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SPECIF SPE CIFICA ICATIO TION N FOR SEAMLE SEAMLESS SS AND WEL WELDED DED AUSTENIT AUST ENITIC IC STAI STAINLESS NLESS STEEL PIPES SA-312/SA-312M (Identical (Iden tical to ASTM Specifica Specification tion A 312/A 312M 312M-95b -95b except for clarified heat treatment requirements in 5.2.2.)



1.5 1.5   Grades TP321 and TP321H have lower strength req requir uireme ements nts for pipe pipe man manufa ufactu ctured red by the sea seamle mless ss process in nominal wall thicknesses greater than   3 ⁄ 8   in. [9.5 mm].

1.1   This specification specification covers seamless and straightstraightsea seam m welded welded austen austenitic itic steel steel pip pipee int intend ended ed for hig highhtemperature temper ature and general general corrosive corrosive servi service. ce.

1.6   The values values stated in either either inch-p inch-poun ound d units units or SI un units its are are to be rega regard rded ed sepa separa rate tely ly as stan standa dard rd.. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, theref ore, each syste system m must be used independ independently ently of  the other. Combining values from the two systems may res result ult in non noncon confor forman mance ce with with the specifi specificati cation. on. The inch-pound inch-p ound units shall apply unless the “M” designatio designation n of thi thiss spe specifi cificat cation ion is specifi specified ed in the order. order.

NOTE 1 — When NOTE When the impact impact test criter criterion ion for a low-te low-temper mperatu ature re service would be 15 ft·lbf [20 J] energy absorption or 15 mils [0.38 mm] lateral expansion, some of the austenitic austenitic stain stainless less steel grades covered by this specification are accepted by certain pressure vessel or piping codes without the necessity of making the actual test. For example exam ple,, Grades Grades TP304, TP304L TP304L,, and TP347 are accepted accepted by the ASME Pressure Pressure Vesse Vessell Code, Sectio Section n VIII Division 1, and by the Chemical Plant and Refinery Piping Code, ANSI B31.3, for service at temperatures as low as −425°F [−250°C] without qualification by impact tests. Other AISI stainless stainless steel grades are usually accepted for service temperatures as low as −325°F [−200°C] without impact testing. Impact testing may, under certain circumstances, be required. For example, materials with chromium or nickel content outside the AISI ranges, and for material with carbon content exceeding 0.10%, are required to be impact tested under the rules of ASME Section VIII VIII Divisi Division on 1 when when ser service vice temper temperatur atures es are lower lower than than −50°F −50°F [−45°C].

NOTE 2 — The dimensionless designator NPS (nominal pipe size) has been substitute substituted d in this standar standard d for such traditional traditional terms as “nominall diameter,” “nomina diameter,” “size,” and “nomin “nominal al size.”

1.2 1.2 Grades  Grades TP304H, TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, 2.

Re Refer ferenc enced ed Docume Documents nts 2.1   ASTM Standards: A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products A 450/A 450M Specification for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, and Austenitic Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes A 530/A 530M Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe E 11 112 2 Test Test Meth Method odss for for De Deter termi mini ning ng the the Aver Averag agee Grain Size E 213 Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing

TP310HCb, TP310 HCb, TP316H, TP321H, TP321H, TP347 TP347H, H, and TP348H TP348H are modifications modifications of Grades Grades TP304, TP304, TP309Cb, TP309Cb, TP309S, TP310Cb, TP310S, TP316, TP321, TP347, and TP348, and are intended intended for high-temper high-temperature ature service. 1.3 1.3 Optional  Optional supplementary requirements are provided for pipe where where a gre greater ater degree degree of testin testing g is desired desired.. These supplementary supplementary requir requirements ements call for additi additional onal tests tests to be ma made de an and, d, when when de desi sire red, d, on onee or mo more re of  the these se may be spe specifi cified ed in the order. order. 1.4   Table X1.1 lis lists ts the dimens dimension ionss of welded welded and seamless stainless steel pipe as shown in ANSI B36.19. Pipe having other dimensions may be furnished provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification. 477






E 381 Method of Macroetch Macroetch Testing, Steel Bars, Billets, Blooms, and Forgings E 426 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Auste nitic Stainless Steel, and Simila Similarr Alloys E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)

Ge Gene neral ral Req Requir uireme ements nts

4.1   Material Material furni furnished shed under this specifi specification cation shall conform to the applic conform applicable able requireme requirements nts of the current edition of Specification A 530/A 530M unless otherwise provided provid ed herein. herein.

2.2   ANSI Stand Standards: ards: B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose B36.10 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe


Ma Mater terials ials and Manuf Manufact actur uree 5.1   Manufacture:

Standard: ard: 2.3   AWS Stand A5.9 Corro Corrosionsion-Resis Resisting ting Chromium Chromium and Chrom ChromiumiumNickel Steel Welding Rods and Electrodes

5.1.1   The pipe shall be made by the seamless or an automatic welding process, with no addition of filler metal in the welding operation operation..

2.4   Other Standard: SAE J1086 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)

5.1.2   “Welded “Welded pipe NPS 14 and small smaller er shall have have a single single longitudin longitudinal al weld. weld. Wel Welded ded pipe of a size large largerr than NPS 14 may be produced by forming and welding two longitudinal sections of flat stock when approved by the purch purchaser. aser. All weld tests, exami examinations nations,, inspec inspections, tions, or tre treatm atment entss are to be perfor performed med on eac each h weld weld sea seam.” m.”

2.5   Other Standard: SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing

5.1.3   At the man manufa ufactu cturer rer’s ’s option option,, pipe pipe may be either eith er hot fini finishe shed d or cold cold finishe finished. d. 3.

Or Orde deri ring ng Info Inform rmat atio ion n 5.1.4  The pipe shall be free of scale and contaminating

3.1   Orders Orders for material material to this specification specification shoul should d inclu include de th thee fo follo llowi wing ng,, as requ requir ired ed,, to de desc scri ribe be th thee desired desire d materi material al adequately: adequately:

iron particles. Pickling, blasting or surface finishing is not mandatory when pipe is bright annealed. The purchaser may request that a passivating treatment be applied.

3.1.1   Quanti Quantity ty (feet, (feet, centime centimeter ters, s, or number number of  lengths),

5.2   Heat Treatment: Treatment: 5.2.1 All 5.2.1  All pipe shall be furnished in the heat-treated condition in accordance with the requirements of Table 2. The heat-tr heat-treatmen eatmentt proced procedure, ure, except for “H” grades, S30815, S31272, S31254, S32654, N08367, and N08904 shall consist of heating the pipe to a minimum temperatur turee of 1900°F 1900°F [1040 [1040°C] °C] and que quench nching ing in wat water er or rapidly rapidl y cooling cooling by other means.

3.1.2   Name of material material (austenitic (austenitic steel pipe), 3.1.3   Process Process (seamless (seamless or welded), welded), 3.1.4   Grade (Table 1), 3.1.5   Size (NPS or outside diameter and schedule 3.1.5 number or average average wall thickness), thickness),

5.2.2 All 5.2.2  All H grades shall be furnished in the solutiontreated condition. For H grades, separate solution heat treatments are required for solution annealing; in-process heat treatments are not permitted as a substitute for the separate separa te solut solution ion anneal annealing ing treatme treatments. nts. A solut solution ion annealing temperature above 1950°F [1065°C] may impair the resistance to intergranular corrosion after subsequent expo posu sure re to sens sensit itiz izin ing g cond condit itio ions ns in TP30 TP309H 9HCb Cb,, TP310HCb, TP321, TP321H, TP347, TP347H, TP348, and TP348H. When specified by the purchaser, a lower temperature stabilization or re-solution anneal shall be used subsequent to the initial high temperature solution anneal (see Supplementary Requirement S6).

3.1.6   Length Length (specific (specific or random) random) (Section (Section 10), 3.1.7 End 3.1.7  End finish (Section on Ends of Specification A 530/A 530M), 3.1.8   Optional Optional requirements requirements (Section 7), 3.1.9  Test report required (Certification Section of  3.1.9 Test Specifi Spe cificat cation ion A 530/A 530M), 530M), 3.1.10   Specification Specification number, number, and 3.1.11 Special 3.1.11  Special requirements or any supplementary requirements selected, or both. requirements 478



5.3   Grain Size:

NOTE 3 — The term “lot,” for mechanical tests, applies to all pipe of the same diamet diameter er and wall wall thickne thickness ss (or schedu schedule) le) which are pro produce duced d fro from m the same heat of steel and subjec subjected ted to the same finishing finishi ng treatment: treatment: ( 1) in a continu continuous ous heat-tr heat-treatm eatment ent fur furnace nace,, or (2) in a batch-t batch-type ype heat-t heat-treatm reatment ent furnace, equipped with recording pyrometers pyromet ers and automat automaticall ically y contro controlled lled within a 50°F [30°C] range, the larger larger of: (a) Each Each 200 ft [6 [60 0 m] or fr fract actio ion n ther thereof eof or, ( b) That pipe heat treate treated d in the same batch batch fur furnac nacee charge. charge.

5.3.2   The The gr grain ain si size ze of TP30 TP309H 9H,, TP30 TP309H 9HCb Cb,, TP310H and TP310HCb, as determined in accordance with with Tes Testt Method Methodss E 112, 112, shall be No. 6 or coarser. coarser. 5.3.3   The grain size size of TP321H TP321H,, as determ determine ined d in accordance with Test Methods E 112, shall be No. 7 or coarse coarser. r.

9.2   Flattening Flattening Test   — For mater material ial heat treate treated d in a batch-type furnace, flattening tests shall be made on 5% of the pipe from each heat-treated lot. For material heat heat treated treated by the con contin tinuou uouss proces process, s, this test shall shall be mad madee on a suffici sufficient ent numbe numberr of pipe to con consti stitut tutee 5% of th thee lo lot, t, but in no case les lesss than than two lengt lengths hs of pipe.

Chem Ch emic ical al Co Comp mpos osit itio ion n

6.1   The steel steel sha shall ll confor conform m to the requireme requirements nts as to chemical composition composition prescribed prescribed in Table 1.


9.2.1   For wel welded ded pipe pipe a transv transvers erse-g e-guid uided ed face face bend test of the weld may be conducted instead of a flattening flatten ing test in accordance with the method outlin outlined ed in the steel tubular product supplement of Test Methods and Definitions A 370. The ductility of the weld shall be considered acceptable when there is no evidence of  cracks in the weld or between the weld and the base metall afte meta afterr ben bendin ding. g. Tes Testt spe specime cimens ns from from 5% of the lot shall be taken from the pipe pipe or test plates of the same material as the pipe, the test plates being attached to the end of the cylinder and welded as a prolongation of the pipe longitudinal longitudinal seam.

Prod Produc uctt An Anal alys ysis is

7.1   At the request request of the pur purcha chaser ser,, an analys analysis is of  one billet or one length of flat-rolled stock from each heat, or two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer. A lot of pipe shall consist of the following number of lengths of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel: NP S De ssiignator Under 2 2 to 5 6 and over

Le n ng gths of Pipe in Lot 400 or fraction thereof   200 or fraction thereof   100 or fraction thereof  

9.3   Hydrostatic Test   — Each length of finished pipe shall be subjected to the hydrostatic test in accordance with Specification Specification A 530/ A 530M, unless specifical specifically ly exempt exempted ed und under er the provis provision ionss of 9.4 and 9.5. 9.5.

7.2   The res results ults of the these se analys analyses es shall shall be rep report orted ed to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative, and shall conform to the requirements specified in Section 6.

9.4 9.4 For  For pipe whose dimensions equal or exceed NPS 10, the purchaser with the agreement of the manufacturer may waive waive the hyd hydros rostati taticc test test requir requireme ement nt whe when n in lieu of such test the purchaser performs a system test. Each length of pipe pipe furnis furnished hed withou withoutt the com comple pleted ted manufacturer manufa cturer’s ’s hydro hydrostatic static test shall include with the mandatory mandat ory markin markings gs the letter letterss “NH. “NH.””

7.3   If the analys analysis is of one of the tests specifi specified ed in 7.1 does not conform to the requirements specified in Section 6, an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made, and all billets or pipe conforming confor ming to the requirements requirements shall be accept accepted. ed.


9.5   Nondestructive Examination:

Tensil Tensilee Re Requi quire remen ments ts

9.5.1   As an alternative to the hydrostatic test, and 9.5.1 when spe when specifi cified ed by the purcha purchaser ser,, each pipe shall shall be examined with a nondestructive test in accordance with Practi Practice ce E 213 213,, or E 426 426.. Unl Unless ess speci specifica fically lly called called out by the purchaser purchaser,, the select selection ion of the nondestr nondestructive uctive electric test will be at the option of the manufacturer. The range of pipe sizes that may be examined by each method shall be subject to the limitations in the scope of the respective practices practices..

8.1   The tensile properties of the material shall confor form m to the req requir uireme ements nts pre prescr scribe ibed d in Table Table 3.



not more than 100 pipes. Tension tests shall be made on spec specim imen enss from from tw two o tube tubess for for lots lots of more more than than 100 pipes.

5.3.1   The The gra grain in size size of Grade UNS S32 S32615 615,, as determ determined ined in accorda accordance nce with with Tes Testt Met Method hodss E 112 112,, shall be No. 3 or finer.



Mech Mechan anic ical al Test Testss and and Grai Grain n Si Size ze Determinations Required

9.1  Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test  — One tensio tension n tes testt sha shall ll be made on a specim specimen en for lots of  479





9.5.2   The following information is for the benefit 9.5.2 of the use userr of this specifica specification tion..

applied to the end areas, subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufactur manufacturer. er. The  The reference standards defined in through are convenient standards for calibration of nondes nondestructiv tructivee testing testing equipment. equipment. The dimens dimensions ions

9.5.6   Operator Qualifications:   The test unit operator shall be certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A, or an equivalent recognized and documented documented standard.

of thes thesee st stan anda dard rdss shou should ld no nott be co cons nstru trued ed as th thee mi mini nimu mum m si size ze im impe perf rfec ecti tion on de dete tect ctab able le by su such ch equipment.

Conditions: 9.5.7   Test Conditions:   For eddy-current eddy-current testin testing, g, the excitat excitation ion coil fr coil freq eque uenc ncy y shall shall be ch chos osen en to ensu ensure re adeq adequa uate te penetration penetr ation yet provid providee good signal signal-to-no -to-noise-ra ise-ratio. tio.   The ultrasonic testing (UT) can be per9.5.2.2  formed to detect both longitudinal longitudinally ly and circumferen circumferen-tially tially ori orient ented ed defect defects. s. It sho should uld be rec recogn ognized ized tha thatt different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections. The examination may not detect short, deep defects. defects.   The max maximu imum m edd eddy-c y-curr urrent ent coil coil frefrequency que ncy used sha shall ll be as follow follows: s: On specified walls up to 0.050 in.-100 KHz max On specified walls up to 0.150 in.-50 KHz max On specified walls up to 0.150 in.-10 KHz max The eddy-curren The eddy-currentt testin testing g (ET) referenced in this specification, (Practice E 426), has the capability of detecti detecting ng significant significant discontinuities, discontinuities, especially the short abrupt type.  Ultrasonic-For examination by the ultrason sonic ic met method hod,, the min minimu imum m nom nomina inall transd transduce ucerr frefrequency shall be 2.00 MHz and the maximum nominal   A pur purcha chaser ser int interes erested ted in asc ascert ertain aining ing

transd transduce ucerr size size shall shall be 1.5 in. (a)   If If the equ equipm ipment ent con contai tains ns a reject reject notice notice filt filter er set settin ting, g, thi thiss shall shall rem remain ain off during during cali calibra bratio tion n and testin testing g unl unless ess linear linearity ity can be dem demons onstrat trated ed at that that setting.

the nature nature (type, (type, size, size, loc locatio ation, n, and ori orient entati ation) on) of  disc discon onti tinu nuit itie iess th that at ca can n be de dete tecte cted d in th thee spec specifi ificc application applica tion of these examinations examinations should discu discuss ss this with the manufacturer manufacturer of the tubular tubular product. 9.5.3   Time of Examin Examination: ation:

Standards: 9.5.8  Reference Standards:   Nondestructiv Nondestructivee testin testing g for specifi specification cation accepta acce ptance nce sha shall ll be perfor performed med afte afterr all mec mechan hanica icall processing, proces sing, heat treatments, treatments, and straig straightenin htening g operaoperations. tion s. Thi Thiss req requir uireme ement nt does does not pre preclu clude de add additio itional nal testing testin g at earlier stages stages in the processing processing..  Reference standards of convenient length  shal shalll be pr prep epar ared ed from from a lengt length h of pipe of the the same same grade, size (NPS, or outside diameter and schedule or wall thickness), thickness), surfa surface ce finish and heat treatment condition as the pipe to be examined.

9.5.4  Surface Condition: Condition:   For Ultrasonic Testing,  the reference ID and OD notches shall be any one of the three common notch notch sha shapes pes show shown n in Pra Practi ctice ce E 213 213,, at the optio option n of the manufacturer. The depth of each notch shall not exceed 12   1 ⁄ 2% of the specified nominal wall thickness of th thee pipe pipe or 0.00 0.004 4 in., in., wh which ichev ever er is grea greater ter.. The The width wid th of the notch shall not exceed exceed twice the dep depth. th. Notchess shall be placed on both the OD and ID surfaces. Notche   All surfaces shall be free of scale, dirt,  grease, paint, or other foreign material that could interfer feree with with int interp erpret retatio ation n of test test res result ults. s. The method methodss used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for examination nation shall not be detrim detriment ental al to the base met metal al or the surfa surface ce finish finish..   Excess Excessive ive sur surfac facee rou roughn ghness ess or deep deep scratches scratc hes can produce produce signals signals that interfere interfere with the test.   For Eddy-Current Testing,  the reference standard shall contain, at the option of the manufacturer, any one of the following disconti discontinuities nuities:: (a) Drille Drilled d Hol Holee   — The refere reference nce standa standard rd shall shall contain three or more holes, equally spaced circumferentially around the pipe and longi longitudina tudinally lly separated by a suffic sufficient ient distance to allow distinct identific identification ation of  the signal signal from from each each hole. hole. The holes shall be drilled drilled rad radiall ially y and com complet pletely ely throug through h the pipe pipe wal wall, l, with with care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while

9.5.5   Extent of Exami Examination nation::  The relative motion of the pipe and the The tra transd nsduce ucer(s r(s), ), coil(s coil(s), ), or sen sensor sor(s) (s) shall shall be suc such h tha thatt the entire pipe surface is scanned, except as in   The existence existence of end effect effectss is reco recoggnized, and the extent of such effects shall be determined by the manufacturer manufacturer,, and, if requested, requested, shall be repor reported ted to the pur purcha chaser ser.. Other Other non nondes destru tructiv ctivee tests tests may be 480





considered noise. The rejection amplitude shall be ad justed to be at least 50% of full scale of the readout display.

drilling. one hole shall be drilled in the weld, if visible. Alternately, Altern ately, the producer of welded pipe may choos choosee to drill one hole hole in the weld weld and run the calibra calibratio tion n standa standard rd thr throug ough h the test coils coils thr three ee time timess with with the weld turned at 120 deg. on each pass. The hole diameter sha shall ll vary vary with with NPS as fol follow lows: s: NPS Designator 1 ⁄    2 above  1 ⁄ 2  to 1-1 ⁄ 4 above 1-1 ⁄ 4   to 2 above 2 to 5 above 5 If  If upon any standardization, the rejection amplitude has decreased by 29% (3 dB) of peak height

Hole Diameter 0.039 in. (1 mm) 0.055 in. (1.4 mm) 0.071 in. (1.8 mm) 0.087 in. (2.2 mm) 0.106 in. (2.7 mm)

from from the last last standa standardi rdizati zation, on, the pipe pipe since since the last last calibratio calibra tion n sha shall ll be rejecte rejected. d. The test test sys system tem set setting tingss may be changed, or the transducer(s), coil(s) or sensor(s) adjusted, and the unit restandardized, but all pipe tested since the last acceptable standardization must be retested for accept acceptance. ance.

(b) Transverse Tangential Notch-Using a round tool or file with a   1 ⁄ 4   in. (6.4 mm) diameter, a notch shall be filed or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitudi longitudinal nal axis of the pipe. Said notch notch shall shall havee a dep hav depth th not exceedin exceeding g 12-1 ⁄ 2% of th thee speci specifie fied d nominal wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004 in. [0.102 mm], whichever is greater. greater. (c) Longitudinal Notch-A notch 0.031 in. or less in width wid th shall be machin machined ed in a rad radial ial plane parallel parallel to the the tube tube ax axis is on th thee ou outs tsid idee surf surfac acee of th thee pipe pipe,, to havee a dep hav depth th not exceedin exceeding g 12-1 ⁄ 2% of th thee speci specifie fied d walll thic wal thickne kness ss of the pip pipee or 0.0 0.004 04 in. in.,, whiche whichever ver is gre greater ater.. The length of the not notch ch sha shall ll be com compat patibl iblee with the testing testing method.

Evaluation of Imperfection Imperfections: s: 9.5.10   Evaluation   Pipes Pipes produc producing ing a signal signal equal to or greater than the lowest signal produced by the reference standard(s) standa rd(s) shall be identi identified fied and separa separated ted from the accepta acce ptable ble pip pipes. es. The area area produc producing ing the signal signal may be reexamined. reexamined.  Such pipes shall be rejected if the test Such signal signal was pro produc duced ed by imp imperf erfect ection ionss that that cannot cannot be identified or was produced by crack or crack-like imperidentified fections. These pipes may be repaired per Sections 11 and 12. To be accepted, a repaired pipe must pass the same non-destructive test by which it was rejected, and it must meet the minimum wall thickness requirements of this specificatio specification. n. More or smaller reference discontinuities, More or both, may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer manufacturer..   If the test test signal signalss wer weree produc produced ed by visual imperfections imperfections such as: (a)   Scratches; (b)   Surface roughness; (c)  Dings; (d)  Straighte  Straightener ner marks; (e)   Cutting chips; (f)   Steel die stamps; (g)   St Stop op marks, marks, or;

9.5.9   Standardization Procedure:   The test apparatus shall be standardized at the the be begi ginn nnin ing g an and d en end d of ea each ch serie seriess of pipe pipess of  the same size (NPS or diameter and schedule or wall thickness), Grade and heat treatment condition, and at intervals not exceeding 4 h. More frequent standardization may be perfor performed med at the man manufa ufactur cturer’ er’ss opt option ion or may be required upon agreement between the pur-

(h)   Pipe Pip e reduce reducer r accepted ripple ripple.. based on visual examinaThe pipe may be tion provided provided the imp imperf erfecti ection on is less less than than 0.004 0.004 in. 1 [0 [0.1 .1 mm] or 12 12--  ⁄ 2% of the specifi specified ed wal walll thickn thickness ess (whichever (which ever is greater). greater).

chaser and the manufacturer manufacturer.. The test apparatus shall also be standard9.5.9.2 The ized after any change change in tes testt sys system tem set setting tings, s, change change of operat operator, or, equipm equipment ent rep repair air,, or int interr errupt uption ion due to power pow er los loss, s, pro proces cesss shu shutdo tdown wn or when when a pro proble blem m is suspected. Rejected  Rejected pipe may be reconditio reconditioned ned and retested providing the wall thickness is not decreased to less than that required by this or the product specification. The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed. To be accepted, retested retest ed pipe shall meet the test requireme requirement. nt.   The reference reference standard standard shall be passed through the test apparatus at the same speed and test sys system tem settings settings as the pip pipee to be tested. tested. The  The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference stan standa dard rd shal shalll be 2-1 ⁄ 2   to 1 or gr grea eater ter.. Extr Extran aneo eous us signal signalss caused caused by ide identi ntifiab fiable le causes causes such such as din dings, gs, scratches, scratc hes, dents, straighten straightener er marks, etc., shall not be   If the imperf imperfect ection ion is exp explor lored ed to the extent extent tha thatt it can be identi identified fied as non non-re -reject jectabl able, e, the pip pipee may be acce accepte pted d withou withoutt further further test test provid providing ing 481





12.3   Weld repairs shall be made only with the gas tungsten-arc welding process using the same classification tion of ba bare re fille fillerr rod rod qu quali alifie fied d to the the most most curr curren entt AWS Specification A5.9 as the grade of stainless steel pip pipee being being rep repaire aired d and as shown shown in Tab Table le 4.

the imperf imperfecti ection on does does not encroa encroach ch on the min minimu imum m wall thickn thickness. ess. 9.6 Grain Size  — Grain size determinations on grades TP309H, TP309 TP309H, TP309HCb, HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb, and UNS S32615 S32 615 shall be made made on the same number of tub tubes es as prescribed for the flatten flattening ing test. 10 10..

12.4   Pipes Pipes that that ha have ve ha had d weld weld seam seam repa repair irss with with fill filler er metal metal shall shall be unique uniquely ly identi identified fied and shall shall be so stated stated and identi identified fied on the certifi certificat catee of tests. tests.

Leng Length thss

10.1   Pipe Pipe leng lengths ths shall be in accorda accordance nce with with the following regular following regular practice: practice:


10.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon, all sizes from 10.1.1 Unless NPS 1 ⁄ 8 to an and d in incl clud udin ing g NP NPS S 8 are are av avai aila labl blee in a lengt length h up to 24 ft [Note 4] with the permissible permissible range of 15 to 24 ft [Note 4]. Short Short lengths lengths are acceptable and the numbe numberr and minimum length shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

13.1   In ad addi ditio tion n to the the info inform rmat atio ion n requ requir ired ed by Specificati Specifi cation on A 530 530/A /A 530 530M, M, the certifi certificati cation on sha shall ll state state whe whethe therr or not the mat materi erial al was hyd hydros rostat tatical ically ly tested. If the material was nondestructively tested, the certification shall so state and shall show which standard practice was followed and what reference discontinuities were used.

NOTE 4 — This value(s) value(s) applies when the inch-pound inch-pound designation designation of this specification is the basis of purchase. When the “M” designation of this speci specification fication is the basis of purchase, the corresponding corresponding metric value( value(s) s) sha shall ll be agreed agreed upo upon n between between the manufac manufactur turer er and the purchaser.

14 14..

Ma Mark rkin ing g

14.1 In addition to the marking specified in Specifica14.1 In tion tion A 53 530/ 0/ A 53 530M 0M,, the the mark markin ing g shal shalll incl includ udee the the NPS (nominal pipe size) and schedule, heat numbering and NH whe when n hyd hydrot rotest esting ing is not perfo performe rmed d and ET when whe n edd eddy-c y-curr urrent ent testin testing g is perfor performed med or UT whe when n ultrasonic testing is performed. The marking shall also include the manufacturer’s private identifying mark, the marking requirement of 9.4, if applicable, and whether sea seamle mless ss or wel welded ded.. For Gra Grades des TP304H TP304H,, TP3 TP316H 16H,, TP321H, TP347H, TP348H, and S30815, the marking shall also include the heat number and heat-t heat-treatmen reatmentt lot identification. If specified in the purchase order, the markin mar king g for pipe larger larger than NPS 4 shall shall includ includee the weight.

10.1.2 If 10.1.2  If definite cut lengths are desired, the lengths required shall be specified in the order. No pipe shall be under the specified length and not more than   1 ⁄ 4   in. [6 mm] over tha thatt spe specifi cified. ed. 10.1.3   No jointers are permitted unless otherwise specified.


Ce Certi rtifica ficatio tion n

Wor Workmans kmanship, hip, Finish, Finish, and and Appeara Appearance nce

11.1   The finished pipes shall be reasonably straight and shall have a workmanlike workmanlike finish. Imperfection Imperfectionss may be removed by grinding, provided the wall thicknesses are not decreased to less than that permitted in Section 8 of Speci Specifica ficatio tion n A 530/A 530M. 530M.


Gove Governme rnment nt Proc Procurem urement ent

15.1   Scale Free Pipe for Government Procurement: 12.

15.1.1   When When spe specifi cified ed in the con contrac tractt or order, order, the following requirements requirements shall be consi considered dered in the inq inquir uiry, y, contra contract ct or order, order, for agenci agencies es of the U.S. Government where scale free pipe or tube is required. These requirements shall take precedence if there is a conflic con flictt betwee between n these these requir requireme ements nts and the produc productt specifications.

Re Repai pairr by by W Weld elding ing

12.1   For weld welded ed pi pipe pe whos whosee diam diamet eter er eq equa uals ls or exceed exceedss NP NPS S 6, and whose whose nomina nominall wal walll thi thickn ckness ess equals equ als or exceed exceedss 0.2 0.200, 00, weld rep repair airss mad madee with with the ad addi ditio tion n of co comp mpat atib ible le fil fille lerr me meta tall ma may y be ma made de to the weld seam with the same procedures specified for pla plate te defects defects in the section section on Repair Repair by Wel Weldin ding g of  Specifi Spe cificat cation ion A 530/A 530M. 530M.

15.1.2 The 15.1.2  The requirements of Specification A 530/A 530M for pipe and Spe 530M Specifi cificati cation on A 450/A 450 450M M for tubes shall be applicable when pipe or tube is ordered to this specificatio specification. n.

12.2   Weld repairs of the weld seam shall not exceed 12.2 20% of the seam length. 482



15.1.3   Pipe and tube shall be one of the following 15.1.3 grades as specifi specified ed herein: herein: Grade TP304 TP304L TP304N TP316 TP316L TP316N TP317 TP317L TP321 TP347


15.1.5 Ordering Information  — Orders for material under this specification specification shall includ includee the following in additio add ition n to the requir requireme ements nts of Sec Section tion 3:

UNS Designation   Pipe Pipe or tube, tube,

S30400 S30403 S30451 S31600 S31603 S31651 S31700 S31703 S32100 S34700   Part number number,,   Ultrasonic Ultrasonic inspec inspection, tion, if requir required, ed,   If shear wave test is to be condu conducte cted d in two opposite opposite circumferentia circumferentiall direct directions, ions,   Intergranular Intergranular corrosion test, and   Level Level of preservati preservation on and packin packing g re-

15.1.4   Part Number: Number:  Example:   ASTM ASTM A 31 312/ 2/A A 31 312M 2M Pi Pipe pe 30 304 4 NPS NPS 12 SCH 40S SMLS SMLS Specificati Specific ation on Numbe Numberr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pip Pipee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wal Walll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMLS SML S OR WELDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



AST ASTM M A 312 P 304 12 0.37 0.375 5 SML Specificati Specific ation on Numbe Numberr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tu Tube. be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outsid Outsidee Diameter. Diameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wal Walll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMLS SML S OR WELDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

AST ASTM M A 312 T 304 0.25 0.250 0 0.03 0.035 5 WLD

16 16..

Ke Keyw ywor ords ds

16.1   austenitic austenitic stainless steel; seamless seamless steel pipe; stainl stainless ess steel steel pipe; pipe; steel steel pipe; pipe; wel welded ded steel steel pipe. pipe.







Grade or UNS Designation  A All grades not individually listed below: TP321H,, TP347H, TP321H TP347H, TP348H Cold Rolled Hot Rolled Only TP304H, TP316H Cold Rolled Hot Rolled Only TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb S30815 S31272 S31254 S24565 S35315 N08367 N08904

Solution Treating Temperature  B 

Cooling Requirements

1900 °F [1040 °C]


2000 °F [1100 °C] 1925 °F [1050 °C] 1900 °F [1040 °C] 1900 °F [1040 °C] 1900 °F 1920 °F 1920 °F 2100 °F 2050–2140 °F 2010 °F 2025 °F 2000 °F


[1040 °C] [1050 °C] [1050 °C] [1150 °C] [1120–1170 °C] [1100 °C] [1110 °C] [1040 °C]

New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE J1086. Minimum, unless otherwise stated. C  Rapid: Pipe shall be water quenched or rapidly cooled by other means.


rapid rapid rapid rapid rapid rapid rapid





UNS Designation

TP304L TP316L TP304 TP304H TP309Cb TP309H TP309HCb TP309S TP310Cb TP310H TP310HCb TP310S

S30403 S31603 S30400 S30409 S30940 S30909 S30941 S30908 S31040 S31009 S31041 S31008 S31272 S31600 S31609 S31700 S31703 S32100:

TP316 TP316H TP317 TP317L TP321 Welded 


Tensile Streng Strength, th, min kis [MPa] 70 70 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 75 75 75 75

[485] [485] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [515] [450] [515] [515] [515] [515]



TABLE 3 (CONT’D) TENSILE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm (or 4 D ), ) , min, min, %:

Yield Stren Strength gth,, min ksi [MPa] 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30

[170] [170] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [205] [200] [205] [205] [205] [205]

75 [515 [515]]

3 30 0 [205 [205]]

75 [515] 70 [485]

3 30 0 [205] 2 25 5 [170]

75 [515 [515]]

3 30 0 [205 [205]]

Lon Longit gitudi udinal nal

Transv Transvers erse e

All Gr ad ades e x xccep t S3 1 10 050 and S3261 5 S32615, S31050

35 25

25 ...




NOTE: (1) Prior to the issuance of A 312/A 312M–88a, the tensile and yield strength values were 76 [515] and 30 [205], respectively, for nominal wall greater than   3 ⁄ 8  in. [9.5 mm].

Seamless:   3 ≤  ⁄ 8   in.  3 >  ⁄ 8   in.

TP321H Welded 




Seamless:   3

 ⁄ 8   in. 3 >  ⁄ 8   in. [Note (1)] TP347 TP347H TP348 TP348H TPXM-10 TPXM-11 TPXM-15 TPXM-29 TPXM-19 TP304N TP316N TP304LN TP316LN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... t  ≤   0.25 in. t  >   0.25 in. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... t  ≤   0.187 t  >   0.187 ... ≤

S34700 S34709 S34800 S34809 S21900 S21904 S38100 S24000 S20910 S30451 S31651 S30453 S31653 S31254 S30615 S30815 S30600 S31725 S31726 S31050:

S32615 S33228 S24565 S30415 S32654 S35315 N08367;


75 70 75 75 75 75 90 90 75 100 100 80 80 75 75 94 90 87 78 75 80

[515] [485] [515] [515] [515] [515] [620] [620] [515] [690] [690] [550] [550] [515] [515] [650] [620] [600] [540] [515] [550]

3 30 0 25 30 30 30 30 50 50 30 55 55 35 35 30 30 44 40 45 35 30 35

[205] [170] [205] [205] [205] [205] [345] [345] [205] [380] [380] [240] [240] [205] [205] [300] [275] [310] [240] [205] [240]

84 78 80 73 115 87 109 94

[580] [540] [550] [500] [795] [600] [750] [650]

39 37 32 27 60 42 62 39

[270] [255] [220] [185] [415] [290] [430] [270]

100 [690] 95 [655] 71 [490]

UNS Designation

AWS A5.9 Class


S30400 S30403 S30451 S30453 S30409 S30940 S30908 S31040 S31008 S31272 S31600

ER308 ER308L ER308 ER308L ER308 ... ... ... ... ... ER316

S30800, S30883, S30880, S30883, S30880, ... ... ... ... ... S31680,

W30840 W30843 W30840 W30843 W30840 ... ... ... ... ... W31640

TP316L TP316N TP316LN TP316H

S31603 S31651 S31653 S31609



TP347 TP348 TPXM-19 TPXM-29 ...

S34700 S34800 S22100 S28300 N08367

ER316L ER316 ER316L ER316H ER ER32 321 1 ER ER34 347 7 ER347 ER347 ER209 ER240 ...

S31683, S31680, S31683, S31680, S321 S32180 80,, S347 S34780 80,, S34780, S34780, S20980, S23980, N06625

W31643 W31640 W31643 W31640 W3 W321 2140 40 W3 W347 4740 40 W34740 W34740 W32240 W32440

Grade TP304 TP304L TP304N TP304LN TP304H TP309Cb TP309S TP310Cb TP310S

45 [310] 4 45 5 [310] 31 [215]


Filler Metal

UNS Designation






One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided in the supplementary requirement. Subject to agreement agreem ent between between the purch purchaser aser and manuf manufacturer acturer,, retest and retrea retreatment tment provis provisions ions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.



Produ Product ct Ana Analys lysis is

Etchin Etching g Tests Tests

S4.1   The steel steel sha shall ll be hom homoge ogeneo neous us as shown shown by etching tests conducted conducted in accordance with the appro appro-pri priate ate por portio tions ns of Method Method E 381 381.. Etchin Etching g tests tests shall shall be made on a cross section from one end or both ends of ea each ch pipe pipe an and d shal shalll show show soun sound d and and reas reason onab ably ly uniform unifor m material material free of injur injurious ious laminations laminations,, cracks cracks,, and similar objectionable defects. If this supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe req requir uired ed shall shall also also be specifi specified. ed. If a specim specimen en from from

S1.1   For For al alll pi pipe pe NPS NPS 5 and and larg larger er in no nomi mina nall size size th ther eree shall shall be on onee pr prod oduc uctt an anal alys ysis is ma made de of a repr repres esen entat tativ ivee sa samp mple le fr from om on onee piec piecee fo forr ea each ch ten ten length lengthss or fracti fraction on the thereo reoff from from each each heat heat of steel. steel. S1.2   Fo Forr pi pipe pe smal smaller ler than NPS NPS 5 ther theree shall shall be one product product analys analysis is made made from from ten length lengthss per heat of stee steell or fr from om 10 10% % of th thee nu numb mber er of leng length thss pe perr heat heat of steel, steel, whiche whichever ver number number is sma smalle ller. r. S1.3   Indivi Individua duall leng lengths ths fai failing ling to con confor form m to the chemica chemicall req requir uireme ements nts spe specifi cified ed in Section Section 6 shall shall be rejected.

any length shows objectionable defects, the length shall be rej rejecte ected, d, subject subject to rem remova ovall of the defect defective ive end and subsequent subsequent retes retests ts indicating the remain remainder der of the length to be sound and reaso reasonably nably uniform material material..



Transv Transver erse se Ten Tensio sion n Tests Tests

Radiograp Radiographic hic Examination Examination

S5.1 The S5.1  The entire length of weld in each double welded pipe shall be radiographic radiographically ally examined, using X-rad X-radiaiation, in accordance accordance with Parag Paragraph raph UW-51 of Sectio Section n VIII VIII Divi Divisi sion on 1 of the the ASME ASME Boile Boilerr and and Pres Pressu sure re Vessel Ves sel Cod Code. e. In add additi ition on to the mar markin king g requir required ed by Sectio Sec tion n 13 each pipe pipe sha shall ll be mar marked ked “RT” after the specifi specificati cation on and grade. grade. Req Requir uireme ements nts of S5 shall shall be required requir ed in the certifi certification. cation.

S2.1  There shall be one transverse tension test made S2.1 There from one end of 10% of the lengths furnished per heat of steel. This applies applies only to pipe NPS 8 and larger. larger. S2.2   If a specimen from any length fails to conform S2.2 to the ten tensil silee pro proper pertie tiess spe specifi cified ed tha thatt length length shall shall be rejected.


S3. Fla Flatte ttenin ning g Test Test S3.1   The flattenin flattening g tes testt of Spe Specifi cificat cation ion A 530/A 530M shall be made on a specimen from one end or bo both th en ends ds of ea each ch pi pipe pe.. Crop Crop en ends ds ma may y be us used ed.. If  this supplementary requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified. If a specimen from from an any y len lengt gth h fa fails ils be beca caus usee of lack lack of du duct ctili ility ty prior to satisfactory completion of the first step of the flattening flatten ing test requirement requirement,, that pipe shall be rejecte rejected d subject to retreatment in accordance with Specification A 530/A 530M and satisfactory retest. If a specimen from from an any y lengt length h of pi pipe pe fa fail ilss be becau cause se of a lack lack of  soundness sound ness that length shall be rejected, rejected, unless subsequent que nt ret retest esting ing ind indica icates tes that the rem remain aining ing length length is sound.

Sta Stabil bilizi izing ng Heat Heat Treat Treatme ment nt

S6.1   Subsequ Subsequent ent to the sol soluti ution on ann anneal eal requir required ed in 5.3, Grades Grades TP309HCb, TP309HCb, TP310HCb, TP321, TP321 TP321H, H, TP347, TP3 47, TP347 TP347H, H, TP348, TP348, and TP3 TP348H 48H shall be given given a stabil stabiliza ization tion heat heat treatme treatment nt at a tem temper peratu ature re low lower er tha than n tha thatt used used for the initial initial solut solution ion ann anneal ealing ing heat heat treatment. treatme nt. The temper temperature ature of stabi stabilizatio lization n heat treatment shall be at a temperature as agreed upon between the purchaser and vendo vendor. r. S7.

Intergra Intergranular nular Corrosion Corrosion Test

S7.1   When specified, material shall pass intergranular S7.1 corrosion tests conducted by the manufacturer in accordance ance with with Practic Practices es A 262 262,, Pra Practi ctice ce E. 488


PART A — FERR FERROUS OUS MATER MATERIAL IAL SPECI SPECIFICAT FICATIONS IONS NOTE 5 — Practice E requir requires es testing on the sensitiz sensitized ed condition for low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped condition for other grades. grades.

S7.2   A stabil stabilizat ization ion heat heat treatm treatment ent in accord accordanc ancee with Supplementary Requirement S6 may be necessary and is permitted in order to meet this requirement requirement for the grades containing titanium or columbium, particularly in their H versions. versions.


Minimu Minimum m W Wall all Pipe Pipe

S8.1   When specified by the purchaser, pipe shall be S8.1 furnished on a minimum wall basis. The wall of such pip pipee shall shall not fal falll below below the thi thickn ckness ess specified specified.. In additio add ition n to the markin marking g req requir uired ed by Section Section 13, the pip pipee shall shall be mar marked ked S8.








APPENDIX (Nonmandatory (Nonmand atory Information Information))




Outside Diameter NPS Designator

Schedule 5S [Note (1)]

Schedule 10S [Note (1)]



i n.


0.405 0.540 0.675 0 .840 0. 1 .050 1. 1.315 1 .660 1. 1 .900 1. 2.375 2 .875 2. 3.500 4 .000 4. 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 10.750

10.29 13.72 17.15 21.34 26.67 33.40 42.16 48.26 60.33 73.03 88.90 101.60 114.30 141.30 168.28 219.08 273.05

... ... ... 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.134

... ... ... 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.77 2.77 2.77 3.40

0.049 0.065 0.065 0.083 0.083 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.134 0.134 0.148 0.165

1.24 1.65 1.65 2.11 2.11 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 3.40 3.76 4.19























0.188 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.188 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.188

4.78 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 4.78 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 4.78











24 30

24.000 30.000

609.60 762.00

0.218 0.250

5.54 6.35

[Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.218 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.218 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.250 0.312

[Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 5.54 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 5.54 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 6.35 7.92


 ⁄ 8  ⁄ 4 3  ⁄ 8 1  ⁄ 2 3 ⁄  4 1.0 11 ⁄ 4 11 ⁄ 2 2 21 ⁄ 2 3 31 ⁄ 2 4 5 6 8 10 1


i n.

Schedule 40S mm


Schedule 80S mm

i n.


0.068 0.088 0.091 0.109 0.113 0.133 0.140 0.145 0.154 0.203 0.216 0.226 0.237 0.258 0.280 0.322 0.365

1.73 2.24 2.31 2.77 2.87 3.38 3.56 3.68 3.91 5.16 5.49 5.74 6.02 6.55 7.11 8.18 9.27

0.375 [Note (2)] ...

9.52 [Note (2)] ...

0.095 0.119 0.126 0.147 0.154 0.179 0.191 0.200 0.218 0.276 0.300 0.318 0.337 0.375 0.432 0.500 0.500 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 0.500 [Note (2)] ...

2.41 3.02 3.20 3.73 3.91 4.55 4.85 5.08 5.54 7.01 7.62 8.08 8.56 9.52 10.97 12.70 12.70 [Not [Notee (2)] (2)] 12.70 [Note (2)] ...

















... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

GENERAL NOTE—The decimal thickness listed for the respective pipe sizes represents their nominal or average wall dimensions. NOTES: (1) Schedules 5S and 10S wall thicknesses do not permit threading in accordance with the American National Standard for Pipe Threads (ANSI B1.20.1). (2) These do not conform to the American National Standard for Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (ANSI B36.10–1979).


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