RRC Access Failures

February 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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http://taktiktek.blogspot.in/2011/11/rrc-access-failures.html RRC ACC FAI !"# $% RA!I% I&$ '(&C) &etAct name: RRC*C%&&*ACC*F RRC*C%&&*ACC*FAI*RA AI*RA!I% !I% !escription: $he number of RRC access failures cause+ b, ra+io interface s,nchronisation failure hen the R&C +oes not n ot receie the RRC: RRC C%&&#C$I%& '#$" C%#$# message from the "# ithin  secon+s3 an+ the R&C has not receie+ the &4A message hich in+icates that 1 s,nchronisation has been establishe+ beteen "# an+ 4$'. $his counter is up+ate+ also in case of inter-s,stem han+oers an+ inter-R&C har+ han+oers

RRC ACC FAI !"# $% "" I&$ &etAct name: RRC*C%&&*ACC*F RRC*C%&&*ACC*FAI*' AI*' !escription: $he number of RRC access failures cause+ b, "#. hen the R&C +oes not n ot receie the RRC: RRC C%&&#C$I%& '#$" C%#$# message from the "# ithin  secon+s3 an+ the R&C has receie+ the &4A message hich in+icates that 1 s,nchronisation has been establishe+ beteen "# an+ 4$'. $his counter is up+ate+ also in case of incoming 'R&' relocations3 inter-s,stem han+oers3 an+ inter-R&C har+ han+oers

RRC ACC FAI !"# $% R&C I&$#R R#A'%&' &etAct name: RRC*C%&&*ACC*F RRC*C%&&*ACC*FAI*R&C AI*R&C !escription: $he number of RRC access failures cause+ b, R&C internal reason. hen an R&C internal failure occurs before receiing the RRC: RRC C%&&#C$I%& '#$" C%#$# message from the "#. $his counter is up+ate+ also in case of incoming 'R&' relocations3 inter-s,stem han+oers3 an+ inter-R&C har+ han+oers

56 - %ptimi7ation - Failure anal,sis Failure analysis : •

1. RRC 'etup Failures3 #aluate RRC 'etup Failure at cell leel

#aluate the +istribution among failure reason

In case the +ominant factor is: RRC*C%&&*'$*FAI*R&C  --8 at the moment no optimisation action is nee+e+ 9t,picall, is a fault or Incoming 'R&C Relocation failures RRC*C%&&*'$*FAI* AC --8 AC --8 look at " interference ; ! poer 9-8 " poer spikes ; nee+ to upgra+e ra+io capacit, 'olution : 'olution  : !isable " A+mission Control if the number of failures is critical

RRC*C%&&*'$*FAI* 4$' ealuate &4A counters 9ra+io link reconf. failure an+ to 1 9tuning +epen+s +epen +s on "# mo+el or tune CIC)$oRefRA4%ffset CIC)$oRefRA4%ffset s ?@ualmin 9or ?r=lemin RRC*C%&&*ACC*FAI* ' --8 ' --8 " Coerage  ! Coerage tune CIC) an+ cell +ominance in or+er to balance " an+ ! 9if " interference is not the cause

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