Rule 89 Digest
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Special Proceedings -Law...
G.R. No. 158566 September 20, 2005 JOSEPHINE OROLA, MYRNA OROLA, ANGELINE OROLA, MANUEL OROLA, ANONIO OROLA !"# ALHEA OROLA, Petitioners, OROLA, Petitioners, vs. HE RURAL $AN% O& PONE'E(RA )*API+, IN*., EMILIO -. OROLA, HE REGISER O& (EE(S O& *API+ !"# HE E/O&&I*IO PRO'IN*IAL SHERI&& O& *API+, Respondent. *API+, Respondent. *ALLEJO, SR., J SR., J. . &!t On July 16, 1969, Trinidad Laserna Orola died intesta intestate. te. She was survive survived d by her husband Eilio Orola and their si! inor "hildren, naely, 1#$year$old %ntonio, 1&$ year$old year$old Josephine Josephine,, 16$year 16$year$old $old 'anuel, 'anuel, and other siblin(s, siblin(s, 'yrna, 'yrna, %n(eline %n(eline and %lthea. Eilio Orola, who, in the eantie, had arried anew, e!e"uted e!e"uted a waiver o) all his ri(hts and interests over the said property in )avor o) his "hildren by Trinidad Laserna, nae naely ly,, Jose Joseph phin ine, e, 'yrn 'yrna, a, %n %n(e (eli line ne,, 'anuel, %ntonio and %lthea, all surnaed Orola. *n 19+, 19+, Eilio Eilio Orola Orola-s -s petiti petition on )or his appointent as (uardian over the persons and prope property rty o) his inor inor "hildr "hildren en was was (ranted. Eilio led a petition with the RT/ )or the settleent o) the estate o) his de"eased spouse, Trinidad Laserna, and his appo appoin int ten entt as adi adini nist stra rato torr o) her her estat estate. e. RT/ appoin appointed ted Eilio Eilio Orola Orola as adinistrator o) the estate o) his de"eased spouse. %s su"h su"h adini adinistr strato atorr o) the estate estate,, he open opened ed an a""o a""oun untt in the the nae nae o) the the estate with the P0, ebar2ed on su(ar produ"tion and, with prior approval o) the "ourt, ne(otiated with ban2in( institutions
)or )or nan nan"i "in( n( loans oans re3uired e3uipents4
pur"h ur"has ase e
the the
To To support his endeavors, he ne(otiated a loan throu(h the Rural an2 o) /api5 Eilio a(reed and tal2ed to his "hildren, Josephine, 'anuel and %ntonio4 the three siblin(s siblin(s a(reed. a(reed. The Estate o) Trinidad rinidad Laserna, throu(h its adinistrator, Eilio, as less lessor or,, and and Jose Joseph phin ine, e, 'anu 'anuel el and and %ntonio, %ntonio, all surnae surnaed d Orola, Orola, as lessees, lessees, e!e"uted separate "ontra"ts o) lease over the a)oresai a)oresaid d property property o) the estate. On Septeber , 19&, the intestate estate "our "ourtt issu issued ed an Orde Orderr appr approv ovin in( ( the the "ontra"ts. The periods o) the lease were e!tended to 1& years, to "oen"e )ro )ro their appro approva vall by the intest intestate ate estate estate "ourt. "ourt. The lessees were also authori5ed to ne(otiate loans )or the developent o) the leased preises not to e!"eed P# P#,# ,### ##.# .##, #, and and to bind bind the the leas leased ed preises by way o) real estate ort(a(e as se"urity se"urity there)or4 there)or4 /ourt /ourt approved approved the aend ended "on "ontra tra"ts "ts o) lease. On 7e"e 7e"eb ber er ,, 19 19& &,, the the Rural ural an2 an2 notied Eilio that the loan appli"ations o) his "hildren had been approved. %ntoni %nto nio, o, 'anu 'anuel el and and Jose Joseph phin ine e si(n si(ned ed separate Proissory 0otes in whi"h they proised and bound theselves to pay4 %nto %n toni nio o Orol Orola, a, )or )or and and in beha behal) l) o) his his )ather Eilio Orola, e!e"uted a Real Estate 'ort(a(e over Lot 1# as se"urity )or the payent o) his loan4 'anuel Orola, also as attorney$in$)a"t o) the adinistrator o) the estate, estate, li2ewis li2ewise, e, e!e"ute e!e"uted d a real real estate estate ort(a(e in )avor o) the Rural an2 over the the said said lots lots as se"u se"uri rity ty )or )or his his loan loan44 Josephine Orola, as attorney$in$)a"t attorney$in$)a"t o) the adini adinistr strato atorr o) the estate estate,, e!e"u e!e"uted ted a separate real estate ort(a(e a(reeent over a portion o) Lot 1# and Lot 1#+1 as se"urity se"urity )or her loan. 8owever, 8owever, the real real esta estate te ort ort(a (a(e (e "ont "ontra ra"t "ts s wer were not not sub ubitt itted to the the (ua (uardian ianship ship and inte intest stat ate e esta estate te "our "ourts ts )or )or appr approv oval al.. 0either were 'yrna, %n(eline and %lthea aware o) the said loans.
Therea)ter, they )ailed to pay the aorti5ations o) the loans to the Rural an2. Rural an2 "aused the e!traudi"ial )ore"losure o) the real estate ort(a(es. Rural an2 was the winnin( bidder. Sheri: e!e"uted separate "erti"ates o) sale in )avor o) the Rural an2. Therea)ter, the (uardianship "ourt terinated the (uardianship and disissed the "ase. On Septeber &1, 19+, Josephine, 'yrna, 'anuel and %ntonio Orola e!e"uted a 7eed o) %""eptan"e o) ;aiver or 7onation in whi"h they a""epted their )ather-s waiver o) his ri(hts, interests and parti"ipation over their other-s estate. On O"tober 1, 19+, Josephine Orola and her siblin(s, 'yrna, %n(eline, 'anuel, %ntonio and %lthea, led a /oplaint a(ainst the Rural an2, their )ather Eilio and the Ex-Ofcio Provin"ial Sheri: )or the nulli"ation o) the Proissory 0otes and Real Estate 'ort(a(es e!e"uted by Josephine, 'anuel and %ntonio Orola, and the sale o) the property sube"t o) the said deed at publi" au"tion. They alle(ed therein that they be"ae the sole owners o) Lots 1# and 1#+1 when their )ather e!e"uted a waiver o) his ri(hts over the said lots in their )avor4 that the real estate ort(a(e "ontra"ts were null and void be"ause the sae were never subitted to and approved by the RT/4 that they were hoodwin2ed by their )ather into si(nin( the "ontra"ts o) lease and aended "ontra"ts o) lease, proissory notes and deeds o) real estate ort(a(es as se"urity )or the P6##,###.## loan on the assuran"e that they would be beneted there)ro4 that they did not re"eive the pro"eeds o) the said loans. %s su"h, the e!traudi"ial )ore"losure o) the real estate ort(a(es and the sale o) the property "overed by the said deeds were null and void. *n its answer to the "oplaint, Rural an2 averred that the RT/ authori5ed and even approved the aended "ontra"ts o) sale e!e"uted by %ntonio, 'anuel and
Josephine Orola and the de)endant Eilio Orola4 that the plainti:s had a(reed to the e!e"ution o) the ort(a(es o) the property sube"t o) the said deeds, and "on)ored to the said aended "ontra"ts be)ore the RT/ in the intestate estate pro"eedin(s approved the sae4 they were also notied o) the balan"e o) their a""ount, and o) the e!traudi"ial )ore"losure o) the real estate ort(a(es, and the subse3uent sale o) the property "overed by the said ort(a(es at publi" au"tion a)ter they re)used to pay their a""ount despite deands. %s su"h, the plainti:s were estopped )ro assailin( the real estate ort(a(es and the e!traudi"ial )ore"losure thereo) and the sale o) the lots "overed by the said deeds at publi" au"tion. *n his answer to the "oplaint, Eilio Orola aditted that the (uardianship pro"eedin(s terinated on Septeber 1, 19+. 8e alle(ed that he e!e"uted the ;aiver o) Ri(ht on O"tober &6, 19+6 only be"ause his brother and sister$in$law re3uired hi to do so as a "ondition to their si(nin( the partition a(reeent, with their assuran"e that the said waiver would ta2e e:e"t only a)ter his death. 'oreover, the plainti:s had a(reed to the e!e"ution o) the aended "ontra"ts o) lease to )a"ilitate the early release o) the loans as re3uired by the Rural an2. RT/ < )avor o) the plainti:s and de"lared the loans as well as the real estate ort(a(e null and void )or )ailure to "oply with the andatory re3uireents o) Se"tion +, Rule 9, Revised Rules o) /ourt. /%< reversed RT/4 ruled that the intestate estate "ourt-s approval o) the aended "ontra"ts o) lease "arried with it the approval o) the real estate ort(a(es e!e"uted by Eilio Orola in )avor o) the Rural an2. %n(eline, 'yrna and %lthea even "on)ored to the aended "ontra"ts o) lease4 hen"e, were estopped )ro assailin( the, as well as the real estate ort(a(e "ontra"ts.
I3e 4 1 ;=0 the sube"t ort(a(es "onstituted over the real estate properties are void )or non "oplian"e with the andatory re(ulations o) Se"tion + Rule 9 R3"7 The /% de"ision is set aside. Se"tion &, Rule 9 o) the Rules o) /ourt provides that, upon appli"ation o) the adinistrator and on written noti"e to the heirs, the "ourt ay authori5e the adinistrator to ort(a(e so u"h as ay be ne"essary o) the real estate )or the e!penses o) the adinistrator, or i) it "learly appears that su"h ort(a(e would be bene"ial to the persons interested. %)ter the real estate ort(a(e is e!e"uted in a""ordan"e with the Se"tion & Rule 9, the said deed ust be subitted )or the "onsideration and approval or disapproval o) the "ourt >Se"tion +, Rule 9?. The re"ords show that respondent Eilio Orola notied the petitioners o) his otion )or the approval o) the aended "ontra"ts o) lease. %lthou(h the otion was ex parte, nonetheless, petitioners %n(eline, 'yrna and %lthea Orola led their Joint %@davit o) /on)ority, in whi"h they de"lared that they have no obe"tion and voluntarily "on)or to the aendent o) the ter )ro ten >1#? to twelve >1&? years and )reely (ive our "onsent to havin( the Lessees e!e"ute a real estate ort(a(e over the leased property in )avor o) the ban2. 8owever, the /ourt a(rees with the petitioners- "ontention that repo"#e"t Oro! !e# to e3re !" or#er rom t9e "tet!te et!te o3rt !3t9or:"7 9m to mort7!7e t9e 3b;et ot !"# e
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