Running A Royal Harem PDF

February 27, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 This eBook is opinion; intended entertainment purposes only.





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Published By: Halfbreed  




 The majority of game advice is geared towards teaching men to approach women. That’s as it should be. Approach and seduction are critical. If you can’t seduce new women,  you won’t get laid. Your style is irrelevant. Day game, online dating, night club game, game, or social circle game. All can be used to pull attractive females. But, let’s let’s sa say y you you’re ’re no lon longer ger a nov novice ice.. You can succ success essful fully ly get new girls, when you want to. And like most men on this planet, you like variety. But maybe, you don’t enjoy constantly gaming new women. And  you definitely don’t want to share current partners with other dudes! What should you do? Learn modern harem management. Specifically,  you should learn royal harem management.* Any man with game can pull it off. I’ve been running soft harems for years. But they always left me feeling slightly unsatisfied. At first, I didn’t know why. Then, it hit me. It’s because I’m greedy and hate sharing. Having multiple women just isn’t enough for me. Oh, no. I crave complete and absolute loyalty from my  girls. While I openly have sex with multiple women, of course. So, I learned to get what I wanted. Now I specialize, and cultivate a semi-permanent royal harem. I’ll show you how to do the same. After read re adin ing g gu guid ide, e, you you sh shou ould ld un unde ders rstan tand d how how to co cove vert rt a ro rota tati ting ng so soft ft harem into the more stable royal harem.

*[Definitions on final page]  



Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................................................3 Chapter 1 – Royal Harem Benefits............................................................................5 Chapter 2 - Harem Girls...........................................................................................8 Chapter 3 Cultivating A Royal Harem...................................................................11 Chapter 4– - Hygiene & Clean-Up.............................................................................18 Chapter 5 – Bachelor Pad Basics............................................................................20 Conclusion.............................................................................................................22



Chapter 1 – Royal Harem Benefits  

Are roya Are royall hare harems ms wo worth rth th the e tro troub uble le? ? Yes Yes.. Th Ther ere e ar are e re real al bene benefi fits ts to running one. R&R  

 This is one of the main benefits of harem management. Rest and relaxation is vital for some guys, especially introverts or older men. For them, hunting women constantly can be exhausting and unsustainable. A skilled harem manager needn’t spend all his time chasing girls. He can enjoy the fruits of his labor; and focus on efficiently managing his women. He can maximize his romantic return while minimizing his time and energy investment.  This set up allows him to focus on things like building a business, educating himself, learning new skills, raising children, or pursuing his hobbies. Strong Inner Game  

A man's ability to embrace solitude is fundamental to his inner game. It's one thing that separates us from women. Most females can't stand being alone. They must have near-constant attention. Many men crave just the opposite; we desire solitude. Once you realize  you're stronger by yourself, you'll never fear losing women again. Especially if you've got game and can pull new ones, when you need to. But just because you can tolerate a monastic existence, doesn’t mean  you want one. Isolation isn't our goal here. You're reading this guide because you want multiple women on tap. And if you haven't discovered



this already, you'll find that running a harem will help you pull new women wom en mor more e eas easily ily.. Tha That's t's bec becaus ause e har harems ems mea mean n rea reall opt option ions. s. And options are a springboard for tight game.

Sure,, you Sure you ca can n fake fake “a “abu bund ndan ance ce me ment ntal alit ity. y.”” But wo women men ca can n te tell ll th the e difference. They know when you're faking. And even if you truly don't fearr bei fea being ng alone alone,, wom women en can still   sense when men have zero options.  They know when a man gets no sex. Like dogs smell fear, women smell celibacy. So, even a small harem will make it easier for you to seduce new girls. A roya royall ha hare rem m als lso o al allo lows ws me men n to ma mana nage ge hi his s ex exis isti ting ng ro roma mant ntic ic relationships from a position of strength. A man with many options, while his harem has none, is better able to control his girls. For this reason, a royal harem manager always has a stronger hand than his women. Some refer to this as “Keeping Your Pimp Hand Strong.”  

Disease Control, No Condoms  

Soft harem women still have sex with other men. So, a soft harem offers little protection against disease. In contrast, a royal harem is a semiclosed unit. It's physically safer than a soft harem. If your harem women are loyal, you can have raw-dog sex with them whenever you like. Your chances for catching disease are much lower. Of course, there’s trust involved on both sides. You’ve got to trust that  your royal harem girls won’t have unprotected sex sex with other men. And, you   mu must st be ca caref reful ul when when bang bangin ing g any any ne new w gi girl rls. s. Al Alwa ways ys us use e condoms with them!! And avoid performing oral sex on girls you don't know well. Get tested regularly, and make your regular girls do the same. Take pains to avoid introducing disease into your royal harem. Either way, all your women should be on some sort of birth control. And



always practice the the pullout method, whether you’re using condoms or not. Loyalty, Stable Long-Term Relationships Harems are perfect for men who like relationships. Again, soft harems aren't ideal for for this. Many soft harem girls actively explore explore their options.  These women are more likely to be hunting a blue-pill man who'll give them monogamy, marriage, and kids. It means soft harem girls are more likely to leave you. So, a man who runs a rotating soft harem shouldn't invest much in his women. Of course, all relationships are temporary. Royal harem girls can and will you, eventually. But, stick around longer than soft so ft leave ha hare rem m gi girl rls. s. Th That at ma make kes sthey'll ro roya yallusually ha hare rems ms su supe peri rior or for fo r bu buil ildi ding ng rela re latio tions nshi hips ps.. A roya royall ha hare rem m is a go good od loya loyalt lty y te test st.. If th they ey to tole lerat rate e polyamory, they probably love you. Or, very close to it. And if your girls love you and aren't banging anyone else, they're less likely to stray and waste your investment. It means they'll stay in your life longer. So royal harems offer some  level   level of emotional protection for men. A man can more safely invest his time, emotions, or finances in a royal harem. If he wants to. For so some me guys, that' that's s important. Of co cours urse, e, take take al alll that that ad advi vice ce wi with th a gr grai ain n of sa salt lt.. Re Reme memb mber, er, it's it's always risky to invest too much time, energy, or money in any Western women. No matter how rich you are, how tight your game is, or how good you are in bed. Variety  

 This is another major and obvious benefit to running harems. Both harem types satisfy the strong male need for variety. Without requiring constant const ant appro approaching aching a and nd seduc seduction. tion. Va Variety riety al also so make makes s a man les less s



likely to get bored with his current women. Ironically, this can make  your relationships more stable, since you'll never actually leave your existing women for new woman.



Chapter 2 - Harem Girls  

What type type of women mak make e up the modern ro royal yal harem harem? ? Where should should  you focus? The Ideal Age  

You may get older women to agree to the harem arrangement. But, they’re more likely to say no, or leave you earlier. Older Western women are ar e us usua uall lly y tr tryi ying ng to find find a hu husb sban and, d, or th the e eq equi uiva vale lent nt.. An And d th thos ose e women hate hate sha sharing. ring. The o older lder the they y get, the mo more re “datin “dating g rules” th they  ey  have. And that includes monogamy.  

Younger women are more tolerant, and thus make better harem girls. Very young women, 18 to 20 years old, can be challenging for a different reas re ason on.. Ma Many ny te teen en gi girl rls s ar are e op open en to po poly lyam amor ory, y, bu butt th they ey’r ’re e in th thei eirr primes. They have so many options that they're harder to lock down in a royal harem. For this reason, younger girls tend to be better rotating soft harem members. So ideally, date women between 21 and 27 years old. They’re old enough to be mostly past their “slut stage,” and they'll have slightly few options than th an a hot teen teenag ager er.. Th Thes ese e mi midd-2 20's 0's wome men n are are still till yo youn ung g an and d attractive. And, they aren't in full-blown provider hunter mode, unlike single women in their late twenties and early thirties. Family Ties  

I've found that it’s helpful to date women who are from out of town. This is pr prob obab ably ly ea easi sier er in bi bigg gger er “d “des esti tina nati tion on citi cities es,” ,” like like Lo Los s An Ange gele les, s, Lond Lo ndon on,, or Ne New w Yo York. rk. Ou Outt-of of-t -tow own n gi girl rls s us usua uall lly y ha have ve no fami family ly an and d friends nearby. That makes them lonely. They need a support system, and theyisprobably don't have it in their new Or at new network more shallow and unreliable. Thatcity. makes herbest, moretheir likely to crave stability and rely on you emotionally. You become her family 



Also,, with Also with th thes ese e gi girl rls s yo you u do don’ n’tt ha have ve to sp spen end d much much time time wi with th he herr family. If they live out of town, it’s an easy excuse to never meet them. Or, you can delay meeting them for longer. If your women have local family, you'll you'll probably be pressured to meet them sooner. Everywoman  These are all just suggestions, not hard and fast rules. Of course you can make life-long locals, or younger girls, into royal harem members.  Try what works for you. Really, any women is a potential royal harem member. Depends on your skill, and tastes. Some guys have harems of  single moms. Other men date multiple older women, AKA cougars. The point is, there is no “set” type of women. Just find women you like, and who will agree to your polyamorous lifestyle. Soft harem women are easy come, easy go. They tend to rotate in and out of your life. They don’t stay with you long enough to have a “status.” With royal harem girls, it’s a little different. They'll stick around for long longer er.. So af afte terr a wh whil ile, e, yo you’ u’ll ll no noti tice ce wo wome men n star startt to fall fall in into to th the e following categories. Let’s look at your potential royal harem members.  

The Bottom Bitch AKA Queen Bee  

 This girl is the core of your harem. The bedrock girl, your bottom bitch. She's like your wife. She’s been around the longest. She knows the deal, and you’re honest with her about polyamory. She loves you, and you might love her back. She's sexually and emotionally loyal to you. She may have met your parents, and your friends and siblings. She spends the night, and you exchange gifts on holidays. She knows you have sex with other women. She may not care. Or, she may be jealous, but she still tolerates your behavior. There can only be one Queen Bee in your harem.



The Mistress  This is your number two girl. She’d love to take the Queen Bee role, if  she sh e co coul uld. d. Th The e Mi Mist stre ress ss kn know ows s sh she’ e’s s gi girl rl nu numb mber er tw two. o. Id Idea eall lly, y, sh she e embraces that role. She loves you, or likes you a whole lot. She's also sexually sexua lly and emotio emotionally nally loyal to you. Of cours course, e, she’ll likely be jealou jealous s of your Queen. But, you can manage that jealousy and use it to your adva ad vant ntag age. e. Ma Make ke nu numb mber er tw two o pr prov ove e th that at sh she’ e’s s go good od enou enough gh to ta take ke number one's place. There are many ways to use female competition to  your advantage. Get creative. Remember, a man can have more than one Mistress in his harem. The Contenders AKA F*ckbuddies  

 These are your newer conquests. They are actually soft harem girls, at first. Always assume they're dating other men. They could be sexually  loyal to you, but you still don’t know them well enough to trust them. You might upgrade them to Mistress status later, if they act properly. Ideally, they know about the other women in your life. Some might not though, since they're so new you haven't talked about it yet. Randoms  

 These are brand new lays. Usually, they only stick around for shortterm te rm fl flin ings gs or on onee-ni nigh ghtt stan stands ds.. Te Tech chni nica call lly, y, they they aren aren’t ’t part part of th the e harem at all. If they do stay, you could upgrade them to Contenders.  They likely don't know about the other women, or if they do they don't care ca re.. As Assu sume me th they ey ba bang ng ot othe herr me men. n. Al Alwa ways ys ta take ke pr prec ecau auti tion ons s wi with th Randoms. Avoid going down on them, always wear condoms, and always pull out!



Chapter 3 – Cultivating A Royal Harem Will women agree to exclusively have sex with you, knowing that you bang other women? Yes, they will. Here’s how to pull it off. Go Soft, Then Royal  

 To run a royal harem, you’ve got to start with a soft harem. The inimitable Blackdragon showed me a lot of what I know about running soft harems. My royal harem guide is a supplement to his soft harem guide. If you don’t know how to build a soft harem, buy BD’s soft harem guide and read it. Then come back and finish my royal harem eBook: How To Create And Maintain Open Relationships With Women Of course, more advanced players may not need any soft harem advice advice.. Already know how to spin plates? Read on. Have Great Sex  

 The cornerstone of harem management is great sex. This is especially  important for royal Women haveyou’ve many got sexual options. Even fat women getharems. laid easier thantoday you. So, to give your women a compelling reason to stay with you, especially in such an unconv unc onventi entiona onall rela relatio tionsh nship. ip. You mus mustt ban bang g the them m so wel welll that the they  y  can' ca n'tt eve even n think   about sexing other men. If you give them great sex, they'r the y're e mor more e lik likely ely to be loy loyal al whi while le tol tolera eratin ting g you yourr pol polyam yamory ory.. Yes Yes,,  you’ve got competition. Embrace it. Stand out. Consistently give them the best sex of her life. Shoot for multiple orgasms every single time. For everything you need to know about great sex, buy my eBook:

Red Pill Orgasm



Make Your Time Amazing  

Besides great sex, always have a great time together. Especially if you don’t see her much. You don’t need to spend lots of money on her, take her on fancy dates, or even leave the house. But whatever you do, make  your time together amazing. Here's a few tips.

Avoid hanging out with other people around. Make it just you and her.

Pay close attention to her.

Constantly look her in the eyes.

Listen to her.

 Talk to her.  Touch her, a lot.

Be overly affectionate.

Make her feel like you're the only two people in the world.

In ge gene nera ral, l, av avo oid tex exti ting ng wh when en hangi anging ng out with ith a wom oman an.. Although, you can text other women to incite jealousy, if needed. Minimize Time Spent


Be stingy with your time. This is standard game advice, and it applies to royal harems. It’s best to spend only one or two days per week with your wome wo men. n. That That's 's maxi maximu mum. m. On One e “d “day ay”” mi migh ghtt me mean an se seve vera rall ho hour urs s on one e night, without her spending the night. Or, it might mean her coming over one night, night, slee sleeping ping ove over, r, and then hang hanging ing out the next mor morning. ning. Never let her sleep over two nights in a row.  

If you spend too much time with any one girl, rl, then it becomes logistically impossible to give them all enough attention. You can make exceptions, or see some girls only once per week. Depends on their importance in your lineup. But in general, try to see them all as little as



possible. Space out the visits. Keep in mind though, if you've got her in a royal harem, you’re now their only source for sex and love. So find a balance between giving them too much attention, and not enough. Be Willing To Let Them Walk Nexting is one of the main principles of tight relationship game. As a man, you’ve got to be willing to let her go. At any time. And you've got to be ice cold about it. A woman can sense a man who truly isn’t afraid to be alone. It’s your ultimate bargaining chip. I can’t tell you how many  times tim es I’v I’ve e use used d thi this s to my adv advant antage age.. Is she del delive iverin ring g ult ultima imatum tums? s? Demanding monogamy? Simply politely shrug, calmly say goodbye, and hold the door open for her. You’ll be amazed at how quickly unruly  women settle down once they realize you’re not playing, that you'll let them leave. Forget About Them  

Credit for this idea goes to Tubaro at the Sedfast forums. It's simple, but highly effective. Like many men, I often spent too much time thinking about my women. This was a massive waste of time and mental energy. Especially when dating multiple women. I learned to fix that. Want to ti Want tigh ghte ten n yo your ur in inne nerr ga game me? ? Si Simp mply ly forg forget et ab abou outt yo your ur wo women men when whe n they’r they’re e not aroun around! d! Tha That's t's it. Jus Justt for forget get about them them.. Focus your mental energy on other things instead. Once you're not spending time thinking about them, you'll find it's much easier to make them miss  you. Make Them Miss You  

Make them think about you all the time, give them the gift of missing



 you. It's easy to make them miss you like crazy. That's because modern wome wo men n ar are e us used ed to in inst stan antt at atte tent ntio ion n via via Fa Face cebo book ok,, text text,, em emai ail, l, Snapchat, or whatever.

Be the exception. Ignore the for long periods. Put your phone away, and only check it a few times a day. Take your time texting or calling back. Make your women crave your attention. This is extensively field tested. Ignoring them, along with minimizing time spent, drives women insane. Foster Jealously & Competition  

You should always avoid showing jealousy. But, you can and should make harem girls jealous. Female jealousy can be a powerful tool, one  you use to your advantage. don’t Jealousy feel jealous in the turns same way can as men. Women don't get asWomen murderous. actually many women on. It makes them feel competitive. Use that. Make them compete for you. Cultivate jealousy as a way of getting what you want from your women. Be Emotionally Available  

An aloof attitude is important during the initial seduction phase. And,  you should remain somewhat aloof with royal harem members. But, you can't ignore them quite as much. Because now, you're their main outlet for strong strong,, mal male e att attenti ention. on. You You've 've got to sat satisf isfy y thei theirr nat natura urall fem female ale craving for love, affection, and attention.  Take some responsibility for your girls feelings. If they're only banging  you, then they probably need your love and emotional support. Women don't want to feel like they love a brick wall. So, soften up a little, player. Don't hesitate to accept her love. Give it back to her, if appropriate. If   you love her, then tell her you love her. Be nice, and somewhat considerate of her emotions.



Walk a fine line here. Don't be too  emotionally   emotionally available, and continue nexting and withholding attention appropriately. Be Her Only Option  

 This is one important im portant key to converting a soft harem into a royal harem. At first, your women will probably have other men in their lives. But, over time, you want them to drop the other men. Cut C ut the off. Ideally, you want each of your harem members to have only one immediate option: You.  This requires some level of mate guarding, which is one of the down do wnsi side des s of a ro roya yall ha hare rem. m. Yo You’ u’ve ve go gott to ma make ke su sure re th they ey ar aren en't 't emotionally invested men, and notgot sleeping withinother  Talk with them about in it. other Find out if they've other men their guys. lives. Don’t get jealous when talking about other men. Be honest about what  you’re doing with other girls. Make Her Fall In Love  

So, what's the key to pulling off a true royal harem? Love. You must make all your women fall in love with you. Or, very close to it. It seems obvious, but it’s vital. Yeah, easier said than done. Despite your best efforts, not every woman you date will fall in love with you. But, you can influence your odds by following this guide. If your relationship game is tight, there’s a very good chance women will  fall  fall in love with you. Preferences vs. Demands, Reward Systems  

So, you've done it. She's a soft harem girl who knows you date other women. And, she still fell in love with you. Now, you're in a very strong position. You can get exactly what you want. Now, you express your  preference  for  for exclusivity and turn her into a royal harem girl. You must subtly negotiate for one-sided loyalty and exclusivity. Never demand it



overtly. Always remember; preferences. Never issue ultimatums.  This negotiation will be one conversation, or multiple conversations over time. She may get emotional during this talk; you must stay calm. Be strong, stern, nice, but loving and stubborn. Stick to your guns. Keep the drama to a minimum. Here's what you've got to say. Only say these things if you mean them; some of them may not apply to you. But the more of them you can say, the better: 1. You c care are abo about ut he her. r. 2. You want a lon long-ter g-term m relatio relationship nship.. On your term terms. s. 3. You want ma marriage rriage and and kids, on one e day. Just no nott now. 4. Your relat relationsh ionships ips with oth other er women are irrel irrelevant. evant. They They have no effect on what you feel for her. 5. You'd pre prefer fer if she didn' didn'tt date other men men,, for health reasons. reasons. But, she can if she needs  to.  to. 6. If she choo chooses ses to date oth other er men, you'll you'll still date he her. r. She needs to be discrete, and she needs to use protection. 7. If she choos chooses es to date and bang othe otherr men, she'll be a f*ckf*ck-buddy, buddy, at best. With zero girlfriend privileges. 8. If she she wa want nts s to be tr trea eate ted d li like ke a gi girlf rlfri rien end d (d (dat ates es,, sp spen endi ding ng the the nigh ni ght, t, di dinn nner ers, s, me meet etin ing g frie friend nds, s, etc. etc.)) sh she' e'll ll ne need ed to give give yo you u complete loyalty.



9. You'll con continue tinue dating oth other er women, either either way. Probably forev forever, er, although you might slow down as you age. 10.. 10

Yo You' u'll ll be sa safe fe an and d use use prop proper er pr prot otec ecti tion on,, whe when na app ppro ropr pria iate te..

 That's pretty pret ty m much uch it. Now you've given her the freedom tto o do what she wants. It's a basic carrot and stick strategy. If she acts right, she gets rewarded. If she doesn't? Then you'll reward some other girls who do.  The key here is to always frame it as her choice . Again, you've got to be very clear; you'll date her either way! But, you'll treat her better if she only onl y ban bangs gs you you.. If she love loves s you you,, or lik likes es you eno enough ugh,, sh she'l e'lll use her freedom to choose loyalty to you. And if not, she'll stay on as a soft harem member, dating other dudes. Or, she'll leave you. You're game should be tight enough at this point that you truly don't care what she does. Of course, if you truly like her, you'd prefer if she stayed. But, if she doesn't then that's fine. It just frees you up for other things.



Chapter 4 - Hygiene & Clean-Up   Once your royal harem girls know about the others, don't rub it in their faces! They're likely already jealous enough, avoid hurting their feelings for no reason.  Thus, proper clean up is vital. Always clean right after each woman leaves. After a while while it'll becom become e habit. Remove all proof and evidence of  other women. Be awar aware e th that at fema female les s ca can n an and d wi will ll acti active vely ly ma mark rk th thei eirr terr territ itor ory! y! Sometimes they'll do this in crafty and subtle ways, so always do a complete once over of your living space between visits. If you're a man who can afford a maid, that's probably your best best. For everyone else, target these areas: 1. Trash Trash Can Cans. s.   Dump Dump ou outt al alll of yo your ur tras trash h cans cans,, do doub uble le ch chec eck k bathroom and bedroom trash cans. Get all trash completely out of  the house if possible. 2. Hair Hair.. Women shed like cats. Date enough of them, and long female

hairs will cover your home. Be sure to clean them up. A vacuum is more efficient than a broom or your hands. Focus on your bed, couches, and bathrooms. Carpet tends to hide hair somewhat, but hair stands out on bare flooring. 3. Bathrooms. Bathrooms. Remove body hair, used tampons, used toothbrushes, hairpins, used razors, shaving gel, used condoms, etc. Pay special attention to towels, watch out for smeared makeup or blood. Do laundry as necessary.



4. Bedroom. Bedroom. Change your sheets! Your sheets and blankets should always be free of female hair, makeup, vaginal fluid, blood, semen, or the smell of perfume.

5. Living Areas.  Areas.  Clean up hair, hairpins, or sex stains on couches.

Wash any rags or towels that you've used to clean up post-sex.

6. Food Food.. Be careful of food or treats that women bring over to your

home. Other women are very aware of food in your kitchen that doesn't “fit.” For example, if you have a half-full bottle of wine in  your cooler, when she knows you like like beer. 7. Sh Shar ared ed

Co Comp mput uter ers. s.   Remo mov ve


brow rowsing



passwords, and auto-form suggestions on any shared computers that your women use. 8. You. You. Don't  Don't be inconsiderate. Wash up thoroughly after each girl!

Especially if you see multiple women in one day. Take a shower, change your clothes, and brush your teeth.



Chapter 5 – Bachelor Pad Basics  

A man running a harem needs a few items to help things run smoothly. Here's what you should get. 1. Spare Sheets. You'll be using your sheets a lot. It helps to have at leas leastt tw two o di diff ffer eren entt se sets ts of sh shee eets ts.. Th That at wa way, y, yo you u aren aren't 't do doin ing g laundry after every girl visits. And spares are vital for days where  you see multiple girls and have no time tto o wash sheets. Beige, offwhite, or yellow are the best colors for masking sex stains. Avoid dark colored sheets, they're no good for covering stains. 2. The Red Blanket. Have Blanket. Have at least one red (or dark-colored) blanket in your home. You can lay it down for anal sex, couch sex, floor sex, sex during her period, or for sex with virgins. A large, darkcolored towel works just as well. 3. Oxiclean. Oxiclean. Vital for emergency clean-up. This household cleaner is great for removing blood and sex stains. If you don't have Oxiclean wher wh ere e you you li live ve,, ge gett an eq equi uiva vale lent nt allall-pu purp rpos ose e clea cleane nerr th that at lift lifts s biological stains. 4. Clean-Up Towels. Keep Towels. Keep spare clean up towels handy. You'll need them to wipe up vaginal fluid, semen, or saliva. Avoid white or dark colors. Again, use beige or yellow. Keep lots of extras, because regulars will notice if you don’t have one available after sex. 5. Toothbrushes & Holders. Women Holders.  Women are super-sensitive about their toothbrushes. If you have more than one girl who spends the night,  you need separate toothbrush holders. Keep them stored separately to avoid toothbrush drama!! One trick is to get a few travel toothbrush holders, then store them in your overnight bag. Remove and replace them as needed. 6. The Trophy Case.  Case.  After you've dated women for a while, you'll



likely amass a collection of “trophies.” These small, personal items are usually hair-related. Women leave hair clips, hair ties, and the ubiquitous hair pins. You should keep them all together, in a big zip lock bag. Store it somewhere out of the way. Then, you can use these “trophies” for your own own territory marking. Use them for when you want to leave subtle clues for new women whom you’re init in itia iati ting ng in into to the the ha hare rem. m. Se See e BD BD's 's so soft ft ha hare rem m gu guid ide e for for mo more re details. 7. The Bitch Bin. Credit for the name “Bitch Bin” goes to the now

defunct blog, the University of Man. It's a drawer or cabinet in your home used specifically for storage; it holds items for your female guests. For example:



New Hair Ties

Spare Toothbrushes



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A royal harem takes a bit more work than a soft harem. But, it pays off. You’ll be rewarded with variety, loyalty, and deeper, more meaningful relationships. Running a royal harem tightens your game. It’s like a beautiful, upward spiral. The more options you have, the tighter your game gets. And the tigh tighte terr it ge gets ts,, th the e mo more re wo wome men n yo you u ca can n ad add d to th the e line lineup up.. Ha Hare rem m management allows men to lead happier and more rewarding lives. Great sex is vital for royal harems. Want to learn to have sex like a porn star? Buy my eBook: Red Pill Orgasm Visit my blog to learn more about harems, game, and dating: Red Pill Game And, feel free to email directly with any questions:  

[email protected]




Harem When you're dating and having sex with a minimum of two different women at the same time. They know you date other women. They may  not know any details about the others. Rotating Soft Harem When a man dates and sleeps with at least two different women at the same time. They know about the others. They may, or may not, know details. But, these women also have sex with and date other men. Thus, the relationships are more temporary. The women rotate in and out. Royal Harem When a man dates and has sex with at least two different women at the same sa me time time.. Th They ey kn know ow ab abou outt th the e ot othe herr wo wome men. n. Agai Again, n, deta detail ils s ar are e optional. But, these women are loyal to you. They only have sex with  you. Some may rely on you for love and emotional support. Tend to be more stable and long-term.

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