S4 HANA Version Comparision For P2P

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1511 Release

Here the vendor master and customer master is used.

Business Partner Ar!"#



T-Codes available FD01, FD02, FD03, FD05, FD06, FD0 F01, F02, F03, F05, F06, F0! "#$1, "#$2, "#$3 "01, "02, "03, "05, "06, "12, "1!, "1%, &-03, &-0', &-05, &-06, &-0(, &-0!, &-0%, &-11, &-11, &)21, &)22, &)23 &#$1, &#$2, &#$2, &#$3 &D01, &D02, &D03, &D05, &D06 *D01, *D02, *D03, *D05, *D06, *D0( *01, *02, *03, *05, *06, *0(

+n #$ #$ usi usine ness ss uit uite e t e e iver iver  c ass ass o ta e T130 T130F F is   Customiin4 table, rotected a4ainst a4ainst #$ date, onl +7 all8. +n #$ usiness uite material number len4th is ma9imum to 1! charectors.

:9tendin4 the material number on the database means that the ;eld '0 character characters. s. This This has been been done done in all tables tables and and al alll ;el

ure numeric material numbers are s>ll restricted to 1! characters eroes. This is the same be The de/ault se?n4, both a@er the move to #$ A'H#7# and /or ne= installa>on installa>ons, s, is that the e9tended =ith '0 characters, the customer needs to ac>vate this /unc>onalit. /ollo=in4 /ollo=in 4 se?n4s are reuired /or that :9tended "aterial 7umber Func>onalit The ac>va>on is realied as client-deendent client-deendent customiin4 table. +" E Cross-# Cross-#lica lica>on >on Comonents Comonents E eneral eneral #lica>o #lica>on n Func>ons Func>ons E Field len4th len4th :9tension :9tension E #c>v #lterna>ve Tr Transac>on ansac>on F:T For the table table maintenan maintenance ce the authoria>on 4rou F: Gauthoria>o Gauthoria>o 2. Chan4in4 the "aterial 7umber Format. Transac>on ransac>on B" allo=s allo=s a customer customer-seci -seci;c ;c se?n4s re4ar re4ardin4 din4 the material material number number ;eld len4th. len4th. Here Here t characters.  IGATE Sensitive



+" E o4is>cs eneral E "aterial "aster E asic e?n4s 7ote +/ the e9tended material number /unc>onalit is ac>vated in a sstem, it cannot be easil deac>vated as material number.


T#e SAP S/4HANA si(li)"a*!n is +!ne !n

"onall,, the /ollo=in4 ;elds are addi>onall suorted /or ervice "aterials :on not available in #$ A'H#7# on-remise edi>on 1511

Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

":21, ":22, ":23, ":2', ":25, ":26, ":2(, ":2!, ":51, ":52, ":53, ":5', ":5%, "vit. "an "a na emen ementt The /unc>onal scoe o/ ulier and Cate4or " =ith the #$

Ren4 a>n4 =ith =ith #$ :< u liers /o /or s #$ A'H#7# levera4es "D- /or sulier dis A'H# # roect needs to be set u to im

in,!r(a*!n Reon >on /r /rom om #$ C to to #$ :< #$ :on =ith "

Cust!( C!+e relate+ in,!r(a*!n


Aut#!rit7 C!n"e

The revious concet =as based on checLin4 header data a4ainst the a user =as allo=ed allo= ed tointr comlete coml ete ce nder ac>vi ac>vi>es >es in then lants l ants. ne= ne= ccon once cet t in trod oduc uces escertai a rtain hea heade ra aut utho hori ri a>o >on o ob bec ectt. Pith tha thatt et


Reon authoria>on obect checLs the common ac>vi>es a user er/orm er/orm code. ChecL item data a4ainst a4ainst the item authoria>on obect "Ion obect. obect. +/ the custom customer er role do the :dit the values o/ the or4ania>onal levels c>on on is ac>v ac>vat ated ed er er d de e crea>on o/ The ;eld len4th o/ the "aterial 7umber data element "#T7 "#T7on

Rec docu cum men entt adustment is reuired in #$ A'H#7#, o /ollo= in this case the /ollo=in /ollo=in4 4 roc Delete the content /or automa>c document adustment o/ table 111  Delete Del ete the conten contentt o/ ttabl able e P+7 P+7D D  o solu>on n =ill =ill ev evolve olve to taL taLe e over over the the #$ on sstem =hich have been used on #$ usiness uite the #$ on >on re based on on o4is>cs o4is >cs +n/orma +n/ orma>on >on the ste consi considered the tar4e tar4et arch architectu itecture P Pe e recommend reco mmend that ou useste th e and smart business technolo4. technolo4. remise edi>on consid con sidere ered d as /ut /utur ure e technol technolo4 o4 The current /unc>ons are unchan4ed =ithin #$ business ro



Susevi>es reuired /or con>nuin4 con>nuin4 thatt the tha the a4re a4reemen ements ts have have tto o be be close closed d a@er a@er the end o/ tthe he vali validit dit  e e 111 has to be rebuilt



Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

ERP S# The The #$ #$ :on on iiss not not ava avail il and =ill be relaced b A' The shoin4 cart /unc>on in #$ usiness uite is associated BI""I$I1 BI""I $I1 needs to be

Transa"*!n n!t aailale in SAP S/4HANA !n8re(ise !n8re(ise e+i*!n 15 1511 11

Re c>on on B BI" I""I "I $I $I1 1 ne


Internet Ali"a* #s o/ #$ A'H#7# the "aterials "ana4 "ana4ement ement av avai aila labl ble e iin n #$ #$ A'H A'H#7 #7


Transa"*!n n!t aailale in SAP S 4H 4HAN ANA A !n8 !n8 re re(i (ise se e+i e+i*! *!n n 15 1511 11  IGATE Sensitive



$% The #$ es such as e9tensibilit enablement, mul> tenanc enablement and modi;ca>on /ree con;4ura>on. con;4ura>on. the tar4et architecture is based on #dobe Document erver and #dobe Forms onl onl.. For the /orm determina>on rules onalit is used


the ne= outut mana4ement suorts onl the Channels $ll s +n $urchase $urchase ord order er rocessin rocessin4 4 it is rec recommend ommended ed t technolo4i techn olo4ies es Lno=n /rom /rom usiness usiness uite uite liL #ddi #ddi>o >ona nall in/ in/or orma ma>o >on n tto o tthe he ne= ne= o out utu utt ma mana na4e 4eme ment nt in # #$ $ 'A 'A "ana4ement

Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

Butut "ana4ement /or $ur +n cases =here there there is no nott customer customer s seci;c eci;c con;4ur con;4ura>on a>on /or /or the ne urchase orders or to send 


L!.is*"s $aterial $ana.e(en



Pith A'H#7# this data model has been chan4ed si4ni;cantl. si4ni;cantl. The ne= de-normalied table "#TDBC has been introduced =hich contains the /ormer header and item data o/ a material document as =ell as a lot o/ /urther aNributes. "aterial document data =ill be stored in "#TDBC onl and not anmore in "$F and ":.

 IGATE Sensitive



The a44re4ated actual stocL uan>>es =ill not be ersist ersisted ed anmore in the hbrid or relaced a44re4a>on a4 4re4a>on tables. actual stocL uan>t data =ill be calculated on-the-U /rom the ne= material document table "#TDBC "#TDBC /or =hich some o/ those addi>onal secial ;elds are used. =ith the the ne= ""-+" ""-+" data data m model odel the the s sstem stem =ill =orL o on n databa databa rocesses there =ill be s>ll ##$ locLs to ensure stocL consistenc. sim simle le a and nd /ast /ast re reo or> r>n4 n4 bec becau ause se tthe he m


AVAILABILITY OF TR transac>ons /or enterin4 and dislain4 dislain4 4oods movements material sin4le-screen 4eneralied 4eneralied transac>on "+B "+B "11, "1#, "1, "F, ",


The transac>o transac>on n "":IBD "":IBD has been relaced relaced b b tran transac>o sac>o These transac>on do s>ll e9ist as transac>on menu has the conseuence


These transac>o transac>on n codes shal se transac>on "+B or "": in dialo4. on n codes b maLe maLe u


$aterial Le+.er Oli.a This simli simli;ca> ;ca>on on maLes maLes it mandator mandator to us use e th #@er #@ er tthe he tech techni nica call  " " mi4r mi4ra> a>on on,, t

%ESCRIPTION Releant I$& (i.ra*!n a"*i*es6

SAP ERP !r SAP Si(le Finan"e t! SAP S/4HANA 1511

Cust!(iin. (i.ra*!n6

PATH 6 SPRO 88 $i.ra*!n ,r!( SAP ERP A"!un*n. !-ere+ 7 SAP HANA88 Preara*!ns an+ $i.ra*!n !, Cust!(iin. 88 Preara*!ns an+ $i.ra*!n !, Cust!(iin. ,!r $aterial Le+.er 88 $i.rate $aterial Le+.er Cust!(iin.

%ata (i.ra*!n6

PATH6 SPRO 88 $i.ra*!n ,r!( SAP ERP A""!un*n. !-ere+ 7 SAP HANA 88 $i.ra*!n 88 $aterial Le+.er $i.ra*!n Y!u nee+ t! (i.rate t#e $aterial Le+.er een i, 7!u are alrea+7 7!u are (i.ra (i.ra*n. *n. ,r!( ,r!( S SAP AP S Si(l i(le e Finan"e Finan"e t! SAP S/4 HA s!ur"e s7ste(3


Business Pr!"ess relate+

I, 7!u e er, r,!r !r( (in. in. an an u u. .rra+ a+e e ,r ,r!( S/ S/4H 4H $ateri $at erial al Le+. Le+.er er +a +att +/ cus custo tome mers rs ar are e not not alre alread ad  usin usin4 4 th the e mate materi rial al led led4e 4err, it =ill =ill b be e ac ac> >

 IGATE Sensitive



in,!r(a*!n Transa"*!n n!t aailale in SAP S/4HANA !n8re(ise e+i*!n 1511

. result there/ore in a cleaner and more consisten consistentt

$$PI6 Ini*alie eri!+ ,!r (aterial (aster re"!r+s 9N!tt a 9N! aa aila ilale le -it


$aterial Valua*!n 8 Sta One (a!r (a!r iinn! nn!a*! a*!n n !, SAP SAP S/4HAN S/4HANA A in t#e are area a !, $$8I $$8I transa"*!nal +ata t#r!u.#ut ,!r #i.#8!lu(e transa"*!ns stan+ar+ ri"e


For materials =ith rice control MStan+ar+M, =here the rela>onshi bet=een unit costs /or material invent inventor or stan+ar+ ri"e8 on the one hand, and inventor uan>t and inventor inventor value on the other hand, is Let constant durin4 4oods movements.

n  !r (ater a s s7s 7ste te( ( als als! ! "al "al"u "ula lattes a ( (! !in in. .a a er era. a.e e al alu u a aer era a e ri" ri"e3 e3 Oi!u Oi!usl sl t#i t#iss sta* sta*s* s*"al "al a!i+e+ a!i+e + in SAP S/4HANA3 In "!nseon an and d no arallel arallel Msta>s Msta>s>c >c chan4e unit costs costs e.4. e.4. "o >on no o// tthe he ne= ne= """"-+" +" data data mo mode dell the therre a arre o oor ortu tuni ni>e >ess and and dra= dra=ba bacL cLs. s. The The o o  chan4es o/ the rocess behavio

L!"@s t! Pith Pith the the iint ntro rodu duc>o c>on n o/ o/ tthe he ne= ne= ""-+" ""-+" da data ta mode modell iin n A'H A'H#7 #7# #B B$ $ the the m ma ater eriial ma masster and and st st


 IGATE Sensitive


+nstead o/ the $D#T:s onl +7:t checL Earl7 l!"@ strate.7

+n the earl earl e9clusiv e9clusive e locL strat strate4 e4,, all ma materia teriall mas master ter data data and uan> uan>>es >es are rread ead in an ar arra ra  /etch /etch be/ se sett duri durin4 n4 the the en> en>re re ro roces cessi sin4 n4 o o// the the mate mate Late l!"@ strate.7 +n the late e9clusive e9clusive locL strate4 strate4,, the material master master data and uan>>es are are read also in an arra arra  /etc locL =ill be set onl /or a short eriod o/ >me durin4 the item rocessin4 /or each seci;c item. This underrun. #s the ne= ""-+" data model chan4es the old Le ;4ure model to an account model this enables a A'H#7# B$1610 and C:160! Pith A'H#7# B$1610 and C:160! a /urther o>on to increase throu4hut =ill be introduced. This is e9clusiv e9cl usive e locL shall shall be set. set. +n this case case onl lat late e shared locL locLss =ill be sset et =hi rocessin4

L!"@s !n at"#es ocLs on batch batch mate materials rials =ill be set in the the current current roces rocesss to rotect rotect arallel arallel chan4 chan4es es o/ the the batch batch ma means the =ill be set even i/ the the mat material erial document document os>n os>n4 4 does not chan4e chan4e an an o/ o/ the ba ba Oer"!(e +ra-a"@s Pith the introduc>on o/ the ne= ""-+" data model /or A'H#7# B$1511 B$151 1 the material stocL uan>t the intro introduc duc>on >on o/ the the ne= ne= " ""-+ "-+" " data data mode modell //or or A'H# A'H# uan> ua n>t t da data ta are are not not sto stored red anmo anmore re a ass re re a44re4a a44re4ated ted d #ccord #cco rdin4 in4 to to the on on-th -the-U e-U  cal calcul cula>o a>on, n, read read acces accesses ses to to those those hbr hbrid id an and d a44re4a a44re4ate te table tabless are m much uch sl sl been stored in these tables as actual stocL Durin4 Durin 4 material material document document rocessin4 rocessin4,, material material data data is read /rom the database database in 4ener 4eneral al in an arra arra  /et read rea d mater material ial data data = =ill ill be done done in case case o/ the the late late e9cl e9clusi usive ve l +n both cases cases due to to the coma>bi coma>bilit lit vi vie= e= the ma materi terial al master master as =ell =ell as the ma materi terial al stocL stocL uan uan>t >t d and dur durin4 in4 the lat late e e9clu e9clusiv sive e loc locL L h hase ase onl onl the mat materi erial al sstt

T! turn t#e +ra-a"@ !, !n8t#e8M7 "al"ula*!n int! an a+anta.e t#e ,!ll!-in. -ill e intr!+"ue+ -it# S/4HANA OP1=10 an+ CE1=06

durin4 the re/etch hase onl b usin usin4 4 the the ur ure ma matte durin4 the item rocessin4 the stocL uan>t done onl in case o/ stocL de

ecause ecaus e it is Lno=n Lno=n that that H H#7# #7# can roc rocess ess a sin4le sin4le arra arra  /e /etch tch /ast /aster er than man man sin4 sin4le le /etches /etches,, the sstt oint can also be done outside o/ the item This arra oera>on, oera>on, =hich does also the locL oera>on, is e9ecuted directl in the /unc>on module been ;nished. The decision =hether the read and checL oera>ons are are done durin4 or a@er item rocessin4 rocessin4 is done a can be used used b customer customerss to overru overrule le th This chan4es chan4es to tu turn rn the dra=b dra=bacLs acLs h have ave been do done ne irresec> irresec>ve ve o/ th the e locL stra strate te Henc Hence e /or /or A'H A'H#7 #7# # B$1 B$161 610 0 and and C: C:160 160!, !, the the ad ada ata ta>o >on n don done e /or /or the the lat late e lo locL cL sstr trat ate4 e4  all allo= o=ss  ar aral alle lell e

 IGATE Sensitive


  . A A'H 'H#7 #7# #B B$1 $161 610 0 and and C:16 C:160! 0! co com mar ared ed to A' A'H# H#7 7# B

Per(issi!n !, ne.a*e st!"@s +t is ossible to allo= on lant level ne4a>ve stocLs. #lso on stora4e loca>on level ne4a>ve stocLs can be this =as ossible to con;4ure alread in A'H#7# B$1511 and also in uite on H#7#. +/ on all 3 level the and C:160!

1 

no locLs at all =ill be set in the late locL strate4 case. no stocL determina>on /rom the data base =ill be done and no stocL

$!+i)"a*!ns in t#e "!+in. stocL sto cL uan>t uan>t da data ta =ill =ill be read read and and calcu calculat lated ed onl /or stocL stocL decr decreasi easi i/ neces necessar sar , in th

Business r!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

Hence, the actual stocL uan>t ;elds in the internal tables *"abc an an  sub subse seu uen entt ca calc lcul ula> a>on on iinc ncor oro ora ra There is no o>on to oulate these actual stocL uan>t ;elds modi;ca>o modi;c a>ons ns usin4 usin4 stoc stocL L uan>t uan>t da data ta /r /rom om those those *"abc *"abc in inter ter itIstocLIchan4e  clInsdmImmimIreadIstoc

L!.is*"s In,!r(a*!n S7ste( 9LI + ro roces cessi sin4 n4 dur durin in4 4 an an docu documen mentt roc rocess essin in4 4 mean meanss that that d doc ocum umen entt da data ta =il =illl be  re rea are red d into into + + sstr tr structures. Customers Custom ers can enr enrich ich those those dat data a st struc ructur tures es as =ell =ell as de;ne de;ne their their o=n o=n in/ in/orm orma>o a>on n sstru tructu ctures res.. + +  roc roc si4ni;can si4ni ;cantl tl the the memor memor /ootri /ootrint nt due due to the + in/orma in/orma>on >on structu structures res a and nd /orces /orces a seriali serialied ed roces roces used /or secial reor>n4 b custo # /orce /orced d serial seriali ia>o a>on n o/ ""-+ ""-+" " docum document ent r roces ocessin sin4 4 du due e to ac>v ac>ve e + and and a cus custom tomii iin4 n4 o/ late late locL locL str str Furthermore several + Le Le ;4ures liLe liLe W o/ >mes a ero stocL = =ould ould be reached b a os>n4, cannot b mode is de;ned de;ned n no= o= as an inconsi inconsiste stent nt s sstem stem sstat tate e star star>n4 >n4 =i +/ an Bn-$remise sstem sstem is con;4ured /or /or earl locL strate4 strate4 then + and the +7&CB7 +7&CB7 messa4e te ca le4ac mode. That means that none o/ the above described This is is necessar necessar ust ust because because the o>mie o>mied d codin4 codin4 does not ;ll ;ll the interna internall *"ab *"abcc tables tables =ith sstocL tocL d are reuir reuired ed /or /or + rocessi rocessin4 n4 and tthe he +7&CB +7&CB ""-+" develoment lans to rovide ste b ste &irtual Data +. The ;rst &D"s released =ith A'H#7# B$1610 and C:160! C:160 !

S-it"#in. t#e l!"@ strate.ies The to44lin4 bet=een earl locL and late locL strate4 strate4 can be done via cust customiin4 omiin4 transac>on B"X+ marLin4 Mate e9clusive e9clusive blocLM means late late locL strat strate4 e4.. T To44lin4 o44lin4 o/ these t=o locL modes is ossible. Th e9ecu>n4 e9ec u>n4 ro4 ro4ram ram #$n4s are al=as be rocessed be/ore 4oods LIS + se?n se?n4s 4s ca can n be done done b b e9 e9ecu> ecu>n4 n4 th the e custom customii ii + uda udate te ro roces cessin sin4 4 is onl onl ossi ossible ble /o /orr ea earl rl locL locL str strat ate4 e4.. F For or lat late e locL locL sstr trat ate4ie e4iess + + has has to be deac deac B"B% do a double clicL on an in/o structureY the $arameters dialo4 bo9 aears and in this dialo4 marL tha that eas eas as /or the the loc locL L str strat ate4 e4ie ies. s. To4 o44l 4lin in4 4 + + /rom /rom oK to on re reu uir ires es the the re re-4 -4e e

Per(issi!n !, ne.a*e st!"@s #t ;rst the ermission has to be 4ranted on lant level. &! t! SAP I$& 88 $aterials $ana.e(ent 88I  IGATE Sensitive


  ou can can 4 4rrant ant ne4 ne4a> a>v ve sto stocL cLss o on n sse eci cial al s #t se seco cond nd th the e erm ermis issi sion on h has as to to be 4ran 4rante ted d on st stor ora4 a4e e loca loca>o >on n llev evel el.. o to # #$ $ +" +" --E --E "at "ater eria ials ls "a "ana na A Tra Trans ns/e /err $ $os os>n4 >n4ss --E --E #l #llo= lo= ne4a>v ne4a>ve e sstoc tocLs Ls.o .orr use use cu cust stomi omiin in4 4 trans transac>o ac>on n B"X18 B"X18 Here Here  ou ou can 4r 4ran antt n #t third the ermission has to be 4ranted /or the material itsel/. E transa"*!n $$0: an+ enter t#e ta JPlant +ata / st!r3 J3

Cust!(er (!+i)"a*!ns

on modi;ca>on o/ #$ codin4 b customers customers in the area o/ /unc>o usin4 stocL a44re4ate data /rom the internal tables *"abc must


$aterial Valua*!n %ata $!+el Si( +/ ou u4rade /rom SAP S/4HANA 1511 t! SAP S/4HANA 1=10  th


e mact ctss on t e nven enttor va ua on ta es K

8 ta es6 des the /  The transac>onal ;elds LBU$ SAL2 and VSAL =i  =ill be rre etr triiev ine +tems table #CDBC#8 =ith on-the-U

#nd the transa transac>onal c>onal ;eld #& =ill be rretriev etrieved ed /rom /rom tthe he "a "aterial terial ed4er table. table. F For or coma> coma>bili bilit t rrea ea all those those ttables ables,, ensurin4 ensurin4 that that each each rread ead access access to one o/ the men>on men>on The CD vie=s consist o/ database oins in order to retrieve both master data /rom the ori4inal 9:PH8 and "aterial "aterial ed4er table. table. Hence all customer customer codin4, readin4 data/rom data/rom those tables, =ill =orL as b be/o e/o database in inter/ace la laer o/ o/ 7e 7etPeav eaver tto o tth he a

Bne imact o/ the simli;ed ""-+" +nventor +nventor & &alua>on alua>on data data model does e9ist i/ there ar are e custome reuires that reuires that the database database table table and the the assi4ned assi4ned ro9 ro9 vie= vie= are are coma>ble coma>ble in the the structur structure e =ith res res one o/ the above above men>oned men>oned tables, tables, the assi4ned assi4ned DD sou source rce o/ the CD #nother imact o/ the simli;ed inventor valu valua>on a>on data model is a er/ormance decrease dec rease # data data /et /etch ch on on one one o/ the the men men>o >one ned d tabl tables es iin n A'H A'H#7 #7# # is sslo lo=e =err th than an in in #$ #$ :;e iden>;ess a aends ends on on 9:PH8 9:PH8 tables, tables, vie= e9tensio e9tensio to be created or adated

Tale -it# "ust!(er aen+s

%%L s!ur"es !, C%S8 !r re rela la"e "e+ +i


 IGATE Sensitive


BE BEH Tale 1 #Kected CD vie=s =hich needs to be enhanced or relaced in case o/ customer aends +/ ou u4rade u4rade /rom A'H#7# 1511 to A'H#7# 1610, ou do no vie=ss li vie= listed sted in table table 2 anmor anmore. e. These These vie= vie= e9 e9tens tensio io

%%L s!ur"es !, !, C C% %S8i

Tale -it# "ust!(er aen+s











Tale 6 Ae"te+ C%S ie-s ,!r -#i"# ie- eKtensi!ns are n!t nee+e+ an7(!re

 IGATE Sensitive


Fiel+s "!ntainin. (aterial (aster +ata +/ customer aends onl cont contain ain material master data data aNributes, the vie=s could b be e madecoma>bl e9tension vie=, vie=, areaended at the end o/ the e9tended vie=. vie=. #n e9tension vie= needs to be de;ned

Fi Fiel el+s +s re rere rese sen* n*n. n. a "u "ust st!( !(er er + +e) e)ne ne+ + on >onss on the 9:PH 9:PH88 ttabl ables es h hav ave e a er/ er/orm ormanc ance e decre decrease ase,, since since trans transac> ac>ona onall d dat ata a iiss rret et ed4er via database oins  oins and a44re4a>on. Conseuentl, readin4 transac>onal data should be avoided the custome customerr codin4 codin4 in the /ollo /ollo=in =in +/ material master data as =ell as transac>onal data is reuired, the ::CT ZtableE should be relaced classes rovide access methods /or sin4le +7:Iona nall iin n th the e sh shor ortt ter term m but but rec recom omme men n To iden iden>/ >/ such such loca loca>on >ons, s, i>s reuir reuired ed to maL maLe e use use o/ o/ th the e =here =here-us -used ed /unc>o /unc>o techniues liLe liLe transac>on CBD:IC#77:< to ;nd loca>ons =hich :11 cannot handl +n the =her =here-u e-used sed d dial ialo4 o4 it is  oss ossib ib the buNon MSear"# Ran.eM tto o se sear arch ch //or or se seci ci;c ;c Le Le =or =ords ds l

313103? %es"ri*!n

&!!+s (!e(ents -it#!ut eK" Bne maor innov innova>on a>on o/ #$ A A'H#7# 'H#7# in the the area o/ ""-+" ""-+" is th tran transa sac> c>on ons, s, es ese eci cial all l 4ood 4oodss move moveme ment nts. s. To enab enable leth this is /r /rom om a t e9clu e9clusiv sive e locLi locLin4 n4 o The ;rst method locLs all aKected materials e9clusivel on their lant /astestt document rocessin4 seed, since onl a /e= locLs need to /astes =hole rocess. collision robabilit /or similar arallel os>n4s. "oreover, this eKect e9clusive e9clusiv e locLin4 dura>on and scoe. This

Currentl7 t-! +ierent l!"@in. (et#!+s are aailale ,!r .!!+s (!e(ents6

The second method involves involves individual locLin4 o/ material master and colli col lisio sion n ro robab babili ilit t bet bet=een =een ar arall allel el os os>n4 >n4s. s. To To achiev achieve e this this,, int inten en enueu en ueue e server server.. #ll simila similarr os os>n >n the enueue enueue ser server ver and and taLe taLe them into into account account alon alon4 4 =ith the data data rre e Th The e dra= dra=ba bacL cL o/ o/ th this is met metho hod d is inc incre reas ased ed e eKo Kort rt rresu esul> l>n4 n4 iin nCust a lo

 IGATE Sensitive


Pith #$ A'H#7#, A'H#7#, on-rem on-remise ise edi> edi>on on 1511, a ne= o>on o>on to increase increase transac>o transac>onal nal da data ta thro throu4hu u4hutt / st stoc ocL L onl onl8 8.. T Thi hiss o> o>on on re reu uir ires es de deac> ac>va va>o >on no o// tthe he sta> sta>s> s>ca call m mov ovin in4 4a Pith #$A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1610, this o>on also includes materials =ith "ovin4 #vera4e e9clusive locLin4 is no lon4er reuired /or material valua>on, =hich enables arallel material document e9clusive data is created or chan4ed b a 4oods m "aterial master data is created b a 4oods movement i/ slit valua>on is used and a ne= batch has eseci es eciall all  mate materia rials ls =ith =ith "ovi "ovin4 #ver vera4e a4e rice ri ce contr ntrol. Phen a 4ood 4ust oods s movem mo ent chan4es cha n4es the ra ra>o >o bre the then4mov m# ovin in4 4 ave avera ra4e 4eco r ric ice eol. m mus ust t be be ad adu sted ed accor accvement ordi din4 n4l l, , =hic =h ich h ul>m ul >mat atel el be The uan>tAvalue uan>tAvalue ra>o ra>o is mainl mainl chan4ed b 4oods movements movements =ith an e9ternal value value /or e9amle, /ro /ro diKerenc diK erences es onl onl, the movin movin4 4 avera4 avera4e e rice rice is not not adust adusted. ed. # #$ $ /or /or Bil S as currentl currentl does n not ot bene;t bene;t / addi>on, e9clusive locLin4 is s>ll reuired, 1(0'53' Deac>va>on o/ deliver costs /or " udate8

Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

The dr dra=bacL o/ tth he ne= o>on described above is is that temorar in in O&aluated stocL uan>t "8  0 and tocL O &aluated stocL uan>t "8 E 0 and tocL &alue #38 Z 0 O &aluated stocL uan>t "8 Z 0 and tocL &alue #38 E 0 +n addi addi>o >on, n, the the sam same e iinc ncon onsi sist sten enci cies es ca can n oc occu curr //or or va valu lue-o e-onl nl a inconsistencies inconsist encies are temor temorar ar because because the are are us usuall uall  correct correct #d #du usstme men nt o/ o/ ++n nven enttor &alue alue88 iiss a av va


C$ i

CP" CP " is is n not ot su suor orte ted d in in #$ #$ A'H# A'H#7# 7# even even thou thou4h 4h CP" ob obe ects cts ar are e tech techni nica call ll  4i 4ive ven n iin n 'CB 'CBl un>l #$ enhancemen enhancementt acLa acLa4e 4e 3 /or  The cate4or te   $arallel $arallel nit o/ "easure 9BU!$ is Valua*!n Unit !, $easure: %ES Phen the CP"-solu>on is made available in #$ A'H#7#, the old su su or ortted on on  #$ #$  A' A'H# H#7# 7# anm anmor ore. e. The The ne ne= =a arc rchi hite tect ctur ure e o o// + This ne= architecture is harmonied =ith the SAP ERP stan  standa darrd an BAC8INV: and L  L! !.is*"s Inen

N! ,urt#er su!rt !, C$ usiness ,un"*!n /C$/BF !n SAP S/4HANA

Pith #$ enhancement acLa4e 5 /or SAP ERP = SAP C$6 Dat  Data a "i4 "i4ra ra>on >on /ro /rom m Bld t $lease $leas e be a=are a=are that that this this mi4r mi4ra>on a>on is a roect roect that that reuir reuir o ollu>on "a "ana4ement be be/oreV C Ch hecL i/ tth he bu business ess //u unc>ons A FPIo c>on se set A move to #$ A'H#7# ou have to do a mi4ra>on to s=itch to the ACP"AC ACP "AC"I1 "I1 is is ac>ve ac>ve  ou ou ar are e usin4 usin4 the the ne +n :CC :CC 6 6.0 .0 ++-C -CP" P" su suort orted ed tt=o =o cate4o cate4orie riess o/ arall arallel el unit unit o/ mea mea addi>o add i>onal nal data data tab tab ni nitt o o// meas measure ure.. T A'H# 'H#7#. CP" does not suort the unit o/ m

 IGATE Sensitive


Cate.!r7 !, Parallel Unit !, $easure

For C$ it is unne unnecess cessar ar to stor store e uan uan>> >> B, =ithout an d +n SAP S/4HANA the cate4or B is reserved For :P" the cate4or B =il  =illl contro controll the u usa4 sa4 Qou can checL =hether ou use cate4or  =ith transac>on transac>on :16 selec>on selec> on screen. screen. +/ done select select entr  //or or this ;el ;eld d and e9ecute. e9ecute. + /urther ste


31313 $RP RUN

The "ons, or deliver schedule lines to cover the e9ected material shorta4es. #shorta4e e9ists /or a material i/ the material is subect to demand-driven lannin4 and i/ the total uan>t o/ material reuirements u to a certain oint in >me e9ceeds the total uan>t o/ material receits.inventor, receits.inventor, roduc>on orders, urchase orders, deliver schedule lines, ;rmed lanned orders, and ;rmed urchase reuisi>ons8.   ve a o= material mat erialss =ith all comon cres omonents ents, materia mat eria ons onsibl ible, e,, or one


+/ a ma mater eriial is ttrrans ans/er errred /r /rom om one one  la lan nt to to a ano noth ther er then then the stocL ocL mate teri rial al has has bee been n llann anned in th the rrec ecei eivi vin4 n4 lan lantt. " "level, el, maLe-tomaLe-to-orde orderr lan lannin4 nin4 tran transac>on sac>on "D508 is not o o>mi >mi +ndividual roect lannin4 transac>on "D518 is not o>mied /or H The crea>on indicator /or urchase urchase reuisi>ons is not available available in in "< rocured e9ternall. The crea>on crea>on indicato indicatorr /or deliv deliver er schedule schedule llines ines iiss not avail available able iin n" schedule e9ists.

$RP Lists "ll availa available ble in th the e #$ A'H#7 live rather than the classic "me. T start release3 Be,!re

Reon >on does does not not have have to be coied coied /r /rom om the mater mater e  ann ann n4 ru run n rea s e o= ev eve e


+n # #$ $ A' A'H# H#7# 7# the the  la lann nnin in4 4; ;le le =as =as o> o>mi mied /o /orr ssim im 


SAP S/4 HANA +n #$ A'H#7#, run reort PPH;SETUP;$RPRECOR%S

Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

ve industr solu>on /or the lon4 material number is obsolete and =ill not be suorted.


# conversion to #$ A'H#7# 1511 is not suortedY +n #$ A'H#7# 1511, the business /unc>on "&I#"# is set to M#l=as oKM.


$ater The automo>ve industr solu>on /or material versions in #$ :on /or the lon4 material number =hich is


The imlement imlementa>on a>on o/ the lon4 lon4 material material number number =ill =ill be /undamenta /undamentall value valu e o/ the solu>on solu>on /or /or material material versi versions ons and the the ver lo= lo= custom custom Th The e autom automo> o>ve ve ind indus ustr tr  so solu lu>o >on n /or /or m mat ate e

Business Pr!"ess relate+ in,!r(a*!n

"ate "a teri rial al ver versi sion onss as as ma materi terial al mas master ter rre/ e/er erri rin4 n4 to to a h be maintained. +nstead, material versions could be maintained as numb number er an

H!- t! %eter(ine Relean"7

The usiness Func>on $&V;LA$A  h  ha as been ac>vated checL =ith tra "aterial versions have been ac>vated checL T$CNV8$VAT Q ' =i  =it "aterial versions have been been maintained maintained checL //or or entries i

Reon "!nersi!n ,!r (at

3132D 3132D31

In+ Han+lin. Oil  &a

Pith Pith th the e iins nsta tall lla> a>on on o/ the the #$ #$ A'H# A'H#7# 7# on r remi emise se edi>o edi>on n1 161 610, 0, ce cert rtai ain n tra trans nsac ac>o >on n ccod odes es in the the a a available and ar>all relaced =ith ne=er +t is is reco recomme mmende nded d to to u use se the the ssucce uccesso ssorr T Tcod code e iins nstea tead d o/ o/ the the olde olderr T Tcod code. e. ve checL reort 2A2 on

 IGATE Sensitive



:9cise Dut &alua>on &alua>on record 2A3 :9cise Dut tocL values 2A3 :9cise Dut tocL values 3A3 :9cise Dut &alua>on &alua>on record 3A3 Create 7omina>on Disla 7omina>on Chan4e 7omina>on +-B+ TP Traders S chedulers P enerate tocL $roec>on enerate tocL $roec>on /or batch B+-TP Delete oca>on B+-TP :nter movement >cLet >c Let B+-TP Correct >cLet >c Let actualia>on B+-TP cLet actualia>on B+-TP Chan4e >cLet B+-TP Disla TicLet B+-TP Delete movement >cLet PorL list B+-TP Create oca>on B+-TP Chan4e oca>on B+-TP Disla oca>on on B+#0( le U!$s in columnar /ormat as U!$1  U!$  U!$=0 rovision is made to store u to 60 B"s8.

U!$ In+eK Tale +/ each o" is rovided =ith inde9 number and stored in resec>ve columns, a44re4a>on =ill be /aster in H#7# D. Thus "#TDBCB+I+7D:* "# TDBCB+I+7D:* table =ould be used to determine the osi>on o/ the o"s and their uan>>es durin4 the data insert to "#TDBCB+ table

$AT%OCOIL;IN%E' tale .et u+ate+ as ,!ll!-s

Ini* This This is base based d on on ": ":B B2 2 S "#er =0 U!$

#ccordin4 to #$ ' H#7# redesi4n in H$", the sstem sstem suorts u able to ost ost material material documents documents =ith ne= o". o". T To o overcome overcome th /rame=orL =hen the o" count reached to =arnin4 limit total o" u in " "+ +B B r roces ocesss st sta>n4 >n4 

%ata Ar"#iin. in S/4HANA ,!r HP$ 9$ Pith #$ A'H#7# A'H#7# the the database database desi4n desi4n /or /or material material documen documents ts =as ch chan4ed an4ed /r /rom om the old tables tables " " ": " :B2 B2 to "#TD "#TDBC BCB+ B+.. F For or the the ttab able less "$ "$F F, ": ":, , ": ":B1 B1 an and d ": ":B B2 2 an an a arc rchi hivi vin4 n4 / Phen Phe n mater material ial docume document ntss are are moved moved /rom /rom th the e D int into o archi archive ve ; ;les les it it must must be ensur ensuredt edtha hatt the ccalc alcul ul =orLin4 accuratel. +t mus mustt be ens ensur ured ed tha thatt the the a4in a4in4 4 an and d dele dele>o >on n o/ a arc rchi hive ved d mate materi rial al d docu ocumen ments ts doe doess not not ha haen en iin n 9$AN%T: as locL arameter is intro #n udate to $PF $SE& $SE&O1  $SE&O  ta  tab bles les iin n ccus usttom co corresondin4l. Custom aends in $PF  $SE& need to be created in $AT%OC ta  tab

   IGATE Sensitive


Ren nser>n4 4 summa summarr



1610 release does not have this restric>on and customer can add a ne= o" to e9is>n4 o" 4rou Chan4in4Adele>n4 o/ o"s in o" 4rou is not ossible. Phenever a ne= o" is added to o" 4rou, sstem sst em adusts stocL =ith resect to ne= o"s /or all the materials =hich =ere assi4ned to that o" 4rou. o 2. 7e4a>ve stocLs are also handled =ith RC+ conversion to ne= o" 3. +/ material in conte9t has /e= material os>n4s os>n4s < S +8 and neN stocL in base o" is 0, as the base '. tocL in ase o" is ne4li4ible uan>t :9 0,001 8 and ne=l =ill lead to 0 value, summar record =ith 0 uan>t =ill be added and stocL in " =ill be sho=n as 0 5. +/ there are ar moreo" than 1 B3D:F B3D:F# #T T maintain maintained ed /or same same materialA materialAlant lantAs Astor tora4e a4e loca>on, loca>on, mos mostt relev conversion toe ne= 6. There There are some cases =here material material documents documents are creat created ed =i =ith th a o" For :9   =hich is not not a  IGATE Sensitive



uan>t uan >t in ssummar ummar  record record is calculated calculated such th that at ne= uan uan>t >t o/ b base ase o" =hen co conv nverted erted tto o ne= 

Base U!$ #a+ net ll s>ll ava avail ilab able le and and can can be be us used ed.. +t iiss not not mand mand Bus Busin ines esss ali li""a*!ns t# t#a at #a #a e al alrrea+7 a+7 a+! a+!te+ t# t#e e ne- !ut ut ut (a customers can al=as revert bacL to the other suorted /rame=orL. also ossible to reenable the ne= outut mana4ement a4ain at a later coe9ists =ith other /rame=orLs. /rame=orLs. The outut mana4ement /or /or #$ A'H#7# comrises all /unc>onali>e /unc>onali>e incl includ udes es tthe he int inte4r e4ra> a>on on o/ o/ out outut ut m man ana4 a4em emen entt /u /unc nc>o >ons ns iint nto o th the e bu buss #$ 7etPeaver technolo4ies and the technical in/rastructur in/rastructure. e.

Cust!(ers Cust!( ers "an +e"i+e +e"i+e !n usiness ali"a*!n ali"a*!n leel leel -#i"# ,ra(e-!r ,ra(e-!r I+!" Furt#er(!re t#e ,!ll!-in. li(ita*!ns al76


Currentl,, +Docs are not /ull suorted b the Currentl business alica>ons Bnl outut outut tes tes =hich =hich can be maed maed 11 tto o the 7#T 7#T-CH -CH can u Bnl busines esss artner-based communica>on is suorted, but no com "anuall created created outut items cannot cannot be used /or +Doc, as the artne +n the the : :CC CC usi usine ness ss uit uite, e, diK diKer eren entt o out utu utt //rrame= ame=or orL Ls ar are use used d in in d PorLben orLbench, ch, Con "i4r a>on o/ data data can cannot not be  er/o er/orme rme There/ore, There/or e, the recommenda>on is not to carr out a con conversion version old and ne= outut mana4eme

F!r eKis*n. "ust!(ers

F!r ne- "ust!(ers

Data /rom the old B" is Let. Customiin4 /or the old B" is Let. Customers need to customie the ne= B". Documents that =ere rocessed in the old B" =ill s>ll be rocessed 7e 7e= = doc docum umen ents ts =ill =ill on onl l us use e the the ne ne= = B" B" i/ i/ the the corr corres eso ond ndin in4 4 a ali li Customers need to customie the ne= B". #ll docume documents nts =il =illl be usi usin4 n4 the the n ne= e= B B" " i/ i/ the the corres correson ondin din4 4 ali alica ca

313443= LS$ The "P "P /unc>on /unc>on is is s>l s>lll avail available able = =ithin ithin #$  A'H#7# A'H#7#,but ,but n mi4ra>on mi4r a>onint inter/a er/aces ces that canno

 IGATE Sensitive


The LS$ is an #$ 7etP 7etPeave eaverr tool //or or data data mi4ra>on mi4ra>on that that =as ; ;rr #$+s #$+s,, +Do +Docs, cs, Dir Direc ectt +n +nut and and  Due to this nature, the use o/ "P is


The e4 e4ac ac  st stem em "i4ra "i4ra>on >on PorLb PorLbenc ench h " "P8 P8 can onl onl be be ccons onsid id tes> tes>n4 n4 /or eac

T#e use !, LS$ ,!r +ata l!a+ t! SAP S/4HANA




%ata $i.ra*!n C!"@it9LT$C: $i.ra*!n Oe"t $!+eler9LT$O$:




7ot #vailable

Cat"# ei.#t $ana.e(ent

 IGATE Sensitive


 IGATE Sensitive



1=10 Release usiness $artner #roch Func>onalit is the sin4le oint o/ entr to create, edit, and disla master data /or business artners, customers, and vendors. usiness $artner Func>onalit is no= caable o/ centrall mana4in4 master data /or business artners, customers, and vendors

usiness $artner #roch Func mast ma ster er data data /or busi busine ness ss art artn n no= caable o/ cent

T-Codes are not available FD01, FD02, FD03, FD05, FD06, FD0 F01, F02, F03, F05, F06, F0! "#$1, "#$2, "#$3 "01, "02, "03, "05, T-Codes are not available FD01, "#$1, "#$2, "#$3 "#$3 "01 "06, "12, "1!, "1%, &-03, &-0', &-05, &-06, &-0(, &-0!, &-0%, &-11, F0! "#$1, &-05, -05, &-0 &-06, 6, & &-0 -0(, (, & &-0 -0!, !, & &-0 -0%, %, & &-&)21, &)22, &)23 &#$1, &#$2, &#$3 &D01, &D02, &D03, &D05, &D06 &D05 &D 05,, & &D0 D06 6* *D0 D01, 1, *D *D02 02,, * *D D *D01, *D02, *D03, *D05, *D06, *D0( *01, *02, *03, *05, *06, *0(

+n 'H#7# all the +-B+ seci;c ;elds includin4 customer Don note o 221'213 /or #$ A'H#7#, ono 23331'1 /or #$ A'H#7# 161  Collec>on o/ restric>on related o #: 4enera>on /or #$+s #$ o :9tended "aterial 7umber in o :9t :9ten end ded "ater eriial 7um umb ber Dis Dis o en4 en4th th o/ Custo Customer mer and u uli li o :9tended "aterial 7umber in o $roduct $roduct tructure tructure ro= ro=ser ser # o Char Charac acte teri ris> s>cc & &al alue uess iin n $" $" 

t#e ,!ll!-in. tas in transa"*!n transa"*!n $$01/0/023

ot ie data in "on


/unc>onalit is relaced e9is>n4 #$ The + corresondin4 transac>ons, Fiori alica>ons or mart=ith usiness =ithin #$ A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1511.

SAP S/4HANA Rela"e(ent #$ + reort $I:*Tcal C /unc>onali>es.


t to use ulier and Cate4or "ana4ement in #$ A'H#7# or =hether m to levera4e the /ull /unc>onal scoe o/ #$ C.


u*!n ia $%&8S , cus custom tomers ers = o ave ave een us n4 as a $ have to use "D- "aster Data overnance /or lier distribu>on. tribu>on. The "D- license is not art o/ the #$ # license. lement "D- /or sulier distribu>on.  IGATE Sensitive



  ter aces or oin oint-t t-to-oi o-oint nt su ier usin4 the C inte4ra inte4ra>on >on comonent in D- D- must must be enhance enhanced d accord accordin in l .



t ,!r Sulier In!i"e


item authoria>on obect /or all items. The sst sstem em checLed /or all items i/


he ne= concet, the behavior o/ the sstem sstem is more comrehensive. The nables the sstem sstem to er/orm the /ollo=in4 authoria>on checLs


. s /or the header coman


. the lant /or the resec>ve item. 4 =ith sulier invoices, addi>onall need the dard roles delivered =ith #$ A'H#7# contain this s are derived /rom these standard roles, ou must /ollo=in4 or the ne= authoria>on obect "Ion obect reliminar =orL once #$ A'H#7# is available.



P S/4HANA Pr!"ure(ent i"es ,!r interna*!nal tra+e transa"*!ns6 &l!al Tra+e Seri"es 9&TS:3 #$ T is an e9ternal service that can be installed on a searat searate e instance.


#$ lobal Trade ervices is the successor succ essor /or the business reuirement. For +ntrastat +ntrastat a customer can levera4e /unc>onalit =ithin #$ A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1511. #ddi>onal /unc>ons /or imort and e9ort mana4ement are available =ith #$ T.  

s are in use /or /orei4n trade rocesses. ecause o/ the relaced /orei4n i4n trade sstem =ill need adustments b the resec>ve 3rd art ted to A'H#7# to run the resec>ve /orei4n trade rocesses.


ales S Distribu>o Distribu>on n Forei4n Tr Trade ade a>on +tem.

.e(ent Pr!"ure(ent , on-rem se e on



rocess and Documents 4ement


;4urable $arameters $arameters S Formulas C$F8

 IGATE Sensitive




to "arLet8   he rocurement rocurement rocesses rocesses are not not et suorted b a4ement /unc>ons. usiness Func>ons. ChecL i/ the Commodit usiness Func>ons are ac>ve ith ac>ve Commodit "ana4ement


7# on-remise edi>on 1511 or #$ 0 is not ossible.


  ""BD+TQI03 +TQI05



u(ent A+ust(ent


rocess o/ automa>c document adustment al



characters. #s a conseuence, the ;eld len4th o/ data element &#:Q &#:Q is +7D and 111 have also been adusted.


tr is set no= automa>call durin4 the udate ons. This means that


a ne= condi>on - an entr iiss made in the =orLlist table P+7D8 //or or all h valid Customiin4 se?n4s.


ac>on ":+' can no lon4er be used !lu(e 9tales IN% an+ S111:


etel conversion conversi on conversion to #$ A'H#7#. +n this case, no ac>vi>es /or uiredbe/ore a@er the sstem rocess  



the #$ :on ":+58 ocu cum men ca e4 e4or or es  us n4


e ;lter selec>on /or rebuildin4   4ania 4ania>onal >onal criteria  >me, or4 #7#J  IGATE Sensitive


Re!rt ,!r reuil+in. S111 an+ IN% entries on item Dedicated #$ ulier i/eccle C8 business rocesses.


  ana4ement in #$ A'H#7# is currentl not iden>cal C /unc>onali>es.


e not available. #s a successor, successor, material 4rous urchasin4 cate4ories.


*!n ase+ !n LIS  

is s>ll available =ith #$ A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1511, but is not $ H#7# reor>n4 caabili>es /or vendor evalua>on based on CD C D vie=s 7BT: Func>onalit available available in #$ A'H#7# on511 deliver but not . Func>onal euivalent is available.



A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1511. 7o inUuence on cesses e9ected.


en+!r Reate Arran.e(ents      

"-$ons ":& A ":( A ":H

   IGATE Sensitive



$EB1G the business rocess /or subseuent seNlement, =ith the onl e9ce>on riod. +/ a recomila>on o/ the business volume data is reuired, the table ith the reort ll be inte4rated inte4ra ted =ith A'H#7#  catalo4 via BC+.

7eed to e9lore

d instead o/ the #$ onall there =ere a44re4ated actual stocL uan>t data stored stored in sseveral everal tables. tables. ome o/ these tables do do also store store  IGATE Sensitive



material master data aNributes liLe the tables "#>es =ill be named as hbrid tables there are also tables liLe "# containin4 onl a44re4ated actual stocL uan>>es /or sales order stocL.  

e level in an +7:on codes codes /rom the  that an error messa4e is raised.  

not be used in customer codin4.


se o/ /unc>on module



t!r7 ,!r $aterial Valua*!n


e "aterial ed4er "8 in all #$ A'H#7# sstems. sstems.   e "aterial ed4er needs to be mi4rated. mi4rated.


SAP ERP !r SAP Si(le Finan"e t! SAP S/4HANA 1=106 PATH6 SPRO 88 $i.ra*!n t! SAP S/4HANA Finan"e 88 Preara*!ns an+ $i.ra*!n !, Cust!(iin. 88 Preara*!ns an+ $i.ra*!n $i.ra*!n !, Cust!(iin. ,!r $aterial le+.er 88 $i.rate $aterialLe+.er Cust!(iin.

PATH6 SPRO 88 $i.ra*!n t! SAP S/4HANA Finan"e 88 %ata $i.ra*!n 88 Start an+ $!nit!r %ata $i.ra*!n     

usin. SAP Si(le Finan"e 9t#at is A Inent!r7 $ana.e(ent:3


NA 1511 t! S/4HANA 1=10 n! (anual I$& (i.ra*!n is ne"essar73 ated durin4 the conversion conversion rocess. +n ""02 and "on, the rice is disabled b de/ault. 1.10.5


rial %!"u(ent Pr!"essin. 8 l!"@ e#ai!ur  

ortuni>es =ill oKer ne= rocess modes =hereas the dra=bacLs reuire r.


r!te"t st!"@  

511 there are no $D#T: $D#T: rocesses on the actual stocL uan>t ;elds in ocL a44re4ate tables anmore.

   IGATE Sensitive




master data aNributes8. This can be ensured alread =ith a shared lo4ical an4e o/ material master is rotected.    

ments e.4. /or movin4 avera4e rice8. availabilit i/ ne4a>ve stocL is not allo=ed8.


redocument. the item rocessin4 e9cet /or secial stocLs8 and e9clusiv e9clusive e locLs are ial


h be/ore the item rocessin4 but no e9clusive locLs are set. #n e9clusiv e9clusive e 9clusive locL =ill be converted into a shared locL a@er checLs /or stocL more ;ner 4ranular locLin4 /or the late uan>t locL case star>n4 =ith he o>on to de;ne in the customiin4 that, /or the late locL strate4 strate4,, no ch reall enables arallel material document


ter. ter. +n A'H#7# B$1511 those locLs =ill be set =ithout an condi>ons, tch master data. tar>n4 =ith A'H#7# B$1610 and C:160!,


ata are not stored anmore as re a44re4ated data in the old hbrid Pith # B$1511 the material stocL   ata in the old hbrid tables.  

=er than in uite on H#7# =here the a44re4ated uan>t chan4es have uan>t data.


h at the be4innin4 o/ the rocessin4. # second access to the database to cL durin4 the item rocessin4.


ata =ill be read =hereas in the re/etch onl the master data is reuired ocL uan>t data is reuired.  


ata =ill be read in the account model /rom the data base, and this =ill be reasin4 rocesses =here ne4a>ve stocLs are rohibited  


the material master data =ill be read into internal buKers ial master data vie=s to retrieve the data /rom D

cL uan>t read and stocL underrun checL men>oned in the last bullet rocessin4.

B;CREATE;&OO%S;$OVE$ENT a@er the item rocessin4 therein has the be4innin4 o/ the rocessin4. The ne= #d+  %I;NS%$;REA%;STOC decision. 4. +t is eKec>ve inearl as =ell as late locL strate4.


ecu>on o/ material document rocesses =hereas the stocL uan>t read

 IGATE Sensitive



  ermiNed. #nd /or the material itsel/ a ne4a>ve stoc stocL L can be :nabled. #ll ermission on ne4a>ve stocL has been 4ranted then in A'H#7# B$1610

nderrun checL =ill bee9ecuted in both locL strate4ies8. , $aterial %!"u(ent Pr!"essin.


n4 rocesses =here ne4a>ve stocLs are rohibited. #nd this =ill be done, ne= account model.  


ables used and routed internall internall are al=as al=as ero and cannot be used /or ted in the material document rocessin4.  

in the internal tables *"abc tables anmoreV Thus, customer codin4 al tables must be adusted. tocL chan4e in/orma>on in/orma>on is available via LE4etIinstance LE4etIinst ance 8-E4etIstocLIchan4eI/orIbte 8-E4etIstocLIchan4eI/orIbte 8.


ctures and those data =ill be ;nall =riNen into so called + in/orma>o in/orma>on n


ssin4 the document rocessin4 >me 4ets enlar4ed, in4 inmeans case o/that &1 mode. Data in those +  in/orma>on + stru structures cturesincreases =ill be ers. te4 to enable arallel rocessin4 /or ""-+" does not maLe sense at all.


determined reliable in arallel rocesses. Hence, ac>ve + and late locL h A'H#7# B$1610 and C:160!V  

be used. +n this case the rocessin4 =ill be internall s=itched into the >mia>ons =ill be e9ecuted.


ta in the Le ;4ure model anmore and the data in those internal tables messa4e te.  

odel &D"8 vie=s as successor /or ill be /or stocL uan>t reor>n4.



"arLin4 the Ua4 M:9clusive blocLM means earl locL strate4 strate4 =hereas e se?n4 o/ Mno e9clusive locLM /or the late locL strate4 has to be done b is chan4e can not be undone.


- b business means - it is ensured issue or trans/er trans/er os>n4s are done.


4 transac>on B"B%.  

vated b se?n4 M7o uda>n4M /or all + in/o structures in transac>on 7o uda>n4MY do that /or each in/o structure8.To44lin4 onAoK o/ + is not nera>on o/ the content o/ the + +  in/o structures.


ent!r7 $ana.e(ent an+ P#7si"al Inent!r7 88 Plant Para(eters3 Here   IGATE Sensitive




4ement --E +nventor "ana4ement and $hsical +nventor +nventor --E oods +ssue e4a>ve stocLs /or stora4e loca>ons in a lant assi4ned to a valua>on area.


Ke"ute (aterial (aintenan"e 9e3.3 ar@ Ma. JNe.3 st!"@s in lantJ


n 4rou "P or the "+B main ro4ram #$""0(" and it includes


be re/actored. +mlemented #d+ methods are not aKected b this.

li)"a*!n in S/4HANA 1=10 an+ Hi.#er  

"aterial ed4er "8 /unc>onali>es =ill be chan4ed /or simli;ca>on. simli;ca>on.


    ribed in   llo llo=i =in n  d /rom the niversal Xournal :ntr a44re4a>on.



- are

ons there are Core Data ervice CD8 &ie=s assi4ned as ro9 obects to d tables s>ll returns the data as be/ore.


table and transac>onal data /rom niversal Xournal :ntr ine +tems table e because each read access acce ss to one o/ the tables =ill 4etredirected in the si4ned CD vie=. vie=.


aends on the men>oned tables. The 7etPeav 7etPeaver er redirect caabilit ct to the number o/ ;elds and their te. Thus, i/ there is an aend on  ro9 vie= must be made coma>ble. o/ database read oera>ons on the above men>oned tables.


a>ons and on-the-U a44re4a>on. Hence er/ormance-cri>cal customer er/ormance.



'ID:&IQT:"In4 9FIN8 !r7 $ana.e(ent En.ine 9LI$E:3

s reara>on. reara>on. #$ stron4l recommends to contact the CP" P"AF or ACP"AC"I1 are ac>ve in an client. se the transac>on P"AF. +/ the business /unc>on ACP"AF is ac>ve ac >ve and ou intend to ne= architecture\ o/ CP" on #$ :on architecture and no /urther ac>on is needed. ure $o"8. These are maintained in the material master, master, choosin4 the e cate4or  =ill not be suorted in #$ asure cate4or  because o/ the /ollo=in4 /ollo=in4 reasons

 IGATE Sensitive




s in a second unit o/ measure, such as cate4or endin4 /unc>onalit. /unc>on alit.


/or :9tended Parehaouse "ana4ement 9E$:3 o/ a PU!$ onl /or the E$ solu>on in S4CORE.


. :nter table "#ve "ve "call ver similar. #$ d redunda redundant nt /unc>onalit. /unc>o nalit. e lannin.3 Pr!"ee+ as ,!ll!-s6   uirements $+on 1511. Currentl there is no #$ A'H#7#, on-remise edi>on 1511.


u"!ntra"*n. nin. arts t! e r!i+e+ t! a su"!ntra"t!r6 maLe-to-stocL maLe-to-stocL lannin4 sec>on. 4  ann n4 sec ons one sec on er su contract cto or an  ann n4


bcontrac>n4 "on /or the lon4 material number did not e9tend the material number used as Le and re/erence ;eld in database tables. +nstead it rovided an addi>onal e9tended reresenta>on o/ the material number u to '0 characters c haracters and a conversion /rom the 1! characters internal reresenta>on reresenta>on to the e9ternal reresenta>on reresenta>on and vice versa.


The e9ternal reresenta>on has been entered and dislaed on user inter/aces and has been added to technical inter/aces liL liLe e #$+s and +DBCs. The solu>on is ac>vated =ith business /unc>on "&I#"#. +t had restric>ons and =ith its necessar nec essar conversions bet=een an internal and e9ternal reresenta>on, it is subo>mal /rom a er/ormance ersec>ve.

ial Versi!n  

iscrete +ndustries S "ill $roducts :CC-D+"$8 is based on the industr ac>vated usin4 the business /unc>on "&I#"#. l chan4ed in #$ A'H#7#, and considerin4 the limited /unc>onalit and er ado>on rate, that solu>on =ill be not availabl available e =ith #$ A'H#7#.


ial versions is not available =ith #$ A'H#7#.    

ader material =ith version +D and version te could not ther materials =ith a material number combinin4 the header material the version +D.


nsac>on SF8, and h transac>on SE1=8, n table $ATERIALI%, ;eld$ATNR;VERS =ith transac>on SE1=8


d b the standard conversion tools /or lon4 material


 comonent  =ith short te9t JS4HANA  IS8A8L$N rial ersi!ns reon

Su""ess!r T"!+e SE42 O2%EFAULTS O2%EFAULTS N! Rela"e(ent aailale

 IGATE Sensitive



N! Rela"e(ent aailale N! Rela"e(ent aailale N! Rela"e(ent aailale N! Rela"e(ent aailale O4NCN/O4N$ O4NSN/O4N$ O4N$ N! Rela"e(ent aailale O4TCN O4TCN O40N O4TE O4TENCORR O4TENREV O4TFN O4T&N O4THN O4TO;LIST O401 O40 O402 N! Rela"e(ent aailale N! Rela"e(ent aailale  

ule ,!r STO an+ sales !r+er -it# PO%  sstem =ould thro= an error sain4 there is no stocL in +ntransit stora4e ial.  

ance re-desi4n durin4 e9ecu>on o/ "+B. CLASSIC ERP in #$ A'H#7# re-desi4n data model, =e have searate stocL checLs /or 311 movement, 6'(S 101 resec>vel resec>vel,, resul>n4 in stocL de;cit as it is not considerin4 the /act that the same os>n4 is also brin4in4 in stocL.


This issue is handled b sli?n4 into t=o material documents one material document /or 311 movement stocL into in transit8 and another material document /or 6'1A6'( in case o/ TB8 /ollo=ed b 101movement /or the same outbound deliver at the >me o/ load con;rma>on

as Inent!r7 (ana.e(ent CLASSIC ERP

ent data model consists o/ the t=o document tables "$F /or document d ": /or document data. +n addi>on Bil S"aterial as has ":B1 /or arameters /or materialitem documents and ":B2 Document Ruan>>es in #ddi>onal nits o/ "easure.    IGATE Sensitive



l master data aNributes as =ell as actual stocL uan>>es =ill be named as llo=in4. There =ere also tables liLe "#onal uan>t ;elds.


$AT%OCOILE'TRACT at the same >me as records l document table $AT%OCOIL. CLASSIC ERP :arlier in $SE&O, o"s =ere stored in ro= /ormat. +n #$ A'H#7#, columnar stora4e is suorted due to er/ormance imrovements imrovements

al L!a+6 dated to the Bil inde9 table "#TDBCB+I+7D:* "#TDBCB+I+7D:* durin4 mi4ra>on. a L!a+6


$AT%OCOIL;IN%E' table. +/ not resent, then that o" is added b t inde9 number.




o 60 uniue o"s. Bnce the o" count e9ceeds 60, the user =ill not be is roblem a Ue9ible /rame=orL is rovided to customers. #s er the ;leds 5 o" ;elds i.e. 60-5  558, 5 58, an in/orma>on messa4e =ill be oed " count has reached ** number.

T%OCOIL: F and ": to the ne= table "#TDBC "#TDBC and in +-B+ /rom ":B1 and nc>on is in lace throu4h the archivin4 obect ""I"#T:.


>on o/ the current stocL level, as =ell as o/ historical stocL levels is s>ll rallel. For this urose a ne= locL obect E$AT%OC;A&IN& =ith client uced. e needs to be chan4ed /or "#TDBC "#TDBC S "#TDBCB+ "#TDBCB+ tables le and similarl $SE&O1  $SE&O aends in $AT%OCOIL table. IGATE Sensitive


 IGATE Sensitive


relaced =ith corresondin4 master data vie=s to imrove the

b runnin4 reort ROIBSCAN;$ISSIN&;O1O3  :9is>n4 inconsistenc stence bet=een $AT%OC  $AT%OCOIL and udate the same.  

ue least usa4e o/ ;eld. 7o more value available available in the ;eld.


an7 sales 8 Cr!ss !r+er eK"ise +ut7 ocL Tr Trans/ers ans/ers C set is not ac>vated in our sstem


note suorts inter-coman inter-coman sales- Cross order :9cise dut movement roduced to handle the ta9 determina>on.


d =01 /rom sulin4 lant, 501oods receit =ithout $B8 o>onal lant.


ilit checL =ill occur at ever line item and thro=s error de;cit o/ stocL8 ss as =ell as arra rocessin4 is ossible.Pith ossible.Pith the sin4le rocessin4 the tem S thro=s error de;cit o/ stocL8.  Ional lant in B+H(%  Ion to lo4ical sstems sstems no #: suort8. r role cannot be set /or such items.


iKerent alica>ons D Butut Control, F+ Corresondence, F+-C# $rint sion o/ an e9is>n4 sstem to #$ A'H#7#, it becomes evident that there B" /rame=orLs. ooLin4 /urther into the most rominent e9is>n4 B" tut control 7#T8.


arit is not a 4iven because even the 7#T is hi4hl 4eneric.



, but to establish a coe9istence o/  t.


sin4 the old B". a>on has alread adoted this /rame=orL8.


on has alread adoted this /rame=orL8.

Le.a"7 S7ste( $i.ra*!n !r@en"# 9LS$: Le.a"7 S7ste( $i.ra*!n !r@en"#  

t considered as the mi4ra>on tool. "P mi4ht roose incorrect be used in #$ A'H#7# anmore.

The use use o/ "P "P /or /or data data load load t

 IGATE Sensitive



t introduced =ith ons o>ons =hich can b 1. # #$ $ o a>o

is n!t re"!((en+e+ an+ at t#e "ust!(ers !-n ris@3

1=10 Release morre $r $red ede e;ned ;ned bus busines inesss ob ob 1. 33 $rede;ned business obects o/ Transac>onal data, "aster "aster data /or 1% mo mi4r mi4ra> a>on on to A' H#7# H#7# =ere =ere ad add d data mi4ra>on to A' H#7# available in the Data mi4ra>on cocLit. 2. on obect modelerT"B"8. modelerT"B"8. 2. Chan4es can be ossible at each obect level o/ the roect.

1=10 Release 7eed to :9lore in the 1(0% vers

7ot #vailable

 IGATE Sensitive


 IGATE Sensitive


1?0D Release  

onalit is the sin4le oint o/ entr to create, edit, and disla rs, customers, and vendors. usiness $artner Func>onalit is rall mana4in4 master data /or business artners, customers, and vendors


FD02, FD03, FD05, FD06, FD0 F01, F02, F03, F05, F06, , "02, "03, "05, "06, "12, "1!, "1%, &-03, &-0', &-0', 11, &)21, &)22, &)23 &#$1, &#$2, &#$2, &#$3 &D01, &D02, &D03, 3, *D05, *D06, *D0( *01, *02, *03, *05, *06, *0(


to on snchronia>on $ as described in this note, but b a seci;c mi4ra>on version. ee #$ 7ote 2310!!' 2310! !' /or more in/orma>on , s8. +n #$ usiness uite the deliver class o/ table T130F is  ble, rotected a4ainst #$ date, onl +7 all8.




rial number =ith '0 characters. The aroriat aroriate e related #$ ata elements, structures, table tes, and transarent tables, ser inter/aces, and so on8 have been adated accordin4l. accordin4l. is in lace and e9ecuted automa>call automa>call in case a customer uite sstem into #$ A'H#7#.

rnal Codin4 r on the Database ed :9ternal +nter/aces   n the :9t :9tended ended "aterial 7umber =itch   ces   :9tended "aterial 7umber Func>onalit   in the D+"$ #dd-Bn Discrete +ndustries S "ill $roducts8  


d to "aterial 7umber Field en4th :9tension "aterial 7umber Field en4th :9tension -

 IGATE Sensitive


 IGATE Sensitive



o 7e= "aterail "aterail te added in the 1(0%

 IGATE Sensitive


7eed to e9lore

7eed to e9lore

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7eed to e9lore

o #$ A'H#7# is not recommended and is at the customers o=n risL.

 IGATE Sensitive



used /or Data uloadin4 d Data "i4ra>on =ith #$ Data ervices


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1?0D Release ects 52 in total8 o/ Tr Transac> ansac>onal onal data, "aster data /or data ed in the Data mi4ra>on cocLit.

obect as er business reuirement is ossible. ural and ;eld rule chan4es can be ossible at roect level as

1?0D Release  


 IGATE Sensitive


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