Rules Regulations For The Employees

August 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The following Rules and Regulations shall apply to all employees of the Company while in the office’s premise premise at all times including break times and overtime : 1. Each emp employee loyee mus mustt act in accorda accordance nce with the com company’ pany’ss polic policies ies orde orders rs rules regulations guidelines etc. applicable from time to time. !. "t is e#p e#pect ected ed that each emp employ loyee ee to mai mainta ntain in prope properr dec decoru orum. m. Emp Employ loyees ees are e#pected to conduct themselves on the $ob in a manner that contributes to opera op erati ting ng effe effect ctiv iven enes ess s prod produc ucti tivi vity ty safe safety ty an and d a ha harm rmon onio ious us wo work  rk  environment. %. &rope &roperr registe registers rs must be maint maintained ained for easy easy tracki tracking ng and reco record rd keepi keeping. ng. '. (o empl employe oyeee sha shall ll be und under er the influ influenc encee of or usi using ng alco alcohol holic ic beve beverag rages es including inclu ding drinkin drinking g such beverage beveragess during during the work hours hours.. )ny employee arriving to work under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance will not be permitted to work. *. +ou are re,uired to be at your appoint appointed ed work p place lace and ready to be begin gin work  at the appointed starting time. "rregular attendance or tardiness will not be tolerated and may result in termination. -. Em Empl ploy oyee eess who wi willl be late late or ab abse sent nt from from wo work rk mus ustt in info form rm th thei eir  r  upervisor at least two /!0 hours prior to normal starting time. . 2nd 2nder er no cir circum cumsta stance ncess sho should uld empl employe oyees es lea leave ve the ass assign igned ed wor work k are areaa early without e#press permission from a upervisor. 3. 4esig 4esignated nated break times are as assigne signed d to ha have ve mea meals. ls. 5. Emp Employ loyees ees who wor work k late or on ove overti rtime me must ens ensure ure tha thatt all light lights s air6 conditions and e,uipments are shut off when they leave the work place. 17.4ress code is to be followed strictly. Empl Employees oyees must wear their uniforms if  any at locations where uniforms are re,uired. +o +ou u are e#pected to look neat and presentable while on the $ob.

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