RPS Komunikasi Dalam Praktik Kebidanan

September 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@J@J] (sds) 2 M jsfe ^feofg`beo P ^Y


]beoobc ^feyusuebe Gbrft 0>02 Marfdtur

J]JPA]BYA ,G. Dfs Mr.  Eurhadgbh., YDG., Y.Y]. ,G.Dfs EAME ; >102>286>9 Ibpbabe ^fg`fcbkbrbe Cucusbe (I^C)

Ibtbtbe; Y ; Yadbp ^ ; ^feoftbhube DV ; Dftfrbgpacbe Vgug DD ; Dftfrbgpacbe Dhusus

Qumabrsa Fppbeo., Y.Y]., G.Dfs EAME ; >12=>81>>6

I^C ^rjorbg Ytuma Y2 @frtbd @frtbdwb wb ddfpbm fpbmbb ]uhb ]uhbee Qbeo Qbeo Gbhb Fsb mbe gbgp gbgpuu gf gfeue euekud kuddbe dbe sadbp sadbp rfcaoa rfcaoaus us Y6 Gfeohbr Gfeohbroba oba dfbefd dfbefdbrb brbobg obgbe be `umb `umbyb, yb, pb pbemb embeobe eobe,, bobgb mb mbee dfpfr dfpfriby ibybbe bbe sfr sfrtb tb pfem pfembpb bpbtt btbu tfg tfgube ube jr jrasa asaeebc bc yb ybeo eo cba cbaee ^^2 Gfeoubs Gfeoubsba ba djesfp djesfp tfjrat tfjratas as sas sastfg tfg jrobe tu`uh tu`uh gbeu gbeusab, sab, praesap esap mbe djesfp djesfp ug ugug ug `ajgfm `ajgfmad, ad, gadr gadrj`ajcj j`ajcjoa, oa, lbrg lbrgbdjcj bdjcjoa, oa, dfsf dfsfhbtbe hbtbe gbsy gbsybrbdbt brbdbt,, sjsab sjsabcc `umbyb mbsbr, djesfp df`ambebe, acgu djgueadbsa mbe ftadb prjlfsa ^^2> Gfeoubs Gfeoubsba ba djesfp djgueadbsa djgueadbsa flf flfdtal dtal ybeo `frd `frdbatbe batbe mfeoe sad sadcus cus rfpr rfprjmudsa jmudsa pfr pfrfgpube fgpube sfha sfhaeoob eoob mbpbt gfg`fr gfg`fradbe adbe aeljr aeljrgbsa gbsa ybeo tfpbt mbcb mbcbg g gfcbdudb gfcbdudbee bsuhbe df`ambebe matbtbebe pfcbybebe dfsfhbtbe mbe djgueatbs Gbgpu gfgf gfgfibhdbe ibhdbe gbsbcbh gbsbcbh pf pfdfrkb dfrkbbe be mfeobe salbt salbt mbe dj djetfds etfds yb ybeo eo sfsub sfsubaa mfeobe pfcbbybebe ybebe df df`ambeb `ambebe, e, mambsb mambsbrdbe rdbe pbm pbmbb pfgadar pfgadarbe be cjoas, ae aejvbtal jvbtal,, mbe `frtbeooueo kbwb` btbs hbsaceyb sfibrb gbemara DV6 Gbgp Gbgpuu `fd `fdfrk frkbb sbg sbgb, b, `frdjg `frdjguea ueadbs dbsa,a, mbe mbe `fr `fraej aejvbs vbsaa mbcbbg g pfd pfdfrk frkbbe bbeeyb eyb DD< Gbgpu `fr `frdjguea djgueadbsa dbsa flfdtal flfdtal mbe ttfrbpfu frbpfutad tad mfeob mfeobee pfrfgp pfrfgpube, ube, dfcu dfcubrobey brobeyb, b, mbe gbsy gbsybrbdbt brbdbt,, sfrtb tf tfgbe gbe sfkbw sfkbwbt bt uetud gf gfeaeodb eaeodbtdbe tdbe dfs dfsfhbtbe fhbtbe pfr pfrfgpube, fgpube, a`u, mbe bebd I^ btb Ducabh Yftfcbh gfeoaduta pfrducabhbe aea, gbhbsaswb mahbrbpdbe gbgpu; 2 Gfeo Gfeoub ubsb sbaa Dje Djesf sfpp Mb Mbsb sbrr Djg Djgue uead adbs bsaa



0 9 = 6

Mfsdrapsa Yaeodbt btb Ducabh   btfra ^fg`fcbkbrbe/ ^jdjd @bhbsbe

@j`jt ^feacbabe


Gfgbhbga praesap-praesap hu`ueobe betbr gbeusab Gfeoubsba djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg gfg`fradbe cbybebe df`ambebe Gfeo Gfeoubs ubsba ba djes djesfp fp mb mbsbr sbr Djesfc Djesfcaeo aeo mbcbg mbcbg pr prbdt bdtad ad bbsuh suhbe be df df`am `ambeb bebee Gfeoubsba strbtfoa gfg`betu dcafe mbcbg pfeobg`acbe dfputusbe

< Gfcbdu Gfcbdudbe dbe dftr dftrbgp bgpacb acbee j`sf j`sfrvb rvbsa sa mbe gfg gfg`ae `aebb hu`u hu`ueobe eobe `ba `badd Gfefrbpdbe djgueadbsa mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe ? 8 Gfefrbpdbe djgueadbsa mfeobe `frdjcb`jrbsa mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe Gbtb ducabh aea gfg`fradbe dfsfgpbtbe dfpbmb gbhbsaswb uetud gfefrbpdbe djgueadbsa aetfrpfrsjebc mbe djesfcaeo mbcbg caeodup prbdtad df`ambebe mfeobe gfgpfrhbtadbe bspfd `umbyb ybeo mambsbra mfeobe lacjsjla, ftadjcfobc, dfacgube mfeobe gfeatad`frbtdbe pbmb pfg`frmbybbe aemavamu, dfcubrob, dfcjgpjd mbe gbsybrbdbt uetud gfgfcahbrb mbe gfeaeodbtdbe dfsfhbtbeeyb. 2. Djesfp Djesfp mbsbr mbsbr djguea djgueadbs dbsaa 0. Djguea Djgueadbs dbsaa tfrbpf tfrbpfuta utadd 9. Hu`ueo Hu`ueobe be betbr betbr gbeu gbeusab sab =. Djgueadbsa dbsa flfdtal mbcbbg g cbbybebe ybebe df`am df`ambebe bebe 6. Ytrbt Ytrbtfoa foa gfg`betu gfg`betu dcafe dcafe mbcbg ppfeobg`a feobg`accbe be df dfputusbe putusbe % Vkabe ]ucas ; => % ^rbdtadug ]uobs ; 9> % Vtbgb 2. Dusgay Dusgaybta bta,, Quea Quea mdd. mdd. 0> 0>>1. >1. Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg ^fcbybebe Df`ambebe. Qjoybdbrtb; Latrbgbyb 0. Cfstbr Cfstbra,a, Qjoa Qjoa mmdd. dd. 2>2> 2>2> @udu sbdu Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg ^rbdtad Df`ambebe. Kbdbrtb; ]rbes Aelj Gfmab 9. _ucbem _ucbembra bra,, Mab Mabh. h. 0>>1. 0>>1. Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg ^rbdtad Df`ambebe. Qjoybdbrtb; Euhb Gfmadb =. Qucal Qucalbh, bh, Patb mdd. 0>20. 0>20. Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg df`ambebe. Kbdbrtb; sbcfg`b Gfmadb ^femudueo 2. 0.

Kucacabe Ku bef, f, mdd. mdd. 0>22. 0>22. Djgueadbsa ]frbpfutad mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg ^rbdtad Df`ambebe. Kbdbrtb; Ybcfg`b Gfmadb ^r ^ray aybet betj, j, Bou Bous. s. 0>>1 0>>1.. Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo Bpcadbsa mbcbg Ybrbeb ^fcbybebe Dfsfhbtbe uetud ^frbwbt mbe @ambe. Kbdbrtb; Ybcfg`b Gfmadb


  fmab ^fg`fcbkbrbe ]fbg ]fbihaeo

  btb Ducabh Yybrbt

9. Pj Pjih ihgb gbh. h. 0> 0>22 22.. Djgueadbsa mbe Djesfcaeo mbcbg Bsuhbe Df`ambebe. Kbdbrtb; FOI =. Yu Yury rybe bea. a. 0> 0>>6 >6.. Djgueadbsa ]frbpfutad ]fjra mbe ^rbdtad. Kbdbrtb; FOI 6. Yuka Yukabe betj tj,, Vetueo Vetueo.. 0>> 0>>9. 9. Djgueadbsa Df`ambebe. Kbdbrtb; FOI ^frbeodbt Cuebd ^frbeodbt Dfrbs  -

]ambd Bmb

CI M, ^rjyfdtjr



]b`fc Pfeibeb ^fg`fcbkbrbe   aeoou Dfgbgpube bdhar mbe ybeo mahbrbpdbe ^frtfgu be (2) (0) A Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfeoubsba Djesfp Mbsbr Djgueadbsa

  btfra ^fg`fcbkbrbe (9) Djesfp Mbsbr Djgueadbsa; 2. Mflae Mflaeas asaa djg djgue uead adbs bsaa 0. Vesur Vesur-u -ues esur ur djguea djgueadbsa d bsa 9. Kf Kfea eass-Kf Kfea eass Djgu Djguea eadb dbsa sa =. Djgpj Djgpjef efee djg djgue uead adbs bsaa 6. Gjm Gjmfc fc-g -gjm jmfc fc djgue djguead adbs bsaa ‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

^feobcbgbe @fcbkbr bhbsaswb () G





Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfefrbpdbe djgueadbsa tfrbpfutad

Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfgbhbga praesap-

]frbpfutad 9. Yybrbt Yybrbt mbe mbe ^ra ^raesa esall Djgu Djguead eadbsa bsa ]frbpfutad =. Yadbp mbe Dbrbdtfrastad Djgueadbsa ]frbpfutad 6. ]fdead ]fdead Djgue Djgueadb adbsa sa ]f ]frbp rbpfut futad ad Hu`ueobe Betbr Gbeusab (HBG) 2. ^feofr ^feofrtab tabee hu`ue hu`ueobe obe betbr  betbr  gbeusab

Ijetfxtub  c cfbreaeo 

Ijetfxtub  c cfbreaeo 

]G ; 2 x 6>‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

]G ; 2 x 6>‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑


Vka ]ucas; =%


Vka ]ucas 6%



praesap hu`ueobe betbr  gbeusab


gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfeoubsba Djgueadbsa Flfdtal mbcbg gfg`fradbe cbybebe df`ambebe



Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfeoubsba djesfp mbsbr Djesfcaeo mbcbg

0. Yal Yalbtbt-sal salbt bt hhu`ue u`ueobe obe betbr  betbr  gbeusab 9. Yybrbt Yybrbt-sy -sybrb brbtt hu`ueob hu`ueobee betb betbr  r  gbeusab

gfg`bib mbra `fr`boba sug`fr  rflfrfesa tfetbeo praesap-praesap

=. ]ukube ]ukube hhu`u u`ueobe eobe betbr betbr gbe gbeusa usab 6. ]fdead ]fdead-tf -tfdea deadd hu` hu`ueob ueobee betb betbr  r  pra`bma ‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

6. ]fdead Djgueadbsa Djgueadbsa Yfibrb Yfibrb Flf Flfdtal  dtal  ‑

djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg gfcbpjrdbe pbsafe `bru mbe pbsafe cbgb `bad sfibrb cbeosueo gbupue gfcbcua gfmab fcfdtrjead dfpbmb mjdtfr  2. ^feo ^feofrt frtabe abe Dje Djesfc sfcaeo aeo Df Df`am `ambeb bebee 0. ]ukube ]ukube Djes Djesfca fcaeo eo Df`a Df`ambe mbebe be

Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfcbdudbe pfg`fcbkbrbe gftjmf rjcf pcby mambgpaeoa mjsfe pfeobkbr 

dftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb mbcbg `frpfrbe gfg`fradbe bsuhbe d f`a f`amb mbeb ebee gfc gfcbcu bcua rjcf pcby 

]G ; 2 x 6>‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑

Gbhbsaswb gfgpueyba aeasabtal  `fcbkbr mfeobe

D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb gfeo gfeoub ubsb sbaa

9. Lueosa Lueosa Djesfc Djesfcaeo aeo Df`amb Df`ambebe ebe

^rj`cfg @bsfm cfbreaeo,

@G ; 2 x ‑

^fea ^feacb cbab abee gfcb gfcbcu cuaa ru`rad ^feacbabe rjcf pcby

^feacbabe gfcbcua mbcbg uka tucas Guctapcf  dj djes esfp fp

Vka ]ucas; =%




Vka ]ucas; =%



prbdtad bsuhbe df`ambebe


Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfeoubsba strbtfoa gfg`betu dcafe mbcbg pfeobg`acbe dfputusbe

=. ^fr`fm ^fr`fmbbe bbe djesfc djesfcaeo aeo mbe ebsfhbt 6. Dbrbdt Dbrbdtfra frasta stad, d, tuobs tuobs mbe tbeo tbeooueo oueo  kbwb` `ambe sf`boba djesfcjr mbcbg prbdtad bsuhbe df`ambebe ‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

=. Ybbt-s Ybbt-sbbt bbt sucat sucat mbcb mbcbg g pfef pfefrbp rbpbe be djesfcaeo 6. Dfsuca Dfsucattbe be mbcbg mbcbg ddjes jesfca fcaeo eo ‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

gfg`bib mbra `fr`boba sug`fr  rflfrfesa tfetbeo djesfp mbsbr Djesfcaeo mbcbg prbdtad bsuhbe df`ambebe

mbsbr Djesfcaeo mbcbg prbdtad bsuhbe df`ambebe

Ihjaif Rufstaje ( GIR) GIR)

Gbhbsaswb gfgpueyba aeasabtal  `fcbkbr mfeobe gfg`bib mbra

D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb mbcbg gfeou gfeoubs bsba ba strb strbtfo tfoaa gfg`betu dcafe

^feacbabe gfcbcua ru`rad gbdbcbh



`fr`boba sug`fr rflfrfesa tfetbeo strbtfoa gfg`betu dcafe mbcbg pfeobg`acbe dfputusbe Gbhbsaswb gfgpueyba aeasabtal `fcbkbr mfeobe

mbcbg pfeobg`acbe dfputusbe

^feacbabe gfcbcua uka tucas Guctapcf Ihjaif Rufstaje 

Vka ]ucas; =%


gfg`bib mbra `fr`boba sug`fr rflfrfesa tfetbeo dftrbgpacbe j`sfrvbsa mbe gfg`aeb hu`ueobe `bad

jdftrbgpacbe `sfrvbsa mbe gfg`aeb hu`ueobe `bad

D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb gfeoubsba





Gbhsaswb gbgpu gfcbdudbe djgueadbsa pbmb gbibg-gbibg dcafe


Gbibg-gbibg Dcafe mbcbg Bsuhbe Df`ambebe 2. Djgu Djguea eadb dbsa sa pbm pbmbb `bya `bya/`b /`bcacatb tb 0. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbm pbmbb rfgb rfgbkb kb 9. Djgu Djguea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb iibc bcje je a`u a`u =. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb `ug `ugacac 6. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb `uc `ucae ae

^rj`cfg @bsfm cfbreaeo,

]G ; 2 x 6>‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑


Djgu Djguea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb `ulb `ulbss & ``us usua ua DA DAF F pbmb pbmb Bdsf Bdsfpt ptjr jr D@ Dj Djgu gudb dbsa sa pb pbmb mb wbe wbeat atbb dcagbdtfraug/gfejpbusf Djgu Djguea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb wbeat wbeatbb mfeobe obeooube dfsfhbtbe rfprjmudsa


^rbdtad Djgueadbsa tfrhbmbp gbibggbibg dcafe 2. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb rfgb rfgbkb kb 0. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb ib ibcj cjee a`u a`u 9. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb `u `uga gacc =. Dj Djgu guea eadb dbsa sa pbmb pbmb `u `ucacae

Pjcf pcby

^rbdtadug; 2 x 2?>‑

rflfrfesa tfetbeo djgueadbsa pbmb gbibg-gbibg dcafe Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfcbdudbe pfg`fcbkbrbe gftjmf rjcf pcby mambgpaeoa mjsfe pfeobkbr 

Ijetfxrub  c Cfbreaeo  Ibsf stumy 

]G ; 2 x 6>‑ ]Y ; 2 x ‑ @G ; 2 x ‑

Gbhbsaswb gfgpueyba aeasabtal  `fcbkbr mfeobe

D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb mbcbg gfcbdudbe djgueadbsa pbmb gbibg-gbibg dcafe

^feacbabe gfcbcua uka tucas Guctapcf Ihjaif Rufstaje  ( GIR) GIR)

Vka ]ucas; =%


D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb mbcbg gfcbdudbe djgueadbsa pbmb gbibg-gbibg dcafe

^feacbabe gfcbcua uka tucas Guctapcf Ihjaif Rufstaje  ( GIR) GIR)

Vka ]ucas; =%


dftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb mbcbg `frpfrbe gfg`fradbe bsuhbe d f`a f`amb mbeb ebee gfc gfcbcu bcua rjcf pcby 

^fea ^feacb cbab abee gfcb gfcbcu cuaa ru`rad ^feacbabe rjcf pcby



D ftfpbtbe ftfpbtbe gb hb hbsaswb gfcbdudbe

^feacbabe gfcbcua uka tucas Guctapcf 



6. ‑

Gbhbsaswb gbgpu gfcbdsbebdbe sfgaebr  hbsac j`sfrvbsa tfetbeo pfcbdsbebbe Djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg Cbybebe df`ambebe jcfh tfebob dfsfhbtbe

djgueadbsa masihbrof pcbeeaeo 

Ihjaif Rufstaje ( GIR) GIR)

^feacb cbab abee ^fgbetbube mbcbg ^fea prjsfs pfcbdsbebbe ru`rai djgueadbsa Flfdtal  mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe jcfh tfebob dfsfhbtbe ma PY Ybra Gucab

gfcb gfcbcu cuaa



^fgbetbube mbcbg ^fea ^feacb cbab abee prjsfs pfcbdsbebbe ru`rai djgueadbsa Flfdtal  mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe jcfh tfebob dfsfhbtbe ma PY Ybra Gucab

gfcb gfcbcu cuaa




macbdsbebdbe ma PY Ybra Gucab


gfg`bib mbra `fr`boba sug`fr rflfrfesa tfetbeo djgueadbsa masihbrof  pcbeeaeo  Gbhbsaswb gfcbdudbe j`sfrvbsa cbeosueo Djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe jcfh tfebob dfsfhbtbe mfeobe gfeoouebdbe

^rbdtad djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe


^rbdtadug; 2 x 2?>‑


Gbhbsaswb gfcbdudbe j`sfrvbsa cbeosueo Djgueadbsa flfdtal mbcbg cbybebe df`ambebe jcfh tfebob dfsfhbtbe mfeobe gfeoouebdbe ru`rad

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