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SPOUSES RAINER TIU and JENNIFER TIU v. VIRGILIO F. VILLAR, Sheriff IV I V, Regina! Tria! "#r$, Offi%e f $he "!er& f "#r$, Pa'a( "i$( N. P)* P)**) *)+ +- - J#ne J#ne */, */, +0* +0*+ + A.M. N.
Mend Mend1 1a, a, J.
RULE 23 PRELIMINAR4 ATTA"5MENT FA"TS6 On February 17, 2010, Henry Sia (Sia) and (Sia) and Hankook Industrial Sales Co. filed a Co!laint for
Su of "oney and #aages $it% !rayer for Preliinary Atta&%ent against Classi'ue Con&e!t International Cor!oration (Classique), First (Classique), First (lobal )entures, )entures, In&. (First Global) and Global) and %erein &o!lainants, s!ouses *ainer and +ennifer +ennifer iu iu (Spouses Tiu), Tiu), before RTC . In its Order, *C granted t%e !rayer for t%e issuan&e of a $rit of !reliinary atta&%ent. A&&ordingly, A&&ordingly, on "ar&% -, 2010, t%e rit of Preliinary Atta&%ent addressed to S%eriff Carlos (. adeo and S%eriff )irgilio )illar $as issued. Preliinarily, S%eriff )illar ser/ed &o!ies of t%e suons, &o!laint and t%e $rit of !reliinary atta&%ent to S!ouses iu in t%e offi&e of First (lobal at nit 10 *afflesCor!orate Center, Emerald Center, Emerald Avenue Ortigas Center, Pasig City. %e &o!ies $ere re&ei/ed by (ra&e an 3au&o (Bauco), (Bauco), $%o introdu&ed %erself as t%e &o!anys (eneral "anager and Caretaker, after efforts to !ersonally ser/e t%e to S!ouses iu failed. %ereafter, S%eriff )illar )illar atta&%ed t%e !ersonal !ro!erties found in said address. S!ouses iu o/ed to %a/e t%e &ase against t%e disissed. In its Order, *C granted t%e otion and ordered t%e release of t%e atta&%ed !ro!erties in fa/or of S!ouses iu. A&ting on t%e *Cs dire&ti/e, S%eriff )illar subitted %is S%eriffs *e!ort $it% rgent Prayer for Issuan&e of Clarifi&atory Order. He $anted to be &larified on $%et%er or not %e s%ould $ait for t%e trial &ourts order to attain finality before returning t%e atta&%ed !ersonal !ro!erties. 4ot &ontented $it% t%e otion, S!ouses iu also lodged t%e !resent adinistrati/e &o!laint against S%eriff )illar )illar for %is alleged 'uestionable a&tions regarding t%e i!leentation of t%e $rit of atta&%ent against ag ainst t%e, alleging t%at t%ere $as no n o !ro!er ser/i&e of suons, t%at S%eriff )illar )illar i!ro!erly i!leented t%e $rit against t%e $it%out !rior &oordination $it% t%e S%eriff5s offi&e and t%at S%eriff )illar ali&iously refused to return t%e atta&%ed !ro!erties des!ite *Cs &lear dire&ti/e. In )illar5s &oent, %e denied all t%e &%arges against %i. *C ele/ate t%e &ase to CA. %e %e Offi Offi&e &e of t%e t%e Cour Courtt Adi Adini nist strat rator or 6OCA 6OCA, ,+u +udge dge *ai *ai8o 8o,, in %is %is re!or re!ortt and and re&o re&oe end ndat atio ion n re&oended t%e disissal of t%e t%e adinistrati/e &o!laint against S%eriff S%eriff )illar )illar.. +udge *ai8o found t%at S%eriff )illar &o!lied $it% t%e instru&tion ebodied in Adinistrati/e Cir&ular 4o. 12 re'uiring a s%eriff to notify in $riting t%e s%eriff of t%e !la&e $%ere t%e e9e&ution of a $rit is to take !la&e. He like$ise found not%ing irregular in t%e substituted ser/i&e of suons effe&ted by S%eriff )illar as t%e sae &o!lied $it% t%e re'uisites andated by t%e *ules of Court. Furt%erore, t%e in/estigating :udge sa$ no bad fait% $%en S%eriff
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)illar failed to return t%e atta&%ed !ro!erties after t%e disissal of t%e &ase and t%e issuan&e of t%e *C order to release t%e sei8ed !ro!erties. A&&ording to %i, S%eriff )illar erely retained t%e !ro!erties be&ause %e $as un&ertain $%et%er or not %e s%ould $ait for t%e finality of t%e order disissing t%e &ase. +udge *ai8o ga/e no $eig%t to S!ouses ius allegation t%at S%eriff )illar deanded oney fro t%e to regain !ossession of t%eir sei8ed !ro!erties. ISSUE6 %et%er t%ere is a !ro!er &o!lian&e $it% t%e guidelines and !ro&edure in t%e ser/i&e and e9e&ution of
t%e $rit of Preliinary atta&%ent. 5EL76 SC disissed t%e Co!laint against S%eriff )illar.
%ere $as a /alid substituted ser/i&e of suons. S%eriff )illar e9%austed efforts to !ersonally ser/e t%e suons to S!ouses iu as indi&ated in %is S%eriffs *eturn of Suons dated A!ril 2;, 2010. %en it $as a!!arent t%at t%e suons &ould not be ser/ed !ersonally on t%e s!ouses, S%eriff )illar ser/ed t%e suons t%roug% 3au&o, t%eir e!loyee, at t%e offi&e address of t%e &ou!les business, First (lobal and Classi'ue. It $as e/ident t%at 3au&o $as &o!etent and of suffi&ient age to re&ei/e t%e suons on t%eir be%alf as s%e re!resented %erself to be t%eir (eneral "anager and Caretaker. %e &ourt finds t%e e9!lanation of S%eriff )illar a&&e!table enoug% not to earn san&tion fro t%e &ourt. 3y la$, s%eriffs are obligated to aintain !ossession of t%e sei8ed !ro!erties absent any instru&tion to t%e &ontrary. In t%is &ase, t%e $rit of !reliinary atta&%ent aut%ori8ing t%e trial &ourt to legally %old t%e atta&%ed ites $as set aside by t%e *C Order dated +uly -, 2010 s!e&ifi&ally ordering S%eriff )illar to iediately release t%e sei8ed ites to S!ouses iu. Pertinently, *ule 7, Se&tion 1 of t%e *ules of Ci/il Pro&edure !ro/ides< S=C. 1. Disposition o attac!ed propert" #!ere $ud%ment is or part" a%ainst #!om attac!ment #as issued&If :udgent be rendered against t%e atta&%ing !arty, all t%e !ro&eeds of sales and oney &olle&ted or re&ei/ed by t%e s%eriff, under t%e order of atta&%ent, and all !ro!erty atta&%ed reaining in any su&% offi&ers %ands, s%all be deli/ered to t%e !arty against $%o atta&%ent $as issued, and t%e order of atta&%ent dis&%arged. %e instru&tion of t%e trial &ourt $as &lear and si!le. S%eriff )illar $as to return t%e sei8ed !ro!erties to S!ouses iu. He s%ould %a/e follo$ed t%e &ourts order iediately. He %ad no dis&retion to $ait for t%e finality of t%e &ourts order of disissal before dis&%arging t%e order of atta&%ent.
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