December 30, 2017 | Author: Rainbow Idiomas | Category: Grammatical Gender, Syntax, Morphology, Philology, Semantics
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Some useful hints on Russian phonetics The Russian alphabet consists of 33 Russian Cyrillic letters: 10 vowels (marked in blue) and 23 consonants. 0.1. Russian letter Pronunciation





март, дать, час, парк

/as in: car, after, father/




банк, бар, бла нк

/as in: back, bed, bat/




вино , ве чер, вода

/as in: vine, very, voice/




год, гид, гость

/as in: golf, goal, go/




да та, дверь, день

/as in: desk, door, drop/




éсли, éхать, éвро

/as in: yellow, yes, yen, yet /




ёлка, даём, ещё

/as in: Yorkshire, yoga, your /




мо жно, ва жно, жена

/as in: pleasure, measure, usual/




зал, зае зд, зака з

/as in: zone, zero, zebra/




июнь, три, имя

/as in: beet, mirror, sheep/




йо гурт, сейф, мой

/as in: yogurt, boy, toy /




ко мната, ключ, люкс

/as in: cash, key, character /




ла мпа, ви лка, туале т

/as in: lamp, long, lock/




март, но мер, вам

/as in: March, number, mate/




нет, нож, ночь

/as in: no, son, night/




но#мер, бронь, сок

/as in: not, offer,fog/




пи во, пе рец, суп

/as in: pen, pepper, soup/




рад, вопро с, рис

/as in: rock, rent, proud/




сало н, са уна, сейча с

/as in: salon, soft, sauna/




телефо н, за втра, нет

/as in: ten, time, met/




стул, душ, у#жин

/as in: look,book, put /




телефо н, фен, фа нта

/as in: phone, fact, soft/



[h] [кh] хлеб, холл, вы ход




цена , цель, пи цца

/as in: pets, tsunami, tsar/




чай, часы , ча шка

/as in: chair, child, much/

/as in: help, hotel, somehow /

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein




душ, шеф, шум

/as in: wish, shower, shoes/


Щщ [shsh]

щи, щука, щит

/as: fish+ship [shsh] /



[' ]

день, июль, соль

/the letter ь does not indicate any sound/




сыр, мы#ло, вы

/as in: letter 'e' = [əi]; away, ago/




подъём, съел

/the letter ъ does not indicate any sound/




эта ж, э#тот, сэр

/as in: bear, pear, pair/




мю#сли, утюг, люкс

/as in: you, new, euro, document /




мясо, пять, пляж

/as in: yard, yarn/

Vowels The Russian phonetic system includes 6 basic vocal sounds: [а], [и], [э], [o], [у], [ы], which are indicated by the following letters: а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, ю, я. The letters а, е, и, о, у correspond to the five most common vowels a, e, i, o, u in most Indo-European languages. The vowels [э], [o], [у], [а], [ы], [и] ([e, o, u, a, у, i]) under stress are pronounced with more force: for example: 0.2. сэр [ser], суп [sup], бланк [blank], мы [my], холл [khol], стул [stul], гид [git]. Ээ The sound [э] in Russian is represented by two letters – Э э and E e. The letter Э э is pronounced as an open vowel. This letter is used at the beginning of words and after hard vowels: 0.3. этот [état], этаж [etázh], эклер [eklér], экран [ekrán], мэр [mer], сер [ser], аэропо рт [aerapórt] The letter E е, at the beginning of a word, in particular, contains the sound [je]: 0.4. еда [jеdа ], есть [jе st'], Еле на[jеl'е nа], Ева [jеvа], Евро па [jеvrо pa] This letter is used after soft consonants: 0.5. петь [p'еt'], сеть [s'еt'], ве чер [v'е ch'ir], ле то [l'е tа], деньги [d'е n'gi] When it is not stressed, it sounds like [и] not [e]: 0.6. теа тр [t'iatr], дела [d'ila], четве рг [ch'itvjerg], среда [sr'ida], рестора н [r'istaran], вчера [fch'ira], звени т [zv'init], зерно [z'irno], весна [v'isna], перча тки [p'irchatki], апельси н [ap'il'sin],телегра ф [t'il'igraf], телеви зор [t'il'ivizar], ве чер [v'jechjer], ска терть [skat'irt'], осень [os'in'].

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Оо In a stressed position the vowel о is pronounced as the sound [о]: 0.7.

сорт[sort], порт [port], стол [stol], но мер [nómer], число [chisló], о фис [ófis]

In an unstressed position the vowel о is pronounced as a short sound, similar to[а]: 0.8.

она вода пото м когда па спорт

обе д [abe t], оди н [adín], оте ль [atél'], окно [aknó], опла та [apláta], хорошо [kharashó], пого да [pagóda], вода [vadá], да ма [dáma]

[аná] [vаdá] [pаtо#m] [kаkdá] [páspаrt]

о [а] а

Уу The letter у is pronounced as the Russian sound [y] and never changes. In English, it is similar to the sound [u] as in put, book, look: 0.9.

тут [tut], стул [stul], у жин [úzhin], зову т [zavút], ждут [zhdut], бу ду [búdu], стук [stuk], услу га [uslúga].

Ии In Russian the letter и is pronounced as the sound [и] (e.g. [e] in ‘sheep’) and it is always used after a soft consonant or at the beginning of a word: 0.10. три [tr'i], лифт [l'ift], рис [r'is], игра [igrá], внизу [vn'izú], фи рма [f'írma] Аа In Russian the letter а is pronounced as the sound [а] regardless of whether it is under stress or not (similar in English to the sound in a stressed position e.g. car, bar, after): 0.11. дам [dám], там [tám], нам [nám], са ми [sám'i], март [mаrt], банк [bаnk], фами лия [fаmílijа], караме ль [kаrаmjél'] However, the pronunciation of a vowel changes in quality and is pronounced as a sound similar to [и] in some words such as: часы> [ch’isý], к пяти> [k p’it’i] ([и] = [i] in English). ы The Russian letter ы has no equivalent in other languages. It is pronounced as the sound[ы], similar in English to the pronunciation of a in away, ago.The letter ы is used after hard consonants, in the middle or at the end of a word: был, сын, ты, кассы. For example: 0.12.

For example: сыр [syr], ты [ty], вы [vy], ры ба [rýba], был [byl], мы ло [mýla], вы ход [výhat].

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Listen and repeat. 0.13. [о] дом [dom] – том [tom] тот [tot] – ром [rom] зонт [zont] – код [kod] фото [fóta] – тост [tost] порт [port] – торт [tort]

[а] дам [dam] – там [tam] зал [zal] – рад [rad] бар [bar] – сад [sad] дата [data] – парк [park] банк [bank] – март [mart]

[ы] вы [vy] – мы [my] сыр [syr] – мыл [myl]

[у] стул [stul] – клуб [klub] душ [dush] – труд [trud]

быт [byt] – ты [ty] сын [syn] – был [byl] дым [dym] – ры ба [rýba]

куда [kudá] – туда [tudá] суп [sup] – друг [drug] зуб [zub] – фут [fut]

Listen and repeat. 0.14. [э] это [eta] – этаж [etazh] сэр [ser] – этот [etat] эти [et'i] – мэр [mer] эта [eta] – этот [etat] эклéр [ekl'er] – сэр [ser]

[и] тир [t'ir] – тип [t'ip] вид [v'id] – пил [p'il] приз [pr'iz] – бит [b'it] пиво –[p'iva] виза [v'iza] пи цца [p'itsa] – фи рма [f'irma]

Listen and repeat. 0.15. тут [tut] – там [tam] суп [sup] – сам [sam] стул [stul]– стол [stol] су мма [suma] – зову т [zavut] у жин[uzhin] – ну жен [nuzhjen]

ми ло [m'ila] – мы ло [myla] бил [b'il] – был [byl] мил [m'il] – мыл [myl] пи ли [p'il'i] – бы ли [byl'i] тир [t’ir] – сыр [syr]

Listen and repeat. 0.16. In unstressed position оis read as [а] фо то э тот Ви ктор отве т обе д вопрóс


Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Listen and repeat: 0.17. мэр экспе рт эско рт мэтр этаж этот алоэ

мер Екатери на есть метр ле то ме тод пое хать

There are some letters in the Russian alphabet that have two corresponding sounds. These are the letters я, ё, е, ю. There are no corresponding letters in English except for the letter e, but it is pronounced differently. At the beginning of a word or after another vowel, they represent a combination of two sounds: я [j+а], ё [j+о], е [j+е], ю [j+у]. If a word begins with one of these letters е, ё, ю, я, you have to pronounce [j] in front of the vowel (similar to the sounds [ja, je, jo, ju] in the English words yard, yes, yoga, document): 0.18.

я блоко [jáblaka], есть [jést'], ёлка [jólka], юг [juk].

The letter ё is always stressed (similar to [jo] in the English word yoga): 0.19.

всё [fsjo], полёт [paljót], даём [dajóm], печём [p’ichjóm], узнаём [uznajóm]

In a combination of two vowels when the second one is е, ё, ю, я, they are pronounced with [j] for English speakers. For example: встаю [fstajú), продаю (pradajú), моя (majá). In the other possible positions, the letters е, ё, ю, я also influence the pronunciation of the preceding consonant. They require that the preceding letter is pronounced as a soft consonant: 0.20.

мя со [m'jása], сесть [s'jést'], люблю [l'jubl'jú], тётя [t'jót'ja], нёс [n'jos].

When the letter е [е] is in an unstressed position after a soft consonant, it is pronounced as [i] for English speakers: 0.21. дела [d'ilá], неде ля [n'idjél'ja], места [m'istá], февра ль [f' ivrál'], тебя [t' ib'já], весна [v' isná], семья [s'im’já], меня [m' injá], стена [st'iná].

Listen and repeat. 0.22. она [aná] пото м [pаtóm] э то [etа] омле т [аmlét] вода [vаdá]

среда [sr'idá] пое хать [pajéhat'] цена [tsyná] тебя [t'ib'já] весна [v'isná] Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

окно [аknó] чемода н [chimadán] молоко [malakó] отве т [аtv'ét] магази н [magazi'n] такси [taks'í]

семья [s'im'já] сего дня [s'ivódn'jа]

за втра [zaftrá] - нельзя [n'il'zjá] су мка [sumka] – сюда [sjudá] сту л [stul] – костюм [kast’jum] зал [zal] – взял [vz’jal] гид [git] вход [vhot] гара ж [garázh] эта ж [etázh] зака з [zakás] го род [górat] краб [krap]

стоя т [stoját] – сто ять [stójat'] отве т [atv'jét] – отве ть[atv'et'] быт [byt] – быть [byt’] вес [v'es] – весь [v'es' ] во дка [votka] ло дка [lotka] про бка [própka] за втрак [záftrak]

ве щи [v'eshsh'i] о вощи [ováshsh'i] пло щадь [plóshshat'] плащ [plashsh] щётка [shshjótka] ещё [jeshshjó] же нщина [zhénshshina] мужчи на [mushshína]

Listen and repeat. 0.23. 1. Скажи те, где бар? Бар внизу .

[Skazhíte, gde bar] [Bar vnizú]

2. Где бассе йн? Бассе йн здесь.

[Gde bas'ein] [Basein zd'es']

3. Где лифт? Лифт ря дом.

[Gde lift] [Lift rjádam]

4. Э то ваш па спорт? Да. Э то мой па спорт.

[Eta vash páspart] [Da.Eta moj paśpart]

5. Что э то? Э то сейф.

[Shto eta] [Eta sejf]

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Consonants The letters ь, ъ do not represent any sounds at all. The letter ь is written to show that the preceding consonant is soft (marked here with the sign ['] after it). For example: 0.24.

гость [gost'], спа льня [spál'nja], дверь [dv'er'], соль [sol'], июнь [ijun'], дека брь [d'ikábr'], пять [pjat'], крова ть [kravát'], то лько [tól'ka], есть[jest'].

The letter ъ shows that the preceding consonant is hard and that the vocal after it should be pronounced with j. For example: 0.25.

подъе зд [pad''jést], съе л [s''jél], объявле ние [ab''javl'énije].

There are 23 consonants in the Russian language. 12 of these consonants differ in hardness – softness. The soft consonants are marked with the sign ['] here: 0.26. б ― б' в ― в' д ― д' hard consonants: был [byl] вы ход [výkhat] дом [dom] зуб [zup] ма сло [másla] на до [náda] парк [park] ры ба [rýba] сок [sok] гроза [grazá] ты [ty] нос [nos]

з ― з' л ― л' м ― м'

н ― н' п ― п' р ― р'

с ― с' т ― т' ф― ф'

soft consonants: бил [b'il] Ви ктор [V'íktar де ло [d'éla] зе бра [z'ébra] мини-ба р [minibár] ня ня [njánja] пять [p'jat'] рис [r'is] сёмга [s'jomga] грозя [graz'ja] ти хо [t'ikha] нёс [n'jos]

The pronunciation of 3 consonants requires special attention: г ― г'; к ― к'; х ― х' (i.e. [g], [k], [kh]). In front of the vowels и, е they are always pronounced softly (softness is marked here by the sign [']): 0.27. г' к' х'

и, е

гид ру ки за втраки хек

[g'it] [ruk'i] [záftrak'i] [kh'ek]

г, к, х are pronounced as hard consonants when they precede the vowels а, о, у. Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

0.28. г к х

го род ка тер ку шать хала т

а, о, у

[górat] [kát'ir] [kúshat'] [khalát]

The consonants ж, ш, ц are always pronounced as hard consonants. For example: 0.29.

жил [zhyl]; цирк [tsirk]; шифр [shyfr]; маши на [mashýna]; реши л [reshýl].

The consonants ч, щ [ч'; ш':] are always soft. For example: 0.30.

чай [chay]; щи [shsh'i], борщ [borshsh'], счёт [shsh'ot].

The Russian consonant й [j] appears in the middle and at the end of words after vowels: 0.31. музе й [muz'éj], мой [moj], дава й [davaj]; сейф [s'ejf], пойду [pajdú], райо н [rajón] or at the beginning of words: 0.32.

йод [jot], йо гурт [jógurt], йога [jóga].

There are voiced consonants in Russian phonetics (б, в, г, д, з, ж), which at the end of the words are unvoiced i.e. are pronounced as voiceless consonants as in b – p, v – f, g – k, d – t, z – s, zh – sh: 0.33. б – п → клуб [klup]; гриб [grip]; обе д [ab'et]; в – ф → прав [praf]; гото в [gatóf]; г – к → друг [druk]; утю г [ut'júk] д – т → гид [g'it]; го род [górat]; прое зд [prajést]; вход [vkhot] з – с → зака з [zakás]; газ [gas]; ж – ш → гара ж [garásh]; нож [nosh] бага ж [bagásh].

Stress in Russian The stress in Russian words is: 1) Free/ not fixed, i.e. it can fall on any syllable (1st, 2nd, 3rd): гó-род, ба-гáж, мо-ло-кó; 2) Flexible, i.e. it can change its position in the same word depending on its grammatical form (infinitive or past tense, singular or plural etc.): по-ня ть – пó-нял – по-ня-ла ; ок-нó – óк-на; гó-род – го-ро-да ; 3) Semantic, i.e. it can determine the meaning of a word: за мок (castle) and замо к (lock), уже (already) and у же (narrower). Always try to memorise the correct pronunciation and stress of the words you use regularly. Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Intonation 0.34. A complete declarative sentence has a falling intonation with the tone of the last stressed syllable falling sharply.

Complete sentence. Statement.

Incomplete sentence /part of a sentence.

Questions with interrogative words

Questions without interrogative words

– Это – Он

\ Ивано в. – ⁄ наш гость.

– –⁄ – \ An incomplete declarative sentence has a falling В нашей гостинице комфортно. intonation with a gradually rising tone before the pause.

The emphasis is on the interrogative word followed by a gradually falling tone.

A rising tone on the semantic centre of the question and a sharp falling tone on the unstressed syllables.

⁄⁄ \ Кто это? ⁄⁄ \ Где рестора н? – – ⁄\ Это господин Иванов? – ⁄\ \ Он наш гость?

How to pronounce combinations of several letters In Russian there are combinations of letters the pronunciation of which do not conform to the rules described previously:


0.35. сч, жч [shsh]: зж [zhzh:]: вств [stv]: стн [sn]: здн [zn]: здк [sk]: стл [sl]: вст [st]: стн [sn]: чт [sht]: тс [ts]: чн [shn]:

счёт [shchot], сча стье [shchást'e], мужчи на [mushchína] е зжу [jézhzhu], по зже [pózhzhe] здра вствуйте [zdrástvujte] изве стный [izvésnyj], уча стник [uchásnik] по здно [pózna], пра здник [práznik] пое здка [pajéska] сча стлив [schásliv] здра вствуй [zdrástvuj] ле стница [léstnitsa] что [shto], что бы [shtóby] де тский [détskij] in the word: коне чно [konéshno] Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

 In Russian the word сегодня and in the endings -ого and -его of pronouns and adjectives, the letter г is pronounced as [v]: сегодня (today) [sevódnja], о коло э того [étovo] до ма (near this house)  In words borrowed from other languages, consonants may remain hard before letter е: те ннис [ténnis], компьютер [komp'júter]

Gender of Russian nouns Russian nouns belong to one of three genders: Masculine (мужской род), Feminine (женский род) and Neuter (средний род). Unlike Еnglish, some of the Romance languages and Bulgarian, the gender of a noun in Russian can be easily recognised, simply by looking at its ending in the nominative case (basic form) in the singular. A Masculine noun ends in a consonant: hard: сок, телефо н, но мер, рестора н, сейф, туале т, интерне т, холл, лифт, хлеб, сыр, тури ст  soft: день1, июнь, отель, гость -й (-ий): чай, музе й, трамва й, Алексе й, Ю рий, Анато лий 


A Feminine noun ends in a vowel: -а: страна , гости ница, ко мната, каби на -я (-ия): спа льня, ку хня, фами лия, экску рсия, по рция soft consonant: крова ть, бронь

There are a number of nouns, which end in -ь and can be either masculine or feminine. There are generally few ways to predict this. Often, if a noun ends in -сть, -ость such as часть (part), сто имость (value, price) or it ends in a -шь, -щь, -жь, -чь it is feminine. These are often abstract nouns. A Neuter noun ends in a vowel:  -е: мо ре, по ле, кафе (cafe), пюре , биде , полоте нце  -о: число , окно , о тчество, е вро, одея ло, табло , пи во, вино , ма сло  -ие: брони рование, обслу живание, жела ние, реше ние  -мя: имя, вре мя он (Masculine) сок сыр холл сейф лифт хлеб день 1

она# (Feminine) страна гости ница ко мната каби на спа льня ку хня фами лия

оно# (Neuter) мо ре по ле кафе (cafe) пюре число окно пи во

Letter Ь („soft sign“) is not pronounced, it indicates that the consonant preceding it is pronounced softly. Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

июнь оте ль но мер тури ст рестора н интерне т телефо н чай музе й трамва й Ю рий ко фе

экску рсия по рция крова ть бронь

вино о зеро жела ние реше ние и мя вре мя

There are a few exceptions to this rule, but they are easy to spot: -


There are a few masculine nouns that end in -a, -я; these are usually associated exclusively with males, such as мужчи#на (man), колле га, дя#дя (uncle) де#душка (grandfather), ко#фе and the like, or diminutive forms of masculine names, like Серëжа, Ва#ня, Пе#тя and so on. These nouns have one attribute that is easy to remember: they decline/inflect like feminine nouns, but any demonstratives, adjectives and the like decline like masculine nouns. Neuter nouns ending in -о, -е, -и, -ю that are direct imports from foreign languages such as кафе , биде , пюре , е вро, кино , ризо тто, такси , фоайе , меню do not decline at all, regardless of what case they ought to be in, however any adjectives or demonstratives tied to them do: диети ческое меню

Number 1. Мasculine nouns ending in a hard consonant add ы in the plural Feminine nouns ending in -a change to ы in the plural

-ы зал – за лы, лифт – ли фты, тури ст – тури сты -ы ко мната – ко мнаты, страна – стра ны ви за – ви зы

2. Any nouns ending in -ь, -й, -я change to -и in the plural

день – дни, гость – го сти музе й – музе и, трамва й – трамва и ку хня – ку хни, по рция – по рции

3. Neuter nouns ending in –o change to –a in the plural

-a окно – о кнa, о зеро – озëра

4. Neuter nouns ending in -e change to –я in the plural

-я мо ре – моря , по ле – поля

5. Masculine and feminine nouns with their

-и парк – па рки, бланк – бла нки,

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

флаг – фла ги, нож – ножи , ночь – но чи, пла щ – плащи ночь – но чи, пла щ – плащи каранда ш – карандаши

stem ending in -к, -г, -х, -ж, -ч, -ш, -щ, change to –и in the plural

6. NB the following exceptions: дом – дома , го род – города , но мер – но мера , а дрес – адреса , па спорт – паспорта , по вар – повара 7.

The following nouns are used only in the plural. They have no singular: часы , очки , брю ки, шо рты, джи нсы, де ньги


NB: the following words do not change in case and have no plural forms: такси , меню , кафе , е вро, ра дио, ко фе, казино

Write the plural forms of the words. рестора н тури ст лифт гид телефо н маши на ви за фен авто бус ка мера магази н сейф

рестора ны

гость сок банк оте ль врач апте ка пляж су мка дверь музе й ключ эта ж

го сти

но мер го род па спорт а дрес дом окно


мо ре по ле зда ние


Cases In the Russian language a noun (as well as an adjective, a numeral and a pronoun) has several forms. For example: гид, у ги#да, ги#ду, ги#да, с ги#дом, о ги#де. Each form has its own meaning, answers a question and performs a role in the sentence. These forms are called cases. There are six cases in the Russian language: Nominative (Nom.) Genitive (Gen.) Dative (Dat.) Accusative (Acc.) Instrumental (Instr.) Prepositional (Prep.)

- Кто? Что? - Кого#? Чего#? - Кому#? Чему#? - Кого#? Что? - Кем? Чем? - О ком? О чëм? Где?

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Each case has several meanings. The Nominative case indicates a person or a thing and is used as the subject. The Genitive case indicates possession, object of negation, location. The Dative case indicates the indirect object of an action. The Accusative case indicates the direct object of an action. The Instrumental case indicates the instrument or means by or with which the subject achieves or accomplishes an action. The Prepositional case indicates the place of action.

The Nominative case is never used with prepositions, whereas the Prepositional case is always used with prepositions. The rest of the cases may be used either with prepositions or without them. The meaning of each case as a grammatical category, the declension (the formation of the case inflections) of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numbers will be discussed in detail in the teaching materials.

Project RETOUR, 543384-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP Agreement number 2013 – 3841/001-001 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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