Running Hyperion Planning on a Laptop

March 25, 2017 | Author: jturrell17 | Category: N/A
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This white paper walks users through the process of creating a personal "sandbox" environment for Hyperion Pla...


Running Hyperion Planning on a Laptop Creating a Personal Hyperion Planning "Sandbox" Environment Author:

Jake Turrell

Last Updated:

6/23/2012 1:33 AM



TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................................................................6 RANDOM TIPS FOR SUCCESS ............................................................................................................................................6 WHERE TO GET ADDITIONAL HELP ...................................................................................................................................6

THE SHOPPING LIST ............................................................................................................... 7 INGREDIENTS ................................................................................................................................................................7 COSTS .........................................................................................................................................................................7 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................................................8

PREPARING THE KITCHEN ...................................................................................................... 9 DOWNLOADING ORACLE EPMS SOFTWARE .........................................................................................................9 ORGANIZING THE ORACLE SOFTWARE .............................................................................................................................12 INSTALLING VMWARE WORKSTATION .............................................................................................................................13

THE GUEST LIST ................................................................................................................... 17 CREATING THE VIRTUAL MACHINE ..................................................................................................................................17 CONFIGURING THE GUEST OPERATING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................22 Initial Configuration.......................................................................................................................................22 Disabling UAC ................................................................................................................................................24 Mapping a Drive from Guest to Host.............................................................................................................25 Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter ...................................................................................................26 Taking a Snapshot .........................................................................................................................................27 INSTALLING SQL SERVER ..............................................................................................................................................28

GET COOKING! .................................................................................................................... 35 CREATE APP REPOSITORIES ...........................................................................................................................................35 Creating a SQL Server User ............................................................................................................................36 Creating the Repositories ..............................................................................................................................37 Preparing the Repositories ............................................................................................................................38 INSTALLING PLANNING .................................................................................................................................................40 CONFIGURING PLANNING..............................................................................................................................................44 Configuring Foundation Services ...................................................................................................................44 Configuring Essbase and EAS .........................................................................................................................49 Configuring EPMA .........................................................................................................................................51 Configuring Planning .....................................................................................................................................53 Configuring Calc Manager .............................................................................................................................55 Configuring Financial Reports .......................................................................................................................57 Deploying the App Server ..............................................................................................................................59 Configuring the Web Server ..........................................................................................................................62

LA PIÈCE DE RÉSISTANCE! .................................................................................................... 64 CONFIGURING THE SERVICES..........................................................................................................................................64 LOGGING INTO WORKSPACE..........................................................................................................................................65 CREATING A TEST PLANNING APP ...................................................................................................................................68 SUGGESTED NEXT STEPS ...............................................................................................................................................75

Introduction If you work with Hyperion Planning long enough, you will eventually come to the conclusion that you need your own personal "sandbox" where you can play around with the software, install the latest versions, apply the latest patches, and generally do things you wouldn't want to do in a "real" environment. There are several approaches to creating your own personal Hyperion Planning "sandbox": 1. Setup a cloud environment. 2. Install a server operating system on your PC/laptop. 3. Install virtualization software on your PC/laptop.

Option #1 - Planning Environments in the Cloud The Cloud option is very compelling. Users generally "rent" time in an environment by the hour, and fully configured Hyperion environments are available. Users who want to explore this option should check out the following links: 

John Booth's Amazon Web Services AMI

Cameron Lackpour's Blog Post on John's AMI

Full 360

Amazon Web Services

So why not just go with a cloud option and be done with it? It's the fastest, least painful, and probably the cheapest way to get up and running with Hyperion Planning. Read on, as this option is not for everyone.

Option #2 - Install a Server O/S on Your Laptop I've seen this option used by Oracle pre-sales consultants. With a server operating system installed on a laptop, users can install the entire EPM stack directly. While this can be a viable option, server operating systems aren't generally made to run on laptops. There can be issues with driver support. Some anti-virus vendors require more expensive licenses for server operating systems. In addition, this option fails to provide a key feature that we will discuss later called "snapshots".

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Option #3 - Go Virtual When developers install virtualization software on their laptops, they open a world of options for experimenting and learning with the Oracle EPM stack. Here are the top reasons why developers should consider skipping the cloud and install Hyperion Planning right on their laptops: Good Excuse for a New Laptop Running virtual machines on your laptop does take a bit of memory, and a CPU that supports virtualization is required. If your laptop is a dinosaur, this could be the perfect excuse to upgrade. Remember, you are investing in your career and future earning potential. Snapshots While this feature is also available in the cloud, it deserves specific mention. At any point during the installation on a virtual machine, developers can take a "snapshot" (and should do so frequently). This feature allows the developer to have a free "do-over" should something go wrong. Restoring back to a previous snapshot is quick and easy. It's so easy, that I find myself trying things that might potentially blow up my entire environment, because restoring is a piece of cake. Snapshots allow developers to experiment free from worries. Demos . . . No Internet Required So you're at a conference or a user group meeting, and you're getting ready to give your presentation. Like all good presenters, you have a live demo. Unfortunately, every member of the audience has a smart phone, tablet or laptop and they're all using the same wireless internet connection you are using. If you're using a cloud-based service, you're at the mercy of your internet connection. No matter how good it is . . . all internet connections eventually go down, and Murphy's Law clearly states that it will go down during your demo. If you have Planning installed on your laptop, you avoid this risk. No Pain . . . No Gain Installing Hyperion Planning from scratch will give you a much greater understanding of the overall toolset. Yes, it's mildly difficult. And it isn't the cheapest option. But in the end, you'll have your own test environment on your own laptop that you installed yourself. Who knows what that sense of accomplishment might lead to?

Jake Turrell

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Disclaimer 

This document is intended to guide users through the process of setting up a personal Hyperion Planning sandbox environment.

This document is not suitable for Production, Test or Development environments. For these types of environments, please retain the services of an experienced EPM infrastructure consultant.

This White Paper is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided "as is" with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.

Random Tips for Success 

This document describes the step-by-step process for building a personal Hyperion Planning sandbox environment. This environment should not require heavy-handed security measures. Keep passwords simple. Store all relevant passwords in a text file on the guest operating system desktop. If the environment is used infrequently, this will come in very handy.

Make use of Task Manager on the guest operating system. This will give the developer a good idea of when individual services have completed their startup, as CPU utilization will drop to zero.

Do not attempt to follow this guide using unsupported software. While success might be possible, every little issue will leave the developer wondering if version incompatibility might be the cause. Using unsupported software is generally a big waste of time.

Don't skimp on laptop memory. 8 GB is recommended.

Where to Get Additional Help 

OTN Discussion Forum: Planning and Budgeting

Network54 Essbase User Forum

John Goodwin's Blog

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The Shopping List As with all recipes, some users may choose to substitute certain ingredients for others. There are a lot of ways to bake a cake. So if you don't like my particular choice for virtualization software, by all means try your own. Maybe you prefer Linux over Windows? There is no "right" answer. With that said, the ingredients below generally offer the "path of least resistance". All examples in this document will reference the following products:

Ingredients 

Laptop running Windows. Preferably Windows 7, 64-bit. Preferably 8 GB RAM or more.

VMware Workstation 8

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Oracle EPMS for Windows x64

Costs The cost of the ingredients above isn't necessarily straight forward. This is because there are multiple ways to license each. 

As of April 17, 2012, the cost of VMware Workstation 8 was $169.17.

Microsoft Windows Server R2 is expensive if purchased individually. There are inexpensive options for SQL Server Developer.

Microsoft offers subscription services for developers. These licenses typically offer usage for testing scenarios only: o

MSDN (More Expensive – Approx. $1200 per year. Different packages available.)


Technet (Less Expensive – Approx. $200 per year. Different packages available.)


Note that Microsoft has a specific definition of the testing scenarios allowed under these subscriptions, so make sure these will meet your needs.

Another option is to join the Microsoft Partner Network and purchase an "Action Pack" subscription. These are less expensive than MSDN, but generally more expensive than Technet. The primary benefit is that in addition to licenses that cover testing scenarios, there are some licenses for production use as well. This can be a good option for independent consultants as you must have a “company”.

Total cost of VMware 8 and the least expensive Technet subscription is going to be less than $400. Keep in mind that subscription services need to be renewed each year.

Your mileage may vary. Prices change. Make sure you get the licenses that are appropriate for your usage scenarios.

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Other Considerations 

Not all laptop CPU's support virtualization, although most modern ones do.

Check the processor compatibility list on Intel’s website to see if your CPU supports Intel VT-x.

Changes to BIOS settings may be required to enable virtualization. If this is the case, VMware will provide a warning and a simple setting change will enable the feature.

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Preparing the Kitchen Downloading Oracle EPMS Software The required Oracle software can be downloaded from the eDelivery site. Creating an account is easy.

Sign in using your Oracle web account.

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Accept the Trial License and Export Terms.

Choose the correct Product Pack and Platform.

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Start downloading the individual software packages.

The files below represent the requirements for a typical "Planning Plus" environment. File



EPM System Release Installation Documents and Readmes


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 1


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 2


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 3


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 4


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 5


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 6


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Part 7


EPM System Release Client Installers for Microsoft Windows


EPM System Release for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) Oracle HTTP Server

V29762-01 Part 1 of 2

Oracle Data Integrator 11g ( for Generic (Part 1 of 2)

V29672-01 Part 1 of 2

Oracle Data Integrator 11g ( for Generic (Part 2 of 2)


Oracle Identity Management 11g Patch Set 5 ( for Microsoft Windows x86 (64-bit)

** The files above should be downloaded directly to the host operating system (on the laptop). When the virtual machine is created in VMware, a drive will be mapped to this location.

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Organizing the Oracle Software On the host PC/laptop, create a directory for the extracted Oracle EPM software. Extract the zipped files listed above into this directory using file compression software (WinZip, 7-Zip, etc). Although these files will exist on the host, the virtual machine will have a drive mapped to this location. Many of the zipped files contain duplicate files, so ignore any warnings related to overwriting files.

The resulting file structures should resemble the following image:

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Installing VMware Workstation VMware Workstation 8 is one of many virtualization packages suitable for creating virtual clients and servers (and even networks) on a PC/laptop. It was selected for this demo based upon its popularity, ease of use and support. Mac users should consider VMware Fusion 4. Double-click the VMware Workstation executable.

Perform a "typical" installation.

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Determine whether the software should check for updates.

Check or uncheck the option to participate in VMware's User Experience Improvement program.

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Check or uncheck options to install shortcuts.

Click Continue to install.

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When prompted, enter the license key.

Look for setup completion confirmation.

Select Finish.

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The Guest List Creating the Virtual Machine Start VMware Workstation. If prompted, accept the license terms. Click Create a New Virtual Machine.

Create a Typical virtual machine.

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At this point, the developer can decide to: 

Install the guest operating system now using VMware's "Easy Install" option.

Create the VM with a blank disk and install the guest operating system later.

Of these two options, the first is the easiest, however it assumes that the developer has an ISO file. An ISO file for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 can be downloaded from Microsoft's Technet library. Alternatively, the developer can create an ISO file from the operating system installation media using image creation software.

If using the Easy Install feature, enter the Windows Server license key. Next, select the version of Windows Server to install. Standard is recommended. Enter a user ID and password. Keep these simple. We aren't securing Fort Knox.

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Provide the virtual machine with a name and a location. Be aware that the selected disk will need approximately 100 GB of free space. Create a directory specifically for this VM.

Start with 40 GB allocated to the VM. This will grow after the operating system has been installed. Ensure that the option to Split virtual disk into multiple files is selected.

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Review the settings, but before clicking Finish, select the Customize Hardware button. (Don't worry if you clicked Finish, hardware settings can be modified later.)

Give the VM at least 4 GB of memory and two processor cores. Use a bridged or host-only network adapter. A bridged adapter shares the host Ethernet adapter, so make sure the host is actually connected to a network, otherwise the host may not be able to access Workspace, etc. A host-only adapter allows the guest to communicate only with the host.

Select Close. Select Finish. VMware will begin the Easy Install process. Once the main installation routine is complete, the guest VM will reboot and install VMware Tools. VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhance guest operating system performance and management.

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Login to the virtual machine with the user ID and password created above. To login, the developer must click on the VM window and press CNTL-ALT-INS. Note - this is control, alt, insert (not delete).

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Configuring the Guest Operating System Initial Configuration After logging into Windows Server 2008, the Initial Configuration Tasks window will be displayed.

To stop this utility from running automatically, check the Do not show this window at login check box at the bottom of the screen. If after checking this box the utility is again required, it can be displayed by running OOBE.exe. Ensure that the time and time zone are correct. Leave the network configuration set to assign an IPv4 address by DHCP. Give the guest server a meaningful name. Do not simply change the description.

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Select the button circled below in red and change the name.

Restart the virtual machine and log back in. Ensure that the Initial Configuration Tasks utility is again displayed. Review the following optional configuration steps: Optional: Add the Telnet Client using Add Features. This will allow a developer to "ping" specific ports, which can help with infrastructure related trouble shooting. Optional: Turn off Windows Firewall. Opening and closing specific ports for the EPM stack can be a nightmare for resources without strong infrastructure skills. Turning Windows Firewall off will prevent a lot of headaches. This is of course only appropriate in a demo/sandbox environment where regular backups and snapshots are taken. Close the Initial Configuration Tasks utility.

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Disabling UAC User Account Control (UAC) is a feature in Windows that limits software to running under standard user privileges unless an administrator explicitly grants access to run as an administrator via a prompt. UAC should be disabled when installing Planning. The following steps should be completed on the guest operating system: 

Select Start, Control Panel.

Select User Accounts.

Select Change User Account Control settings.

Move the slider bar on the left side of the window all the way down to Never notify.

Select OK.

Restart the virtual machine and log back in.

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Mapping a Drive from Guest to Host Per the instructions, the Oracle EPM software was previously downloaded and extracted to a directory on the host PC/laptop. To reference this software from the guest virtual machine, map a drive from the guest to the host OS following the steps below: 

From VMware Workstation, select the menu items VM, Settings . . .

Select the Options tab.

Select Shared Folders.

Select the Always Enabled radio button.

Select the Map as a network drive in Windows guests check box.

Select the Add button.

Select Next.

Browse the Host Path. Select the desired directory and give it a name. Ensure that there are no spaces in this name.

Select Next.

Select the Enable this share check box.

Do not select the Read-only check box. This will enable writing to the host from the guest.

Select Finish.

Select OK. Test the shared drive by opening a file on the host from the guest VM.

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Installing the Microsoft Loopback Adapter An important prerequisite when installing the EPM stack is that the installer should resolve a host name, and not an IP address. The easiest way to tackle this prerequisite (given the server configuration in this example) is to install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter. The Loopback Adapter is essentially a virtual network card. (Many thanks to John Goodwin for illustrating this technique on the OTN Planning and Budgeting forum.) The following steps should be completed on the guest operating system: 

Select Start, Control Panel.

Select Hardware.

Select Device Manager.

Right-click the Server Name (top-most parent in the hierarchy). Select Add Legacy Hardware.

Select Next.

Select the radio button Install the hardware that I manually select from a list.

Select Next.

Select Network adapters, then Next.

Select Microsoft, then Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

Select Next.

Select Next, then Finish.

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Taking a Snapshot After a significant amount of time has been spent configuring the guest operating system, it is recommended that the developer take a snapshot of the virtual machine. Should something go wrong with subsequent steps, the snapshot will establish a recovery point for the developer. From within VMware Workstation, select the menu items VM, Snapshot, Take Snapshot.

Give the snapshot a useful name and a full description.

Select Take Snapshot.

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Installing SQL Server When installing SQL Server on a virtual machine, the developer can either tell VMware to use the physical CD/DVD on the host, or to simply point to an ISO file. In this example, we will point the virtual CD/DVD drive to an ISO file. Edit the Virtual Machine Settings by right-clicking on the server name and selecting Settings. This can be done while the VM is running.

Select the CD/DVD (IDE) setting. Under Connection, select the Use ISO image file radio button. Browse to the SQL Server ISO file. Ensure that the Connected and Connect at power on check boxes are selected.

Select OK.

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Run SQL Server's setup executable. (SETUP.EXE) A warning message may be displayed regarding the .NET framework. If prompted, select OK to enable the .NET framework core role.

The SQL Server Installation Center should then be displayed.

Select the Installation link in the left pane. Then select New installation or add features to an existing installation. Setup Support Rules will then be displayed. Ensure that there are no errors. Select OK. Enter a product key and select Next. Accept the license terms and select Next. Select Install to begin the installation.

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Ensure that there are no failures or warnings.

Select Next. On the Setup Role screen, select SQL Server Feature Installation.

Select Next.

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Select the desired features. Note that Integration Services is not required, but may be handy in the event that ETL work is required.

Select Next. Ensure that there are no errors on the Installation Rules screen. Select Next. Provide the instance with a name. Ensure that the instance is set as the default.

Select Next.

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Confirm disk space requirements and select Next. Select the Use the same account for all SQL Server services button. Note this user ID and password.

Select Next. Specify Mixed Mode authentication and provide a password for the sa account. Add the current user as a SQL Server admin.

Select Next.

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Opt in or out of Error Reporting. Select Next. Ensure that there are no errors. Select Next. Confirm features to be installed.

Select Install. Look for a successful completion notice.

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At this point, it may be a good idea to take another snapshot. This snapshot in particular is important as the next step (although optional) is to apply Windows Updates. Select the Start menu, then All Programs, then Windows Update. Next select Check for Updates. Install the desired updates and restart the virtual machine. This will likely take multiple update/restart cycles.

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Get Cooking! Create App Repositories Before starting the Oracle EPM application installation and configuration, the relational repositories required by the apps must be created. These are essentially new, empty databases. Developers have the option of creating one big database for all of the apps to share. A better approach (even in a sandbox environment) is to create individual databases/schemas for each app. It is much easier to explore the underlying tables for each app when they are broken out. The additional work involved in setting up discrete databases is minimal. The following databases are recommended: Database Name


Initial Size



Shared Services

500 MB




500 MB



Performance Management Architect

500 MB



Essbase Administration Services

500 MB



Planning System Repository

500 MB



Planning App Repository

500 MB



Calculation Manager

500 MB



Financial Reporting and Web Analysis

500 MB


** Note - If ODI is being installed, additional repositories will be required.

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Creating a SQL Server User Before creating the databases in SQL Server, a "native" SQL Server user ID is required. To create this user ID, open SQL Server Management Studio within the virtual machine. 

Login using the sa account created during the installation.

Expand Security.

Right-click on Logins.

Select New Login.

Create the new user ID using SQL Server authentication. Do not enforce password policies. Keep the password simple, as this is a sandbox environment.

Select OK.

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Creating the Repositories Create the Shared Services repository first. 

Right-click on Databases.

Select New Database.

Enter the database name.

Assign the owner to the "native" SQL Server account created in the previous step.

Allocate 500 MB to the database.

Select OK. Repeat this process for each database in the previous table.

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Preparing the Repositories Each of the SQL Server application repositories requires a series of settings. Execute the following SQL on each of the repositories. 

Within SQL Server Management Studio, select the New Query button.

Update the SQL below to include the database name.

Paste the SQL into the query window.

Select the Execute button.


** Note - The SNAPSHOT settings above can only be executed with a single active database connection - the one executing the ALTER DATABASE command. The SINGLE_USER SQL statement essentially kills all other database connections. Without this command, the query above may not complete and will appear to run forever.

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For additional information on these commands, please refer to the Installation Start Here document. See the section titled Microsoft SQL Server Database Creation Requirements. Execute these commands on each application repository.

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Installing Planning Within the VM, navigate to the installTool.cmd file. Use the mapped drive created earlier to access the host file system. This file will exist in the folder where the Oracle EPM software was extracted. Rightclick the installTool.cmd file and select Run as Administrator.

Select OK. Verify that all prerequisites are met.

Ensure that each prerequisite has a green check mark. Select Next.

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Select a File Destination.

Select Next. Select New Installation.

Select Next.

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Select the Middleware Location.

Select Next. Ensure that the following applications are selected.

** Note - If additional applications are selected, additional relational repositories may be required. Select Next. Confirm the products to be installed and select Next.

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After the installation complete, verify the success of each component.

Select Finish. Taking a snapshot in VMware is recommended before beginning any product configuration.

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Configuring Planning Within the VM, create a shortcut to the config tool. This tool will be used often. The config tool is located in: C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\config\ In this example, products will be configured independently instead of configuring everything at once. This will allow developers to give each application its own relational repository. This is a best practice (even in a sandbox environment) because it makes the relevant tables much easier to browse. While each application will have its own relational repository, the web apps will be deployed to a single managed server (aka "compact deployment"). This will dramatically reduce memory requirements.

Configuring Foundation Services ** Note - Before moving forward, make sure a snapshot has been taken. Launch the config tool using the new desktop icon. The following screen will be displayed:

Confirm the home directory and EPM instance name. Select Next.

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Select Perform first time configuration. Select the SQL Server driver. Enter the database name, user ID and password.

Select Next. Uncheck all options in the config tool. This will leave several default boxes checked under Hyperion Foundation.

Select Next.

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Accept the defaults in Configure Common Settings.

Select Next. Configure the security notification settings.

Select Next. Ignore any warnings regarding security notification.

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Set the Shared Services admin user ID and password. Make a special note of this ID and password.

Select Next. Confirm selections.

Select Next.

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Confirm success.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process. This would be a good time to take a snapshot.

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Configuring Essbase and EAS Within the configTool, select the following options:

Select Next. Select Perform first time configuration. Change the database name to EAS.

Select Next. Accept the defaults.

Select Next.

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Review the selections.

Select Next and look for green check marks.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process.

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Configuring EPMA Within the configTool, select the following options:

Select Next. Confirm IIS feature installation.

Select Yes. Select Perform first time configuration. Change the database name to EPMA.

Select Next.

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Confirm selections.

Select Next and look for green check marks.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process.

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Configuring Planning Within the configTool, select the following options:

Select Next. Select Perform first time configuration. Change the database name to PLANSYS.

Select Next. Confirm selections.

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Select Next and look for green check marks.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process.

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Configuring Calc Manager Within the configTool, select the following options:

Select Next. Select Perform first-time configuration. Change the database name to CALC.

Select Next.

Confirm configuration tasks.

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Select Next and look for green check marks.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process.

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Configuring Financial Reports Within the configTool, select the following options:

Select Next. Select Perform first-time configuration. Change database name to BIPLUS.

Select Next.

Confirm repository directory and ports. Select Next. Confirm RMI ports.

Select Next.

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Confirm configuration tasks.

Select Next and look for green check marks.

Select Finish. Take a snapshot.

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Deploying the App Server After starting the Config Tool, accept the defaults for home directory and instance name. Select Next. Select only the following options:

Select Next. Deploy the web application to a new domain. The Administrator Password must be complex.

Select Next.

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Confirm deployment settings. Make sure to select the option to Deploy the web application to a single managed server. This setting enables a compact deployment, and dramatically reduces memory requirements and startup time.

Select Next. Confirm the apps to be deployed.

Select Next. This step may take several minutes.

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Look for green check marks.

Select Task Panel to continue the configuration process, or Finish. If Finish is selected, simply restart the config tool to continue the configuration process.

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Configuring the Web Server After starting the Config Tool, accept the defaults for home directory and instance name. Select Next. Select only the following option:

Select Next.

Accept the defaults. Select Next.

Select Next. A script will run.

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Look for green check marks.

Restart the virtual machine.

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La Pièce de Résistance! Configuring the Services Many of the services created by the Config Tool will be set to start automatically. I prefer setting these to start manually. They can then be started by running the pre-built startup and shutdown scripts in the Start menu.

** Note - Most infrastructure consultants will create custom start/stop scripts for the EPM apps. To edit the startup type of the services, navigate to Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Services within the virtual machine. Set the following services to startup manually by right-clicking the service and selecting Manual in the Startup Type list box. 

Hyperion EPM Server - Web Application

Hyperion EPMA Server

Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework

Hyperion RMI Registry

Oracle Process Manager (EPM_epmsystem1)

Oracle Process Manager (ohsInstance . . . . )

Oraclec_oracle_middle~1 . . . . (very long service name)

After making the above changes, reboot the virtual machine. Give the VM a minute to startup itself, then launch the Start EPM System script from the VM's Start menu.

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Logging Into Workspace After starting the EPM services, navigate to the following URL: http://:19000/workspace/index.jsp Make sure to update the server name in the above URL. Update the URL with the full physical computer name (within the virtual machine) and not the virtual machine name. To find the full physical computer name, within the VM, select the Start menu. Right-click on Computer. Select Properties.

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After navigating to the URL above, Workspace should be displayed.

Bookmark the above site. Login with the Shared Services administrative ID. The Workspace HomePage will be displayed.

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At this point, developers may notice that menus in Hyperion Planning are not functioning as expected. To rectify this issue, navigate to Tools, Internet Options within Internet Explorer. Select the Security tab. Select the Trusted Sites check box. Select the Sites button. An Add button will be available that lists the URL to the physical computer name on the virtual machine. Select this button. Select Close then OK. Close the browser and re-login to Workspace. Menus should now function as expected.

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Creating a Test Planning App Before a test Planning application can be created there are two prerequisites that must be met. 

Planning Application Relational Repository Created

Planning Application Creator User Provisioned

If the developer has been following this tutorial from the beginning, both prerequisites will already have been met. This is because the relational app schema (PLANDEMOAPP) was created when the application schemas were created. The Shared Services administrator (created during the Shared Services configuration) will have the Planning Application Creator role assigned by default. Planning applications can be created as "EPMA" apps, or as "Classic" apps. For the purposes of this tutorial, EPMA will be used. Should a "Classic" application be required, Oracle Data Integrator should be installed for loading metadata. Sign into Workspace as the Shared Services administrator. Select the menu items Navigate, Administer, Application Library. An information message will be displayed stating that no applications were found. Select OK. Select the menu items Tools, Manage Planning Data Source. Select the menu items File, New, DataSource. The following screen will be displayed.

Provide a data source name and description. Select Next.

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Enter the relevant SQL Server connection information and select the Test Connection button.

Ensure that the Connection successful message is displayed. Select Next. Enter the relevant Essbase connection information and select the Test Connection button. The Shared Services admin ID may be used, or a separate user ID may be provisioned.

Ensure that the Connection successful message is displayed. Select Next.

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Look for a success confirmation message.

Select Finish. Return to the Application Library tab. Select the menu items File, New, Application. Enter the relevant application information. Pay special attention to this screen, as there are several options which cannot be changed later without having to recreate the application.

Select Next.

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Add any required custom dimensions, attribute dimensions, UDA's, etc.

Select Next. Select the Validate button.

Ensure that there are no errors. Select Finish. The dimension library will be displayed.

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Select the Application Library tab. Right-click the application and select the menu items Deploy, Application.

Verify the Shared Services Project and Data Source. Select the option to Create Outline.

** Note - Do not select Create Outline on an ongoing basis. This will drop and recreate the Essbase application and may result in data loss. This option is typically only selected during the first deploy. Select Deploy.

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A confirmation message will be displayed.

Select the link to the Job Console.

Look for a Completed status of 100%. Select the menu items Navigate, Applications, Refresh. Select the menu items Navigate, Applications, Planning, Application Name.

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The new Planning application will be displayed.

Congratulations!!!!! You have created the first application in your new personal Hyperion Planning sandbox environment.

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Suggested Next Steps          

Install client software for EAS, Financial Reports, Smart View, etc. Build out your dimensions in the Dimension Library. Create some input forms. Provision some users and groups. Load some Actuals data into Essbase. Build some business rules in Calc Manager. Create some task lists. Test out the new Approvals process. Test different Java Heap settings for improved web app performance. Install Oracle Data Integrator and create a "Classic" Planning application.

URL’s Reference


John Booth’s Amazon Web Services AMI 54:epm-test-drive-redux&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=50

Cameron Lackpour’s Blog Post on John’s AMI

Full 360

Amazon Web Services

OTN Discussion Forum: Planning and Budgeting

Network54 Essbase User Forum

John Goodwin’s Blog

Intel CPU Virtualization Support

Oracle E-Delivery

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