S 1153824 CST G01 0008 MS For Maintenance Tool

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of M Maintenan aintenance ce

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Method statement for MAINTENANCE











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The document consists of this front sheet plus n pages.


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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of M Maintenan aintenance ce

Table of Contents 1   Preliminary.......................................................................................................................5 Work................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................................ ......................................5 5 2   Scope of Work..........

3   Reference..........................................................................................................................5 Equipment............................... ............................................ ............................................ ...................................5 .............5 4   Manpower Plan & Equipment......... 4.1 4.2

Manpower Plan....................................................................................................................5 Equipment & Tools..............................................................................................................5

5   Step of Works.... Works.......................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................. .......................6 6 6   House Keeping...... Keeping............................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................. ..........................................6 ...................6 7   Safety Precaution. Precaution....................... ............................................ ............................................ ................................................................6 ..........................................6 8   Environment.....................................................................................................................7


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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of M Maintenan aintenance ce

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Description of Content


Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement of Mainte nance




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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of Ma Maintenance intenance

1   Preliminary This document was made as to describe the general procedure of repair .This document is used as a guideline for welding equipment equipment work in Batching plant and other location Purpose

2   Scope of Work  This document should be used for repair equipment work in Tangguh Expansion Project. -. Prepar Preparation ation area,eq area,equipm uipment ent a and nd to tools ols

3   Reference 

Golden Rule of Safety.

Unggul sejati Indonesia Project HSE Plan.

Related SOP Equipments

Related CSTS Procedure

4   Manpower Plan & Equipment 4.1   Manpower Plan

Section Affected





HSE implementation and supervision for

HSE Officer  


Permit Holder (PH) / Supervisor

safety requirement. Supervisor the work.



Repair Officer  



 Assist implementation implementation of the work work or Manual Work.

4.2   Equipment & Tools Following tools items needed in this works : 

Work tools Barricade PPE (including additional PPE )  And other support support tools in needed needed but not yet listed listed as above.

Equipments and tools must be validated by HSE and have double-checked for readiness.


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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of Ma Maintenance intenance

5   Step of Works 

Held He ld tools tools box meetin meeting g will will all perso personne nnell invol involve. ve. Ensur Ensure e al alll person personne nell well well understand of their scope of work

Prepare the work area, all tool to be used and check the overall.

Ensure that the working tools and materials in decent condition and has approved from CSTS

Clean the tool to be fixed

remove the damaged or repaired equipment so that it is easy to work

replace the repaired tool or replace it with a new spare part

after finishing the repair, try the tool up to run normally

after all running normally and back like all, the machine can be re-operated. Oil Replacement and Precaution service

1. Parkin Parking g vehic vehicle le on on safe safe area area.. 2. Note the distanc distance e between between the one vehicle vehicle with with another another approxim approximatel ately y 2 meters. 3. Instal Installl chock chock wheel wheel on on the vehic vehicle. le. 4. Handbrak Handbrake e has has been been on on brakin braking g po positi sition. on. 5. Wait for a few minu minute te it the vehicle vehicle is is still still hot. hot.

6. Mech Mechan anic ic mus mustt wear wear P PPE PE.. 7. Open the cap and and makesu makesure re itit secure secure prope properly. rly. 8. Remove Remove the the battery battery cover cover and and in instal stalll LOTO. LOTO. 9. The igni ignitio tion n Key is is off off and hel held d by PH. PH. 10. Install the tarpaulin tarpaulin to avoid spills spills or leaks. 11. Install the warning warning tag in the vehicle. vehicle. 12. Prepare the necessary equipment equipment and place it in an easily accessible place. 13. Prepare the drip pan in accordance accordance with the capacity capacity of the oil to be removed. 14. Use hand gloves gloves when unlocking unlocking the oil. oil. 15. Open the oil cover slowly. 16. After oil is removed, removed, store oil in temporary temporary storage. storage. 17. Perform oil fill carefully carefully so there is no spillage. spillage. 18. Close it again and make sure sure it has been locked properly. properly. 19. Use the mask when opening opening and cleaning cleaning the air filter. 20. Make sure the wind direction direction does not lead to mechan mechanic ic and other mechanic mechanic.. 21. At the time of opening of oil filters and solar solar filters do slowly so that there is no spi spillll on body mechine or other components. 22. Use gloves gloves on battery water water check. 23. Use clear clear glasses. glasses.


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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of Ma Maintenance intenance

24. Check the oil level level again. again. 25. Make sure the components components that are opened are rein reinstalled stalled correctly. 26. After completion the maintenance maintenance make su sure re to go back or do the second check check to make sure all component has been installed properly and correctly. 27. Take off the LOTO and the warning sign. sign. 28. Turn on the vehiclr and make sure there is is no leak or seepage before the vehic vehicle le is removed from the treatment area. Repair Sprocket Jet Flow 

Held He ld tools tools box meetin meeting g will will all perso personne nnell invol involve. ve. Ensur Ensure e al alll person personne nell well well understand of their scope of work, explain

Ensure that the working tools and materials in decent condition and has approved from CSTS.

Install Chain block or Lever block to hold the sprocket floveyor connect using web sling to protect the surface of sprocket floveyor.

Release the sprocket floveyor

Loose the nuts to take out the sprocket floveyor 

Lowering down the sprocket floveyor slowly

 After level with with the ground start to do do maintenance. maintenance.

 After complete, pull pull back the sprocket sprocket floveyor back to his position. position.

Ensure the sprocket floveyor f loveyor bracing tighten.

Ensure to put all the sprocket floveyor cover and make sure the nuts tighten firmly Electrical Work

1. Do the the tool tool box box before before starti starting ng work work.. 2. Make Make sure sure the the work work area area is sa safe. fe. 3. Prepa Prepare re equip equipmen mentt and work work materia materials. ls. 4. Make sure the LOTO LOTO syste system m ha has s been been done. done. 5. Make sure sure the technici technician an has partici participate pated d in electrical electrical safety safety trainin training. g. 6. Do work / repairs repairs in accordan accordance ce with SOP. 7. Make Make sure sure to commu communi nicat cate e with with the superv supervis isor or for recheck recheckin ing g before before the LOTO system is opened. 8. After all is is safe, safe, make sure LOTO is releas released. ed. 9. Equipm Equipment ent is rea ready dy to to opera operate. te. Work using meanlift 1.

Do the the tool tool box box before before star startin ting g work. work.

2. Make Make sure sure the the work work area area is sa safe. fe. 3. Prepa Prepare re equip equipmen mentt and work work materia materials. ls. 4. Make sure sure the the mechani mechanic c / technicia technician n has WAH WAH trainin training. g. 870310-S-1153824-CST-G01-0008

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of Ma Maintenance intenance

5. Do work / repairs repairs in accordan accordance ce with SOP. 6. Always Always communi communicate cate with with the the team team and supervis supervisor. or. 7. Work Work is done done and and do do housek housekeep eeping ing..

6   House Keeping Cleanliness in the workplace strongly supports the work activities, in this case we will do below steps : 

Provide bins in the work area its proper.

Disposing of garbage accordance with the type of waste.

Clean up work before and after completed works

7   Safety Precaution 

Before starting, insure the permit has been approved by Area Authority / Area Leader 

Workers have to understand the duties and responsibilities that have been socialized by supervisor before starting the works.

Implements tool box meeting before starting, for completed hazard assessment that have been approved by supervisor 

Workers should be equipped by PPE

Barricade tape and laying sign boards around the work area

Fulfill drinking water needed


 Activated emergency emergency system by con contacting tacting : CSTS HSE RADIO COMMUNICATION AT CHANNEL 1 Furthe Fur thermo rmore, re, all all activi activitie ties s will will be organ organize ized d and should should follow follow the level level 2 risk risk assessments (L2RA) has been agreed and approved

Stop work if there is something that can result in hazard to coworkers, working equipmen equi pmentt and material material around around us work works. s. Furthermo Furthermore, re, all work activitie activities s will will be regulated and must follow L2RA agreed and approved.

Get the training to become a first aider because his role is very important in the early days of an emergency / emergency on a victim who has suffered a heart attack and stroke

Not allowed to directly lift / move the victim in a way that t hat is not appropriate because it could deteriorate victims

Not allowed to drink the victim in the condition unconscious.

In this work for f or identification hazard are as follows: - Fall Potential 870310-S-1153824-CST-G01-0008

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC   Method Statement Statement of Ma Maintenance intenance

- Mechanical Equipmen Hazard

- Skin Iritants - Pinch / crush / Striking - Slipping - Electrical hazard - Falling from height.

8   Environment Cleanliness Cleanlin ess and protection of the environment / ecosystem to be part of our work activities, in this case must be follow below things: 

Provide bins in the work area according the purpose Disposing of waste according to the type of rubbish

Cleanup work before and after the work is completed

Concern for vegetation and ecosystems is emphasized by workers to avoid damage or vegetation in the work area area to relocating vines that that block access or work area.

If there are harmful insects and wild animals such as snakes, then the first action is to get away to the place of safe / isolate (if entry into an enclosed space) and report to

the safety / security will continue to proceed to the enviro division from Contractor to get more action more. 

For plants affected by impact due to the expansion of the lay down area will be recorded and submitted to the enviro team of Contractor for approval.

Equipment operating in this work are confirmed to have carried out daily inspections to ensure no spillage of oil /fuel can pollute the environment environment

Do not feed / hunt / disturbing the animals that pass or be around the current location of the work process


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