Rtr - A ( Part 1 Questions )

February 15, 2017 | Author: sujatanathv | Category: N/A
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QUESTION 1 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Aircraft Identification: IC 517 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VECC Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VEBS Other Information Regn VT ABC Alternate VEBS, VOBG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

You are ready to taxi clearance.

Departure Time 1400 Q 2. Over Kolkata Chennai FIR boundry you have received a SELCAL indication. Take action.


Q 3. a) When crossing DOCKET, you observed fire on left engine and decided to make force landing. b)

The fire was minor and you are able to extinguish the fire and decided to proceed as per flight plan. Take action.

Q 4.

When you are 30 NM DME distance of Chennai obtain Visual approach.

Q 5.


QUESTION 2 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Aircraft Identification: IC402 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VABP, VOHY Other Information SELCAL ALCM Alternate VOHY, VOBG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

a. Obtain ATC Clearance. b. Comply with it

Departure Time 0235 Q 2.


On reaching “BUSBO” report position.

Q 3. a. While passing “BODEL” a passenger on board is seriously fallen sick. Take action. b. Passenger has recovered. Take action. Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv. v.


QUESTION 3 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Aircraft Identification: IC 181 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VIUD Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.


Carry out cockpit check .

b) Obtain departure on taxi holding point received instruction from appropriate services that there will be a delay of 30 minutes. Ask for alternative Taxi way. Departure Time 1400


Q 2.

At 30 NM DME outbound DPN FL 80, take action.

Q 3.

a) 70 NM DME distance from Ahmadabad observed fire alarm activated. Take action. b)

Fire alarm found false and decided to continue the flight to destination. Take action.

Q 4.

You reach BOFIN at assigned FL, take action.

Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv. vi.

A change has been made to your last clearance and supersedes your previous clearance. Reduce your rate of speech No I can not comply with your request Yes

QUESTION 4 Aircraft Identification: 9W 465 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOMM Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route O/f VOHY Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VOHY, VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. a) As you approach Runway holding position you get ready for an immediate take off in order to avoid delay. Take action. b) On getting airborne you see birds ahead, take appropriate action. Departure Time 0940 Q 2.


You are maintaining your cruising level, and reach BODEL. Take action.

Q 3. a) At 30 DME distance inbound Bhopal you are informed that a passenger has fallen sick and needs immediate medical attention. Take action. b) After sometime the passenger gets well and is normal, you decide to continue the flight to Delhi as per flight plan. Take action. Q 4. While on final approach Runway 28, you reach decision height and do not see the runway. Take action. Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Wind direction & speed 250 degrees 15 knots, 070 degresse 10 knots gusting to 20 knots. Headings. 330 degrees, 080 degrees Flight level 200 , 310 Visiblity 1000, 2000 Runway Visual Range 500 , 1200

QUESTION 5 Aircraft Identification: IC 430 465 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VOHY Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VOHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

You are parked in Stand 3. Obtain Startup Clearance.

Departure Time 1400 Q 2.

i. Over Bhopal you notice right engine is on fire. You plan to carry out force landing on an open field.


ii The fire was minor and you are able to extinguish the fire and decided to proceed as per flight plan. Take action. Q3

Over BODEL your Co Pilot is hurt due to Bird Hit. Take action.

Q 4.

On finals you are not able to get three greens. Ask for visual check.

Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv. v.


QUESTION 6 Aircraft Identification: AI 786 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VOHY Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VOHY, VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Carry out pre flight Selcal Check.

Departure Time 1420 Q 2.

Over BUKLO you experience HF receiver failure.

Q 3.

25 NM short of Bhopal there is a storm in front of you. You plan to change course by 45 degrees to the left. Take appropriate action.


Crossing BUSBO, Nav and Panel Lights are fluctuating. You would like to orbit at FL 320 for 5 minutes for resolving the problem. Take action.


Electrical problem has been resolved you would like to proceed as per flight plan.

Q 6.

50 NM DME Chennai, ask for obtain descend.

Q 7.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Winds direction and speed 200 degrees 18 knots gusting to 25 knots Winds direction and speed 350 degrees 14 knots Runway visual Range 2000, 550 Frequency 121.000, 124.500 Altitude 2000, 5000 Frequency 8800, 5550

QUESTION 7 Aircraft Identification: 9W 465 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VIJP Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Carry out pre flight Selcal Check.

Q 2.

Ask for taxi instruction.

Departure Time 1400


Q 3.

Over Jaipur ask for change of flight level from FL 150 to FL 190 due to clouding.

Q 4.

You reach IDOLA at assigned FL, take action.

Q 5. a. 50 NM abeam VAAH you are experiencing loss of cabin pressure, you intend to descent. Ask for lower level. b. Cabin pressure is restored. Take actions. Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. a.

Let me know that you have received and understood this message.


Examine a system or procedure.


An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated).


I have received all your last transmission.


Listen out ATIS on 122.7.

QUESTION 8 Aircraft Identification: 9W 465 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOMM Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route O/f VOHY Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VOHY, VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

You are parked in Stand 2. Obtain push back.

Departure Time 1400 Q 2.

On take off leg you experience wind shear. Take appropriate action.


Before Sonagarh you get unsafe under carriage. Plan to return to Mumbai.


Q 4. Under carriage problem has been resolved. Plan to continue to Kolkata. Take appropriate action. Q5

Selcal appears at ARIVO.


Ask for descent from 190 to 150.

Q 7.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv.

Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa Visiblity 1600 M, 850 EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action, information).


I repeat for clarity or emphasis.

QUESTION 9 Aircraft Identification: IC 396 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIJU Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route Over flying ASRI & ELRUX Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VICG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Before Departure from VIJU obtain Time check and push back.

Departure Time 1100 Q 2.

At ASRI you experience receiver failure. Take appropriate action.


Over ELRUX report position.


After ELRUX ask for descent to FL 150 due to bad weather.

Q 5.

Ask for landing instruction from Delhi.

Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


i. ii. iii. iv.

Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa Visiblity 1600 M, 850 EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action,information).


I repeat for clarity or emphasis.

QUESTION 10 Aircraft Identification: IC 396 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VISR Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route Over flying VICG Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VICG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Before Departure from VISR obtain the following i. ii.

Push Back Time check

Q 2.

During take off you experience wind shear. Take action.


20 NM outbound Srinagar ask for level change from FL 220 to FL 250


30 NM south of Jammu ask for true bearing.


Abeam VIAR some one is calling you. Take action.


Q6 After ELRUX ask for descent to FL 150 and diversion to Chandigarh due to bad weather. Q 7.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. ii. iii. iv.

Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa Visiblity 1600 M, 850 EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action,information).

v. vi.

I repeat for clarity or emphasis.


QUESTION 11 Aircraft Identification: IC 396 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VISR Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route Over flying VICG Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VICG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

(a) During taxi obtain ATC clearence. (b) Comply with ATC clearence. Departure Time 1400 Q 2.

On reaching GAYA you get Selcal Indication in the cockpit. Take action.

Q 3.

10 NM east of Lucknow left engine catches fire. You plan to force land.

Q 4.

After some time fire is extinguished you plan to proceed to Delhi. Take action.


On finals you experience wind shear. Take action

Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


i. ii. iii. iv. v.


QUESTION 12 Aircraft Identification: IC 396 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VAJO Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route Over flying VAAH Other Information Selcal combination : RMLD Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

(a) Before Departure from Jodhpur obtain the ATC clearence (b) Comply with ATC clearence.

Departure Time 1400 Q 2.

Over KABAR you have received a SELCAL indication. Take action.


Q 3. (a) When crossing APANO, you observed fire on left engine and decided to make force landing. (b) The fire was minor and you are able to extinguish the fire and decided to proceed as per flight plan. Take action. Q 4.

When you are 30 NM DME distance of Mumbai ask for Visual approach.

Q 5.


QUESTION 13 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : DN 517, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 280, Dep Aerodrome : VECC, Destination Aerodrome: VIDP Route : Over flying VIBNS & VILK Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Before Departure from Kolkata obtain the following (a) Startup Clearence (b) Taxi Instruction (c) Take Off clearence

Departure Time 1200


Q 2. Inform Kolkata you would like to do a circuit approach and landing before proceeding to Delhi. Q 3. (a) When 10 NM inbound VILK, A passenger has a heart attack. Take appropriate action. (b)

The passenger recovers and you decide to continue. Take action.


20 NM outbound VILK selcal appears.

Q 5.

On finals you are not able to see runway at decision height (DH). Take action.

Q 6.

Winds are not favourable for landing ask for different runway.



QUESTION 14 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : DN 517, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 280, Dep Aerodrome : VABB, Destination Aerodrome: VECC Route : Over flying VANP Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Before Departure obtain carry out all preflight check.


During taxi you observe brakes have become hot ask for taxi to apron.

Q3 While crossing Runway intersection you see an aircraft on approach and there is no response from tower.


Q4 After crossing DUBOX you see squall approaching and training flying is going on over Aurangabad take action. Q5

While over flying Nagpur there is no communication from Nagpur.

Q 6.

On finals you have indication for unsafe under carriage. Take action.




QUESTION 15 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : DN 517, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VABB, Destination Aerodrome: VOTV Route : Over flying VOML Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Before Departure obtain carry out preflight selcal check.


During taxi you observe strong crosswinds. Ask for alternate runway.

Q3 While taking off you see a vehicle crossing runway and there is no response from tower. Departure Time 1400



30 NM inbound VOML you see an UFO on starboard. Take action.


Abeam Calicut selcal appears, take action.

Q 6.

50 NM DME VOTV ask for visual approach.




QUESTION 16 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : DN 517, Type of Aircraft : Challenger, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VAAU, Destination Aerodrome: VVIJP Route : Over flying VABB Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Runway lights bright on while lined up. Take Action.

Departure Time 1400 Q2 You are not able to contact Aurangabad Tower during climb from 3500 to FL 050 Take action. Q3

You are over VABB Take action.


Over Udaipur Nav Lights not working. Panels lights are flickering take action.


While coming to land you get a Fire alarm.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


a. I can not hear you that well. b. IC 517 this is Delhi Tower continue circling at FL 050. c. IT 343 this is Mumbai approach you are authorized to make a visual approach. d. Chennai Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no 0700. e. AI 564 this is Mumbai Approach have you received and understood climb clearence.

QUESTION 17 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : IT 453, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VEPT, Destination Aerodrome: VILK Route : Over flying VIBN Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Ask for Taxy instruction.

Departure Time 1400 Q2

You noticed pieces of rubber on runway during take off. Take action.


At FL 120 change to Varanasi control.


70 NM from VILK Hydraulic failure controls have become sluggish. Take action.


Descending from FL 050 to 3500 your flaps are stuck. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

I hear you now and then. Delhi Tower this is IT 586 repeat departure instruction. Mumbai approach this is 9 W 567 no contact with Mumbai control. Chennai Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no 0700. AI 564 this is Mumbai Approach yes run way in use 27.

QUESTION 18 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : IT 453, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VEPT, Destination Aerodrome: VILK Route : Over flying VIBN Selcal combination : CLDH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Ask for Tuning Check and Taxy instruction.

Departure Time 1400 Q2 Over flying Varanasi some one is calling you and you have missed his call sign. Take action. Q3 70 NM outbound Varanasi, Hydraulic failure, controls have become sluggish. Take action.



On down wind unsafe under carriage indication. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

I hear you now and then. Delhi Tower this is IT 586 repeat departure instruction. Mumbai approach this is 9 W 567 no contact with Mumbai control. Chennai Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 sorry 0700. AI 564 this is Mumbai Approach no run way in use 27.

QUESTION 19 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : IT 453, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VABP, Destination Aerodrome: VOHY Diversion VAID Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Ask for start up clearence with higher flight level.

Departure Time 0140 Q2 Passing FL 170 you see storm ahead. You also see 9W 465 in the vicinity. Take action. Q3 At cruising level 50 NM from Nagpur, you experience a bird hit and your elevator is jammed. Take action.



Over head Nagpur you are informed Nagpur Runway is closed. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

I hear you now and then. Delhi Tower this is IT 586 repeat departure instruction. Mumbai approach this is 9 W 567 no contact with Mumbai control. Nagpur Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no 0700. AI 564 this is Mumbai Approach no run way in use 27.

QUESTION 20 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VABP, Destination Aerodrome: VOMM Route : Over flying VANG Diversion VAID Training flight VHF only Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Ask for start up with higher flight level.

Departure Time 0240 Q2 After getting airborne from Bhopal you loose radio contact with Bhopal Tower. Take action. Q3

At FL 210 you see a CB ahead, ask for higher flight level.


Q4 Over hyderabad you see thunder storm in front and you also see IT 478 in front of you and higher than you take action. Q5

On Chennai runway there is a vehicle on fire. Ask for alternate runway.


On finals you experience Bird Hit. Your rudder is not functioning. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) IC 472 this is Mumbai Tower examine if you undercarriage is down and locked. (b) Runway visual range 0. (c) IT 586 this is Delhi Tower are you sure your flaps are set to landing position. (d) 9 W 567 this is Mumbai tower listen out ATIS on 126.4. (e) Nagpur Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no 0700. (f) Mumbai Approach this is AI 564 please reduce intensity of approach lights.

QUESTION 21 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ATT, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VABP, Destination Aerodrome: VABB Route : Over flying VAID Diversion VAID Training flight No HF Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. Approaching run way holding, after having obtained line up, you see a glider on base leg. Take action. Departure Time 0240 Q2 After getting airborne from Bhopal climbing through FL 150 you can not contact Nagpur control. Take action.



Over Indore you want to practice single engine upto FL 050.


You want to proceed to Mumbai after single engine.


On VOR approach 09 vulture hits elevator. Not able to control ROD. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) IC 472 this is Mumbai Tower you are authorized to taxi for runway 09. (b) Runway visual range 0. (c) IT 586 this is Delhi Tower have you received and understood taxi instructions. (d) Nagpur Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no 0700. (e) Mumbai Approach this is AI 564 please reduce intensity of approach lights.

QUESTION 22 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ATT, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VABB, Destination Aerodrome: VIDP Route : Over flying VAID Diversion VIJP Training flight No HF Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. You have inadvertently entered a wrong Runway and you see another aircraft landing behind you. Take action. Departure Time 0340 Q2 After reaching IDOLA you realize that you had entered prohibited area. Take action.



You are carrying out an unplanned landing at Jaipur ask for descent clearence.


You reach BIDAN. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) IC 472 this is Mumbai Tower your request for landing on runway 09 is granted.. (b) Jammu Homer this is IT 765 I wish to know true bearing. (c) IT 586 this is Delhi Radio establish air ground communication with Mumbai Radio using frequency of second choice. (d) Nagpur Tower DN 567 ETA Delhi 0800 no no ETA Ahmadabad 0700. (e) Mumbai Approach this is AI 564 please let me know the Mumbai weather.

QUESTION 23 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ATT, Type of Aircraft Dornier, Level FL 260, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VABB Via VAAH Diversion VIJP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. During taxi brakes have become hot and you are experiencing hydraulic failure take action. Take action. Departure Time 0230 Q2

You are operating a scheduled flight make an announcement regarding delay .

Q3 Crossing Alpha you experience HF Failure. You have inadvertently climbed higher. Ask for descend.. Q4


Communication problem has been resolve make position report over Udaipur.

Q5 You are on short finals for visual approach at Mumbai, you see a vehicle on run way take action. Q6

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) VTATT this is Mumbai Tower clear the run way. (b) Jammu Tower this is IT 765 I wish to know current altimeter setting under current atmospheric pressure.. (c) IT 586 this is Delhi Radio establish air ground communication with Mumbai Radio using frequency of second choice. (d) Nagpur Tower DN 567 please send me a vehicle which will guide me up to runway 27. (e) AI 564 this is Mumbai what is the visibility from cockpit..

QUESTION 24 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 654, Type of Aircraft ATR 72, Level FL 260, Route VABB to VECC Via VANG Diversion VABP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain high speed taxi clearence.

Q 2.

Over Nagpur you want to carry out single engine practice.

Departure Time 0230 Q3

During single engine practice, you enter spin. Take action.


You have recovered from spin and decide to proceed to Kolkata.


Ask for descent clearence after Jamshedpur.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) VTATT this is Mumbai Tower you will be taxing behind Air India up to Runway holding 27. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my true bearing from your station. (c) Delhi approach this is IT 765 I am heading for you using emission from NDB. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) IT 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

QUESTION 25 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 654, Type of Aircraft ATR 72, Level FL 260, Route VABB to VIDP Via VAAH Diversion VIJP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain ATC clearence.

Q 2. Comply with ATC clearence. Departure Time 0230 Q3

After Apano you see a thunder storm. Take action.


Over Ahmadabad you want to practice an ILS approach. Take action.


Q5 While landing at Ahmadabad aircraft skids off the Runway. You are evacuating passengers using emergency slide. Take action. Q6

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) VTATT this is Mumbai Radio establish Air Ground communication with Delhi Radio on frequency of second choice. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic heading to reach you. (c) Delhi approach this is IT 765 I am heading for you using emission from NDB. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

QUESTION 26 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 654, Type of Aircraft ATR 72, Level FL 260, Route VIJP to VAID Via VAUD Diversion VINP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up clearence.

Departure Time 0230 Q 2.

Reaching Udaipur Take action. Ask for further instruction.


Comply with instruction.


20 NM outbound Udaipur you see a training aircraft crashing take action.


Q5 While landing at Indore aircraft skids off the Runway. You are evacuating passengers using emergency slide. Take action. Q6

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) Coimbatore, Madurai. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) Delhi approach this is IT 765 I am heading for you using emission from NDB. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 27 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : IT 965, Type of Aircraft ATR 72, Level FL 260, Route VIGR to VEGY Via VILK Diversion VIBN Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up clearence.

Departure Time 0230 Q 2.

After getting airborne near Jalalabad contact Delhi control for further instructions.


Comply with instruction.


20 NM inbound VIBN you experience cabin pressurization failure. Take action.


Q5 While landing at Varanasi aircraft skids off the Runway. You are evacuating passengers using emergency slide. Take action. Q6

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) Coimbatore, Madurai. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 28 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VIDP to VECC Via VILK Diversion VIBN Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up and Taxi clearence.

Departure Time 0230 Q 2.

Obtain ATC clearence. Comply with it.


Short of Jalalabad you are not able to climb to FL 260. Take action.


20 NM inbound VIBN you experience Auto Altitude Hold failure. Take action.


While landing at Varanasi both hydraulic system have failed. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Trichi, Cochin. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 29 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VAUD to VANP Via VAID Diversion VABP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up and Taxi clearence.

Departure Time 0230 Q 2.

Obtain ATC clearence. Comply with it.


10 NM inbound VAID one engine is running rough. Take action.


After some time both engines have shut down. Take action.


You have crashed near Indore. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Trichi, Cochin. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 30 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VABB to VOML Via GOA Diversion VOBG Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up and Taxi clearence.

Departure Time 0230 Q 2. 20 NM inbound GOA, a passenger has locked himself in the lavatory and threatening the Air Hostess that he has a bomb and he is going to blow up the aircraft if the flight is not diverted to Karachi. Take action.


Q3 On ILS approach 09 fire alarm is activated and you also observe smoke in the cockpit. Take action. Q4 During landing aircraft skids off the runway. Left wing has caught fire. Take action. Q5

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) Trichi, Cochin. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 31 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VABB to VOTV Via VOML Diversion VOBG Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. You are about to enter Runway and you experience Hydraulic failure. Take action. Departure Time 0230 Q 2. 50 NM inbound VOML Mode C is not working and no ground controller is responding. Take action.



Crossing Cochin ask for descend.


Ask for visual approach.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) Trichi, Cochin. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 32 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VOMM to VABB Via VOML Diversion VOBG, VAAH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain ATC clearence.

Q 2.

Comply with ATC clearence.


20 NM outbound VOMM you realize that under carriage is stuck. Take action.


Under carriage problem has been resolved.


Mumbai ATC is not working. Take action.


You see tropical storm approaching. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Trichi, Cochin. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 33 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VECC to VOMM Via VEVZ Diversion VOBG, VAAH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. On reaching Runway 30 you see a flock of birds at the end of Runway. Take action. Q 2.

Climbing thru FL 200 VEBS approach is not responding ask for further climb.


20 NM outbound VEVZ you see series of red flares. Take action.


Comply with ATC instruction.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Mumbai Ground this is 9W 677 I wish to obtain taxi instruction. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 34 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VOTV to VABB Via VOML Diversion VOBG, VAAH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

On reaching Runway 30 you see a pieces of rubber on Runway. Take action.

Q 2. Climbing thru FL 200 you see thunderstorm ahead you would like to divert due to safety of passengers. Q3

After Calicut weather has imporved. Take action.


Mumbai ILS is not working. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Mumbai Ground this is 9W 677 I wish to obtain taxi instruction. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Approach tell me when you are established on instrument landing system. (d) Mumbai tower this is VT ASD I wish to hover in ground effect and taxi for runway 27. (e) A I 327 this is company dispatch what is your actual time of departure.

Question 35 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT ITS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260/310, Route VIJP to VAID Via VAUD Diversion VABP, VAAH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Taxi instruction.

Q 2.

At FL 150 contact Delhi control for further instruction.


Over VAUD take action.


30 NM outbound VAUD , you see series of red and green flares. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi area control center turn right on heading 230 as I wish to identify you on radar screen. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower keep this frequency free as one aircraft has declared mayday. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 36 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 876, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260/310, Route VIDP to VIDP Via VAUD Diversion VABP, VAAH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

There is a lot of traffic. Ask for an immediate take off.

Q 2.

Over VIJP take action.


30 NM outbound VIJP You see a distructive storm approaching. Take action.


You enter the storm and have crashed 20 nm inbound VIDP. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi area control center turn right on heading 230 as I wish to identify you on radar screen. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic bearing from you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower keep this frequency free as one aircraft has declared mayday. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 37 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 876, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VIDP to VISR Via VIAR Diversion VICG, VIJU Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

During Taxi you see a vehicle crossing your path. Take action.

Q 2.

Obtain Take off clearence.

Q3 Near VIAR you have entered a military restricted area and one fighter jet is rocking wing on starboard. Take action.


Q4 On finals you experience blinding rain. Aircraft is sinking. You have opened power to land at Srinagar. Take action. Q5

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control continue flying on down wind leg. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic course to reach you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 38 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : 9W 876, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VOTV to VABB Via VOML Diversion VOBG, VAGO Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. During Taxi you are informed by Trivendrum that jet airways dispatch has a message for you. Take action. Q 2.

Obtain ATC clearence and comply with it.


Climbing through FL 160 Trivendrum ATC is not responding. Take action.


30 NM inbound VOML there is a storm in front. Take action.


After landing at Mumbai you have taken a wrong turn. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control continue flying on down wind leg. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my magnetic course to reach you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 39 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT UJS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VAAU to VECC Via VANP Diversion VABP, VAID Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain start up clearence.

Q 2.

Obtain ATC clearence.


Contact the next control for further instruction and higher FL.


60 NM inbound VECC one engine is running rough. Take action.


Descending thru FL 170 the engine catches fire. Take action.


You have crashed near Kolkata. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control continue flying on down wind leg. (b) Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my true bearing to reach you. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 40 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT UJS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VOBZ to VANP Via VOHY Diversion VOMM, VABP Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain start up clearence.

Q 2.

No contact with VOBZ after getting airborne. Take action.

Q 3. You are experiencing wing tip vortices from an aircraft which is ahead of you. Take action.


Q 4. 60 NM inbound Bhopal you experience CAT and are not able to maintain flight parameters. Take action. Q5

You are out of CAT. Take action.


On Finals for ILS Runway 09 you realize that flaps are stuck. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a)

9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control continue flying on down wind leg.


Jammu Homer this is AI 456 what is my true bearing to reach you.


IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress.


All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available.


Mumbai control this is A I 327 I experienced bumpy weather after Apano.

Question 41 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT UJS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VABB to VOTV Via VOML Diversion VOMM, VOML Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. During start up you are informed that an intoxicated passengers is misbehaving with Cabin Crew. Take action. Q 2. 30 nm inbound VOML engine power has reduced and you are not able to maintain assigned FL. No ground controller is responding. Take action. Q 3.

After Calicut you see storm ahead. Take action.

Q 4.

70 NM inbound VOTV ask for descend.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control call when you are on VOR approach. (b) AI 456 this is Jammu tower call me when you can see the landing aircraft. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I weather is very bad after Apano.

Question 42 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT UJS, Type of Aircraft Challenger, Level FL 260, Route VOMM to VOMM Via BELLARY Diversion VOBG, VOML Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1. During Taxi obtain ATC clearence and inform Chennai that you will be carrying out ILS LETDOWN before setting course. Course setting time 0230 Q 2.

90 nm outbound Chennai climbing ask for climb from FL 170 to FL 230.

Q 3. 70 nm inbound Bellary one engine is not working properly and no ground controller is responding. Transmit on frequency other than RTF. Take action.


Q 4.

After some time you Chennai is in contact. Take action.


Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control visual approach slope indicator is not working. (b) Jammu tower this AI 456 I need help from radar as I am unsure of position. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control report position , operation report and weather report. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I weather is very bad after Apano.

Question 43 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT LJS, Type of Aircraft Global express, Level FL 260, Route VIDP to VICG Via Sarsawa Diversion VIAR, VIJU Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

During Taxi obtain ATC clearence.

Course setting time 0230 Q 2.

Over SARSAWA contact Chandigarh and obtain instruction.

Q 3.

Comply with the instruction.

Q 4.

Over VIAR not able to contact Amritsar.

Q 5.

On Final approach over VIAR you are informed that ILS is not working.

Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control visual approach slope indicator is not working. (b) Jammu tower this AI 456 I need help from radar as I am unsure of position. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I weather is very bad after Apano.

Question 44 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT LJS, Type of Aircraft Global express, Level FL 260, Route VIDP to VABB Via KABAR Diversion VAAH Chartered flight VHF only Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain ATC clearence.

Q 2.

Comply with ATC clearence.

Q 3.

Over Kabar take action.

Q 4.

Over VAAH you entered CB cell and have deviated from ATS route, take action.


Q 5. On 50 on ILS approach a passenger is sick and weather is not suitable for visual approach take action. Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control visual approach slope indicator is not working. (b) Jammu tower this AI 456 I need help from radar as I am unsure of position. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control threshold runway 09 has been shifted by 1000 feet due to work in progress. (d) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower aircraft which had declared emergency has landed safely and now this frequency is available. (e) Mumbai control this is A I 327 I weather is very bad after Apano.

Question 45 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : VT LJS, Type of Aircraft Global express, Level FL 260, Route VIDP to VIAR Via ASRI Diversion VICG, VIJU Chartered flight VHF only Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

Obtain Start up clearence.

Q 2.

You are informed that dispatch has a message for you.

Q 3.

Obtain Start up clearence again.

Q 4. Over ERLUX you faintly hear a call that a training aircraft has crashed. Relay the message.


Q 5. On reaching VIAR you find RVR is below minima. You would like to hold over VIAR for RVR to improve. take action. Q 6.

RVR further deproves ask for diversion.

Q 7.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control what is your altitude (Q Code). (b) Jammu tower this AI 456 I wish to obtain lowest flight level. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control there are pools of water on runway. (d) Delhi tower this is DN 786 I wish to carry out direct Instrument Landing approach on RW 27. (e) A I 327 this is Mumbai radio establish air to ground communication with Delhi radio on frequency of your choice.

Question 46 Aircraft Identification: VT LJS Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIJP Time 01:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route Overflying VAAH Other Information Chartered flight VHF only Alternate VAAU, VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1. After getting airborne from Jaipur, obtain ATC clearence from appropriate authority. Q 2.

70 NM inbound Ahmadabad Mode C is not working take action.

Q 3. 100 nm inbound BBB you are informed that Mumbai Runway is blocked, take action.


Q 4. 30 nm inbound AAU, you are informed that parking space is not available at Aurangabad. Take action. Q 5.

On reaching APANO take action.

Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) 9W 677 this is Delhi aerodrome control on finals glide slope indicator is not showing. (b) Delhi Control this AI 456 we will commence descent from FL 180 to FL 150 on 2217. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control continue descend and call when you reach FL 40. (d) Delhi Ground this is DN 786 I wish to stop and wait before Taxi way Alpha. (e) Mumbai tower this is IC 456 Visiblity is deproving and it is raining more than before.

Question 47 Aircraft Identification: VT LJS Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABP Time 01:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route Overflying VAID Other Information Chartered flight VHF only Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 5. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 6. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 7. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 8. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

About to line up you see a training aircraft on base leg. Take action.

Q 2.

After some time you see that aircraft on fire. Take action.

Q 3.

Nagpur control is not responding. Take action.


Q 4. 30 NM outbound VAID, you want to carry out single engine practice. Take action. Q 5.

During single engine practice on Finals, door opens. Take action.

Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) Delhi aerodrome control this is 9W 677 on finals glide slope indicator is not showing. (b) Delhi Control this AI 456 we will commence descent from FL 180 to FL 150 on 2217. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control continue descend and call when you reach FL 40. (d) Delhi Ground this is DN 786 I wish to stop and wait before Taxi way Alpha. (e) Mumbai tower this is IC 456 Visiblity is deproving and it is raining more than before.

Question 48 Aircraft Identification: IC 517 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 01:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route Overflying VAAH Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate Aerodrome VIJP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 9. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 10. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 11. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 12. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Q 1. During taxi brakes have become hot and flight attendent report a loud noise below the floor of the aircraft. Take action. Q 2.

Passing FL 280, Mumbai control calls you. Replan your flight accordingly.


Q 3. An aircraft is over Indore destination Ahmadabad . Trying to call Ahmadabad control. Render help in relaying message. Q 4a. During descend to land from FL 70 to FL 50 loose contact with Approach. Take action. Q 4b. You reach DPN at 3500, plan your instrument approach and show compliance. Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Delhi Control, IT 237 we will commence our descent at a time 2213. Chennai approach VT EWQ I see an aircraft straight ahead coming on to me. VT FRT Delhi Tower visibility will lessen to 300 m in rain. Mumbai Tower 9W 675 glide path has gone away. VT FBN keep holding over VOR and you are likely to commence your approach at 2217.

Question 49 Aircraft Identification:VT LJS Type of Aircraft: GLOBAL EXPRESS Departure Aerodrome: VIGW Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VEGY Route O/f VILK Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VIBN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

You are about to take off you see another aircraft on runway take action.

Q 2.

Obtain ATC clearence and comply with it.

Q 3.

Reaching VIGR on your assigned cruising level take action.

Q 4.

Over VIGR Your port engine is on fire. Take action.

Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) Delhi aerodrome control this is 9W 677 I see an aircraft straight ahead coming towards me. (b) AI 456 this is Delhi Control what is your expected time of arrival. (c) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control you can expect to commence approach at 0812. (d) Delhi Ground this is DN 786 I wish to stop and wait before Taxi way Alpha. (e) Mumbai tower this is IC 456 Visiblity is deproving and it is raining more than before.

Question 50 Aircraft Identification:VT LJS Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f KABAR Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 5. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 6. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 7. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 8. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Obtain ATC clearence and comply with it.

Q 2. After getting Airborne you experience strong head wind ask for a higher FL. action. Q 3.

Over KABAR ask for higher flight Level.

Q 4. After KABAR you enter CB, and loose height. After getting out of CB you realize that you have deviated from track. Take action.


Q 5. On reaching VABB you are informed that you are number three in landing sequence. One passenger has fallen sick. Weather is not suitable for Visual approach. Take action. Q 6.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower weather has become very bad and mumbai has warned that cloud base has dropped to 300. (b) Delhi aerodrome control this is 9W 677 what is the field elevation. (c) AI 456 this is Delhi Control what is your expected time of arrival. (d) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control you can expect to commence approach at 0812. (e) Delhi Control This is DN 786 I wish to obtain heading using Radar for reaching Delhi VOR.

Question 51 Aircraft Identification: IT 456 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VILK Time 23:30 Level: 320 Aerodrome destination: VILK Route O/f VEGY Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VIBN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 9. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 10. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 11. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 12. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1. You are seeing an aircraft on finals and you are asked to hold on taxiway, but you are sure that you will be able to take off before landing aircraft. Take action. Q 2.

On threshold you have some technical problem. Take action.

Q 3.

Near Varanasi you encounter weather and you are unsure of position. Take action.

Q 4.

You have crashed near Patna. Take action.

Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower weather has become very bad and mumbai has warned that cloud base has dropped to 300. (b) Delhi aerodrome control this is 9W 677 what is the field elevation. (c) AI 456 this is Delhi Control what is your expected time of arrival. (d) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control you can expect to commence approach at 0812. (e) Delhi Control This is DN 786 I wish to obtain heading using Radar for reaching Delhi VOR.

Question 52 REGULATION AND PROCEDURE Time allowed: Maximum marks:

15 minutes from handing over question paper. 100

Aircraft identification : IC 456, Type of Aircraft Airbus 320, Level FL 260, Route VECC to VIDP Via VILK Diversion VIBN. VEPT Exchange messages as per situations given in question below Q 1.

During taxi you experience strong cross wind take action. Take action.

Q 2.

Near VIBN you experience both hydraulic failure take action.

Q 3.

Near Aligarh you are unable to climb FL 350. Take action.

Q 4.

Mode C is not working. Take action.

Q 5.

Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure.


(a) All aircrafts in movement area and in aerodrome traffic zone this is Mumbai tower weather has become very bad and mumbai has warned that cloud base has dropped to 300. (b) Delhi aerodrome control this is 9W 677 what is the field elevation. (c) AI 456 this is Delhi Control what is your expected time of arrival. (d) IT 765 This is Delhi Aerodrome control you can expect to commence approach at 0812. (e) Delhi Control This is DN 786 I wish to obtain heading using Radar for reaching Delhi VOR.

Question 53 Aircraft Identification: DN 413 Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 13:30 Level: 320 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Aerodrome destination: VABB Route Overflying Pratapgarh Other Information Selcal DFGK Alternate Aerodrome VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

You are ready to taxi.

Actual Time of Departure 14:00


Q 2. As per ATC clearance You are to cross Alpha at FL 180, request level change enroute. In instrument meteorological condition you cross Alpha 1410 and est JJP 1425 at FL 180. Communication failure takes place as fail to contact any station. Q 3. Air ground communication is back to normal. You reach Partapgarh that Ahmadabad call you. Q 4.

At 90 DME distance co pilot faints. Effort to revive him fails.

Q 5. Transmit the following sentences of plain English in aviation language phrases and us e proper phrases/ phraseologies. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

VT HBK are you ready to take off without delay. IC 546 see around for Boeing. VT RFD report at control zone border. VT ACR descent to 10000 feet. Trivendrum tower let me know the aerodrome existing pressure.

Question 54 Aircraft Identification: AI 111 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOMM Time 01:30 Level: 300 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route Overflying Pratapgarh Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate Aerodrome VABM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 13. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 14. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 15. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 16. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1a. You are ready to take down ATC Clearance. b

Show compliance to the ATC clearence.


Actual Time of Departure 02:15

Q 2a. You are airborne and are passing FL 60 that flaps get stuck. Aircraft is fully loaded, over weight landing is not advisable. b Flaps start operating normal. Proceed to destination. Obtain clearence. Q 3. Overhead Bellary Chennai informs you that Mumbai ATC has gone off the air due to major power failure. Q 4. Approaching Chennai you see a severe cyclonic storm at sea proceeding towards north. Q 5. Transmit the following sentences of plain English in aviation language phrases and use proper phrases/ phraseologies as and when required. (a) Visiblity as reported by accredited observer at Delhi is 7 kms. (b) Delhi Ground VT YHJ may we park aircraft with nose inward to terminal building. (c) VT RDG contact Rolly control on 118.000. (d) Amritsar tower there is a group of birds sitting on left of runway. (e) Delhi control weather at FL 330 is bumpy, request 310.

Question 55 Aircraft Identification: IT 778 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 23:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOTV Route O/f Calicut Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOML, VOCB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 5. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 6. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 7. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 8. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1a. After you have started engines that cabin crew member informs you that one passenger is intoxicated and behaving rudely. You investigate and find him unsafe for its flight. b

Obtain start up clearance again.


Actual Time of Departure 00:20

Q 2. You are passing FL 220 that Mumbai is calling you. Give response and you’re your inability to comply with its requirements. Q 3. Overhead Goa you see parachute flare of red light that has been fired from sea. Report to ATC. Q 4. Overhead cochin you are informed by that TVM control that airport has been closed. Take action. Q 5. Transmit the following sentences of plain English in aviation language phrases and use proper phrases/ phraseologies as and when required. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

VT HIK establish air ground communication with VDF. Company dispatch this is 9W 478 calling. VT BHY call when you start flying on Localizer. IC 290 proceed to Runway holding position via A & G. AI 112 you are at seventh place to land.

Question 56 Aircraft Identification: IC 635 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 01:30 Level: 330 Aerodrome destination: VOBG Route O/f VABM Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1.

Obtain taxi clearence.

Actual Time of Departure 00:20 Q 2. You are 70 DME BBB you get into CB cell Weather is worse towards east. Aircraft start experiencing severe turbulence. You want to deviate immediately. ATC channel is heavily occupied.


Q 3.

You reach Belgaum, Mumbai calls you. Answer the call.

Q 4.

After crossing control boundary obtain descent.

Q 5. Transmit the following sentences of plain English in aviation language phrases and use proper phrases/ phraseologies as and when required. (a) (b) (c) (d)

Dolly control confirm Visual Approach Slope indicator system available. VT FIR Delhi control give your flight details from Chandigarh to Jammu. VT JNH carried out final approach under direction of radar control. Pilot in Command of VT YRE to report in the unit that provides approach control Office. (e) Chennai Radar keep me further behind the Airbus due to its heavy back wash.

Question 57 Aircraft Identification: AI 167 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VECC Route O/f VANP Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1. You are ready to start engine. Flight dispatch informs you that wind is favorable at FL 330. Actual Time of Departure 09:00


Q 2 a. You are Taxing out and are ready to take ATC clearance. Q 2 b. Show compliance ATC clearance. Q 3.

You subsequently climb to you requested level reach Nagpur.

Q 4. You reach Jamshedpur and you are ready to commence descent after 5 min. Take action. Q 5. Transmit the following sentences of plain English in aviation language phrases and use proper phrases/ phraseologies as and when required. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

VT EDC listen Delhi weather on 126.4 VT PJK what is actual time you departed from Madurai. Helicopter 135 report control zone border. VT OKL make a circle to your right in middle of downwind leg. I have received all that you have said in your last transmission.

Question 58 Aircraft Identification: AI 9903 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VECC Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VANP Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 While you are taxying you are informed that there is construction going on taxi way B.One of the vehicles is in your way.Take Action. Q2 Over Nipad you experience minor turbulence, give your met report and appropriate report. Q3 70 DME NNP you see a destructive storm ahead. For safety of passengers use another diversion route by deviating 30 degrees from your track. Channel is heavily occupied. Report when reaching deviated route.



93 DME BBB request descent and show inability to comply.


While landing run, you narrowly miss a car passing on the RWY. Take action

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Delhi control this is IC 435,we are ready to commence descent at 2215. IT 230 this is Chennai approach there is an aircraft heading towards you. AI 876 this is Mumbai approach report crossed outer marker outbound. VT AUY this is Chennai Contol Reciprocal Traffic ahead. AI 778 Mumbai Aerodrome control you are seventh to land.

Question 59 Aircraft Identification: AI 9903 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOML Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VOML Route O/f VAGO Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VAGO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q 1 a Request startup for ILS calibration. Q 1 b Make ILS approach & request intention ‘Go around’ Q2 Emirates 676 is interfering & distracting. You are not able to obtain ATC clearance. Take Action


Q4 You experience microburst on long finals. Inform appropriate authority after landing. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Maintaining ground clearance is Pilot responsibility. Now visibility is bad but will improve to 2 kms VT ABC make a circle to ur right to go behind time VASI on landing not working Mangalore twr the centerline lights are going on & off.

Question 60 Aircraft Identification: IT 9903 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VIDP Route O/f VIJP Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VIJO, VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

You are airborne at 0914, make a report to Mumbai after take off.


You reach IDOLA at assigned flight level. Take action.

Q 3 a 30 NM inbound JJP you are informed that Delhi is having fog and RVR is 200. Take Action.


Q 3 b 20 NM from JJP you are informed AOR number can not be obtained. Q4 You experience microburst on long finals. Inform appropriate authority after landing. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Maintaining ground clearance is Pilot responsibility. Now visibility is back but will improve to 2 kms VT ABC make a circle to your right to go behind time VASI on landing not working Mangalore tower the centerline lights are going on & off.

Question 61 Aircraft Identification: IC 578 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOTV Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VOMD Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOBG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 Obtain start up. You would like to fly in sector for 10 minutes before setting course between FL 60 and FL 80. Q2 Madurai is calling you. Respond and show your inability to follow his instructions.



You see a search and rescue aircraft crashing. Take action.

Q4 You are on VOR approach and Cabin crew has fallen sick. Ask for expeditious approach. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

What is the strength of Parallel taxi track. Bahadur Shah Runway is closed permanently. VT ABC make a circle to your right to go behind time VASI on landing not working Mangalore tower the centerline lights are going on & off.

Question 62 Aircraft Identification: IC 578 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VECC Route O/f VIBN Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VIBN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 NOTAM N Delhi airspace is closed from 0800 to 1000 due to Republic day flying. Obtain start up in accordance with NOTAM. Q2

During start up Ground Battery has failed. Take action.

Q 3 a Climbing thru FL 70 with ROC 700 feet per min, Delhi is calling you.


Q 3 b As you are decreasing your ROC Delhi Approach goes off air. Q4 Over VIBN you are informed that Kolkata is closed due to Industrial strike by Trinamool Congress Party led by Ms Mamta Bannerjee. Q5 While landing brakes have failed and aircraft has gone off the runway. Take action. Q6

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) Delhi tower IT 235 what is the magnetic orientation of intersecting runways. b) VT TCY Mumbai control turn right on heading 130 as I want to see you on my radar. c) Delhi ground IC 786 there are no lights on Taxiway B. d) Mumbai tower VT ASH center line lights of runway is switching on and off. e) IT 536 Delhi control due to fog there are six aircrafts are waiting near Delhi VOR.

Question 63 Aircraft Identification: IC 578 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOTV Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VOML Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

Human Organ transplant is on board. Obtain start up.


Climbing through FL 160 give a position report.

Q3 As you are approaching 40 NM inbound VOML you see Tsunami approaching. Take action.


Q4 You are at FL 90 over BBB you are number 7 in landing sequence. Ask for expeditious landing. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) Delhi tower IT 235 what is the magnetic orientation of intersecting runways. b) VT TCY Mumbai control turn right on heading 130 as I want to see you on my radar. c) Delhi ground IC 786 there are no lights on Taxiway B. d) Mumbai tower VT ASH center line lights of runway is switching on and off. e) IT 536 Delhi control due to fog there are six aircrafts are waiting near Delhi VOR.

Question 64 Aircraft Identification: 6E 234 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VECC Route O/f VANP Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory.

Q1. Airbore from VABB passing through FL260.Calculate time to cross DUBOX and report. Q2. 80 DME BBB you get into severe turbulance and you want to deviate 30 degree's left of track.Control is not responding.Take action.



On final approach at FL50,request for visual approach.


On finals loose altitude due to wind shear. Take immediate action.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology:


Visibility as reported by accredited observer at Delhi is 7 kms.

b) Delhi ground VT YHJ may we park aircraft with nose inward to terminal building. c)

VT RDG contact Rolly control on 118.00


Amritsar tower there is a group of birds sittibg on the left of the Runway.


Delhi control weather at FL 330 is bumpy,request 310

Question 65 Aircraft Identification: IC 578 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOTV Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VOMM Route O/f VOMD Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOBG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 80.

Obtain Start up. You would like to carry out sector flying between FL 60 to FL

Q2 70 NM outbound VOTV, VOMD is calling you. Take the message and show inability to comply.


Q3 As you are approaching 40 NM inbound VOML you see Tsunami approaching. Take action. Q4 You are at FL 90 over BBB you are number 7 in landing sequence. Ask for expeditious landing. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) Delhi tower IT 235 what is the magnetic orientation of intersecting runways. b) VT TCY Mumbai control turn right on heading 130 as I want to see you on my radar. c) Delhi ground IC 786 there are no lights on Taxiway B. d) Mumbai tower VT ASH center line lights of runway is switching on and off. e) IT 536 Delhi control due to fog there are six aircrafts are waiting near Delhi VOR.

Question 66 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOTV Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VOML Other Information Regn VT REM Alternate VOBG, VOML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 In apron you find your aircraft is heavy and you would like to backtrack and use entire length of runway. Take action. Q2 After entering runway you experience technical problem, you would like to call a technician. Take action.


Q3 Near VOCI you experience bad weather and you would like to deviate to the right. Q4 Over VOML while giving position report you find that carrier is being transmitted but modulation is breaking. Take action. Q 5 30 NM outbound VAGO obtain descend. Q6

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Is your aircraft RVSM equipped. VT TCY Mumbai control car you fly faster and land before airport closes. Fly as per old cruising levels. Mumbai tower VT ASH center line lights of runway is switching on and off. IT 536 Delhi control due to fog there are six aircrafts are waiting near Delhi VOR.

Question 67 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VOBZ Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VOML Other Information Ariel Recce Alternate VOBG, VOML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

You are ready to taxi.


80 nm inbound VABB you are in IMC. Take action.

Q3 You are 40 nm outbound VABB, Primary altimeter is not working and Mumbai is not responding.



Both the altimeters have failed. Mumbai is in contact. Take action.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Delhi tower IC 889 I see an aircraft head on. Dolly control 9W 653 I would like to descend at the earliest. Mumbai tower can you tell me how many aircrafts will take off before me. Mumbai control VT ASH I would like to descend to FL 240 and maintain FL 240. IT 536 Delhi control due to fog there are six aircrafts are waiting near Delhi VOR.

Question 68 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIJO Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VABP Route O/f VAUD Other Information Chartered flight Alternate VAAH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

At FL 100 obtain further climb.

Q2 Over VAUD you see dust storm approaching and training flying is going on at Udaipur. Take action. Q3

You are 40 nm inbound VAAH, obtain descend.


On finals you have unsafe under carriage indication.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology:


a) Delhi tower IC 889 I want to taxi fast and take off before landing aircraft. b) Mumbai very good morning to you. I am having some problem with my wheels, which I am trying to resolve. I will land without wheels in case I am not able to sort out the problem. c) Dolly control 9W 653 I am 9 nm on ILS. d) Mumbai tower I can see an aircraft coming from front. e) Mumbai control VT ASH I would like to descend to FL 240 and maintain FL 240.

Question 69 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 08:30 Level: 310 Aerodrome destination: VECC Route O/f VIBN Other Information Chartered flight Alternate VIBN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

During taxi obtain ATC clearance.


Comply with ATC clearance.


At FL 120 obtain further climb.


You are allotted lower level ask for higher FL.


You plan to cross LLK at FL 230 Delhi is not responding.


90 nm inbound CEA obtain descend.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology:


a) b) c) d) e)

You are VT RGY and you will be able to cross LLK 1023 or later. I am new to the airport send me a vehicle which will guide me to runway 27. Nagpur I am calling you so many times, I want to descend. Delhi tower IC 889 I want to taxi fast and take off before landing aircraft. Mumbai very good morning to you. I am having some problem with my wheels, which I am trying to resolve. I will land without wheels in case I am not able to sort out the problem.

Question 70 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: ATR Departure Aerodrome: VANP Time 08:30 Level: 220 Aerodrome destination: VABB Route O/f VABP, VAID Other Information Chartered flight Alternate VAAU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1

During taxi obtain ATC clearance.


Comply with ATC clearance.

Q3 70 NM outbound on track to VABP you descend to FL 120 to maintain till VABP then climb to filed FL. Give report to next ATC. Q4


Over VAID, Ahmadabad is calling you take action.

Q5 7 nm inbound VAAU vulture hits elevator causing structural damage. Take action. Q6

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) VT ASH continue making circles at your level there will be some delay for your descend. b) Cochin Twr, did you say clear to land. c) Amritsar VT FOX is your weather good enough for my visual flight. d) Delhi VT ATT we are flying behind Air India and getting his turbulence. e) Chandigarh VT UIJ I am getting in your airspace.

Question 71 Aircraft Identification: 6E 453 Type of Aircraft: Airbus Departure Aerodrome: VABB Time 08:30 Level: 310 Route O/f VANP Aerodrome destination: VECC Other Information Chartered flight Alternate VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1



You have started up and plan to carry out cockpit checks after lining up.


After getting airborne loose contact with tower.

a Passing FL 330 flight dispatch informs you about bad weather and you decide to take FL 310


b In continuation to the clearance obtained from ATC give necessary information and obtain clearance for desired FL. Q3 80 DMA NNP you experience bad weather. You decide to deviate right. Fail to raise VANP. Q4 You are out of weather but it is still turbulent. You have regained track . you reach NIPAD. Take action. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) Mumbai control yes we are approved RVSM status. b) Ahmadabad we are having bumpy weather would like to climb and cruise FL 320. c) Delhi control we are getting back wash from aircraft ahead request lower flight level. d) Nagpur Radar I need your help to navigate me for Instrument Landing System. e) Delhi on finals I got into down draft and went down by 300 feet.

Question 72 Aircraft Identification: VT KTR Type of Aircraft: ATR Departure Aerodrome: VIDP Time 08:30 Level: 110/120 Route O/f VILK, VIGR Aerodrome destination: VIDP Other Information: Training flight VHF only Alternate VANP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 a You are cleared to holding position R/W 22, you have been told to hold position due to heavy incoming traffic. You see the arriving traffic and you can takeoff before arriving aircraft without delay.



As you enter technical snags develops.


Passing FL 110 Delhi is calling you. Respond and show compliance.


b Delhi fails to pass your details to Lucknow. You cross VILK control boundary at FL 110 and you fail to contact Delhi. Q3 As you come near Lucknow you see a severe line squall causing destruction approaching towards Lucknow. Take action. Q4 On flight to Gwalior the line squall overtakes you. You fail to navigate through it. Aircraft crashes near Gwalior. Take action. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Is radio nav aid services available for aircraft. Nagpur tower VT UGA touch down at 1245 landing on runway 13 VT IBV switching over to Delhi approach on 127.9 IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify youself on radar. AI 367 keep coming at speed you are flying.

Question 73 Aircraft Identification: VT RAT Type of Aircraft: ATR Departure Aerodrome: VIJO Time 10:15 Level: 250 Route O/f VAUD, Pratapgarh Aerodrome destination: VAID Other Information: Training flight VHF only Alternate VAAH, VABP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1



Obtain start up. (ATIS not available).


On getting airborne, you loose contact with Tower.

a You estimate Udaipur 1050, establish contact with appropriate authority and seek permission as you climb thru FL 190. b


Comply with requirement given by ATC in above question.


You are 20 nm inbound Prathapgarh. Take action.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

Is radio nav aid services available for aircraft. 6E490 wind direction is changing. 9W339 switching over to Delhi approach on 127.9 IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify yourself on radar. AI 367 keep coming at speed you are flying.

Question 74 Aircraft Identification: IT 618 Departure Aerodrome: VIDP

Time 10:15

Type of Aircraft: Airbus Level: 250 Route O/f VIBN

Aerodrome destination: VECC Other Information: Training flight VHF only Alternate VIBN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 a Runway in use is 15. Cross wind component is not with in limits. Take action during Taxi. b

When you are at FL 70 ATC calls you.



a You are routing Aligarh and passing FL 110, you calculate that you will be able to reach FL 350 at VILK.


You are 40 nm inbound VIBN. Mode C failure occurs. Take action.

Q4 Q4

While passing FL 130 for descent, you experience hydraulic failure. Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Delhi control VT HJD would like to make approach in visual reference to terrain. IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify yourself on radar. 6E490 wind direction is changing. VTJYO make one circle right at downwind. Runway Visual Range 2500. AI 367 keep coming at speed you are flying.

Question 75 Aircraft Identification: VT SAO Departure Aerodrome: VISR

Time 1300

Type of Aircraft: Bombardiar Level: 250 Route O/f VICG

Aerodrome destination: VIDP Other Information: Training flight VHF only Alternate VICG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 a take action.

During taxing visibility falls below your AOM. Obtain information and


As you cross VIPK that VIAR calls you.



At 50 DME DPN, obtain descend clearance.

Q4 Contact ATC to report at FL 50 and fail to contact any ground stations. Take further action assuming weather not being conducive for any visual approach. Q5

Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e)

VT RUT weather at Jammu has become better. Delhi control 9W 431 crossing border of your area. IC 132 do not descent below FL 150. I am ready for a quick take off. 6E 490 wind direction is changing.

Question 76 Aircraft Identification: VT SAO Departure Aerodrome: VOTV

Time 1720

Type of Aircraft: Challenger Level: 250 Route O/f VOML

Aerodrome destination: VABB Other Information: Training flight VHF only Alternate VOML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1. Take RTF action for situations given below in ascending order. 2. Use hypothetical data, for message that require to be transmitted at specific time, candidate should write that specific time against question No on answer sheet. 3. Continue answering till you are told to “Go to next question”. 4. Usage of Aviation Language and prescribed Phraseologies is mandatory. Q1 You are ready to start engines after having a technical delay time of departure 1735. Q2 You are 70 DME to MML that due to slow decrease in cabin pressure , you are not able to maintain the cleared flight level and want to descend FL 100. Take necessary action without contacting any aeronautical fixed station..


Q3 Passing FL 300 you are able to establish contact with ATC, Take necessary clearance to land VOML. Q4

After landing as you vacated the runway take further action with ATC.


Transit the following in Aviation Phraseology: a) b) c) d) e) f)

Delhi I would like to have authorization to go to Srinagar. 9W 493 taxi backway on runway 09. All station this is Nagpur control may day is over. Jammu can you give me magnetic heading to reach you. VT RUT weather at Jammu has become better. Delhi Tower we would like to have a vehicle that can guide us to taxi. …………………………………………………………………………

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