SA Vol3 Part5

April 5, 2017 | Author: SaptarishisAstrology | Category: N/A
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Criminal Behavior & Astrology By Dr. S.C.Kursija, India Astrology is capable of identifying human character and behavior, including that of anti‐social criminals who perform acts of murder. The natal horoscope reveals one’s innate predispositions and early environmental influences, both of which have a significant influence on human development. Contemporary psycho‐ sociological research has repeatedly shown that aggression and a lack of self‐control are the greatest risk factors for criminal behavior. These underlying traits are clearly revealed in the birth charts of anti‐ social criminals. However, such characteristics must be understood and analyzed in a larger context, explicitly, the interaction of Desh, Kala and Patra.

S. C. Kursija is a graduate of Delhi University, Meerut University and Homeopathic System of Medicines in Delhi. He has worked in various capacities for Delhi Homeopathy Medical Association (DHMA), and was founder and chief editor of their monthly journal, Hahnemann Homoeopathic Sandesh. He has received numerous awards and passed the Jyotish Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Madras). He is a member of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS, Madras Delhi Chapter-1. Currently, Dr. Kursija is General Secretary of all Indian Federation of Astrologers Societies. Dr. Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in various chapters, and has written on various topics of interest. He is particularly interested in hearing from fellow astrologers who have researched the topic of suicide in astrology. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Desh is the environment under which the native has been brought up, including family, school, friends, and society at large. Desh has a powerful influence on the development of the native’s mind, and the native’s environment nurtures what is inherent in the natal horoscope. The horoscope is examined with reference to Desh, that is, prediction depends on an understanding of the Desh under which a particular native develops. Astrological interpretation and prediction will vary according to cultural customs and expectations. Kala refers to timing, that is, when certain influences in the natal chart will fructify. Kala is revealed by the dashas and transits. One with aggressive and impulsive tendencies will not act on these at all 327

times. His super‐ego developed under Desh will assert some control over his actions. In other words, his free will and the influences around him will prevent his mind from going astray at most times. However, during the dashas and transits of malefic planets, the environmental influences may lose their control, leading the native to act on his aggression and impulses. Therefore, Kala is also important. Patra refers to the self, i.e., the individual, the horoscope, or the Lagna. The horoscope of an individual indicates the tendencies for aggression and impulsiveness underlying criminal behavior. In contemporary terminology, we may refer to this as genetic tendencies. Human beings since prehistoric times have relied on the primitive instinct of aggression for survival. Some natives who have developed super‐conscious minds are less aggressive, whereas others with only the slightest provocation become aggressive and commit anti‐social acts. The research work of a number of scientific scholars reflects a similar understanding of nature and nurture in the development of criminal behavior. However, modern scientists are not able to pinpoint the timing of such acts, whereas astrology is able to do so via an interpretation of dashas and transits. No two individuals will react similarly to the same stimuli, and such reactions depend on the interaction of Desh, Kala, and Patra. Moreover, the native’s character and behavior can be modified, rectified and improved upon under certain conditions because of the influence of free will. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of society to provide such an environment to correct an individual’s behavior. The following yogas reveal a number of potential indications for the characteristic aggression and impulsivity underlying anti‐social criminal behavior: 1) The 4th house indicates one’s psychological and philosophical make‐up. Rahu in the 4th house, if aspected by Mars in the Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house indicates a vengeful nature. 2) The Upagraha Gulika in the 3rd house points to impulsive thoughts and behavior. 3) Lagna lord weak and afflicted. 1 4) A combination of the Sun and Mars in any rasi reveals a murderer. 5) Sarpa Yoga is formed by all malefics in three kendras and no benefics in the kendras. 2 The native with Sarpa Yoga becomes a murderer. 3

6) When the Sun and Mars occupy the Lagna, one becomes a murderer. 7) With Gulika is in the 9th house, one will be a murderer of his parents and preceptors.4 5 6 8) If born in Atiganda Yoga, the native will be murderer. 9) If born in the Dwadashamsha of Scorpio, the native will be a murderer and a master of 7 rogues and robbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Saravali, 15:2. Ibid., at 21:42. Ibid., at 31:6. Jataka Parijata, 9:5. “Large‐cheeked”; the 6th Soli‐lunar Yoga of the Panchanga. Jataka Parijata, 9:97.


10) If Jupiter is debilitated and aspected by a debilitated planet, the native will commit 8 crimes. 11) Debilitated Jupiter or the Sun in a kendra conjoined a malefic. 12) When a malefic planet is in a kendra without benefic aspect, and Jupiter is in the 8th 9 house, the native will be a slaughterer of animals. 13) Jupiter in the Lagna and Mars is in the 7th house, or vice versa, signifies an aggressive and 10 impulsive individual. 14) Saturn occupying the Lagna and Mars is in the 5th, 7th, or 9 th house. 15) If the 3rd lord is debilitated in the 6th house and aspected by a malefic planet, the native will become aggressive and impulsive after drinking or taking drugs. 16) The native becomes impulsive and aggressive upon being punished by a government official if the 2nd lord conjoins the Sun and Saturn. 17) The 2nd lord conjoined Mars and Saturn. 18) If the Sun and Moon occupy a trikona or the Lagna, Jupiter is in a kendra, and the kala hora at birth is Saturn or Mars. 19) The Sun and Moon in the Lagna conjoined with Mercury. In addition to the above, certain more general indications should be noted. v It is commonly understood that the Lagna of the birth chart signifies the native. However, because the Lagna encompasses 30 degrees of the rasi chart, certain Jyotish classics like Saravali have specified a more precise significator to be the Dreshkona (Drekana) of the Lagna. Other classics have specified the Navamsha of the Lagna to be a more well‐defined significator of the self. Therefore, the D‐3 and D‐9 Varga charts are important. v In addition to the Lagna, the 3rd, 11th and 10th houses are also indicators of self. v The Sun, significator of self, and the Moon, all‐important ruler of the mind and its impulses, are treated as secondary Lagnas in Vedic astrology (Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna). For example, an afflicted Moon may indicate mental aberration and a lack of self‐control ‐ as when the Moon is influenced by Mars, reckless and aggressive behavior may be indicated. v Mercury is another planet, which controls our nervous system. Though Mercury is not read as a secondary Lagna in Indian astrology, its affliction weakens the nervous system and reflects the potential for aggressive, vengeful and impulsive traits. v One should also note the malefic argala, i.e., the presence of a malefic planet in the 2nd, 4th or 11th house from the Lagna or Moon. v For microanalysis, one should also examine the D‐12 (Dwadashamsha) and the Cyclic Trimshamsha (Parivritti D‐30). In practice anti‐social criminal traits are indicated when malefic planets, without the influence of benefic planets, influence the following: 7 8

Ibid., at 9:121. Ibid., at 6:6.


Ibid., at 6:14. 10 Jataka Tattva, 3:145‐154.


1. 2. 3. 4.

The Lagna and/or Lagna lord (Lagnesha). Any of the Kendras—the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house. The Moon or its dispositor. The Navamshesh (the Lagna in the D‐9 chart).

The following case studies illustrate a number of combinations for aggression and impulsivity. From these examples, it is apparent that anti‐social criminal behavior is more likely to occur when an assortment of these astrological dynamics converge in the natal horoscope.

Case 1 John Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago on March 17, 1942, at 00:49 CST, or 05:49 GMT, CST being the time required by Illinois for birth registration even though War Time was then in effect. Some hospitals did not follow this rule, so the actual birth time might have been an hour later at 06:49 GMT.

The malefic planets are posited in three kendras (4th, 7th and 10th) and the Lagna lord is afflicted in the 7th (as in the rules #3 and #5 above). Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn (a maraka in the Chandra Lagna chart)) and is dispositor of the Sun and Moon (secondary Ascendants). There is an exchange of houses between 3rd lord Saturn and 7th lord Venus, and Venus is a maraka and the 12th Dusthana lord. The Moon is combust. The Lagna, Moon, 10th, 3rd and 11th houses are the abodes of self. Thus, impulsive, vengeful and aggressive behavior is indicated.


Moreover, in the Navamsha chart, the Lagna is occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars (rule #1 above). The 10th house is occupied by Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Gulika and aspected by Saturn. Again, the same aggressive and impulsive behavior is indicated.

Case 2 The chart is of a female born on July 1, 1961, at 11:25 AM, in Delhi. She was married at the age of 21 to a young man whom she did not love. She was physically and emotionally attached to another young man. She eventually murdered her husband.


The lagna lord is retrograde and combust and posited with 12th lord Sun in 10th house, the house of action and Sun is karaka of the lagna also. The 3rd lord Mars is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun with Rahu, the Mars is 8th lord also.the11th lord Moon is posited with retrograde, debilitated and 7th lord Jupiter and th retrograde Saturn, the dispositor of Ketu and 6 lord. The 11th th house is occupied by Gulika. The 7 lord Jupiter is th retrograde, debilitate, posited in the 5 indicates love marriage. The conjunction of 7th lord and 11th lord indicates two marriages. The 7th house is aspected by Mars th rd from 12 and Saturn from 3 , no benefic aspect on 7th. All the houses of self are afflicted. The 7th lord, 7th house and karaka Jupiter for females are afflicted. In navamsha chart, Mercury the lagna and 10th lord, is posited in lagna with Venus, the 10th and 5th lord, Mars the 3rd lord, is posited in 6th, Moon the 11th lord, is posited in 8th aspected by Saturn and Sun. Jupiter is posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. The houses of Self and action are afflicted. So she committed the murder of her husband with the help of her lover..

Case 3 The native was born on March 8, 1924, at 3:35 AM, in Delhi. She killed her three children and killed herself by hanging. The Lagna is occupied by Gulika and Mars (5th and 12th lord). The Lagnesha occupies the 12th house and is aspected by retrograde Saturn (3rd aspect from the 10th house since Saturn is retrograde). Saturn has a full aspect on the Moon in the 4th house from the 10th aspect. The 6th lord Venus occupies the 5th house in Mars’s sign. The 10th lord is combust in the 3rd house, and conjoined Sun and Ketu. The 11th house is occupied by Saturn. Thus, all the houses of self are occupied by malefic planets, indicating a native who is


impulsive and aggressive. The 5th house of children is occupied by the 6th lord and aspected by Rahu.

The 5th lord Mars occupies the Lagna with Gulika. The karaka of children, Jupiter, is posited in the 12th house in malefic Mars’s sign. Therefore, the murder of children is indicated. The 8th lord Moon is posited in a dual sign in a kendra, and the Moon’s dispositor occupies the 12th house and is aspected by Saturn.11

In the Navamsha chart, Mars and Rahu are conjoined in the 8th house in the sign of Mercury, aspected by Saturn. The Lagna is in Mars’s sign, aspected by the Sun, Gulika and 12th lord Venus. There is no improvement in this chart.

Case 4 The native is a Muslim male born on July 5, 1962, at 16:52, in Delhi. He had premarital relations with a young Brahmin female. Her brother took objection and killed him with the help of his friend. 11

The reader may wish to refer to the author’s previous article titled “Suicide: Astrological Investigation” in Saptarishis Astrology, Volume II.


The Lagna is in a malefic sign, and Lagnesha Mars and 8th and 11th lord Mercury are in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna. Rahu is conjoined the 7th lord and the karaka of marriage, Venus. Thus, the native loved a Brahmin girl. Lagna lord Mars is posited in 7th house in an enemy sign with enemy Mercury. The Moon occupies the 10th house with Gulika in the fiery sign of Leo, disposited by the Sun in the 8th house. The 3rd house is occupied by its lord, Saturn, which is conjoined Ketu. Thus, the Lagna, Lagnesha, Sun, Moon and houses of self are afflicted, indicating strong tendencies for aggression and impulsiveness. Note also that Jupiter is retrograde.

In the Navamsha chart, the Lagna is again in a malefic sign, occupied by Rahu (true nodes used) and Gulika and aspected by retrograde Saturn. Mars occupies the 4th house and is aspected by Saturn. These are further indications for aggression and lack of self‐control.


Case 5 The native was born on April 2, 1959, at 10:12 AM, in Kanpur, India. The native was badly behaved and unmanageable since childhood. He and a fellow student became adversarial during a school election. The native lost the election and continued to harbor animosity toward his classmate. After a couple of years, both took positions in an office in the same city. The native’s vengeful feelings again stirred, and he eventually killed his former rival (in Saturn‐Sun Dasa).

The Lagna is occupied by 6th and 11th lord Mars, aspected by 8th and 9th lord Saturn. Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn; Saturn aspects Rahu; and Rahu is also aspected by the Sun and Mercury. Mercury is Lagnesha, retrograde and combust. All the kendras are occupied by malefic planets. Jupiter is also retrograde in Mars’s sign in the 6th house, and Jupiter is the 10th lord. Thus, the native is aggressive and impulsive. The Lagna lord of the Navamsha chart occupies the 2nd house and is conjoined Mars is its own sign. The Moon is in the 6th house, and Mercury is in the 12th house with enemy Jupiter. The indicators of self are strongly influenced by malefic planets. The Moon has argala of Rahu and the Sun. Therefore, there is no relief in the Navamsha chart.


Case 6 The native was born on September 1, 1970, at 23:35 PM, in Ajmer, India. He had a love affair with a young woman. Her brother objected to this affair and killed the native with the help of a friend.

The Lagna is Vargottama. The Lagna lord occupies the 6th house. Most of the malefic planets are located in kendras without benefic aspect (and there are no benefic planets in kendras). The Moon, 3rd lord, is combust in the 4th, and the 4th house is also occupied by Sun, Mars and Ketu. Jupiter, 11th lord, occupies the 6th house. The 11th house is also occupied by Gulika. Saturn, 10th lord, occupies the 12th house and aspects the 2nd, 6th and 9th houses. All the indicators of the self are afflicted.


The Lagna of the Navamsha chart is occupied by Mars and aspected by the Moon and Gulika. The 4th house is occupied by the Sun. Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are in the 8th house. Therefore, the indications are strong for aggression, a lack of self‐control, and thus, anti‐social criminal behavior.

disciplines are a proven remedy against such aberrations.

Murder is a form of criminal behavior that has long been considered an aberration of the social order. The Purusharthas, four canonical aims of human life according to Hindu philosophy, offer a deeper understanding of the cause of this deviation. The Purusharthas are:

It's a received, general Rule that if one Planet be Lord of the ascendant and twelfth house, that then the Sickness is more than natural: when Saturn is Lord of the ascendant and twelfth, and in the twelfth Retrograde, or in the 7th or eighth house in the same condition, and the Moon being Lady of the sixth, apply to Saturn, we constantly judge the party enquiring is Bewitched or Fore-spoken, or that an evil Spirit hath power over him, and that the Infirm will be sore oppressed and disturbed in his Fancy, if not distracted. - William Lilly, 17th century astrologer

1. Dharma (Righteous Purpose and Path). 2. Artha Wealth and Resources). 3. Kama (Desire and Pleasure). 4. Moksha (Liberation). Artha and Kama must support the goals of Dharma and Moksha. However, in modern materialistic culture, there is often an imbalance in the way these goals are fulfilled, with a heavier influence of Artha and Kama over Dharma and Moksha. Such imbalance creates mental tension, fear, impulsivity and aggression, the most significant factors leading to anti‐social criminal behavior.


to Sage Narada ‘‘The

Ascendant (in the heavens) remains in rule for a thousandth part of even the minutest space of time. It is impossible even for Lord Brahma to know of this. Then what of ordinary mortals?’’

The purpose of Jyotish is not only to illuminate the path of the soul, but also to provide appropriate remedial measures to assist the soul in overcoming its karmic limitations. The traditional practices of Yoga and Pranayama are two such remedies that can reduce mental tension and improve self‐discipline. Therefore, their application can be a significant deterrent to criminality. As the astrological birth chart reveals the innate tendencies behind anti‐social inclinations and behavior, these age‐old spiritual

While timing death, do not ignore the Varnada Rasi or its trines, whichever is most spoilt by malefics.


Vedic: Vastu Vedha Dosh-2 By M. M. Mistry, India


astu Vedha Dosh’ ‐ generally Vedha is obstruction to the building and Dosh are defects in plot or building. Vastu Vedha Dosh can also mean defects due to obstruction or workmanship. These are simply listed without offering any elaborated explanation of the terms used by the ancients in ‘VASTUNIGHANTU’ text book, covering the chapter on Vastu Vedha. The first part on the subject has appeared in Vol2 of this magazine dated May 2008. The defects can be Natural or Manmade. Natural defects are recorded in various treatises covering: shape, size and slope of the land or plot, nearby hill or ditch, water body or a source of ground water. Vertical obstructions can be a tree, a pole, a building or a temple. Horizontal obstructions such as a road perpendicular or adjacent to the building or a plot, a corner, a wall, a water channel and so on.

M. M. Mistry 71 yrs old & hails from Baroda, India. He is a graduate in Architecture from M. S. University, Baroda. He Was Asst. Director in National Building Organization Later promoted to Deputy Director - Designs in same organization. Took voluntary retirement and joined Building Materials Technology Promotions Council, New Delhi as Chief of Planning & Design. He started learning astrology in 1964 & Vastu from 1974 onward.

Man made defects can be categorized in two: [1] Planning [2] Constructional. 1. Planning: The type of defects may occur at design stage in respect of orientation of functional spaces, elements and components, design of components, selection of horizontal and vertical dimensions, neighborhood buildings, roads, trees and machines/machinery etc. and shadow of tree or any tall structure. 2. Constructional: Heights of plinth, rooms, lintels, floors and storey 338

heights; placement of obstructions to the penetration of light and air into the building. The size of columns, beams and roofing components as well orientation of these elements and components such as door sets and window sets. The elements acting as obstructions to vision or are casting shadows at different hours of the day on the building or in the well.


orty one types of Vedha Dosh are propounded and pointed out. The Vastu Dosh is related to the piece of land‐plot and structure erected on it. The chapter on Vedha Dosh emphasizes more on manmade obstructions than natural and construction defects occurring during execution work. Vedha Dosh mostly manifests as a combination of more than one error/ Vedha in the plot and structure. Natural Vedha is more powerful than the man‐made. Vedha Dosh can be categorized in to four [a] Horizontal planes: orientation of rooms. Building elements and components and its dimensions [b] Vertical surfaces: building elements and components and its dimensions [c] Apertures: openings like doors, windows, niches, lattices and [d] Screens: walls, trees etc. Terminology used in texts, covers very extensive and in depth meaning which shows meticulous study. There by all building defects could be avoided by the Sthapati, Sutradhar, Takshak, Vardhaki and other persons engaged in constructional activities. These are rearranged in sequence of constructional mode of operations. The effort is made to interpret the terminology in right sprit of constructional defects which may occur due to bad workmanship practiced and carried out by the artisans on the site. These are enumerated as under: [A] HORIZONTAL PLANE: Plan 1.0 eeZ os/k &okLrq iq:"k MARMA VEDHA‐ Vastu Purush 1.1 Vastu Purush is metaphysical form of man, adopted in designs of building. 1.2 Vastu Purush has five main body parts such as 1.MUKHA‐ Mouth, 2.HRIDAYA‐ Heart, 3.NABHI‐Navel, 4.GUDA‐ Anus and 5. STAN‐ Nipples / Left & Right portion of the Breast. Some authorities have considered SHIRSHA‐forehead as the 6th part. 1.3 Placement of any building envelopment or load transferring components or elements like, door‐sets, walls, beams or columns are prohibited on these body parts of the Vastu Purush. 2.0 eeZ os/k &okLrq foU;kl MARMA VEDHA‐ Vastu Vinyas 2.1 ‘Vastu Mandal of 81 Pada’ is drawn with 9 horizontal and 9 vertical lines, known as Vastu Vinyas. 2.2 The meeting point of horizontal and vertical lines is Sandhi‐lave/k. The crossing of horizontal and vertical lines‐Marma‐eeZ, diagonal junctions of lines‐ Upa‐marma –mi


and cross & junction point of

lines are called Maha‐ Marma ‐ egkeeZ 339

2.3 Building elements and components such as walls, pillars, beams or door‐sets should not be placed on these sensitive points‐Sandhi or Marma or Upa‐marma of Vastu Vinyas. 3.0 fn’kk yksi DISHA MUDHA / DIGMUDHA / DISHILOPA VEDHA 3.1 Building not sited to true east‐ west direction after setting a reference line of North Pole.

4.0 fo"ke in VISHAMA PADA VEDHA 4.1 The horizontal and vertical lines forming square unit is Pada‐ in of Vastu Vinyas. These pada are not to right angles

5.0 dks.k os/k KONA VEDHA 5.1 Corner of the plot or building belonging to the adjunct owner comes across the main door. 5.2 Corners or Junctions of building are not in right angles. 5.3 ‘L’ shape road is touching or faced from main entrance door of the house. 6.0 ân; ’kY; HRIDAYA SHALYA 6.1 A column is located exactly in centre of building or in a room. [Brahma‐ Nabhi] 6.2 Placement of water pot/body or a fire element is on the naval of Vastu Purush.[ or even on the region of Brahmsthan as per practice]

7.0 inyksi PADALOPA VEDHA 7.1 Building elements such as Columns or Pillar or Piers are placed on outer side of boundary lines of Pada Vinyas.


8.0 xHkZ yksi GARBHALOPA VEDHA 8.1 Centre line / Nabhi points of all floors are not coinciding in horizontal planes of the building plan. 8.2 Center Line / Nabhi points of all floors are not coinciding in vertical planes. 8.3 They are staggered in plan and elevation, in one or both directions.

9.0 diky os/k KAPAL VEDHA 9.1 House has no verandah. 9.2 Residential or non‐residential building is without inner courtyard. 9.3 Structure on a plot is devoid of front open space.

10.0 leqyk os/k SAMULA VEDHA 10.1 Side wall of building is exceptionally long and rear wall is shorter than front façade wall. 11.0 leqy @;epqYyh SAMUL / YAMACHULLI VEDHA 11.1 Building having width dimension less than depth measurements 11.2 Depth more than width measurements is called Yamchulli. 12.0 vard os/k ANTAK VEDHA side less width. 12.2 Two adjoining houses or buildings having different widths, creates Vedha.

13.0 ekufgu @ ekukf/kd MANA HIN / MANA ADHIK VEDHA 13.1 Building dimensions are too small in comparison of ratios, or 13.2 Building dimensions too large in comparison to specified ratios of dimensions in Vastu Shastra 14.0 nh?kZ @ g~Lo eku DIRGHA / HRASVA MANA VEDHA 4.1 Building width measurements are larger/smaller than prescribed dimensions. 14.2 Building depth measurements are larger/smaller than linear measurements as specified in SHASTRA‐Treatises. 341

15.0 dqf’kn KUKSHID VEDHA 15.1 Two buildings have different dimensions in row. 15.2 Adjoining building height, width and length dimension differs.

16.0 LraHk os/k STHABHA VEDHA 16.1 Columns are not located on appropriate ‘Pada’‐ square unit of Vastu Vinyas. 16.2 The size of columns in same row is different. 16.3 The columns are without pedestal/ base. 16.4 The columns in the same row are not located in the center line on the floor. 16.5 Column /piers location is falling on the center line of opposite door opening. 17.0 foÔe LraHk os/k VISHAM STAMBH VEDHA 17.1 The row of Columns / Pillars / Piers is in odd numbers on width dimension of a house/ building or a temple. 17.2 Even numbers of pillars / piers can be on depth / longer side has no Dosh. [B] VERTICAL ELEMENTS 18.0 ry@eku os/k TALA VEDHA / MANA 18.1 Floor level or plinth height of Alind/ Verandah or Mandap is more than the reference height of plinth line for a house or a building or a Gharbha Gruh of the temple. [Sanctum Sanctorum] 18.2 Top surface of the Column Pedestal/Base or Door Threshold vertical height is not in one level. 18.3 Horizontally, column bases or thresholds are not centered with reference line. 18.4 Building height is more in East direction and less in West side. This is known as PAVADOSH. 18.5 Top surface level of column capitols not uniform is a TALAMANA. 18.6 Plot / Site level is lower than surrounding level of land or, 18.7 The surrounding land level is higher than building site. This is called as SARVATALA Vedha.


19.0 le os/k SAMA VEDHA 19.1 Storey height of all floors is uniform in multi‐storied building. 19.2 Upper floor level, storey height should be 1/12 times less than lower floor storey height. 20.0 mfPNªr os/k UCHCHHITA VEDHA 20.1 Height of front, middle and rear door of the building is large, medium and small. 20.2 Lintel height of door openings differs in the building. 21.0 ry @ rkyq os/k TAL / TALU VEDHA 21.1 Top member of the door‐sets, window‐sets or Niches frame‐ head are not placed uniformly on lintel reference line of a house or a building or a temple. 21.2 Wooden beams and planks are not placed uniformly in reference line of storey height for a room. 21.3 The different size of planks such as thin and thick or up and down placement in a room is known as TAL VEDHA. 21.4 Adoption of variable heights for lintel in the same building is TALU VEDHA. 22.0 rqyk os/k TULA VEDH 22.1 The sub beam or joists placed over main beam has no supporting pillar underneath of the junction. 22.2 The number and size of wooden beams / Joists on each floor level differs. 22.3 The size of these Joists / beams is not in proportionate measurements as laid in texts. 22.4 Main beam placed over the head of door which is in center line of opening. 22.5 In case of thatch roof, ridge beam or rafters or purlin happen to be over the head and middle of door opening 22.6 The size of wooden main and sub beams or joists, non uniform and placement up and down is known as SARVA TULA VEDHA. 23.0 rkyq os/k TALU VEDHA 23.1 Wooden beams in a room are placed up and down ‐ not in level to reference line of floor height. [C] APERTURES: Openings‐ Doors and Windows, Jallis and Niches 24.0 n`f"V os/k DRISTHI VEDHA 24.1 House owner/users are not able to see front portion of the house/ building or ground or court yard from inside or from outside. 24.2 The door height of the opposite house is too low or too high in comparison to door height of the Main building. 24.3 The size and location of door for a temple is not conforming to the rules of Vastu Sastra. 343

24.4 The building components such as doors and windows look awful or create uneasiness or irritation at first sight. 24.5 The main door of the house or a building is exactly opposite to main door of other’s house. 24.6 The main door height of building is half than the height of door of the opposite house/ building. 24.7 Occupants are able to see activities performed in opposite house or building. Privacy denied is SARVA DRISTHI VEDHA DOSH. 25.0 ekxZ

/ ohFkh os/k

MARGA/ VITHI VEDHA 25.1 Right of way through main house or plot to the owner of property located on rear side. 25.2 Road or lane is located in front forming right angle to the center of the main door opening. 25.3 Two houses or buildings or plots are served by a dead end road or a road which is at right angle, called SARVA MARGA VEDHA.

26.0 o`{k os/k VRIKSHA VEDHA 26.1 Tree is located across on a right angle of main entrance door opening. 26.2 Forbidden trees identified by texts are located very near to the building or house or on a plot. 26.3 Existing trees having residence of ghost or goblins or trees having sway of sprit 26.4 ihiy&Pipal, beyh‐Tamarind‐Emali or ckoG & Babul trees are planted near by the house or building or on a plot. 27.0 }kj os/k DWAR VEDHA 27.1 Main door is positioned in centre of the facade wall. 27.2 Door opening is in the mid of wall’s width of the 27.3 Rear or side wall of building has a door opening. 27.4 Door, window or grille frames are not installed uniformly in the cross section of jambs of the same wall. These differ on face, in centre or back in cross section of the wall. 27.5 Column or right angle of turning road or machine or small temple is located in front of the main door. It is called SARVA DWAR VEDHA 28.0 Loj os/k SWAR VEDHA 28.1 Noise created from door shutter. 28.2 Unwarranted sound in any part or portion of the building. 29.0

dhy os/k KIL VEDHA 344

29.1 Nail‐wooden or steel fixed over the middle of door sets in between space of ceiling and head. 29.2 Roof truss over the center line of door opening. 30.0 xt nar GAJADANT VEDHA 30.1 Wooden peg location in between the space of bottom ceiling and above the lintel. 31.0 f’kjks @ diky SHIRO / KAPAL VEDHA 31.1 Wooden main beam or Sub beam of floor is placed exactly over the of door opening or a top member of door.


32.0 Hkze os/k BHRAMA VEDHA 32.1 Any kind of machines such as water mill or oil mill driven by animal is in front of the main door. 33.0 fniky; os/k DIPALAYA VEDHA 33.1 Lamp niche on right side of the door shutter/opening is not in the line with locking arrangement. 34.0 dwi os/k KUP VEDHA 34.1 Well exactly on the center line of main door opening. 35.0 nsoLFkku@ LFkkud DEVSTHAN VEDHA 35.1 Small temple exactly on the centre line of main door opening. 35.2 God or Deity temple in accordance to prescribed direction in SHASTRA, but the building facade is exactly in opposite direction. 36.0 foHkze os/k VIBHRAMA VEDHA 36.1 Door opening is only on one of the longer wall of a house or a building or a temple. [D] SCREEN WALLS 37.0 Fkj Hkax os/k THAR BHANG VEDH 37.1 Brick masonry or stone Ashlars work layers are not in a level or in the line. 37.2 Brick masonry or stone Ashlars work horizontal joints are uneven in layers. 38.0 Jsf"V Hkax @ Hkax os/k SHRESTHI BHANG VEDHA 38.1 Brick or stone or block size or courses and layers are broken and non uniform in the building or temple. 38.2 Vertical joints of Masonry or Ashlars work are uneven and non uniform.


39.0 x`g la?kë VEDHA


Vedha Dosh may be called as ‘Code of practice for building construction’. It is relevant in present day also with change of materials and construction technology. Ancient Acharyas have formulated these Vedha Dosh Norms for quality control in designs and workmanship employed in construction of the buildings whether it is meant for Gods or Mankind. Nature –the Eco –cosmos systems are in mutually balanced state. The Vedic expression is being ‘Purna’‐ iq.kZ completeness. Vastu is extension of nature to house man. It has been a deep endeavor of the ancients not to commit any act of error or obstructions. Vastu Vedha Dosh forms a very important aspect of ‘Sthaptya’ Veda

39.1 Two buildings or Twin houses have a longitudinal common wall. 40.0 [kkfnd@ [kknd KHADIK VEDHA



To Be Continued………….. 40.1 Two buildings have a common rear wall. 41.0 Nk;k os/k CHHAYA VEDHA 41.1 Tree casts the shadow on house or a building. 41.2 Flag of temple or temple casts shadow on the house / building. 41.3 Shadow of house or building or temple or tree falling in the well before 0900 hours and after 1500 hours is SARVA CHHAYA VEDHA DOSH.

Scorpio Ascendant native,

having 4th Lord Saturn conjoining Venus in the 5th House of Pisces (Venus exalts in Pisces) will make the native skillful in astrology, philosophy. He would be intelligent & happy. - Chandra Kala Nadi


the 5th lord from the ascendant be in Hastha Nakshatra the native will face many impediments in obtaining progeny, mercury though would be an exception - An R. Santhanam saying

Besides providing Sukha and Suvidha to the occupants of the building, the Vastu experts were also concerned with a best quality in carpentry and masonry workmanship and also building designs free from natural Vedha Dosh. They desired perfection in designs and execution of buildings. Defects were visualized and anticipated during construction. Therefore, 346

Planetary Yogas in Astrology By

O.P.Verma, India


It is presumed that astrology is as old as the Vedas; therefore astrology holds the place of pride in Hindu Vedic culture just like Nature. Mythological stories available in Puranas unfold the secrets of planets, stars (Nakshatras) and signs (Rasis). In Hari Vansha Purana the moon is said to be having 28 wives, which are her lunar mansions i.e. Nakshatras, the root concept of vimashottri dasa system of prognostication of events through Hindu Astrology. These mythological stories are narrated in an interesting manner and cast a lasting impression on the reader. In ancient times astrology was studied to know karmic realities and obligations of that particular incarnation and to know one’s limitations of that particular birth.

P. Verma has been in the field of

occult sciences since the past 38 years. A simple man with a flair for lucid explanations. He has studied all forms of traditional astrology, western astrology, palmistry and KP. He teaches at the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Delhi, Chapter 2. He has around 12 Publications to his credit on Astrology and Palmistry.

Yogas A unique characteristic of Indian astrology are the yoga’s. Yoga’s are planetary positions that lead to a certain result. In Vedic astrology, the associations planets form or variations of how they are placed in the chart are referred to as Yogas. Yoga means union, or that which joins or yokes. Most yogas are composed of more than one planet. There are literally thousands of yoga’s. In India, an astrologer must know them of by heart & for this the first thing . gan astrologer needs, is a good memory.


The planetary yogas formed in a particular house by planets lording various houses, good or bad, give an impetus to a particular area of life according to significations of these houses and planets, either for good or bad, which is largely dependent on karmas of previous births, though through cultivation of free will Strong mercury represents the Vishnu one can change one’s future destiny. element which is Sattva guna, yajnas and philanthropy. Therefore, the individual with a It is rare to find one who has enjoyed pure Bhadra yoga will be of Sattvik nature only good yogas (combinations of and working selflessly for the social cause. planets) through out his life, while there are many who have faced arishtas i.e. bad yogas through out their lives. Yogas and Arishatas manifest jointly and commonly in the lives of most of the individuals be he a king or an ordinary man. A king may have all the comforts but not a successor to his throne. An ordinary man though not having kingly comforts, may have obedient progeny and this phenomenon seems universal. Now, let us start a logical and critical study of some of the yogas. Bhadra Yoga Bhadra yoga is formed, if a strong mercury is disposed in quadrant from the ascendant identical with his exaltation, moola trikona or own sign. In this definition strong mercury signifies that besides being strong by sign placement, he should also be strong other wise i.e. he should not be combust or aspected by or conjoined by malefics etc. Mercury has to do with characteristics like learning, intellectual development, communication, wealth and generosity. Strong mercury represents the Vishnu element which is Sattva guna, yajnas and philanthropy. Therefore, the individual The inherent evil nature of Saturn comes into with a pure Bhadra yoga will be of play particularly when this yoga is caused from Sattvik nature and working selflessly for the moon, for the moon sign is also ascendant the social cause. The bad characteristics in Hindu astrology. like greediness etc creep into Bhadra yoga with aspects on mercury of bad planets or planets lording bad houses for mercury is tender and pliable. The individual with a pure Bhadra youg is delicate, has lustrous skin, his arms, chest, intestines or waist are well in shape. Sasa Yoga Sasa yoga is formed, if Saturn in strength occupies a quadrant from the Ascendant, identical with his exaltation, moola trikona or own sign. Sasa yoga is formed only when either a movable or a fixed sign rises as the Ascendant. The inherent evil nature of Saturn comes into play particularly when this yoga is caused from the moon, for the moon sign is also ascendant in Hindu astrology. The cruel sinful and mean nature of Saturn is quite evident with the individual having this yoga and he employs every means to have an access to others wealth. He has liaison with other’s woman due to his malicious sex out look. No doubt the person is famous and prosperous but the element of greed and cruelty is always present with him. The persons related to offices (especially govt), where the work can not be done 348

efficiently without taking bribe, usually do have Sasa yoga present in their charts. If moon and mercury are otherwise well placed in the chart in a quadrant to Saturn, then the bad attributes of Sasa yoga get vanquished largely. Adhi Yoga The yoga is lowered a little and loses some of its Another very important yoga is Adhi efficacy if the Sun is in opposition to the Moon yoga which is formed if benefics and is with the benefics forming the yoga. occupy the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the moon; it is Chandradhiyoga or the moon’s Adhiyoga. The yoga is lowered a little and loses some of its efficacy if the Sun is in opposition to the Moon and is with the benefics forming the yoga. The benefics here means Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. There can be seven configurations to this yoga ranging from one planet to three planets in the three houses the 6th, 7th and 8th houses. If one planet in strength is there, the native is prosperous through out life; if two planets in strength, a minister and if three planets in strength, the native may enjoy status of a king. If benefics forming Adhiyoga are aspected by or conjoined with the malefics, the results mature belated and after strenuous efforts. See the following chart of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the first home minister of democratic India and a freedom fighter. The Adhiyoga is quite often found in the charts of the Judicial and administrative officers.

Anapha Yoga There is another very important yoga known as Anapha yoga, caused if there are planets, except the Sun in the 12th house from the moon. An individual born under Anapha yoga is virtuous, eloquent in speech, enjoys good food, drinks, robes and females, and is famous and possesses a handsome body. He renounces the world in advanced age. Anapha yoga caused due to debilitated plants will only yield adverse results. For example Venus in Virgo in the 12th from the moon causes immoral conduct at cost of physical comforts, health and long life; 349

in the later life the native after having lost everything has to renounce the world for spiritual emancipation. In western astrology planets rising ahead of the luminaries in a Vasumati yoga is caused. Vasumati yoga is chiefly clockwise direction i.e. planets concerned with wealth than any thing else. placed in the 12th house from the luminaries affect the career of the individual and indicate the profession and individuality of the person. The planet is called “the Scout planet”. If Mercury is the second planet, the native’s course of action is related to the books, communication, media conversations with coborns, neighbours and persons in immediate environment. See the following chart of the contributor of this article, Mercury is rising ahead of the sun. For comprehensive understanding of the yoga, the reader may have recourse to author’s “Yogas, The Marvels of Hindu Astrology”, published by M/s Ranjam Publications, 16 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi ‐2.

Vasumati Yoga There is another very important yoga is known as Vasumati Yoga, frequently ignored even by learned astrologers, it has been found to be giving its results without failure. If all the planets are in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th houses from the lagna or the Moon, Vasumati yoga is caused. Vasumati yoga is chiefly concerned with wealth than any thing else. The yoga is present freely even if the planets are in enemy signs. The wealth will be proportionate to the number of natural benefics present in the four houses. In the horoscope of the contributor of this article this yoga is partially present. Kapata Yoga Kapata Yoga for deceiving disposition is caused if Mars and Mercury are related or Saturn and Rahu be related especially when 350

one of them be in the 4th house or afflictions to the 4th house are there. Kapata is the product of hardened emotions and desirous nature. The desires (Mars) compel the rational mind (Mercury) to adopt wrong course; the accompanying condition is that the horoscope should be weak from social angle i.e. Venus should be in destroyed condition. See the following chart.

Saturn in Aries is highly greedy, so is Rahu in the 4th house. Moon in Cancer is afflicted and Venus is destroyed by Mars and Saturn. Sun and Jupiter gave him lofty ambitions; being less qualified, he tried to fulfill those unscrupulously and ultimately was lost in the middle. Pravrajya Yogas All cardinal houses or quadrants in a chart are Vishnu Then there are Pravrajya yogas sthana i.e., Houses Of Environment and all trinal which cause an access to houses i.e., 1st, 5th and 9th houses are called Lakshmi renunciation. These are formed Sthanas or Houses Of Merit. With the combination of if the Moon be conjunct with or both house factors, there is produced a Raja yoga i.e. aspected by Saturn; the Moon is combination for prosperity ‘Arising Out Of Exploiting occupying Navamsa of Mars or One’s Environment Through One’s Merits’. Saturn and is aspected by Saturn; the Moon occupies a decanate of Saturn and is aspected by Saturn or the Moon’s dispositor be neither conjunct with any planet nor aspected by any planet except Saturn. Sanyasis (renunciates) have been commanding more respect than kings from time immemorial. Sanyasis do have Raja yoga for fame, prosperity and kingly status but they also have Pravarajya yoga as well, which lead them to know the final truth and thus lead the world, on how to get rid of ones sorrows? The urge to know the ultimate truth emanates from Saturn when he afflicts the mentality i.e. the Moon. In the horoscope of Swami Vidyaranya who was instrumental in establishing the Vijayanagar Emperor in South India, Jupiter aspects the Sun making the ninth house and ninth lord powerful, the Lagna Lord & 351

Jupiter both are aspected by Saturn, more over Saturn is also the scout planet to the Moon, signifying no inclination for family life. Mercury and Venus being scout planets to the Sun signify an element of benevolence for the cause of royal people. Mars in the third house gave him unending energy for this cause.

Quadrants & Trines All cardinal houses or quadrants in a chart are Vishnu sthana i.e., Houses Of Environment and all trinal houses i.e., 1st, 5th and 9 th houses are called Lakshmi Sthanas or Houses Of Merit. With the combination of both house factors, there is produced a Raja yoga i.e. combination for prosperity ‘Arising Out Of Exploiting One’s Environment Through One’s Merits’. This kind of Raja yogas are yogas for self created affluence. See the following chart of a female who is the highest paid among her batch mates.


Though she has some psychological aberrations, for there is Kala Sarpa Yoga; the Moon is aspected by Mars, she loses temper just on triffles; she is of a little shy nature, for Saturn is with Mercury but very thorough in her work. The Sun is hemmed in between Mars and Saturn. She is a nursing educator, for all her trinal and cardinal lords in Virgo, the hospital of Zodiac. The conjunction of all trinal and cardinal houses lords forms an exceptional Raja yoga. She was born at the fag end of Mars Dasa, had various kinds of phobias and inferiority complex during Rahu Dasa, gathered confidence during the Jupiter Dasa and started earning handsomely during the start of Jupiter Dasa. Since coming dasas will also be of yoga causing planets, she will be paid handsomely throughout her life.

will be able to come out of any complex horoscope while delineating yogas.

Jyotish Sahastravali

If Buddha & Hershel are together then the person can be very intelligent

If Sun is in Ashwini nakshatra then it is good for Upasana

Jupiter of Pisces can make one have lot of faith in God

Jupiter Pluto Yuti (conjunction) is one of the best combinations for Spirituality


Transit of planets also have a role in activating the results of Raja yoga causing planets, as we have seen above how dasas manifest the results of Rajayogas.

in Virgo can create diseases of


Neptune in Lagna creates a sympathetic person

Pluto in lagna creates a sympathetic person

For more elaborated & detailed understanding of Transits and Vimshottari Dasa system, readers may advantageously go through the books of this author which are ‘Secrets of Vimshottari Dasa System’ & ‘Text Book of Transit of Planets’ published by M/s Ranjan Publications, 16 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi ‐110002

The native who has Mer in lagna will usually talk with laughter interspersed in his speech

If there is a malefic in the 4


house the

person will not have happiness in his house


in Magha Nakshatra is good for


Neptune in Revati Nakshatra is good for Gupta Vidya (Occult sciences).

In the end the contributor urges the readers to not underestimate the potential of yogas and never try to apply yogas verbatim, rather the readers should try to stick to basics while delineating yogas. If one is strong at his basics in astrology he 353

"Simple Rules of 4 Step Theory" By Sunil Gondhalekar, India. (As submitted in Dec 2007) In this theory only strong bhava's represented by planet is taken for considering prediction.

Rule 1: (a1) If there are no other planets in the star of this planet then the house in which the planet resides will become the strong significator of that house (Even if there are other planets in that house). (a2) If there are no other planets in the star of this planet it becomes strong signifier of the houses owned by it, provided there are no other planets in that house. (Ignore Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) else it becomes secondary signifier of that house. KSK (Krishnamurthy) says "Tenants are stronger than owner". (a3) If there are other planets in the stars of this planet then it becomes only secondary signifier of both the house it resides in and of the houses it owns. (a4) If the planet is in own stars (star lord is same) then irrespective of other planets being in its stars, it becomes strong signifier of the house it resides in, even though there are other planets in that house. This planet will become the strong signifier of the houses owned by it provided those houses are empty.

He is credited to having developed a completely new system of prediction within the KP system. His Guru was the Legend of Legends, Late Jyotindra Hasbe hailing from Maharashtra, India. He started studying Krishnamurthi Paddathi (KP) with him in 1979 and then formed his 4 step theory which has so far been taught to 15000 students in Maharashtra. Written and published own books in Marathi language titled 1.Vivah Yoga 2.Nakshtra Sandesh 3.Nakstra Prabha.

This completes our First Step.

Rule 2: A planet predominantly gives the results indicated by its star lord. This is the most important rule of KP. So the house occupied by this star 354

lord is strongly signified, even though there are other planets in that house. He however becomes strong significator of house owned if the houses are empty. This completes our Second Step.

Rule 3: KSK has invented "sub lord" and given importance whether planet will offer favorable ‐ unfavorable results. That means 'sub' has got capacity to give results. So consider same rules we apply for the main planet, which is for step 1. So our Rule 3 is: for Step 3 apply same rules as for step 1. This completes our Third Step.

Rule 4: KSK has mentioned in Reader No. 3 page 137, "If a planet is the significator of lagna bhava, it gives long life, success in attempts, it helps to maintain good health, if the sub lord is not the significator of 6 or 8 or 12". The word used by KSK is significator that means, to see his star lord also. This is what I understood from KSK statement. Hence all the rules applicable to step 2 will in totality apply to the 4th step.

Rule 5: KSK has given importance to cusp of the house. So planet near to cusp (within orb of 30‐20') affect the strong signification of that cusp. Even if planet is having star in it, it will offer the cusp result strongly.

Rule 6: While considering conjunction or aspect we will consider this with an orb of 30‐20'. Aspect of planet is considered only on cusp with 30‐20' orb and not on house.

Rule 7: When Rahu / Ketu is the star lord of a planet / sub, then it gives results of conjunction / aspect / star lord / sign lord in ascending order.

Rule 8: The event will materialize only when Dasa, Bhukti and Antara jointly strongly signify all the 3 houses.

Rule 9: If planet is totally negating the relative event's houses on step 3 – 4 then the Dasa will not fructify the matter. If planet is the cuspal sub lord then the event will never happen. These are the simple rules, if followed properly no need of RP is required.


- Issue Matters – According to KSK's teaching, the 5th sublord is considered. If it is the significator of the 2nd or 5th or 11th house, then birth of a child is assured. Shri KSK also has recommended that a Lady's chart should be preferably studied. Along with the houses 2, 5 & 11 the 9th (5th from 5th) is also a supporting house, in many cases. Now to time the event, we study the following example. In this chart Mars is the sub‐lord of the 5th cusp. The strong significations of this are: * MARS : Star Lord of Mars – Sun :4 Sub Lord of Mars ‐ Moon : 5‐1 Star Lord of Moon ‐ Merc :4 Here Mars has become principle significator of 5th in the 3rd step. So it is definite that the lady will have children.

No Planet in stars of Moon – Venus – Rahu ‐ Ketu


This lady was married on 15th Dec. 2003. At that time, the Dasa of Venus was running and it was up to 13‐8‐2016. Let us find out whether the Dasa Lord Venus indicates child birth or not. The signification of Venus is as under: ‐ •

VENUS Star Lord of Ven ‐ Sun Sub Lord of Ven ‐ Moon Star Lord of Ven ‐ Merc

: 6‐11 :4 : 5‐1 :4

Here Venus is the strong signifier of 5, and 11. Also he strongly signifies the adverse house 1, 4, 6. But since it is the signifier of 5 and 11, the dasa is favorable for child birth. She is already married in that Dasa due to signification of 11 and also 5. Now let us see the Bhukti. During marriage the Bhukti of Rahu from14‐10‐2003 upto 14‐10‐ 2006 runs. Let us see the signification of Rahu. * RAHU : 12 (Moon 5‐1) Star Lord of Rahu – Jup :3‐9 Sub Lord of Rahu – Rahu : 12 (Moon 5 ‐ 1) Star Lord of Rahu ‐ Jup :3‐9 Here the Bhukti Lord had become strong significator of the Main 5th house and also of the supporting house no. 9. So child birth should take place in the Bhukti. The Dasa Lord strongly signifies 5 and 11, the Bhukti Lord strongly signifies the 5th & 9th house. So while selecting the Antara we will have to give preferences to some other planet who has strong significator of 2nd house. The Antaras of the bhukti are as under (ENDING DATES) Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Moon Mars

26‐3‐2004 19‐8‐2004 9‐2‐2005 14‐7‐2005 16‐9‐2005 18‐3‐2006 11‐8‐2006 14‐10‐2006

We have to respect Nature, and cannot consider child birth within 9 months of marriage. So we do not consider the Jupiter antara. We will check the Antara lords after Jupiter. *

SATURN Star Lord of Sat ‐ Mar Sub Lord of Sat ‐ Rahu Star Lord of Rahu ‐ Jup

: : 2‐10 : 12 (Moon 5‐1) : 3‐9


MERCURY Star Lord of Merc ‐ Sat Sub Lord of Merc ‐ Sat Star Lord of Sat ‐ Mars

: : 3‐7 : ‐‐‐ : 2‐10 357


+ KETU : 6 (Sat 3‐7) Star Lord of Ketu ‐ Sun : 4 Sub Lord of Ketu ‐ Jup : ‐‐‐ Star Lord of Jup ‐ Mars : 2‐10

Mars by his 4th house aspect, aspects the 5th house and also Moon. So we will have to take this into account also, while finding significators of the house. Hence Sat, Merc, Ket, Ven, Rahu, Moon and Mars all become strong significators of 2nd and 5th houses. In such a case how are we to select the correct Antara Lord?. Here KSK's teaching that Nodes are stronger than planets, come to our rescues. On this basis we select the Ketu Antara from 14‐7‐ 2005 to 16‐9‐2005. In actuality a female child was born on 8‐8‐2005, by caesarian. This goes to prove the KP principle Nodes are stronger than planets.

Johannes Schöner (January 16, 1477 in Karlstadt am Main – January 16, 1547 in

Nürnberg) (aka, Johann Schönner, Jean Schönner, Joan Schoenerus) was a renowned and respected German Humanist Renaissance Mathematicus. It is best to refer to him using the usual 16th century Latin term mathematicus as the areas of study to which he devoted his life were very different from those now considered to be the domain of the mathematician. He made some of the oldest globes still in existence. Some of them show areas before they were discovered, like the Magellan Strait and the Antarctic. He was an astronomer, astrologer, geographer, cosmographer, cartographer, mathematician, globe and scientific instrument maker and editor and publisher of scientific tests. In his own time he enjoyed a European wide reputation as an innovative and influential globe maker and cosmographer and as one of the continents leading and most authoritative astrologers. Today he is remembered as an influential pioneer in the history of globe making and as a man who played a significant role in the events that led up to the publishing of Copernicus' "De revolutionibus" in Nürnberg in 1543. Source: Wikipedia


Dnyaneshwari (The Philosophical Part) By V.V. Shirvaikar, USA. Chapter 1

Arjuna’s Despondency Obeisance

Dr Vasant Vishnu Shirvaikar was born in 1932 & did his MSc in Nuclear Physics from Wilson College, Bombay, and Ph.D. in Physics from University of Bombay. Worked as research scientist in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Bombay for 37 years and authored several research papers. He is a known authority on Dnyneshwari. He is devote of Shri Shankar Maharaj of Pune & with his blessings have published works on Dnyaneshwari, Yogiraj Shri Shankar Maharaj, & Amarvani-English translation of a Hindi book by the Jain Saint Amarmuni. Also published several articles on spiritual topics including a ten-part series on Datta-Parampara in the magazine Sai-Arpan published from Bombay. Currently living in USA.

Obeisance to the Supreme Soul who is in the form of AUM and whom only the Vedas can describe. My obeisance to you who is the Self and can only be experienced. Oh God, you are the Ganesha, who enables everybody's intellect to understand everything. Thus says this disciple of Shri Nivruttinath. (1:1‐2). (Dnyaneshwar Maharaj then describes in beautiful poetic style the form of Ganesha the God of Knowledge and remover of all obstacles comparing each part of the body to some branch of knowledge. He then makes obeisance to Sharada the Goddess of learning and then praises his Guru Nivruttinath ascribing to him the credit for initiating the work and providing strength, enthusiasm and sense of devotion for fulfilling this immense task. He then extols the qualities of the Gita which even great Rishis respectfully read and enjoy. (1:3‐84) Now the commentary on the Gita starts. But note that this chapter does not contain any philosophical part and readers may skip it. However please read the notes below the chapter.)

First Shloka Of Gita Overcome by the love for his sons, Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya to describe the situation on the righteous battlefield of Kurukshetra (See notes at the end of the chapter) where his sons and Pandavas have gone to fight each other. (1:85‐87) 359

Sanjaya replied, "The Pandava army is agitated with fury like the waters at the time of the Great Flood. Arranged in many strategic formations it looks horrible. (1:88, 91). But Duryodhana looked at it scornfully and approaching Dronacharya remarked, "look at the various strategic formations of the Pandava army. These have been done by Drishtadumna, son of Drupada whom you taught and made an expert in the military arts. (1:92‐95). There are other warriors also in their army of strength and capability comparable those of Bhima and Arjuna. They include the great warrior Yuyudhan, Virat and the great chariot‐warrior Drupad. Also to come are Chekitan, Dhrishtaketu, Kashiraj, Uttamouja and the great king Shaibya. Abhimanyu the son of Subhadra looks like younger image of Arjuna. Other sons of Draupadi as well as many other warriors have also come. (1:99‐102). Now I shall mention also the names of the warriors fighting on our side. Here is our granduncle Bhishma with a capability as bright as sun. This brave Karna is like a lion. Then we also have the powerful stalwarts like Kripacharya, Vikarna, Ashwathama, Samitinjaya, Soumadatti and innumerable other warriors. (1:103‐108, 109). Besides, Granduncle Bhishma has been appointed the chief of our army. His strength imparts this army the appearance of a fort. Who can face this army? On the other hand the Pandava army is very small but even then it appears huge to me. On top of it that colossus Bhima has become the chief of their army." (1:115‐120). After talking thus to Dronacharya, Duryodhana addressed the rest of the army and calling upon them to arrange themselves in proper formations, to arrange for protection of their own great chariot‐borne warriors enjoined them to obey Bhishma. He also asked Dronacharya to protect Bhishma and give him as much respect as they gave himself since the strength of the entire army depended on Bhishma. (1:121‐125). Hearing this Bhishma was pleased and gave a battle cry and blew his conch which frightened both the armies. (1:130). Now listen to the happenings in the Pandava army. (1:137). Shri Krishna whose love for his devotees is out of this world, is acting as Arjuna's charioteer out of love for him. Shri Krishna blew his Panchjanya conch which silenced the war cries of the Kaurava army. This was followed by the terrible sounds from Arjuna's conch and the conches of the other Pandavas. Other warriors like Drupad, Kashiraj, Arjuna's sons, Satyaki, Dhrishatadyuman, Shikhandi, Virat etc who also blew their conches, the sounds from which shook the earth. (1:142‐143, 146‐153). The disoriented Kaurava army was brought under control by their leaders who began to shower arrows on pandava army. (1:164‐165). Feeling satisfied, Arjuna eagerly glanced at the army and when he saw the Kauravas ready for war he slowly picked up his bow. Then he asked Shri Krishna to take his chariot quickly 360

in the middle of the two armies so that he could observe the great warriors come there to fight. He said, "I must decide with whom I must choose to fight. These Kauravas generally are of evil nature and though they have the eagerness for war they lack courage." (1:167‐ 173). Thus reporting Arjuna's speech to Dhritarashtra, Sanjaya further described,

Arjuna's Despondency Oh King, Shri Krishna brought the chariot in between the two armies where Bhishma, Drona and other kings were waiting. Observing them, Arjuna said, "Shri Krishna, look. These are all our own family members and teachers." Hearing this, Shri Krishna was startled and thought, "What is this that has come in Arjuna's mind?” But he kept quiet. (1:174‐179). Arjuna saw his teachers, grand uncle, relatives and friends, sons and grandsons too, Arjuna was shaken and compassion arose in his mind and his warrior nature left him. (1:180‐182). He said to Shri Krishna, "I see only our friends and relatives here. They have come here for war but will it be proper for us also to do the same? I am confused and my bow has fallen from my hands. (1:194‐198). If we have to kill the Kauravas then why should we not kill my own brothers too? Both belong to our family. (1:207). It will be improper to fight this war. (1:209). I am not interested in winning the war. What use is enjoying the pleasures after killing these people? (1:210‐211). I shall be burdened with the sin of killing my family members. (1:228)." Thus raving, Arjuna said that he was not going to touch any weapon in this war because he found it improper. (1:233). The body for the pleasures of which one wished for the kingdom, was itself short‐lived. When we know this why should we not loathe it? (1:263). Overcome with grief Arjuna jumped from the chariot and threw his bow and arrows on the ground. Uncontrollable tears started flowing from his eyes. (1:268, 272). Dnyaneshwar Maharaj says, "Listen in the next chapter how Shri Krishna advises a grief stricken Arjuna on the meaning of spiritual goal." (1:274). ________________________

Notes Note 1: What is given in this chapter is a summary of the first chapter of Dnyaneshwari which, as in the Gita, describes the situation on the opening day of the Mahabharata war between the Kauravas and Pandavas on the battlefield of Kurukshetra (near modern Delhi). King Dhritarashtra (father of Kauravas) being blind had requested Shri Krishna to fulfill his wish to get the news about the progress of the war sitting at home. Shri Krishna in the role of Bhagwan or God (See below) has empowered Dhritarashtra's charioteer by a Divine sight which enables him to see the battlefield scenario and describe it to the blind king. The Gita itself starts with instruction given by Dhritarashtra to Sanjaya to describe the battlefield scene on the opening day. Shri Krishna as Bhagwan: The Gita or Bhagvadgita and Dnyaneshwari have been written as a dialogue between Shri Krishna and Arjuna. In Mahabharata of which Gita is a part, Shri Krishna is presented in the role of Bhagwan or almighty God in incarnate form. As readers would have concluded from the Prologue given in May 2008 issue of Saptarishis Astrology, 361

the dialogue in Gita is not factual but a composition added by Sauti to the Mahabharata. During the lifetime of Shri Krishna he was not considered as a god or an incarnation of Vishnu. He was considered so only many centuries later, but before Sauti's time (450 BC). Thus, it is natural that the additions made by Suta and Sauti to Mahabharata refer to him as Bhagwan or God and also suggest that people living at that time knew him as an incarnation. This has given rise to irrational situations in the episodes in the Epic. Having assigned the role of an avatar to Shri Krishna, he is mentioned in Gita and Dnyaneshwari as Bhagwan (God). In fact much of the advice to Arjuna is rendered by Shri Krishna in this from the titles as far as possible). The term Yoga is derived from the root yuj which means "to harness or to yoke". It is also used to mean to join or to unite. It has also been used to mean concentrate mind and intellect. Thus Yoga would imply combining i.e. Uniting the actions of the body and of the mind (meditation, attitude etc.) to attain a goal which to spiritual seekers is Self‐ realization. It is often used to mean union of the individual soul or consciousness with the Cosmic Spirit or Brahman through the process of meditation. In Gita the term Yoga is used more liberally to mean a system of approach towards liberation or Self‐ realization which is the same as the union with Brahman. This is how the terms Jnyanayoga (or Yoga of Knowledge) and Karmayoga (or Yoga of Action) have been used. Reader should understand the implied meaning from the context to avoid confusion. Popularly, the term Yoga is used for Hathayoga which is a system of control of the body through certain body postures together with Pranayama or breath control. However there are many other systems of Yoga techniques in which one meditates

role of Bhagwan recognizes.




Note 2: Both Shri Krishna and Arjuna are mentioned by various names in the Bhagvadgita, but we shall maintain the names Shri Krishna and Arjuna in this translation for the sake of convenience. Note 3: Use of the term YOGA The term Yoga is used with different implied meanings in the Gita. Sometimes this can be very confusing. For example, title of each chapter is described as yoga. Thus the first chapter is named "Arjuna‐Vishada‐yoga" which literally means "Yoga of Arjuna’s despondency". (In this translation the term yoga has been omitted sitting in a single posture of sitting in Padmasana (or lotus posture) or Sahajasana (or easy posture also known as half‐lotus posture), concentrating on a point in between the eyebrows and sometimes on breath, as prescribed by one’s teacher (see Ch 6).

The Tao Teh King

The Tâo produces (all things) and nourishes them; it produces them and does not claim them as its own; it does all, and yet does not boast of it; it presides over all, and yet does not control them. This is what is called 'The mysterious Quality' (of the Tâo). - Chp 10.3

He who stands on his tiptoes does not stand firm; he who stretches his legs does not walk (easily). (So), he who displays himself does not shine; he who asserts his own views is not distinguished; he who vaunts himself does not find his merit acknowledged; he who is self-conceited has no superiority allowed to him. Such conditions, viewed from the standpoint of the Tâo, are like remnants of food, or a tumour on the body, which all dislike. Hence those who pursue (the course) of the Tâo do not adopt and allow them –Chp 24


KumaraSwamiyam -2 An Ancient Tamil Classic Translated by

Viswalingam Padmanabhan, India


amil is one of the most ancient Indian languages & there are many classical Jyotisha secrets in Tamil literature. One such is Kumaraswamiyam & many scholars have given it his highest pedestal. In Tamil language, Kumaraswami means lord Muruga son of Lord Shiva. Initially Lord Shiva is telling astrology to Lord Muruga. He in return passes it on to Rishi Agasthiyar that our current deeds are based on past karma.

Shri V Padmanabhan is a great scholar & has contributed a lot to Tamil literature. He has published English translations of the much sought after Tirukkural, Naaliadiyar, Thiruvalluvar as a Living Legend & many others. Post graduate in Commerce from University of Madras, retired from the services of an international bank and now a senior citizen.

In the translation assignment, this author has striven very hard to give below the best possible translation from his knowledge & trust many will agree. If they have some corrections / suggestions on the same, they can contact us. One will appreciate & understand how difficult it is to translate from a traditional epic given in poetic Tamil of good olden days into modern Tamil and then into English. It is a very painstaking job that deserves accolades.


꣡Pù¡ 輬í ̈¶„ êùªùªõ‰ ¶òó ñ£ŸÁ cŸP¬ù ÞQ¶ ï™A G¬ø‰îõ¡ ñ¬ø‰¶ «ð£ù£¡ YŸøI™ õEè «óÁ‰ Fˉªóù MNˆî£¡ «õô˜ «ð£ŸPù¡ ¹è›‰î£¡ è‡a˜ ªð£N‰î£¡ ¹¬è ºŸø£¡

The peace loving Velavan suddenly woke up with tears Rolling down his cheeks in gratitude for achieving what he wanted.

(39) Ý®ù£ùö™ «ê˜¾Ÿø õó‚ªèùõèƒ °¬ö‰î£¡ ð£®ù£¡ ðóñ£ù‰îŠ ðó¬õJŸ ð®‰î£ù¡H m®ù£Qñô¡ «è£J Qô¾ ê¡QF¬ò„ ꣘‰¶ Å®ù£¡ èóƒèœ ªê¡Q ¶Fˆîù¡ õ£Œ ªè£÷£«î

Lord Velavan was moved in delight, face lit & magnetized Sang & danced in praise of Lord Shiva and rushed To the shrine of the flawless Lord Shiva with arms over his head To render vocal & floral tributes for the invaluable guidance offered.


«õôõ¡ 輬íªò™ô£‹ M÷‚Aò ªêŒ»‡ñ£¬ô ê£ôù¡AQ¶ ꣈Fˆ î¬óI¬êŠ ðE‰ªî¿‰¶ ð£ôùªñ£Nò£œ õœO ð£èù™ M¬ì»‹ ªðŸÁ «ñôõ˜ ¹èö£ GŸ°‹ i¬óò‹ðF¬ò„ ꣘‰î£¡

Struck with awe Lord Velavan, the consort of Valli, Could not hide his admiration for getting his prayer answered. He prostrated in the feet of Lord Shiva and pleaded For his permission to proceed to his well celebrated abode.


༰ªñŒò®ò£ ¼œ÷ºõ‰îù ªõ™ô£ï™°ƒ °¼Fªè£Š¹O‚°‹¬õA «õŸ°ñóù ÷‚ ªè£‡´ º¼èM› º™¬ô ð£˜ð¡ º‰¶ «ê£Fƒèª÷™ô£ƒ è¼Fòõòùªñ£¡PŸ èêìøŠ ðJ¡P†ì£ù£™

Lord Velavan is now the proud owner of the astrological text sought With great desire and felt that knowledge acquired from it will help In alleviating the suffering of the devotees who are equally confident That HE will come to their rescue after studying the details in the text.


裡øI¡ IŠÌ‡ñ£˜ð¡ èŸðºƒ°E‚èõ™ô õ£¡ø ï™ôPëù£A òŸ¹îªñõ£˜‚°‰ «î£¡ø„ ꣡ø ªñŒŠðô¡èª÷™ô£‰ îóE«ò£˜‚A¬êò‚ ÃP f¡øõ†AÁFï£À «ñŒ‰F´ èF»‰«î˜‰î£¡

The handsome Velavan decked with pearls and flowers has Equipped himself with the requisite knowledge to forecast the events To warn the suffering masses in the world so that palliative steps Can be arranged by them & to inform the time of demise of their parents. ªðKòð¡ ñ¬ôèª÷™ô£‹ Høƒ°‡í£® î¡Â† ªìK¾ø‚ 裆´ñ£«ð£Ÿ Yõð™«è£®è†° ºKò ð™°íºIƒé«ù£õÁ ªî£N½ ñŸÁ‹ MKò º‚è£ô‰î¡Âœ M¬÷ªð£¼œ ðô¾‰«î£¡ø

The astrological text can indicate as clearly as a vast mountain 364


Exhibits its products. Similarly the occupation, Life style & other details of all human beings on this earth Can be predicted over their past, present & future events & births.


àôèºñ¬ô¾ø£ñ ½ò˜‰îî¡ ªðòó£ªô¡Á Iô°øM‰î ˬô ªò‹ñ«ù£˜‚Aò‹Hù£ù£™ MôAM™½I¿‹ «õŸ¬è Mñô«ù ðóªñ¡ÁŸ«ø£ ùôè¼ è¬ô膪è™ô£ ñ£èóñ£Jù£«ù

The astrological script gifted by Lord Shiva To Lord Velavan is an everlasting document which forms The basis for affording comfort, to the suffering masses In the tireless world, from impediments.


ªê™½Á‹ ªð£N™èœ Å¿… ªê‰Fô‹ðF¬ò„ «ê˜‰¶ ªõ™ô¼ƒèF˜ ªè£œ«õô¡ M÷ƒ°ê‰GFJô‰î„ ªê£™ô¼‹ ¹èö‚ °ñ£ó ²õ£Iòªñ¡Â ˬô ªò™ô¼ƒ èùèŠÌí£ QQîóƒ«èŸPù£«ù

Kumaraswamiyam is the name of the sacred document Which was inaugurated in the victorious abode Tiruchendur Having flourishing flower gardens and orchards by the elegant And heroic Lord Velavan appearing in all grandeur.


ñQ õ£Â÷£¼ ñA›‰F ªè£‡ì£ìõŠ«ð£ FQFQªî¡ù£õƒé ªù¿‰î«î£˜ ªîŒõõ£‚°Š ¹Qîõ‰ËL½œ÷ ªð£¼ª÷ô£… ªêMè÷£ó‚ èQî¼ è¼¬í «õô¡ èOˆî¼œ ¹K‰î£¡ ñ¡«ù£

The courteous Lord Velavan gleefully released The contents of the astrological text in the assembly of anxious And expectant devotees from both worlds and explained How this could forewarn the hurdles so as to take corrective steps. 裊¹ «ð£Fìñ£Aò «õFòù£î ¹ó£îù¡ ñ£¡ºî«ô£˜ ßFìñ£Œ õ¼õ£ªóQ™ ò£¾‹ Mì£Fò™ð£è ïM™ «ê£Fì «ñFìñ£è ï죾 °ñ£ó²õ£Iò‹ ñ£¡ æFì«õªòù «î£óè‹ õ£›ðõ¬ùê «è£îó«ù

Invocation Song Kumaraswamiyam is an authentic astrological text as it is scripted By Lord Muruga from the inputs spelt out by Lord Shiva and as such The predictions will hold good even if divine persons like Lord Brahma Are born on this earth. May the blessings of Erakathipathi, brother of Vinayaka, be invoked for its success. ð£Jó‹ ÝFºîŸ°ð«îê ꟰¼ «îC衺¡ ÜèˆFò‚°¬óˆî¼œ «ê£FìˆFò™ð‰ï£O™ æF¬õï£JLù˜ õC†ì˜ èŸèªó¾ù «ó£ñê˜ ðó£êó˜ ñ¸ ï£óî˜ Mò£ê˜ «ð£îèóƒ Aó£ñóˆFK ñgC ¹¼°„ê˜



¹è˜ ê¾ù ê¾ùè˜ è£CðKõ˜ ¹ˆFJù£™ ãªîQ‹ èõ˜èìƒè† Aò¡ø¶ ñ£ˆFóƒèŸ Pš¾ôALõ˜ ºî«ô£˜ ªê£ùî ðKIî«ñ 

Songs of the Epic In response to the request of Subrahmanya, the Lord Who preached the meaning of Pranav mantra to the foremost Lord Shiva, the text to relieve the distressed masses was released To supreme sage Agasthiar & spread through eighteen savants. Vashister, Karkar, Yavanar, Romaser, Parasarar, Vyasar, Naradhar, Manu, Bogar, Angiramar, Brugacher, Buger, Savanar, Savunagar, Athiri, Marisi, Kaasibar, Inar, were the eighteen siddhars each of whom Scripted many books with contents based on their own interpretation.


Þõ˜èÀ¬óˆîù «õ£¬óê£ó‹ óˆù«è£ê‹ Þ‰¶õE «õ£¬ó ªñŒ…ë£ù ŠKFM«ò£è ¾õKêîñ…êK hô£õFê£îèèŸ «ð£îùªñ‡õ˜‚è ªñ‹ ê‚èóªñŒ‚ °¬îò‹ ïõGFòñK†ì ïõcî‹ õ£ó«ñ¬ó ïòõ™A¼w¬í Cˆî£‰î‹ õ£‚AòI¡ùùªõ… ê¾Kòðó£‚Aóñƒ «èóOô‹ð£è‰ è£ôˆîPõ¶ Hóè£C„YðF«ò

Vorasaaram, Ratnakosam, Gnanaprithivi, Chandraabharanavorai, Yogarunavam, Yogasadamanjari, Leelavathy, Jaathakapaarijatham, Ashtavargam, Kaalachakram, Narachakram, Navanithiyam, Vaaramerai, Arishta Navaneetham, Saaravali, Kishtneeyam, Siddhanthavaakiyam, Baragitham, Savuriyaparaakiramam, Kaalamarithal, Keralilambagam, Kaalaprakasi, Shripathi, are the many astrological books crafted By the above said Siddhars based on their individual wisdom And power of explaining the concept behind the astrological terms.


ðFðô«êèó‹ ¹õùŠ HKFMèˆ ðô¬î ðó£êK¼ õ£êKò ñ£Kò¹ì‹ ðôî£ MîŠóðôºÃ˜ˆî Mî£ùˆ¶÷ñ£îMò‹ MFôHî…꣉Fð죋 MèE†´íõ‹ CîŠðìˆFò™¹ì MˆFó¬ñ‹¹†êóñˆ FKñôñ«ù£ñ¡ù˜ FùºÃ˜ˆîˆF¬óò‹ ñ÷¶ ªîKêù‹ ªê£Ÿðù‹ ê°ù‹ è£î™ ñŸø¬õ º¡ù£À÷ M‰ï£O‹ ñŸÁ÷«õ

Bavagapalasekaram, Bhuvanaprithivi, Kalpalatha, Poorvaparaasariyam, UttharaParasaariyam, Arya Sphutam, Palathavithapprabalam, Muhurthamaathaviyam, Vithilapitham, Saanthipadaam, Aganitham, Andagolappaguthi, Boogolagai, Panchapakshi, saranool, Kuttarkaaraam, Thirimalasambirathayam, Mano Maandaviyam, Thina Muhurthathiraiyam, Mathathullathu, Therisanai, Sorpanam (Dreams), Sagunam (Omen), Kaathal (Love), were the ancient texts. There were a few others formulated (3) Recently which complimented the above books by the eighteen Siddhars. 366

ñŸÁ÷cŸ è÷ˆîê¡ê˜ õ£˜ˆîC‰î£ ñEJš õ¬èŠ«ð˜ðˆ FK¬èꋹ õ£…CJ¼ ï£î‹ àŸøðô 蟪ø£N™ê£ î舶îò‹ «õ‹ðˆ Éó¼œ÷ º¬ìò£¡«è êMîùªñ† ´÷¶ƒ èŸPõKŠ ð®ðôõ£Œˆ îƒèœè† °¬ìò 輈¶÷ªîš õ÷¾÷ îšõ÷¾èEŠ ðîù£Ÿ ªê£ŸPìªôŠ ð®ªòQLŠ «ð˜Šðô«ê èóñ£Œ„ ªê£™õîF êòº÷° ñ£ó²õ£ Iò«ñ

Neelakandathasiyam, Sarvaartha Chinthamani, Sarvatho Pathrikai ‐ Sambunathaviyam, Vaanchinathaviyam, Saathagabalarathnam, Saathagaseevanam, Sinendramaalai, Ullamudaiyan, Kesaviyam, Attaisvaryam and a few more are the recent additions to those Computed by savants based on their skills of interpretation Of the holy astrological texts promoted by Lord Shiva. It is only here Kumaraswamiyam’s innovation comes handy in Providing precise astrological solutions to relieve the toiling masses.


(Verse 1 denotes the names of Siddhars & verses 2‐4 denote the names of various texts in Tamil, which are transliterated in English.) Þò™¹÷MŠ ðôº¿¶… «êèKˆªî£¡ ø£è Þò‹¹ñF êòº÷° ñ£ó² õ£Iò«ñ ¹òªù¿¶‹ ⿈¶ñõ¡ ⿈¶Iò™ ð£èŠ ¹è™õ¶è‡ ®îQò™HŠ ¹MJ½«÷£˜‚ èPò õòº÷ê‰ î£êô„ªê‰ ɘ‚èFð¡ i¬ó õ¼ñ£P ò£´ªð¼ ñ£œ¹î™õ ù£ù ªêòI°‹Hó ðô²ºè °ñ£ó²õ£ I‚«è£˜ ªîŒõñõ Â÷ˆF¼‰¶ F¼¾÷‹ðŸ Pò«î

Lord Subrahmanya, the resident of Tiruchendur said To be the sandal wood mount, the son of Lord Shiva shrined In Veeranallur, has pronounced the text from his inner mind And this is named as Kumaraswamiyam. This holy astrological text could predict events, As destined by Lord Brahma in the life of toiling masses, So precisely that these persons could take appropriate steps To alleviate their suffering to the extent feasible. ËŸðò¡ Üšõ¬òõ†A¬÷òõªù‡ ªí¿ˆF¼è‡ ªîŒõˆ î£ô£è£ ªîQªñŒˆ ªî£‡ì÷ ªîšõ÷¾‡ ®š¾ô蘂° ¬óˆî¶êˆ FòªñÂñ£˜‚ è‡ìŸ AøŠH¼‹ªð¡ ¬ø‚°ªñ£¡ªø¡ P¬êˆî¶«è† ®¼‰¶‹ 蚬õJ™ð£‚ Aòè£ôˆ îòˆîõù£ A½‰¶Ÿ è£ôñP‰ î¬î‚èìˆî‚ èì¾÷˜‚°ƒ èìõ£ˆ ªîšõ´«õ ô£»îîŸ ð󰼫î Cè¬ù„ C‰¬îªêò ôõªùñù£‰ îè¡ ªüèˆF‰Fó«ù

Synopsis of the text (Noorpayan) 367


“The science of numbers and the niceties of literature Are considered as two eyes for a contended life on earth.” So said the famous personalities, Thiruvalluvar & Avvaiyar. Here The numbers represent astrology & literature depicts the values of our life. (Note: Lead a moral life as demanded by our ancient literature & use Astrology for guidance.) The life of Markandeya envisages that relentless efforts Coupled with the grace of Lord Subrahmanya could Even overrule one’s destiny and provide longevity & comforts as Enjoyed by Indran, provided one has faith in Lord Subrahmanya. (Note: Verse 619 of Thirukkural amply vouches the above thesis that (6) Sincere efforts can definitely yield fruits even if willed otherwise by GOD)

Íôè£‡ì‹ è£MòMò™ ðìô‹ ̃èñôˆ «îõù¼œ ªð£Ÿè숶œ ðMˆî ªð£Fòõ¬ó‚ °ÁºQªê‰ îI›Šªð£¼œ«è† ðîŸè£Œ æƒAòê‰ î£êô„ªê‰ ɘ‚Aõªùˆ Fùº‹ àŸP´ñˆ FùˆFªô£¼ FùˆFLõ¡ à÷ˆF™ Aò«ê£ FìˆFò™ªê£™ °¼ï£î «îõ êè£òF¼ ¾÷IóƒAˆ î‚èªîù‚ ªèº¡ «îƒèñ›õ£Œ ñô˜‰¶Fù ºîŸ«ð˜ªê£Ÿ øùùˆ FKî¼¹ˆ FKªòÂñˆ FK¹¬óˆ Fó«ù 

Principal Chapter (Moola Kandam) Natural Epic ‐ Section (Kaaviyaviyar Padalam) The resident of Pothigai Mount, Sage Agasthiar, although structured By Lord Brahma as a dwarf, is an ardent lover of Tamil & he visits Tiruchendur, the resort in Sandal wood mount for updating his Knowledge of Tamil Literature from Lord Muruga. An idea conceived in his mind to study the impact of environment On human beings prompted Sage Agasthiar to appeal to Lord Muruga To appraise him about astrological implications for enriching his (1) knowledge. Lord Muruga initiated the study by revealing the details of stars & planets.


Fù£Fñ£îòŠ ðìô‹ ï†êˆFóˆF¡ ªðò˜èœ Þó¬ôðKŠ «ðó´ŠH¡ «ðªóKŠ«ð˜ 𣘈«î Þ¡«ð˜ñ£¡ î¬ôŠ«ð˜ò£ N¬øŠ«ð˜ «õŒè¬ìŠ«ð˜ °¼ñF¬îŠ «ð˜ðEŠ«ð˜ ¸èŠ«ðó£ °¬ñŠ«ð˜ °÷Š«ð¼ˆ îñ¡«ð˜õˆ FóŠ«ð˜«è£ èùè‹ FK²ì˜Š«ð˜ ºøŠ«ð˜¹Ÿ «ðóOŠ«ð˜ FF¹ˆ Fó˜«ð˜c˜Š «ð˜º®Š«ð˜ Yîó¡«ð˜ i„ªê‚ °¼Mù‹«ð˜ ï£NŠ«ð óó²ºó ²Š«ð «ó£ìŠ«ð ó²ðFªî£† ´¬óŠð¶IŠ «ð«ó

The Chapter on the names & allied details I) Names of the main stars & their synonyms* Constellations around the globe consist mainly of twenty‐ seven Stars and they are Aswini known as face of a horse, Bharani as an oven, Krittika as a glow of fire, Rohini as a rolling chariot, Mrigasira As the head of a stag, Aridra (thiruvathirai) as Veena, Punarvasu as a bamboo stem, Pushyami (poosam) as a flower, Aslesha (ayilyam) as a serpant, Makha as A plough, Pubba (pooram) as a bandicoot, Uttara (uthiram) as water bodies, Hasta as healthy palm, Chitta (chithirai) as a cloth, Swati as a lotus Visakha as a winnow, Anuradha (anusham) as a palmyrah, Jyeshta (kettai) as Devil, Moola as a demon, Poorvashada (Pooradam) as water bodies, Uttarashada as An angel, Sravana (thiruvonam) as a conservator, Dhanishta (avittam) as A bird, Satabhisha (sadayam) as oil press, Poorvabhadra (poorattathi) as A measure of volume, Uttarabhadra (uthirattathi) as an emperor, and Revati as a boat. *(Several words are given as names of stars having a similar meaning to fall in line (1) with Tamil poetic grammar and only one among them is translated) Aóè£Fð˜ ðKò£ò ï£ñº‹ Üõ˜ ¹î™õ˜ ï£ñº‹ ð¶ñQ¡ ðKFŠ«ð˜ êCò£‹ð L¡ñ£¡ ð‹I¬øŠ«ð˜ «êŒð¾ñ¡ ð£˜ñè¡ð£ ôè¡«ð˜ M¶î¬ùò¡ ñ£™¹î¡«ð˜ «õFò¡ªð£¡ °¼Š«ð˜ ªõœO¹è˜ 𣘂èõ¡«ð˜ MCîªùñ mô¡ èF˜²î¡«ð˜ ðECAñŸ P¼õ˜èœ«ð˜ è£ô¡ è¬ô‚ò£ù ð£îè«ó ê¡Hó èó¡«ð˜ ÞîIªôñ‡ ì芫ð˜M ìè®¬è °Oè¡ Þ¡ùI˜î‹ Þ¼‰îõ˜èœ ¹î™õ˜èOŠ «ð«ó


Names of Planets with their synonyms & names of offspring Planets Names Offspring Names Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu

Paduman, Inan & Paruthi Sasi, Ambuli, Maanbamirai Seypavuman, Paarmagan & Balagan Vidhuthanayan & Maal Vedhiyan & ponguru Velli & Pugarparkavan Visidhan, yeman, Neelan & Kadhirsudhan Pani Siki

Kaalan Kalaignanapathan Karesan Arthapragaran Yamakandakan Vidakadigai Kuligan Amirthagadigai Avamirutthu


Þó£CèO¡ ðKò£òŠªðò˜èœ Þó£C ºîLòõŸP¡ ªð£¶Šªðò˜èœ õ¼¬ìJ¡«ð˜ M¬ìŠ«ð˜ ò£›è¬îªî£‰ ¶õñ£ ¬ñ¶ùó£ CŠ«ð˜è£˜ ªè£‡ìôô õ¡«ð˜ I¼èó²Š «ð˜ñ£F¡ «ð˜¶¬ôŠ«ð˜ «îœ«ð˜ MŸ«ð˜ñ£¡ î¬ôè¬ôŠ«ð˜ ªõÁƒ°ìŠ«ð˜ e¡«ð˜ 强𘂠WFì‹ð£ õè‹ðõù‹ ªð£¶Š«ð˜‚ °´ˆFù «ðó£‹õ£ óƒAö¬ñ‚ °÷ º¼èM›ªî¡ ñ¬ôòFFŠ «ð˜‚è¶õ£‹ â¡ù ªñ£N‰îù¡º‹ ºîŸ°ªñ£¼ ºîŸ°ªñ£¼ ºî«ô

Synonyms Of Rasis And Their Actual Names Aries (Mesham) is known as Ram, Taurus (Rishbam) is known as bull, Gemini (midhunam) is known As Twins, Cancer (Katakam) is known as Crab, Leo (Simham) is Known as Lion, Virgo (Kanni) is known as Virgin, Libra (Tula) is known as Balance, Scorpio(Vrichigam) Is known as Scorpion, Sagittarius (Dhanus) is known as Bow, Capricorn (Makaram) Is known as the head of a stag, Aquarius ( Kumbham) is known As a Pot with a narrow mouth and pisces (Meenam ) is known As Fish. Rasi is also known as Bhavagam, Days are known By stars and dates of the week are represented by planets’ name. The synonyms of rasis although many in number in native language, they have similar Meaning & hence one such name is translated as above. The names of thithis take their Actual name with no synonyms. The resident of fertile Pothigai Mount, Agasthiar Was apprised of all the above by Lord Subrahmanya, the unique son of Lord Shiva. (3) «ò£è èóí ï£ñ‹ îôˆF«ò£èŠ «ð˜Mwè‹ ð‹HgF ò£» ªê÷ð£‚ò «ê£ðùF è‡ìè˜õ‰ F¼F Üô„Åôè‡ ì‹M¼ˆF ¶¼õ‹Mò£ è£î‹ ÜKwí‹õ‚ Aó…CˆF MFð£î‹ õKò£¡ ªðôŠðKè‹ Cô…CˆF‹ ꣈ò²ð ²Šó‹ Hó‹ñJ‰ Fó¬õFKŠ «ð˜ðõ‹ð£ ôõƒè àô般î¶ôƒ èü‹õEü‹ ðˆ¬ó‚° ù£‚裙 àóèA¼I‚ èóí‹ð ôºîŸ«ð˜‚ °÷«õ


dangers to life are seen. One through water and other through fire. Handsome complexion, if aspected by benefics. Native and the parent’s belief systems will be different. (OR) Cheating mind, sorrowful heart, courageous, pitha heat body, short height, conservative and fair complexion, fond of good foods, interested in sour tasty foods, worrying mind, discreet, likes to have ghee, curd in the morning

Sukar Nadi -2 By Saptarishis Astrology’s Team


aharishi Suka1 imparted his Jyotish knowledge to King Parikshit for the benefit of future generations. His teachings are also called ‘Suka Nadi.’ This work was originally rendered in Sanskrit and later translated in Tamil language by learned scholars. Now, Saptarishi Astrology Team has made an effort to translate it into English so that it will be useful to all. We understand that there can be some errors in our translation for which we beg the pardon of scholars & request them to submit the correct translation.


It is believed that Sukar Rishi resided in a place called Nedunkunram near Vandavasi, North Arcot District, and Tamil Nadu. There is a passage in that mountain which is known as Sukar Nadhi (Sukar River).

Will not trust his wife, devoted, conveyance comfort, not well with wife side people, very good to mother, habit of lying, but what to say, he will seduce motherly woman with sweet talk for sexual pleasure

Moon I house 57 & 58

ê‰FóÂFˆî ô‚Aù‹ î¡Q™ ê‰Fó¡ îQˆ¶«ñ M¼‰î£™ ܉Fóñ£è õ¼ƒè‡ì‹ ªó‡´Ü‚AQ üô è‡ì ñ¶õ£‹ ²‰îóñ£è Þ¼Šð«ù Üõ‹ ²ð˜ F¼w® 𣘬õ» I¼‰î£™ î î£òõ˜‚°‹ ü£îè¡ îù‚°‹ õ‹ «õÁ÷ˆFô«î «ðó«ù ô‚AùˆF™ ñFJ¼‚è «ðC«ù¡ èõ´¬ìò£¡ ñùõ¼ˆî¡ bó«ù Hˆî àwí¡ °œ÷ù£°‹ ªêŠH«ù¡ Ýê£ó¡ Þ¼ CõŠð¡ Ìóíñ£Œ ÜÁ²¬õŠ HKòù£°‹ ¹è¡P†«ì¡ ¶õ˜ŠHL„¬ê ñù‚A«ôê¡ î£óEJ™ ñùñ¿ˆî¡ ªõO‚°ˆ «î£¡ø£¡ ÜF裬ô ªïŒîJK™ HKò¡ ¬ñ‰î£


õ™ô£ù£‹ «ê£Fìƒè÷Pòõ™ô£¡ õ¿ˆF«ù¡ ªð£¼œ«îì ÜFèÞ„¬ê ªê£™ðLì«ò£ù£‹ «õîˆ «î˜„C ņ®«ù¡ ªð¼‹¹è›èœ H¡ù£½œ÷£¡ Ü™ô«ô‹ èõ¬ô»œ÷£¡ Ý»œ ñ†´‹ Ü¿ˆîºœ÷£¡ þí«è£ðºì«ù ñ£Á‹ ï™ô Þõ¡ îù‚°«ñ è‡ì‹ ï£ô£‹ 裙 üô‹ «ó£è‹ ¬õÅK d¬ì

Capable, knowledge of jyotish, greedy for accumulation of wealth, learned vedas, vak phalitam, acquire good name and fame in later years, lifelong worried, discreet, short tempered, 4 dangers to life – accident through vehicle, water, illness and vaishuri fever

If moon is alone, 2 sudden 1

ð£ô«ù ñ¬ùMù ï‹ð£ŠHœ¬÷ ð蘉F†«ì¡ ªîŒõð‚F à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ê£ô«õ 裙 põ¡ M˜ˆF ꣟P«ù¡ ñ¬ùMõ˜‚è‹ ríºœ÷£¡ «è£ôºì¡ ñ£î£¾‚AQ«ò£ù£°‹ °íñ£è ñˆFJ«ô C½° àœ÷£¡ ãô«õ õ£˜ˆ¬îè¬÷ ïêñ£ŒŠ«ðC ⡪꣙«õ¡ ñ£î£‚è¬÷Š ¹íóõ™ô£¡

It is also pronounced as Sukha/Sukar 371

II house 61

è÷ƒèºFˆî ÞìˆFŸ° Þó‡ì£‹ ÞìˆF«ôè õ‰¶«ñ è£E™ Ü÷ƒèõ¡ «ð£™õ£¡ ÜŸðñ£‹ ¹ˆF ݾ𣽜÷õù£°‹ M÷ƒA´ ²‚Aôðþ ï£÷£A™ Mõ£è«ñ Jó‡ì¶õ£°‹ M÷ƒA´‹ ðF«ù› õò¶‚° «ñ½‹ â¿ð¶ ðKò‰îI¼Šð£¡

64 & 65

Cheap mind, will possess animals, if birth is in sukla paksha, 2 marriages, till 17 years, health problems and if crosses 17, will live upto 70 years (OR) 62

Evil minded, mercurial nature, smart, profits from land and accumulation of money and wealth through the lands (OR) Not intended things will happen, no evils or difficulties, good wife and marital bliss, short tempered, blessings of saraswathi devi, learned in music, possess land and will construct house, have name and fame

d¬ìò£‹ Þó‡ìF«ô ñFJ¼‚èŠ «ðC«ù¡ Ý›F†ì 輈¶ºœ÷£¡ ݬìò£‹ ÜEðEJ™ HKòù£°‹ Ü¡ªð«ñ ͈îõ¬÷„ «êóõ™ô£¡ ݬìò£‹ ðKñ÷Š HKòù£°‹ õ£‚°I„ê‹ ðL÷£¡ðôMîˆF™ «îìKò ð‡®îïŸ «ê£Fìƒèœ F¼õ¼Q¡ ¹ó£íºî™ à¬óŠ«ð£¡ ñ¡ù£


Deep planning thoughts, fond perfumes, dresses, jewellery, will marry or have sex with eldest, prophetic words or vak phalitam, (vak phalitam means the words spoken will come true), will learn rare jyotish texts, purans and teach 63

ªè£œÀõ£¡ ðôMˆ¬î «î˜„C ªñˆî‚ ÃP«ù¡ ªð¼ñóê˜ «ïêñ£°‹ ªîœ÷Pò ñ‰Fóê‚F àœ÷£ù£°‹ ªîM†ì£î ¹ˆFó˜«ñ™ õ£…¬ê»œ÷£¡ õœ÷Lõ¡ Fò£èñ¶ M«êûeõ£¡ õNˆF«ù¡ ªð¼‹ ªð£¼À‹ «ê˜‚èõ™ô£¡ ïòñ£è õ£˜ˆ¬î ªê£™L «ñFQJ™ W˜ˆFI‚è‚ ªè£œÀ‹ «è£ñ£¡

Will acquire many knowledge skills, high placed authorities will be friendly, mantra sakthi, affectionate to his sons, philanthropist, sacrificer, will accumulate huge wealth, sweet talker, will earn reputation and respect with his ways.

ñ¡ù«ù ñƒ¬èJ¡ «ñôFè «ñ£è¡ ñèˆî£ù Üóê˜ºî™ õ탰‹ W˜ˆF à¡Qîñ£ŒŠ ðôñ£¬î„ «êóõ™ô£¡ àœ÷ªî£¼ ²Ÿøˆî£˜‚è£è£ù£°‹ ï¡ùòñ£Œ êðô ¹ˆF à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ï£î£‰î êƒWî «èœM ªñˆî ¹‡Eòƒèœ «õí„ ªêŒ»‹ «è£ñ£¡ ªð£¼÷¶î£¡ Üù£ñˆî£Œ„CˆFò£«ñ

Excessive attraction to woman, good name with respect from high places, keen to have (capable) pleasure from many woman, not beneficial or good to relatives, changing mind, knowledgeable in music, will do lot of punya karma, will get wealth by legacy or suddenly (sort of third party wealth accruing to him easily) III house

ÌIô£ð«ñ î¿M «ê˜Šð£¡ Ý«ñ Í¡øF«ô ñFJ¼‚è Ü¡ð‚° G¬ùò£î ꃬè ô‹ b¬ñèÀ‹ Üμè£ñ™ õ£öõ™ô£¡ «îM²è‹ àœ÷£ù£‹ þí‹ ªõÁŠð¡ ï£ñèO¡ ܼœ àœ÷£¡ êƒWîˆF™ ïôñ£èˆ «î˜„CIè à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ÌI ºî™ Þ™ôñ¶ 膮 õ£›‰¶ ÌîôˆF™ ÜFèñ£Œ‚W˜ˆFªè£œõ£¡

M„Cìˆî¶¾‹ ñFï£LL¼‰î£™ IV ñ£î£¾‚è£Q«ò «ï¼‹ house ªñ„C«ò õ£›õ£¡ 67 & 68 ªõ°êù˜‚ªè™ô£‹ M«ó£Fò£Œ Þ¼ŠðõQõ«ù «è£ñ£ù£‹ ï£ôF«ô ñFJ¼‚è °í‚«è죋 î£òõ†°Š d¬ì ¶¡ð‹ î£ñîñ£ŒŠ ð£ð˜èÀ‹ 𣘈î£ó£A™ ñóí‹ Y‚AóˆF™ âù«õ ªê£™½ «êñºœ÷ ²ð˜ «ï£‚è‚ °Ÿø‹ «ïó£ ªê¿¬ñ»ì¡ Mˆ¬îIè‚ èŸ°‹ Ìñ£¡ ÌIîQ™ Üó²K¬ñ »¬ì«ò£ù£è

à„C Þ‰¶ àFˆî ÞìˆFŸ° Í¡ø£‹ ÞìˆF«ô»ô£M«ò Þ¼‰î£™ ¶˜„ê¡ ªê÷Iò¡ êñ˜ˆîù£‹


¹QîQõ¡ «ðªó´Šð£¡ àˆF¬ñ‰î£

kataksham, profits and gains, good education, will possess animals, own house, massive wealth, handsome (OR) Good / beneficial to friends, growth of children, wealth from wife’s side, will offer food to poor, proudy, will punish and condition his opponents, will live well

Harm to mother, will live well but with opposition from general public. (not clear why the rishi mentions general public here. May be u can read relatives in general) (OR) Wrong habits, harm to mother, if aspected by malefics, chance of early loss of mother. But if aspected by benefics, no harm. Will learn higher education, will earn reputation and respect like a king 69


¬ñ‰î«ù ªð¼‹ÌI Aó£ñ‹ ªè£œõ£¡ ñèˆî£ù ܲõºî™ êèì‹ ¬õˆ¶ M‰¬î»ìªùõ¼«ñ «ð£Ÿø õ£›õ£¡ «õî êƒWî ñPòõ™ô£¡ ²‰îóŸ° Ý÷®¬ñ ðEF 惰‹ ²°íñ£‹ ñƒ¬èòõœ õLò„«ê˜õ£œ ð‰îºì¡ ¹ˆFó˜«ñ™ Þ„¬ê àœ÷£¡ ð蘉F†«ì¡ â‚製‹ ñƒ¬è ì‹

Expertise in purans, respectable reputation, In middle age, illness will strike in the centre part of the body and will get cured, many woman will have sexual relations with him and will leave wealth for him before going away permanently, mole in the body, will listen and act as per his wife’s words (something not going with the earlier stanza’s but one should interpret carefully considering other issues)

Huge lands holding, ownership of village, all kinds of conveyances, will live well, proficiency in music, workers, beautiful and good woman will be attracted to him, affectionate to his sons, but always attracted to woman V house 70 & 71

Þ‰¶î£ù…ê£IìˆFQ L¼‰î£™ ÿèÀ‹ õ¼ ñöè¡ õ‰F´ñFô£ð Mˆ¬îèÀ‡´ ñ£´ì¡ è¡ÁèÀ‡´ ªê£‰îñ£Œ «þˆFó‹ «ê˜ˆF´‹ ªõ°ê£Œ ªê£™ô¾ñìƒAì£î¶¾‹ C‰¬î»‹ ñA›õ£¡ Üö°÷£ùõ‹ FóMò ê‹ð¡ùùõ«ù ìñ£‹ ð…êñˆF™ ñFJ¼‚è ï‡ð‚° M«êûñ£‹ ¹î™õ˜M¼ˆF ˉè ñ¬ùM õ¬è ªê£ˆ¶ºœ÷£¡ îóEI¬ê ðCˆ«î£˜‚° Ü¡ùeõ£¡ ㆮôìƒè£Š ªð¼¬ñ à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ âF˜ˆ«î£¬óˆ ˆ¶‚ 臮ˆ«î õ£†ìI™ô£ F¼‰¶«ñ õ£öõ™ô£¡ õ¿ˆF«ù¡ Þ¶ à‡¬ñ õ÷¬ñò£è



Ýè«ñ ðôMîñ£‹ ¹ó£íˆ «î˜„C Üóê˜ ºî™ õ탰A¡ø W˜ˆF ªè£œõ£¡ «îèˆF™ ñˆFòˆF™ ÜŸð«ó£è‹ ªê™õ‚° õ‰¶«ñ Gõ˜ˆFò£°‹ «ð£èñF™ ðôñ£¶ õLò„ «ê˜õ£œ ªð£¼œ ªè£´ˆ¶Š «ð£ŒM´õ£˜ â‚è£ôˆ¶‹ «îèñF™ ñÁ¾‡´ W˜ˆF ªè£œõ£¡ «îMòõœ ªê£¡ù𮠫膰‹ «ïò¡

«ê£ñÂñ£P™ ªê£‰îñ£Œ õ£›‰î£™ VI «î£Ÿð¶ H®ˆFì£îõù£‹ house ñ£‡¬ñ ð£õ˜ ²†®«ô£˜ î¡Q™ 73 & 74 ÜFèñ£‹ ðíƒèÀº‡´ ñ£ñ¬ø«ò£¬ó õíƒA«ò õ£›õ£¡ ñùñFŸ A«ôêºI™ô£¡ î£ñî‹ ªêŒõ£¡ î˜ñõ£¡ îòõ¡ ôõªù¡øõ¼ð£ô£ «ïòù£‹ ÝøF«ô ñFJ¼‚è «ï˜ˆF»ì¡ Þ¡ùõ˜‚° «ó£è‹ ªè£…ê‹ è£òI™¬ô àì¡ Gõ˜ˆFÝ°ªñ¡«ø¡ èùñ£è Þ¡ùõ˜‚°Š H¶K¡ ªê£ˆ¶ ë£òºì¡ A¬ìˆ¶ M´‹ ï‡ð‚°‹ ñ¬ùM‚°‹ þí‹ C½è£‹ °¬øèÀ‡´ ãò«õ àì¡ Gõ˜ˆF Üóê˜ «ïò¡ â‚è£÷ «ò£èñ£ŒŠ ªð£¼œ

lakshmi 373


Yñ£¡ ï£î£‰î êƒWî ñPòõ™ô£¡ à¡Qîñ£ŒŠ H®ˆîH® ê£FŠð£ù£‹ àôA¡I¬ê ñ£«îMŠªð¼‚躜÷£¡ ªè‡Eòñ£Œ Ý»÷¶ àœ÷ñ†´‹ W˜ˆFò¶ I‚è«õ â´‚°‹ bó¡

Dislike failures, if conjoined with malefics, lot of money, respect and worship vedic pandits, no mental worries, delayed action, charitable nature (OR) Mild sickness but cured, will inherit his share of ancestral property, will be having temporal fights with wife and friends, friendly with authorities, money will accrue always 75

Will acquire vidya in many ways, liberal mind, popular, proficiency in music, adamant, capable of multiplying the wealth, will earn good name ñ¬ôñF ↮™ õöƒA«ò J¼‰î£™ VIII ÜŸðñ£‹ HK‰F´ ñöè¡ house î¬ôMFŠð®«ò îKˆFóùõ‹ 79 & 80 î¼ñí‹ ªè´î¬ô H¡«ù

ªð¼‚èñ£‹ ðôõ¬è„ ªê£ˆ¶„ «ê¼‹ Hóðôƒè ÷FèK‚° ºôè‰ î¡Q™ ܼ‚è¬ùŠ«ð£™ Hóè£ê ªñˆî‚裆´‹ Ý÷®¬ñŠ ðEFò¶ M«êûº‡´ ༂èºì¡ ðô«ð¬ó‚ 裂°‹ «ïò¡ à‡¬ñ»œ÷ õè£óˆF¡ ðg¬þ «î˜õ£¡ º¼‚èñô¡ ùŠ «ð£™ Hóè£ê„ Y˜ ºî¡¬ñ à‡´ â¡ù«õ ªñ£N‰F†«ì«ù

bó«ù â†ìF«ô ñFJ¼‚è «îM²è‹ A¬ìò£¶ Ἃ ²Ÿø™ ð£K¡ I¬ê þí‹ Cô° àì«ù«è£ð‹ ð蘉F†«ì¡ «ü£Fìƒèœ ÜPòõ™ô£¡ Ìóíñ£ŒŠ ðôMîˆF™ Mˆ¬î «î˜õ£¡ ¹è›ªð¼°‹ «ü£Fìƒèœ, êƒWîˆF™ ÜŸðë£ù‹ ë£ùˆF¡ «î˜„C»œ÷£¡ ñF»‹ G¡ø ñò£™ ÝÁ‚° à¬ì«ò£¡î£Â‹ «ñ£ùˆF™ õ½ˆ¶ GŸ°‹ è£óíˆî£™ õ£†ìñ£ ºèñô˜„C °¬ø‰¶«ñ «ó£è‹ õ‰¶ Ýμõˆ¬î °¬øˆ¶ ¬õ‚°‹ îõø£ªî¡«ø¡ Üšõ÷¾ ²ð˜ «ï£‚è °Ÿø‹ «ïó£ «õ‡ªð£¼œ «î®«ò õ£öõ™ô£¡ Mˆî蘂°„ ªê£¡«ù«ù Þ‰î 裇ì‹

Many types of wealth will accrue, his popularity will increase like surya’s rays, have workers, will protect many people, educated, first in everything è¬ô»«÷£¡ ãN™ èô‰¶«ñ J¼‰î£™ VII è¡Qò˜ «ð£è«ñòFè‹ house G¬ô»÷ ªê÷‚Aò¡ G„êòñ¶¾‹ 76 & 77 G¹íù£IQ¶ ò£VèÀ‹ ªñ£N‰F†«ì¡ ñF ãN™Þ¼‰î£½‰î£¡ ªñ£N ñÁ‚裡 bóº‹ õ£Œ‚°‹ F‡í‹ MNñò™ªè£œ ñƒ¬èò¬ó õLò„ «ê˜õ£¡ M÷‚èºì¡ H®õ£î GIû «è£H ªî£NôõŸ° õ½MQ«ô õ‰¶õ£Œ‚°‹ ªî£™¹MJ™ «õíªð£¼œ «îìõ™ô£¡ ðNJ¡P àôA¡I¬ê õ£öõ™ô£¡ ð蘉F†«ì¡ Þ¶ à‡¬ñ ðgVˆ¶ ñ¡ù£

Life is short, destined to be pauper and in later part, marital disputes. (OR) No pleasure from wife, wanderer, short temper, will acquire jyotish knowledge, acquire vidya in many ways, less proficiency in music, knowledgeable, if the lord of the 6th connects, sickness will deprive or reduce his potency, if benefics aspect, the bad effects will be less or nil, will accumulate needed wealth.

High sensual pleasure, stable and expert proficiency (OR) Will not interrupt, courageous, will try to seduce beautiful woman’s, adamant, short temper, job will come automatically, will earn sufficient money, will live without any troubles 78

ñ¡ù«ù ðôMîñ£‹ Mˆ¬î «î˜õ£¡ ñèˆî£ù ªè‹dó¡ àî£ó õ£‚«è£¡ ï¡ùòñ£ŒŠ ªð¼‹ ¹è«ö ܬ컋

IX house 374

Ü‹¹L«ò£Â‹ å¡ðFL¼‰î£™ Üõ«ñ ò¡ð¼‚ è¡ð¡

81 & 82

°‹H´ƒ«è£M™ îì£èº‹ Y˜ º‡ì£‚°õ£¡ «èœM»‹ «è†è¾‹ õ™ô£¡ ªî¡¹œ÷ êgóˆF¡ FóMòõ£ù£‹ «îõî£ M²õ£êºœ«÷£¡ ê‹ð¡ù¡ ªõ°õ£Œ„ ê‰îF»œ÷£«ù î˜ñ«ñ ªêŒõF™ êñ˜ˆî¡ è‡ìñ£‹ å¡ðF«ô ñFJ¼‚è‚ è£íMõ¡ î ð‚F ªîŒõð‚F ̇®´õ¡ «õ‡ªð£¼œ «îìõ™ô£¡ ¹Qîºì¡ àôA¡I¬ê «ðªó´Šð£¡ ìõñ£‹ F¼õ¼O¡ Þ¼ŠHì«ñ îùò‚° º‡´ âù„꣈F«ù«ù «õ‡®ò«î£˜ Þ™ôñ¶ ÌI è£E Mˆî蟰„ CˆFªòù M÷‹H«ù«ù

õœ÷Lõ¡ ªð¼ñóê˜ «ïꃪ補õ£¡ õ¿ˆF†«ì¡ Üîù£«ô îùº‹«ê¼‹ èœ÷Iô£ù£»œ ñ†´‹ ªîŒõ ð‚F è£CQJ™ à‡´ âù‚ ÃP«ù«ù

Demanding, (not able to get translation of “pathamaziah padalam colloquially), will rise and will travel around the world (OR) Sudden danger to mother at 10th day or month (I think month is right) but will be cured if beneficial aspect is there, philanthropist, wealth through friendship with high authorities, speaks truth, eternal bhaktimaan

Good to all, will repair the temples, ponds, knowledge to do learned arguments, healthy body, devoted and religious, lot of children, charitable (OR) Will worship his father, gods, capable of seeking needed wealth, doer of good deeds, lakshmi will reside in his place, will possess land and building 83


M÷‹H«ù¡ Í¡ÁMî Mˆ¬î «î˜„C M¬÷ò£†´ˆî¡¬ñ «ð£™ CK‚°‹ ñ ¶÷ðñE º°‰îQì èì£þºœ«÷£¡ «î£¬èJ¡«ñ™ ÜFè Þ„¬ê à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ è÷ðñ£‹ ðKñ÷ƒèœÜEî™ Þ„¬ê è£CQJ™ ªð¼ñóê˜ ñF‚°‹ W˜ˆF õ÷ƒªè£‡´ ðô×¬ó„ ²ŸPŠ 𣘊«ð£¡ ¬õòèˆF™ ôFèïŸ «ð¼œ÷£«ù

ÃP«ù¡ Aó£ññ¶ CˆFò£°‹ °ñKèO¡ «ð£èñ¶ ªñˆî à‡´ «îó«õ ªòõ󣽋 ªê£™ôªõ£‡í£„ ªêŠðKò CŸøóê˜ ñF‚è«õ ñ°ì£Fðù£Œ õ£¼ôA™ õ‰¶«ñ õíƒè õ™ô£˜ õ¿ˆF«ù¡ ñ£ø£î ªð¼‚躜÷£¡ ï£KèO¡ Þ„¬êò£‹ M«êû «ð£è‹ ï‡ð‚° à‡¬ñªòù ®«ù«ù

Will acquire village like property, sexual pleasure with young girls, will live like a king, good growth, woman’s attraction and pleasure, faithful to friend ñˆFð‹ ªê£™õ£¡ñF ðFªù£¡P™ XI ñÁAù£ôõ¡ ༈Fó¡ «è£H house «è£À‚° õ™ô¡ ðôº÷ êgó¡ 87 & 88 °ö‰¬îèœ «ï꺇죋 ®«ù¡ ï‡ð‚°„ «ê£îóƒèœ ñ»œ÷ Y¼¬ì«ò£˜Íˆ«î£¼‡´ ˉè ªð£¼¬÷ˆî£¡ I‚èˆ «î´‹ îùò‚° M«êûñ£‹ ¹ˆF à‡´ ņ®«ù¡ ̆ìèˆF™ â‚è£ôˆ¶‹ îùºœ÷£¡ ªð‡ˉ˜ ªê£™ «è†A¡ø °íººœ÷£¡ «ï£†ìƒèœ 𣘈¶¬ó‚°ƒ °íººœ÷£¡ ¹è¡P†«ì¡ Üó²K¬ñà¬ì«ò£ù£«ñ

Proficient in 3 different skill sets, sportive laughing, blessings of Krishna, attracted to woman folk, likes perfumes, with his wealth, he will see many places, will earn respect and reputation. ðˆFò «ê£ñ¡ ðˆFQL¼‰î£™ X ðˆîI› house ðìôº‹ «è†ð£¡ 84 & 85 M˜ˆF»ºœ÷¡ «ñFQ eF¡

Impartial and judgment capacity, anger, back biter, healthy body, fond of children (OR) Have brother, good elders, sharp

«ñMê…ê£ó«ñ ªêŒõ¡ àœ÷£«ù ðˆFQ«ô ñFJ¼‚è àŸøªî£¼ î£òõ†° ðˆî£‰Fƒèœ êœ÷ªõ¡Á è‡ìñ£‹ ²ð¼‹ «ï£‚è ꣟P«ù¡ ܶ Gõ˜ˆFò£°‹ ÃÁ


and specialized knowledge, will seek and accumulate wealth, wealthy, will listen and attend to woman’s word, diplomatic and deserve royal living

Like to dress well, capable of attaining moksha, early part of life, mind will be in disturbed say sort of mental disease and later cured and will rise well. Will live well with management of others property (here I mentioned as others as these days there is no king whose assets have been leased to this native and this native will make it multiplied), temporal difference between couples.

ñF ðQ󇮙 õ‰¶«ñJ¼‰î£™ XII ¬ñ‰î‹ ñFŠHô£ «ê£ñ¡ house MFJ¡ îõø£™ Mò£F õ‰îμ°‹ 89 & 90 ªõÁŠªð£´ ñù… êLŠð£°‹ îFòPò£î ü£îèùõ‹ îùõ£ªùù„ ªê£™½‹ ðFªò™ô£ «ð¼‹ â¿FìŠ ªð¼õ£¡ ð£‚AòI¶ ªõùô£«ñ Ý«ñ  ðQ󇮙 ñFJ¼‚è Üôƒè£ó¡ ªîŒõ«ô£èñ¬ìòõ™ô£¡ «êñºì¡ ºî™ M¼ˆF ñF»ƒªè†´„ ªê™õ«ñ H¡M¼ˆF ÜFèñ£õ£¡ ÌIîQ™ °ˆî¬èò£ ñóê˜ð£L™ ªè£´ˆ¶õ¼‹ ªð¼‹ ªð£¼œèœ ôþñ£è î£ñîƒèO™ô£ñ™ «êóõ™ô£¡ êFðF‚° þí‹ C½° àˆF¬ñ‰î£

His children will not respect him, wrong doings will result in sickness, disappointment and frustration, still wealthy, dhanavaan, (OR) Publishers Notes: 1) Moon in 1H here Sukar Rishi says ‘Native and the parent’s belief systems will be different’. Please find below chart of an American native who has Moon in the 1st house and he is a Hare Krishna Bhakt, that his and his parents belief systems are different.


2) Moon in 4H here Sukar Nadi says ‘harm to mother, if aspected by malefics, chance of early loss of mother. But if aspected by benefics, no harm. Will learn higher education, will earn reputation and respect like a king


This is the chart of Italian Industrialist Gianni, the owner of Fiat Cars, see Moon is in 4H with Mars a malefic being the 12th lord & dispositor of Gulika, and also 12H is 12th yr, 24th year. So we can say that in the 24th/25th year 12H effects would come in the 4H of mother where mother karaka moon is also there and he lost his mother at a very early age of 24/25. Sukar Rishi says such a native will gain reputation & respect like a king which is what he Gianni had. Other Data: Curren, Catherine, 20th Mar 1986, 6.28 am, Stoneham, MA, USA, PiAsc, Moon in 4H aspected by Mars. American noted family, the daughter of psychiatrists Judith and Frank Curren. Catherine was age ten when her mom became Dr. Jack Kevorkian's 38th assisted suicide, 8/15/1996.


Now see 3rd example from ADB software, American youth whose father was charged with killing the child's mother by driving over her twice with his SUV on February 17, 2004 in their Halifax, MA driveway. Moon in 4H with Ketu & Rahu, Sat, Ven aspect to Moon, so as per Sukar Nadi the boy’s mother should not live long which is what happened. It was the 14th year in boy’s life which means 2H (14‐12), and in 2H of family there is 8L of death so a tragic incident in the family of the boy in the 14th year can be hinted at.

34th Chapter of Kalaprakasika

Jupiter or Venus, situated in the lagna, aspected to benefics, nullify the evil effects of Gulika, Ardhaprahara, Bhujanga and Gridhra

Favorable Functions of Gulika – buying and selling (trade), death anniversary, liquidation of debt, opening ceremony, medical treatment, initiation, gift of land, study of Vedas – in respect to all these functions Gulika has no evil force. It is a benefic

C handrashtama shows no evil when the moon is on the increase, well placed in a benefic sign and holding a benefic Navamsa

Gulika located in the rising sign produces no harm, when powerful Moon occupies the rising sign holding the Navamsa of a benefic or that of the lord of the day in question

The aspect of or association with Venus converts all evil into good

The Sun and the Moon located in the 3rd, 6th or 11th place from each other, aspected to benefics, produce the same effect if the Moon and Venus be well dignified.


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