RPT BI FORM 1 2017

April 19, 2017 | Author: qairisa | Category: N/A
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Chapter 1: New Year, New You Theme:

LISTENING & SPEAKING 1.2.1 Listen and respond to directions, instructions and procedures


2.1.1 Read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding similes




3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions:

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context:

(iii) posters and slogans

(i) common nouns

1.1.2 Listen to text of different genres and classify the grammar items and vocabulary.

(ii) proper nouns

People & Culture

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to retrieve main ideas and supporting details 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally


Chapter 2: It’s a Small World Theme: Science & Technology

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally 1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (iii) invitation

2.1.2 Understanding meaning of words from media using dictionary

4.1.4 Identify and use articles appropriately according to context: (i) indefinite article ‘a’ and ‘an’

2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.3.1 Read various

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

  

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems

5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances (Poem)

2.2.2 Locate and organize information by using graphic organisers

2.1.2 Understand meaning of words from print media by using: (i) dictionary

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.


CROSSCURRICU LAR ELEMENT S Language Values Patriotism and Citizenship Creativity and Innovation

3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (ii) Process and Procedures

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies (ii) note-taking (iii) outlining 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (i) email

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: (i) simple present tense

(Short sketch about New Year in Malaysia) 1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures.

4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context: (ii) yes/no questions/statements

1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate

5.1.1 Listen to and respond orally to various literary works 5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

 

Science and Technology Information and Communicati ons Technology (ICT)

5.2.2 Produce a new genre from


(iv) request

texts and retrieve information by:

cohesive devices. (Quiz)

(i) skimming and scanning


Chapter 3: Nature’s Warning Theme: Health & Environment

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) identify cause and effect

5.2.3 Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner 3.1.3 Apply pre-writing stratetegies (i)brainstorming (mind maps, bubble maps, etc) (ii) note-taking

4.1.5 Identify and use verbs appropriately according to context: (i) regular (ii) irregular verbs

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures.

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: (ii) simple past tense

1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.

2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning

(Presentation on “Reduce Your Carbon Footprints”)

(Short Story) 5.1.1 Listen to and respond orally to various literary works 5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

   

Language Values Environment al sustainability Global sustainability

5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances (Graphic Novel)


9 - 10 11

the literary text read

Chapter 4: Be Wise, Think Twice Theme:

1.2.2 Listen to text of different genres and classify the grammar items and vocabulary

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by identifying main ideas in given texts

3.1.2 Organise and write ideas in a paragraph: (ii) captions for illustrations, posters and cartoons

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context: (i) countable nouns

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures.

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

(ii) uncountable nouns

Consumerism & Financial Awareness

 

Values Environment al sustainability Financial Education Global sustainability


1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal

2.2.2 Locate and organize information by using graphic organisers

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing stratetegies (i)brainstorming (mind maps, bubble maps, etc)

1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new


experiences orally

2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning


Chapter 5: A Bundle of Joy Theme: People & Culture

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally 1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (iii) invitation (iv) refusal


Chapter 6: Ready, Set, Action Theme:

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.2.2 Locate and organize information by: (i) using graphic organisers

cohesive devices.

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (iii) posters and slogans

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing stratetegies (iii) outlining 3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) journals

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

4.1.1 Identify and use nouns appropriately according to context: (v) singular nouns (vi) plurals nouns (vii) Subject Verb Agreement (SVA)

2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning

2.1.1 Read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding:

2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems(Present ation) 1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. 2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

3.1.1 Write simple sentences correctly 3.1.1 Write simple sentences correctly

4.1.2 Identify and use pronouns appropriately according to context: (i) possessive

(Presentation about “Cultural Practices in Malaysia”) 1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures.

ideas or solves problems 5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works

5.1.1 Listen to and respond orally to various literary works

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Language Values

Science and Technology Creativity and Innovation

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems (Short Story)

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works


Science & Technology

(ii) retrieve supporting details

(i) similes

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) compare and contrast

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by:

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

(i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by:

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (i) brainstorming(mind maps, buble maps, etc)

(ii) demonstrative (iii) interrogative

3.1.5 Use a variety of sentence structures to elaborate, extend ideas in paragraphs organizational structures (i) topic sentences (ii) thesis statement

Chapter 7: Once Bitten, Twice Shy Theme: Health & Environment

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning

5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances


 

Language Environment al Sustainability Values


2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems (Scrapbook on “Traditional games vs Online Games”

(i) skimming and scanning 17-18

1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (i) brainstorming (mind maps, buble maps, etc)

4.1.5 Identify and use verbs appropriately according to context: (i) auxiliary verbs

3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (iii) letters

4.1.10 Identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to: (i) and (ii) but (iv) or

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances


2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems (Mini exhibition on The Danger of Aedes Mosquitoes) 19-20




Chapter 8: The Savvy eShopper Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) retrieve supporting details

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary

3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (iii) paraphrase and summarise

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by:

3.1.5 Use a variety of sentence structures to elaborate, extend ideas in paragraphs organizational structure: (ii) thesis statement

1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (vi) complaint

(i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions

4.1.6 Identify and use adverbs appropriately according to context: (i) manner (ii) time (iii) place

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) e-diary

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems

 

Information and Communicati ons Technology (ICT) Creativity and Innovation Financial Education

5.2.3 Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner (Poem)

2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

2.4.1 Read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems


23 24-25

Chapter 9: Stand by Me Theme: People & Culture

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to:

(i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.3.1 Read various

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by:

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (i) brainstorming (mind maps, buble maps, etc) (iii) outlining 3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) journals

4.1.8 Identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context: (iii) directions (iv) positions (v) phrasal verbs

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances

  

Language Values Patriotism and Citizenship


(iv) identify and organize

texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning

cohesive devices.

(Short Story)

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (ii) Process and Procedures (Organise Friendship Day) 26-27

Chapter 10: Gadgets and Gizmos Theme: Science & Technology

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) retrieve supporting details 1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (iv) identify and organize 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.2.2 Locate and organize information by: (i) using graphic organisers

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining 3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) e-diary

4.1.3 Identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context: (i) adjective of quality 4.2.1 Construct simple sentences correctly and meaningfully

1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. 2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances

  

Science and Technology Creativity and Innovation Information and Communicati ons Technology (ICT)



2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve


information by: (i) skimming and scanning 28-29

Chapter 11: Live Life to the Fullest Theme: Health & Environment

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (iv) identify and organize 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally


Chapter 12: Prudent Lifestyles Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) compare and contrast (iv) identify and organize (v) solve problems 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary

3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices

2.3.2 Read various texts and select information for specific purposes

3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (i) email

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas in given texts 2.2.2 Locate and organise information by: (ii) creating their own graphic organisers

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (iii) posters and slogans

4.1.8 Identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context: (i) place (ii) time

4.1.10 Identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to: (iii) so (iv) or (v) because 4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context: (iii) choice question

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. (Presentation) 1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.

2.4.1 Read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems (Poem) 5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

 

Values Environment al Sustainability

  

Language Values Financial Education

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems (Poem)

2.4.1 Read a variety of text from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems (Create a blog) MID SEMESTER BREAK



Chapter 13: I Am Malaysian Theme: People & Culture

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures 1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning


Chapter 14: Heals and Aids Theme: Science & Technology

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally 1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (iv) compliment

4.1.3 Identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context: (ii) possessive (iii) comparison of adjectives

3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (ii)process and procedure

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally 1.4.2 Participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (i) greeting (iii) invitation 1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (i) brainstorming (mind maps, bubble maps, etc) (ii) note-+taking

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally. (Presentation to be a Malaysian)

5.1.1 Listen to and respond orally to various literary works

  

Language Values Patriotism and Citizenship

 

Language Science and Technology Creativity and Innovation

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems 5.2.1 Identify meaning of words based on context (Short Story)

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas

3.1.2 Organise and write ideas in a paragraph: (ii) captions for illustrations, posters and cartoons

2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining

2.3.2 Read various texts and select information for specific purposes

3.2.2 Write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) journals

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context: (iii) future tense 4.1.12 Identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context: (i) capital letters (ii) comma/full stop (iii) question mark (iv) exclamation mark

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.2.2 Produce a new genre from the literary text read


3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (ii) Process and Procedures


(Exhibition on CPR) 37





Chapter 15: Keep Green, Keep Clean Theme: Health & Environment

1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) identify cause and effect (v) solve problems 1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media using: (i) dictionary 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining 3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (iii) letters

4.1.9 Identify and use modals appropriately according to context: (i) can (ii) may (iii) might 4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context (iii) choice question

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices. (Water Conservation Day)

Chapter 16: Smart Plan, Better Future Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas (ii) retrieve supporting details 1.3.2 Listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) identify cause and effect 1.4.1 Express feelings and give

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by: (i) identifying main ideas 2.2.3 Analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions 2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve

Language Values Environmental Sustainability

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solves problems 5.2.3 Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner (Short Story)

2.3.1 Read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning 41-42

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

3.1.3 Apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining 3.1.4 Select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices 3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes: (iii) letters

4.1.11 Identify and use question forms appropriately according to context (i) positive and negative questions/statements 4.3.1 Identify and use: (i) similes in context appropriately

1.1.2 Can listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures. 1.1.4 Can select relevant information and elaborate/extend/ explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices (Exhibition on Young Entrepreneur’s

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works 5.2.2 Produce a new genre from the literary text read

  

Creativity and Innovation Entrepreneur ship Financial Education

5.2.3 Create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner 5.2.4 Share


simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

information by: (i) skimming and scanning


2.4.1 Read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems 43

personal responses to literary works through performances (Drama)



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