work, cold work, and equipment opening/line break (release) permit
Hot work and confined space entry permit Equipment opening/line break permit (release)
134. With manual back filling, a crew need, engine operated compactor to do their job in 5 ft deep trench (excavation), what kind of permit is required? What kind of work permit(s) is required, when a crew need to do manual backfilling and compaction with engine operated equipment equipment in a 5 ft deep excavation? A
Cold work and confined space entry permits
Hot work and cold work
Hot work, cold work, and confined space entry permits Only confined space entry permit
135. For electric operated x-ray equipment, what type of permit is required? A B
Cold work permit Hot work permit
No permit is required Confined space entry permit
136. What type of work permit is required for sealed source radiography? A B
Cold work permit Hot work permit
No permit is required Equipment entry work permit
137. The use of air compressor in an operational/restricted operational/restricted area requires which work permit? A B
Equipment opening/line break Cold work permit
Confined space entry Hot work permit
138. Why cannot a pipefitter work on the same piece of equipment using a welder’s work permit? permit? A pipefitter cannot work on the same (piece of) equipment equipment using a welder’s work permit because... because... A B
Joint side inspection is not required for pipefitters job Each type of work involves different hazards
Gas test are not required for pipefitters work Welders are usually contractors
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139. Can work in two different locations be covered under one work permit? Yes Only if agreed by issuer
Only with superintendent approval No
140. If mechanical and electrical groups are working on the same equipment in restricted area... A
Two work permits are required
Each group must have its/their separate work permit
When the maintenance person agrees to work without permit When the foreman and superintendent agree on one work permit
141. What type of work permit is required to clean a tank from inside, perform inside inspection or work inside sewers? A B
Cold work permit Hot/cold and confined space entry permit
Hot and cold work permit Equipment opening/line break (Release)
142. What type of permit is required to take vehicle or construction equipment, inside a restricted area? The use of a vehicle in an operating area requires which work permit? If a driver wants to take vehicle in restricted area, what type of o f work permit is required? Issuer ask/told a driver to drive/take vehicle inside restricted area, which permit required? A B
Confined space entry permit Vehicle entry permit
Cold work permit Hot work permit
143. What type of work permit is required when working in close proximity to a live electrical line? What type of work permit is required when working near Electrically Energised Equipment? A B
Cold work permit Hot work permit
Hot work and confined space entry permit Equipment opening/line break permit
144. Abrasive blasting (sand blasting) requires what type of work permit, in a restricted area? A B
Cold work permit Hot work permit
Hot work and confined space entry permit Equipment opening/line break permit
145. Which duty/type of scaffold is required for abrasive/sand blasting job? Abrasive/sand blasting is allowed on minimum... A B
Light duty Very light duty
Any duty of scaffold Medium duty (Scaffold)
146. What issuer will check before, issuing permit for crane lifting? A B
Physical condition of lifting gears Crane’s checklist
Certificate of operator and rigger All of above
requirement nt starts? 147. At what depth of an excavation, confined space entry permit requireme Above/more-than which depth of an excavation/trench, confined space entry permit is required? A B
4m 4 ft (1.2 m)
2.2 m 1.2 ft
148. What is required distance for a scaffold base, from edge of excavation? A B
Height of scaffold × depth of excavation 2.6 m
1.5 × depth of excavation 1m
149. Motor vehicles, and heavy equipment shall be kept away from the edge of the excavation… excavation… A B
1.5 × depth of excavation 2 m (6.5 ft) or the depth of excavation
1.8 m (6 ft) 3 m (10 ft)
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150. Which equipment are having exception to operate with 2-m from edge of excavation? Which equipment can operate within 2-m from edge of excavation? A B
Crane Welding truck
Excavation and Backfilling Equipment Nun of above
151. What is the requirement of distance for crane, from edge of excavation? Crane is not allowed to operate, within…. within…. A
Depth of excavation for type A soil
Two-meter distance is enough
Two times the depth of excavation for type B and C Soils
Nun of above
152. What is the minimum distance from any pipeline, cable, or other obstruction, where mechanical excavation cannot be performed? A B
1 m (3 ft) 2 m (6.5 ft)
1.8 m (6 ft) 3 m (10 ft)
153. What is the minimum distance required to be maintained from energized overhead power line, when voltage is unknown? What is the minimum distance required to be maintained from energized overhead power line, of above 250kV? When overhead energized powerline contains over 250-kV, what will be the minimum required distance to be maintained? A B
25 ft 15 ft
Between goal posts 3 ft
154. What is the minimum required distance to be maintained from overhead powerline of 50kV? 50 kV? Minimum distance to maintained form overhead 50kV powerline is ___. A B
25 ft 10 ft
20 ft 3 ft
155. When welder have to vent a Nitrogen purged pipe, to perform welding, from which point it should be vented? Before welding, when Nitrogen (N) is to be removed from pipeline, from which location it should be vented/removed? A B
Far-away downwind From the point where he has to weld
Upwind vent point From any vent point
156. Does every work permit require sign, that gas test is conducted? Do every work permit need gas test? A B
No Yes, all type of work permit requires gas test
Only confined space entry permit Only in the area where hydrocarbon is present
Work permit receiver Third party certified Gas Tester
157. Who will take gas test in Saudi Aramco? A B
Anyone who know how to use a gas monitor Saudi Aramco Certified Gas Tester
158. What information gas tester needs/have to write on work permit? A
Time and date and certificate number
Gas test result, his badge number and sign
Organization code, badge number and gas test result
Gas test, badge number, Name and certificate number
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159. What is checked in a gas test? What are the gases, checked in a gas test? What gases are checked in gas test? What are the common gases checked in a gas test? A B
Oxygen level Flammable gas, inert gas and heavy gas
Oxygen, flammable and toxic gases O2, LEL, H2S, CO
160. What is a common hazard, found in confined space? Which of the following hazard can be found in confined space? A B
Hazardous atmosphere Cave-in
Electrocution Slip Trip & Fall
161. A hazardous atmosphere is one which contains…. contains…. A B
Oxygen deficiency or enrichment CO at or above 35 ppm
H2S at or above 10 ppm All of Above
162. Respiratory protection equipment equipment authorized to be used in Saudi Aramco are A B
Too much oxygen A lower-than acceptable amount/range of oxygen
Too much oxygen A higher-than acceptable amount/range of oxygen
163. What is oxygen deficiency? A B
Lower than 20% oxygen Oxygen that is not pure
164. What is oxygen enrichment? A B
More than 23.5% oxygen Oxygen that is not pure
165. At which level of oxygen, breathing apparatus is required? A B
At 25% Less than 10%
Less than 20% Greater than 15%
166. What should be done if O2 level is less than 20%? What is required when oxygen level is less than 20%? A B
Breathing apparatus must be used Work can be continued without use of breathing apparatus
Division head must sign the permit Breathing apparatus must be used and division-head/superintendent must sign the permit
167. On what level of oxygen (O 2), no work is allowed? A B
16.5% Any reading above 23.5%
22.8% None of there
168. Hot work is not allowed if the gases and vapours are measured, at what reading of LEL? Hot work is not allowed when LEL is…. is…. At what/which reading of LEL, hot work is not allowed? A B
10% 0.05
Below 0.5% Above 0% (0.0)
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169. What is the acceptable level of LEL to allow hot work? A B
10% 0.0 (0%)
Below 0.5% Above 0%
170. On which reading of LEL, entry is not permitted in confined? Confined space entry is not allowed when LEL reading is… is… A B
10% LEL (0.1 LEL) and above 0.5 LEL
0.05 LEL 50 % LEL
171. On which level of LEL, breathing apparatus is required to be used? A B
0.5 % and above 0.05 LEL (5%) and above
At 0.0 LEL 5% to 10% (0.05 to 0.1 LEL)
10 ppm to 100 ppm division head must sign the permit All of Above
172. Which one is applicable for H2S H2 S Readings? Which one is correct, for H2S? A B
10 ppm or above breathing apparatus must be used Above 100 ppm No work (or confined space entry) allowed
173. If H2S is present, at what level breathing apparatus is required? On which concentration/level of H 2S breathing apparatus is required? A B
5 PPM 10 PPM and above
1 PPM Above 50 PPM
LEL 10% All of Above
174. Confined space entry is not allowed if... A B
CO is 1000 ppm H2S is above 100 ppm
175. On which reading of gas test, breathing apparatus must be used? A breathing apparatus is required when... Breathing apparatus is required/to-be-used/mandatory when gas test result is/shows... A B
CO is 500 ppm LEL 8%
O2 18.5% All of Above
Report to the loss prevention Continue work and conduct gas test by himself
Whenever an ignition source is used Whenever a fire could occur
Trained A receiver
Take gas test Operate process equipment
176. When receiver smells a gas, what should he do? A B
Inform safety department Stop work and inform issuer to conduct gas test
177. When Firewatch is required? A B
When a gas test is over %LEL For high-risk job
178. What must the Firewatch be? A B
An issuer Certified
179. Firewatch must know how to... What training, a Firewatch should have? A B
Operate fire equipment, given to him To drive Fire Truck
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180. Which is Saudi Aramco approved gas monitor? Which gas monitor is/are Saudi Aramco approved monitor(s)? A B
AS-8900 & Any monitor as long as it is calibrated
MX4 & MX6 GX-3R
Check electrical generators Use proper PPEs
181. What is the main responsibility of Firewatch? Firewatch is responsible responsible… … A B
To monitor an ignition source Help welder in welding work
182. If Firewatch tells receiver that he does not know how to operate Fire Extinguishing Equipment, what receiver shall do? A B
Ask issuer to provide trained Firewatch Continue work
Tell Firewatch to not tell anyone Send him to get training
183. What are two important things a Firewatch must know/do? A B
Do not disturb anyone and stay near to work area Always check wind speed
(how to) Use given fire equipment and monitor ignition source Stay within 23-meters of work area
184. While performing Hot Work, if you find that Fire Extinguisher is not in working condition, what will you do? During hot work if fire extinguisher is found depressurised, you must/have-to…. must/have-to…. A B
Stop work and wait/arrange for new Fire Extinguisher Do not do anything and continue work
Continue work and send fire watch to find another Fire Extinguisher Stop all work and take Cold Work Permit
185. The person is assigned by issuer to monitor ignition source and stay on job location for 30 minutes, after job will be finished, is… is… Who will stay on hot work location for 30 minutes after work is finished? When an activity involves development of ignition source, who is required? A B
Pipefitter Standby man
Any person can stay for 30 minutes Firewatch
186. What would the issuer require when welding, in-service hydrocarbon equipment? What would the issuer require for welding, in area contains hydrocarbon? Who/what should be assigned when working near combustible material? A B
Fire department Firewatch
Fire blanket Standby man
187. Open fire and burning of material require an authorization from which department? department? Inside SA Facilities and Areas, burning of material or open fire requires permission form… form… A
SA Fire Protection Department
SAEPS Department
SAIPS Department
CSM Department
188. For welding activity, portable fire extinguisher shall be available within.... A B
23 m (75 ft) Not required for welding job
3 m (10 ft) 7.5 m (25 ft)
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189. During welding operation, where will your fire extinguisher be located? During welding or when required with an equipment, where you will keep/place fire extinguisher? A B
With welder On welding machine
Upwind position/direction Downwind position
190. What is one hazard, when/with doing hot work? What hazard would you find when doing hot work? A B
Vapour pressure Ignition source
Ignition point Flash point
191. Which work permit requires sewers (and or drains) to cover up to 75 ft? Covering sewers is required by which work permit? A B
Hot work permit Cold work permit
No work permit has such requirement Confined space entry permit
192. Why are sewers covered in Hot Work Permit? In Hot Work Permit, why sewers are covered? Why we cover sewers withing 75ft of Hot Work Activity? A B
To avoid ignition source May be Flammable gases/liquid present
Worker working inside sewers To clean sewer
193. Sewers must be covered within _____ of Hot Work Permit. Sewers must be covered, within how many feet of Hot Work Permit/acti Permit/activity? vity? In which distance from a Hot Work activity/permit, sewers must be covered? A B
75 ft (23 meters) 100 meters
75 meters 23.5 ft
194. Why it is necessary to know the direction of wind? Wind direction must be considered when a permit is issued, because? A B
To prevent garbage and dirt to enter at work area To ensure that wind (containing flammable vapours or gas) will not blow into ignition source
Flammable gases may blow towards an ignition source None of above
195. Which non-flammable material is commonly used to purge process equipment? A B
Nitrate Nitrogen
Nitrate Oxide Nitrite
Nitrogen & Argon Nitrite
When supervisor want to When extending a permit
196. Commonly used inert gases are…. are…. A B
Nitrate Nitrate Oxide
197. When LOTO is installed? A B
Before work is finished Before work permit is issued
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198. Where must LOTO be applied? Where Lock Out Tag Out must be used? In what situation lock out and tag out is to be installed? A
All electrical works in restricted area
Where a person has to work on a live equipment
Where there is work on an instrument panel Where the energy (in/associated-with system) can cause injury
199. When will issuer installs LOTO and check that equipment is deenergised? A
Before issuing all hot work permits
When energy in system can cause injury
Before receiver start work on live electrical equipment All of above
200. When issuer will make sure that equipment is de-energised, and lock out and tag out is implemented? A
When working on energised batteries
When power/energy may injure the people
201. Why
When receiver work on live electrical equipment When working on instrument labelling
deenergised/depressurised? A B
Energy can injure peoples/workers People/workers can get injured
It did not make any difference Locks and Tags will destroy
202. When preparing equipment for maintenance work, the issuer must make sure that it is... Before starting work on an equipment, it must be made sure that equipment is... A B
Isolated repaired and certified Electrified isolated and shutdown
De-energized with power turned on Shutdown, isolated and de-energized
203. Removing fuse from electric circuit or disconnecting electrical wiring is an example of... A B
Isolating electrical equipment Cleaning electrical equipment
Purging Electrical Isolation
204. What are the 4 steps of process to make sure electrical equipment is properly isolated? What is 4 step process to ensure that the (electrical) equipment is properly isolated? A B
Lock, Tag, Try and Clear Clear area, lock equipment test switch and tag the lock
205. Two common methods of cleaning process equipment are.... How can process equipment be cleaned? Process equipment can be cleaned... A B
By B y water wash and/or steaming (By) treating and clarifying
Water wash and steaming Purging and gas testing
206. Equipment is isolated to make sure that, it cannot.... We isolate equipment to make sure it cannot be... A B
Start-up, leak or cause electric shock Slip trip or fall
Shutdown by accident Taken to shop for repair
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207. What are the methods of process piping and equipment isolation? How process piping and equipment can be isolated? What are the mechanical methods of isolation? A B
Single Block Valve Double Block and Bleed
Disconnection and Blinding All of Above
208. What is positive Isolation? Which method is considered as positive isolation? A B
Install tag and purge Remove piping and install blind
Disconnection and Blinding Install lockout and take gas test
209. Which Isolation method is required for Confined Space Entry? The only acceptable method of isolation for confined space entry to a vessel is… is … A B
Single Block Valve Double Block and Bleed
Any method which can be adopted Disconnection and Blinding (Positive Isolation)
210. Double block and bleed isolation method is not approved: A
Confined space entry
Hot work on process piping or equipment
Work on system containing flammable or toxic material All of Above
211. Installing locks and tags on electrical breakers prevents prevents accidental... A B
Blind installation Start-up of equipment
Purging equipment Nitrogen release
To explain why the lock is installed To communicate the reason and authorization of isolation
It is not allowed to use lock only When lock cannot be placed on energy isolation device
Every member of the crew The receiver
212. Why do we install tag with lock? Why are tags placed/installe placed/installed d with lock? A B
To record a gas test To list safety precautions
213. Why do we install only tag? When only tags are placed/installed? When we use Hold-Tags? A B
Always have to put lock first When isolation device is not a lockable device
214. Who, from the work crew will install lock? Who install receiver’s locks? locks? A B
One member from each work crew The Foreman and the receiver
215. When group lockout is required, who will install lock on Lockout Box? When large number of persons are required to lockout a device, usually a group Lockout Box is used and is locked by…. by…. In group lockout _________ will install his lock. A B
One member from each work crew The Foreman and the receiver
Each member of the crew The receiver
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216. The issuer must try to start-up equipment at the field switch after it has been isolated and before work starts, to make sure that, ... Isolated equipment, must be checked by field switch, before work starts (starting work), to make sure that, ... A B
It has been purged and cleaned The correct equipment is isolated
There is no gas in the area The receiver’s tag is installed i nstalled
217. When system is shutdown, isolated, locked and tagged by personal, what will be next step? When isolation is performed and LOTO is completed, what is next step? A B
Check the locks again to verify they are locked/closed Do not make any delay and start job quickly
Verification (verify that correct system is isolated) Tell workers and start work
218. When the operation person installs the padlock to the switchgear, what should he do next? A
Work safely
Ensure that the unit is isolated
Check the switch again to make sure that correct unit is isolated None of above
219. When the operation person isolates the unit and install padlock, then... After operations, who will install lock? A B
Do the job quickly Get tools and start work
Receiver will install his lock They can start the job with instructions of foreman
operation ’s lock and tag, installed tag, installed on equipment, when operator changes 220. What happen to the operation’s shift? When operators change shift... A B
The lock must be changed The tag must be changed
The lock and tag must be changed The keys are usually transferred to new shift
221. Who will install lock and & hold tag from maintenance work? Who is responsible for isolation for equipment for maintenance work? When maintenance work on an equipment, who will Lock-out Lock -out & Tag-out the equipment? A B
Maintenance only Each member of crew
Operations Only Operations & Maintenance
222. The reason, equipment must be de-energized and de-pressurized before starting work is because... Why must equipment be de-energized and de-pressuri de-pressurized zed before work is started? A B
Electricity can be wasted Accidental start-up could happen
People can be injured by stored energy Purged gas can be lost
223. Who should be the first organization to install lock and tag? Who is the first to install lock on a piece of equipment, isolated? Who install locks and tags first? Who will install LOTO first? A B
SCECO Maintenance
Operations Power distribution
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224. What must operation do before they remove their locks and tags? A B
Make sure the equipment can be safely started Take gas test and restart equipment
Clean and purge the breaker
Make sure the equipment is gas free
As many crew members One for issuer and one for receiver
225. For isolation lock, how many keys for one lock? How many keys with a pad lock used in LOTO? Locks used in LOTO, have ______ Key(s). A B
One only 3 for each lock
226. How many padlocks are required, when 4 different contractors are working on single/one equipment? When implementing LOTO, for 4 different contractors/groups, how many locks are required? A B
4 5
Only one 6
227. If only issuer and receiver (one group) is involved in an activity, which needs isolation of an equipment, how many locks are required? A B
No lock is required 3
1 2
No one can remove it once it is locked The one who installed lock / lock owner (mentioned on tag as lock owner)
228. Who can remove lock, once installed? Who can/will remove lock? A B
Anyone who want to start the equipment Foreman of the working crew
229. Is there any condition when a lock can be forcefully removed? A B
It cannot be removed forcefully When, the person who install lock, his supervisor or superintendent cannot be contacted
When work permit is finished When anyone need to start or energize that equipment
230. Who can remove a lock forcefully? Who can forcefully remove an isolation lock when owner of the lock cannot be contacted/found? A
No one can remove a lock once it is installed
Supervisor of working crew
Operation’s shift superintendent or foreman Person who installs lock can remove it only
231. What should be checked/conformed before removing a lock forcefully? A B
Personnel and facilities are safe from injury or damage Work permit is expired
Lock can be removed without any checks or precautions All workers are in rest shelter
installed to protect the individual, doing the work from… from… 232. Hold tags and locks are primarily installed A B
Being injured in case of accidental start up No one will go before finishing work
To protect Locks & Tags Loosing Energy
Disconnected energy Connected energy
233. What is the more dangerous source of energy? A B
Drained energy Potential (Stored) Energy
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234. In a confined space entry, what is the most important thing to do? A B
Get a hot permit Ensure that space is isolated
Non sparking tools will be used Gas release can be made safely
235. If standby man is not available on the site and the issuer speaks/tells you to sign a confined space enter permit, as a receiver what you will do? A B
Sign permit and call standby man. Sign permit, but wate for standby man to come
Start work and bring a Firewatch Will not (Don’t) sign the permit, until Standby man arrive/available at site.
236. When installing blind on (Previously) H2S containing line, what precautions will be taken? A B
Use of cartage respirator Use of any respirator
Use of SCBA No need to use respirator
237. At 15-ppm H2S Concentration, which respiratory protection will be used? A B
SCBA Cartage respirator
N-95 Dust mask No respirator is required
238. If issuer instructs to use SCBA for Confined Space Entry, you have only one SCABA and more than one worker to go in Confined Space, what you will do? A B
Will continue work and inform issuer about situation Will continue work and inform worker to take care
Will stop the work and inform Issuer about situation. Will stop work and stay on site until permit time is over
indicates… 239. Chemical hazard bulletin (CHB), indicates… What important information CHB provide about the chemical? A B
How to use chemical Only physical properties of chemical
Expiry date of the chemical Hazards involved and precautions for handling the chemical
240. When issuing EOLB permit, which condition to be checked? A B
Wind direction only Position of fire alarm
Line direction Wind direction and Drainage
241. What are the two major hazards of EOLB Permit? A B
Release of Hazardous Material & Flammable Liquid/gas Flammable & Hazardous material
Fall of flange
F Failure ailure of Isolation
242. What type of work permit is required when opening a line flange or equipment? A B
Cold Work Permit Equipment Opening Line Brake (EOLB)
Hot Work Permit No Work Permit is required
243. What activity consider for EOLB permit? EOLB permit is required for… for… A
Opening of pipeline associated with close
Depressurising drainage of firewater
system and may contained H 2S Cleaning of an equipment
pipeline with sprinkles Remove sludge from an equipment
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244. Hydrocarbon containing pipeline welding required required which process to be followed? Use cutting torch on an abandoned/old line what precautions/process are required? In which order should hydrocarbon process equipment be prepared before welding on the equipment? In which order should hydrocarbon process equipment be prepared for Entry (Confined Space Entry)? What is the procedure when hydrocarbon line is to be isolated? A B
Gas test, draining, isolation, purging, cleaning Drainage, isolation, purge, clean, gas test
Isolation, draining, purging, gas testing
Blind, gas test, drain
245. What will happen if issuer do not suggest warning signs and barricades, around an excavation? A B
People may fall into excavation Vehicle/equipment may fall in excavation
Rainwater can go inside excavation Both A & B
Benching, Sloping and Shoring Use only hand tools to dig
246. How to protect excavation cave-in? A B
Do not excavate Use scaffolding bords to protect against cave-in
247. What are the basic safety measures to protect drivers from fall, when driving near the edge of excavation? What should be provided to protect vehicle from fall into excavations? A B
Signage/standby man Signage/barricade
Barricade/blinking light Standby man/barricade
248. Why is gas test taken before entering an excavation? Why should gas test be taken before entering an excavation? A B
To check the oxygen deficiency To check the presence of explosive gas
To check the presence of toxic gases All of above
249. How far from the edge of excavation, spoil soil must be kept? Material and spoils shall be set back at least___ Cfrom the edge of the excavation. A 0.6 m (2ft) 1.2 m (4 ft) B
2 m (6.6 ft)
Any distance
250. What is the hazard in excavation by backhoe? What hazard does a backhoe cause when digging an excavation? What is the major concern in mechanical excavation? What can happen when excavating with backhoe? A B
1 m (3 ft) It can rupture underground utility lines or pipelines
1.8 m (6 ft) Accidental contact with underground utility lines
Steam Lines Rainwater channels
251. Toxic and flammable gases could be found in? A B
Drinking Water Excavations
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252. What must be done before a backhoe can dig an excavation in a hydrogen process area? How do you make sure that excavation machine operator knows where the underground utilities/hazards are? A B
Excavate mechanically until, warning tapes appears in excavation Shutdown all critical process equipment
Locate and mark all underground equipment and cables Excavate slowly in area
253. Why we install blind in process equipment? A
To allow work on live equipment
To prevent liquids or gases, becoming in contact with people
To stop peoples from working on pressurised equipment To prevent peoples, from being exposed to liquids or gases
254. Electrical, gravity, mechanical, mechanical, motion and pressure hazards are the example of _____ hazard. A B
No Hazard Noise Hazard
Safety Hazard Health Hazard
255. Equipment noise, impact noise, vibration, high-pressure release, and the impact of noise to communication are example of … A B
Safety Hazard Noise Hazard
Serious Hazard Health Hazard
256. Ladder should extend ----------, above the landing area. A B
30 ft 30 in
3 ft (1 m) 3 metre
257. Why must work permit issuer check the crane operator’s operator ’s certificate certificate before issuing work permit? A B
To prove his company To make-sure he is certified (Competent)
To know his age To conform his nationality
258. H2S may strongly react (and explode when) became in contact with which acid? A B
Nitric Acid Nitrogen
Sodium Carbonate Any Acid
A&B To show importance of area
259. Why are warning signs used? What is the purpose of warning signs? For what warning signs are used? A B
To Identify Restricted Area To identify Hazards
260. A _______should be used for erection of scaffold. A B
Cold Work Permit Confined Space Entry Permit
Hot Work Permit No Work Permit is required
261. Lines with suspected pressure, should be opened at the position? A B
15’O clock position position Always from top
5’O clock position position From any direction
262. Opening a line that contains H 2S, requires worker to wear which monitors? A B
No gas monitor is required Multi gas detector
O2 detector Rattler T40 / H2S Monitor
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263. Which space will be considered as confined space? What is a confined space? A B
Structure/Space not designed for human occupancy Small rooms and CCRs
Buildings to store computer & equipment
264. What need confined space entry permit? Confined space entry permit will be required for… for… A B
Working near storage tank Working in oil processing area
Working in restricted area Working in excavation over 4-ft deep
265. When ____ part of body will enter in confined space, it will be considered as Entry. If ____ part of body enters a confined space, that is considered a Confined Space Entry. It will be considered as Entry, when ___ part of body crosses the plane of confined space entry opening/hole. If you enter ___ part of body in confined space, it will be considered as Entry? A B
Any 2 parts
Legs Head and neck
266. Why Spray Painting is more Hazardous in Confined Space then Open Area? A
Can bring/make atmosphere
Causes sufficient oxygen decreases
flammable/explosive Paints are irritant to eyes
Dangerous to skin
267. Entrant are accounted for by signing the log sheet …. When an entrant enters a confined space, how many times they must sign in log sheet? The entrants must sign in confined space entry log sheet _________. A B
Only when they go inside Two times (entering, and exiting)
Entering or Exiting When coming out from space
268. What are the hazards associated with confined space? Which of the following can be an atmospheric conidiation related to confined space? Which one can be an oxygen/atmospheric related hazard in confined space? A
Sharp objects
Oxygen deficiency or enrichment
Lack of nitrogen
All of above
269. What do we call the person who is required to be at a job site, because of a special skill he has? The person required on job site because/due-to his skill, is called... If issuer assigns one operator on the job, when receiver is performing a critical calibration job, what we will call this assigned person? A B
Competent person Standby man
Designated representative Certified
is…. 270. A standby man’s responsibility is…. Standby man is responsible for… for… What is the responsibility of Standby Man? A
Stay within 75-ft of work area
Monitor work activity
During emergency stay in control room
Monitor ignition source
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271. What is the (main) responsibility of Confined Space Entry Standby S tandby Man? A B
To monitor confined space entry, when crew is inside space To record progress of work
Only to be present in area
Inform rescue in case of emergency
Permit is required to operate crane in restricted area. 272. A _______Work Permit A B
No permit is required Confined space entry and cold work permit
Hot Work Permit Release Permit
273. For a welding work inside a confined space which work permit is require? A B
Hot Work Permit Hot Work and Confined Space Entry Permit
A&D Equipment Opening Line Brake Permit
274. If there is emergency in confined space and you are not trained in rescue, what will you do? If you find someone in trouble/emergency and you are not trained to perform rescue, what will be your action? A B
Enter in confined-space/area and do recue Stay out of trouble and do your own work
Inform to rescue team Perform rescue in any case
275. What are the control measures for noise and vibration? A B
Use warning signs Always use work permit
Change (work) procedure and wear PPEs Do not perform such activities
Working on height Woking in night
276. In oil processing areas, what are the hazards? A B
Flammable liquids & gases Working on slippery surface
277. What are the basic precautions for cold work? Select all items that apply. A B C
Special work procedure Standby man PPE
Barricade and warning sign Gas test Firewatch
278. Which of the following safety precautions must be used when performing/doing abrasive Blasting? A B C
Deadman Switch Standby man Bounding
Barricade and warning sign Air Supply Hood Carbon Monoxide Filter
279. The issuer write/mention on permit that workers will wear respiratory protection (respirator), (respirator), but respirators are not available on site, what receiver will do? A B
Do not sign the permit Do not sign the hazard-analysis-checklist
Start work and try to bring Respirators Use cloth to cover face
280. When working in noisy area what precautions you will take? To work in high noise area, which type of PPE is required? A B
Safety Glasses Hearing protection (Earplug/Earmuff)
Safety glasses and face shield Proper footwear protection
281. When working in noisy area (high noise area), what issuer will suggest? A
Noise Meter
Not to work in the area
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282. What is the top priority to stop fire and explosion in the site? A B
Issue a Hot Wok permit with a fire watch Give firefighting equipment without providing training to person
Work on open flame in oxygen enrich area Keep Combustible or flammable material in process area or equipment
following… 283. In Saudi Aramco, most incidents occur because of not following… A B
Security instructions Operations Instructions
Duty Timing Rules and Procedures
To prevent fire and explosion
All of above
284. What is the purpose of purging equipment? A B
Removing contents of an equipment, by replacing it with another gas (or liquid) Making inside space, Inert.
285. What is the purpose of using Full-Body Harness and Lanyard? A B
To arrest a fall (to protect from falling) To control movement of a worker
To keep protect harness from loss To show safety officer
286. Which two things must be checked before allowing heavy equipment to operate? What should be checked to allow heavy equipment to operate? A B
Wind speed Workers in nearby area
Equipment maintenance record Operator’s certificate and Safe clearance from equipment
287. What must be checked in crane inspection? A B
Operator’s PPEs PPEs Air pressure in tires
Crane Manufacturer Manual Inspection sticker and Operator’s certificate certificate
288. Hazard of heavy equipment in operating area…. area…. A B
Put too much load on road The machine could hit peoples and/or damage equipment
There is no hazard from heavy equipment Compress pavement
289. What is the main hazard on oil/hydrocarbon pipeline? A B
Excavation cave-in Flammable liquid and toxic gases
Slip, Trip & Fall Vehicle accident
290. Heavy equipment operations are the most common causes of work-related fatalities in Saudi Aramco. A
291. When conducting a gas test in H2S suspected environment, SCBA or SABA must be used. A
292. Positive isolation must be achieved during equipment opening line brake. A
293. The safety of work site is a sole responsibility of an issuer. A
294. The receiver can leave the job site anytime as long as he gets the permission from his supervisor. A
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295. Any worker can be assigned as standby man. A
296. A designated representative can perform a Joint Site Inspection and can sign a Hazard Analysis Checklist. A
297. Double block and bleed isolation method is not approved for work if pipe contains hazardous material. A
298. Blinding isolation method is not approved for confined space entry. A
299. Breathing in high concentration of H 2S is lethal. Breathing in high level/concentration of H 2S can cause death. A
300. Isolation locks usually have two keys to ensure when one lost, other can be used. A
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Answers Answers Question #
Question #
Question #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
D B B B – – C B – – C A A – – D C B B C D D C D C A – C A – C
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
A – – D C B – – D B A D D C B D A D A C A D C C
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
B A C A – – C C A – – C C A – – D D A B B A B B D C A B D B
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
B – B – C D B A C D A B D A D B C B C
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
B C B C C B D A C B C A – – C C – – B A D D
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
B – – C D C C A C A-B-D-E-F D C A – – D D B B D B A B
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
B A A – B A – B C A – C A – C D D B B C A A A B A
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
D C B B A – – B B C – – D B – – C A B A B D A – – C C B D
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
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Question #
Question #
Question #
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
A – A – B D A B A B B C C – D C – A D B A – D A – A – D A – C D B D B A B – D B – D
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
A – – B D A – – D D A – – C A D B – – C D D B C – – D B – – D A – – D C B C C C D D C
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272
B C B – – D D C D C B A C A C D A D A A B C B C A C
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
B D D B C – D C – C A C A A C A D B A
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
B C C A A – – B B – – C C – – D D – – E E A – – C C – – D D – – E E – – F F A – – B B B B – – D D A D D A D D
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
C C B A B A B – C B – B C B D B B
238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
C D D A B A C D C C D A B – – D
288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300
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MEASURING UNITS SI Units Of Length Millimeter (mm)
Centimeter (cm)
10 m = 1 dam (decameter)
Meter (m)
Kilometer (km)
10 dam = 1 hm (hectometer) (so 1 hm = 100 m)
1 km = 1000 m, 10 hm, 100 dam
Imperial Units Of Length 1 in (inch)
Further divided up to 32 parts, e.g. ½ , 1/16 in
12 in
1 ft (foot)
3 ft
1 yd (yard)
36 in
1 Furlong
220 yd
660 ft
7920 in
1 mi (mile)
1760 yd
5280 ft
63360 in
3/16 in = 5 mm (approximately)
8 furlong
Different Units And Their Counterparts 25.4 mm (2.54 cm)
1 in
30.48 cm
12 in
1 ft
3.2808 ft {3.28 ft}
1.09361 yd {1.09 yd}
39.36996 in {39.36 in}
0.9144 m {0.91 m}
3 ft
1 yard
1 Km
0.6213712 mi (Mile)
1093.613 yd
1.609344 Km
1 mi
0.8689741 M
1 km 1.852 km
0.5399555 M (Nautical Mile) 1M
1.150782 mi
{30 cm}
Division Of Inch In Millimeter in
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Conversion Formulas Units
Formula 1 Km = 0.6213712 mi Multiply required Km to 0.6213712
Kilometre into Mile (Km to mi)
Example: 13 Km = mi? 13 X 0.6213712 = 8.0778256 mi (simply 13 X 0.6213 = 8.0778 or 8.08) 1 Mile = 1.609 Km Multiply required Miles to 1.609344
Mile into Kilometre (mi to Km)
Example: 7 mi = Km? 7 X 1.609344 = 11.265408 Km (simply 7 X 1.6093 = 11.2651 or 11.27) 1 Kph = 0.277778 m/s (Roughly 0.28) Multiply required Kph with 0.277778
Example: 32 Kph = m/s? 32 Kph = 32 X 0.28 = 8.888896 m/s (8.9) Kilometre per hour into meter per second
Another way is:
(Kph to m/s) (Kph or Km/h are same) Kph X 5 / 18 (Kph multiply with 5 then divide by 18) 32 X 5 = 160 160 / 18 = 8.88 m/s (8.9)
Vice versa: m/s to kph = m/s X 3.6 1 mph = 0.44704 m/s Multiply required mph with 0.44704
Example: Mile per hour to meter per second (mph to m/s)
40 mph = m/s? 40 X 0.44704 = 17.8816
Vice versa: m/s to mph = m/s X 2.23694
Unit of Mass (weight)
Measuring units of liquid
1 Kg 1 pound (lb) 1 Kg
1000 grams 0.45 Kg 2.205 lb
Liter/Litre UK Gallon US Gallon
1000 ml 4.55 liters 3.79 liters
1 1 metric metric ton ton (tonnes) (tonnes) 1 litre water
1000 2205 Kg lb 1 kg
Drum oil Barrel (bbl) Crude Dry good barrel
200 159 liters liters 89 Kg (115.62 liters)
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Out Of 100 %
100 % • 4 out of 4 4/4 •
75 % • 3 out of 4 3/4 •
50 % • 2 out of 4 2/4 • •
25 % • 1 out of 4 1/4 •
Out Of 100 %
100 % 3 out of 3 • 3/3 •
• • •
66 % 2 out out of 3 2/3 Two third
• • •
33 % 1 out of 3 1/3 One third
When converting values from one system to another as from “mm” to “in” resulting number is not
always a “round number”, sometime this variation is removed to get a nearest round number so can be easy to remember or mention.
A role to round digits is that, any value above 0.5 will be raised and below 0.5 will be reduced.
Information on this page is collected from different sources, including internet.
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