1. “rul “rule e of th thum umb” b” th that at ap appr pro oxi xima mate tely ly 2% of th the e to tota tall Mg MgO O content in a cement clinker will remain in solid solution in ot othe herr clin clink ker ph phas ases es an and d th the e rem emai aind nder er of the the Mg MgO O is expected to be present in the form of periclase crystals 2. “!he fre free e MgO will de decre crease ase a as s" "e e2O# increases in the mixture. $&" is an excellent stabili'er for MgO and is capable of a transformation of considerable amounts of MgO into a non( expan ex pandin ding g com compou pound nd but it was con conced ceded ed tha thatt the rap rapid id cool co olin ing g of cl clin ink ker al also so ha has s a )e )ery ry be bene ne*c *cia iall e+ e+ec ectt on the the stabili'ation of MgO #. Mix design guideline to avoid expansion
Alumina + MgO / Fe2O3 < 2.7 MgO,"e2O# - 1. 1.# # plan plantt in tr trou oubl ble/ e/ au auto tocl cla) a)e e ex expa pans nsio ion n pre)alent MgO,"e2O# - 1.0 danger 'one/ high probability of expansion/any appreciable appreciable free $aO gi)es excess expansion MgO,"e2O# 1.0 probability of expansion failure decreases rapidly MgO,"e2O# 1.20 standard control target maximum )alue3 failure due to MgO )ery unlikely . 4n a 5O# rich en en)ir )ironm onment ent the sil silicates icates fo form rmed ed are $2 $25 5 with a high le)el of 5ulphur substitution or a sulphosilicate phase. 6oth 6ot h ar are e )er )ery y di7 di7cul cultt to con con)er )ertt to $#5 and re re8ui 8uire re har hard d burning. . !he pr presence esence of calc calcium ium lang langbeinit beinite e and prop propably ably spur spurrite rite a carbonated calcium silicate3 indicates that the build up was formed at about 900:$ in the presence of $O2 and therefore while the limestone was undergoing calcination. ;. 4f redu reducing cing cond condition itions s pre)a pre)ail il within the kil kiln n burning burning 'one th the e oxi xide de blen blend d of th the e ra raw w mi mix x de desi sign gn is up upse set. t.5p 5pec eci* i*ca call lly y tri)alent tri)a lent iro iron n ox oxide ide "e2O# "e2O#33 is red reduced uced to di)ale di)alent nt "eO eO." ."eO eO replaces $aO in the $#5 crystal lattice.!here is thus more $#5 formed and less li8uid phase."ree lime is unable to combine witth $25 be wi bec cas ase e th the e "eO is more mobi bile le so free li lim mes to 7=> of t!e critical speed. -3" is muc! more reactive t!an -2" and under $standard% temperature 22. conditions of 26@- approximatel !alf of t!e -3" present in a tpical cement ill #e !drated # 3 das and 6> # 2 das. 0!e -B"BC produced # #ot! -3" and -2" !as a tpical -a to "i ratio of approximatel &.7. 0!is is considera#l loer t!an t!e 39& ratio in -3" and t!e excess -a is precipitated dioxide is slol a#sor#ed to as calcium !droxide (-C crstals. -ar#on dioxide convert t!e portlandite t!e portlandite (-a(OC (-a(OC2 into insolu#le insolu#le calcium car#onate 21.
-3" + *.3C ⇒ -&.7"C3 + &.3-C -2" + 3.3C ⇒ -&.7"C3 + 6.3-C 1n t!e a#sence solu#le !ic! calciumsu#se5uentl sulfate -3Aconvert reacts to rapidl to form t!e p!ases -2AC andof -*AC&;' -2AC?. 0!is is a rapi rapidd and and !ig! !ig!l l exot exot!e !erm rmic ic reac reacti tion on.. 1f fi fine nel l grou ground nd gps gpsum um (-a"O*D2C2O or !emi!drate (-a"O*D6.=C2O is #lended it! t!e -3A prior to mixing it! ater t!en t!e initial reactions are controlled # t!e formation of a protective laer of ettringite on t!e surface of t!e -3A crstals.
-3A + 3- + 3"O* + 32C ⇒ -3A.3-"O*. 32C -3A + dissolved calcium (-a2+ + dissolved sulfate ("O*2B + ater ⇒ ettringite E!en t!e availa#le sulfate !as #een consumed t!e ettringite reacts it! -3A to form a p!ase it! a loer "O3 content knon as monosulfate. -3A.3-"O*.32C + 2-3A + *C ⇒ 3(-3A.-"O*.&2C Man studies !ave s!on t!at t!e !dration of -*AF (or more correctl t!e -2A B -2F solid solution is analogous to t!at of -3A #ut proceeds more slol. 0!e iron enters into solid solution in t!e crstal structures of ettringite and monosulfate su#stituting for aluminium. 1n order to reflect t!e varia#le composition of ettringite and monosulfate formed # mixtures of -3A and -*AFF t!e -*A t!e are refe referred rred to res respec pectiv tivel el as AFt AFt (alumi (alumino4 no4ferr ferrite ite tri trisul sulfat fatee !drateand AFm (alumino4ferrite monosulfate !drate p!ases. E!en cement is first mixed it! ater some of t!e added calcium 2. sulfate (particularl if de!drated forms are present' and most of t!e alkali sulfates present' dissolve rapidl. 1f calcium lang#einite is present t!en it ill provide #ot! calcium and sulfate ions in solution' !ic! are availa#le for ettringite formation. "ulp!ur com#ined in t!e clinker p!ases as reported to !ave an accelerating on t!eeffect. cement setting !ile t!e sulp!ate com#ined as alkali sulp!ate !as effect a retarding
apidd sett api settin ingg # pota potass ssiu ium m sulp sulp!a !ate te is due due to t! t!ee sng sngen enit itee (,2(-a (,2 (-a"O* "O*2C 2C2O 2O format formation ion it it!! a red reduct uction ion of t!e sulp!a sulp!ate te from from t!e solution !ic! prevents satisfactor retardation of -3A !dration. ,2"O* causes a decrease of t!e flo value of fres! mortar specimen and loers t!e #leeding and slump values of concrete concrete specimens "etting time is a function of clinker mineralog (particularl free lime 2;. level' clinker c!emistr and fineness. 0!e finer t!e cement and t!e !ig!er t!e free lime level' t!e s!orter t!e setting time in general. -ement paste setting time is ar#itraril defined as t!e time !en a pat of cement paste offers a certain resistance to penetration # a pro#e of standard cross4section and eig!t. 2
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